5. Service Test Menu................................................................................................ 443
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations267
The objective of this chapter is to guide you through the procedures for diagnostic tests, service utilities,
and service calibrations. If you need to troubleshoot a problem with the printer, see page 87.
Phone Support
The customer can be guided to perform nearly all diagnostic tests, utilities, and calibrations. However,
there are some procedures that the customer should not do. The customer cannot perform the following:
•Save Factory Defaults
•Restore Factory Defaults
•Reset Maintenance Kit Usage
•Reset Life Counters
Overview of Diagnostic Tests, Service Utilities & Service Calibrations
Diagnostic Tests
Diagnostic tests are used to identify the root cause of a problem, and can be performed in response to
printer problems or a system error code being displayed. When performing a diagnostic test, the
objective is to find the failure and get a system error code or message that will help you with
Whenever you get a system error code, check it up in the System Error Codes section of Troubleshooting.
Most system error codes correspond to a specific fault in the printer, and in this section you will find the
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
0. Purge & Setup Menu4. Ink System Menu6. Carriage Menu
0.1 Purge ISM4.1 ISS Electronics6.0 Trailing Cable test
0.2 Fill Intermediate Tanks4.2 Air Pressure System6.1 Carriage system test
0.3 Purge Printer Tubes4.3 Ink Supply Connector6.2 Move to Repair Position
0.4 Purge Ink Used Menu4.4 IT Broken Bag Recovery6.4 Line Sensor Check
0.5 3ph AC Volt Setup Menu4.5 Ink System Leakage6.5 Aerosol Fans
0.5.0 3ph AC Voltage 200V4.6 ISS Electro valves
0.5.1 3ph AC Voltage 208V4.7 Recovery Ink Leakage6.6.1 Force Priming Left
0.5.2 3ph AC Voltage 220V4.9 I Tank Change Process6.6.2 Force Priming Centre
0.5.3 3ph AC Voltage 380V4.10 Ink Cartridge LEDs6.6.3 Force Priming Right
0.5.4 3ph AC Voltage 400V4.11 Ink Pres. Sen. Calib.6.6.4 Force Priming All
actions you need to perform to fix the problem, it may be a calibration to perform or you may need to
replace a part, see page 90.
For specific information and procedures regarding diagnostic tests, see page 274.
overview of the Diagnostic tests available, print this out and use it as a quick reference to the tests
Shown below is an
6.6 Force Priming Menu
0.5.5 3ph AC Voltage 415V4.12 Ink Pressure At Pen
0.5.6 Voltage Configuration4.13 Force filling I Tanks7.1 PH Roll Adv Open Loop
0.6 Force Normal Boot4.14 No Flow Error Recovery7.2 PH Roll Adv Close Loop
0.7 Prepare for transport
0.8 Set ISM as Purged4.15.1 Entry Front Valves7.4 PH Roll Eng Close Loop
0.9 Set TRS as Purged4.15.2 Entry Rear Valves7.5 Calib std values
4.15 ISS Components test Menu7.3 PH Roll Eng Open Loop
7.Print Head Cleaning Menu
268Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
1. User Interface Menu4.15.3 Inter Front Valves8. Heating and Curing Menu
1.1 Front Panel4.15.4 Inter Rear Valves8.1 Heating
2. Electrical Systems Menu4.15.5 Front (1) Air Pumps8.2 Curing
2.1 Ecabinet4.15.6 Rear (2) Air Pumps8.3 Heating Temp profile
2.2 Main Electronics Menu4.15.7 Relief valves8.4 Curing Temp profile
2.2.1 Electronics Control4.15.8 Air Pressure Sens8.5 Temp Controllers Calib Menu
2.2.2 Hard Disk Drive4.15.9 Ink Pressure Sens8.5.1 Heating Current Cali
2.2.3 Conectivity Check4.15.10 Int T Front Brk Bag8.5.2 Curing Current Calib
2.2.4 Unit Information4.15.11 Int T Rear Brk Bag8.5.3 Reset Heating Calib
2.2.5 SE 71.X:19 Recovery
4.16 ISS Flushing Menu8.5.4 Reset Curing Calib
2.2.6 Set SN and PN4.16.1 Auxiliary Tool Pump
2.3 Main PSU ON/OFF4.16.2 Operate Front valves9.1 Cover/Switch Sensor
3.Substrate Path Menu4.17 Int Tanks Ink Life Cycles10.0 Enable/Diasable Logs
3.1 Spindle sys 4.18 Int Tanks Ink amount10.1 Force Normal Boot
3.2 Front Spindle System4.19 Int Tanks time refill10.2 Report Tests Version
