Metrohm 761 Compact IC User Manual

761 Compact IC
METROHM Ltd. CH-9101 Herisau
Switzerland Phone ++41 71 353 85 85 Fax ++41 71 353 89 01
Instructions for Use
CH-9101 Herisau/Switzerland Phone ++41 71 353 85 85 Fax ++41 71 353 89 01
Internet E-Mail
761 Compact IC
Program «761 PC Software 1.1»
8.761.1063 Instructions for Use
07.07.2004 / chs
Table of contents
761 Compact IC
Table of contents
1 Introduction............................................................................................................1
1.1 Instrument description .......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Parts and controls .................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Information on the Instructions for Use ...........................................................10
1.3.1 Organization ......................................................................................... 10
1.3.2 Notation and pictograms...................................................................... 11
1.4 Safety notes........................................................................................................... 12
1.4.1 Electrical safety..................................................................................... 12
1.4.2 General precautionary rules ................................................................. 12
2 Installation .......................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................13
2.1.1 Flow chart ............................................................................................. 13
2.1.2 Connections in the 761 Compact IC.................................................... 13
2.2 Setting up the instrument.................................................................................... 15
2.2.1 Packaging............................................................................................. 15
2.2.2 Check.................................................................................................... 15
2.2.3 Location ................................................................................................ 15
2.3 Attaching the accessories ..................................................................................15
2.3.1 Connection of detector block............................................................... 15
2.3.2 Connection of syringe and aspirating tubing ....................................... 16
2.3.3 Connection of the drain tube for the inner compartment..................... 16
2.3.4 Connection of the drain tube for bottle rack ........................................ 17
2.3.5 Connection of PEEK capillaries............................................................ 17
2.3.6 Filter unit PEEK ..................................................................................... 18
2.4 Mains connection ................................................................................................. 19
2.4.1 Setting the mains voltage..................................................................... 19
2.4.2 Fuses .................................................................................................... 20
2.4.3 Mains cable and mains connection ..................................................... 20
2.4.4 On/off switching of the instrument ....................................................... 20
2.5 Connection to the PC........................................................................................... 21
2.5.1 Connecting cable ................................................................................. 21
2.5.2 Software installation.............................................................................. 21
2.5.3 Basic settings ....................................................................................... 22
2.6 High-pressure pump ............................................................................................ 25
2.6.1 Removing the transport security screws .............................................. 25
2.6.2 Installing the pulsation dampener ........................................................ 25
2.6.3 Connecting the eluent bottle ................................................................ 27
2.6.4 Deaerating the pump and rinsing the pulsation dampener................. 29
2.7 Precolumns and separating columns ............................................................... 31
2.7.1 General information on precolumns..................................................... 31
2.7.2 Precolumns with cartridge head........................................................... 31
2.7.3 Precolumn glass cartridges with cartridge holder ............................... 33
2.7.4 IC anion precolumn SUPERSEP .......................................................... 34
2.7.5 General information on separating columns........................................ 35
2.7.6 Selection of the sample loop................................................................ 35
2.7.7 Installation of the separating column without suppressor ...................36
2.7.8 Installation of the separating column with suppressor ........................ 37
Table of contents
761 Compact IC
2.8 Suppressor module ............................................................................................. 38
2.8.1 General information on suppressor module........................................ 38
2.8.2 Preparation of the peristaltic pump...................................................... 38
2.8.3 Connection of supply bottles ............................................................... 41
2.8.4 Connection of the suppressor module ................................................ 43
2.9 Putting into operation.......................................................................................... 45
2.9.1 Putting into operation without suppressor ........................................... 45
2.9.2 Putting into operation with suppressor ................................................ 46
2.10 Connection of external devices ......................................................................... 49
2.10.1 Connection of the 750 Autosampler .................................................... 49
2.10.2 Connection of the 766 IC Sample Processor ...................................... 50
2.10.3 Connection of other devices ................................................................ 52
3 Operating tutorial ....................................................................................... 53
3.1 Requirements........................................................................................................ 53
3.2 Preparations.......................................................................................................... 54
3.3 Calibration ............................................................................................................. 55
3.4 Sample determination ......................................................................................... 63
4 Operation............................................................................................................... 67
4.1 Fundamentals of the operation.......................................................................... 67
4.1.1 Starting/closing the program ............................................................... 67
4.1.2 Glossary................................................................................................ 68
4.1.3 Overview of program windows............................................................. 69
4.1.4 Main window elements......................................................................... 70
4.1.5 Icons of the main window..................................................................... 70
4.1.6 Overview of file types............................................................................ 71
4.1.7 Context sensitive menus ...................................................................... 72
4.1.8 Keyboard and mouse functions........................................................... 72
4.1.9 Help ...................................................................................................... 73
4.2 Instrument and software settings...................................................................... 74
4.2.1 Fonts..................................................................................................... 74
4.2.2 Security system .................................................................................... 74
4.2.3 Global settings ..................................................................................... 75
4.2.4 COM port.............................................................................................. 77
4.3 Systems ................................................................................................................. 78
4.3.1 System window .................................................................................... 78
4.3.2 System file handling ............................................................................. 78
4.3.3 System functions .................................................................................. 79
Connect and disconnect system ................................................. 79
Start/stop hardware and record baseline .................................... 79
