9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
1About this documentation
This documentation contains information about the regenerative power supply module.
Please read the Mounting Instructions supplied with the regenerative power
supply module before you start working!
The Mounting Instructions contain safety information which must be observed!
Target group
This documentation is directed at all persons who parameterise and diagnose the
regenerative power supply module by means of the L-force »Engineer« software and the
Information on the validity
The information provided in this documentation is valid for the following standard
About this documentation
Product seriesType designationFrom software version
Servo Drives 9400E94AxRNxxxx1.0
Document history
2.306/2014TD05Error corrections
2.203/2010TD05Error corrections
2.101/2009TD05Error corrections
2.011/2008TD05 • Extended by new functions for regenerative power supply module V2
•New main chapter: "CAN on board" system bus
1.107/2008TD05Error corrections
1.004/2008TD05First edition
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9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
About this documentation
Conventions used
1.1Conventions used
This documentation uses the following conventions to distinguish between different types
of information:
Type of informationWritingExamples/notes
Decimal separatorPointGenerally the decimal point is used.
For example: 1234.56
Program name» «The Lenze PC software »Engineer«...
WindowItalicsThe Message window... / The Options dialog box...
Variable identifierBy setting bEnable to TRUE...
Control elementBoldThe OK button... / The Copy command... / The
Sequence of menu
Shortcut<Bold>Use <F1> to open the online Help.
Page reference ( 10)Optically highlighted reference to another page. Is
Step-by-step instructions
Properties tab...
If the execution of a function requires several
commands, the individual commands are separated
by an arrow: Select File
If a command requires a combination of keys, a "+" is
placed between the key symbols:
Use <Shift>+<ESC> to...
A hyperlink is an optically highlighted reference
which is activated with a mouse click.
activated via mouse-click in this online
Step-by-step instructions are indicated by a
Open to...
1.2Terminology used
»Engineer«Lenze software which supports you throughout the whole machine life cycle -
Code"Container" for one or several parameters used for parameter setting or
SubcodeIf a code contains several parameters, the individual parameters are stored
from planning to maintenance.
monitoring of the regenerative power supply module.
under "subcodes".
This documentation uses a slash "/" as a separator between code and subcode
(e.g. "C00118/3").
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9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
1.3Definition of notes used
The following signal words and symbols are used in this documentation to indicate
dangers and important information:
Safety instructions
Layout of the safety instructions:
(characterises the type and severity of danger)
(describes the danger and gives information about how to prevent dangerous
About this documentation
Definition of notes used
PictographSignal wordMeaning
Danger!Danger of personal injury through dangerous electrical voltage
Danger!Danger of personal injury through a general source of danger
Stop!Danger of property damage
Application notes
PictographSignal wordMeaning
Note!Important note to ensure trouble-free operation
Reference to an imminent danger that may result in death or serious personal
injury if the corresponding measures are not taken.
Reference to an imminent danger that may result in death or serious personal
injury if the corresponding measures are not taken.
Reference to a possible danger that may result in property damage if the
corresponding measures are not taken.
Tip!Useful tip for simple handling
Reference to another documentation
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9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
This chapter describes three different commissioning scenarios:
A. Short setup
– Target: Adapting the regenerative power supply module to the electromechanics
and the control system.
B. Device replacement
– Target: Replacing a regenerative power supply module which has failed in a running
system by a replacement device using the "old" memory module.
C. Filter replacement
– Target: Replacing a filter which has failed in a running system.
( 13)
( 20)
( 20)
12LEDS94ARNExxxx EN 2.3 - 06/2014
9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
L1 L2
L1 L2
. . .
L1 L2
2.1Short setup
The short setup described in this chapter serves to adapt the regenerative power supply
module to the electromechanics and the control system. The short setup can be carried out
with the keypad or the Lenze PC software »Engineer«.
2.1.1Example circuit
Short setup
E94ARNE0xx4Regenerative power supply module
E94AZPP0364Installation backplane of regenerative power supply module
E94AZMR0...Mains filter
F1 ... F4Fuses
RFRController enable (only for regenerative feedback)
K1Mains contactor
RBBrake resistor
24-V voltage source for the control electronics
24-V voltage source for the digital inputs in accordance with IEC 61131-2
From version 02.00: Overtemperature disconnection (DO2 load: max. 50 mA)
EDS94ARNExxxx EN 2.3 - 06/2014L13
(safely separated power supply unit (SELV/PELV), in accordance with IEC 61131-2)
9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
Short setup
2.1.2Commissioning with the keypad
1. Switch on 24-V supply of the regenerative power supply module.
– With the first switch-on of the regenerative power supply module, the filter data are
automatically read out of the electronic filter nameplate (ENP) and temporarily
saved in the regenerative power supply module.
