Remote Controls
RC3001Programmable LCD display remote control
The introduction of the Marantz RC3001 adds a new dimension in the area of customizable,
interactive devices. Specially designed for people who like the idea of a customizable LCD
remote, but don't want to spend many evenings on programming it. The RC3001 can control
virtually all audio and video devices through its Marantz Digital Learning capability.
The RC3001 is editable via your PC thanks to sophisticated programming software. Housed in a
trend setting, design, the light, ergonomic RC3001 provides effortless, intuitive control and
navigation, for personalized home entertainment enjoyment.

Features Benefits
Highly flexible remote control with LCD display
Display and buttons with backlit for easy operation in
dark environments
Simple and userfriendly editability via PC
Programmable direct access hard buttons and cursor
Macro programmable possibilities
Wide range of learning frequency up to 455 KHz
IR / RF transmission capability
RF extender with 6 IR emitter included
For people who like the idea of a customizable
LCD-remote, but don't want to spend many evenings on
programming it
Entire system control, by assigning IR commands from any
device into one, learnable remote
Using the pre-programmed hard keys allows fast access to
IR commands without window scrolling
Multiple IR commands activated with one key, including
sound for maximum ease of use
High Carrrier frequence for most existing IR formats
Technological glossary:
The RC3001 is completely customizable and programmable.
It is pre-programmed to control Marantz audio and video
components and can operate different brands as well.
With the Marantz Digital Learning capability featuring a
learning frequency up to 455kHz the RC3001 can easily learn
the codes from most non-Marantz component, including
IR-controlled accessories such as a motorized projection
screen and lighting. The RC3001 can record your favorite
communication sequences as macros, to transmit a multitude
of commands with the touch of one button.
Customize and create