Start/stop determinations............................................................. 80
Options for determinations........................................................... 80
4.3.4 System settings .................................................................................... 82
Modify system window ................................................................. 82
Watch window display.................................................................. 82
Set start mode .............................................................................. 82
Print system parameters .............................................................. 83
4.3.5 PC icon ................................................................................................. 83
Table of contents
761 Compact IC
Menu options for PC icon............................................................. 83
Select processing method and data source................................ 83
4.3.6 Watch window....................................................................................... 84
Menu options for screen icon....................................................... 84
4.3.7 Instrument icon ..................................................................................... 85
Menu options for instrument icon................................................. 85
System parameters for disconnected system ............................. 85
Instrument control for connected system .................................... 86
Time program ...............................................................................88
Configuration ................................................................................90
Hardware settings ........................................................................ 91
4.3.8 Timer ..................................................................................................... 94
4.3.9 System state window............................................................................ 95
Status messages.......................................................................... 95
Error messages ............................................................................ 96
4.4 Methods .................................................................................................................97
4.4.1 Method file handling ............................................................................. 97
4.4.2 Passport................................................................................................ 97
General ......................................................................................... 98
Sample.......................................................................................... 99
Column ....................................................................................... 100
Eluent .......................................................................................... 101
Comment .................................................................................... 101
Method Log ................................................................................ 102
Data Log ..................................................................................... 103
4.4.3 Method setup...................................................................................... 104
General ....................................................................................... 104
Measure ...................................................................................... 104
Filters .......................................................................................... 105
Processing.................................................................................. 106
Math ............................................................................................ 107
4.4.4 Integration........................................................................................... 109
Setup........................................................................................... 110
Events .........................................................................................112
4.4.5 Calibration and quantification............................................................. 117
General information .................................................................... 117
Notations..................................................................................... 118
External standard calibration...................................................... 119
Component table........................................................................ 119
Peak identification ...................................................................... 121
Concentration table .................................................................... 123
Calibration curve......................................................................... 125
Update calibration ...................................................................... 127
Load and save calibration data.................................................. 128
Import and export calibration data ............................................. 128
Put out calibration curves ........................................................... 128
4.4.6 Report output...................................................................................... 129
Report options ............................................................................ 129
4.5 Chromatograms..................................................................................................141
4.5.1 Chromatogram window ...................................................................... 141
4.5.2 Chromatogram file handling............................................................... 142
Open chromatogram.................................................................. 142
Save chromatogram................................................................... 143
Close chromatogram.................................................................. 143
Delete chromatogram................................................................. 143
Export chromatogram................................................................. 143
Import chromatogram ................................................................ 144
4.5.3 Graphical representation.................................................................... 145
Table of contents
761 Compact IC
Appearance................................................................................ 145
Other graphical functions........................................................... 149
4.5.4 Peak editor.......................................................................................... 150
Switching on/off the peak editor ................................................ 150
Peak editor functions.................................................................. 150
Moving the cursor....................................................................... 151
4.5.5 Printing................................................................................................ 152
Page layout for printing .............................................................. 152
Printer settings............................................................................ 153
Print preview ............................................................................... 153
Printing........................................................................................ 153
4.5.6 Miscellaneous functions..................................................................... 153
Reintegration .............................................................................. 153
Recalibration............................................................................... 153
Subtraction of a chromatogram................................................. 154
Data compression ...................................................................... 154
Invert chromatogram.................................................................. 154
Autodatabase options................................................................ 155
Indicate active Autodatabase program ..................................... 155
4.6 Sample queue ..................................................................................................... 156
4.6.1 Sample queue file handling................................................................ 156
Open sample queue................................................................... 156
Save sample queue.................................................................... 156
Delete sample queue ................................................................. 156
4.6.2 Sample queue control ........................................................................ 157
Sample queue overview table .................................................... 157
Start sample queue .................................................................... 158
Pause sample queue ................................................................. 159
Cancel last run............................................................................ 159
Reset sample queue .................................................................. 159
