4.2 Presentation of Data in Graphical Window .................................................................... 53
4.2.1 Presentation of Data in G raphical Window Channel-View ............................................. 53 Configuration of the (Channel-View) graphical window ........................................ 54
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Appendix A Installation Guide ............................................................................................. 143
Appendix B Remote SQL Server database installation ............................................................ 160
B.1 Remote installation of the LumaSoft Gas database .......................................................... 161
B.2 Finding the Computer name of the foreign PC ................................................................. 161
B.3 Restore(Store) the database onto a foreign PC’s SQL Server ............................................ 163
B.4 Configure LumaSoft Gas 7810/7860 to use a database on a foreign PC’s SQL Server .......... 166
Appendix C OPC Server Tags .............................................................................................. 169
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Throughout this manual Monitor is used for:
Photoacoustic Gas Monitor – INNOVA 1412i
Photoacoustic Gas Monitor – INNOVA 1314i
LumaSense SF 6 L eak Detector - 3434i
The Monitor complies with:
• EN/IEC 61010-1, 2nd Edition: Safety requirements for electrical
equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use.
• Can/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-04 - Safety Requirements fo r Electrical
Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use
• UL Std. No. 61010A-1 (2nd Edition) - Safety Requirements for
Electrical Equipment for Measureme nt, Control, and Laboratory Use.
To ensure safe operation and r etain the Monitor in safe condition, note
the following:
Never operate the Monitor in potentially explosive environments.
When monitoring potentially flammable or toxic gases it is essential
• The instrument itself is placed in a well-ventilated area outside the
potentially hazard ou s zone.
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• A sufficiently long tube is connected to the air-outlet on the back
panel so that the sampled gas is carried away to the open air or to an
extraction and/or filtration unit.
• Avoid water condensation in the Monitor.
• Switch off all equipment before connecting or disconnecting their
digital interface. Failure to do so could damage the equipment.
• Whenever it is li kely that correct function or operating saf ety of the
apparatus has been impaired, the apparatus must be made inoperative and secured against unintended operation.
• Any adjustment, maintenance and repair of the open apparatus
under voltage must be a voided as far a s possible and , if unavo idable,
must be carried out only by trained personnel.
• If a fault is reporte d by the Monitor th at indicates corr ect function of
the instrument may be impaired, consult your local LumaSense
Technologies representative. Under no circumstances should repair
be attempted by persons not qualified in service of electronic
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This manual can be used in several ways. The f irst time users can work
their way through the exa mples in order to get to know the monitoring
system. The more experienced users can jump directly to the relevant
chapters in order to gain assistance , an d expe rts ca n use t his manua l as
a reference book by using the index.
The LumaSoft Gas Single Point 7810 Software is used as a single
channel monitoring software for Photoacoustic Gas Monitor – INNOVA
1412i, Photoacoustic Gas Monitor – INNOVA 1314i and Lu maSense SF6
Leak Detector - 3434i.
The LumaSoft Gas Mult i Point 7860 Softwa re is used as a multi chan nel
monitoring Software for Photoacoustic Gas Monitor – INNOVA 1412i in
system, Photoacoustic Ga s Mo nito r – INNOVA 1314i and LumaSense SF6
Leak Detector - 3434i with up to two Multipoint Samplers – INNOVA
1309 or four Multipoint Sampler and Doser - INNOVA 1303.
NOTE: The LumaSoft Gas Multi Point 7860 Software requires a license
dongle connected to the USB port in order to run.
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The information displayed on screen is presented in this manual as
shown below:
2. Pull down menu option Export T a sk
3. Index card e.g. Gas
4. Group e.g. Gas Se t up
5. Select Field e.g. Select SIT
6. Check box used to select options
7. Soft-key e.g. Read Filter Info
1.3 Stand-alon e U se
Radio push-buttons : these are not illustrate d above, but are commonly
used in the softwar e. T hey act a s a tog gle func tion whe n s eve ral o ptions
are available, but only one can be selected at a time.
In some situations, it may be necessary to set up the Monitor without
connecting it to a P C. The way the se instruction s ar e prese nted is sho wn
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The display above is used through-out this manual. It assists you
displaying the text on screen and by indicating which of the pushbuttons can and should be pressed.
In general, the push-bu ttons shown ab ove are use d to navigate throug h
the various modes poss ible withi n the Monitor but are describe d in more
detail below:
These push-buttons are illustrated as S 1, S2 and S3. They correspond
to the key and their position on the instrument.
