Kalmar DRD-S, DRD-GB Handbook

This Handbook deals with the design and maintenance of Kalmar machines, type DRD-S for the handling of contai­ners.
In addition, it gives details of trouble­shooting and the most common corrective maintenance.
Chassis and cab
Electrical system
Transmission, drive axle, brakes
Operation and other matters that are primarily of interest to the operator are included it the Instruction Manual.
Kalmar Industries AB
This handbook applies to machines from and including machine number T34107.0784 as well as T34107.0621 and T34107.0769, see next page.
We reserve the right to modify our design and material specifi­cations without prior notice.
Publ. Nr 920 937 9407 04-10 AdEra Dokument AB, Växjö 2004
Steering axle
Boom and attachment
Periodic supervision
This Handbook applies to machines from and including machine number T34107.0784 as well as T34107.0621 and T34107.0769
These machines are of a new design that entails the f ollowing dif ferences from ol der machines. The chang­es do not apply to machines with combi-attachments or top-lift with pileslope.
1. The electrical system is equipped with a separat e KDU for the top-lift, comp onent number 791. The KDU communicates with ECU 2 via a CAN bus.
2. The main valve of the top-lift is fed by a variable hydraulic pump. The main valve is common for all of the top-lift’s functions.
3. The length adjustment of the top-lift is manoeu vred by means of a hydraulic motor and chain.
4. The top-lift rotation brake is manoeuvred completely hydraulically.
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
S.Grupp 00
Contents Group 00
Safety regulations...................................... .... ........................... 2
General...................................................................................... 6
Design – Overview .............................................................. 6
Component units ........................................... ... ... ............... 7
Supplementary books ......................................................... 9
Replacement system – Spare parts ................................... 9
Tools .............................. .......................... ......................... .. 9
Tightening torques.............................................................. 10
System of units ................................................................. 12
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Safety regulations
S.Grupp 00
It is important that you read the instruction manual.
Incorrect handling can lead to personal injury or dam­age to products and/or property . Therefore , read the in­struction book very carefully before ope rating the truck. The instruction manual contains important information about your Kalmar truck, about the operation of the truck, about safety during oper ation and about the truck's daily maintenance. In addition, you will find use­ful information that will make operations easier for y ou in your daily work.
The instruction manual must always be kept in the ma­chine. If the manual should be lost, a replacement m ust be immediately obtained. Never use a machine with a missing instruction manual.
Ask your foreman/group leader if there is anything in the manual that you do not understand or if you f eel that information is missing in any area.
The symbol is used on our products in certain cases and then refers to important information con­tained in the instruction manual. Make sure that warn ­ing and information symbols are always clearly visible and legible. Replace symbols tha t have been d amaged or painted over.
In this instruction manual war n in gs ar e inserted that apply to your own safety. Warnings point out the risk of accident that can cause personal injury.
Warns of the risk of seriou s personal injury, pos­sible death and/or serious dama ge to product or property if the regulations are not followed.
For technical warnings, that point out the risk of break down, the word IMPORTANT is used:
Safety regulations aimed at reducing the risk of personal injury and damage to loads or other property.
Intended of use
z The truck may only be used for the purpose for
which it was intended, namely, to lift and transport goods, the weight of which doe s not exceed the maximum permitted load capacity of the truck.
z The truck may not, without specific permission
from Kalmar, be mod ified or re-built so that its func­tion or performance is altered.
z The truck may not be driven on public highways if
it has not been adapted to comply with national road safety regulations.
Operator requirements
z The truck may only be driven by operators who
have been specially trained and who have the company's authority to do so.
z Laws and other regulations relati ng to driving li-
cence, operator ID, log book, etc., must be fol­lowed at all times.
z The operator must be aw are of and f oll ow all local
safety regulations.
z It is always the responsibility of the operator to en-
sure that the truck has appro v ed fire e xt inguishing equipment in accordance with currently applicab le regulations.
Operation of the truck is prohibited:
z If any of the fitted safety equipment, such as rear
view mirrors, headlights, reversing alarm (option­al), does not function correctly.
z If there is a fault with the brakes, steering or lift
z If it has been repaired, modified or adjusted with-
out the approval of the work supervisor.
z If the truck is fitted with tyres not appro ved by
IMPORTANT! Is used to draw attention to such occurrences that can cause damage to the product or property.
For information that facilitates the working process or handling, N.B. is used:
N.B. Draws attention to useful information tha t helps the working process.
Emergency exit
If the doors should not o pen in an emergency, open the rear window for emergency exit.
A rear window that can be opened is standard on ma­chines with hydraulically moveable cab. Optional on other machines.
