HP Neoview Messages User Manual

HP Neoview Messages Manual (Volume 1)
HP Part Number: 611472-001 Published: August 2010 Edition: HP Neoview Release 2.5
© Copyright 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
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Table of Contents
About This Document.........................................................................................................5
This Manual Has Two Volumes..............................................................................................................5
Supported Releases.................................................................................................................................5
ODBC and JDBC Messages.....................................................................................................................5
Document Organization.........................................................................................................................5
New and Changed Information..............................................................................................................6
Notation Conventions.............................................................................................................................7
Hypertext Links.................................................................................................................................7
General Syntax Notation...................................................................................................................7
Notation for Messages.......................................................................................................................8
Related Documentation..........................................................................................................................9
Neoview Customer Library...............................................................................................................9
Publishing History................................................................................................................................11
HP Encourages Your Comments..........................................................................................................11
1 Message Handling......................................................................................................13
Viewing Neoview Database Messages.................................................................................................13
SQLSTATE and SQLCODE...................................................................................................................13
Contacting Your Service Provider........................................................................................................14
2 Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 Through 1999).........................15
3 Neoview Compiler Messages (2000 Through 2999)..............................................67
4 Parser and Compilation Messages (3000 Through 3999).....................................89
5 Binder and Compilation Messages (4000 Through 4999)..................................131
6 Normalizer Messages (5000 Through 5999)........................................................171
7 Optimizer Messages (6000 Through 6999)..........................................................173
8 Generator Messages (7000 Through 7999)..........................................................179
9 Executor Messages (8000 Through 8999).............................................................185
10 UPDATE STATISTICS Messages (9200 Through 9218)........................................225
11 Executor Sort and Scratch File I/O Messages (10000 Through 10199)............229
Executor Sort Messages (10000–10049)...............................................................................................229
Scratch File I/O Messages (10101–10199)............................................................................................233
Table of Contents 3
12 Trigger, UDR Server, and Language Manager Messages (11000 Through
13 Materialized Views Messages (12000 Through 12329)......................................251
14 Messages Generated by the Message System (16000 Through 16999)...........267
15 Internal Stored Procedures Messages (19000 Through 19999).........................269
16 Utility Messages (20000 Through 23099)...........................................................271
17 Authentication and User Management Messages (24000 Through 24999)....333
18 Versioning, Distribution, and JDBC Messages (25000 Through 25499 and
29000 Through 29399)...............................................................................................351
Versioning Messages (25000–25399)...................................................................................................351
Distribution Messages (25400–25499).................................................................................................361
JDBC Driver Error Messages (29000–29399).......................................................................................366
19 Neoview Command Interface (NCI) Messages (29400 Through (29599).......367
20 Rowsets Messages (30000 Through 30999).......................................................379
21 File-System Errors.....................................................................................................385
New or Changed File-System Errors for the Neoview Platform........................................................398
4 Table of Contents
About This Document
The Neoview SQL database is the HP relational database management system (RDBMS) based on ANSI SQL-92. It uses the industry standard Structured Query Language (SQL) to define and manipulate data. This manual describes messages produced by the HP Neoview data warehousing platform and its associated subsystems.
This Manual Has Two Volumes
The Neoview Messages Manual has two volumes:
Neoview Messages Manual (Volume 1)
Neoview Messages Manual (Volume 2)
Be sure to consult both volumes for messages information.
Supported Releases
This manual supports Neoview Release 2.5 and subsequent Neoview releases until otherwise indicated in a replacement publication.
This manual was written for Neoview database administrators and programmers who use the Neoview database. Readers of this manual should know the fundamentals of:
Neoview database software
HP Neoview platform
ODBC and JDBC Messages
ODBC messages are contained in the Neoview ODBC Drivers Manual.
JDBC messages are contained in the Neoview JDBC Type 4 Driver Programmer's Reference.
Additional JDBC messages appear in the README for HP Neoview Release 2.5.
Document Organization
Chapter 1 (page 13) is an introduction to Neoview software message handling.
The remaining chapters list SQL messages or file-system errors in numeric order. To find a particular message description, search the document for the message number. These chapters are:
“Message Handling”Chapter 1 (page 13)
“Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 Through 1999)”Chapter 2 (page 15)
“Neoview Compiler Messages (2000 Through 2999)”Chapter 3 (page 67)
“Parser and Compilation Messages (3000 Through 3999)”Chapter 4 (page 89)
“Binder and Compilation Messages (4000 Through 4999)”Chapter 5 (page 131)
“Normalizer Messages (5000 Through 5999)”Chapter 6 (page 171)
“Optimizer Messages (6000 Through 6999)”Chapter 7 (page 173)
“Generator Messages (7000 Through 7999)”Chapter 8 (page 179)
“Executor Messages (8000 Through 8999)”Chapter 9 (page 185)
This Manual Has Two Volumes 5
“UPDATE STATISTICS Messages (9200 Through 9218)”Chapter 10 (page 225)
“Executor Sort and Scratch File I/O Messages (10000 Through 10199)”Chapter 11 (page 229)
“Trigger, UDR Server, and Language Manager Messages (11000 Through 11399)”Chapter 12 (page 239)
“Materialized Views Messages (12000 Through 12329)”Chapter 13 (page 251)
“Messages Generated by the Message System (16000 Through 16999)”Chapter 14 (page 267)
“Internal Stored Procedures Messages (19000 Through 19999)”Chapter 15 (page 269)
“Utility Messages (20000 Through 23099)”Chapter 16 (page 271)
Chapter 17 (page 333)Chapter 17 (page 333)
“Versioning,Distribution, and JDBC Messages (25000 Through 25499 and 29000 Through
Chapter 18 (page 351)
“Neoview Command Interface (NCI) Messages (29400 Through (29599)”Chapter 19 (page 367)
“Rowsets Messages (30000 Through 30999)”Chapter 20 (page 379)
“File-System Errors”Chapter 21 (page 385)
New and Changed Information
Changed information includes new and changed messages. The chapters that have new or changed messages are listed together with the added or changed message numbers.
