Harman Kardon AVR330 Owner’s Manual

Power for the Digital RevolutionI
AVR 330
/°'_ D:*_: _,_'. i----iiiiiii iiiii ----iiiiiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii ----i----iiiii iiiii
t I
I'=-I ..... Iv " "1-1" '- "1" - "1"-I
3 IntrodLctiot 4 Sa(ty iff)m_tion
4 UIpackhg 5 Frotil'atel Corl_OiS
7 RealP_leiCoti ecSons
10 Maini_eT/OTeCo_irolRJnotiots 14 Zol IIR T]oteCollrol ulctJols
15 Instalh%n_d Cont etions 17 Sys:(rTCot iguratiot
17 Spetk/ _iace_]elt 17 SysleT/Setup
18 nputSetup 19 Sarrow/d Stup 20 Spe_kerSeap
22 )ehy SetSn% 23 QuiRtLevel£1jush/elt 23 UsingEzSt
24 ManualOutputLuvelAdJUSlT/{I t 25 Opelation
25 Basic Opefa[Jol 25 Sou!c(Sdectiot
25 6 Chalnel/8 CIarltel Di/ectInpu 25 V')iuTieCon_l}i 26 SurroundModeSelection
26 DigilaiALdioPlayback 27 SurroundModeChar
29 [[net Opel_tion 30 ]ape _ eoldirlg
30 OLpL LevelajT//\djtJsh/(I
31 AdvancedFe_tules 31 SurroundArTplificl01annelAssignTie{t 31 DisphyBrightness
31 [LrrlOt VolurTeLevei 31 SemiOSDSettisga
32 di OSDTirTeOLAdjtstT]eni 33 MullJloo1 Operation
33 MLIti!OOrT%t{p 33 MHthOOrTSOperation 35 ProglarTrTtg tile /erToi
35 PloglaTillingfie ReT/Ole 35 MiectCodeEntry
35 ALOSe_rclMelilod 35 CodeReadoH 35 MaaoPK)gl_rTT/ing 36 _rogla_/T/edbeviceFunctk)la 37 V')luTiePLrlclTIrough
37 ClsalI eiCottlolPLISClSThlougl 37 TralsporiCOlrolPu I hro%h
37 HeassigningDevioeControlSele{to!s 38 ReselIJg lileRei/@(Me_]ory
39 Funcibt ist 41 SetupCodelabies
52 oublesloolhg Guide 52 RooessorReset
53 ls;chnic_lSp{cifications
TypographicalConventions n orde_tolip y)u uselis T]a;u_iwifl [J{ _erTA COl_ol[!Ol parl{loorFl'dsarKJlUalparl{lc}rll{ ;forls
cu!lailCOlVqtJ)ls i/av_heel t_sed
EXAMPLE (boiJtype)ildica_(s_specificrerTo_(oontrolori_ontpa_el butlonor_ea_panei C311cfiorljack
EXA[IP L E OC;_type}indic_LlesarTessagetiqatisvisibleo_ saee_orontile [!olt parlel
i_forT_ationdisplay [] {haT/belil t squtle}inciicatesa speoific[!olt panelCOlqoi
O (nuT/heril t oilcle)ildicassst reapanelconleetion
0 (taT/betit trl owtl)itdicaksabutlonoril dicaxxot de rerTo_( Q (leh_inal oval}indk;_ttesa bLSOlon heZole II!erTok
Thankyoufor choosingHarmanKardon'_!Wil tilEptlcl aseOfa Harts Kardon/X,J'_330 youaro
@outo b,:ginntny yeas}1iidEIingoq)ynol
)Esigne10 provide]II IhEExciTcrTent];d delailsf novie sotl dt/ackstld evEIynuanceornusk,alselEc tions,IhEAVR330 is_l[lya n[fticlalnEireseivElfor
tilEnEWnillolrlJ/{T/ Tie i\VR330 his boonErlgineeiedsoflat i ise]sy
tOtakoadwntageo allftT(powero Hsdigitaltech nobgy HsWeVEIIoobBirltilemtxirTstT/ee/oyT/OII f!ol yo/r newrEceiverws trgeyx _o!sadlilis ntrlual A row nklu sspoil icamilg tie "uncilxTsof ftlevalJotJscol loiswillenabbyo_o _akE]dw_lago o all hepowelfie i\Vb330 isableIodelivel
f yOUhay ]nyquesionsabs[ tlis plo¢ :, ilsin4d hHOlo! itsopelalJ01,phaseCOl4 y)t le41elol
CLSR}T/irs_alIEITheyIre you_bestlo(_-[isouseso JlorrTaSsrl
DescriptionandFeatures T]( i_,/R33()isvel_:dileandrtdiftoah_edHc)ipo !dig a wide1agE0 listeningopions n ]ddiisn1o )shy* [)igiTaiarid[)TS_ d(eodingfordigilalsot/cos
abrsaddloiceo MINxsu_roud encsdedorDeloo st_roundnsdesare]vaiiabieol usewil soumes stcl asD) VCR_VbroadcasBanddso/\VR3SOs
ownFM/i\Mtune1Ak)lg wih Doiby)igitai EX Doiby PloLogic*I [)TSNeo:D®,Doiby3 Sel(o tld t]1 tnd Thaterrtodes,do lay'F<330OriElSHit t/tl
nsrla io/tl'sEXCiUSiVOLogic/®processinginbodl 51 ]nd _S versionsS)sreaea widernoIe envoioping field(Iwirsnno1 tnd rTo!edEfinedflyovalstl d pins
'\nehr ExdIsi'EisVV/i\x ,qlishtls(s }r}}ristary prSCESSilg 0 ClEtEali opal, sptcio/s S(],til(i fiEid EVel_,qEn) Ilyb',) / ) ItspEtk rsit3 t 'aihi)l(
,] _ddi1o]) ,}rT_idi,q awidsr_,@,ofJiSl}ISil]!
cpR;IS lhci\Yl{{)is(,Isyk ,x,lrigtI_SC_a i
prsd _ES[ilEb{;s_Esults//il yxJ_spEakErSandSpE
cificliserlhq I}orTolwirorlnel] Or1ssroenrTerlUS hakeHsinpie_ entelseHingsro_spe]ke_colrigura tJ)rls]lid bassrTalageT/elSaridlie E7DIIorTO_C
nEtSt rES a sys_erT'SsourldlEVElS_lrld au ) naHcaJly
caiJBabsthe_ forpErlEIlybalanoEdsoundiEId presellaSsn
R}I lileulima_einbxibilHydei\VR330 e]ttrEs C{XUed,onsor _vevide()devic(s,]11wilil bob cs_
pssiteandS Videoinputs"v',oaddftioltlatdio inputs aloawtiiableandsixdigftaiinputsrTs_ketilei\VR33D
capdie o handlingall!o htesldigftaiaudiosources R}_csnpaihiiitywilil helabsIHDTVvideosourcES
aid progressivescanDVDplayersthei\VR33Daiso fEdu!es_woilpu, widebandwidlillowa!oss_alk csnpo_EntVidEOswixshing
Ther!oil p]neloflolscoaxand)pHcaidigitalJrlptls or di_edsorlnoetb__odigitalrecordersf//o vidoo
reeoldingOLSUSpleaT/po/ andacsiorcoded eightcI ]nneiinputwJlilcsnplebdigiqlbass_an
agoment,hake tie/\V/330 virLsaliyIttrE proo_wig evelyilirgrio(dad?)acsoT/nodakIomorrsw'slaw
hEAVh330'sr!exibifityandpowt EXIE_d boyX]d yotrrtaini]ortU i]Etier)r iisl _i_grosn ThE /8,/F!330 includest soplisi,ctcd _/ulII£SnEc}r] )i sys_,T/hi aibwsyot b sleet onesoume!orUSEin
de mairlrson sd a di elEntsot/caR)Iaudotnd vido dislribtSsnto t soeondzonewitl li]oopSsnio
assigntwoor thei\VR33Dsoutptlcl arllselsIolilO rT/It!OOrTsys_cn Osnpleteyak Tiecontolin he SECOndZOnEiSissssihlewilila separabildltrodcol 9}1hk li, hake i e]syIoopol];e_hoi_v'R33Dflora aremobZOnEaseparde"ZONEII romobisincluded
ThEAVR330'spsw(Iui t npiftielUSES_ladiisnti HarT]anKadol ligh ctnentdosigntecll ologies
i} rteel lilEwidodyna_]ks_a_g_s[ ay prog_arT SeiEdi)l
Htl nanKadol invenid lilehigl fideliV !EceivoI fiftyyoars]goWil sla,, o _he]rt ci_cuil_y_ndlim,_ honsledcilctJildesignsIheAVR33Disthopdi, d combin]8sr_d tholatestindigitalatdio behnology aquietyetpoweduianalogalnpli_eli1!anEIEgart easyx}USEpa(x4gE
ForCanadianmodel [Tl_isdss B is ,,,/iTl
',J]_]J EO[i}iES81)}i
O{ IIO(EISliS','11( }E',tEl ({XS ',t' i )e ZEal}kU:
,/Sh,a ,( _'T!' } s_,,,,,,<,,c, ,,,,_,,),,_(,,, [Ef)hi ta,,,/(; slottl'y 8eli
Mo@lepourlos Canadien
CEt@alE _]i]e!q iedE_ claD%D(}StcEnforie
Awide rangeofdigitalandmatrixsurround modes,includingDolbyDigital,DolbyDigitalEX,
DolbyProLogicI, DTS®,DTS-ES®Discreteand MatrixandDTSNeo:6®
Sevenchannelsof high-currentamplifica_on
with two channelsassignableto eithersurround
backor multiroomapplications
HarmanKardan'sexclusiveLogic7eprocessing, availablefor the first time with both7.1 and
5.1 processingina varietyof modes,andtwo modesof VMAx_
IIIIDzS¢_"remoteautomaticallysetsoutput levelsfor optimumperformance
video switching
Discretefront-panelcoaxialand opticaldigital inputsfor easyconnectionto portabledigital
devicesand videogameconsoles
Extensivebassmanagementoptions,includ- ingthree separatecrossovergroupings
On-screenmenuand displaysystem
Extensivemultiroomoptions,includinga stan- dard ZoneII remote,and assignableamplifier
CAUTION: To prevent electric shock,
do not use this (polarized)
plug with an extension cord,
receptacle or other outlet
unless the blades can
be fully inse_ted to
prevent blade exposure.