4.6.3 Sample queue editor.......................................................................... 159
Open queue editor window........................................................ 159
Sample queue editor functions .................................................. 161
Print sample queue .................................................................... 161
Close sample queue editor ........................................................ 161
4.7 Batch reprocessing............................................................................................ 162
4.7.1 Batch reprocessing queue file handling ............................................ 162
Open batch reprocessing queue ............................................... 162
Create new batch reprocessing queue...................................... 162
Save batch reprocessing queue ................................................ 162
4.7.2 Perform batch reprocessing............................................................... 163
Reprocess options window........................................................ 163
Merge chromatograms .............................................................. 166
4.7.3 Batch reprocessing queue editor....................................................... 167
Open batch reprocessing queue editor window ....................... 167
Batch reprocessing queue editor functions............................... 168
Print batch reprocessing queue................................................. 168
Close batch reprocessing queue editor .................................... 168
Table of contents
761 Compact IC
5 Notes – Maintenance – Faults.................................................... 169
5.1 Practical notes on ion chromatography .........................................................169
5.1.1 Separating columns............................................................................ 169
5.1.2 High-pressure pump .......................................................................... 170
5.1.3 Eluents ................................................................................................ 171
5.1.4 Peristaltic pump.................................................................................. 171
5.1.5 Suppressor module ............................................................................ 172
5.1.6 Connections........................................................................................ 172
5.2 Maintenance and servicing...............................................................................173
5.2.1 General information ............................................................................ 173
5.2.2 Passivation.......................................................................................... 173
5.2.3 Recycling ............................................................................................ 174
5.2.4 Shutdown............................................................................................ 174
5.2.5 Changing separating columns........................................................... 174
5.2.6 Maintenance work at the pump head ................................................176
5.2.7 Regeneration of the suppressor module ...........................................180
5.2.8 Cleaning the suppressor .................................................................... 181
5.2.9 Replacing the suppressor .................................................................. 183
5.2.10 Exchanging the pump tubing ............................................................. 185
5.3 Faults and malfunctions....................................................................................186
5.3.1 Error messages ..................................................................................186
5.3.2 Malfunctions and their rectification..................................................... 186
5.4 Diagnostic tests / Validation / GLP..................................................................188
6 Appendix.............................................................................................................. 189
6.1 Technical data.....................................................................................................189
6.1.1 Conductivity measurement................................................................. 189
6.1.2 Conductivity detector.......................................................................... 189
6.1.3 Injection valve .....................................................................................190
6.1.4 High-pressure pump .......................................................................... 190
6.1.5 Peristaltic pump.................................................................................. 191
6.1.6 Suppressor module ............................................................................ 191
6.1.7 Leak detector...................................................................................... 191
6.1.8 RS232 interface .................................................................................. 191
6.1.9 Remote interface................................................................................. 192
6.1.10 Analog output .....................................................................................192
6.1.11 Mains connection ............................................................................... 192
6.1.12 Safety specifications........................................................................... 192
6.1.13 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)................................................. 193
6.1.14 Ambient temperature.......................................................................... 193
6.1.15 Housing............................................................................................... 193
6.2 Standard equipment...........................................................................................194
6.3 Optional accessories .........................................................................................198
6.3.1 Accessories for capillary connections................................................ 198
6.3.2 High-pressure pump .......................................................................... 199
6.3.3 Separating columns and precolumns................................................ 200
6.3.4 Additional devices and cables ...........................................................205
6.4 Warranty and conformity...................................................................................206
6.4.1 Warranty.............................................................................................. 206
6.4.2 EU Declaration of conformity.............................................................. 207
6.4.3 Certificate of conformity and system validation .................................208
6.5 Index .....................................................................................................................209
Table of contents
761 Compact IC
List of figures
Fig. 1: Front of the 761 Compact IC .......................................................................... 3
Fig. 2
: Rear of the 761 Compact IC........................................................................... 4
Fig. 3
: Interior of the 2.761.0010 Compact IC ...........................................................6
Fig. 4
: Interior of the 2.761.0020 Compact IC ...........................................................8
Fig. 5
: Connecting diagram for 2.761.0010 Compact IC without suppressor........ 14
Fig. 6
: Connecting diagram for 2.761.0020 Compact IC with suppressor............. 14
Fig. 7
: Connectors for capillaries............................................................................. 17
Fig. 8
: 6.2821.000 Filter unit PEEK ..........................................................................18
Fig. 9
: Setting the mains voltage .............................................................................20
Fig. 10
: Connection of the pulsation dampener........................................................ 26
Fig. 11
: Connection of eluent bottle........................................................................... 28
Fig. 12
: Installation of precolumn cartridges with cartridge head............................. 32
Fig. 13
: Installation of precolumn glass cartridges with cartridge holder ................. 34
Fig. 14
: Installation of column without suppressor.................................................... 37
Fig. 15
: Installing pump tubings ................................................................................39
Fig. 16
: Connection of the separating column with suppressor ...............................40
Fig. 17
: Connection of supply bottles........................................................................ 42
Fig. 18
: Connections at suppressor module ............................................................. 43
Fig. 19
: Components of the pump head .................................................................177
Fig. 20
: Replacement of the piston seal 112 ..........................................................177
Fig. 21
: Components of inlet valve 113 and outlet valve 114................................. 179
Fig. 22
: Assembling the suppressor........................................................................ 183