Messages Added or ChangedDescriptionChapter (page)
1085, 1143, 1168, 1176, 1177, 1178, 1179, 1194, 1277, 1299, 1314, 1315, 1324, 1325, 1596, 1597, 1598, 1599, 1600, 1601
“Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 Through 1999)”
Chapter 2 (page 15)
4347, 4348, 4349, 4381, 4382, 4390, 4419“Binder and Compilation Messages (4000
Through 4999)”
Chapter 5 (page 131)
6007, 6008, 6010, 6011, 6012, 6013, 6015Chapter 7 (page 173)Chapter 7 (page 173)
7350, 7351, 7352Chapter 8 (page 179)Chapter 8 (page 179)
8013, 8023, 8025, 8026, 8027, 8028, 8029, 8030, 8579, 8596, 8650, 8651, 8652, 8653, 8654, 8655, 8656, 8657, 8658, 8659, 8660, 8661, 8662, 8665, 8666, 8667, 8837, 8839, 8855, 8857, 8923
“Executor Messages (8000 Through 8999)”Chapter 9 (page 185)
9200Chapter 10 (page 225)Chapter 10 (page 225)
11041, 11213, 11214, 11215, 11216, 11217, 11218, 11219, 11220
Chapter 12 (page 239)Chapter 12 (page 239)
12118, 12119, 12331, 12333, 12334“Materialized Views Messages (12000
Through 12329)”
Chapter 13 (page 251)
20216, 20235, 20505“Utility Messages (20000 Through 23099)”Chapter 16 (page 271)
Messages Added or ChangedDescriptionChapter (page)
This chapter is new. 24001, 24002, 24003, 24004, 24005, 24006, 24007, 24008, 24009, 24010, 24011, 24012, 24013, 24014, 24015, 24016, 24017, 24019, 24020, 24021, 24022, 24023, 24026, 24027, 24028, 24029, 24030, 24031, 24033, 24034, 24036, 24037, 24039, 24040, 24041, 24042, 24043, 24044, 24045, 24046, 24047, 24049, 24050, 24051, 24052, 24053, 24055, 24056, 24057, 24059, 24062, 24069, 24070, 24071, 24073, 24074, 24077, 24079, 24081, 24082, 24083, 24084, 24085, 24086, 24087, 24088, 24089, 24090, 24091, 24092, 24093, 24094, 24095, 24096, 24097, 24098, 24099, 24100, 24101, 24102, 24103, 24104, 24105, 24110, 24111, 24112, 24114, 24115, 24116, 24117, 24118, 24119, 24120, 24121, 24122, 24123, 24124, 24125, 24126, 24127, 24128, 24129, 24130, 24131, 24134, 24135, 24137, 24139
Chapter 17 (page 333)Chapter 17 (page 333)
0757“File-System Errors”Chapter 21 (page 385)
Notation Conventions
Hypertext Links
Blue underline is used to indicate a hypertext link within text. By clicking a passage of text with a blue underline, you are taken to the location described. For example:
Rowset errors are listed in Chapter 20 (page 379).
General Syntax Notation
This list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this manual.
Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words. Type these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example:
lowercase italic letters
Lowercase italic letters indicate variable items that you supply. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example:
computer type
Computer type letters within text indicate case-sensitive keywords and reserved words. Type these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example:
italic computer type
Italic computer type letters within text indicate variable items that you supply. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example:
Notation Conventions 7
Parentheses, commas, semicolons, and other symbols not previously described must be typed as shown. For example:
DAY (datetime-expression) @script-file
Quotation marks around a symbol such as a bracket or brace indicate the symbol is a required character that you must type as shown. For example:
"{" module-name [, module-name]... "}"
Item Spacing
Spaces shown between items are required unless one of the items is a punctuation symbol such as a parenthesis or a comma. For example:
DAY (datetime-expression) DAY(datetime-expression)
If there is no space between two items, spaces are not permitted. In this example, no spaces are permitted between the period and any other items:
Line Spacing
If the syntax of a command is too long to fit on a single line, each continuation line is indented three spaces and is separated from the preceding line by a blank line. This spacing distinguishes items in a continuation line from items in a vertical list of selections. For example:
match-value [NOT] LIKE pattern
[ESCAPE esc-char-expression]
Notation for Messages
This list summarizes the notation conventions for the presentation of displayed messages in this manual.
Bold Text
Bold text in an example indicates user input typed at the terminal. For example:
The user must press the Return key after typing the input.
