NAD C-370 Service manual

Service Information C370
Circuit Change
Some customers require the headphones to be on and the
speakers at the same time.
The headphone socket switch is normally closed to allow the speaker relays to operate. When the headphones are plugged in the switch opens turning off the speaker relays.
By wiring a jumper across this switch the speaker relays will always have power. The headphones will have no affect on the speaker relays.
Locate connector CZ705 on the headphone and standby board. Solder a wire on the bottom of the board across pin number 1 and 2, labelled SW and SWG respectively. Test headphones and check speakers are still on.
NAD Electronics International 633 Granite Court Pickering, ON Canada L1K 3K1 Voice: 905-831-0799 FAX 905-837-6357
Service Information C370
Circuit Change
PROBLEM: There is a small residual output when the volume is set to minimum.
CAUSE: Not enough attenuation of the volume control when the input level is high.
SOLUTION: Increase the attenuation of the volume control by changing the value of R514 and R614 from 3R0 to any value up to 3R6.
This circuit change has been implemented in production from serial number: H08C37000055.
NAD Electronics International 633 Granite Court Pickering, ON Canada L1K 3K1 Voice: 905-831-0799 FAX 905-837-6357
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