Table of contents
761 Compact IC
List of numbered parts and controls
1 Door to interior .................................3,7,9
2 Connection for syringe...........................3
3 Feedthrough for aspirating tubing ......... 3
4 Aspirating tubing..............................3,7,9
5 Feedthrough for capillaries .................... 3
6 Connection for drain tube .....................3
7 Feedthrough for capillaries .................... 3
8 Connection to purge valve ....................3
9 Mains pilot lamp.....................................3
10 Bottle rack ........................................... 3,5
11 Opening for detector cable....................5
12 Opening for inlet capillaries ...................5
13 Opening for outlet capillaries.................5
14 Connection for drain tube ...................... 5
15 Knurled screw ........................................5
16 Rear panel opening ...............................5
17 Detachable rear panel ...........................5
18 Transport security screws ...................... 5
19 Mains switch .....................................5,20
20 Mains connection plug .....................5,20
21 Fuse holder ....................................... 5,20
22 RS232 interface...................................... 5
23 Connection for detector block ...............5
24 Remote interface.................................... 5
25 Serial number.........................................5
26 Inlet capillary for injector ................7,9,26
27 Mounting rail .............................7,9,37,40
28 Column connection
capillary ...........................7,9,32,34,37,40
29 Sample loop........................................7,9
30 Connection capillary to syringe ..........7,9
31 Rotary nipple for aspirating tube ........7,9
32 Injection valve.......................7,9,26,37,40
33 PEEK coupling ............................... 7,9,40
34 Leak detector ......................................7,9
35 Connection capillary .....................7,9,26
36 Filter unit PEEK ....................7,9,18,26,40
37 Connection capillary ......................7,9,26
38 Connection capillary ...........................7,9
39 Purge valve.....................................7,9,26
40 Aspirating capillary..............................7,9
41 Fastening screws ................................7,9
42 Pump head...................................7,9,177
43 Connection capillary............................7,9
44 Connection capillary............................7,9
45 Inlet capillary for
detector block .......................... 7,9,37,40
46 Detector block .......................... 7,9,37,40
47 Suppressor module...........................9,40
48 Tubing cartridge ...........................9,39,41
49 Contact pressure lever .................9,39,41
50 Holding clamp...................................9,41
51 Snap-action lever .........................9,39,41
52 Pump drive ........................................9,41
53 Mounting pin .....................................9,41
54 Compression fitting .... 17,18,32,34,39,42
55 Compression fitting ..............................17
56 Capillary..................................... 17,18,34
57 Filter-Screw of Filter Unit .................18,39
58 Filter.................................................18,39
59 Filter-Housing of Filter Unit ..................18
60 Pulsation dampener .............................26
61 Connection to injection valve ...............26
62 Connection to purge valve ...................26
63 Aspirating tubing ..................................28
64 Tubing nipple........................................28
65 Threaded stopper.................................28
66 Bottle attachment .................................28
67 Eluent bottle..........................................28
68 Aspirating filter......................................28
69 CO
absorber .......................................28
70 Cotton wool ..........................................28
71 SGJ clip ................................................28
72 Absorber tube.......................................28
73 Manufit housing....................................32
74 Steel connector ....................................32
75 PTFE gasket .........................................32
76 2 Steel meshes.....................................32
77 Precolumn cartridge.............................32
78 Steel spacer .........................................32
Table of contents
761 Compact IC
79 4 Steel meshes ....................................32
80 Manufit pressure screw ....................... 32
81 Separating column .................... 32,37,40
82 End fitting............................................. 34
83 Screw cap for precolumn .................... 34
84 Sleeve for precolumn cartridge ...........34
85 Precolumn cartridge ............................34
86 Connection piece................................. 34
87 Screw cap for column.......................... 34
88 Column holder ................................37,40
89 Aspirating tubing for H
O........... 39,40,42
90 Aspirating tubing for H
....... 39,40,42
91 Coupling ......................................... 39,40
92 Pump tubing for H
................... 39,40
93 Pump tubing for H
O ......................39,40
94 Stopper ................................................ 39
95 PTFE tubing ....................................39,40
96 Suppressor inlet capillary
for eluent ......................................... 41,43
97 Suppressor outlet capillary
for eluent ......................................... 41,43
98 Suppressor inlet capillary for H
O ............................................41,43
99 Suppressor inlet capillary for H
.................................... 39,41,43
100 Suppressor outlet capillary for H
O ............................................41,43
101 Suppressor outlet capillary for H
......................................... 41,43
102 Bottle attachment.................................42
103 Supply bottle ........................................ 42
104 Screw..................................................177
105 Zircon piston ......................................177
106 Spring retainer.................................... 177
107 Spring.................................................177
108 Piston cartridge..................................177
109 Piston guide sleeve............................177
110 Sapphire supporting ring ................... 177
111 Piston guide sleeve............................177
112 Piston seal.......................................... 177
113 Inlet valve ....................................177,179
114 Outlet valve..................................177,179
115 Screw holder ......................................177
116 Special tool ........................................ 177
117 Special tool ........................................ 177
118 Valve housing..................................... 179
119 Sealing ring ........................................179
120 Sleeve................................................. 179
121 Sapphire sleeve .................................179
122 Sapphire sphere.................................179
123 Ceramic holder...................................179
124 Seal ....................................................179
125 Screw nut ...........................................183
126 Connection piece...............................183
127 Suppressor rotor ................................ 183
128 Suppressor holder .............................183
1.1 Instrument description
761 Compact IC
1 Introduction
1.1 Instrument description
The 761 Compact IC is a PC-controlled system for ion chroma­tographic analyses. The two following versions are available:
2.761.0010 Compact IC without
suppressor module
2.761.0020 Compact IC with
suppressor module
The extremely compact housing of the 761 Compact IC contains every­thing needed to carry out ion chromatography at the highest quality level:
Injection valve – for individual injections or for use with a sample
changer such as the Metrohm 766 IC Sample Processor
High-pressure pump – extremely low-pulsation double piston pump with a flow range from 0.2 2.5 mL/min and a maximum pressure of 25 MPa (250 bar)
Pulsation dampener – even with low-level pressure variations the pulsation dampener reliably protects the column against damage
Column chamber – the perfect insulation of the housing provides not only thermally stable conditions for the separation column but also shields the system against electromagnetic interference
Columns – whether anion columns with or without suppression, separation columns for cations or organic acids – the 761 Compact IC can accommodate them all
Suppressor – the Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM) is already integrated in the 2.761.0020 Compact IC – pressure-resistant, with fully automatic regeneration, highest performance and optimal re­producibility
Peristaltic pump – integrated two-channel peristaltic pump with a flow rate of 0.5 0.6 mL/min for regeneration and rinsing of the suppressor module built into the 2.761.0020 Compact IC
Detector – conductivity detector with outstanding temperature stability. The detector temperature varies by less than 0.01°C and can be optimally adapted to the ambient conditions.
All components which come into contact with eluent and sample are metal-free.