Continued on next page
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Safety regulations
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Continued from previous page
Operating regulations
z Before starting, make sure that the cab is locked
in the rear-most position by me ans of the latches, one on each side. The latches must be secured with spring pins. (Applies to manually moveable cabs).
z Before starting, always check to ensure that no-
body is in the way of the truck or its equipment.
z The operator must alw ays f ace the direction of op -
eration and take particular care in areas wher e persons or other vehicles are likely to appear in the vicinity . If visibility is limited by the load, the op­erator should operate the truck in reverse.
z It is prohibited to walk or stand underneath raised
forks or other equipment, whether the y are loaded or not.
z It is prohibited to transport passengers on the
truck outside the cab or on the load. Passengers may be transported inside the cab only on condi­tion that it is equipped with a fixed passenger seat.
z It is prohibited to lift people if the truck is not
equipped with an approved lift cage.
z It is prohibited to exceed the load capacity of the
truck. See capacity plate and loading diagram.
z It is prohibited to transport loads in the raised po-
sition as this entails a risk of the truck tipping. All transportation shall take place with the load in the transport position.
z The operator must adapt the speed of the truck to
the character of the load, conditions of visibility, the character of the roadway/surface, etc.
z The operator shall avoid powerful acceleration
and braking when turning. In addition, the opera­tor shall always moderate the speed of the truck when turning so as to avoid the risk of lateral skid­ding or tipping.
z The operator shall take pa rticular care when oper-
ating in the vicinity of electrical power lines, via­ducts, quay-sides, ramps, gates/doors etc.
z Safety belts must always be worn, if fitted. In the
event of the truck tipping, always remain in the cab and grip the steering wheel securely. Never try to jump out of the cab.
z The parking brake can also be used as an EMER-
GENCY BRAKE. However, having been used f or emergency braking, the brake linings must be checked and repl aced if necessary. If the parking brake has been mechanically released, it must always be rese t in order for the truck to regain the parking brake function.
Interrupted operation, parking
z Always check that the gear lever is in the neutral
position before turning the ignition k ey to restart or to reset an emergency stop.
z Never leave the operator's cab without applying
the parking brake (ON position).
z Always remov e the ignition key if the truck is to be
left unattended.
Other important points to remember
z The truck's hydraulic system includes high pres-
sure hydraulic accumulators . Always be extremely careful when working with the hydraulic system and avoid being unnecessarily close to the hy­draulic equipment, lines and hoses. Before work­ing on the hydraulic system, t he accumulators
must be emptied into the tank, with the help o f the special accumulator evacuation valve.
z Handle batteries and junction boxes with great
care. The batteries must alwa ys be protected over the poles and connections.
z Always rectify any damage or wear and tear that
can risk personal safety or that can af fect the func­tions of the truck or its service life.
z Avoid touching oils and greases. Avoid inhaling
exhaust and oil fumes.
z Always use step s and handrails when en tering or
leaving the machine - Never jump! T o avoid t he risk of slipping, tread only on anti-slip surfaces. If the anti-slip protection has become worn, loose or in any way less effective, it should be replaced.
z Welding painted steel produces poisonous gas-
ses. Paint should therefore be stripped before welding, good ventilation ensured and/or face mask with filter used.
z Mobile phones used in the cab must alw a ys ha v e
fixed connections to the machine’s elec trical sys­tem, with a fixed antenna outside the machine, mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. This will avoid interference with the machine’s important electronic functions.
Operating with attachments
z The operator must always take the effect of the
wind into account when handling containers. Avoid lifting with a wind strength in excess of 12 m/s (27 mph/40 feet per second).
z Always drive carefully so as to avoid attachments
colliding with pillars, cables, etc.
z Carefully study the "Lift methods" section of the
instruction manual.
z The tensile strength of the top pane can be seri-
ously weakened by exposure to elements that contain: Aromatic hy droca rbo n, ketone, esters or chlorinated hydrocarbon. Regularly check the surface condition of the top pane and clean only with screen wash or other mild cleaning fluid. After cleaning, rinse tho rough­ly with warm water. It is prohibited to modify or in any other way make altera tions to the top pane. Immediately replace damaged top panes t hat show signs of cracking or scratching.
CE marking
All trucks and equipment (though not thoses fitted on the truck or intended as spare parts) supplied from Ka­lmar are CE marked, which indicates that th ey co mply with the requirements of the EU Machine Saf ety Direc­tive. In addition, each truck has a so called, “EU Dec­laration of Conformity” which is the legal pr oof that the truck complies with the “health and safety” require­ments laid down in the Machine Safety Directive, the EMC directive (electro-magnetic compatibility) and the LVD directive (electrical equipment).
Vibration standard
The truck complies with and is below the limits for vi­bration standard EN 13059.
