INFICON Probe Maintenance User Manual

Probe Maintenance
Ordinarily the probe should need very little maintenance.
Check the general appearance of the O-ring. It should be free of any deposits or defects when viewed with the naked eye. Inspect it from the side for low spots or insufficient height above the center ring.
Gently depress the pogo pins. Make sure that they move freely and that travel is not restricted. They should depress to a level well below the surface of the O-ring, at least by an amount equal to the thickness of the crystal. When extended they should extend well above the surface of the O-ring. Again, at least by an amount equal to the crystal thickness.
Removing bath residue following replacement of a broken crystal:
IPN 074-481-P1A
If there is any possibility that chemicals entered the cavity behind the crystal, it is very important to thoroughly rinse the cavity, the pogo contacts and the pogo contact sockets to remove any traces of the bath which might lead to corrosion.
Putting your thumbnail under the pogo head and pulling gently but firmly with your fingers should allow you to pull the pogo contact from its' socket. Thoroughly rinse the sockets and the pogo contacts themselves with de-ionized or distilled water to remove all traces of chemical. Even though the pogo sockets and contacts are gold plated, chemicals can lead to corrosion which may compromise the spring action of the contacts and in the extreme case make it impossible to replace the contacts without damage to the probe.
The cavity behind the crystal must be clean and dry. Any liquid trapped in the cavity may lead to condensation on the backside of the crystal causing excessive rate noise and even crystal failure. Use compressed dry air to remove any liquid around the O-ring and pogo pin contacts. Leave the crystal holder disassembled while not in use so that any liquid can evaporate.
Due to our continuing program of product improvements, specifications are subject to change without notice.
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