These select push-buttons enable you to select one of the options
This gr oup of 5 push-buttons are referred to in this manu al collectively
as the direction keys. The symbols below are used to simplify the
instruction in this manua l .
▲ & ▼ enable you to increase & decrease numbers, respectively, or to
go to the Previous & Next Displays, respectively.
◄ & ► enable you to move across number fields o r go to the Previous &
Next gases, respectively.
, depending on the situations, acts as an “Enter” or “Go To Head” key.
Memory Function push-buttons are always represented with the name of
the push-button enclosed in a box which is shaded-in.
SYSTEM Text that appears on the display screen is shown in an open
shaded box, using UPPER case letters.
FORMAT System GeneralClockWhen referring to any part of the Set-up “tr ee”, the text i s shown
in open shaded box es with the same type face as that used in t he
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For further description refer to “BE6025 Instruction Manual, 1412i
Photoacoustic Gas Monitor“
1.4 Tool-bar Icons in LumaSoft Gas Monitoring Softwar e
7810 and 7860
The instructions in this manual use the pull-down menu paths to
describe how operations are possible. However, in many cases, the icons
in the tool-bars can be used to speed things up. Top Level toolbars and
icons are presented in the following sections.
Other toolbars and icons will be presented in subsequent chapters.
1.4.1 Toolbar: Manage Users
Opens a window dialog to create new users
Change the password for the administrator
Log off administrator
Show information about software version
1.4.2 Toolbar: Main menu
Create new task
Open existing task
Delete task
Log off
Exit program
Show information about software v ersion
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Chapter 2
Minimum: 1 gigahertz (GHz) Pentium processor
Windows XP SP2
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Minimum: 512 MB (XP) 1024 MB (Vista) 2048 MB (7)
Hard Disk
Up to 500 MB of available space may be required.
Minimum: 1024 x 768 high color, 32-bit
Total port
2 USB ports
1 USB port and 1 Ethernet (TCP/IP) port
1 USB port and one RS232 port
Connection to
1 USB port
1 Ethernet (TCP/IP) port
1 RS-232 port
Connection to
1 USB port for LumaSoft Gas License Dongle Key (This
License Dongle key is delivered by Lu ma Sense)
When taking delivery of the System three very important and
preliminary tasks must be completed before starting to operate it:
Install the LumaSoft Gas Software (7810 or 7860) see Section 2.1.
Connect the Monitor and the Multiplexer to a PC (Section 2.2).
Setting-up User Accounts (Section 2.3).
2.1 Installing the LumaSoft Gas Single Point (7810) or
Multi Point (7860) Monitoring S oftware
2.1.1 Computer requirements
The Software is targeted to w ork on a Desktop/Laptop PC environment
running a Microsoft Win do ws Oper a tin g Sys te m.
Before installing the Software the PC must mee t the following minimum
Gas Monitor
Microsoft Office is required if using the export to Excel file
format functionality in LumaSoft Gas.
Table 2.1 Computer requirements
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The LumaSoft Gas software is delivered on a CD with an installation
program. Please refer to Appendix A how to perform the installation of
the LumaSoft Gas software. It is recommended that your system
administrator performs the task of installing the LumaSoft Gas program.
After the installation is successfully completed the LumaSense ->
LumaSoft Gas program menu is created.
The “LumaSoft Gas” program icon (Figure 2.1) is also placed on your
desktop for easy access to the program.
Figure 2.1 LumaSoft Gas desktop shortcut
2.2 Connecting the Monitor and the Multiplexer to a PC
The Monitor comes complete with an USB interface cable.
Optionally an Ethernet (TCP/IP) interface cable or a 9-pin to 9-pin null
modem RS-232 interface cable c an be delivered.
2.2.1 Fitting the USB Cable
The USB interface cable can be connected while the gas monitor is
switched on.
Locate an USB port at the back of the PC; refer to your PC manual if in
doubt. Pus h the connector on the USB cable on to the USB port socket
on the PC.
Locate the output labelled at the back of the Monitor. Push the
connector at the other end of the USB cable on to this socket.
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No setup on the 1412i/1314i/3434i gas monitor is necessary in order to
be able to communicate with the 1412i/1314i/3434i gas monitor
through an USB connection.
2.2.3 Fitting the Ethernet (TCP/IP) Cable.
The gas monitor can be connected to a local Ethernet network, which
communicates using the TCP/IP network interface protocol or to view
the homepage of the gas monitor in a standard PC internet browser.
