Leica CW4000 User Manual

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Installing BU-IS Software
As you are aware the BU-IS application software (FW, IW, MW and CW) interfaces to the imaging hardware (camer as, frame grabbers, microscopes, stages) via software that we supply on the 'Le ica Server CD'. The following diagram explains how these are organised as software modules.
The testing of this Server CD is very complex as it has to be checked with multiple applications, operating system s, cameras etc. We even have to test all the diff erent PCs and graphics boar ds. As you can see this is a very demanding and time-consuming task and it occupies 2 engineers at Cambridge full-time - One writing the software and the second in testing.
In addition we rely on sof tware produced by our coll eagues at CM (for the micros cope DM SDK) and SM (for the DC Twain camera software).
Many of the item s that have to be tested for compatibility are outside our control and can change dur in g the testing process. To give examples:
a) The frame grabber becomes obsolete and the manufacturer has not given advanced warning. b) We discover bugs in the non-BU-IS software that are not apparent in normal use but which cause our applications to fail. c) New microscopes and cameras are launched.
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