3.3 Rear Spindle System4.20 Check Ink Supplies10.3 Save NVM To File
3.4 Drive Roller
3.5 Pinch Switches5.1 Impelling System
3.6 Vacuum
3.7 OMAS5.2.1 MoveTo Home Position
3.8 Free Fall Pich Switch Test5.2.2 MoveTo Load Position
3.9 Free Fall system5.2.3 MoveTo Printing Pos
3.10 Free Fall Relays5.2.4 PPS Motor Check
3.11 Take up Reel System5.2.5 PPS Switch
5. Scan Axis Menu10.4 Restore NVM From File
5.2 PPS Menu
5.2.6 PPS Shims Values
5.3 Service Station
5.3.1 Shuttle Open Loop
5.3.2 Shuttle Close Loop
5.3.3 Drop Detector test
5.3.4 Service Station Cal
5.3.5 Drop detector 12V On/Off
5.3.6 Drop detector signals
9. Covers Men u
10.Diagn. utilities menu
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
NOTE: Most diagnostic tests are only available when you start the printer in Diagnostic Mode. This
special bootmode does not require full initialization of the printer, and it’s only function is to allow you to
perform the tests.
NOTE: Except for internal service prints, you cannot use the printer in the normal way when the printer
is in diagnostic mode.
Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations269
Service Utilities and Calibrations
Service utilities are a set of operations that help you service, clean, and maintain the printer, and can
occasionally assist you with troubleshooting.
For specific information and procedures regarding service utilities, see page 396.
Service calibrations allow you to calibrate printer components and settings to ensure optimal
performance, and are performed after removing or replacing components or in response to system error
codes or image quality problems. For specific information and procedures regarding service utilities, see
page 425.
Shown below is an overview of the Service Utilities and Calibrations available, print this out and use it as
a quick reference to the features available to you.
1. Service Untilities Menu2. Service Prints Menu4. Serv. Calibrations Menu
1.5 .1 SA X Fr i ct i o n T e st5. Service Tests Menu
4.3 Substrate Path Menu
4.5 Scan Axis Menu
4.6 Carriage Menu
1.5.2 Force Drop Detection5.0 Show Test Messages
1.5 . 3 G h o st D r o p D e t e ct i o n
1.5.4 PH Stability Check
1.5 . 5 R e se t E r ro r H id i n g
1. 6 Ca r ri a g e Me n u
1.6.1 Open/Close Color sensor
1.6.2 Color Sensor Check
1. 6. 3 Ae r o so l Fa n s
1.8 Heating & Curing Menu
1.8.1 Heating Curing Temp
270Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
About the Service Menu
Hold Cancel
Switch Printer ON
Hold Cancel
Switch Printer ON
Hold UP key
The Service Utilities, Reset Life Counters, and Service Calibration menus are only available from the
service menu.
This special menu is ‚’hidden’ and requires a special access key combination to access it. Two menus
exist, one for the user and one for the service engineer, in order to prevent the user from changing
important settings like life counters or factory defaults.
Service Menu Key Combinations
Diagnostic mode
1.For Call Agents who will request the User to Perform certain troubleshooting action, hold the Down
arrow key and the Cancel key down and switch the printer ON using the front power switch. Watch the
LED light on the Front Panel.
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
2. For On-Site Engineers, hold the Up arrow key and the Cancel key down and switch the printer ON
using the front power switch.
3. First it will be red for short time, then green for a longer time, then it will be off, and finally it will start
flashing green. As soon as it lights up green after being off, quickly release all three keys.
NOTE: If you restart the printer from the ACB-1 breaker switch or you do not press the service
key combination in time, press and hold the ON key for 1 second and release the key, the
printer will switch off within the coming 3-5 seconds. Do NOT leave the ON key pressed too
long, or the printer will restart again immediately. If this occurs, just press again the ON key
for 1 second and release it => the printer will switch off within the coming 3-5 seconds.
Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations271
4. Once inside the Service Tests Menu use the Arrow keys to scroll through the Diagnostics menu. Press the
Enter key to begin a specific test when the required Service Test is highlighted.
Common reasons for failing to boot in diagnostic mode
It is important to press and hold the buttons exactly as described here.
1.With the Down (customer) or UP (CE) and Cancel keys already pressed and kept down, press the
On/Off button and keep it pressed until you see the green light switching on for the 2nd time..
2.A moment after pressing the On/Off button the green light comes on. Do not release the On/Off
button at this time. If you do then the diagnostic menu does not open and the printer starts normally.
•Keep all three buttons pressed down until you hear the beep sound.
•Only at the end of the boot process do you know if the printer has booted in diagnostic mode or in
normal mode.
•In case you do not have enough time, after having turned ON the big ON/OFF switch, to press the
3 keys -> hold down on the ON/OFF button (#3) for 1 second and release it; the printer will switch off within the coming 3-5 seconds, and then you can start again the sequences (by pressing
on 3 buttons).
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
Service Menu
1.Select the setup icon from the Front Panel and press Enter.
The Printer displays the following menu:
2. Depending on the situation:
•Phone Support: Press and hold the Down key, and press the Cancel key at the same time.
•Onsite repair: Press on the Up key, and press on the Cancel key at the same time.
272Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
3. The Service menu is displayed.
NOTE: In case of 'phone support', the 'reset life counters Menu' is not displayed.
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations273
Diagnostic Tests
If you need to troubleshoot a problem with the printer, see page 87.
Diagnostic tests help you determine which component is failing when you have a problem. This section
guides you through the diagnostic test procedures and provides information about each test.
0. Purge & Setup Menu
0.1 Purge ISM
This is used to purge the Ink Supply Module. The test guides step by step the user to fill the tubes of the
ISM side with ink by one of two ways. This procedure is only performed during the installation process,
further details are available in the ‘Installation Guide’.
•Follow the user with instructions to fill the column of ink between Ink Cartridge connector and the
purge port.
•Opening the entry electrovalves and letting the ink fill the ISM system up to the quick connector.
NOTE: The printer can tolerate up to 20cm of air (the length of the bubble) in the tubes per
color, from the main ink electrovalve to the printhead, small pockets of bubbles are okay.
CAUTION: From the cartridge connector to the main ink electrovalve: NO bubble is accept-
able, or the printer can display an error message ‘unexpected empty cartridge’ (while there is
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
ink in the cartridge). The tube from the ISM ink tray to the ink cartridges are not transparent. In
case of any doubt, do not hesitate to refill the ink within the tubes (only this portion of tube).
CAUTION: Do not apply too much force the syringe or any tube or connection. Gently
manipulate the syringe during insertion to ink cartridges, purging ports, or printhead connec
1.Disconnect the ink cartridges.
2. Connect the purge bags to the printer.
274Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
3. Disconnect the quick connector from the ISM..
CAUTION: The quick connector should always be handled with care and held by the pro-
vided protective tube, so as to avoid any over-stress on its internal fittings.
4. Connect the Purger Quick Connector to the ISM.
5. Screw the needles into all the syringes.
6. Go to the Diagnostics menu> 0. Purge Menu & Set Up Menu> 0.1 Purge ISM.
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations275
7.There is a special menu selection for each color line, each has the same identical operation, press ok to
select the color to purge
CAUTION: When selecting the option in the following procedure, do not push the ok button
more than once per selection.
8. The front panel will display the following message, in the initialization period, the electrovalve of the color
selected will open
and close several times to ensure it is functional.
9. The front panel displays the following message, press the ok key to open the electrovalve of the selected
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
10. The front panel displays the time remaining that the electrovalve is open and beeps to indicate the open
status (in total 200 seconds)
NOTE: At this moment the EV will open if ink does not go beyond the EV, the part might
require a repair procedure. Try to open and close it several times using the 4.15.X service
276Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
11 . Insert the syringe in the purging port (next to the ink pressure sensor) for the color selected, and slowly
push the ink until it clearly reaches the quick connector purger (first) and the purge bags (second).
If you run out of ink in the syringe, it is okay to refill the syringe from the ink cartridge. Keep track of how
much ink you remove from the ink cartridge, because you will be asked to report the quantity of ink taken.