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Safety regulations
Safety regulations
S.Grupp 00
z Only authorized and qualified personnel may
work with the safety system. (ECS-system)
z If the overload safety system override functio n
has been used, there is a risk of forw ard tipping. The truck should be operated with e xtreme car e to prevent accidents.
z Great care must be exercised at all times when
driving the machine. Always re member the great height and width of the machine so that collision with beams, cables etc. is avoided
z It is prohibited to start lifting a container if the
warning light TWIST -LOCK UNLOCKED (red) is lit or if any of the warning lights TWIST-LOCK LOCKED (green) or ALIGNMENT (orange) are extinguished. N.B. the ALIGNMENT warning light goes out once the lift has begun.
z If the safety system warning lamps are not func-
tioning, the system must be immediately re­paired. To use a truck with faulty w arning lamps is a great safety risk.
z Do not drive the truck with load raised high
above the gr ound, since the truck ma y ov erturn. The transport of heavy loads must be carried out with the load as close to the truck as possible, i.e. with the boom retracted and lowered as far as possible without obstructing vision, see pic­ture below.
z Never run hands or fingers along any tu bes,
pipes or hoses whilst investigating for possible leaks as some of these lines (diesel fuel, hydrau­lic, steering, etc.) operate at extremely high pressures and even the most minute of leaks can cause oil or fluid to penetrate the skin.
z Under no circumstances may compressed air be
used to remove a hydraulic piston from its cylin­der.
z Always attend to damage and w ear that ma y be
of significance to the perf ormance and useful life of the truck or to the safety of the personnel.
z Follow the safety rules whenever carrying out
service work on the air conditioner. The refriger­ant is injurious to the skin and eyes. Only author­ized service personnel may repair the system.
z The truck’s h ydraulic syst em includes high pres-
sure hydraulic accumulators. Bef ore working on the hydraulic system, the accumulators must be emptied into the tank, with the help of the special accumulator evacuation valve. Also valve B for emergency pressure to servo system must be opened.
z Never carry out any service work on the boom or
attachment when the engine is running.
Transport position
A. Quick evacuation valve, accumulators B. Valve for emergency pressure to servo system
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Safety regulations
Safety instructions for working with tyres
S.Grupp 00
z Tyre changing can be dangerous and should only be
carried out by specially trained personnel using proper tools and procedures. Fail­ure to comply with these procedures may result in faulty positioning of the tyre and/or rim and cause the assembly to burst with explosive force sufficient to cause physical injury or death. Never fit or use dam­aged tyres or rims.
z Ne v er attempt to weld on an inflated tyr e/rim assem-
z Never let anyone assemble or disassemble tyres
without proper training.
z Never run the truck on one tyre of a dual assembly.
The load capacity of a single tyre is then dangerous­ly exceeded and oper ation in this manner may dam­age the rim.
z Deflation and dismantling
– Always block the tyre and wheel on the opposite
side of the vehicle bef ore yo u place the jac k in po­sition. Always crib up the blocks to prevent the jack from slipping.
– Always check the tyre/rim assembly for proper
component seating prior to removal from the truck.
– Always deflate the t yre by removing the v alve core
prior to removing the complete assembly from the truck or dismantling any of th e component. Before loosening mounting bolts, run a wire through the valve stem to en sure that it is not blocked. Ice or dirt can prevent all the air from escaping. Deflate and remove valve cores from both tyres of a dua l assembly.
– Never position body in front of the rim during de-
– Always follow assembly and dismantling proce-
dures outlined in the manufacturer’s instruction manual, or other reconized indu stry instruction manuals. Use proper rubber lubricant.
– Never use a steel hammer to assembling or dis-
mantling rim components – use a lead, brass or plastic type mallets. The correct tools are availa­ble through rim/wheel distributors.
– remove bead seat band slowly to prevent acci-
dents. support the band with your thigh and ro ll it slowly to the ground in order to protect back and toes.
– Disassembly tools apply pressure to rim flanges
to unseat tyre beads. Keep your fingers clear. Slant disassembly tool about 10 degrees to keep it firmly in place. Always stand to one side when applying hydraulic pressure. Should the tool slip off, it may cause fatal injury.
z Rim inspection
– Check rim components periodically for fatigue
cracks. Replace all cracked, badly worn, dam­aged and sev erely rusted components.
– Always select the correct tyre size and construc-
tion matching the manuf actur er’s rim or wheel rat­ing and size.
– Do not use over-size tyres, too large for the rims,
e.g. 14.5 inch tyres with 14 inch rims or 16.5 inch tyres with 16 inch rims.
– Never use damaged, worn or corroded rims/
wheels or fitting hardware. Always verify that the
rim is in a serviceable conditioning. – Always clean and repaint lightly rusted rims. – Never use a rim/wheel component that ca n not be
identified. Check rim parts against multi-
piece rim/wheel matching charts.
z Assembly and inflation
– It is important that the inflation equipment is
equipped with a water separator to remove mois-
ture from the air line in order to pr ev ent co rrosion.
Check the separator periodically to ensure that it
is working properly. – Make sure that the lockring is in its right position. – Never mi x different manuf acturer’ s parts since this
is potentially dangerous. Always check manufac-
turer for approval. – Never seat rings with hammering while the tyre is
inflated. Do not hammer on an inflated or partially
inflated tyre/rim assembly. – Always double check to ensure that the rim as-
semblies have been correctly assembled and that
securing studs and nuts are tightened to the cor-
rect torque setting. – Never inflate tyres before all side and lockrings
are in place. Check components for proper as-
sembly after pumping to appro xim ately 5 psi (=34
kPa, =0.34 bar) – When adding air to a tyre on an industrial truck,
use a clip-on chuck and stay out of the dange r ar-
ea. If the tyres has been run flat then the rim must
be dismantled and all parts inspected f or damage . – Under-inflated tyres have a serious effect on the
stability of the truck and reduces the safe load
handling capacity. Always maintain tyres at the
correct inflation pressures. Check inflation pres-
sure daily. Do not over-inflate. – Inspect tyres regulary – every day if possible.
