KROHNE MFC-300 User Manual

Supplementary instructions
Supplementary instructions
MFC 300
MFC 300
MFC 300MFC 300
Supplementary instructionsSupplementary instructions
Signal converter for mass flowmeters
Description of PROFIBUS interface
Description of PROFIBUS interface
Description of PROFIBUS interfaceDescription of PROFIBUS interface
PROFIBUS PA:PROFIBUS PA: PROFIBUS device with MBP Physical Interface and PA Profile 3.0 (V3.0.3 / 100811) PROFIBUS DP:
PROFIBUS DP:PROFIBUS DP: PROFIBUS device with RS485 Physical Interface and PA Profile 3.0 (V3.0.3 / 100811)
© KROHNE 07/2014 - 4001086802 - AD MFC 300 PROFIBUS R02 en
MFC 300
1 Safety instructions 4
1.1 Scope of the document..................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Scope of delivery............................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Special notes .................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Software history ............................................................................................................... 5
2.2 System configuration of PROFIBUS DP network............................................................. 6
2.3 Electrical connection for DP signal converter................................................................. 7
2.4 Technical data................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 GSD files for the data transfer ....................................................................................... 10
2.5.1 Cyclic data exchange............................................................................................................. 10
2.5.2 Baud rate............................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.3 Ident.-No. supported............................................................................................................. 10
2.5.4 Manufacturer specific GSD files: KR014510.GSD................................................................. 11
2.5.5 Profile specific GSD file: PA039742.GSD .............................................................................. 13
3.1 Software history ............................................................................................................. 14
3.2 System configuration of PROFIBUS PA network ........................................................... 15
3.3 Electrical connection for PA signal converter ............................................................... 16
3.4 Technical data................................................................................................................. 17
3.5 GSD files for the data transfer ....................................................................................... 18
3.5.1 Cyclic data exchange............................................................................................................. 18
3.5.2 Ident.-No. supported............................................................................................................. 18
3.5.3 Manufacturer specific GSD files: KR014511.GSD and YP014511.GSD................................. 19
3.5.4 Profile specific GSD file: PA139742.GSD .............................................................................. 21
3.5.5 Using the display menu to distinguish the current revision of the device (PA) ................... 22
3.6 Signal converter MFC 300 PROFIBUS PA with MBP interface as replacement for older
signal converter MFC 050/051 PA......................................................................................... 22
3.6.1 Ident.-No. supported............................................................................................................. 22
3.6.2 Manufacturer specific GSD files (PA): KROHE801.GSD and YP01E801.GSD for the older sig-
nal converter MFC050/051 with PROFIBUS MBP interface........................................................... 22
3.6.3 Manufacturer specific GSD file: KROHE801.GSD................................................................. 24
3.6.4 Manufacturer specific GSD file: YP01E801.GSD................................................................... 24
4 Application profile 25
4.1 Function blocks .............................................................................................................. 25
4.2 Data structure of function block output values ............................................................. 25
4.2.1 Float value............................................................................................................................. 25
4.2.2 Status value........................................................................................................................... 26
4.3 Diagnosis parameter ...................................................................................................... 28
4.3.1 Diagnosis............................................................................................................................... 28
4.3.2 DIAGNOSIS ............................................................................................................................ 28
4.3.3 DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION....................................................................................................... 30
4.3.4 Mapping of DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION bits into DIAGNOSIS bits........................................... 31
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MFC 300
5 Profibus settings 34
5.1 Menu A, Quick Setup ...................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Menu B, Test................................................................................................................... 34
5.3 Menu C, Setup................................................................................................................. 35
5.4 Menu D, Service.............................................................................................................. 38
6 Notes 39
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1.1 Scope of the document
These instructions are supplementary to the signal converter Handbook. For all other data, use the relevant chapters of the Handbook. If you do not have this document, please contact the nearest office or download them from the manufacturer's internet site.