The Ethernet network cable can be connected while the gas monitor is
switched on.
Locate the Ethernet socket connector labelled at the back of the
Monitor. Connect a standard Ethernet network cable to the Ethernet
socket connector on the back of the gas mo nitor. Connect t he other end
of the Ethernet network cable to your local network. The yellow LED on
the Ethernet socket connector will lit, if a local network connection is
2.2.4 Setting the TCP/IP Communication Parameters
It is recommended that your system administrator sets-up the TCP/IP
communication parameters.
The communication parameters for the TCP/IP interface can be set by
using the push-buttons on the front of the monitor.
1. Press SET-UP CONFIGURATION System Communication Addressable.
The screen display now shows the following text.
2. Press TCP/IP to enter the TCP/IP setup. During this setup you can
also use the ▲ and ▼ keys to go back and forth between the
available TCP/IP settings. The screen display now shows the
following text.
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3. Here you can select whether the IP address of the 1412i/1314i/3434i
gas monitor is to be as signed by a DHCP se rver in the local network.
If you want the 1412i's, 1314i's or 3434i's IP address to be assigned
by the DHCP server pre ss the Yes key, where after you will proceed
to the below step 6 , as the IP a ddress is set by the DHCP se rver. If
you want yourself to set the IP address of the 1412i/1314i/3434i
press the No key. The screen display now shows the following text.
4. Here you can change the IP address of the 1412i/1314i/3434i gas
monitor in case the IP address is not set by a DHCP server in the
local network. If you want to change the IP address, press the ↵
key. If the IP address does no t need to be change d, press the ▼ key
and you will proceed to the below step 6.
If you selected to change the IP address, the screen display now
shows the following text.
5. Here you can change the 4 individual numbe rs in the IP address by
using the ▲ and ▼ keys. Each of the 4 individ ual nu mbe r s ca n be s e t
in the range from 000 to 255.
You can step between the 4 individual numbers in the IP address by
using the ◄ and ► keys.
In case you want to return to the start value of the IP addre ss press
the CANCEL key. In case you want to return to the default stored
value of the IP address press the DEFAULT key.
When you have set the IP address, press the ↵ key. The screen
display now shows the following text.
6. Here you can se t the IP port number for the TCP/IP co mmunication.
This normally does not need to be changed. If you want to change
the IP port number press the ↵ key. If the IP por t numbers does not
need to be changed, press the ▼ key and you will proceed to the
below step 8. If you selected to change the IP port number the
screen display now shows the following text.
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7. Now you can chang e the IP po r t n umber by using the ▲ and ▼ keys.
The port number can be set in the range from 0 to 32767.
In case you want to r eturn to the start value of the IP port numbe r
press the CANCEL key. In case you want to return to the default
stored value of the IP port number press the DEFAULT key.
When you have set the IP port number , press the ↵ key. The screen
display now shows the following text.
8. In case you want the 1412i/1314i/3434i gas monitor to be able to
communicate only with a certain PC on the local network, you can
set the IP address o f this PC a s t he pr otecte d IP addre ss. This ca n be
desired due to security reasons so no other PC is able to
communicate with the 1412i/1314i/3434i gas monitor.
If no protection is de sired the protected IP addre ss should be set to
a value of
If you want to change the protected IP address, press the ↵ key. If
the protected IP ad dress does not need to be change d, press the ▼
key and you will proceed to the below step 10.
If you selected to change the pro te cte d IP a ddre s s t he scr e e n disp lay
now shows the following text.
9. Here you can change the 4 individual numbers in the protected IP
address by using the ▲ and ▼ keys. Each of the 4 individual
numbers can be set in the range from 000 to 255.
You can step between the 4 individual numbers in the protected IP
address by using the ◄ and ► keys.
In case you want to return to the start value of the protected IP
address press the CANCEL key. In case you want to return to the
default stored value of the protected IP address press the DEFAULT
When you have set the protected IP address, press the ↵ key.
If you previously selecte d the IP address NO T to be set by the DHCP
server, you can proceed to t he below step 11.
If you instead selected that the IP address to be set by the DHCP
server, the screen display now shows the following text.
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10. Here the IP address of the 1412i/1314i/3434i, which has been
assigned by the DHCP server is displayed. This IP address can be
used to manually set TCP/IP communication in a PC application,
which accesses the 1412i/1314i/3434i gas monitor.