Nonitalic text
Nonitalic letters, numbers, and punctuation indicate text that is displayed or returned exactly as shown. For example:
Backup Up.
lowercase italic letters
Lowercase italic letters indicate variable items whose values are displayed or returned. For example:
[ ] Brackets
Brackets enclose items that are sometimes, but not always, displayed. For example:
Event number = number [ Subject = first-subject-value ]
A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list of all possible items that can be displayed, of which one or none might actually be displayed. The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by vertical lines. For example:
proc-name trapped [ in SQL | in SQL file system ]
{ } Braces
A group of items enclosed in braces is a list of all possible items that can be displayed, of which one is actually displayed. The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of braces and separated by vertical lines. For example:
obj-type obj-name state changed to state, caused by { Object | Operator | Service }
process-name State changed from old-objstate to objstate { Operator Request. } { Unknown. }
| Vertical Line
A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in brackets or braces. For example:
Transfer status: { OK | Failed }
% Percent Sign
A percent sign precedes a number that is not in decimal notation. The % notation precedes an octal number. The %B notation precedes a binary number. The %H notation precedes a hexadecimal number. For example:
%005400 %B101111 %H2F
P=%p-register E=%e-register
Related Documentation
This manual is part of the HP Neoview library, which includes:
Neoview Customer Library
The manuals in the Neoview customer library are listed here for your convenience.
Information about security features on the Neoview platform, including user and role management for database and platform users, support for integration with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory servers, password encryption, and database security.
Neoview User Management and Security Guide
Information for database administrators and end users of the Neoview Character Sets product, including rules for defining and managing character data using SQL language elements, capabilities and limitations of Neoview client applications, troubleshooting character set-related problems, and enabling Pass-Through mode in the ISO88591 configuration.
Neoview Character Sets Administrator's Guide
Introduction to the Neoview database, database users and IDs, database management, and management tools.
Neoview Database Administrator’s Guide
Related Documentation 9
Information about how to use stored procedures that are written in Java within a Neoview database.
Neoview Guide to Stored Procedures in Java
Information about reviewing query execution plans and investigating query performance of Neoview databases.
Neoview Query Guide
Information about processes and commands for loading data into your Neoview platform or extracting data from it.
Neoview Transporter User Guide
— README for the HP Neoview Windows Client Package — README for the HP Neoview Transporter Java Client
README files for installing Administration client products
Help topics that describe how to use the HP Database Manager client to monitor and manage a Neoview data warehousing platform.
HP Database Manager (HPDM) Online Help
Information for database administrators about how to monitor and manage a Neoview data warehousing platform using the HP Database Manager.
HP Database Manager (HPDM) User Guide
Information about using the HP Neoview Command Interface to run SQL statements interactively or from script files.
Neoview Command Interface (NCI) Guide
Command-line help that describes the commands supported in the current operating mode of Neoview Command Interface.
Neoview Command Interface (NCI) Online Help
Context-sensitive help topics that describe how to use the Neoview Performance Analysis Tools to analyze and troubleshoot query-related issues on the Neoview data warehousing platform.
Neoview Performance Analysis Tools Online Help
Information about how to use the Neoview Performance Analysis Tools to analyze and troubleshoot query-related issues on the Neoview data warehousing platform.
Neoview Performance Analysis Tools User Guide
Information about using the Repository, including descriptions of Repository views and guidelines for writing Neoview SQL queries against the views.
Neoview Repository User Guide
Information about the logging of user-management actions on the Neoview platform and the facilities available for monitoring such actions.
Neoview User Management Information
Information about using Neoview Workload Management Services (WMS) to manage workload and resources on a Neoview data warehousing platform.
Neoview Workload Management Services Guide
— README for the HP Neoview Windows Client Package — README for the HP Database Manager (HPDM) — README for the HP Neoview Command Interface (NCI) — README for the HP Neoview Performance Analysis Tools
README files for installing Management client products
Reference information about the HP Neoview JDBC Type 4 Driver API.Neoview JDBC Type4 Driver API
Information about using the HP Neoview JDBC Type 4 driver, which provides Java applications on client workstations access to a Neoview database.
Neoview JDBC Type 4 Driver Programmer’s Reference
Information about using HP Neoview ODBC drivers on a client workstation to access a Neoview database.
Neoview ODBC Drivers Manual
Information about using HP Neoview ADO.NET to access data and services stored on the Neoview database.
Neoview ADO.NET Data Provider Manual
Context-sensitive help topics that describe how to use the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
ODBC Client Administrator Online Help
— README for the HP Neoview Windows Client Package — README for the HP Neoview JDBC Type 4 Driver — README for the HP Neoview ODBC Driver for Windows — README for the HP Neoview ODBC Drivers for UNIX — README for the HP Neoview ADO.NET Data Provider
README files for installing Connectivity client products
A hyperlinked collection of East Asian characters supported by Neoview character set functionality.
Mapping Tables for Neoview Character Sets
Reference information about the syntax of SQL statements, functions, and other SQL language elements supported by the Neoview database software.
Neoview SQL Reference Manual
Cause, effect, and recovery information for error messages.Neoview Messages Manual
Information about new features for the current release, including where to download software and obtain documentation.
README for HP Neoview Release 2.5
Publishing History
Publication DateProduct VersionPart Number
March 2007HP Neoview Release 2.0543766-001
August 2007HP Neoview Release 2.2544563-001
April 2008HP Neoview Release 2.3544796-001
May 2009HP Neoview Release 2.4546225-001 (Volume 1)
572249-001 (Volume 2)
August 2010HP Neoview Release 2.5611472-001 (Volume 1)
611473-001 (Volume 2)
You can find this manual or its replacement at http://www.hp.com/go/neoviewdocs.