liter_tur_ accompanying _he appliance¸
Important Safety Information
VerifyLineVoltageBeforeUse Yuu!i\VR330 las beends@ed t,)iLsewifl
/POwit/\(; ourent ConnelJol to a ih voltage
oil(r till [Ja[forwlicl ilisit;dded cat clerica sa(V andfhei/aztld tld naydtY/tgeHculii
f youb.tvetby queslJolatb)ui tie voi_agen;qLire]]enis tulyell spedfisY/od I, 3! tboL he ihevolIcJeil youl trea c)l ,,t;i yx/suNilgdealelbe!erepluggilg Heuit
ro avoidsafeV ha!ards[so]rlly t!o powmcxd asa(hedo you ui Wedorio reseT/I/el1tild extensiolcordsbeusedwitl flis prodtcti\s wJliltli eiecq{_-L[devioes,do lot !unDowercordsLndo!rLgs or c_rpesorplaceheavyobjecBonthen Damag(d pow(roordsalodd bereplacedin//ediaeiyby m aLthori7(dserviceeel;u!wil a co!dneetilg ldctory spedfiealiota
HandletheACPowerCordGently Wi(r diaeonrlethgtie powmcxd lion trl ACeli lut,alwayspull[ilefl[g nevmpalltie (;old I yo[ do notirlt id[o u% [ileunitor anycolsideltbleiengtil
0 line disoonl<et [il( plcg[lOfT il//\C eL!Jet
DoNotOpentheCabinet Time ar noLselservicetblecxTponentsilaidedis prodtct Opelilg [hecabine[Y/typlesen[t shook ha7tfd,trldtny n odii(_albtb dseplodtctwillvoid yourgtaralsse walmoranynelaiobjeclmcl as papelclipwile el _ slaple_ooidels_llyailairsidethe unil diseonteetit ton tileACpowersouroein T/edi asiy,aridCOlslit arla _ori£edso!viceoerlsl
CATVorAntennaGrounding f anoutsidetrltennt orcablesysieY/iscotiected to [Jisploluct,beceqairlila[ itisgtxJrldedsoas_o providesorTeprolectiol_g_iaalvoiaqestagesarld sralioolsageaSecaon810 ofhe N_iolafEle(Irk_a] CodeANS/NFPi\No/0 GO4 plovidesinfern_dot wil leapedioplope!groundingd die IT/tSLtlld sLippoltJllgsSaetLI!(groundhgd 8!eleadinwile_(,_a _niennadi%ha_geuit sizeorSlotridingoondtetora Iocalionoral;dla disohalgeLilt corlnec%tio SlOtndingelem,odesarid!eqd!eY]m;aorile SlOtndingeieosode
NOTETOCATVSYSTEMINSTALLER:Tlia reT/indo! isprovidedto c_litie C/VV{O_ble1V)sys_,n
ilatallei'sat;(1iiolioarlicl(8P040 o he NECthat providesgddeiilesor propmSlOtidiig rod,i_p_r
tJx hr,speciieatilattls c.-blegocil sltll bec)l neciedto1hegroundi_g sys:,Y/o [ilebt}JldJlg,as closex} [ilepoirltof cableel[ryaspossibie
c isLre Isiopm@(i _tionmd towold iJ( poten 8aiio!sat,ty hazadsphc( d( Llit ona rim atd
levelaLdaoeWlen placingtie Lli ona slelt be oeraintild risealel trld trly nousil g htldwse canstpporlde weigl o[_e predict
MakeceflainDalpropmapaceisplovidedbol abow_ndbdowile t_it o_venlJhiiotI his
prodtctwillbeita_aHedi_a cabi_el oroiler enclosedare_makecedainHaltilmeissuflicienl
ai_novenentwhimle cabinetUnde_sone cir CLmsraneest kinnay bereqLi!ed
Donotpiaoelileunitdi!ecllyona carpeled
•/\void iisi_ilaHoiinexiremelylot oi (soldIoc_i_ons, oril arltrea [ila[isexposed;odi!ec[aufightor
Ise_i_g eqtipY/el1
•/,,','oldrTois[X hurtidIocatJols
Doriotobstruottheventilationsiolsontie _,)pof !e u il or placeobjeesdireotlyeve!hen
IJte b lie weigho lil( i\VR330 tnd theheal getelaedbyIheanpiifiels,lile!eiathele _]ot(
possibiliiy[l_ [ilenJbberpaddilg ()isthebottoY/ of8e clils e(I Y/ayleavenarka()isoeltaii
woodor venomnaterialsUseoatiorl when piacieglie ulil on sof woodsor ohm naelials 8d naybedanageciby learor leavyobjeos
Cleaning WIr Hsunitgets@ty,wipeitwiil alean sol1,d_y
oloil IfIccea<4_ly,%peitwithasot olot_danpened witil//ildsoapy6s_iel;flei aileal d(dilwitilcleal
6s_ierWipedly iY]Y]edialelywitilt dlydon NEVR usebelZl( t(rosoloiearlelS,i]irlr/e',aicolelo!]1y
otfr vohtileoieanirlgageniDoriotuseabrtsiv ole_(ra,as[heyrTw daT/tqe[herinislornelalpalts /_/oidsprayhgh/seetJoidenetl 8e chit
Movingthe Unit BeforerTeyinglie Lilt, be oeliainiodiscoiiec[ any
intel{orlrle(tiolcordswililotJr (OrTporlelts lid rTakeocriainhal youdisc711{ct il{ uii [!on ile
ImportantInformationfor the User Thiaequipnerltits beenbaledaridfetid to corTply wiiJ[I liniisre!aClassBdigilalciovicepursuantio
Ealt/5 of [ileCC Ruieahe iirTiBart;deaigncdto plovid reasorlableproiet]oiagainalhtrYffdii;,@i
tic inalesideltiaiir/siaila[iolThiscquiprTentglel alesJsesIrd ctaadiateridiofrequen(yer/'gy }rid iflot hshlledandcs(di_accxdmcewit! iJ(
insiruc[iois naycase i]airTd irlteifqqce to radio Gorynur%tdonHowev%file isio glJtMi,sot]at IarmciintelSrencewillio ooourh a parlicciarilm_l laiionf thiseqtJiprTerltdoesoaclselalY/fulil;dfel
erlce_'7iadioo__,ievisbi ie;epiion,wliohcai be deel ninedbyttrningiJseeqdplien offand()is,iile
cselis(ric{xragedtofly tocorrecttileh[e@relceby oie el rToreof de iollowhg neasu!es
Heoriel2 el reloca_< the reeeivil q ]lslerllS8
irlolease t_le sepalatiorl i)etweei_ _le eqlJiprYierlt arid i eoeivel
Coruecttie equiprTerlti_t} _ otJTJetel 8oi!cuii diflerenlfromh_ _owhichthereceivmiaeonneded
ConsultIhed(aleror_rlexperiel;edradio/-V teohniciaire!lelp
Tlisdevic(co_/plieswithPart15 of [ileFCCRiles OpelttioniasubJe(L[oiJe oilowing_¢/ocorlditbls:
i) fiia devicerTayrio MuseI tlT/fulirl_elererloe all (2)tiP>dvice ntis[ a{cef}intergArice rec Ire7 iI ;ludilqh[elfq{Icu flat may(21tJs( t rldusir{d operaiJol
NOTE:Ghtlg s o! rTodifk:_llloia Y/tyCtLsetJIsLrli O S_iiioeornplywiih_£_rl5 o dieFCCRulesmd rn_y
void1ileusersautilo!iy toopmte de eqtipnelt
Unpacking TI( c_NtoiantishippingrTa_eliaiausedtoprotect
yournewrec(iverduingalip nei weleapecially deaigledto maliorl i flo/] ahocktlci vibraHoi_/c saggest[h_tyous_ve[he?,Elx)nmd p_cking_]_ssriais or useJrshippingifyouT/eveO!shouldlile Uli[evel
leed rbpail
tJ rTillrTizetie sh,e oftfe C_lltOlinsr')rage,yet nay ¢/isl_afla_f7(;iit 1Iia iacioicbyc_MuilyslitlinqJo
tpe setrTs orlhe _7}[lorY/aidc%_psiig [hecar )rl Otiserc_dboardinaertsY]_ybeas)i(din he s_rTse
manneiPackirgnderhlsh_t (_-LnnOlbecollapsed shodcibe savedalongwithLilecalsnin a plasLiobag
Ifyoudo lot wishLo%re fie pa;k4gingnateuais, [)leaseloss [laLhe carx)rlmd ethelsecaonsoftile
slippingproLectioiale_ecyehblePleaser(specLtie enviranrT(nt aid discarddose naLeliaisa a local
recyditg centel
it iSirY/porialt [ila[ youlemove8 e proLecLivepiaa11c ih/[!oY/the roit parlellois Leavhsg1hefilrTin place
csillaect iii_ pelfo!iY/arloeo youl r(rT@! ooi Lrol
l_oaM_ Sp_ CI,U_ nkl_i_eet n_ k )
[] MairbowelSwicl [] Powerndicalo_
[] Slandby/O_Swiol [] He]dphoneJack
[] 8pe]ku Bdecbr [] SurroundN'c,le GlotpBeieckx [] •lrr I]Jk/cl Sekcx
[] _!" Bt Hons [] _i!lel Blld £_ '.t, ,(, )r
NOTE:T( YHkeii e]sil tof,)luwtl if/sIrtlctJoISlil_l
]i 'ht,%'v_,,!1_IY/_rlk]Id }rl cC,rT
[] FI(si SttR)I S(lectol
[] TLISl[v_od_Sl [] (I: lis_i3 [)igit]finput [] Oo]xi]i3 Digihlnput
refmk)tiTisil!tstl_dc,r] _hrg(r c)pyray b cJow]u_cJcJfc,T/tl(7
m Im m m
. Z....................................ZZ...................