Press the ACCEPT key to accept.
11. This concludes the setup of the TCP/IP parameters of the
1412i/1314i/3434i gas monitor.
Press the SET-UP key to leave the setup.
2.2.5 Fitting the RS-232 Cable
Ensure that both th e Monitor and the PC ar e switched off at the mains .
Failure to do so may result in your equipment being damaged.
Locate the serial port at the back o f the PC ; refer to your PC manual if in
Push the connector on the R S-232 cab le on to the s eria l po r t so cke t, a nd
secure it firmly using the securing screws.
Locate the output labelled “RS-232” at the back of the Monitor.
Push the connector at the other end of the RS-232 cable on to this
socket, and secure it firmly using the securing screws.
Turn on the PC. Wait for Windows to start up.
The Monitor can be turned on at the mains.
2.2.6 Setting the RS232 Communication Parameters
In order for the RS-232 communication to be successful, it is essential
that the communication para me ter s ar e se t cor re ctly. This is a two stage
process: the PC communication port is selected via the LumaSoft Gas
software while the baud rate, parity, data bits and stop bits are defined
via the Monitor.
The communication parameters necessary for the Monitor to
communicate with the LumaSoft Gas are shown below in Table 2.2.
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These are set as the default values in the Monitor.
To prevent commun icatio n errors, the te x t line te r minato r , p rin t data lo g
and print error log must be set as shown in Table 2.3.
Table 2.3 More Monitor parameters
2.2.7 Checking/Changing the RS-232 Communication
Parameters in the Monitor
The communication parame ter s fo r the serial inte r face must be set using
the push-buttons on the front of the Monitor.
1. Press SET-UP S3 S1 S3 S1 (see Chapter 1.3) .The screen display
shows the following text.
If the baud rate displayed is incorrect press ↵ and use ▲ and ▼ to
display the correct value. Press ↵ again to store the selection.
If the baud rate displayed is correct, then press ▼ to continue to the
next parameter.
Press S1 to select 1 STOP BIT.
Press S1 to select 7 DATA BITS
Press S2 to select EVEN PARITY
Press S3 to select LEASED-LINE
Press S3 to select HARD-WIRED HANDSHAKE.
Press SET-UP to exit the set-up mode
Press RESET and S1 in order that the new settings are enabled.
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The Monitor and the LumaSoft Ga s Monitoring Software are now able to
communicate together.
2.2.8 Checking/Changing the Text line Terminator in the
The Text line Terminator must be set using the push-buttons on the
front of the Monitor.
Press SET-UP S2 ▼S3
Press SET-UP to exit the set-up mode
2.2.9 Selecting the PC communication Port
It is just a simple case of selecting the correct port on the PC. The
software shows the COM por ts that are pr esent in the sys tem to choos e
from: COM1, COM2, COM3…. If you are not sure which por t the cable is
connected on your computer refer to your PC manual.
2.2.10 Setting up a Multipoint System with Multipoint Sa mplers -
The 1309(s) is connected to the Gas Monitor using IEEE-488 cable(s).
To avoid data errors, this cable must conform to the specifications laid
down in the IEEE-488 standard, particularly with regard to length,
connector type and “daisy -chaining”. LumaSense can supply the correct
cables, Cable order no. AO0265 (2m) or WL0845 (1m).
Caution: To avoid permanently damaging the delicate electronics in a
1309 or the Monitor , you must ensure t hat all IEEE-488 ins truments are
switched off before connecting or disconnecting the interface cables.
The IEEE–488 address of each 1309 in the system must be set before
communication with the PC can occur . T he addr ess is se t using t he e ight
DIP switches located on the back panel of the 1309. The decimal
address of the instrument is expressed as a binary number, the MSD
(Most significant DIP switch) being to the left looking onto the back
panel. Table 2.4 will guide you.
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2.2.11 Setting up a Multipoint System with Multipoint Sampler
and Doser - INNOVA 1303.
The 1303(s) is connected to the Gas Monitor using IEEE-488 cable(s).
To avoid data errors, this cable must conform to the specifications laid
down in the IEEE-488 standard, particularly with regard to length,
connector type and “daisy -chaining”. LumaSense can supply the correct
cables, Cable order no. AO0265 (2m) or WL0845 (1m).
Caution: To avoid permanently damaging the delicate electronics in a
1303 or the Monitor, you must e nsure that all IE EE-488 instrume nts are
switched off before connecting or disconnecting the interface cables.
