HP Designjet L65500 service manual part 1-2

1 Printer systems
Electrical system.....................................................................................................4
E-Box ........................................................................................................... 19
ECabinet Circuit Diagrams ..................................................................... 10
PCA Boards and connections..........................................................................20
Hard disc drive..................................................................................... 20
Upper and Lower Engine PCI Board ........................................................ 20
Printmech Board ................................................................................... 21
Main Interconnect Board connections ...................................................... 22
Substrate path ..................................................................................................... 28
Ink System........................................................................................................... 39
Scan Axis ........................................................................................................... 45
Carriage............................................................................................................. 57
Printhead Cleaning System.................................................................................... 61
Heating and Curing .............................................................................................66
User Interface ...................................................................................................... 74
Printer Systems
Printer systems 3
Electrical system
The electrical system is primarily housed in the electrical cabinet, inside this is the electronics box.
Electronics overview diagram
The following diagram explains the connections between components and electronic boards, the voltage,
Printer systems
or the type of data line.
4 Printer systems
The ECabinet
3 phase Circuit breaker
Single phase Circuit breaker
Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB)
The ECabinet located on the right side of the printer and is the enclosure where the main electronics (Electronic Control System, E-box) and all the power electrical components of the printer are located. The system if fed via two power lines, one single phase line and another tri-phase line see the Installation Guide and Site Preparation guide for specifications.
The E-Cabinet responsible for distributing all the power lines to the functional areas, it includes the active power elements of the heating and curing subsystem. It also performs safety cut-outs when any of the four emergency stops are pushed
Some of the components inside the e-cabinet are independent units isolated from the electronics therefore diagnosing any issues via Firmware is not possible.
To diagnose most electrical issues, voltage and continuity checks are required from the Service Engineer by using multi-meter tools (Voltmeter, Amp meter, resistor meter, continuity checks)
The Ecabinet contains the following components:
The Ebox
Secondary 24v Power supply
Secondary 42v Power supply
Circuit breakers & Residual Current Circuit
Contactor (Heating and Curing)
Fuses (Heating and Curing)
E-Box system (which includes a main
Safety relay
Scan Axis break resistor
Vacuum system transformer (110v)
Main switch
Power Enable button
Light indication for Phases
3 Phase Line filter
1 Phase Line filter
Printer systems
breaker (RCCB)
power supply delivering ATX tensions and also 24V and 42V)
Printer systems 5
Inside the ECabinet (1 of 2)
Secondary 24v supply
Secondary 42v supply
Heating and Curing Power Modules (power lines are thicker in the LX800)
Safety Relay
Contactor RM 3 Phase
Terminal Blocks
ECabinet fan
1 Phase Line filter
Line filter 42v line +resistors
Roll to Free Floor control system LX800
Power fuses heating/ Curing
Fuse block (1A, 2A, 4A
3 Phase line filter
Power enable button
Vacuum power On
Vacuum transformer 110v
Main switch
Light indicator for phases
Printer systems
Inside the ECabinet (2 of 2)
6 Printer systems
Ecabinet Fuse blocks
Fuse Application
Fuses: 1,2,3 (1A) Indicator Lamps
Fuses 6, 7 (1A): PID controllers
Fuse 8 (2A): Phase 110 from Trafo to Pump
Fuse 9 (2A): Neutral 0V from Trafo to Pump
Fuse 10 (4A): protects 110V transformer
Fuse 11 (2A): 24V from Main interconnect to e-cabinet
1. The E-Cabinet is the power distribution centre for the whole printer
It is the central point where both input power lines (Single and tri-phase) are connected and then distributed to the different power components.
Single Phase components powered through ACB1
Heating Controller Module
Curing Controller Module
Secondary 42V power supply (SAX motor, Media Path Motors)
Secondary 24V power supply (Curing Fans)
Vacuum Fan
Printer systems
Single Phase components powered through ACB2
Printer PC (Windows, IPS)
Printer Monitor
Printer Switch
Tri-Phase components powered through ACB3 and RCCB
Heating and Curing Power modules – Heating and curing lamps
- Contains the Ebox
- Emergency stop mechanism for the machine.
- Heating and curing control and power distribution.