[] Sp_ ]k r/OhaHf/elr/pcl Ii dkT]i)rs
I dr, ,.Ipdar st(I ]fortlisprodtc
[] Main PowerSwitch: l_ess[ills buderlioapply powmb _he/'\',/:q330 WhentheswHchisp_essed
in the[li is in a B_andbyY/odeasindicabdbythe a_/bmEl} [] above_leStandby/OnSwitch []
Tillsbuton MUSTbepressedino op(rab theiF/it
[c urrl lie Ulil 011aid prevelI lheuseO th( lerTole
con oi, li_isSwHclsl ouldbep_essedulii i pops OU!on tie lroil palei lid liqeword"OFF'isseen
<dlie bp of tie swilch
T _ d S[ )1NOTE: 1iss_q 21is l} YHily{rl il lils"c ' ,,
[] Power Indicator: This LED iighisanhm wl(n fie unit is h tl Sqndby node to sign]l [i_a[the/'\VR is
!e]dy Io be tuired Ol W!iel 1i11Uli[ iSil opemiior] tiqehdks+ltoris blte
[] Standby/OnSwitch:_h67theMainPower Switch[] is"'Y' dr ss[hisbItt}] c, [ Irl } ]th(
_ r r
£d: }; IJ(ss itu]il t) till Ih; Jfitoff lie Power
[] HeadphoneJack:Tlisj]sk rT/]yb@usedtofimun
] [hu/'\V_4 'J[JO's }ulf;ul ill!Orgl a fAh )f h(7]dphol s
Thespe]kelswillautanadcailybeu!nedof1wler de Ieadploriejackisn tse
[] ToneMode:Pressingllis burorGenablesordis abies1i1,:i_assarid_'cble_oleCOl[lOiSWhet 1i11;but
an _spressedsohal TONE IN ]ppe]rsiniJe
LowerDisplayLine[] he Bass[] ]ridTreble [] cxlr}is Y/aybe usedr'} adj/s ile x£put siunais W!itJllilebutIonis prnsstJdxice ol bvicesJ [ild tltJ woldsTONE OUT appe]rintheLowerDisplay Line[], de OtJEpdtsignalwillbe"flail'norT8?eliOW il aciutiBass andTrebleControlsI_ ale adjts;(d
[] SpeakerSelectButton:7ess tlis b ]tt}l k b(gii tl pc,; ssc, c(Jig iri/g tl tl ii l} rat ;I Ih
tipa c,fspe]k:rsis( Ji/ yc,trlistill ] c,Jr (Ss( fHges'2 ]_(J2022 fo_nore infc,_YHR)ic,nspeake_ sdup_nc7cc,rifigtrdc,n
[] SurroundModeGroupSelector:Pless[illsbut tel sasdct lile lop levelglotp of surrouid rTDies
Eachpresso lilebcllonwillsel(etlileccrlentorlast usedYlodeine]cI of hesuroHd nocJegiocps
(eg Dolby,DTSDTSNeD6 Logic7, DSRS{reo} WlseniJe huorl s pressedso[ila[thelane of[ile
d siiedstrrouid node glot? ]/}p(Arsir]tie oi scredsdisphyantiintheLowerDisplayLine[],
press1i1(7SurroundModeSelector[] le cycle tillO%l ff individtalnodes]vai!abiuor eX,]Tlpl(
pr,;ssIbisbtJtlor]o sductDofbyrTodusandtim] Dr(SS[h(7SurroundModeSelector[] 17sl }ose
f!orTt]_valiotsT/odeoptorls [] SurroundModeSelector:Plesshis btJ?orl
toselect_lOT/arToig tileavai!abiusu rouldrTode
optiots foltl( nodegroupseletedTie sp(cific no(ks willvarybasedot de t_rTsb(rofspeakers
avail_ble,tilenodeglo/p alsdif fie ilput SOLIOeJS digiqlo_sa]og ForexanplepresstheSurround
ModeGroupSetector[] o seiect_ modegroupHg stol _sDoihyorogic 7 aid [iTenpresstiTisbutbn toseeliTespedfionode ohokses_vailableR)rhole
HormadononT/odesele(lion,seepagePB [] TuningSelector:Ressihele sideofihehutr')t
to tuneIowel/!equencyslalJols_nd1hefightsideof tile hut]Dis[o[urleIighelflequerlcys;4tiorlsWhentile turlelis ie8e ManLa]node etch _;apwiliirloletseol decreaseliTe/lequencyByoneiecr(meit WhentiTe turTelleceives_stungenouglsignaiol adequde !eceptiorlMAN UAL TU NE D willtppearil [ile ot saeel displayand[ileLowerDisplayLine[] Wl(r 8e _Lleris ir tie ALb node,presslilebL11Ol OlOetld [ile [urlelwillsc_ 1,}ia siadorlwithtccep[ ahbsigetlstrenglilWishfie lex[ s_;_iiotwiil a s_K)tgsignalis h_d lile sca willslop _dt[eon screeldisplayaridHeLowerDisplayLine[] wili
HdicateAUT0 T UNED Wler aaM Bbre_s:a tier/is [utd [iqedisplaywill!etd AUT O ST
[o swi;I backandord hetwen1heAutoarid M_ u_iJutingrTodes,p[essde TuningMode
[] 4/1_ Buttons:Whenc)rlfJg¢ilgthe£,//330s seHegs,use_heaehut_qatoselest/!OT/tieavailable
[] AM/FMSelector:Ress_lisixtIo_ ;oturn[ile i\VRot andtoseict H( "unelis [ix inpLlsou!ce
Plessii _gaJeio switchbetweentileAM_d M tie qtencybalds (Seepage29 lo! noreinfo!_]aliolon
[] SetButton:Whennakirlgchoices(itrilgihe seup_d config¢aSoll;iooess,pleasShisbWon toel;el tiledesi/edseng intode/Rv'R330snencry
[] Digital InputSelector:Presshisbut]onis selectoreo [iqedigi tlilpLs or d( analoginput/or
aly sonoe (SeepagesPB 29 [o_noreinfornaHot ol digilalaLdio}
[] PresetStationSelector:P_essHisbui-orqto sr}il up}r dov,,_[iqroughhe lis[}[ s_aionstit have beenellered its liqepresetrnernory(Seep_geP9 forno_eHornadorl ot tue_p_eses}
[] OelayAdjustSelector:Presstlis bLdO_;o b,;giehes:,ps lequf,;d10qel dehyseitirlqsSuu
page22 lo_rT)r{ info__]aliotondelaytines
[] InputSourceSelector:Reastlis i)tSot _o oharlg tic irlputbyscroifirlgLpordowrltil!o/ql il listofInputIndicators[]
[] TunerModeSelector:>resstJisbutlertoselect AdtosrMtHai ruingWherlthebLtOlispressedso
_hatAUTO appearsif H LowerDisplayLine[] ihe;drlelwiilseacI ff)_li]enextslat_otwili_an_;cep[ ablesignalwle_ H TuningSelector[]_]) ispressedWhe_heL)L;_ ispressedsoihat MANUAL appeasif fl LowerDisplayLine[], !ashplss o tie TuningSelector[]_]) wiil
it ;!etse[iqetequerlc/'Thisi)Lt_91lty alsobeL_sedt} sv,itchbetweetS,(reoandMononodeso_FM_dio
rec(pHolWhenweaklecepiJonisenco/14eredpress alehtstS}rlsoi_a MANUAL @peasHtie Lower
DisplayLine[] ad }rl tileot ssleerldispiayb sv,idl [o[Vorlov_sepbrl_r,;ssitagain_oswikl i}ack
_cB,,/eonode(Buupage29forrT}!eil orrTali}rlOl L_sir/g1heitJr/el
[] Optical3 DigitalInput:Corlnectde opcd digital aLliOOLiuutO anaudioorviii(} [ roduct1oi_isjtsk Wll Heil!xi is notirl LSe,be;er;_ir;u ket;pde phsli;cdpilslalledtoavoiddtsl ;ontarTinaiiorlihai rTJghtd_glad [U_LI!pel'o!nal}e
[] Coaxial3 DigitalInput:]!]isj_ckisusedff}_ octneciiottofls outputofportabbaudiodevices,
vide(}qan COlsobs}I oil{! p!odLotsi!1ailavea coaxdig_1aLdiojack
[] Video4 VideoInputJacks:Tl(se jasksrT_ybe Lsedi,)r tenpoltrysotnectiotb dseconposileorS Vid(ooutpt[Orvideogt_]es cancordersul oriel porabievideoproducBYOLmayhaket coil ectiorl x}eide!jtck a anyine butlot b bolilsind_;_rle ously
[] Video4AudioInputJacks:Tleseaudi}jacks nay beusedo_teT/porayC011ecion tovideo
g_neso_porlable_tdioA'ideop_odLotsSLOIascarT oordelssd potableaudiophyels
[] BassControl:hm thisCOltroi;unodiiyHelow isquencyo/%ulo ihelellAigl olarllelsbyasnucl as
[] BalanceControl:_J_ tillscontroltoohurqeile r<latiwVeILn_ or tiqe/_o_tleUrightcla_ eis
NOTE:m}rproperoperalignof t}e surroundnodes 8is oontroishouldbeattile nidpoilt o! "/P o'clock positJoi