The information in this chapter only contains the data applicable to PROFIBUS communication. The technical data in the Handbook shall be valid in its current version, provided that it is not rendered invalid or replaced by this supplement.
1.2 Scope of delivery
The information in this chapter only contains the data applicable to PROFIBUS communication. The technical data in the Handbook shall be valid in its current version, provided that it is not rendered invalid or replaced by this supplement.
A device for PROFIBUS communication is supplied with:
MFC 300
Supplementary instructions for PROFIBUS communication
PROFIBUS device data files (GSD) which can be also downloaded from the manufacturer's
internet site
1.3 Special notes
Don't switch off (power off) the signal converter immediately after manual change of parameter values:
Please wait approx. 10 seconds before you switch off the signal converter after you have done both a parameter download via PROFIBUS or a manual change of a parameter value via the local display.
Please wait approx. 15 seconds before you switch off the signal converter after you have carried out a "Factory Reset" (PROFIBUS "Coldstart") via PROFIBUS or local display.
"Deactivation of the Service Parameter Lock" of the signal converter via PROFIBUS:
After writing down the service password (via PROFIBUS) the "Deactivation of the Service Parameter Lock" will last at least 20 minutes if the internal password timer of the signal converter won't be retriggered by writing this password again. The "Deactivation of the Service Parameter Lock" will be terminated at once by a PROFIBUS Coldstart / Warmstart or if the internal password timer of the signal converter elapsed.
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MFC 300
2.1 Software history
Issued Signal converter Application program System integration
Hardware Firmware Hardware Software Driver Version Model name
11/06 Signal
01/11 Signal
converter with RS485 interface + PA Profile
converter with RS485 interface + PA Profile
GFP*: Generic Flow PROFIBUS M3P*: MFC300 PROFIBUS **: PDM 6.0
V2.2.1 / 061117 Simatic
other SPS of other manufact.
Laptop / PC PDM
V3.0.3 / 100811 Simatic
other SPS of other manufact.
Laptop / PC PDM
HW Config
other Software of other SPS manufact.
( 6.0 SP3)DD(Ident.-No.)
Pactware DTM GFP*DTM1.3.1
HW Config
other Software of other SPS manufact.
( 6.0 SP3)DD(Ident.-No.)
Pactware DTM GFP*DTM1.3.1
GSD manuf. specific
GSD profile specific
GSD manuf. specific
GSD profile specific
KR014510.GSD MFC300
PA039742.GSD Flow, dens,
M3P*DD0300.03** -
KR014510.GSD MFC300
PA039742.GSD Flow, dens,
M3P*DD0300.03** -
(RS485) Rev.1
temp with 3AI, 1TOT (PhyL 0)
(RS485) Rev.1
temp with 3AI, 1TOT (PhyL 0)
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2.2 System configuration of PROFIBUS DP network
The following diagram shows a typical network configuration with PROFIBUS devices with RS485 interface in a non-hazardous environment. The PROFIBUS devices with RS485 interface do not need any segment coupler. They are connected directly to the PROFIBUS DP network.
MFC 300
Figure 2-1: PROFIBUS DP network
1 SPS 2 PROFIBUS DP network with max. 12 Mbit/s 3 Signal converter 4 Other devices with PROFIBUS RS485 interface
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MFC 300
2.3 Electrical connection for DP signal converter
For a detailed description of the electrical connections please refer to the standard signal converter handbook.
Signal converter terminals B B- C C- D D-
PROFIBUS designation T +B -A -T +B -A
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Termination positive 2 TxD+/RxD+ second connection 3 TxD-/RxD- second connection 4 Termination negative 5 TxD+/RxD+ first connection 6 TxD-/RxD- first connection
External connection with spur
Spurs are not allowed at high data rates!