2. If the mains voltage is not 400/415 V, adapt the Lenze setting in C00173
– Note: A change of the setting in C00173
utilisation! In the chapter "Rated data" of the Hardware Manual, the device types
and their permissible device utilisation at different mains voltages and switching
frequencies are specified.
3. Carry out optional parameter setting:
– Parameterising the brake chopper/brake resistor
– Signal configuration
4. Save the parameter set (C00002
– By saving the parameter set, certain data such as the filter data are permanently
available in the regenerative power supply module and do not need to be read again
from the electronic filter nameplate at the next switch-on. This shortens the
initialisation time correspondingly.
5. Switch on mains voltage the DC bus is charged.
6. Deactivate controller inhibit via controller enable terminal (RFR) regenerative
feedback is enabled.
7. Controlling the regenerative power supply module via terminals
( 30)
= "11: Save start parameters").
also has an impact on the permissible device
( 22)
. ( 19)
14LEDS94ARNExxxx EN 2.3 - 06/2014
9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
2.1.3Commissioning with the Engineer
For commissioning with the Lenze PC software »Engineer« you need:
A PC with the following system requirements:
– Processor with at least 1.4 GHz
– At least 512 MB RAM and 650 MB of free hard disk space
– Operating system Microsoft® Windows® 2000 (service pack 2 or higher) or
Windows® XP
A connection to the regenerative power supply module, e. g. via the diagnostic adapter
offered by Lenze.
Short setup
Please observe the documentation for the diagnostic adapter!
For communication with the regenerative power supply module, at least the
control electronics of the regenerative power supply module must be supplied
with 24-V low voltage via the connector X2; detailed information on this can be
found in the Mounting Instructions for the regenerative power supply module.
If you alter parameters in the »Engineer« while an online connection to the
regenerative power supply module is established, the changes are directly
accepted in the regenerative power supply module!
An online connection can also be established via optional interfaces which are
provided by corresponding communication modules in the module receptacles
MXI1/MXI2 of the regenerative power supply module.
Detailed information about the different interfaces can be found in the
corresponding Communication Manuals.
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9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
Short setup
How to carry out the commissioning with the »Engineer«:
1. Start the »Engineer«.
2. Select the procedure in the Start-up wizard.
• For instance, select the option "Select component from catalog".
3. Add the corresponding components from the catalog to the project:
• Regenerative power supply module
• Available device modules
•Regenerative power supply module application
Project view example in the »Engineer«:
4. Select the regenerative power supply module in the Project view.
5. Change to the Application parameters tab in the Workspace.
6. If the mains voltage is not 400/415 V, adapt the Lenze setting accordingly in the
Mains voltage list field.
Note: A change of the setting in C00173
device utilisation! In the chapter "Rated data" of the Hardware Manual, the device
types and their permissible device utilisation at different mains voltages and
switching frequencies are specified.
16LEDS94ARNExxxx EN 2.3 - 06/2014
also has an impact on the permissible
9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
Short setup
7. Carry out optional parameter setting:
• Parameterising the brake chopper/brake resistor
• Signal configuration
• Establish network/communication.
8. Switch on 24-V supply of the regenerative power supply module.
• With the first switch-on of the regenerative power supply module, the filter
data are automatically read out of the electronic filter nameplate (ENP) and
temporarily saved in the regenerative power supply module.
9. Click the icon.
10. Confirm the following note with Yes to accept the changes on the project:
( 30)
( 22)
The Build project dialog box is displayed:
11. Click Build to build the project.
• After the project has been built successfully, a corresponding note is displayed.
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9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
Short setup
12. Confirm the note that the project has been built successfully with OK.
If no communication path has been configured for the regenerative power supply
module yet, the Communication path dialog box is displayed:
13. Set the bus connection (e. g. "Diagnostic adapter") to the regenerative power
supply module in the Communication path dialog box.
14. Click Connect to establish the online connection to the regenerative power supply
• After the connection has been established successfully, the Transfer to device
dialog box is displayed.
Note: The following parameters are set automatically in the regenerative power
supply module via the electronic filter nameplate (ENP): C00070
• »Engineer« versions ≥ V2.9 do not
• If an older »Engineer« version is used, these parameters have to be saved prior
15. Click Start in the Transfer to device dialog box.
16. Confirm the query on whether the device is to be inhibited and the application is
to be stopped with Yes.
• Then the transmission is started.
17. After the transmission has been carried out successfully, confirm the query on
whether the application is to be started with Yes.
