Mcintosh mvp851 schematic

rom the early 1950s through the mid-’60s, almost every doctor, lawyer, and chief audio enthusiast had McIntosh products in their home-entertainment systems. Together with Marantz, McIntosh ruled the American high­end audio market.
Times change. By the mid-’70s, McIntosh was fighting for its share of the high-end audio market, surrounded on all sides by a host of new high-end audio startups, many of them among today’s major players, others long gone. But in 1990, Clarion Corporation purchased McIntosh, and with an infusion of cash and talented personnel, the company began to turn around. In the past 13 years, McIntosh has continuously improved and refined their products, to the point where they have rejoined the handful of elite companies whose products define high-end audio and home theater.
The MVP851 DVD-Audio/Video player rep­resents McIntosh’s first foray into the world of full-featured DVD-A players. Whether “MVP” stands for “most valuable performer” or merely “McIntosh video player” remains to be seen. Let’s take a bite of the latest fruit from McIntosh’s orchard.
The Core
The MVP851 can handle DVD-Audio, DVD­Video, DVD-R, Video CD, CD-R/RW, MP3, and
standard “Red Book” CDs. Only SACDs won’t pass through its circuits. Burr-Brown 24­bit/192kHz D/A converters and built-in Dolby Digital and DTS decoders provide the MVP851 with optimal analog audio.
For CDs, the MVP851 includes a special
digital remastering circuit that upsamples
44.1kHz CDs to 88.2kHz. It also redithers them to achieve a longer digital word length to simulate the sound quality of DVD-Audio. With its three different remastering settings, the listener can choose the exact amount of upper-frequency extension preferred.
The MVP851’s video circuits include a 12­bit, 54MHz video D/A converter and front­panel-switchable 480i/480p component output. Regardless of what kind of disc you play, the digital servomotor, the fast and quiet platter mechanism, and the dual-focus lens make for quick disc reads. Options for field- or frame-selected still images, five-speed scan, and variable slow-motion speed ensure that freeze-frames and slo-mo pictures will be clear and jitter-free. For playing back less­than-perfect sources, McIntosh includes several noise-reduction circuits. Basic NR can
Stereophile Guide to Home Theater • September 2003
McIntosh MVP851
Steven Stone
MVP851 DVD-Audio/Video player Formats: DVD-Audio, DVD-Video, DVD-R,
CD, Video CD, CD-R/RW, MP3
Onboard decoders: Dolby Digital, DTS Analog audio outputs: 1 pair stereo
balanced (XLR), 1 pair stereo single-ended (RCA), 1 set single-ended 5.1 (RCA)
Digital audio outputs: 1 coaxial, 1 TosLink Video outputs: 1 set component (RCA),
1 S-video, 1 composite (RCA)
Frequency responses: DVD: 4Hz–88kHz
(192kHz sampling rate on DVD-A); CD: 4Hz–20kHz.
Signal/noise: 115dB
Dynamic range: 103dB THD: 0.002% Dimensions: 17.5" × 5.375" × 15" (W×H×D) Weight: 20 lbs Price: $3600
McIntosh Laboratory Inc. 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, NY 13903-2699 tel. (607) 723-3512 fax (607) 724-0549
Electronically reprinted from September 2003
Stereophile Guide to Home Theater • September 2003
The MVP851’s rear panel leaves plenty of room for connecting cables. Unlike many DVD players, the MVP851 has only one set of S-video, composite, and component outputs. If you need to feed multiple systems of the same type from an MVP851, you’ll have to do so through an external video distribution amp, an option most professional installers will encourage—such devices can drive long runs of video cable far better than any DVD player.
The remaining output options include one set of 5.1-channel analog audio, one pair of single-ended audio, one pair of XLR balanced audio, optical TosLink digital audio, and coaxial digital audio. Again, some installa­tions may be cramped by so few outputs, but I suspect that reviewers and other devotees of A/B comparisons are the ones who will be most bothered by the lack of redundant
outputs. Of course, if the MVP851 is coupled to a McIntosh A/V processor, such as the MX134 pre-pro or MHT200 receiver, its output connections should prove quite suffi­cient—the MVP851 was designed with just such a mate in mind.
Like the many McIntosh components before it, the MVP851’s front panel is a shiny black glass face with green backlit labels—the classic design looks just as elegantly au courant now as it did when first introduced in the late ’50s. Symmetrically arranged buttons line the panel’s lower edge, and although the front panel lacks a jog/shuttle control, all other critical controls are present. Even the Power switch, usually found on a high-end component’s rear panel, sits on the MVP851’s front, right next to Standby/On. Besides stan­dard Play, Pause, Stop, FF/Next, Back/Rev, and Open/Close buttons, the MVP851 has Re­Master, MPG DNR, and Progressive/Interlace. Putting the P/I switch on the front, along with a small red LED to indicate which scan mode is engaged, makes life much easier. Being able
to tell at a glance whether the player is out­putting an interlaced or progressive signal saves a lot of aggravation during setup. McIn­tosh understands: ergonomics count.
Although it’s based on a Panasonic RP91 chassis (except for the platter mechanism and video board), everything on the MVP851 has been replaced with proprietary McIntosh cir­cuits. Instead of Panasonic’s stock digital switching power supply, the MVP851 uses a massive R-core power transformer—the same kind of transformer used for power amps. This level of technical overkill reappears through­out the MVP851’s interior. With its top-quality parts and elegant circuit designs, the MVP851 represents McIntosh’s thinking on what it takes to make the ultimate DVD player.
Many a fine DVD player is tripped up by a bad remote control, but the MVP851’s is among the best I’ve used. Not only does it light up at the push of a button, its topography is logical and easy to use. A centrally located jog/shuttle control divides the remote’s real estate in half, the more frequently used
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