Look for and remove brok en gla ss, torn pieces of
tread, embedded metal chips etc. Inspect f or une-
ven or rapid tread wear, usually caused by me-
chanical irregularities, such as brakes out of
adjustment or excessive toe-in and toe-out. If dis-
covered, correc t the irregularity immediately.
z When installing and tight ening trail wheel bolts, ob-
serve the following: – Ensure that trail wheel or hub mounting surfaces
and trail wheel fastener mounting surfaces are
clean and free from paint and grease. – Tighten bolts to specified torque settings . use
staggered sequence; i.e. top bolt , bott om bolt e tc.
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
S.Grupp 00
Design – Overview
Kalmar DRD420–450 model S diesel trucks are of sturdy design for particularly heavy duty handling of 20-40' loaded con tainers. They are built around a chassis which has high strength and tor­sional stiffness and an extremely low centre of gravity.
The operator’ s cab is prov ided with vibr ation isolat ion and so und insulation and offers excellent all-round visibility.
There are many adjustments that can be made to the operator's driving position. The position of the seat, back support and firm­ness of the driving seat can be adjusted in a number of ways.
The trucks are equipped with a sliding cab . This puts the opera tor in an exceptional position to superwise th e top lift attachment and offers excellent accessibility to the transmission and hydraulic pumps. The engine is easily accessib le through a remo vab le run­ning board.
To special order, the trucks are equipped with hydraulically pow­ered sliding cab.
DRD420-65S5 with 20-40’ adjustable top lift
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
S.Grupp 00
The Volvo six-cylinder turbocharged engine, combined with a four-speed gearbox with torque converter, prov ides smooth power whenever needed.
The drive axle with hub reduction, oil-cooled h y draulic br ak e sys­tem and pendulum-mounted steered axle with double-acting steering cylinder satisfy very strict demands on strength and mo­bility when travelling on irregular surfaces.
The hydraulic system is reliable and has high performance.
Component units
z Sound-insulated operator’ s cab with excellent all-round visibil-
ity. The non-slip, substantial steps provide convenient access to the cab. As an optional extra, a hydraulically movable cab is available.
z ECS-system which controls the electric servo circuits and also
overload protection system. (With elect ronic balance, module 60 or 52, the loading conditions are indicated on a displa y on the ECS-terminal in the operator’s cab.)
z Engine - Volvo TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE six-cylinder, four-
stroke, turbocharged di esel engine with direct injection and thermostatically controlled water cooling.
The engine is equipped with: – Injection pump with centrifugal gov ernor that compensates
for load variations.
– Smoke limiter f or reduced free acceleration and full load
z Gearbox with torque converter
– Constant-mesh gearbox changes b y means of hydraulically
activated clutches which are electrically operated.
– Torque converter, which is a hydraulic coupling that ampli-
fies the output torque on an increase in load. Torque con­version takes place smoothly and steplessly throughout th e engine speed range.
– Oil cooler connected to the engine cooling system for cool-
ing the oil in the gearbox and torque converter.
– Oil pump which supplies oil under pressure to the gearbo x
and torque converter.
– Full-flow oil filter for effective cleaning of the gearbox oil.
z Drive axle with two-stage reduction - in the diffe rential and the
hub reductions. – Hydraulic, oil cooled disk brak es – wet disk brak es – for the
foot brake.
– Disc type parking brake applied by sturdy springs and re-
leased by hydraulic oil pressure.
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
z Hydraulic system, that occurs in two versions:
S.Grupp 00
1. With common tank for all hydraulic and brake circuits. – a double variab le hydr aulic pump , feeds L ift 1, Extension 1,
hydraulic servo, steering system
– a double variab le hydr aulic pump , feeds L ift 2, Extension 2,
attachment functions – a fixed, wing type pum p f or the feeding of the brake system – hydraulic fluid cooler for the brake system cooling circuit
2. With a separate tank f or th e working hydraulics and a separ a­te tank for the brake circuit.
– a double variab le hydr aulic pump , feeds L ift 1, Extension 1,
hydraulic servo, steering system
– a double variab le hydr aulic pump , feeds L ift 2, Extension 2,
attachment functions – a fixed, wing type pum p f or the feeding of the brake system – a hydraulic fluid cooler for the brake system cooling circuit – a fixed, wing type pump for the circulation of the main tank’ s
hydraulic fluid through a hydraulic fluid cooler – hydraulic fluid cooler for the main tank
z Main valves for controlling the main hydraulics . The valves are
controlled by an electro-hydraulic servo system from the cab. An electro-hydraulic servo system is available as an option.