Printer systems 7
ECabinet electrical overview
Printer systems
42v Secondary Power Supply, Power distribution diagram
8 Printer systems
Functionality interlinked between diagrams
Power Fuses Heating
Line Filter
Main Switch
Circuit Breaker
Contactor KM SW-1
Power Module Heating
Heating Configuration Block (star/triangle)
Lamps Heating
Power Fuses Curing
Power Module Curing
Curing Configuration Block (star/triangle)
Lamps Curing
A. 3 phase power supplied to the Heating and curing Modules through the power fuse blocks (FH4,
B. Single phase power distribution.
C. 42v secondary power supply actuation (by safety relay)
D. Power modules control signals from PID controllers.
E. Safety line connections (cuts connector of the 3 phase line).
F. PWM signal and fault from curing fan array to Main Interconnect (24v power is directly supplied
from 24 volt secondary PSU).
G. 24v fault signal to the Main Interconnect (this line is used to detect if the 24v secondary power
supply is providing 24v or not).
H. E-cabinet internal fan fault signal to Main Interconnect (fault reported when fans do not rotate when
Printer systems
I. 24v fused line arrival to the e-cabinet from the Main Interconnect.
J. E-stop 24v power line (these 24v activate the safety relay).
K. Feedback to the Main Interconnect safety relay is active (with negative logic). This indicates the
printer is armed from the circuit breakers.
L. KM Contact active (closed). Feedback to the Main Interconnect.
In the following pages are the printers circuit diagrams. Refer to the circled numbers and letters to jump from one circuit diagram to another.
Printer systems 9
ECabinet Circuit Diagrams
Circuit Diagram 1: Power in distributing
Printer systems
10 Printer systems
Circuit Diagram 2: Power modules, power control lines
Printer systems
Printer systems 11
Circuit Diagram 3: Temperature Controllers
Printer systems
12 Printer systems
Circuit Diagram 4: Vacuum Transformer
Printer systems
Printer systems 13
Circuit Diagram 5: Secondary Power Supplies and Internal Ecabinet Fan
Printer systems
14 Printer systems
Circuit Diagram 6: Safety Control system
Printer systems
Printer systems 15
Circuit Diagram 7: Ebox Connections
Printer systems
16 Printer systems
Circuit Diagram 8: PC Monitor Switch power connections
Printer systems
Printer systems 17
Related tests, utilities, and calibrations
Electrical cabinet diagnostic test  Page 306.
Service parts
Printer systems
Electrical Cabinet Page 451.
- Circuit Breaker
- Internal Fan
- Secondary Power Supplies
- Power Fuse Holder Block
- Safety Relay
- Scan Axis Brake Motor
- Vacuum Fan Power Transformer
- Main Power Switch
- Heating and Curing Temperature Sensor
- Power Fuses
- 3 Phase line filter
- Main Power Breaker
- Heating and Curing Power Module
Removal and installation
Electrical Cabinet Page 522.
18 Printer systems
Formatter PCA
Upper and Lower PCI PCA
Main Power Supply ATX +24/42 PSU)
PrintMech PCA
On/Off switch
Hard Disk
Yellow led: Power on>Stand by ON
Blue led: ATX On > Formatter powered
Main Power Supply Green led: 24/42 Printer On
The Ebox contains the main electrical control system in the printer. The e-box is the main processing and control element of the machine where all main electronic units are comprised.
The Ebox is inside the Ecabinet and contains the following components:
Printer systems
Orange ON: System is powered (ACB 1 ON), System with Stand by power in the formatter waiting
Blue ON: Formatter Power system (ATX) Active.Internal computer system running
Green ON: 24/42V of the second part of the main power supply activated. These 24 Volts are the
for the Front Panel power ON button to be pressed to start up the system. Check this led when the printer is not powering on by pressing the front panel button to ensure the
failure is not in the main power supply. If the led is Off AC power is not arriving to the main power supply or Main power supply switch in the main power supply is off or the Main power supply is faulty.
main source for the complete system to work. Without these 24 Volts the e-cabinet electrical system will not work and the system will be impossible to be armed.
Printer systems 19
The E-box contains the primary electrical systems of the printer in one area.