1 Introduction
761 Compact IC
The operation of the 761 Compact IC takes place via a PC connected to the RS232 interface with the help of the control and evaluation pro­gram «761 Compact IC». This PC program can be used to create sys­tems for recording and evaluating chromatograms. Time programs can also be created in which a large number of instrument functions can be triggered for each program step. It is also possible to use programma­ble signals to control external instruments such as the 750 Autosampler or the 766 IC Sample Processor via the remote interface.
About 80 prepared system configurations for more than 300 applica­tions are already permanently stored and additional new applications can be downloaded at any time from the Internet under «».
The operating software for the 761 Compact IC meets all the require­ments you could place today on a modern integration software: single or multi-point calibration, internal or external standard, selectable algo­rithms for non-linear calibration, various integration modes with integra­tion parameters and integration events, different methods for peak rec­ognition, peak editor, free scaling, superimposing several chromatograms, use of sample tables and batch reprocessing; a pow­erful and GLP-conform report generator with output interfaces for moni­tor, printer and external databases.
The independent «Autodatabase» PC programm supplied can be used to save and handle results and chromatograms produced by the «761 Compact IC» program in a database. With «Autodatabase», data can be sorted, filtered and searched with the help of different criteria. In ad­dition, data and curves can be printed out according to user-defined report templates.
1.2 Parts and controls
761 Compact IC
1.2 Parts and controls
761 Compact IC
89 76 5
Fig. 1
: Front of the 761 Compact IC
Door to interior 6 Connection for drain tube
for discharge of spilled liquid from the interior
2 Connection for 6.2816.020 Syringe
for aspiration of the sample
7 Feedthrough for capillaries
3 Feedthrough for aspirating tubing 8 Connection to purge valve
4 Aspirating tubing
for sample
9 Mains pilot lamp
lit up when instrument switched on
5 Feedthrough for capillaries 10 Bottle rack
for holding supply bottles with eluent, regeneration solution, and rinsing solution
1 Introduction
761 Compact IC
WARNING - Fire Hazard -
with the same type and rating of fuse
For continued protection replace only
Type 1.761.
Fuse 100-120V: 220-240V:
Made by Metrohm Herisau Switzerland
RS 232
Detector Block
Waste B
Waste A
Transport security scre ws
13 14 13 10
12 12 11
f = 50-60 Hz
S = 100 VA
Analog Output
Fig. 2
: Rear of the 761 Compact IC
1.2 Parts and controls
761 Compact IC
10 Bottle rack
for holding supply bottles with eluent, regeneration solution, and rinsing solution
18 Transport security screws
to secure the pump head when the instrument is transported
Opening for detector cable 19 Mains switch
to switch instrument on and off: I = ON 0 = OFF
12 Opening for inlet capillaries
for supply of eluent, regeneration solution, and rinsing solution into the inner compartment
20 Mains connection plug
mains connection, see section 2.4
13 Opening for outlet capillaries
for discharge of eluent, regeneration solution, and rinsing solution from the inner compartment
21 Fuse holder
changing the fuses, see section 2.4
14 Connection for drain tube
for discharge of spilled liquid from the bottle rack
22 RS232 interface
connection of the PC
15 Knurled screw
for fastening the rear panel 17
Connection for detector block
Analog output for measuring signal
16 Rear panel opening
(closed with plastic stopper) for additional supply and discharge lines to and from the inner compartment
24 Remote interface
remote I/O lines for connection of external devices
17 Detachable rear panel
access to upper part of inner compartment
25 Serial number
1 Introduction
761 Compact IC
36 35 34
Fig. 3
: Interior of the 2.761.0010 Compact IC
(with permanently attached accessories and
1.733.0110 Detector block)
1.2 Parts and controls
761 Compact IC
1 Door to interior 36 Filter unit PEEK (6.2821.120)
Aspirating tubing
for aspirating the sample;
6.1803.020 PTFE tubing, length L = 52 cm
37 Connection capillary
6.1831.010 PEEK capillary, length L = 13 cm
26 Inlet capillary for injector
6.1831.010 PEEK capillary, length L = 24 cm
38 Connection capillary
6.1831.010 PEEK capillary, length L = 15 cm
27 Mounting rail
for 6.2027.0X0 column holder
39 Purge valve
28 Column connection capillary
6.1831.010 PEEK capillary, length L = 30 cm
40 Aspirating capillary
Connection for 6.1834.010 aspirating tubing
29 Sample loop 10 µL
6.1825.230 PEEK sample loop
41 Fastening screws
for pump head 42
30 Connection capillary to syringe
6.1803.020 PTFE tubing, length L = 30 cm
42 Pump head (6.2824.100)
31 Rotary nipple for aspirating tube
for fixing the aspirating tube
43 Connection capillary
Connection pump head – purge valve, fixed mounting
32 Injection valve
44 Connection capillary
in pump head, fixed mounting
33 PEEK coupling (6.2744.040)
45 Inlet capillary for detector block
PEEK capillary, fixed mounting
34 Leak detector 46 Detector block (1.732.0110)
35 Connection capillary
6.1831.010 PEEK capillary, length L = 13 cm
1 Introduction
761 Compact IC
36 35 34
53 52
Fig. 4
: Interior of the 2.761.0020 Compact IC
(with permanently attached accessories and
1.733.0110 Detector block)
1.2 Parts and controls
761 Compact IC
1 Door to interior 39 Purge valve
Aspirating tubing
for aspirating the sample;
6.1803.020 PTFE tubing, length L = 52 cm
40 Aspirating capillary
Connection for 6.1834.010 aspirating tubing
26 Inlet capillary for injector
6.1831.010 PEEK capillary, length L = 24 cm
41 Fastening screws
for pump head 42
27 Mounting rail
for 6.2027.0X0 column holder
42 Pump head (6.2824.100)