z High pressure filters for effe ctive cleaning of the h ydraulic fluid
before it is returned to the tank.
z Priority valve giving priority to the steering system when re-
z Steering valve (Orbitrol) - flow-control valve which supplies h y-
draulic fluid to the steering cylinder.
z A hydraulic oil cooler with electrically powered fan
z Steered axle with pendulum mounting and double-acting
steering cylinder.
z Lift cylinders equipped with blocking valves, which eliminate
any undesirable sinking of the load. A regeneration system gives high lifting speed at no load conditions.
z Boom of a slender, high -tensile ste el construction. Th e boom
is pivot-mounted and comprises a fixed and a telescope sec­tion manoeuvred by means of a double-acting extension cyl­inder. The extension system is equipped with regeneration system for quick boom-out speed at no-load conditions.
z Top-lift attachment, adjustable for handling 20 and 40 foot
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
S.Grupp 00
Supplementary books
In addition to the Instruction Manual and the Technical Hand­book, the following books are delivered with every truck.
Spare parts catalogue Instruction Manual for Volvo Industrial engines
Replacement system - Spare parts
Kalmar operates a system of replacement parts, repair kits and gasket sets covering most of the vital components of the truck.
For the contents of these kits, see the Spare parts catalogue.
Kalmar offers a wide range of tools for truck maintenance work. For further information, please contact Kalmar's service depart-
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
S.Grupp 00
Tightening torques
(According to Kalmar K Standards 20060.0001) The tightening torques are applicab le to steel bolts and n uts tight-
ened with a torque wrench under the following conditions:
Surface treatment
Condition Lubriation
Bolt Nut
1 untreated untreated oiled
bright galvanised
3 hot-dip galvanised bright galvanised dry or oiled
The values specified in Table 1 are applicable to nut-and-bolt joints, but can also be used f or bolts fitted into tapped holes . How­ever , in the latter case, the preloading f orce will be somewhat low­er, depending on its depth of engagement.
When tightening by machine, the torque specified in Table 1 should be reduced by approx. 5%, due to the increased scatter and to prevent the bolt from being tightened beyond its yield point.
Quality 8,8 10,9 12,9
Thread M fin
M8×1 M10×1,25 M12×1,25 M16×1,5 M18×1,5
bright galvanised bright galvanised
Tightening torque, Nm
27 54
96 230 330
24 48
85 205 294
untreated bright galvanised bright galvanised
61 108 260 373
135 323 466
dry or oiled
39 76
91 162 388 559
M20×1,5 M24×2 M30×2 M36×3
786 2660 1560
700 1388 2367
888 1763 3005
647 1100 2200 3730
777 1330 2640 4480
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
To reduce the risk of settlement of the material and the associated reduction in the preloading f orce if the hardness of t he surface supporting the bolt head or nut is lower than 200 HB, a washer should be fitted under the bolt head and nut. This is not applicable if flanged bolts or flanged nuts are used.
When tightening is carried out, the specified torque shou ld be ap­plied without pause, to ensure that the torque wrench will not be tripped by the static friction before the joint has been tightened to the specified torque.
Quality 8,8 10,9 12,9
Tightening torque, Nm
Thread M
S.Grupp 00
4 5 6 8
10 12
16 20 24 30
Quality 8,8 10,9 12,9
Thread UNC
1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2
3,2 6,4
11 26 52
91 220 430 750
70 107
2,9 5,7 9,8
24 47
81 198 386 668
Tightening torque, Nm
11,1 22,3
3,6 7,2
30 59
103 250
14,1 28,3
50 79
4,6 9,1
16 38 74
128 313
620 1050 2080
62 100 151
11 19 45 89
154 375
732 1270 2500
20 42
73 118 178
9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8
1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2
153 210 370 594
889 1260 1760 2320 3060
136 187 390 528
791 1120 1565 2065 2720
173 237 418 671
1005 1424 1990 2620 3455
216 298 524 839
1260 1780 2490 3280 4320
255 353 619 990
1480 2100 2940 3870 5100
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Quality 8,8 10,9 12,9
Tightening torque, Nm
Thread UNF
S.Grupp 00
1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2
9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8
1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2
13 26 47 75
114 164
227 396 629
937 1350 1860 2500 3260
11 23 42 66
101 145
202 352 560
834 1200 1655 2225 2900
14 29 53 85
128 185
256 447 710
1058 1525 2100 2825 3680
19 37
67 107 162
231 321 559 889
1320 1900 2630 3530 4610
System of units
The SI system of units is employed in this handbook: The conversion factors are as follows:
megapascal bar Kilogram-force per
square centimetre, kpf/cm² Atmosphere, at
per square
22 44
79 126 191
273 379 661
1560 2250 3110 4170 5450
1 0,1 0,098
Newton­meter Nm
1 9,81
Kilowatt kW
1 0,735
10 1 0,98
10,2 1,02 1
Kilogram force-metre kgf m
0,102 1
Horsepower (metric)hpHorsepower
1,36 1
Pound-force foot lbf ft
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
S.Grupp 10
Group 10 Chassis and cab
Specification .............................................................................. 2
Chassis...................................................................................... 3
Description ........................................................................... 3
Chassis............................................................................ 3
Support jacks................................................................... 3
Operator’s cab................................................................. 4
Steering column .............................................................. 9
Hydraulics control unit................................................... 10
Service ............................................................................... 11
Changing the fresh air filter ........................................... 11
Check and lubrication of brake pedal............................ 11
Windscreen wipers........................................................ 12
Air conditioning unit ................................................................. 13
Description ......................................................................... 13
Service ............................................................................... 16
Checking the air conditioning unit ................................. 16
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Air conditioner
z Cab unit
Circulated air flow 500-600 m Electric power consumption approx. 350 W
z Compressor
Max. speed 4000 r/min Refrigerant R134a *) Electric power consumption approx. 50 W Oil capacity Zexel PAG SP-20 1.5 dl
z Condenser
Electric power consumption 250 W
z Cooling effect 6-8,5 kW z Heating effect approx. 11 kW
*) Refrigerant R12 is no longer in production due to legislation
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ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
S.Grupp 10
The chassis consists of:
z A unit construction frame built up around t wo box- sections for
best possible strength.