Make sure the electrovalves are still open.
NOTE: Make sure you insert the syringe far enough into the port so that the tip of the syringe
engages with a small spring inside the port.
CAUTION: Never look away from the syringe. If you need to look at the purge bags or some-
thing else in the room, set down the syringe first. The ink system components are easily broken.
CAUTION: Do not insert the syringe if the electrovalves are not open, this will be noticeable
as there will be too much resistance when inserting the syringe.
•1 = K
•2 = Y
•3 = C
•4 = M
•5 = LM
•6 = LC
12. Remove the syringe from the purge port with a cloth to prevent spills.
13 . Press OK on the Front Panel to close the electrovalves.
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations277
14 . Press OK to confirm that you have finished purging the ink tubes for the color selected.
15 . Disconnect the purge bag and connect the ink cartridge, and then press OK.
16 . If there is a connection error at this point the following message will be displayed.
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
Check the ink cartridge is correctly connected. Check the connector switch and cable connections (red
cable) to the ISM PCA
17. If there is no error at this point the following message is displayed.
The pressure must be above 1800 mpsi, this is to ensure that the ink pressure sensor is reading a good
value (1800mpsi is for a ink cartridge almost empty), this check prevents bubbles of air in the line (which
causes low ink pressure) which causes the system to mark the ink cartridge as empty. As in the next step
the printer will access the acumen and write it as empty if the pressure is very low.
For completely new ink cartridges the value should be around 2200-2300 mpsi. If the value does not
match the expected values, repeat the purging process of the column.
18 . If there is a failure with the Ink Pressure Sensor or a cable is disconnected, the front panel will display that
the ink pressure is above 3000 mspi, such as the message shown below.
278Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
If the above message is displayed, check the connections of the Ink Pressure Sensor cable. Check for any
similar problems with the other colors that share the same ink pressure sensor board, if these color also
have a problem, replace the board.
19. If there is no error at this point the following message is displayed.
20. Enter the quantity of ink that was extracted from the ink cartridge (typically this is 60ml), press the ok key
when this is done.
NOTE: Entering the amount of ink taken from the ink cartridge correctly will have an impact
on the precision of the remaining ink that is displayed to the customer. The out of ink message
is independent of this value, which is solely dependant on the value detected by the ink
pressure sensor.
21. The following screen is displayed when the values have been entered.
NOTE: Checks are made of the values of the ink pressure sensor before finishing the
procedure. The reason for this is to ensure correct calibration before writing to the supply
acumen as empty (pressure values too low which might be due to air in the column of ink
between the supply and the ink pressure sensor). This check prevents displaying the ink
cartridge with incorrect remaining ink.
22. Select the next color and repeat.
23. Remove the quick connector purger.
0.2 Fill Intermediate Tanks
This procedure is used to fill a new set of intermediate tanks with ink and should only be performed during
the printer’s installation (refer to the installation guide for details). The procedure first pressurizes and then
depressurizes the tanks to check the condition of the inner bag of the intermediate tank. The procedure
then fills the intermediate tanks with ink. This second procedure is time based and performed on one side
(intermediate tanks X.1) after the other (intermediate tanks X.2). While one side is refilled the other is semipressurized to control the refill. For the procedure to be performed there must be at least 1.5L of ink in the
ink cartridges, otherwise the system will halt the procedure.
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
1.Go to the Diagnostics menu 0. Purge and Setup Menu > 0.2 Fill intermediate tanks.
Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations279
2. Ensure that all the intermediate ink tanks are installed, apply the labels (match them to the labels on the
printer), and confirm that they are installed from the Front Panel.
NOTE: This procedure sets the amount of ink in the intermediate tanks, if the process is
interrupted or not fully performed for any reason, the procedure is forced to run again until it is
3. The following messages are displayed while the printer starts the various subsystems in order to perform
the procedure.
The refill process takes approximately 25 minutes.
4. The printer unfolds the intermediate ink tanks. When the process is finished, press any key to continue.
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
5. The printer fills the intermediate ink tanks. When the process is finished, check that the ink cartridge LED
is green and press any key to continue.
280Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
6. If there is a failure at this point because of insufficient ink in the ink cartridge, the following message is
The supply ink information is obtained from the acumen of the supplies. If any of the values are 0 or
non-read, check the connections of the ink cartridges or replace them if they are not working.