[] Treble Control: Fdm Hiscent/el _urTedify tie ligl
u;qd,:lcy Ot%Lil0 ihe lullAigli olarlt ulsby as nucI as
[] ChannelAdjustSelector:Plesstilisbuttxqto b,:gintile procnssof_'irTrTilg ritecIatI e[outputby eisus!lgarlxsdnai audiosource or noreilff)rn t iorl ot ouHputleveltrin adjtstnent seepag 30)
[] VolumeControl:FLrnthisknobclockwiseto it x asetilevolunc cxJrtclclockwisctodeclets( il
voiun,; Iffie i_,//330 isT/died,aljusHegl/c VolumeControl[]_) willtutonadodlyreiease 1heunilflOrT[iqesibl ;edcxldiiion
[] Input Indicators:Thecunentselectedsot_cewill appearasoneoftlse indicak}rs'Xo,(fiat wlcntle
tnit is_Lrn{dot tie ett_r,;listo aw_JhbleT]ods will lightbrieflyal 1hen_evedtunomaioperadorlwitiq
otlyde activenode ildica_')!illunirlaled [] Speaker/ChannelInputIndicators:Thes indi
cd}is ale nUiiJptlp)So ir /icdilgb(dh_lesp,;akel iypeselected1ore_shoha_eel_J theHconirlgd_ta sigealCOl_igulalior/Tie lell cel;er,figlt rightsurroLI/
aridlet SUITOUrldsp{akr irldi(_;orsalec) npos_do flreehexeswlile fie sub//}oio_isasHgleboxThe
centerboxlightswhen_ "snaiFspeakrisselected, andhe b',ooutelboxesligltwhen"h_g' spe_kersare
seiecbdWhenriots)[tlle hoxs areii[[o_fl center, SLIlOUrldorSUiU'/}okJrciarlrlels,i} speak!ias beer]
assigeed8_1positbr](Seepag PCb_noreinfom;a 8oroncot igufirlgspe_krs)TI leile_sinsid eacl boxdisplflsS/et;ive ilpLtclantelsForslatdad analogilputsoily [i]eLsd Rwilllight,il dicaHg t sereoirqpLFForadigitalSOUlCetheH£:_[;urswilliigli i} disdaytiTeclarTrTelsb(irlg_eoeivedat[iTedigilal inpLtWher7tiTeletters[hsl tie digilalir/uJt18sbeen intenLpbd(Se ptgePBfornoa il/ornali)t ot ile
C!lalIei rldi_d}!s) [] UpperDisplayLine:Depddingontie LliIs Slt
_S,avaietyorrTSS_geswillapp_1her,;IrlIxnai op /ai_ot,tHslilt wilisl}w [ilecurerltirlHJtsouc andwhichaJai}gordigitalilputis inuseWhentiqe _LISris tileilput,Ilis iinewiliidendlyII s;aHolasAM (xM andshev/inehequen(,yandpmsdiiumhefJiiiy
[] LowerDisplayLine: )ependhg)t ti_eunit'ss;a _s avarietyo/n ssageswilltpp_a herr;Irlixnai opqatol il_ ouuelt Sll!ow/dnod( willsl)w i]ele
[] SurroundModeindicators:TheOUllents lec_cd SLIrOLId nod( willappearis ore )[ tileseifdicti xs No_,tiai wl(r t}e Lniist/Irledorl,theerlSlelisto availablenodeswillliglt hfiofly,_ndtl(n r(vede i orhalope_aHolwil only8e activenode indioalo!
[] RemoteSensorWindow:Tie senso_h@ind 1hiswindowrcceivs Hi_rd signals/_ontile renote
ooM}i Ain tiqe!e_]otea1flis areaaid do no1block orcover[
ii il
o @ ¢
MtltJloonAudioOL_/)LB ©E)ALdiohpLis
HeTieD(IRInptl MtJti!oorTR Irlpt[ Renoie IROttpti PlearTp Ottpt S
0 %bwoo el Output
FIoll Speakd Outputs _i_ SurroundBack/Mdtiloon Speakel Otipt s _) SarrourldSpeaker()dtpats _i_ Centel Speakel OCuut
NOTE:]k) T/akeii etsielt) ollowde insLrut'Liols LilaLrefelLotilisilks_la%rlalarge(c)pynay bedewrlloadedf!on 8e P!odtctSupporisecLbrlfordis prodtct a wwwhalnarlk41derleon
NO1E:1) assistit7n akirlgfl( eoued :orTrle:tiols 1oi StlroundLeft: Blu( mdSehannelif/x, outputaid speakereonrlecSots, SuroundRigl G!ty ai!conneclbtjacksandSsrnirltistie cololeoded SuroundBtckell: BK)wt incol omsaleewitl li]eCEAs_aldaldsasloilows St/rould Btck qight lan
!orltLd:: Wlis Stbwoorer Dtrple font RUi Red CoaxialDigitalAudio Orange Q rite1: Qeel Oonposii(Vkieo: Y<Ilow
Urlswitchedi\C£:eeasoryOutleL Optctl DigitalAudioOti,xt CoaxialDigiq£dio OulptI
_Videe / OVideorlput
Video/ S VideoOttptt
@ @
Vile()3 OVid(o rlput
I_) VideoMorlilorOtlptt
Video' AudbNideeOLiUL S Video2Audi)Nid(orlputs
AM/',1lenla P;rninals
FIVAnte11a ,ack
COrTporlentVid(o "Y' Giee_ COrTporlentVid(o"PI": Red
ConsponenVideo"Pb' Blue
0 MuttiroomAudioOutputs:Oorlneet[iles(;jacks totile optJon_iextelt_l _tdiopower_rTplii,_1arld VidEOdiaqbutiotwsten tila[ le{iw_s[ix sou :(,
sd<e:,dfor T/tlizorledisbibttixl
CDAudioInputs:Coti ec[tlesejtcks[e[iTe
alalogttdio otJi_)tJto aeonpa,'[discplayeror cIalget
RECORD/INPUTja(xsoral audiorec3!del O RemoteIRInput: I [ile/'\VI330's lrol[ panel
IRse_so_isblockddte b cabineldoorsor oth<_ O!)S_/tcHorls,al OX[ If tl IP SrlSOlrTtybeLsed Coru<cl fie ouiputo 1hesunso!i} ilia jack
MuttiroomIRInput:Coiled _eolJtUL_d tl IR
S{;I sef I{ a re T/oIe [oon io [ilia ]_cktoolxi _b_he
/_,/R%Os TitJtloeT/coltrelsys;( T/ (_ RemoteIROutput:Thisconneoot pelnits[ile
I}_ s(;rTSO[ irl It,' r( c(;ivel to S(}l _{; )liTel leFT }le C)l
_olbddevi:a Conneihisja£_oii_e"II_INjackon Harna_K4KJono_oHd eonpaHbl__qdpne_
PreampOutputs:Csnl_sttiles jasks_ a_ optiolal extdlai powelaeplificlor tppli;_Ltbrls whcr{liqhelpsw{r isdesired
O SubwooferOutput:Coinedlis jackx} tiqeline levelinpLora p)v'.ledsubv.oo! If_l exScmaisub
wooeranpiiiel isusedoonne{LLiTiajacks tilesub wooel anplgierilpLt
O FrontSpeakerOutputs:Coined_1eaeOLiCUtS to lilt;_]atc!lirlg_or temilalssrlyo/i felltld !iglt
speakersWhenT/tkilgspeakdsorlrle[iolatJways T/]k'Jcertair_urTuhtairlconedp%dtyby COrll u Jig
tiTecuiorcodel wlhoff)i1sit lell_ld !el or flolt figh_}(_ [ rT/iruIsOIthei\VR330_otheled(_'
teirTir/aisonfie speakeisandtie biusk() [eirTir/als Ol the/\VF<330S}tileblack(} tel//il t]sOl tile speakersSeepage/5 s! nore ins!ea%l on speakelpoiarity
@ SurroundDacWMultiroomSpeakerOutputs: Tleseapetke/le/ehailsareris!_/aJlyused_'}pow(/
tile SLnO/IdbackleUsLm}Uld backrigl spetkels il t / C!ltrlrlelsysien owever theyrTs_ytlsobe
usedb poweltiTespeakelsil t secorTcizonewlich wilireceive8]eoulpuselectedi,)l a inuili/oomWS_':IT/
Fosl angetiTeOL4Xr(dto tiTes(telmilalsS,sea tiTedeadt o t!e Sursc/d Backsp tkelstotit
MuililsonCutout,%/rnLst chtngea setJigilsale AdwtncedMelu of tileOSDsyssseSee[)age3 for
nor( irlk)ima[Jonsrl corgigulllg lilis apetk(rsdtpdt F/ norn_isulro_ndwsten useHsebrown_ndblacktel
TlJlalsaretheaunoundI]ack!el olsann(Ipssiive(_) andrlegtBve( } coil ectbnstnd tiletanaid bhck telrTsirlais_rethesu roud backrightpoaiBve{) and
negaive(} te/minalsForT/Llthosesuse sonrle(ttile brawnandbhckOBLt(rTmalsto ti]e!edandbhck
csrllectiorlsor1tile JelrerTso701espe]kelaridCOla nectthe_;_n_ndblackOBRtereinalsx) ti]eled and
blackteminaiasrl he figh !enste£0neapeakel