z Mountings for the drive axle, steered axle, telescope-boom,
lifting cylinders and transmission.
z The necessary counterweights to provide a very low centre of
gravity. Moreover , the ste ered axle is designed to serve as an additional counterweight.
The hydraulic oil tank and t he fuel tank are produced as separat e units and are bolted to the side of the chassis. The tanks have a low profile, which contributes to the good visibility.
Support jacks
Certain machines are equipped with support jacks to increase the capacity in the third container row, see group 20.
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Operator’s cab
S.Grupp 10
Operator’s cab
The operator’ s cab is a separ ate structure and rests on the chas­sis on rubber dampers. The operator’s seat, steering wheel and hydraulic control le vers can be adjusted for best possible operator comfort. Effective insulation minimises the vibrations and sound level in the cab.
The standard heating system consists of a fan and heater for heating the air in the cab by recirculation. Fresh air is drawn in through a ventilation air filter. Full air conditioning, with cooling, heating and dehumidification, is available to special order.
1. Steering column with control levers and switches, ECS-terminal
2. Heating system
3. Air filter
4. Electrical central unit
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
31 4 5 2 6
Operator’s cab
S.Grupp 10
789 10111213
1. Gear selector FORWARD/NEUTRAL/REVERSE 1/2/3/4
3. Instrument panel
4. Steering wheel panel
5. Starting switch
6. Control lever and control panel for hydraulic functions
7. Electrical central unit with fuses and relays
8. Brake pedals, normal driving brake
9. Release clutch
10.Accelerator pedal
11.Steering wheel adjustment
12.Servo circuit breaker
13.Parking brake
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Operator’s cab
S.Grupp 10
55 56 60 59
40 41 42 43 44 45 52 53
47 48 49 50 51
57 58 64 61 62 63
21. Pressure gauge, gearbox oil pressure
22. Fuel gauge
23. Temperature gauge, engine coolant temperature
24. Switch, working lights
25. Switch, working lights
26. Switch, working lights
27. Switch, flashing beacon
28. Switch, hazard warning lights
29. Switch, driving lights
30. Spare
31. Spare
32. Spare
33. Spare
34. Switch, compressor air conditioning
35. Control, recirculation/fresh air
36. Control, defrost/cab
37. Switch, fan
38. Control, heat
39. Control, cold
40. Spare
41. Spare
42. Warning lamp, battery charging
43. Warning lamp, low engine oil pressure
44. Warning lamp, low gearbox oil pressure
45. Warning lamp, low brake pressure (accumulator pressure)
46. Warning lamp, low engine coolant level
47. Indicating lamp, preheating
48. Warning lamp, high engine coolant temperature
49. Warning lamp, high gearbox oil temperature
50. Spare
51. Warning lamp, parking brake ON
52. Spare
53. Spare
54. Spare (Green lamp TWIST-LOCKS LOCKED)
55. Spare (Orange lamp ALIGNMENT)
56. Spare (Red lamp TWIST-LOCKS UNLOCKED)
58. Spare (LENGTH ADJUSTMENT 20-40')
59. Indicating lamp, headlights
60. Indicating lamp, direction indicators
61. ECS terminal
62. Switch, windscreen wiper, rear
63. Switch, windscreen wiper, roof
64. Spare
65. Fuses
66. Hour meter
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Operator’s cab
S.Grupp 10
Joy-stick functions
1. Tilt
2. a. Locking of til t b. Locking of levelling
3. Rotation
4. Side shift
5. Vertical lift
6. Boom OUT/IN
7. Levelling
8. Length adjustment 20'–40'
9. Unlocking of twist-locks
Switch functions
13. Rotation limiting
15. AUT = Automatic locking of
twist-locks. The parking brake must be OFF MAN = Manual locking of twist-locks (spring-back) Unlocking off twist-locks, see Joy-stick function 9 above
17. Stop at 30' and 35'
18. Cab movemen t ho rizontal/vertical
19. Support jacks DOWN/UP 1)
20a. Red lamp, the support jacks have
left the upper position
20b. Green lamp, support jacks down
Button 17 for the connection and disconnection of the 30' and 35' stops
The position gives crawling speed the whole time during ex­tension and retraction. In order to by-pass the 30' stop press and thereafter . The next stop will be 35'.