Nomenclature used:
•Supply 0: Black Color Cartridge
•Supply 1: Yellow Color Cartridge
•Supply 2: Cyan Color Cartridge
•Supply 3: Magenta Color Cartridge
•Supply 4: Light Magenta Color Cartridge
•Supply 5: Light Cyan Color Cartridge
0.3 Purge Printer Tubes
This process purges the TRS (Tube route system) from the ISM up to the print heads during the installation
process. Further details of the process cab be found in the installation guide. The system pressurizes the
ISM system to push ink into the tubes by placing the air purgers in the Printhead positions the air comes
out filling the tubes. The test pressurizes the tubes constantly until the user finishes the operation.
1.Go to the Diagnostics menu and select 0. Purge and Setup Menu > 0.3 Purge Printer Tubes.
2. Connect the quick connector.
WARNING!: The quick connector should always be handled with care and held by the pro-
vided protective tube, so as to avoid any over-stress on its internal fittings.
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations281
3. Printheads must not be present in the printer before at the start of the procedure. Remove the printheads.
4. Install the air purge connectors.
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
Ensure all purgers are placed in the FI connectors. The printer will then pressurize the system allowing ink
to flow through the tubes from the intermediate tanks. The filling of the tubes will take about 100cc of ink.
NOTE: If the tubes have been cleaned before it is possible that some remaining water in the tubes can
trap the purgers, not allowing the air to come out. In this case used a syringe to extract the remaining
air and ensure the ink reaches the Fluid interconnects.
NOTE: In case you do not have the purge connector, you can use a syringe as described before, but
if you need to have the air pressure set for a long time, perform the following other diagnostic tool
'4.12 Ink Pressure At Pen refer to page 328.
5. Press OK to purge the tubes.
282Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
6. At this point, the printer sends ink to the carriage purging the tubes, this process takes approximately 5
7.After a few minutes the following message is displayed, the Front Panel prompts you to confirm that ink
has reached the air purge connectors. Look at the air purge connectors and confirm that each color has
arrived to the connector.
pressurize the tubes system by pressing Cancel.
8. If the ink did not arrive to the air purge connector successfully, remove the air purge connector and insert
a syringe of the same color. When the ink reaches the syringe, the printer tubes are purged.
Press ok if the purge was completed successfully. At this point it is possible to re-
WARNING!: Do not pull on the plunger of the syringe. The pressure in the tubes will force
the ink into the syringe itself.
9. If the ink does not arrive to the syringe, press CANCEL and repeat Purge Menu > Purge Printer
10. If the tubes are purged correctly, remove the air purge connectors and press OK to finish.
NOTE: Wear latex gloves and use a cloth when you remove the air purge connectors.
NOTE: The printer can be pressurized manually using other methods available in the
diagnostics (such as starting up the printer’s air pumps. Use this procedure if problems appear
and additional troubleshooting required (such as verification that the system is pressurizing
correctly). However ensure the TRS purged flag is reset (diagnostics ‘0.9 TRS as purged’.
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations283
0.4 Purge Ink Used Menu
In the case where ink is removed from the ink supplies to purge additional purging operations, this menu
enables the user to take into account the quantity of removed ink from the supply memory, this gives a
more precise measure of the ink accounted for in the IPS of the printer. The procedure can be applied to
each color line.
1.Go to the Diagnostics menu and select 0. Purge and Setup Menu > 0.4 Purge Ink Used Menu.
2. The front panel displays the following message, use the up and down keys to change the value displayed
to the amount of ink that was removed from the ink cartridge for purging purposes.
3. The front panel displays the following message and confirms the amount entered, press ok to finish.
Press the ok key.
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
If the above confirmation screen is not displayed, this could indicate an error writing the value to the
acumen of the ink cartridge, in this case check the connections to the ink cartridge.
0.5 3ph AC Volt Setup Menu
This menu sets the voltage of the 3 phase (phase to phase) voltage in the printer. This value must be set
correctly for the heating and curing systems in the printer to work correctly.
NOTE: 3 Phase voltage values below 190V and above 430V are not supported by the printer.
1.Go to Diagnostics menu and select 0. Purge and Setup Menu > 0.5 AC Volt Setup Menu.
284Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
2. The following screen is displayed, select the correct voltage of the line voltage of the customers site, and
•Select this for line voltages below 204V
•Select this for line voltages below 205V-214V
•Select this for line voltages below 215V-240V
•Select this for line voltages below 360V - 390V
•Select this for line voltages below 391V-407V
•Select this for line voltages below 408V and above
select the ok key.
NOTE: It is possible to check the current voltage setting of the printer via the service plot by
going to ‘IPS Select information>Service Information’ (available from firmware version and IPS 3.5 and greater)
3. The following messages are displayed in order to confirm that the appropriate safety requirements have
been met when installing the printer and selecting the voltage value. Read each message and press the
down arrow to continue only when you are sure the corresponding safety requirement has been met.
4. The following message is displayed, press the down arrow to continue.
5. The following message is displayed, press the down arrow to continue.
6. The following message is displayed, press the down arrow to continue.
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations285
7.The following message is displayed, press the down arrow to continue.
8. The following message is displayed, press the down arrow to continue.
0.5.6 Voltage Configuration
This menu enables you to see the current voltage configuration selected.
1.Go to Diagnostics menu and select 0. Purge and Setup Menu > 0.5 AC Volt Setup Menu >
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
0.5.6 Voltage Configuration
2. The following screen is displayed.
3. The current voltage selected is displayed.
The values displayed will be 200, 208, 220, 380, 400 or 415 depending on the current configuration. If
the printer does not have any configration selected the display will show NO CONFIGURATION. To set a
voltage configuration refer to page 284.
0.6 Force Normal Boot
This test changes the boot up parameter of the printer to start up in normal mode (also known as printer
286Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
After initial set up of the printer in Diagnostics boot up, this procedure is selected to start up the printer
normally. This procedure is required to reset the printer back to normal boot mode operation after ‘1.0
Force diagnostics boot mode’ has been performed.
1.Go to Diagnostics menu and select 0. Purge and Setup Menu> 0.6Force Normal Boot
2. The following screen is displayed while the system is changed to boot up in Normal Boot mode.
3. When the process has finished, the following screen is displayed confirming the printer will now automat-
ically boot up in normal printer mode., press ok to finish.
0.7 Prepare for transport
This procedure is used to prepare the printer for transportation.
The procedure deletes the 3Phase configuration parameter, forcing the selection again of the 3 Phase
configuration once in the customer new premises. In addition where the transportation environment was
below 5 degrees and ink flushing was performed, the procedure enables the user to remove the ISM and
TRS purged status which allows a re-purging of the printer.
1.Go to Diagnostics menu and select 0. Purge and Setup Menu> 0.7Prepare for transport
2. The front panel displays the following message, press ok to continue.
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations287
3. The front panel displays the following messages, and the 3 phase power configuration is reset in the
4. The front panel displays the following message. If yes is selected, the ISM and TRS purge status is reset to
0, forcing the purging procedure to be performed again, (this can be reversed using the procedure 0.8
and 0.9).
5. The following message is displayed confirming the printer’s voltage setting has been reset and the purge
status of the printer has been reset to 0 (Unpurged), press any key to finish the procedure.
If no is selected at this point the procedure will finish.
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
0.8 Set ISM as Purged
This procedure is used to set the ISM purged status in the NVM. The test is used if the standard ISM purging
procedure failed (0.1 Purge ISM page 274) and the purging process was manually performed and the
status needs to be set using this procedure to ‘Purged’.
CAUTION: If this procedure is performed and the printer has not actually been purged, print-
ing failures and possible printhead damage will probably occur.
1.Go to Diagnostics menu and select 0. Purge and Setup Menu> 0.8Set ISM as Purged
288Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
2. The following message will be displayed, press the ok key to set the ISM status as ‘Purged’.
0.9 Set TRS as Purged
This procedure is used to set the TRS purged status in the NVM. The test is used if the standard TRS purging
procedure failed (0.3 Purge ISM page 281) and the purging process was manually performed and the
status needs to be set using this procedure to ‘Purged’.
CAUTION: If this procedure is performed and the printer has not actually been purged, print-
ing failures and possible printhead damage will probably occur, (because there is air within
the tubes and no ink).