, C00084 and C00085.
overwrite these parameters during a
parameter download.
to a parameter download and then reset manually to the saved values.
, C00071, C00075,
18. Also confirm the query on whether the device is to be enabled with Yes.
19. Switch on mains voltage the DC bus is charged.
20. Deactivate controller inhibit via controller enable terminal (RFR) regenerative
feedback is enabled.
21. Controlling the regenerative power supply module via terminals
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9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
The regenerative power supply module still remains inhibited via the controller
enable terminal (RFR) if this terminal is set to LOW level.
Short setup
Please note that the regenerative power supply module will only be enabled if all
sources for controller inhibit are reset!
• The sources or trip elements that are active for controller inhibit are displayed
in a bit-coded manner in C00158
2.1.4Controlling the regenerative power supply module via terminals
If the regenerative power supply module is enabled, the application can be controlled via
the digital inputs and/or MotionBus (if it is integrated in a network).
Terminal assignment of digital inputs
TerminalAssignment (Lenze setting)
X5RFRController enable
DI1Inhibit regenerative feedback
• Function also possible via bit 01 of control word 1.
DI2Activate brake chopper
• Function also possible via bit 02 of control word 1.
DI3Reset (acknowledge) error
• A pending error message can be reset (acknowledged) by a LOW-HIGH edge if the cause of
the error message has been eliminated.
• Function also possible via bit 07 of control word 1.
Detailed information on device applications can be found in the chapter
"Regenerative power supply module application
". ( 21)
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9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
Device replacement
2.2Device replacement
Scenario: The regenerative power supply module in a running system has failed.
For the procedure described below we assume that the memory module and
possibly available extension modules in the regenerative power supply module
and the filter are not affected by the failure and all parameters have been stored
with mains failure protection.
Replacement of the regenerative power supply module:
1. Replace regenerative power supply module.
See Mounting Instructions for the regenerative power supply module!
2. Insert memory module of the regenerative power supply module that has failed into the replacement
3. If further extension modules are plugged into the failed regenerative power supply module, they must
also be inserted into the replacement device.
Further steps are not required since all required data are stored on the memory module.
2.3Filter replacement
Scenario: The filter in a running system has failed.
In the procedure described below we assume that the regenerative power
supply module is not affected by the failure.
Replacement of the filter:
1. Replace filter.
For a filter with an electronic nameplate (ENP):
2. Restart regenerative power supply module with connected filter to read out the filter data from the
3. Execute device command C00002
For a filter without an electronic nameplate (ENP):
See Mounting Instructions for the regenerative power supply module!
electronic nameplate.
• Restart the device either by switching the voltage supply off and on again, or via the device
command C00002
The filter is operated with the filter data from the memory module.
= "11000: Restart regenerative power supply module".
= "11: Save start parameters".
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9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
Regenerative power supply module application
3Regenerative power supply module application
This chapter provides you with information on the "Regenerative power supply module"
application by which the regenerative power supply module can be controlled via digital
inputs and input ports. Status information is provided to other applications via digital
outputs and output ports.
How to get to the parameterisation dialog of the application:
1. Select the regenerative power supply module in the Project view of the »Engineer«.
2. Change to the Application parameters tab in the Workspace.
Parameterisation dialog in the »Engineer«
The white buttons show the assignment of the control inputs and status outputs of the
– The assignment is defined by the "Regenerative power supply module" application
and can, if required, be reconfigured by clicking the corresponding button.
If you click the button marked with the icon, you get to the parameterisation dialog
for the brake chopper/brake resistor, which is one level beneath.
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9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
Regenerative power supply module application
Parameterising the brake chopper/brake resistor
3.1Parameterising the brake chopper/brake resistor
The regenerative power supply module is equipped with an integrated brake transistor.
The required brake resistor has to be connected externally (see mounting instructions/
hardware manual).
The rated values for the brake transistor are listed in the Hardware Manual, chapter
"Rated data".
If the connected brake resistor has a lower resistance than the parameterised
brake resistor, the brake transistor may be damaged!
The brake resistor can be thermally overloaded. Carry out protective measures
suitable for the system, e.g.:
• Parameterisation of an error response in C00574
parameterised error message in the application or machine control. I2t
utilisation of brake resistor ( 27)
• External wiring using the temperature contact on the brake resistor (e.g.
interruption of the supply via mains contactor and activation of the
mechanical brakes).
and evaluation of the
22LEDS94ARNExxxx EN 2.3 - 06/2014
9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
Regenerative power supply module application
Parameterising the brake chopper/brake resistor
The brake chopper/brake resistor can be parameterised in the »Engineer» on the
9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
Regenerative power supply module application
Parameterising the brake chopper/brake resistor
3.1.1Setting the voltage threshold for braking operation
The voltage threshold for braking operation is set via C00173
(reduced brake chopper threshold). When the brake chopper threshold is exceeded in the
DC bus, the brake chopper is switched on.