It is practical to connect in once the 30' position has been passed.
N.B. When operating a machine which is equipped with hydraulic­ally moveable cab, the doors should be closed or the ca b in it s rea r posi ­tion otherwise all functions will be broken.
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Operator’s cab
S.Grupp 10
Lamp panel on the boom Container handling
A. Twist-locks locked, green B. Alignment, orange C. Twist-locks unlocked, red
Lit lamps at container lift: A+B Go out after lift: B
Overriding of the safety system is at one's own risk and involves a risk of for­ward tipping.
Engagement and disengagement of servo circuits
(Only in emergency situations)
1. Lower
2. Container coupling
KL 1407
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Operator’s cab
S.Grupp 10
Steering column
Surrounding the steering column are multi-function levers for gear changing, indicators, windshie ld wipers , et c., as w ell as the instrument panel with the ECS terminal. At the very foot of the steering column is the steering valve (Orbitrol), activated by the steering wheel via an angled gear. The steering column is equipped with an adjustment knob for the alteration of steering wheel height and rake.
1. Gear lever
2. Multi-function lever
3. ECS terminal
4. Steering wheel adjustment knob
5. Angled gear
6. Orbitrol steering valve
Column steering
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
KL 1407
Operator’s cab
S.Grupp 10
Hydraulics control unit
Control lever and switches used to manoeuvre the hydraulics system are located on an adjustable console with comfortable working position
The control lever is a jo ystick that is electroh ydr aulically connect­ed to the main valves.
1. Control lever
2. Connection and disconnection of servo cir­cuits
3. Control switches for attachment
4. Switch for overriding of safety system (for use in emergency situations only). Affects both overload protection and container con­nection.
Overriding of the safety sy stem is carried out at y our own risk as such overriding i nvolves a ri sk of f or war d tippin g.
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Operator’s cab
S.Grupp 10
Changing the fresh air filter
(every 200 hours or when needed)
1. Remove the filter casing retaining bolts and remove the filter element.
2. Wash the filter insert with water and detergent or by using a high pressure washer. Replace the insert if necessary.
3. Reinstall the filter insert.
Check and lubrication of brake pedal
(Every 1000:e hours)
1. Check and tighten the loc king screws 3, so that the br ake ped-
3 4
al is securely fitted in the console.
2. Lubricate the brake pedal shaft through the nipples 2.
1. Brake pedal
2. Lubricating nipple
3. Locking screw
4. Shaft
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Operator’s cab
S.Grupp 10
Windscreen wipers
The wiper arms are fixed to the wiper motor shafts via conical splines. The shafts are manufactured of hardened steel and the wiper arm mounting of soft, pressed metal. When fit ting, the nu ts must be tightened so hard that the splines are pressed well into the mounting and function as a carrier.
1. Remove the wiper arms by loosening the nuts and thereafter tapping and carefully rocking the arms to and fro.
1. Check to ensure that the splines on the motor shaft are free from the softer material from the wiper arm mounting.
If this is not the case, clean the splines so that they can pressed fully into the wiper arm mounting.
2. Fit the wiper arms onto the motor shafts and tighten the nuts to a torque of 16-20 Nm. Hold the wiper arm to take up the torque pressure so that it is not transferred to the motor, which could result in damage
The nuts must be tightened sufficiently hard, otherwise the shafts may start to slip in side the wiper arm mounti ng, resulting in damage.
1. Wiper arm fitting
2. Securing nut, wiper arm
3. Grooved cone on motor shaft
4. Wiper motor
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Air conditioning unit
Air conditioning unit
The air conditioning unit consists of the parts shown in the illus­tration and its function is to maintain the climate in the operator’s cab as comfortable as possible. The air conditioning unit:
z heats the air when it is cold z dehumidifies the air when it is humid z removes impurities from the air z cools the air when it is warm
The equipment is controlled by switches and controls on the in­strument panel.
S.Grupp 10
1.Heating control
2.Heat exchanger
4.Expansion v alve
5.To condenser
6.To compressor
7.Heating valve
8.From engine
9.To engine
12.Fan control
13.Fresh air filter
14.Air disperser
15.Control defrost/cab
16.Defroster outle t
15 16
The heating and ventilating system
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Air conditioning unit
S.Grupp 10
1. Liquid receiver/filter dryer
2. Evaporator
3. Fan
4. Expansion valve
6. Condenser
7. Compressor
A High-pressure gas B High-pressure liquid C Low-pressure liquid D Low-pressure gas E Warm air in cab F Cooled air to the cab G Outside air for removing heat
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
Air conditioning unit
The air conditioning system is driven by the compressor. This performs as a pump, drawing cold, low-pressure gas from the evaporator, compressing it and thereby raising its temperature, and discharging it at high pressure to the condenser.