28 Column connection capillary
6.1831.010 PEEK capillary, length L = 30 cm
43 Connection capillary
Connection pump head – purge valve, fixed mounting
29 Sample loop 20 µL
6.1825.210 PEEK sample loop
44 Connection capillary
in pump head, fixed mounting
30 Connection capillary to syringe
6.1803.020 PTFE tubing, length L = 30 cm
45 Inlet capillary for detector block
PEEK capillary, fixed mounting
31 Rotary nipple for aspirating tube
for fixing the aspirating tube
46 Detector block (1.732.0110)
32 Injection valve
47 Suppressor module
(inlet and outlet capillaries are not shown)
33 PEEK coupling (6.2744.040)
48 Tubing cartridge (6.2755.000)
for 6.1826.060 pump tubing
34 Leak detector 49 Contact pressure lever
for adjusting the contact pressure
35 Connection capillary
6.1831.010 PEEK capillary, length L = 13 cm
50 Holding clamp
for locking the tubing cartridge into place
36 Filter unit PEEK (6.2821.120) 51 Snap-action lever
for releasing the tubing cartridge
37 Connection capillary
6.1831.010 PEEK capillary, length L = 13 cm
52 Pump drive
roller head with contact rollers
38 Connection capillary
6.1831.030 PEEK capillary, length L = 20 cm
53 Mounting pin
for attaching the tubing cartridges
1 Introduction
761 Compact IC
1.3 Information on the Instructions for Use
Please read through these Instructions for Use carefully before you put the 761 Compact IC into operation. The Instructions for Use contain information and warnings to which the user must pay attention in order to assure safe operation of the instrument.
1.3.1 Organization
These 8.761.1063 Instructions for Use for the 761 Compact IC pro- vide a comprehensive overview of the installation, startup procedure, operation, fault rectification and technical specifications of this instru­ment. The Instructions for Use are organized as follows:
Section 1 Introduction
General description of instrument, parts and controls and safety notes
Section 2 Installation
Installation of instrument, accessories, and external devices
Section 3 Operating tutorial
Introduction to the operation using an example
Section 4 Operation
Detailed description of the operation
Section 5 Notes – Maintenance – Faults
Notes on ion chromatography, maintenance, fault rectifi­cation, diagnostic tests, validation
Section 6 Appendix
Technical data, standard equipment, options, warranty, declarations of conformity, index
To find the required information on the instruments, you will find it an advantage to use either the Table of contents or the Index at the back.
As a supplement to the Instructions for Use, the Metrohm Monograph
8.732.2003 "Ion chromatography" is also supplied. This provides an introduction to the theoretical fundamentals and general information on separating columns and sample pretreatment.
The 8.732.2013 IC Applications Collection is also supplied; this con­tains all the Application Notes on the subject of ion chromatography. Each of these applications can be carried out directly with the 761 Compact IC by loading the system file with the same name. The Appli­cations Collection can be updated at any time by downloading the lat­est applications from the Internet under «».
You will find detailed information on the separating columns available from Metrohm and on special IC applications in the relevant "Applica- tion Bulletins", which are available on request free of charge from your Metrohm agency.
1.3 Information on the Instructions for Use
761 Compact IC
1.3.2 Notation and pictograms
The following notations and pictograms (symbols) are used in these In­structions for Use:
Range Menu item, parameter or entry
SYSTEM STATE Program window
<OK> Button
[ Ctrl ] Key
35 Part or control of 761
12 Part or control of 750
26 Part or control of 766
Hazard This symbol draws attention to a possible danger to life or of injury if the associated directions are not followed correctly.
Warning This symbol draws attention to possible damage to instruments or instrument parts if the associated directions are not followed correct­ly.
Caution This symbol marks important information. First read the associ­ated directions before you conti­nue.
Comment This symbol marks additional information and tips.
1 Introduction
761 Compact IC
1.4 Safety notes
1.4.1 Electrical safety
While electrical safety in the handling of the 761 Compact IC is assured in the context of the specifications IEC 1010-1 (protection class 1, de­gree of protection IP20), the following points should be noted:
Mains connection
Setting of the mains voltage, checking the mains fuse and the mains connection must be effected in accordance with the instruc-
tions in section 2.4.
Opening the 761 Compact IC
If the 761 Compact IC is connected to the power supply, the instru­ment must not be opened nor must parts be removed from it, other­wise there is a danger of coming into contact with components which are live. Hence, always disconnect the instrument from all voltage sources before you open it and ensure that the mains cable is disconnected from mains connection 20 !
Protection against static charges
Electronic components are sensitive to static charging and can be destroyed by discharges. Before you touch any of the components inside the 761 Compact IC, you should earth yourself and any tools you are using by touching an earthed object (e.g. housing of the instrument or a radiator) to eliminate any static charges which exist.
1.4.2 General precautionary rules
Handling of solvents
Check all lines of the IC system periodically for possible leaks. Follow the relevant instructions regarding the handling of flammable and/or toxic solvents and their disposal.
2.1 Overview
761 Compact IC
2 Installation
2.1 Overview
2.1.1 Flow chart
The following flow chart provides an overview of all installation work. You will find more detailed information in the relevant sections.