Mains voltage selected in C00173Effective brake chopper threshold
230 V390 V - value in C00181
400/415 V725 V - value in C00181
460/480 V765 V - value in C00181
500 V790 V - value in C00181
3.1.2Setting the brake chopper mode
For software versions below V2.0, the following applies:
The regenerative power supply module only feeds back to the mains and activates the
brake chopper if the inverter-side current reaches the maximum device current. If the
current is below the maximum device current and the DC-bus voltage is below the brake
chopper threshold, the brake chopper is not activated.
From software version V2.0 onwards, the following applies:
can be used to set the conditions for brake chopper activation:
(mains voltage) and C00181
(0 ... 100 V)
(0 ... 100 V)
(0 ... 100 V)
(0 ... 100 V)
Only at overvoltage:
The brake chopper is only activated if the DC-bus voltage has reached the brake
chopper threshold. This setting corresponds to the behaviour of the 9400 controller.
At overvoltage and overcurrent (Lenze setting):
This setting corresponds to the behaviour of regenerative power supply modules with
software versions below V2.0.
At overvoltage and overcurrent and overload:
With this setting, the brake chopper is used for energy consumption if a device
utilisation of 90 % is reached during feedback operation.
– The "normal" voltage thresholds for braking operation still apply. Setting the
voltage threshold for braking operation ( 24)
– To protect the brake chopper against damage, monitoring of the Ixt utilisation is still
active. Ixt utilisation of brake transistor
( 26)
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9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
3.1.3Monitoring protection
The brake chopper hardware is monitored for overcurrent (short circuit or earth fault).
Monitoring for overcurrent can only be activated if a real brake current flows. A
test in idle state (without a brake resistor connected) is not possible.
If the monitoring function responds:
– The brake chopper is switched off immediately.
– The "Fault" response that is set fixedly is activated.
– The "Brake transistor: overcurrent" error message is entered in the logbook of the
regenerative power supply module.
Regenerative power supply module application
Parameterising the brake chopper/brake resistor
The error can only be acknowledged after 2 seconds at the earliest to resume the
braking operation.
In addition to the overcurrent protection, the regenerative power supply module is
provided with two more monitoring modes for braking operation, which are active
even if no brake resistor is connected (testing mode for checking the parameter
Ixt utilisation of brake transistor
I2t utilisation of brake resistor
( 26)
( 27)
EDS94ARNExxxx EN 2.3 - 06/2014L25
9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
100 %
Logbook entry "Brake chopper: Ixt > C00570"
Logbook entry ""Brake chopper: Ixt overload
= f(duty cycle, R )
Regenerative power supply module application
Parameterising the brake chopper/brake resistor utilisation of brake transistor
The regenerative power supply module monitors the Ixt utilisation of the internal brake
The braking operation will never be switched off by this monitoring function.
[3-1]Signal flow of Ixt utilisation - brake chopper
The monitoring function is based on a mathematical model which calculates the
braking current from the current DC-bus voltage and the brake resistance
– Hence, the monitoring function can respond even if no brake resistor is connected
and can therefore also be used for a testing mode to check the parameterisation.
The calculation considers the thermal utilisation of the brake transistor by a
correspondingly adapted time constant.
Use C00133
setting in C00173
to select whether the minimum brake resistance depending on the mains
(display in C00134), or the brake resistance value parameterised in
is to be used as a reference for calculating the utilisation.
displays the calculated utilisation of the brake transistor in [%].
– A 100 % utilisation corresponds to the continuous braking power which is provided
by the brake chopper at a DC-bus voltage of 790 V (or 390 V at a mains voltage of
230 V).
– The maximum braking power (assuming that the utilisation starts at 0 %) can be
provided for a period depending on the device.
– The calculated utilisation is also provided as the oscilloscope signal
Common.dnIxtBrakeChopper to check the braking operation while the system is
(scaling: 2
≡ 100 %).
If the utilisation exceeds the advance warning threshold set in C00570
, the message
"Brake chopper: Ixt > C00570" is entered into the logbook and the response set in
26LEDS94ARNExxxx EN 2.3 - 06/2014
(default setting: "Warning") is activated.
9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
100 %
Logbook entry ""Brake resistor: I2t > C00572
Logbook entry ""Brake resistor: I2t overload
Temperature model
When the utilisation reaches the limit value (100 %):
– The activation of the brake chopper is reset to the permanently permissible pulse-
no-pulse ratio (taking into account the parameterised brake resistance). (The brake
chopper is activated with 4 kHz, which means that it can be switched on/off at
minimum intervals of 250 μs.)