Circuit Diagram: PCAs in the Ebox
Printer systems
PCA Boards and connections
Formatter PCA
The formatter is the motherboard of the printer, with an Intel microprocessor of 256 MB RAM memory runs the operating system of the printer.
Hard disc drive
The HDD contains the main Firmware of the printer.
The operating system is based on Montevista, an HP developed system.
All calibration values, product number, serial number etc, are stored on the Hard Disc Drive. In
order to make sure that this information is not lost in the case of a failure of the HDD, a backup is made:
- In the Main Interconnect Board for all the other information (other calibrations, total ink con-
sumption etc).
- In the ISM board for information related with the ISM area (calibrations of the ink sensors,
level of ink in the intermediate tanks, etc).
NOTE: In order to prevent the loss of calibration values, never replace the Hard disc system
and the ISS Main Board or the Hard disc system and the Main Interconnect Board at the same time.
Upper and Lower Engine PCI Board
These two boards are the main controllers of the printer. They are responsible for all real-time processing and are the ultimate controllers of all electromechanical systems.
The Lower Engine PCI Board controls all substrate path components (Drive Roller, Spindle Motors, OMAS, etc.), and the link to the following controllers: Controllers of the PH cleaning roller (situated on the main interconnect board). The one connected to the remote controller board controlling the capping station movement motor. Both controllers are connected through the same bus (MICC).
20 Printer systems
The Upper Engine PCI Board controls all non-substrate path components (carriage, scan axis motor, scan beam height/PPS, PH cleaning assembly, service station, etc).
Printmech Board
The Printmech Board is mainly used to drive the four substrate advance motors.
2 Front Spindle motors (connected in series)
1 Rear Spindle motor.
1 Media advance motor (the drive roller motor)
NOTE: The motors are driven by 42V obtained from the secondary power supply which is
located inside the electrical cabinet.
NOTE: To check that the 42V power supply arrives from the secondary power supply, see the
V Power 2 LED located on the Printmech Board.
Printmech leds
Printer systems
Printer systems 21
Main Interconnect Board connections
Printer systems
Most of the signals to or from the electronics box pass through the interconnect board. All of the cables connected to the Main Interconnect Board have labels indicating to which connection it should be connected.
J Plug Description J Plug Description
J1 Scan Axis Motor data J16
J3 Drop Detector J17
J4 Front Panel J18 Roll to Free Floor Control/power
J5 Remote Control Board (Service Station) J19 Power 24v (E-Cabinet, PPS, ISS)
J6 Remote Control Board (PPS) J22, J23 From secondary power supply 42v
J10 Media Input (Rear Spindle System) J300
J7 ISM 1 (Ink system Module: data 1) J301
J8 ISM 2 (Ink system Module: data 2) J306 To upper engine PCI Board
J12 PH Cleaning System data (Encoders) J307 To lower engine PCI Board
J13 Front Right PPS (data) Encoder+switch J308 Front Panel Intermediate cable
J26 Rear Right PPS (data) Encoder+switch J305/J310 To Printmech 42v
J15 Ecabinet Faulty Signals J20 Power supply to Carriage 24v
J11 Media Output (Front spindle system Encoder) J21 Power supply to Carriage 42v
J27 OMAS/Vacuum control data
Power& Control for PPS rear right motor PH Cleaning Roller motors & Capping Station 24v power to remote controller
Power & Motor control for PPS front right motor & vacuum controller (24v & 5v)
Encoder readers from the Printhead cleaning Rollers to the Upper Engine PCI board
42v from secondary 42 v power supply to PrintMech
22 Printer systems
Main Interconnect Board LEDs
Number Description Number Description
1 24 LEDs (DS6 to DS29) 7 From PPS encoder (rear, right)(DS36)
3Not used 9
4 Power temperature sensor 10 24v to Scan Axis motor (DS40)
5 5v for the PPS encoder (rear, right)(DS41) 11 Scan Axis motor comms signal (DS32-33)
6 5v for the PPS encoder (front, right)(DS37) 12 From Scan Axis Motor (DS34)
ATX from Main Power Supply+12v, +5 (including 5v stand-by)
8 From PPS encoder (front, right) (DS35)
12v from main power supply going to Front Panel (DS39)
Printer systems
Photo detail of Main Interconnect
Printer systems 23
Pin outs of the Main Interconnect
Printer systems
24 Printer systems
Pin outs of the Main Interconnect
The’ J17’ on the label identifies the J17 connector on the Main Interconnect Board.