I = 110 nH R1 = 390 Ω R2 = 220 Ω
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External connection at last device with active internal bus termination
I = 110 nH R1 = 390 Ω R2 = 220 Ω
MFC 300
External connection to a trunk
1 e.g. incoming data lines 2 e.g. outgoing data lines
I = 110 nH R1 = 390 Ω R2 = 220 Ω
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MFC 300
2.4 Technical data
Type PROFIBUS RS485 interface according to IEC 61158-2
Connection Dependent of polarity; please note at electrical connection!
GSD GSD file on CD-ROM or from internet site
Device profile PA Profile compact class B, V 3.0 Address range 0126 (default 126)
Local control Local display and operator interface at device SAPs 2 x MS1 SAPs – acyclic interface to PLC
Function blocks 1 x TB = Transducer Block: contains the parameters and functions
0125 via PROFIBUS service set_slave_add 0126 via local display
126 via factory_reset = 2712
3 x MS2 SAPs – the number of MS2 Service Access Points is typically equal to the maximum number of master class 2 tools
defined in PA Profile 3.0
1 x PB = Physical Block: contains the parameters defined in PA Profile 3.0
8 x AI = Analog Input Blocks: contains the parameters defined in PA Profile 3.0
3 x TOT = Totalizer Function Blocks: contains the parameters defined in PA Profile 3.0
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2.5 GSD files for the data transfer
A PROFIBUS GSD ZIP file (e.g.; including both all GSD files and additional data files) you can get on a CD ROM or can be downloaded from the internet. The GSD file contains information that will be needed for project planning of the PROFIBUS communication network.
The relevant data files (e.g. _ _ _ _ .bmp / _ _ _ _ .dib) must be loaded into the bus configuration system/master system before start-up of the bus system.
2.5.1 Cyclic data exchange
During network configuration the user has to define which function block outputs of the signal converter should be transferred cyclically to the master. Network configuration will be done using one of the GSD files described before. The order of transmission of a function block always remains the same even if a function block is defined as an "Empty" block (if so, no function block output data will be sent to the master and all function block outputs following the empty block
output data will be sent to the master and all function block outputs following the empty block
output data will be sent to the master and all function block outputs following the empty block output data will be sent to the master and all function block outputs following the empty block will move up one position)
will move up one position).
will move up one position)will move up one position)
2.5.2 Baud rate
MFC 300
(if so, no function block
(if so, no function block (if so, no function block
Supported baud rates are listed in the GSD file. After power-on or PROFIBUS timeout a baud rate search is active to detect the current transfer speed on the bus. It is not necessary to set the baud rate manually.
If the data transmission rate is changed during operation the baud rate search will not be started by the device. A new power-up or a manual interruption of the PROFIBUS communication is required to activate the baud rate search in this case.
2.5.3 Ident.-No. supported
The signal converter with PROFIBUS RS485 interface is based on PROFIBUS PA Profile V 3.0. The device supports two Ident-No.:
Ident-No. "4510hex" belongs to the GSD file KR014510.GSD and includes the complete functionality of the Coriolis mass flowmeter.
The application of the manufacturer independent Ident-No. "9742hex" (GSD file "PA039742.GSD") provides interchangeability of devices, i.e. an exchange of Coriolis mass flowmeters of different vendors.
Please follow the instructions in the manual of the host supplier when installing the GSD File you need and the additional files (_ _ _ _ .bmp and _ _ _ _ .dib) into the PLC.
If separated by the bus configuration system the device entry of the PROFIBUS RS485 interface with PA Profile 3.0 will be located within the slave family PROFIBUS PA.