HP Encourages Your Comments
HP encourages your comments concerning this document. We are committed to providing documentation that meets your needs. Send any errors found, suggestions for improvement, or comments to docsfeedback@hp.com.
Include the document title, part number, and any comment, error found, or suggestion for improvement you have concerning this document.
Publishing History 11
1 Message Handling
The Neoview database software reports exception condition messages at the HP Neoview Database Connectivity Service conversational interface (NDCS) window.
Most Neoview database software exception condition messages describe error conditions for which recovery action is required. Some messages are warnings that provide information for which no action is required.
Error messages that appear in response to SQL commands are logged to the NDCS application's log file if you have used the LOG command to request them.
The format of a Neoview database software error is “*** ERROR” followed by the error number in brackets, and the descriptive text. Use the error number shown to find information about a particular error in this manual. For example, information for Neoview database software error 1125 can be found under “SQL 1125.”
Messages are listed in this manual in numeric order, broken down by the component that produced them.
Viewing Neoview Database Messages
The message key is a sequential SQL message number that is returned automatically by Neoview database software when an exception condition occurs. For example, the following message might be displayed within your application development tool while you prepare an embedded SQL program:
*** ERROR[1000] A syntax error occurred.
This message number is the SQLCODE value (without the sign). In this manual, you will find the following message information for ERROR[1000]:
SQL 1000
1000 A syntax error occurred.
Cause You specified a statement with incorrect syntax. Effect The HP Neoview database software statement fails. Recovery Correct the syntax and resubmit.
SQLSTATE and SQLCODE status codes are returned to indicate either that an SQL statement completed successfully or that an exception condition was raised during execution of an SQL statement.
The ANSI SQL-92 SQLSTATE variable is a five-character string with a two-character class code followed by a three-character subclass code. An SQLSTATE value of 00000 indicates successful completion.
The Neoview database software extends the ANSI SQL-92 SQLSTATE values to include other situations not described by the ANSI values. If an ANSI SQL-92 SQLSTATE value exists for an error condition, the Neoview database software returns that value. Otherwise, Neoview database software returns an SQLSTATE value that is defined by the Neoview database software.
The Neoview database software also returns a numeric SQLCODE value after SQL statement execution. SQLCODE values with negative numbers signify errors. SQLCODE values with positive numbers other than 0 (successful completion) or 100 (no data was found) signify warning messages. The Neoview database software identifies all messages by their unsigned SQLCODE value and their calculated SQLSTATE value. The SQLCODE is used to calculate the SQLSTATE
Viewing Neoview Database Messages 13
value for all Neoview database software messages other than those for which an ANSI SQL-92 SQLSTATE value exists.
The SQLCODE parameter is a deprecated feature that is supported to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of the American standard.
Tables in “SQLSTATE Values” in Volume 2 of this manual identify the equivalent SQLSTATE and SQLCODE values for Neoview database software warning and error messages.
Contacting Your Service Provider
Some messages have no recovery information, and you will be instructed to contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).
14 Message Handling
2 Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 Through
SQL 1001
1001 An internal error occurred in module name on line num. DETAILS(details).
is the name of the module.
is the line number.
are the details of the error.
Cause This is an internal error. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Do not attempt recovery. HP support will perform recovery operations in response
to an automatically generated dial-out message about this condition.
SQL 1002
1002 Catalog catalog does not exist or has not been registered on node segment.
is the ANSI name of the target catalog.
is the segment where the process executes.
Cause The catalog is not visible on the local segment, either because it does not exist or because it exists elsewhere on the network but has not been registered on the local segment.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Enter a valid catalog name (or register the catalog on the segment indicated) and
SQL 1003
1003 Schema schema does not exist.
is the ANSI name of the affected schema.
Cause The specified schema does not exist. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Check that a schema named schema does exist and resubmit.
SQL 1004
1004 Object object-name does not exist or object type is invalid for the current operation.
is the name of an HP Neoview database object.
Cause You attempted an operation on an object that does not exist or attempted an operation on an object with the wrong type. For example, you tried to drop a view, but specified a table name, (see error 1094).
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Check that an object named object-name does exist. If you did not fully qualify
the name, check that the defaults generate the correct fully qualified name and resubmit.
SQL 1005
1005 Constraint constraint-name does not exist.
is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Cause The ALTER TABLE statement you attempted requires the existence of a constraint named constraint-name.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Check that a constraint named constraint-name exists for the table specified.
You can use the SHOWDDL command to find the names of the constraints that exist on a table.
SQL 1006
1006 Index index-name does not exist.
is an HP Neoview database object name.
Cause The operation you attempted requires the existence of an index named index-name. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Check that an index named index-name does exist. If you did not fully qualify
the name, check that the defaults generate the correct qualified name.
SQL 1008
1008 User name user-name does not exist.
is an HP Neoview platform user name.
Cause The user name specified in a GRANT or REVOKE statement, or the authorization ID in a CREATE SCHEMA statement, does not represent a valid Neoview platform user.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Correct the user name and resubmit.
SQL 1009
1009 Column column-name does not exist in the specified table.
is an SQL identifier.
Cause The table that is referenced does not have a column with this name. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Replace either the name of the table or the name of the column (whichever is
incorrect) and resubmit.
SQL 1010
1010 The statement just specified is currently not supported.
Cause The statement that you specified is not available for use. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Do not attempt to use this HP Neoview database statement.