SurroundSpeakerOutputs:Csruecttileseo/t pLS toS;eeatdTirlg tnd S//mals()lsyo/rsur !o_ld ch_nneispeakersn sonfsl_]anoewfliqtiqeCD'\ csiorcodeapeci%aliolsdseblueterrTina[isfie poai tire or"i' telrTsilsaltiqdshsuldbeoonrlect(dto tile !ed {_} terrTilaisrl tileSunoundLe apeake/witil oldelcolorcsdilg,wlile tilegaayel_/inaishsuldbe csrlneu;cdtot]<red() t(r nrl]l sisSheSHrSLId Rigll speakerwiSl}UseoldelcololsodingConnecttiqe bhck { tereinal()istiq(i\VRS}tiqenatclingblack negative{} teleil als1,}ietch sunourldapetk(r iOee page5 % moreinfolndiol onspe_ke!polafily}
_i_ CenterSpeakerOutput:Csnr_ecttiqeseo_tp[is to til natchieg_tld temilalssrly)LI centel
clall laptkd rl sorlorearisewiti7tiTeCE/\solor csdespecik_ation,thegleentereilal istheposiive
or " i'teleilal ha shouldi}esorlnectedtotile !ed
1) sl T/irlalOl sp(@u-/swi8 tileoldercslorcoding
Coiled tie black(} iernirlaicathei\VRtofie biack(' _i nirlaJorlyou!s/)t;akel(Seepage/5
s_eorc info!_miJolonspeake!polarity) _) Video2 ComponentVideoInputs:Csrueut1i7
Y/RfPbc}npol entvideo)utputs}f tl HDTVs,_ }p
OOlveltel salelli leceivel OIothelvideoso/Ice
devicewitl comporlelt vide(}stiou s Is tlesejtcks _} DVDComponentVideoInputs:Col_ectde
WPI/Ph uo npOl @titvideooutputsofa)VO playe_is
Component Video Monitor Outputs: CsrTrTeut tlst; olJtDtJts_'} tile co%Ol er71vide} ir/pdtsO t vJduo_rsjectoror rT}rfitol Whet1t Soulc sorlrie;ted i} uac o[ tie Component Video inputs _)i_) is selected il{ sigl tl will beself to il es(.jtcks
@ FanVents:TheseventilatioriIslesare[J@sdtput ofde/\V_433O'saidlowsysten [9 erlsulepropel opelatisno tileurlittld toavoidpossibledaeageIs
deii(_alestrfaoeseakecedail[Isallileseholesire lotblockedaid tBddele is_ ie_atih_eeincheso
op(napacebetweent!e ventIslesandanywoodel o_Sbricsudac(t isrlorT/tIlSltheial] k}le 11ah]o[1
atrTOStrlolT/a[VOkrTeI,;w;Is/',1autorTuti; teT/peru _[I1selSO!_rrls fie k]l or1ally w!lel ilisI eeded
_i_ACPowerCord:Coined _1e ACpowe_cordtoa ion switchedACwai!outlet
SwitchedACAccessoryOutlet:1lea OLt'eB rT_ybeusedtop}weraly deviceyo_wishix}lave
;drledonwhende i\W 330 is furledon
UnswitchedACAccessoryOutlet:Tlis caller eay beusedtopowelar/yi\C @;vicehe p)wslwill rerTainol at thiso_tletregadlessowl etiqertiqe
/£v'R330 isol or sfl
NOTE:The to_alpower col SLepi,orquf_11devices OOlSrlecied_'}he accessoryoutleB sIouId rio[ exceed
O0 watla
OpticalDigitalAudioOutput:Csnr_eut[hisjtck i} fie }ptisaidiqitaiirlput;onnec;u!ol aC[)R/R_,,/ MiniOissorothe_digi_;_lrecs_de_
CoaxialDigitalAudioOutput:ColeectHisjack <_Hs c)_xiaidigitalinpLOraCOR/RWMhiOises! ot_erdigi_1rec}!del
_..,S-VideoMonitorOutput:Whel you__,ievisbl o_
oli]e_vklesdisphyisequippedwih al S Vd(o i_pL arldyouareusegd 1(8alSl( so_rc(wifl OVideo c@abililysor_ne([tiqiajacko tiqeSVdeo JlpLorl 8e dsplay
€_ CoaxialDigitalAudioInputs:Csrlnectths(x)ax
dgilaio/tpLl K)mt DV[}pl4yelH[TVreceiv/ D plvero_C) playe_ksti]eseja{xsThesiglaieaybea
Dolby)igJ,,tlaigealE7%siglaiora s;_ldtrdICM digihi sotlc( Dolot connecthe qFdigilaisu#xt o al LO
playert} tiqesejacks
_'_ DVDS-VideoInput:Coined de S Videooutput
ofa DVDplaye_or ole_ videoso_rce_ohisja£
Videot S-VideoInput:f 8e p_odtctcoli ected1}
1heVideo t Audio Inputs _) las SVideoc.-)babifity
ooru eat 1his jtck to Ill _LAY/OUT O Video jaskorl
1hatuit _ndiJel eake cedahtiqattiqeS-Video MonitorOutput_._isuonne:tedasdessfibedg}ow
€'_ OpticalDigitalAudioInputs:Col_ectfi( optk£[i
digiqiou_,)ufloe aOV) piaye/,H)TVleoeivel,LO phye!sr CDphyertothesejacksI hesignalmaybe Doiby)igi _laignai_DTOsi%aior_ss_r_dadPCM dgitalsource
Video1 S-VideoOutput:If[h( p_oduotuorueu {d [3i{e Video1 Audio Outputs_) las OVideo oa_@ility,c)l{ actflis jacktofl_ RC/N SVide}
jackorlilti uii _) Video2S-VideoInput:Iftiqep_oductxxlneu;,d to
1heVideo2 Audio inputs _) las SVideoc.-_pabifity ooruxsttillsjtck to tl/>LAY/OUTOVideo]askorl
1hatuit _nd%;r eake cedahtiqattiqeS-Video MonitorOutput_ isuonne:tedasdcsaibed@ove
€_ 8-ChannelDirectInputs:Thesejacks_reLsed
or colI ediorltoso/rc,;devicessuclas[ VDA[dio ol SACDplayerswitl discre_,_._bgouteL_aDepeldilg
on[Jeso/rc( deviceirl Lae,tli eiglt jackseaybe Laed,Houghil narlysaseasrllyCOlrle{tiolssto 8e !sit lef/rigll s(istel surrsulx/let/righttld LFE
subwooSslinput)jtckswillbeusedsr staldad 5 aLdiosiglals
Video2 S-VideoOutput: theproductsorTnet {d [} i{e Video2AudioOutputsI_ las OVideo
capability,c)l{ actflis jacktofl_ RC/N SVide}
jackorlilti uii
Video3S-VideoInput:f tl podtct c911ctd 1(, 1heVideo3 Audio Inputs_) las SVideoc.-)babifity
oorueat1hisjtck toIll >LAY/OUTOVJdcojaskorl 1hatuit _ndiJel eake cedahtiqattiqeS-Video
MonitorOutput_._isuonne:tedasdessfibedg}ove _) VideoMonitorOutput:Ool_ectilia j_cktotiqe
o}T]p}si_erid} input}f aV rsor]i}_}_vide}p_@c _r o viewI onsaeen ceres_ld _1e o_,putora
s_arldald video s }u!ce
DVDAudioNideoinputs:Co_ect d( so npssi_e
videoandL/R trlak}gaudioO/iULjackss[a)V) playe!o! oriel vide(}sou;e Lo8esejtcks
Video1 Audio/VideoInputs:Csl_(ct lie con
pssl vldo aid/R tlaloq audk)PLAY/CUjacks0 aVC;_or OliTelvideosou!ce_0[iTesejaoks
Video1 Audio/VideoOutputs:Conlec[tie
conpoaitevide()andL/RarTabgacdioqECs/INjtcks oft VCRol elite1vide()recordilgdevioes(cI asa DVDreoolde!ol PVR_0[iTesejacks
Video2 Audio/VideoInputs:Cslnect1/econs pssJsvJdosd/R trTtbgaudioPLi\Y/OUTja(xsof aVC;_or O;iTelvideosou!ce_0[iTesejaoks
_) Video2Audio/VideoOutputs:Connec[de
coT/poaitevide{)andL/R tlalogtudio REC/Njacks 0 t VCRol O[iTelvide()recordilgdevioestcI asa DVDreooldelu! PVR_o[iTesejacks
Video3 Audio/VideoInputs:Csnlectlie con pssis vido aid /R _JalogaudioP/\Y/CUTjackso
8 VO_J or O_ilel videosoulce _o [ilese jao(s
_1TapeInputs:Conaeu_[hes_jacksb thePLAY/OUT
]acts0 an_Ldioreoo!del
arTt(__._suppliedw#/S}ereceive_x)_ese[errT)_ais at7externalAMat7snriaisLsedrTakeconnecionsb tiTeAM _ndGND[errT)inalsJr7_ccoldanoewHi7d)e
, S_ILctionssuppledwiti7de _nten_sa
FMAntennaJack: Comecttilesuppliedindss!q
artoFtionaiex_lTal}iV al)S_I)Ikt_(,SlisSfrTilal
N)Teor7videocorTIedior/s:Wler7oor/I(c8%a source devlc(,suolas_VCR.DVDpiny,J1}(>_bleors_elJi_eset topboxol video%he.so[i_(i\VR Lseeitl<r_ conpss te orSVdeocoilectlsrlor eacIhput i)L_triotboll
O I:h'_/erOffEBuitets
I:h,verOa i_{}ttOI1
(_Nigli Mode 0'
C!lar71seJSdeciBLSa _,
IbTSIbigiiaif_/ £ S.....