The ‘INT’ on the label signifies Main INTerconnect Board, which this cable is connected to
Printer systems
Labels on the cables
Labels are attached to the cables to identify where the cables go to, and in some cases identify the functionality of the cable.
Printer systems 25
Label abbreviations
Related part Abbreviation on label
Switch SW
Encoder ENC
Printer systems
Power PWR
Cover CV
Main Interconnect Board INT
Engine upper PCI board ENG 0
Engine lower PCI board ENG 1
PrintMech board PM
Hard Disk Drive HDD
Main Power Supply PWR
Powe r Cabinet PWR CAB
Secondary 24V Power supply PWR CAB SEC 24V
Secondary 42V Power supply PWR CAB SEC 42V
E-cabinet 24V intermediate connection PWR CAB 24V Out
IR temperature Sensor - Left (Curing) SAX TS - LEFT
CUR IR temperature Sensor - Right SAX TS - RIGHT PZ - H
Print zone lamps power SAX PZ - H PWR
Curing lamps power SAX CURING PWR
Curing fans CURING FANS
Front Spindle Motor FSM - T/B ( Top/Botto m)
Rear Spindle Motor RSM
Drive Roller Motor MA (media advance)
Carriage Lid Switch C Lid SW
Printhead Board C PH1/2/3
Note: SAX=Scan Axis
L65500/LX600 Power lines specifications: 3 phase line
High Voltage system Low voltage systems
Input voltage 3 x 380-415V~ (-10%+6%) 3 x 200-220V~ (-10%)
Circuit Breaker 20A 32A
Input frequency 50Hz 60Hz
Power consumption 12kW 12kW
maximum load current (per phase) 32A 32A
L65500/LX600 Power lines specifications: Single phase line
High Voltage system Low voltage systems
Input voltage (phase to neutral) 3 x 220-240V~ (-10%+6%) 115-127 V~ (-10%) (Japan 200 V~)
Input frequency 50Hz 60Hz
26 Printer systems
High Voltage system Low voltage systems
Power consumption 1kW 1kW
maximum load current (per phase) 10A 10A
LX800 Power lines specifications: 3 phase line
High Voltage system Low voltage systems
Input voltage (line to line) 3 x 380-415V~ (-10%+6%) 3 x 200-220V~ (-10%)
Input frequency 50Hz 60Hz
Power consumption 15kW 15kW
maximum load current (per phase) 30A 50A
LX800 Power lines specifications: Single phase line
High Voltage system Low voltage systems
Input voltage (line to line) 200-240V~ (-10%+6%) 115-127 V~ (-10%) (Japan 200 V~)
Input frequency 50Hz 60Hz
Power Consumption 1kW 1kW
Maximum load current (per phases) 10A 10A
Related tests, utilities, and calibrations
From diagnostic mode: Electronics Page 291.
Service Utilities: Electrical system Page 291.
Service parts
Electrical Cabinet  Page 451.
Printer systems
Removal and installation
Electronics Page 509.
Printer systems 27
Substrate path
Drive Roller Encoder disc
Drive Roller Motor Assembly
Pinch mechanism
Drive Roller
Rear Spindle
Drive Roller Encoder sensor
The media roll is mounted on the rear spindle and is collected on the front spindle. Media goes from the rear spindle over the drive roller, over the print platen, over the diverter and onto the front spindle.
Each of the spindles has its own motor system. Vacuum is applied at the level of the print platen to keep the substrate flat.
Printer systems
The advance of the media is applied by the motor of the drive roller. There is a pinch mechanism to prevent the substrate slipping against the drive roller.
The accuracy of the substrate advance is controlled with two components:
The Driver Roller Encoder disc.
The OMAS: This is an optical sensor which works like a camera taking pictures of the media’s fibre,
the pictures are then compared, measuring actual distances during movements in order to apply small corrections in the advancement of the substrate.
28 Printer systems
+ 58 hidden pages