SQL 1012
1012 No privileges were granted. You lack grant option on the specified privileges.
Cause You attempted to grant privileges for which you do not have grant options. Effect No privileges are granted. Recovery You must have grant options for privileges to grant them.
16 Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 Through 1999)
SQL 1013
1013 Not all privileges were granted. You lack grant option on some of the specified privileges.
Cause You attempted to grant privileges, but you do not have grant options for at least one of them.
Effect The HP Neoview database granted some privileges, but not all that you attempted to grant.
Recovery You must have grant options for privileges to grant them.
SQL 1014
1014 Privileges were not revoked. Dependent privilege descriptors still exist.
Cause You attempted to revoke a privilege for a user who has granted privileges to another user. Privileges must be revoked in reverse order from how they were granted. If you perform a grant to another user who then performs a grant to a third user, you cannot revoke privileges to the second user until that user revokes their privileges to the third user.
Effect The HP Neoview database did not revoke the privileges. Recovery Ensure that the dependent privileges from the user whose privileges you want to
revoke are revoked first or use the CASCADE option (see error 1025 that discusses RESTRICT/CASCADE as it applies to drop).
SQL 1015
1015 Some of the specified privileges could not be revoked.
Cause You attempted to revoke a privilege that either does not exist or you do not have authority to revoke.
Effect The HP Neoview database did not revoke the privileges. Recovery The user who granted the privileges must revoke them.
SQL 1016
1016 Redundant references to column column-name were specified in the constraint or trigger definition.
is an SQL identifier.
Cause You created a constraint with multiple references to column-name. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Correct the syntax and resubmit.
SQL 1017
1017 You are not authorized to perform this operation.
Cause You do not have the correct privileges to perform the requested operation. Also, this error can occur if you grant or revoke privileges for an object or schema, and you have no privileges on that object.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Ask the owner of the object to perform the requested operation.
SQL 1019
1019 No valid primary partition for table-name could be found.
is the name of an HP Neoview SQL table.
Cause This is an internal error. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Do not attempt recovery. HP support will perform recovery operations in response
to an automatically generated dial-out message about this condition.
SQL 1020
1020 Privilege settings on metadata cannot be changed.
Cause You attempted to change privilege settings on a metadata schema or table. They cannot be changed.
Effect The HP Neoview database software does not change the settings. Recovery None.
SQL 1021
1021 SQL is already initialized on system segment.
is the name of the HP Neoview platform segment on which the INITIALIZE SQL statement was executed.
Cause The HP Neoview platform has already been initialized on this segment. Effect No operation is performed. Recovery None needed if SQL is operating normally.
SQL 1022
1022 Schema schema-name already exists.
is the name of an HP Neoview database schema.
Cause You attempted to create a schema in a catalog that already contains a schema with that name.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery If you did not use a fully qualified name, check that the default generates the
correct catalog name. Retry the request, specifying a schema that does not already exist.
SQL 1023
1023 Only services ID can name an authorization ID different from the current user name.
Cause You attempted to create a schema with the authorization ID of another user. Only the services ID can do this.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Use the services ID to create a schema with another owner.
SQL 1024
1024 File system error error-number occurred on text-string-1. text-string-2.
is an error originating from the file system.
is the file name.
is (optionally) additional details about the error.
Cause Look up this error number in the file system manual to determine the cause. Effect The operation fails. Recovery For information about file-system errors, see Chapter 21 (page 385).
18 Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 Through 1999)
SQL 1025
1025 Request failed. One or more dependent objects exist.
Cause This error can occur when you drop a constraint, index, or table. These objects cannot be dropped if they have dependent objects and the drop-behavior is RESTRICT.
Effect The HP Neoview database software does not perform the operation. Recovery For DROP statements that support the CASCADE drop-behavior, you can reissue
the statement specifying CASCADE. For other DROP statements, you must first drop each of the dependent objects, then drop the object.
SQL 1026
1026 Only the schema owner or super ID can drop a schema.
Cause An attempt was made to drop a schema by someone other than its owner or the super ID.
Effect No SQL objects are dropped. Recovery The owner of the schema (or super ID) needs to issue the DROP SCHEMA statement.
SQL 1027
1027 The definition schema definition-schema-name is dropped when its catalog is dropped.
is the name of the definition schema specified.
Cause You attempted to drop the schema containing the metadata tables for the catalog. Effect No SQL objects are dropped. Recovery Use DROP SCHEMA statements to drop all the user-created schemas in the catalog.
Then use the DROP CATALOG statement to drop the catalog. The schema definition-schema-name is dropped when you drop its catalog.
SQL 1028
1028 The schema must be empty. It contains at least one object
is the name of an HP Neoview database object existing in the schema.
Cause You attempted to drop a schema that contains one or more objects. Effect The schema is not dropped. Recovery Either drop all the objects in schema-name and resubmit the statement, or resubmit
the drop statement using the CASCADE option.
SQL 1029
1029 Object object-name could not be created.
is the name supplied in a CREATE statement.
Cause This error can result from various CREATE statements. See the accompanying error messages to determine the cause.
Effect The object is not created. Recovery Apply the recovery of the accompanying error messages.
SQL 1030
1030 File label file name could not be accessed. File system error error.
file name
is the name of an HP Neoview database file.
is a file-system error number.
Cause See the accompanying error message for the cause. Effect The operation fails. Recovery For information about file-system errors, see Chapter 21 (page 385).
SQL 1031
1031 Object object-name could not be dropped.
is the SQL object.