The IEEE–488 address of each 1303 in the system must be set before
communication with the PC can occur . T he addr ess is se t using t he e ight
DIP switches located on the back panel of the 1303. The decimal
address of the instrument is expressed as a binary number, the MSD
(Most significant DIP switch) being to the left looking onto the back
panel. Table 2.5 will guide you.
DIP switch setti ng
(looking onto rear)
1303 multipoint
2.3 Setting-up User Accounts
Setting up user accounts can be performed by the administrator only.
After starting the LumaSoft Gas application the User Authentication
window opens, where yo u authenticate yourself as the admini strator by
specifying the administrator user name and password.
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To create new users you can either select the Manage User icon
from the toolbar or select Manage User from the User pull down
menu, see Figur e 2.3.
Figure 2.3 User pull-down: Manage User
The User Accounts window appears showing a lis t of the current user
accounts, see Figure 2.4.
A predefined user a ccount named LumaSoftGas with the highest access
level appears the f irst time the User Accounts window is opened. The
predefined password for the LumaSoftGas user is: lumasoftgas
Figure 2.4 User Accounts
2.3.1 Add User Account
In order for the administrator to add a new user account the Add softkey can be selected.
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The User Name, Password and Access Level for the new user
account can be specified.
Please note that the User Name and Password must contain at least 6
characters and must contain no special characters. Only alphabets and
numeric characters are allowed [(a-z), (A-Z), (0-9 )] fo r the User Name
and Password (see Figure 2.6).
Figure 2.6 User access Levels
Three different access levels can be specified. The rights for each of the
access levels are described below in table 2.6.
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A user account can be edited by the administrator by selecting the Edit
soft-key in the User Acc ounts window. Before se lecting the Edit softkey a User Name must be selected in the Us e r Accounts window.
The access level can be changed by selecting the Access Level field.
Also the Password can be changed by selecting the Reset Password
soft-key. (See Figure 2.8).
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The Reset Passwo rd dialogue window a ppears and the new password
for the user account can be entered. (See Figure 2.9).
2.3.3 Remove User Account
Figure 2.10 User Accounts: Remove
A user account can be removed by selecting the Remove soft-key i n the
User Accounts window, see Figure 2.10. Before selecting the Remove soft-key a User Name must be selected in the User Accounts window.
2.3.4 Change password of the administrator
To change the password of the administrator you select the Change
password icon from the toolbar or select Change Password from
the User pull down menu. (See Figure 2.11)
Figure 2.11 User pull-down: Change Password
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The Change Pass word dialogue wind ow (Figure 2.1 2) appears and the
old and new password for the administrator can be entered.
Figure 2.12 Change Password dialogue
2.4 Download of the latest version
You will find the latest version of the software on
2.5 Back-up and Restoring of calibration data
If you have ordered a calibration from our calibration laboratory, you
will receive a CD with a backup of the calibration data. It is very
important that you store these data in your Gas Monitoring Software
7304, supplied with the Monitor. Please refer to the Instruction Manual BE6025 fo r guidance in how to backup and r estore calibration
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This chapter will show the steps how to set-up a measurement task.
Please note that measurement set-up is only allowed for users with
Expert or Super access level. (See Table 2.6)
Log in to the software using your username and password.
Figure 3.1 User Authentication
3.1 New task
Please make sure that you have an USB, Ether net (TCP/IP) or a RS-232
interface cab le connected to th e 1412i/1314i/3434i Gas Monitor device.
IMPORTANT! Please note that only one interface cable (either
USB, Ethernet (TCP/IP) or RS-232) should be connected at any
In order to create a new task select the New Task pull-down menu
(Figure 3.2).
Figure 3.2 File pull-down: New Task
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If the 1412i/1314i/3434i device is recognized the New Task window
(Figure 3.3) opens, where you enter the name of the new task and press
the OK soft-key. After that you can proceed to section 3.2.
Figure 3.3 Type in the name of the new task.
If the 1412i/1314i/3434i device is NOT recognized the Communication
Error message box (Figure 3.4) will appear. Press the OK soft-key.
Figure 3.4 Communication Error message box.
If you are using the USB interface cable connection please proceed to
section 3.1.1.
If you are using the Ethernet (TCP/IP) interface cable connection please
proceed to section 3.1.2.
If you are using the RS-232 interface cable connection please proceed
to section 3.1.3.
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+ 164 hidden pages
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