Setting up sect. 2.2
Mains connection sect. 2.4
Connecting PC sect. 2.5
Installing accessories sect. 2.3
Suppressor Connect ing suppressor module sect. 2.8
Installing sample loop sect. 2.7.6
Conditioning sect. 2.9
Connecting external devices sect. 2.10
Precolumn with cartridge head sect. 2.7.2 Precolumn with cartridge holder sect. 2.7.3 IC anion precolumn SUPERSEP sect. 2.7.4
Connecting high pr. pump sect 2.6
Connecting column sect. 2.7.7/8
2.1.2 Connections in the 761 Compact IC
The two following illustrations show the internal connections in the 761 Compact IC in schematic form. The meanings of the various numbered components are given in the detailed illustrations and descriptions in sections 2.2 – 2.10.
2 Installation
761 Compact IC
44 43
28 81 45 46
36 35
26 29 32
Fig. 5
: Connecting diagram for 2.761.0010 Compact IC without suppressor
44 43
28 81 96
97 33 45 46
36 35
26 29 32
9191 93 95
Fig. 6
: Connecting diagram for 2.761.0020 Compact IC with suppressor
Injection valve
2.2 Setting up the instrument
761 Compact IC
2.2 Setting up the instrument
2.2.1 Packaging
The 761 Compact IC is supplied together with the separately packed accessories in special packagings containing shock-absorbing foam linings designed to provide excellent protection. The instrument itself is packed in an evacuated polyethylene bag to prevent the ingress of dust. Please store all these special packagings as only they assure transport of the instrument free from damage.
2.2.2 Check
After receipt, immediately check whether the shipment is complete and has arrived without damage (compare with delivery note and list of accessories in section 6.2). In the case of transport damage, see instructions in section 6.4.1 "Warranty".
2.2.3 Location
Position the instrument in the laboratory at a location convenient for op­eration, free from vibrations and protected against a corrosive atmos­phere and contamination by chemicals.
To avoid disturbing temperature influences on the insulated column compartment, the instrument must be protected against direct sunlight.
2.3 Attaching the accessories
2.3.1 Connection of detector block
The metal-free 1.732.0110 Detector block belongs to the scope of supply of the 761 Compact IC; it must be inserted in the instrument and connected up. Proceed as follows:
1 Note the cell constant
The cell constant c = XX,X /cm is printed on the rear of the
detector block. Note this value; it must subsequently be en­tered in the software in order to ensure that an exact display of the conductivity is obtained (see section 2.5.3).
2 Install detector block
Unscrew the four knurled screws 15 from the top rear panel
17 of the 761 Compact IC and remove rear panel (see Fig. 2).
Position detector block 46 from the back in the space pro-
vided in the 761 Compact IC and push fully to the front (see Fig. 3 and Fig. 4).
2 Installation
761 Compact IC
Insert the cable permanently attached to the detector block
46 in one of the openings 11 and the outlet capillary in one of the openings 13 of the rear panel 17.
Replace rear panel 17 and screw to the 761 Compact IC
using the four knurled screws 15.
3 Connect detector block
Plug the gray connecting cable permanently attached to the
detector block 46 into connection 23 "Detector Block" of the 761 Compact IC and fasten to the instrument by tightening the screws in the cable connector (see Fig. 2).
4 Connect waste container
Lead the outlet capillary of the detector block 46 to a suffi-
ciently large waste container and fix in place.
2.3.2 Connection of syringe and aspirating tubing
For manual filling of the sample loop 29 mounted on the injection valve, the 6.2816.020 Syringe and the PTFE aspirating tubing 4 already screwed to the valve are needed. These accessories are mounted or adjusted as follows:
1 Connect syringe
Push 6.2816.020 Syringe (without needle) as far as it will go
into connection socket 2 (see Fig. 1).
2 Adjust aspirating tubing
Loosen the rotary nipple 31 screwed onto the interior side of
feedthrough 3 (see Fig. 3 and Fig. 4).
Pull PTFE aspirating tubing 4 (see Fig. 3 and Fig. 4) by hand
out of feedthrough 3 as far as desired.
Retighten rotary nipple 31 on the interior side of feedthrough
3 to fix the aspirating tubing 4 in place.
2.3.3 Connection of the drain tube for the inner compartment
The 761 Compact IC has a connection at the front to which a drain tube for discharged liquids in the inner compartment can be attached. Pro­ceed as follows:
1 Connect drain tube
Mount 6.1816.020 Silicone tubing on connection nipple 6
(see Fig. 1).
2 Lead drain tube to collecting vessel
Lead the other end of the drain tube to a suitable collecting
vessel and fix in place.
2.3 Attaching the accessories
761 Compact IC
2.3.4 Connection of the drain tube for bottle rack
The 761 Compact IC has a connection at the rear to which a drain tube for discharged liquids in the bottle rack can be attached. Proceed as follows:
1 Connect drain tube
Mount 6.1816.020 Silicone tubing on connection nipple 14
(see Fig. 2).
2 Lead drain tube to collecting vessel
Lead the other end of the drain tube to a suitable collecting
vessel and fix in place.