Cause See the accompanying error message for the cause. Effect The HP Neoview database software does not drop the object. Recovery Apply the recovery of the accompanying error message.
SQL 1034
1034 SQL/MX was not able to initialize.
Cause For the cause, see the accompanying error message. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Do not attempt recovery. HP support will perform recovery operations in response
to an automatically generated dial-out message about this condition.
SQL 1035
1035 Catalog catalog-name already exists.
is the name of an HP Neoview database catalog.
Cause You attempted to create a catalog using the name of an already existing catalog. Effect The operation fails. Recovery None if this is the desired catalog. Otherwise, correct the catalog name and resubmit.
SQL 1036
1036 Only services ID can execute DROP SQL.
Cause An attempt was made to drop SQL by a user who is not the services ID. Effect The operation fails. Recovery The services ID needs to issue the DROP SCHEMA statement.
SQL 1037
1037 SQL/MX is not installed on system segment.
is the name of the segment referenced by the operation.
Cause In a replication or distribution context: An operation attempted to create a catalog reference or a partition on a segment where the HP Neoview database has not been installed.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Either reissue the statement specifying a different segment, or install the HP
Neoview database on segment and resubmit.
SQL 1038
1038 Not all user catalogs have been dropped from the system.
Cause You attempted to drop SQL while one or more user-created catalogs existed. Effect The operation fails.
20 Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 Through 1999)
Recovery You must drop all user-created catalogs before dropping SQL.
SQL 1039
1039 The DROP SQL statement could not be executed.
Cause See the accompanying error message for the cause. Effect The HP Neoview database software does not drop SQL. Recovery Apply the recovery of the accompanying error message.
SQL 1040
1040 The use of ALTER on metadata tables is not permitted.
Cause An ALTER TABLE statement was issued naming a table that is part of the HP Neoview database metadata. Such tables cannot be altered.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery None.
SQL 1041
1041 The primary key has already been defined.
Cause You attempted to add a primary key to a table that already has a primary key. Effect The operation fails. Recovery None.
SQL 1042
1042 All PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint columns must be NOT NULL.
Cause You did not specify NOT NULL on one or more columns that are included in a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Reissue the statement with NOT NULL specified for all columns that are in the
PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints.
SQL 1043
1043 Constraint constraint-name already exists.
is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Cause You assigned the same constraint name to two constraints on the same table. Constraint names must be unique among all the constraints for a table.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Make all the constraint names for the table unique. Use SHOWDDL to see the
names of existing constraints.
SQL 1044
1044 Constraint constraint-name could not be created because the referenced columns in the referenced table are not part of a unique constraint.
is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Cause The columns that constraint-name references in the referenced table are not part of a unique constraint.
Effect The operation fails.
Recovery Check that constraint-name references a unique or primary constraint in the referenced table.
SQL 1046
1046 Referenced and referencing column lists do not match for constraint
is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Cause The list of referencing columns in constraint-name does not match the list of unique key columns that it is referencing.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Check that the constraint-name list of referencing columns matches the list of
referenced columns.
SQL 1047
1047 Request failed. Dependent view view-name exists.
is the name of the view on the object being dropped.
Cause An object that has a dependent view cannot be dropped unless you use the CASCADE option on the DROP statement.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery To drop the object and all its dependent objects, you can either drop each of the
dependent objects using individual DROP statements before dropping the object itself, or use the CASCADE clause on the DROP statement for the object.
SQL 1048
1048 The statement currently supports only RESTRICT drop behavior.
Cause Drop behavior CASCADE was specified on a DROP statement that supports only RESTRICT drop behavior.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Reissue the DROP statement, specifying RESTRICT or omitting the drop behavior
(which will default to RESTRICT).
SQL 1049
1049 Constraint cannot be dropped because it was specified to be NOT DROPPABLE.
Cause You attempted to drop a constraint that is NOT DROPPABLE. Effect The operation fails. Recovery None.
SQL 1050
1050 Constraint cannot be dropped because it is used as a referenced object for a foreign key.
Cause You attempted to drop a unique or primary constraint, with dependent referential constraints, using the RESTRICT option, which does not remove such constraints.
Effect The drop command fails. Recovery If you want to drop the dependent referential constraints, use the CASCADE option
for the DROP CONSTRAINT command.
22 Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 Through 1999)
SQL 1051
1051 You do not have the required privilege(s) on object-name.
is the name of the object for which you have insufficient privileges.
Cause You have insufficient privileges to create a view or a trigger. Effect The operation fails. Recovery See the Neoview SQL Reference Manual for the required security needed to create a
view or trigger.
SQL 1053
1053 Unique index index-name could not be created because the specified column(s) contain duplicate data.
is the name specified for the index to create.
Cause The rows already existing in the table violate the uniqueness constraint specified in the CREATE INDEX statement.
Effect The index is not created. Recovery Either change the list of columns for the unique index, or change the rows in the
table to remove duplicates. Then reissue the statement.
SQL 1057
1057 SQL/MX objects cannot be created on volume-name: File-system error error-number.
is the name of a volume.
is the file-system error number.
Cause An attempt to create a file on volume volume-name resulted in file-system error error-number.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery For information about file-system errors, see Chapter 21 (page 385).
SQL 1058
1058 Lock lock-name already exists.
is the name of the DDL lock.
Cause The statement required creation of a lock with a unique lock name, which was not generated.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Specify a unique lock name and resubmit.
