7 Preventive Maintenance
• Introduction ...................................................................................................... 780
• About Preventive Maintenance ..................................................................... 780
• Preventive Maintenance Alerts and Actions .................................................... 780
• Check the maintenance usage levels on the HP Internal Print Server .................. 783
• Preventive maintenance service procedures........................................................... 784
• Preventive maintenance #1: Clean heating/curing module reflectors.................. 784
• Preventive maintenance #2: Replace the Carriage Chain Assembly................... 786
• Preventive maintenance #3: Replace the Intermediate Tank Set......................... 786
• Preventive maintenance #4: Grease the PPS Screw Assembly ........................... 787
• Preventive maintenance #5: Replace Ink Tubes ............................................... 788
• Cleaning the ventilation filter foams of the E-Cabinet.............................................. 789
Preventive Maintenance 779
Preventative Maintenance

About Preventive Maintenance
The purpose of scheduled preventive maintenance is to perform maintenance operations as required, in
order to avoid possible failures before they start and ensure a good performance throughout the product
For each scheduled preventive maintenance action, there is an internal life counter in the firmware that
counts a variable related to the life of the component, like the number of liters of ink used, the square
meters of substrate printed, or the number of scan axis cycles (depending on the component/maintenance
action) since the last time the preventive maintenance action was performed.
When the internal life counter reaches the limit for a preventive maintenance action (set according to
testing and development), an alert is displayed on the HP Internal Print Server.
Preventive Maintenance Alerts and Actions
There are two types of preventive maintenance alerts: alerts that require a service engineer to complete
the action, and alerts that require only that the customer complete the action.
Service maintenance alerts
The HP Internal Print Server displays alerts whenever a maintenance action is required. There are four
alerts that require a Service Engineer, and must be performed according to the life counter value on the
right (which is calculated into a percentage automatically).
These procedures are included in this chapter See page 784.
Alert Action Required Life Counter Value
Maintenance #1 required
Maintenance #2 required
Maintenance #3 required Replace the Intermediate Tank Set
Preventative Maintenance
Maintenance #4 required Grease the PPS Screws
Maintenance #5 required Replace Ink Tubes
Note 1: Corresponding counter in component usage of the service plot: 'Heater deflector usage since last
cleaning (cc)' and 'Curing deflector usage since last cleaning (cc)'
Note2: Corresponding counter in component usage of the service plot: ‘Carriage # cycles’.
Clean the Heating and Curing
Replace the Carriage Chain
160 8 (n o t e 1) 16 08 l i te r s
6000000 cycles
(note 2)
1400 cycles
(note 3)
2000 > 8000
cycles (note 4)
900 000 cycles
(depending on
the SN)(note 5)
Qty of ink/
225000 square
126 0 l i t er s
1210 45 s q ua r e
28125 sqm
Note 3: Corresponding counter is in intermediate tanks values, life cycles column, preventive maintenance
#3 will be displayed when one of the counter reaches this limit. 1 cycle = 1 refill done. (this info is
available only from FW
Note 4: Corresponding counter is in component usage of the service plot : PPS # cycles, the thresholds
will be moved from 2000 to 8000 within a future firmware version after version
780 Preventive Maintenance

The reason for this is when doing a cycle of the PPS (raising up and lowering back), the counter does not
increase by 1, but by 4 on average, so the threshold will be increased to 8000 instead of 2000.
Note 5: Corresponding counter in component usage of the service plot: Tube ISS # cycles.
Printer with serial number ok (SG94S1F001), on one which the preventive maintenance #5 has not been
performed (tube not replaced), will have a preventive maintenance #5 displayed with the number of
cycles of the scan axis reaches 900 000 (from FW version
Once the preventive maintenance #5 has been applied, and the reset from the service menu has been
done (PMKIt#5), this preventive maintenance #5 is disabled (even if it is all the time displayed). It remains
the preventive maintenance #2 (carriage chain assy replacement).
It is very important to reset the maintenance kit usage each time you perform preventive maintenance
action See page 420.
Operator maintenance alerts
The HP Internal Print Server displays alerts whenever a maintenance action is required. The following
seven alerts require action from the customer, and must be performed according to the life counter value
on the right (which is calculated into a percentage automatically).
For more information about these procedures, refer to the Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide.
Alert Life Counter Value
Clean the Temperature Sensor 80 liters (see note 1)
Clean the Line Sensor 80 liters (see note 2)
Replace the Sensor Box No limit
Replace the oil reservoirs 6250 square meters (see note 3)
Clean the carriage rails 37501 square meters (see note 4)
Clean the carriage cover 80 liters (see note 5)
Clean the ink deposits 136 liters (see note 6)
Note 1: The corresponding counter in not visible in the service plot, but can be calculated from the
preventive maintenance chapter, by applying, at the line 'heating sensor', the column 'capacity'*'current
Note 2: The corresponding counter is available in the service plot, in the component usage section, Line
sensor since last clean (milliliters) with a corresponding threshold: 80 000 000 (80l), number reported
with 000 more than ml.
Note 3: The corresponding counter is available in the service plot, in the component usage section: Usage
oil reservoir (m), with a corresponding limit of 500 000 m (500km of the carriage movement distance).
(Values are Approximate)
Preventative Maintenance
Note 4: The corresponding counter is available in the service plot, in the component usage section: Usage
slider rods (m), with a corresponding limit of 3 000 000 m (3000km of the carriage movement distance).
Note 5: The corresponding counter is available in the service plot, in the component usage section,
Carriage lid usage (milliliters), with a corresponding threshold: 80 000 000 (80l), number reported with
000 more than ml.
Note 6: The corresponding counter is available in the service plot, in the component usage section, Ink
deposit level (cc) , with a corresponding threshold: 136 000 (136l).
Preventive Maintenance 781

Check for alerts
You can check the maintenance usage levels on the HP Internal Print Server, which are automatically
converted to a percentage according to the life counter values.
NOTE: You can also check the maintenance usage levels or life counters for individual
components using the Reset Life Counters utilitySee page 420.
To check the maintenance usage levels on the HP Internal Print Server, use the following procedure.
1. From the HP Internal Print Server, navigate to Information > Alerts.
2. The HP Internal Print Server displays the current alerts.
Preventative Maintenance
WARNING!: These percentages are estimations only.
782 Preventive Maintenance