S_(;!eoModeSeleetBttot }TS Neo:OModeSelecL Mtclo B¢'s DiscSkipButloa
PresetUF£)owl Cletl BLJtba MeT/o!yOt£ot
I_ SpeakerSeleet
MLIdlOOrT I_ M)Iu//eLJ/)/)OWLS @ TV£JeoSelecto! I_) SPLS@cLor
6 OIarlnel/8OlssrleiDi!e(:LInpLL
Tie [I Uloa!/artessl3wl I rcalee]d bute[l'Set[Jle
4el Lsd c,'ilhhe/'\V__ '£} VlosLbu 3rls!ltw; tdlitS al
[ua(:LJolswler7Lsd witi7oilel devicesSeepages3940 for_ listortheseuacLJols
[,) rTakeil easierto[ollowLileilSlLC!SSiltt !e<l to
tis ilILs1TaLiola lagel eopyT]_ybedowlk)_led!orT tiTeProdtctSh/}porisecLs [o!ilis[)roductai
,f,v,wt al T/arlqrdolc}rT
/i i'
IMPORTANTNOTE:Thei_v'R330's!e T/o_nay!)_ progrt_/Tied10CxltrolLpsO';i_#!ltdevicesinci{'/ilg
theAVR330 Befoleusingthererncieitisimportanib _erTembertotresstheinputSelectorSutton
thatcxreapot%totie unity}u wisl toopelate n additiol,li_e/8,/R33CsrenoteisshippedTOrT tie ractu_yto opelalede/8,/R330tld T/OSl
HamanKadonCDolDVDpiaym_ld casseile decksThe1emoteisalsoc_pahieo operatinga
widevarietyoroliTelixoducBusirlgShecorltroloodes tiTttire pariorthele/ot( BeforeusingdseleT/Or(
wi_h ohe! prodtca, followhe it/sinCdOlSSorlpages
3536 toprogaal/dsep!opelcodes[ortiTep!oducs , you!ayss,srTs
1istlso irTportarltto rerTefThelflat rTalyoftl( bLt tuls )rl [e'T/LA;talk';UI di/lelerlttl }tiuls dpend
Hgonfie prodtctsdec_cdLsingliTeDeviceCotIroi SdectorsTie desaipliolsshownlet( prin_filydespoil
tile ha(lionsorde leT/Or(wh(I i isLs(do opelale tilei_,/R330 S(e rsage36(x irlforTltiOl aho/t
alternateLl{iionsol tilererTsoSs butlols
0 PowerOff Sutton:P!castlis butbntophoetile
i$/R330ol aselecteddevic in1heSlatdbyhole "_sictiTatilia willtLll O[ItiTerT_.drlroon idrlctiobabuti
tJ MultJ/oon sysleTIis activatediiwillc}rlanueto fHtJol
to_'.ardsHei_,//330 wlenpressieqhui_uisor1ihe !efTo_etorTAect:Itairi!laiil laledc) T/rTarldsaa
Program/SPLIndicator:Thistl_eec)ioriedk_a torisusel tuglide y)L tilroughfie proc(sso Isle gla/]rTitghe re/]ole,anditistiso Lsedis t level ildicato!whel tsirlgde rerTsos'aESetctpabil ies
(SeepageP3or hole il ormador]{)issellingoutpdt levels,andseep_ge35 or Hbr natlolOl p!ogmn T/JigliTe!erTot(}
O PowerOnButton:4as dis ix£unto_d!rlOr1 tls powel_'}_devicesd<,(;(d hypas@goleo ihe
InputSelectors:Pressiegoneof[l(se butJoris willpelforntllee t;tJotad le saw; HT/eFi/s,if ile AVR330 isnotula,;dOlI iJJswillpswsrLp!]e LrH1 Nextitwillselct tl soLrceahowlorl!le hLtrOlis
tiTeirpLt1}tie i\VR330 ie_Jlyii willch_%et_e !e_]oleconhoisotlat iicontrolsritedvice seleete1
Allel pressi%orleOf !ese butlorls yourxustpleas tile AVRSelectorSutton_ agailb opelale8e AVR330s fUl(HOlswi8 He!erToTb
AVRSelector: H(ssHg tiisbui,olwiilswitchHe renoi soihatitwillopel_tcthei$/R330'sfhncOIS I _hei\VR330 isil fl< 8hndbynode iiwillalsoiu!l Hi
AVR330on 0 AM/PMTunerSelect:Iiess tlis bLiTOltoselect
_1o/_,/R330'atLner_atiTelisl lil g cl)ic qessing ilis bLtR)lwl<rlfie tLrlelistlr,;adyiF/tJsewills<kct be[w<en1heAMaid M bands
Dim Button:Passtlis i)utiorl_o_{tivateale
Dinne_ _nci,ol,wlicI educs ritehrigl1hess)[ rite loll pill display,(x turnsi oil entileiyThe[iratpress
o HebLttolslowstl( dekttlta:ale,whicIis idilhdglt lessbyirdicaLHg ]) 1"!'IJlER F UL L in_1e Lower
DisplayLine_ "'ress1hehunxltgairlwitilirliw secoldsb idtse thebfigli,essby50£., asildicaled
byD 1"11II ER HAL F alowkg intileLower DisplayLine_ P!essShehuioatgtin witilinfly
secotIs_d tilenaJndisplaywiligoconpleilydark No1(flat tiliSseing isierTpo_ary,Hflat _ega_dksscf
ay chtlgestiledisplaywillalways!etL/I;UlJllbfigli lesswheltiTei\VRis[L_ledol _ _d@ol,boil fl Powerindicator[] _11he blueacsentliglIHg ilside
i]levolun c)rltroiwillai,:_s_ysrerTainat/iJllbrigl_uess re%idlesso ire setlilg 1lis istorenild yot dat the
sequenceLsed1ocdihlatetileAV/330'aoutpLt levels Seep_geP3forrTo!eHorrTatkxOl {_dih!atHg _he
SleepButton:Pressthisi)LllOrli3phcetl( LIJi intheSleepnode AllertiT(Lineshownil Liedisplay, 8e AVR330will8ux}ndioaJlygoilto tiTeStandhy modeEaohpressoffie bui_oncIs ges tiTetineLnti! _uno inhe bllowHgolder:
99_ 80_ 70_ eo_ 50
,i'_mn m,n m,n mn ran- I I L._40..--_ 30..___20..___10..i_ OFF
I'--'mhmh mh m,o '1
his butlorlisalsousel _')cIs gu chtlrqeisorlyour V whe_liTeV issele(l(d
Wlel Hei\VR330_anoteisbeHgprog_arTled wiil _heood(s_')operateaoliTeld(vicedis butlonis _lso
LsedintiTe'i\utoS(>,o!f'Ix}cess5(e page35 for rToreir/fornalJolorlp!oglaT/rTi%tJe!erTote]
DSPSurroundModeSelector:I_essflis bLt isr]tocysleihougltls DSRVMAxandS_,r,_oau_
roundrTodesSL;I aaH_ilTIeater,VMAxNeara/
R]I I _rJ(J SNrouId O[{ ]IiS hLiOI ia tJso hsed to ttle
ohtrlnelswhentileTVissele{ledLaitghe device Input Selector _ WhentiTei\VR330lenob is beingploglannedwili7he oodesoralo[h(r device 8is bwon is tiso Lsedint}e '%1oSeach"prooess
Seel;age35% rToreirlfo__]alJoton[xogmrTmhg
de rerT(n(-
NightMode:Resstlis bL_91to actJvattile Ni%!ht_/cd llis _/edeJswaiiabbh spsci_ily _nccleddiqiBiseuk_s,tld ilp!eservs dJaicL!u{;
oeni(_channelintelligihiliV _tlowvohJnelevels
ChannelSelectButton:Thisbktturqisdsedto atattiT,;procsse[seteg1i7AVR330sxiut levelsb
anexternalaouceOnceHisbutonispressed,useHc .A/v Buttons_ ruseH£t/_ cha_nelbehg_;dJLl@;d flen pressriteSetSuttonli_, ff)llo//edbyHeAi_ Buttens_ a%H b changet_ebvelsdhg See pag(30 or noteieturrTuiiot)
,A/v Buttons:TheseiluiiipLrposebuttersare Lsedtooharlgeorscrolltilro%hires ietheOl
soreelmenus,_/akeoorlfig/laaonsettilgsstcl as digi_iirlputsor delaytirTitg or tosele{tSL/rOLId modesWhelohangilgt aet11%irsl presstiTei)L1OI O_liTe[UlOiOlursellHg 1obeela ged(eg, peas
he DSPSurroundModeSetector_ t} aeleota soundfieldnodeor lie DigitalSelectButton o chtlg a di@aiinput)andden pressOle or8ese
bL o1%toselollt!roLghtile [islo op!,onsol to iloreaseordecreaseaseP'lsgThes(diolssJetlis
rTaluald scribilg tileindividuaieatL/esandu cdons oonta_nspeciicil torrTatiorlol usingl/ese butlorlso!