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MFC 300
2.5.4 Manufacturer specific GSD files: KR014510.GSD
The manufacturer delivers the GSD files with the entire device functionality, which is listed as follows:
Block number
Default configuration Function block output: value and
KR014510.GSD Ident-No. 4510
Default unit
1 Mass Flow AI-FB kg/s
2 Density AI-FB
3 Medium Temperature AI-FB K
4 Mass Totaliser Totaliser-FB kg
5 Volume Totaliser Totaliser-FB
6 Mass Totaliser Totaliser-FB kg
7 Volume Flow AI-FB
8 Concentration 1 AI-FB %
9 Concentration 2 AI-FB %
10 Concentration Mass Flow 1 AI-FB kg/s
11 Concentration Mass Flow 2 AI-FB kg/s
AI: Analog Input Function Block
FB: Function Block
There are separate settings to select the units for local display and PROFIBUS. Modifications of the units of the display will have no effect on the data transferred via PROFIBUS. A master class 2 tool is required to modify the units for PROFIBUS transfer.
During network configuration the user has to define which function block outputs of the signal converter should be transferred cyclically to the master. This is performed by a bus configuration tool (e.g. "HW- Config" for PC-S7 from Siemens). This tool offers specific functions as follows:
1. It is possible to configure an "Empty" block (the code of an "Empty" block is defined as 0x00) on
each block number. This implies: no data are transmitted in the cyclic data telegram for this block.
2. There is NO "Totaliser (TOT)" function block allowed on block position 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11!
On these positions, only an "Analog Input (AI)" function block or an "Empty" block is allowed!
(Note: All codes supported by "Analog Input (AI)" - and "Totaliser (TOT)"
function blocks will
be found in the corresponding GSD files.)
3. There is NO "Analog Input (AI)" function block allowed on block position 4, 5 and 6! On these
positions, only a "Totaliser (TOT)" function block or an "Empty" block is allowed!
4. There is a choice of 7 different totaliser functions, which can be allocated to the blocks 4, 5
and/or 6.
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Definition of totaliser functions
Total cyclic transfer of the totaliser value with status to the master
SetTot + Total cyclic transfer of the totaliser value with status to the master + cyclic
ModeTot + Total cyclic transfer of the totaliser value with status to the master + cyclic
SetTot + ModeTot + Total cyclic transfer of the totaliser value with status to the master + cyclic
SetTot cyclic control data from master to the device via the parameter
ModeTot cyclic control data from master to the device via the parameter
SetTot + ModeTot cyclic control data from master to the device via the parameters
Both, the Byte SetTot and ModeTot are cyclically sent from the master to the device if these bytes are inserted as output data via the PLC configurator. The meaning of these control bytes are as follows:
MFC 300
control data from master to the device via the parameter SetTot
control data from master to the device via the parameter ModeTot
control data from master to the device via the parameters SetTot and ModeTot (in the given order)
SetTot and ModeTot (in the given order)
Function of control bytes
SetTot = 0 Totaliser is totalising.
SetTot = 1 Totaliser will be reset to 0 and stays at 0 until SetTot is switched back
SetTot = 2 Totaliser is set to the value defined by PresetTot. PresetTot can be
SetTot > 2 Not allowed. Value is ignored; totaliser remains in its last valid
ModeTot = 0 Totaliser totalises positive and negative values.
ModeTot = 1 Totalises only positive values.
ModeTot = 2 Totalises only negative values.
ModeTot = 3 Totaliser is stopped, no totalisation will be done.
ModeTot = 248 Totalises all values as positive, negative values will be multiplied with
ModeTot = 249 Totalises all values as negative, positive values will be multiplied with
again to 0. If the value of SetTot changes from "1" to "0" the totaliser starts counting from 0.
written via an acyclic master (totaliser in block 4 = Slot 4 Index 32; totaliser in block 5 = Slot 5 Index 32; totaliser in block 6 = Slot 6 Index
32). If the value of SetTot changes from "2" to "0" the totaliser starts counting from the current value defined by PresetTot.
All other values of ModeTot not allowed. Value is ignored; totaliser remains in its last valid setting.
The standard block configuration may be changed by the customer but using the default settings is highly recommended. If the standard block configuration should be changed by the customer an acyclic master tool or the device display menu must be used to change the "channel parameter" value of the block which should be connected to another transducer output value. 07/2014 - 4001086802 - AD MFC 300 PROFIBUS R02 en
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