2.3.5 Connection of PEEK capillaries
For the connections between high-pressure pump and detector block
6.1831.010 PEEK capillaries (i.d. = 0.25 mm, e.d. =
/16") are used
which are connected using either 6.2744.010 PEEK compression fit- tings (long) or 6.2744.070 PEEK compression fittings (short). These PEEK connectors can also be used to connect 6.1822.010 PTFE microcapillaries (i.d. = 0.3 mm). Proceed as follows:
Capillaries fitted with new connectors must have a perfectly flat cut surface. To cut PEEK or PTFE capillaries it is best to use the
6.2621.080 Capillary tubing cutter.
1 Mount compression fitting
Slide a compression fitting 54 (6.2744.010) or a compression fitting 55 (6.2744.070) over the end of the capillary 56 to be fastened as shown in Fig. 7.
2 Insert capillary in connection
Push capillary end in the corresponding connection as far as it will go (to avoid dead volume).
3 Tighten compression fitting
Tighten compression fitting 54 or 55 by hand (never use tools).
54 Compression fitting (6.2744.010)
55 Compression fitting (6.2744.070)
56 Capillary
6.1831.010 PEEK capillary or
6.1822.010 PTFE microcapillary
54 56 55
Fig. 7
: Connectors for capillaries
2 Installation
761 Compact IC
2.3.6 Filter unit PEEK
One 6.2821.120 Filter unit PEEK (see Fig. 8) is already installed be- tween the high-pressure pump and the injection valve at the 761 Com­pact IC. This filter unit serves to avoid contamination by abrasive parti­cles of the piston seals.
The two other filter units PEEK supplied with the 2.761.0020 Compact IC (with suppressor) are installed between the pump tubings of the peristaltic pump and the inlet capillaries for regeneration and rinsing so­lution (see section 2.8.2). These filter units serve to protect the suppres­sor module from foreign particles and bacterial growth.
The Filter unit PEEK 36 consists of the filter-housing 59, the filter-screw 57 and the 6.2821.130 filter 58. For the connection of capillaries 56 PEEK compression fittings 54 (6.2744.010 or 6.2744.070) must be used. New filters 58 are available as an option with the ordering number
6.2821.130 (set of 10).
For the connection of the filter unit, please note the flow direction arrow printed on the housing.
56 54
59 54 56
Fig. 8
: 6.2821.120 Filter unit PEEK
36 Filter unit PEEK (6.2821.120) 57 Filter-Screw of Filter Unit
Part of 6.2821.120 Filter unit
54 Compression fitting (6.2744.010) 58 Filter 6.2821.130
Part of 6.2821.120 Filter unit
56 Capillary
6.1831.010 PEEK capillary or
6.1822.010 PTFE microcapillary
59 Filter-Housing of Filter Unit
Part of 6.2821.120 Filter unit
2.4 Mains connection
761 Compact IC
2.4 Mains connection
Follow the instructions below for connecting to the power supply. If the instrument is operated with a mains voltage set wrongly and/or wrong mains fuse, there is a danger of fire!
2.4.1 Setting the mains voltage
Before switching on the 761 Compact IC for the first time, check that the mains voltage set on the instrument (see Fig. 9) matches the local mains voltage. If this is not
the case, you must reset the mains voltage
on the instrument as follows:
1 Disconnect mains cable
Disconnect mains cable from mains connection plug 20 of the 761 Compact IC.
2 Remove fuse holder
Using a screwdriver, loosen fuse holder 21 below the mains connection plug 20 and take out completely.
3 Check and change fuse if necessary
Carefully take the fuse installed for the desired mains voltage out of fuse holder 21 and check its specifications (the position of the fuse in the fuse holder is marked by the white arrow imprinted next to the mains voltage range):
100120 V 1.0 A (slow-blow) Metrohm No. U.600.0016 220240 V 0.5 A (slow-blow) Metrohm No. U.600.0013
4 Insert fuse
Change fuse if necessary and reinsert in fuse holder 21.
5 Install fuse holder
Depending on the desired mains voltage, insert fuse holder 21 in the 761 Compact IC so that the corresponding mains voltage range can be read normally and the adjacent white arrow points to the white bar imprinted below the fuse holder (see Fig. 9).
2 Installation
761 Compact IC
220 - 240 V
100 - 120 V
220 - 240 V
100 - 120 V
Fig. 9
: Setting the mains voltage
2.4.2 Fuses
One of the two fuses 1 A/slow-blow for 100120 V or 0.5 A/slow-blow for 220240 V is installed in fuse holder 21 of the 761 Compact IC as standard.
Ensure that the instrument is never put into operation with fuses of another type, otherwise there is danger of fire!
For checking or changing fuses, process as described in section 2.4.1.
2.4.3 Mains cable and mains connection
Mains cable
The instrument is supplied with one of three mains cables
6.2122.020 with plug SEV 12 (Switzerland, …)
6.2122.040 with plug CEE(7), VII (Germany, …)
6.2133.070 with plug NEMA 5-15 (USA, …)
which are three-cored and fitted with a plug with an earthing pin. If a dif­ferent plug has to be fitted, the yellow/green lead (IEC standard) must be connected to protective earth (protection class 1).
Any break in the earthing inside or outside the instrument can make it a hazard!
Mains connection
Plug the mains cable into mains connection plug 20 of the 761 Com­pact IC (see Fig. 9).
2.4.4 On/off switching of the instrument
The 761 Compact IC is switched on and off using mains switch 19. When the instrument is switched on, the mains pilot lamp 9 lights up.
100 – 120 V 220 – 240 V
19 Mains switch
20 Mains connec-
tion plug
21 Fuse holder
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