1.Go to Diagnostics menu and select 0. Purge and Setup Menu> 0.9Set TRS as Purged
2. The following message will be displayed, press the ok key to set the TRS status as ‘Purged’.
1.0 User Interface Menu
1.1 F ron t P a nel
This procedure checks the correct functionality of the keys on the front panel and the correct operation of
the pixels in the display. The procedure also performs a quick front panel internal electronics check.
1.Go to Diagnostics menu and select 1.0 User Interface Menu> 1.1 Front Panel
2. The following message will be displayed, the version of the firmware is checked and the hardware ver-
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations289
3. If this is displayed correctly, as shown here, this would indicate that the electronics of the front panel are
functioning correctly,
4. Press all the keys of the front panel, multiple times, each press of the key is recorded in the message dis-
played. Make sure the keys are pressed firmly, so that they can be registered correctly on the display. The
procedure times-out after a while.
If any of the keys are register as 0 presses, an error message is displayed and the test fails.
press any key to continue
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
5. If there is no error at this point the test continues, the front panel displays the following screen which tests
all the pixels on the screen of the front panel.
6. The front panel displays the following message, wait for 20 seconds to elapse for the start of the pixel test.
290Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
7.The front panel screen will go completely black, check to see if there are any white pixels showing, which
would indicate a failure of one or multiple pixels on the screen.
8. The front panel will display the following message, if there were no white pixels showing and the screen
was completely black, press the ok key.
If there were white pixels showing on the screen, press cancel to fail the test and replace the front panel.
9. If the screen passes the test, the following message is displayed, press any key to shutdown the printer.
2. Electrical Systems Menu
2.1 ECabinet
This procedure checks the functionality of electronics in the ECabinet. The following are turn on for the
purposes of the functionality:
•Power Supply Voltage test (main power supply)
•Vacuum Transformer test
•Curing System Fans test
•Temperature Sensors test (communication temperature values)
•Heating and curing modules configuration
1.Go to Diagnostics menu and select 2. User Electrical Systems Menu> 2.1 ECabinet
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2. The following screen is displayed, reset the circuit breakers and make sure there is a light showing.
3. The following screen is displayed, reset the circuit breakers and make sure there is a light showing.
4. When the circuit breakers have been reset the front panel displays the following message, press any key
to continue.
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
The printer starts the various subsystems required to perform the tests, if there are any system errors at this
point refer the troubleshooting chapter.
5. The front panel will display the following message, select yes and press ok.
6. Use a voltameter to test for 110v in the output voltage point of the transformer or the terminal blocks to the
vacuum pump, if there is 110v present, select yes and press ok.
If 110v is not present, select no and press ok. The printer will shut down and the failure can be repaired.
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7.If there is no failure, the front panel displays the following message, and the vacuum system is turned on.
8. The front panel displays the following message, press yes if the vacuum has started.
9. The front panel displays the following message, press yes if the vacuum has stopped.
If there is an error with the Vacuum functionality, this would indicate an error with the Vacuum
Transformer, press no and the printer will shut down so the appropriate repair can be made.
10. If there is no error at this point the following message is displayed, select yes and press the ok key.
11 . Use a voltameter to test for 24v in the output voltage point of the 24v Secondary PSU, if there is 24v
present, select yes and press ok.
Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
If 24v is not present, select no and press ok. The printer will shut down and the failure can be repaired.
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12. If there is no error at this point the following message is displayed, and the curing fans are turned on,
select yes and press the ok key if the curing ar functioning.
If the curing fans do not turn on, select no and press ok. The printer will shut down and the failure can be
13 . If there is no error at this point the following message is displayed, and the heater is turned on to check if
the Print zone IR temperature sensor displayed is raised to an appropriate level, press any key to continue.
If the Print zone temperature is not displayed correctly on the front panel, this would indicate an error with
the connections or failure of the Print Zone IR temperature sensor.
Test, Utilities & Calibrations
14 . The following message is displayed, and the curing module is turned on to check if the Curing IR temper-
ature sensor displayed is raised to an appropriate level, press any key to continue.l.
If the Curing temperature is not displayed on the front panel, this would indicate a indicate an error with
the connections or failure of the Curing IR temperature sensor.
15 . The front panel displays the following message, and the Heating and Curing modules are turned on to
294Service Tests, Utilities & Calibrations
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