SQL 1059
1059 Request failed. Dependent constraint constraint-name exists.
is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Cause You attempted to drop a table that has a referential constraint or a check constraint that refers to another table.
Effect The HP Neoview database software does not drop the table. Recovery Either drop all constraints that refer to other tables and then drop the table, or
reissue the DROP TABLE statement, specifying the CASCADE option.
SQL 1061
1061 Dropping metadata catalog catalog-name is not allowed.
is the name of an HP Neoview database catalog.
Cause You attempted to drop a catalog that is part of the HP Neoview database metadata. Effect The operation fails. Recovery None.
SQL 1062
1062 Dropping metadata schema schema-name is not allowed.
is the name of an HP Neoview database metadata schema.
Cause You attempted to drop a schema that is part of the Neoview database metadata. Effect The operation fails. Recovery None.
SQL 1063
1063 Dropping metadata index index-name is not allowed.
is the name of an HP Neoview database index.
Cause An attempt was made to drop an index that is part of the Neoview database metadata. Effect The operation fails. Recovery None.
SQL 1064
1064 Dropping metadata view tablename is not allowed.
is the name of an HP Neoview database table.
Cause An attempt was made to drop a view that is a metadata object. Metadata views and their creation are not currently supported, so this error should not be encountered.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery None.
SQL 1065
1065 Creating constraint constraint-name in metadata schema is not allowed.
is the name of the constraint.
Cause You attempted to create a constraint on a metadata table, which is not allowed. Effect The operation fails. Recovery None.
SQL 1066
1066 Creating index index-name in metadata schema is not allowed.
is the name specified for the index.
Cause You attempted to create an index on a metadata table, which is not allowed. Effect The operation fails. Recovery None.
24 Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 Through 1999)
SQL 1069
1069 Schema schema-name could not be dropped.
is the name of an HP Neoview database schema.
Cause See the accompanying error message for the cause of the problem. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Apply the recovery action from the accompanying error message.
SQL 1070
1070 Object object-name could not be created. File error: error-number.
is the name of the HP Neoview database object.
is the file-system error number.
Cause An attempt to create object object-name resulted in file-system error error-number. Effect The operation fails. Recovery For information about file-system errors, see Chapter 21 (page 385).
SQL 1071
1071 Object ANSI name could not be accessed.
ANSI name
is the name of the HP Neoview database object.
Cause The statement issued required access to the HP Neoview platform file underlying object ANSI name.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Apply the recovery action from the accompanying error message.
SQL 1072
1072 Unique constraint constraint-name-1 is disabled, so foreign key constraint constraint-name-2 could not be created.
is the name of the disabled constraint.
is the name of the foreign key constraint.
Cause You created a referential constraint that references a unique constraint that has been disabled. This is an internal error.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Create the referential constraint that references a unique constraint that has not
been disabled.
SQL 1073
1073 Only services ID can execute INITIALIZE SQL.
Cause You attempted to initialize the HP Neoview database, but you are not the services ID. Only the services ID can perform this function.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Log on as the services ID before executing this command.
SQL 1075
1075 The catalog must be empty. It contains at least one schema
is the name of a schema in the specified catalog.
Cause An attempt was made to drop a catalog that is not empty.
Effect The catalog is not dropped. None of its schemas are dropped. Recovery Drop all schemas in the catalog and resubmit.
SQL 1077
1077 Metadata table table-name does not contain information for view view-name.
is the name of the metadata table.
is the name of a view.
Cause HP Neoview database software required metadata information about object view-name but was unable to find it in table-name.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Do not attempt recovery. HP support will perform recovery operations in response
to an automatically generated dial-out message about this condition.
SQL 1078
1078 The format of the specified location name location-name is not valid.
is a name specified in a LOCATION clause.
Cause An invalid name was supplied in a LOCATION clause. Effect The operation fails. Recovery See the Neoview SQL Reference Manual for limitations on names allowed in the
LOCATION clause. Correct the name and resubmit.
SQL 1079
1079 SQL/MX was not able to prepare the statement.
Cause See the accompanying error message for the cause. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Apply the recovery of the accompanying error message.
SQL 1080
1080 The DDL request has duplicate references to column column-name.
is the name of a column of a table.
Cause You attempted to create a table that has two columns with the same name. If you name a column “SYSKEY,” duplication can result from the implicit creation by the HP Neoview database software of a column named SYSKEY to ensure uniqueness for the clustering key.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Remove duplicate column names and resubmit.
SQL 1081
1081 Loading of index index-name failed unexpectedly.
is the name of the index being populated.
Cause Population of the index failed, either because another concurrent operation was being performed on the base table or because data could not be loaded into the index by the call-level interface (CLI).
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Determine the cause of the CLI failure and resubmit.
26 Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 Through 1999)
SQL 1082
1082 Validation for constraint constraint-name failed unexpectedly.
is the name of a column or table constraint.
Cause The constraint validation failed, either because a concurrent operation was being performed on the table or on the referenced table (for a referential integrity constraint), or data in the table violates the constraint.
Effect The constraint operation fails. Recovery If a concurrent operation is in progress, wait until it has finished and try the
operation again. If data in the table violates the constraint, remove that data and resubmit.
SQL 1083
1083 Validation for constraint constraint-name failed; incompatible data exists in table.
is the name of a column or table constraint.
Cause Data in the table violates the check constraint. Effect The constraint operation fails. Recovery Remove data that violates the constraint from the table and resubmit.