eaol appiicatiol
_/1_ Buttons: T!l(se hutJ¢}ls ire dsedto chang de rTel_ aele(tbrl or setlirlg duing SOT/eU de setup prooedu!es[ortiTe/_,/R330
SetButton:Thisbutor1isusedtoenteraellJngs lit} tiqei\VIt330s nenory i istJsoLad il tJ stup p!ossdur,;s[ordelaytine,sp(akulcol i%raliol aid cIs_ ei outputbvd aljush]e_t
DigitalSelect:I_essilis i)Ll_el_9assg_one o tiledigilalirpLs ["}7_,_'_ b a s(x/ce Sea page26 1o!noreirlforndiot orl[singdig_i inputs)
NumericKeys:Th(sei}LlloIaselve_sa iO b¢;orlt_rs dek(ypad_oenel iurler/xeseiposiions Th(yalealsoused:'} seieetcha_neli_ lbels when TMC@leor S/'?_h_sbeenseiectedOl ds(remo_e,or o sei(ctt_acknHTb(rsOl 8 OD, ]VD OrLDplayer depe{d % onlow de re_]o_clas beenp_ogaarTrTed
TunerMode:Pressthisi)utiorlw!leltile tul@r
isH LSUtoselectb,_tweel_uturTa;_OtLJrliegand n _u_ltuting Wlst tJs buS'onis _rcssdsotiTat
MANUAL appeasil tilt;LowerDisplayLine pr ssrlgfie TuningButtons_J_[]_ willnow; 1heHeq/encyLpordowt irlsilglestepirlcren,;its
Wlel fls FWharldisinuse,plesshgtiis butlorl whelastaHol'salgal isweakwiliolangeto norl]u
ral_ecepdon(See[)ageP9or no_eit orrTadon
_) DirectSutton:Pless[]isbui©rlwlr fle _[nel
Jsh LSC10slat theseqtclceol @e;[ ntry o a s:a
tJxls [!equency i\ller pressingtie button,sirTply
pressheproperNumeric Keys![]_) to seieota ala tba Seepag 29/or rTo!eif/orT/albaOItl _t_el
TuningUp/Down:Wh,;i [iqc[ua,;i_sif usehead butlocawill[uric[Jr}ordewlt!io/gh/ile selc_edle quencybtld iil TunerModeSutton I1_)[_3has beerlpressedsoiJai AUTO appc_tmia theOl sae_ _ndLowerDisplayLine_, pressJ_g_/ he[dirg eJileru[ ihebLt_(}lser Hre_secxldswill case _le;_r o s kthelex[ s:aHolwill _cceFxff}i( signt]slrelgii]forqutEy! oeptionWhel ii ANUAL appe_mi_[i]eLowerDisplayLine_, presshgi!less
butlonswill[unes;alJola iasinglealepincrerTentsGee page29 forrTo!eil x halloa)
OSDButton:Resstlis butlol1o_; vaLetl< OaScrel F)isphy(OS[}}systerTus<di} setupor
_) DolbyModeSelector:Thisbttroaisused1o
sdectf!orT_r]Olgfin _vaihbie[}olbySuu}undpl) ceaslg medeaBtchp!esso lilsbuIol willselect oneo lile[}eibyDreLogicIInodese! [}olby3 SareeWhenaE}eibyDigislenco@dso/Ice isia tse tile [}olby)igsi _/odenayaisebeselec_(d(See pa%Pi fortileavaiiabiei)olbysur!oud code
DTSDigitaIModeSelector:Wl(r _DTS enc)deddigila]SoL/eeisseiec_,d acl pressertlis bLturlwillscroli[ilro/gl[ileavailable[}TSrTedeaThe specificcloieee codeswiilvay accor@g lowheliTel
or lot ih( so,merTab_ialeonqins}TSES 6 Uiscre;,encedilg WhenaDTSso/leeisre[ iaLse
thsbutIolshasrioBacaor75@ page27o! 8e avail ableDTSDigisaiopiJxls)
Logic7 ModeSelectButton:Pressdis ix [tel toselect[!orTteOlg tie avaihbieogic 7 st/round holes (Seepug<P7fortiqeavailableLogc7 opiJ}as
SkipUp/DownButtons:Tlesebumxqsdolot i]tw t dilec[ t rlctbrlwitil[ilei\VR330,bL[when
us_.dwiff _ eoT/FatbiyFregarTnedCD)i DVU clalgel lileywiiiclstlgeb 8e p!evio/sdiscintile
clalgel or{;afoLsel
TransportControls:1lesebLt[91ade notlave any[ulotiols [orJe/\VR 330 i)LltJeyrTaybe
preglarTrTedor theorwardAevemeFlayepsltilon o t widevt/ieV o CDel DV[}playels,andaudioor
videocuss( sreeo!de!s(Seepage36 forrTom il orrTaaorl
_) StereoModeSelectButton:Ii(ss thisi)LHOI
s I,;;t t sial) lister]lagrT)deWhel lie butlorlis
pressedsohal DSP SURR 0 F F appealsJrtle LowerDisplayLine_ it/\VI willoperab_1a
bypassrTodewiil _Le fdiy anabgnvoelal_ei lell/riglIat(rconod wiil I} aureNJ precessilgor bassT/alageeerlt is opposedtoOt!lelrTodeswhe/e digilaipreeessi_g iausedWh(i tie butoas pressed
soil_ SU RR 0 UND 0F F tppearsintileLower DisplayLine_, yot rTay',1jey atwocIal neJ[)lea
elatiorlo tilesotlsdalongwil t!e beleis o bass rTanagT]elt i)ependilgonwh@Jryoulaysie T/ iS eol/igarel/or 5 / or6 //Y / elanlds t!e lext p!ess
ori;e bteOl wil!cttss ei[IsrS CH ST ER0 o_7 CH STE RE Ot} tppeif,tnd lie alereusigaaiwill
betoted [oalllive( ersever0speakers(Seepage 2 forne[e i_ormudeaOl slemophybaqckrTodes}
_) DTSNED:6ModeSelect:Ress[hisbuttoato selecta}TS 'Xeo6 rTo@Thes,_neds lakeatwe
ehtrlrlela_cleool rTahixaureuld erTeod(dseuree andaealet ldi ive six el sevenclsalleisolid
ieid {Seepage2 % 8e avaihble)TS Neo:6 opaoas}
Macro Suttons: hess fii(se bLeOnS[os;ure ol
r(_c_tlla "Macro'iwhich Jsa pre[)roqrarTirTiedseqderlce of COrTrT8rldaS;uledil rite/erTere (Se(p_ge35 ff}_
rTo!e i!/[orrTaiol Ol s_')lJlg aad re(_lJirlgrTacres
DiscSkip Button:Tlis bLi_Ol!]asle @el
ehaage_otheaextdiscin aCDor DVDplayelwhe_ 8( remeeisplogra_]_]ed[orHattypeofdevice See page36[oimereirlfol_]ttiel ca Lsiagthe
PresetUp/Down:Whel]fie tLI]l isil us(s
p_essrise butixs _useroHLBoaghfie s;aHols plog__1nedirk} li]ei\VR33Us_]erTolyWhe_ somesoureedevices,suchaaC) phyemVCRsand c_LaseScde{xs areselecledLaingfle deviceInput
Selectors_ tlese IsuTonsmuy[ui{[JOlas Uha/x(-rSkp ernaeki\dw_ce
_) ClearSutton: Press1hisixJttol to clea incenect ent/ieswhenusilsg8e reT]eLeb direc',yentel a !adie
radioata_olilto [J i\VR33D'sp_seirTerToryhal
il( desi!edalatJel,ladfl(i pleasilia bttlol v',o u d rlineildictT,xswillflashatl rightaideo il UpperDisplayLineI_'1,tr/d wilh lives ooada p_essib; NumericKeys_ br tie plesethurTbet betweenD and3} [i_a[yxJwish} _saig_o he dati)l See pag(2U [o_rT)r<i_fornati)l ,
Delay/PreyOh.:PressthisbLtto] to begia 1heprecess/elsetalg tiledelayirTes usedby tie AV/330 whelp_oceasHg SU!!OtIdsouad£e! preasrlg8is bbL)lS,HsedelayLimesaleenteredby pressingtie SetButton@ andti]elsusinglie ,A/V Suttons_ 1ochangde sealg Pless[i]e SetButton @ ag_ilSb co_]pl( s8e p_ocess (SeepagePPer note il ema%a
SpeakerSelect: PresstiqiabLtlelto bgln ih<processof corlfig[nrlgile k,/I 330s bassetn ag n<atsysterTfo_us,;witl ti],;typee/sp ak [s tsed il y(xr syst _] Oaeethe bdtol hasieen preas(d,usehe Ai_ Suttons_ to selectthe els_alelyeuwishb set up Pressde Set Sutton
_nd8e_ sdeetal oli]el thai neltoCelfigure Wlselallaqas'T/elts hive heel compieed p!ess he Set Button@ twiceto exilde se111igsaid rettJlflorlernaiope!atol iSeepagePOforrTo!e
il lorna%l
Multiroom:Ressfits bWul toactJva[ti_( rTuiii/eonsyalerTo_,'3begin1heprecessofchangerg he il/x ol vokme levelforthesecond,,or/e(See [)ages3Sa_d33 or rToreinorrTa%aOlhe Mdtiioensyss_l}
_]) VolumeUp/DowmRess_1ese but?sasi} _ise
orIowe__1e sysierTvolurT(_ _) TV/VideoSelector:Thisbutior_doealot havea
di_estunctJ)l el tie i_,/'R330 buiwin tscdwiti_
eo npatibiy plOgla T/T/OI VORDVDol sateD,leseiver
hit hasa "l°Y/YJdeo' tact!ca,presaiagdis ixtlonwill awitclbe[wsenthe(xi/x1 of t!e playerol reoeivel aid tileextellalvideoirlpHS}tilatpiay(r Ceasulttile ewnerananuti le!yeulspeogk;playeler lecelvelo! he de_aiisoflow itirTspleT]elts Hismctiea
_) SPLSelector:Tlis bLROl_cwatesfle AVR33UsETSe[Bactiol b quicklyaid _ccu__teiy
eaiibraletile/'\VI_33UsoutputlevelsP!esstnd leld he i)LeOIS[OItlreesecoadsand_en reieas(il Reas
he "5' e_"T' NumericKey_ ioindk:_Llewhetl(_ youtie Lainga 5 / olallei ol a 6/ehanlsel apeakelsysierTwitJtilei\VF!33U Tilelestole will begineilculadagandtileProgram/SPLIndicator
willchalgecelors{}ufilglilts sequenceEzSei willalice at_ctllyadjtstHeoutputlevelsiorallehal iris al81fey ae equal,_sshownbyLineProgram/ SPLindicator_ iightinggleel tel,:achclall d i'rcashs bLllOIa%il wish fie adjts _]eniacoe ple:ototua offII lesttoae (Seepage23 o_core il oreadoaOl E,,Set}
6-ChanneV8-ChannelDirectinput: Pless
d]isbutler_ie seledtiledevicec)nnecmdto;he 8-ChannelDirectinputs€_ is [hetudo soume
(Seepag{P5er nole il omatoa
Wl(nyouwisl_uLsei]e 6-Channei/8-Channei
DirectInput_ inc)t_/ut Iiotwii] avideosoum,
younuslfi/s sdec tl{ vi@o,soL/x;byplesshg)l{; o [iTeInput Selectors_, 8se]sp_essflis buiton_u clxxDsede @viceeonnectud_u1i1(_6-Channel/8-
ChannelDirectInput@ is Iie audiosouree
Mute: P!ess8 is bLlOl _urTOrT@rlt]rilysilence
tiTu/'\VRLG0 orTV s beilg cot _)liud dep r]ditgot which duvicnlas bee] seieciud When[he/'\VR'!30
!(nob is beingproglan ned b opt;m;, anoi]el devkse His bLton ispressedwi8 HseInput Selector Sutton
to begin tile progt ]mrTll6 proeess {Deepag
55 o! rToreinfomaHot or] progt]rTmhgliTe!eT/olei
_) EzSetSensorMicrophone:Theset]solniao
pl or]efortie EzS([rTiaoplorleis behk]ddeskdos WhenLsir]gd ere/]o_cTOcalihlalespeakelOL]T3Lt
lev(IsLsingEzSe[besuleLB]LyoudoIsothoid[iTe !elole its] wayiiTaicoverstheseslos (DeepageP3 forno!e ilornador]onusingEDet}
o......................Q 0 ............