– The response set in C00573
corresponding effects on the state machine and the inverter.
If the DC-bus voltage exceeds the overvoltage threshold due to a too high
braking energy, the monitoring function for overvoltage in the DC bus responds.
DC-bus overvoltage utilisation of brake resistor
Regenerative power supply module application
Parameterising the brake chopper/brake resistor
(default setting: "No response") is activated with the
( 29)
The regenerative power supply module is provided with a monitoring function for the I
utilisation of the brake resistor which is proportional to the converted braking power.
The braking operation will never be switched off by this monitoring function.
The monitoring function is based on a mathematical model which calculates the
braking current from the current DC-bus voltage and the brake resistance
parameterised in C00129
– Hence, the monitoring function can respond even if no brake resistor is connected
and can therefore also be used for a testing mode to check the parameterisation.
The calculation considers the thermal utilisation of the brake resistor based on the
following parameters:
– Resistance value (C00129
– Continuous power (C00130
– Thermal capacity (C00131
EDS94ARNExxxx EN 2.3 - 06/2014L27
9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
Regenerative power supply module application
Parameterising the brake chopper/brake resistor
C00138 displays the calculated utilisation of the brake resistor in [%].
– A 100 % utilisation corresponds to the continuous power of the brake resistor
resulting at the maximum permissible temperature limit of the brake resistor.
– The calculated utilisation is also provided as the oscilloscope signal
Common.dnI2tBrakeResistor to check the braking operation while the system is
(scaling: 2
≡ 100 %).
If the utilisation exceeds the advance warning threshold set in C00572
"Brake resistor: I2t > C00572" is entered into the logbook and the response set in
When the utilisation reaches the limit value (100 %):
– The response set in C00574
– The activation of the brake chopper is reset to the permanently permissible pulse-
(default setting: "Warning") is activated.
(default setting: "No response") is activated with the
corresponding effects on the state machine and the inverter.
no-pulse ratio (taking into account the parameterised brake resistance). (The brake
chopper is activated with 4 kHz, which means that it can be switched on/off at
minimum intervals of 250 μs.)
, the message
The brake resistor can be thermally overloaded. Carry out protective measures
suitable for the system, e.g.:
• Parameterisation of an error response in C00574
parameterised error message in the application or machine control.
• External wiring using the temperature contact on the brake resistor (e.g.
interruption of the supply via mains contactor and activation of the
mechanical brakes).
and evaluation of the
If the system is dimensioned correctly, this monitoring function should not
respond. If individual rated data of the connected brake resistor are not known,
they must be determined "empirically".
From software version V2.0 onwards,C00571
the error response "Brake chopper is inhibited".
• If this error response occurs, the brake chopper is inhibited without providing
feedback to the device control. Instead, feedback is provided via the
LI_bChopperOffByTrouble output of the LS_LineInterface
• If the corresponding trigger threshold is fallen below by 5 %, the pulse inhibit
of the brake chopper is deactivated again and the status signal
LI_bChopperOffByTrouble is reset to FALSE.
and C00574 additionally provide
system block.
28LEDS94ARNExxxx EN 2.3 - 06/2014
9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting overvoltage
If the braking energy is too high and the DC-bus voltage therefore exceeds the overvoltage
threshold which results from the mains setting in C00173
error message is output and the response set in C00600
For hoist applications the "Fault" response should be selected in C00600 (in
combination with an emergency stop via mechanical brakes).
Regenerative power supply module application
Parameterising the brake chopper/brake resistor
, the "Overvoltage in the DC bus"
is activated (default setting:
EDS94ARNExxxx EN 2.3 - 06/2014L29
9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting
Regenerative power supply module application
Signal configuration
3.2Signal configuration
3.2.1Device and line interface
If required, the default signal configuration of the control and setpoint inputs of the device
and line interface can be easily reconfigured by parameterising the multiplexer
parameters assigned.
Device interface
Signal (Lenze setting)Control inputSignal configuration
DIGIN 1 Set controller inhibit
(inhibit regenerative feedback)
Control word 1 bit 01 Set controller inhibit
(inhibit regenerative feedback)
DIGIN 3 Reset error 1C03130/3
Control word 1 bit 07 Reset error 2C03130/4
Line interface
Signal (Lenze setting)Control inputSignal configuration
DIGIN 2 Activate brake chopperC03190/1
Control word 1 bit 02 Activate brake chopperC03190/2
30LEDS94ARNExxxx EN 2.3 - 06/2014
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