SQL 1084
1084 An invalid default value was specified for column column-name.
is the specified column.
Cause An invalid default value was specified in the column definition for column-name. Effect Creation of the table or addition of the column fails. Recovery Specify a valid default value for the column and resubmit.
SQL 1085
1085 The calculated key length is greater than value. value
Maximum key length. Will be 255 or 2048 bytes, depending on the type of object.
Cause The length of the primary key, which is calculated by the number of primary key columns and their data types, exceeds the maximum length.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Ensure that the key length is less than 255 bytes and resubmit.
SQL 1086
1086 Lock lock-name does not exist.
is the name of the specified lock.
Cause Lock lock-name was specified, but does not exist. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Create a lock lock-name or specify a valid lock name and resubmit.
SQL 1087
1087 DDL lock cannot be granted; invalid operation has been specified.
Cause An invalid utility operation requested a DDL lock. Effect The lock request fails. Recovery Specify a valid utility operation, or check to see if invalid utilities are being run,
and resubmit.
SQL 1088
1088 The system generated column SYSKEY must be specified last or not specified at all in the STORE BY column list.
Cause If the system-generated column SYSKEY is specified in the STORE BY list of columns, it must be specified last.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Correct the STORE BY clause and resubmit.
SQL 1089
1089 The system generated column SYSKEY must be specified last or not specified at all in the index column list.
Cause The system-generated SYSKEY column was not the last column in a CREATE INDEX statement.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Change the column list to place SYSKEY at the end of the list and resubmit the
SQL 1090
1090 Self-referencing constraints are currently not supported.
Cause You attempted to create a self-referencing constraint. A referential constraint is self-referencing if the foreign key is referencing the primary key of the same table.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Remove the self-reference and resubmit.
SQL 1094
1094 Object object-name could not be dropped because it is not of type object-type.
is the ANSI name of the object stated in the DROP command.
is the type of object that was stated in the DROP command.
Cause A DROP TABLE specified an object that is not a base table, or a DROP VIEW specified an object that is not a view, or a DROP PROCEDURE specified an object that is not a procedure.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Reissue the DROP statement with the correct combination of specified object type
and actual object type.
SQL 1095
1095 The PARTITION BY column column-name should also be part of the clustering/storage key.
is the name of a column of the specified table.
Cause This error is reported if a column specified in the partitioning key of the PARTITION BY (partitioning_columns) clause of a CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement is not also a member of the clustering key.
Effect The table or index is not created. Recovery Either remove the offending column from the partitioning key specification (and
possibly replace it with a column that is a member of the clustering key) or add the offending column to the clustering key by using the STORE BY clause or by adding it to the primary key.
28 Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 Through 1999)
SQL 1098
1098 Partition key (key) already specified for object object-name.
is a partition key.
is the name of the table being created or changed.
Cause You attempted to create or change a table so that more than one partition has the same first key.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Change the statement so that it does not define two partitions to have the same
first key, and resubmit.
SQL 1099
1099 Column column-number is unnamed. You must specify an AS clause for that column expression, or name all the columns by specifying a view column list.
is the specified column.
Cause You attempted to create a view by using a query expression in which column-number was unnamed.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Correct the statement to supply an AS clause for each unnamed column and
SQL 1100
1100 Table table-name could not be selected.
is the ANSI name of the metadata table.
Cause For clarification, see the accompanying error message. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Do not attempt recovery. HP support will perform recovery operations in response
to an automatically generated dial-out message about this condition.
SQL 1101
1101 Table table-name could not be updated.
is the ANSI name of the metadata table.
Cause For clarification, see the accompanying error message. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Do not attempt recovery. HP support will perform recovery operations in response
to an automatically generated dial-out message about this condition.
SQL 1102
1102 Rows could not be inserted into table table-name.
is the ANSI name of the metadata table.
Cause For clarification, see the accompanying error message. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Do not attempt recovery. HP support will perform recovery operations in response
to an automatically generated dial-out message about this condition.
SQL 1103
1103 Rows could not be deleted from table table-name.
is the ANSI name of the metadata table.
Cause For clarification, see the accompanying error message. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Do not attempt recovery. HP support will perform recovery operations in response
to an automatically generated dial-out message about this condition.
SQL 1104
1104 Default value string is too long for column column-name.
is the name of a character-type column for which a default value is specified.
Cause The specified default value for column-name is longer than the maximum of 239 characters.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Correct the error and resubmit.
SQL 1105
1105 CREATE TABLE LIKE statement cannot contain both HORIZONTAL PARTITIONS and STORE BY clauses.
Cause A CREATE TABLE...LIKE statement specifies both the WITH PARTITIONS and STORE BY clause, which is not allowed.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Correct the error and resubmit.
SQL 1106
1106 The specified partition partition-location of object table-name does not exist.
is the location of the specified partition.
is the name of the table.
Cause The location name partition-location specified in the partition operation does not exist.
Effect The partition operation fails. Recovery Specify a valid partition location name and resubmit.
SQL 1108
1108 The number of columns specified in the view column list,
view-col-num, does not match the degree of the query expression, query-col-num.
is the number of columns in the view column list.
is the number of columns resulting from the query expression used to define the view.
Cause The number of columns in the query do not equal the number of columns specified for the view.
Effect The operation fails. Recovery Specify a query statement that has a degree that matches the number of columns
in the view column list, and resubmit.
30 Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 Through 1999)
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