The compressor is driven by V-belts directly from the diesel en­gine. Switching between operation and idling is controlled by an electro-magnetic clutch which, in turn, is controlled by a thermo­stat whose sensor is located between the fins of the evaporator coil. The thermostat switches off the compressor at low tempera­tures, to prevent icing of the evaporator.
The function of the condenser is to convert the hot high-pressure gas from the compressor into liquid form. The tubes and fins of the condenser coil absorb heat, which is then remov ed b y the air delivered by the fan.
The temperature of the refrigerant in the condenser varies from about +50°C to +70°C. The pressure varies between 12 and 20 bar, depending on the ambient temperature and the flow of air through the condenser. When the refrigerant is condensed into liquid form, it is transferred under pressure to the liquid receiver/ filter dryer.
S.Grupp 10
Liquid receiver with filter-dryer
The function of the liquid receiv er with integrated filter dryer is to collect the liquid coolant, bind the moisture, and to filter and re­move impurities. The receiver, which is located in the condenser housing, also serves as the expansion v essel in t he refrigeration circuit.
After flowing through the dryer in the bottom of the liquid receiver , the refrigerant flows through a riser tube. A sight glass enables the operator to check that the liquid flows without the presence of any bubbles, and that the system is filled with a sufficient amount of refrigerant.
Expansion valve
The expansion valve throttles the flow and passes an optimised quantity of refrigerant that the evaporator is capable of ev aporat­ing.
The expansion v alve is also the part of the circuit which separ ates the high- pressure side from the low-pressure side. The refriger­ant flows to the e xpansion valve under hig h pressure and lea v es it under low pressure.
The amount of refrigerant which passes the evaporator varies, depending on the thermal load. The valve operates from ’fully open’ to ’fully closed’ and in-between se arches f or a point to g ive optimum evaporation.
The heat necessary for evaporating the refrigerant is extracted from the cab air which is circulat ed b y a fan through the evapora­tor coil. The cab air is thus cooled, and is distributed and returned to the cab.
In the ev aporator , the refrigerant re verts to the gaseous state an d returns to the compressor suction, thereby completing the cycle.
ContChamp DRD-S
Technical Handbook
z If the refrigerant hose should fail or if
other refrigerant leakage should occur , switch off the air conditioner immedi­ately.
z Refrigerant is injurious to the skin and
z Never release refrigerant in an en-
closed space. If released into a service pit, for instance, the gas ma y cause as­phyxia.
z It is forbidden by law to discharge re-
frigerants into the airintentionally.
z Never carry out welding on a charged
refrigeration system or in its vicinity.
z Only authorised service mechanics are
allowed to drain off and fill refrigerant in the air conditioning system.
Only the prescribed refrigerant may be used when refilling.
Air conditioning unit
The liquid refrigerant should be completely evaporated before it is allowed to flow from the ev aporator. The refrigerant is still cold even when it has completely evapora ted. The cold v ap our which flows through what remains of the e vaporator contin ues to absorb heat, and then becomes overheated. This means that the temperature of the refrigerant has risen to abo ve th e point where it evaporates without changing the pressure.
In an evaporator which operates at a suction pressure of 2 bar, the liquid refrigerant will have a temperature of –1.1°C . When the refrigerant is subsequently e vaporated through heat absorption in the evaporator, the temperature of the gas will rise at the evap­orator outlet to +1.6°C. This represents a difference of 2.7°C be­tween the evaporation temper ature and the temperature at the outlet. This is called overheating.
All expansion valv es should be adjusted at the plant in such a wa y that maximum evaporation with overheating is performed in the air conditioning system.
Checking the air conditioning unit
If the unit is in continuous operation, this chec k should be carried out every week from early spring to late autumn and during ex­tended periods of high humidity during the winter.
S.Grupp 10
If the unit is used very little during cold and dry winter periods, th e compressor should be run for a f e w min utes every week, to lubri­cate the rubber hoses, couplings, seals and shaft seal.
1. Start the engine and start the air conditioner. At an outdoor temperature belo w 0°C, the system cannot start since the low-pressure relay breaks contact.
2. After 10 minutes of operation, check that no bubb les are visible in the sight glass of the filter-dryer. (Bubbles should occur only when the compressor is started and stopped.) If there are any air bubbles, subsequent filling should be per­formed by an authorised service mechanic.
3. Check that the condenser is not clogged. If necessary, clean the condenser fins and the fans with compressed air.
4. Change the fresh air filter as necessary.
5. Check the V-belt tension and the compressor mounting.
6. Check that the magnetic coupling engages and disengages satisfactorily.
7. Check that the condensate drain from the cooling element is not clogged. Check for leakage.
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