I_ ........... DN --I UNING --Up
e ........... ON--PRESeT-- UP
Q bwel C1 @ i\W Selecbr
[Llilg LJp/Oowr]_aslPlay
_' cold/l'aLse _resi Up/Dewl _a}k Skip
DiscSkip O VoluneUp/Eewl _]P PhyForwaKJ/Revelse/Siop
PowerOff:Wl(r Lsedif LieroorTwheretiqe AVR330 isIocabd plessthisbLflOl_')phcelie Uli rl S;alsdi)yWhelitisusedinale T]ele!oonwiti7] sensorda isCOl_ectedb theMuttiroomIRInput
jask 1hisbuttorl_tlrls@Ie Mulii/oon systerTorl
PresetUp/Down- TrackSkip:Wlen the AVR330s kJnelisseiecbdasS]einputseLrcethese bhiTOlSwill hoveLpordowntl ro_!1 hc listo ala 1lensthatlave i)(<ns:oredil he prose1n e'noly Wll aCDorDVDcl al%r orplayeris a%c:,d,
ihesebLeOls asiJv]iefie Folwaldo! Reverse[rack or ChapblSt'pLnctbns
@ AVRSelector:Press[iqisbuttonto[Ul orqtiqe
AVR{,30 TheinpL[inusewhq fl_ uii waslastor] winbesckct d
DiscSkip:PressthesebL OlStochtngediscs oncorTpalibleHs nanKaldenCDor DVDehar]gels
or playels
AM/FMTunerSelect:Press[iqisbui-orq1o seiectde urlel asfie irlputtotile MLItiloon syscn Pressittgan i_ cls gu betw{erlile AM
0 VolumeUp/Down:Wlenusedirlfle loon
whele[J( i@'R330 isIosated,pressthisbLllOrl_a raiseer io//elfie w£qe il _hatlOerTW!lerqusedin
aleT/otelOOnwitil aselso!dt iseonrlected!'3tile
InputSelectors:Wlen tiqei\VR330 is o[1
p!essoneof Des bL11Ola_oseled] specificinput
MuttiroomIRInput _ jtck his butter]will[tiseor IOWultl{ VoILrTeintix !e_/ote!oon
aridtLIOtie Lrliior/Wlen tie Lniiisailetdy!l LSe
p!easiog OlC oftl ese[}UiT')ISwillclal gufix iepLt
_]P PlayForward/Reverse/Stop:Pleashesei)L
iOIStoeelirolcxH)aEslei arrTalKadol CDDV[}
TuningUp/Down- FastPlay:Wler__lis !eneb is8sedin tiqesarTeloon asi!leAVR330,
tilcsebuttorlsrT_ybeused_oelal getil,;[lequel:y ofle Lrlerhes,Jbuttonsnay alsoCOlIoltile FasHay}i Fastbevelse[unetiols o" soT/paf'ble
H]i nanKardonCD }VOelcaasetled(eksil he sarTe/O)T/Ul/lU/1a!eT/ote!COn¢/I{-rarl,_/liok isCUlleded7ohe/'\W 33}
or cassetlplayels
Mute:WlerlLa(Xih fie/OOrOwhelelie
AV/330 isioc_[led,plessdis buol b S /]porari!y sibncetheLlil Whelitisusedina lenob !oon witil
jack,fiis bL?91willtenpomfilysilencetie fled :'} 1here_]eterOOT]oily _rss tilebLqOIaqainto!e_uO io tilepreviousvokqe bvel
Record/Pause:qess his butlorltotcivai tile/ec)Id orPaLSOfLIcfionel conpatible HalnanKardonCDDVDo!casseiled(ekprodtc_s
TheZole IIrerTof nay beusedineithelthesaneroorTwhelehei\VR330isbcabd,)i iinay beusedina sep]mteioorTwii{ anopHolalil rar(dsensorhal iscorHse(A;dtodei_,/R330s MultiroomIRinput
Bek Wler itisusedin hesan( roomas8e k,/R330, i willcentre[til( [unctiolao68e AVR330 oranycon p]tibieHanal Kardolplodtctsil _latroon Whenit is Lsedi_ aseparatemen vii asensorCOl_ectedh ire
Multiroom IRinput _ jack fls but }rlsor PowsrrlputSxKx_Vci_neaid MutewillCOltlol tilesourcetld volhn t)l he secx]d701e,88eorlrle;ted_ohe MultiroomAudioOutput_ jacks(Seepage33 or CXT
pleteil olrTa!_or]el usilg lile Mdthoonsys_,_]
c T/ak it etaieltooil)w [is iestructiolstiqdmfeltotiqisiilLstratiola iargelc}pynay bed}wlbad(d fiorT He P!odudSLppodsee%lo! tiqiap!oduda wwwhalT]ar]kalder]COrT
System Installation
/\tieru pacingiheUltiIIoca[Jngit in_pia:awiihade qu_bVClHaHonaid [lacilg i Ola s'ikJstdac (_-eable d stpportJrlgiisweJglt yocwillned Iom.-£eHeeon he(Horls} y)L_aLdioandvideoeluiprT:arl
IMPORTANTNOTE:Foryeur pmsonais_fqyand Io a_,oidpo%ibb danage_uyou equiprT(rI_d sp,_akers I is fiv,dys a go}d pract£uc kin }1;all unplugtie i$/R aridi_L amice eltip T:alt IOn the/\{7 output beb!u rYakirg tny addleorvideo syslerYeorlnectJoca
AudioEquipmentConnections Wereconine1d fila[y}u useligh qufiityiltelcxu(ct cabI/-swl rl rTakinq}orlrleHOls[osou!c{;,;qdp]]erli md !ecordersto f r,_smwsfileilbgiy o ti< sigals
/ Coined tie alaiogOtiOLofa CDplayelis file
COAudioInputs NOTE:Whel fileCDplayeih:aboti fixedantivail
ableado otIpcls,i isbeslIousefilefixedotipc unlessyet ir/d tiit tie inputtofile!e:air I is so low
thaitie soundisioisy (x sei]igl Haliiisdistxt d 2 COlr:ac[tie aiaiog_hy/f)utjacksofa casse[le
d(ek MOCD/o! ofilcltudio rccxder_afiTeTape InputJacks _) toni et [I _naiegFTecerd/njacks
el Hci seo!d(>ris tie TapeOutputJacksi_l ontile i\VR330
3 Connec[tie outpL[ Ofaly digitalsourcessucl as aC[}or [}VDc!laig i el piayel,advai}edvideo gamea digis_isablli sleceivm,HbTVturn ordigisl cableseltopboxol t!e outputo aco//pafible compu_(!soundcardto he Optical_ndCoaxial
DigitalAudio Inputs_"_i"_i'l_
4 Cor:aec:1he£)axiaioropcalDigitalAudioOutputs
ontie l:ar paleio fileAVR330 b fie T]ablii g
dig_alinpt]icxl ectJonsoi a CORorMiniDiscrecorder 5 Asstmhietie AMLoopAntel_asuppliedwitl file
unilsotisatfie _bs d thebollorYef file _lerlnaloop sap in,ofileholesh tie baseCoil ectitto fileAM
6 Colnecl tie scpplied FMai terlrlaru file FM (75 elrT: Connection _ Tie FN_tltel r:a rTayb in exterlai roof at1 rr:a at1hsiciepoweled or wire leaci antenrlaor aCOlnedion flol a cableTVsymcm I
tile tl erlna or collection Lses3DO 0!711_v,in lead cable,yet rTtst use file 300 olsrT_U /5 ohY/adapt( !
st ppliedwith the unl ru Y:ametie eorlne{liol
7 Oorll(Ctlile[lent C(llel SHrouldlid scrrotld baskspeakelouiT)uisl_)i_ i} 1herespeeive
speakers c erlsureHalfil lie at'lie signalsire :aiibd _uyour
sp,sakrswitiloutlossofchriVor rcsokHol,w aug gesltiat yo/[se higlqtaliiy sptkm ethic Marly b!mdso c@le_reaw_ilableaid tile dolce u cable
nay beJrf!tencedbysJ(distancebetweeiyoul speakels_ndfil( le(:aivel;Hietypeofsp(akeisyou
cse, pelsontl prefeler/cesar/ciotheriac,xs Yc;tilcieaier
o!inslaflelis a vaiu@le!esot_eeb consulinselect ingtile piopelc@le
Regardlessofti( blaid of(_@ieseieeted,w{ !ec)r]] meldtiat yet csea(:ableCOlstn£kJdo rT1utiisllar/ci @pperwtih_gaugeo 4 orsrnfiie_RerT}embei(ha inspedlyingcabletie lowelthentrebeltie filicm(i
Siccable Cablewifi agtL!e OfO Y:aybeLsedfix shoriIHrls
Oflesstia /0 feel,'Votic noli(eorTirYlenciIhatyou cseodes withan/\d?G{quivaieno/8 ol higher dueS}fl( pow{rlossanddegaadaRxlinpelforntnee
Cablestia[ alerLI Jrsiciewailsshoukihavefileappro pfiabn arkingsIo hdi(_deIslhgwitsLJLCSAoroler appiolxiabt(slilg agencys:arlciaids{_uestiois tbot ruruingcablesinside_',_lisslouldbere(rredx) you
ins:ailelor a licelsedelecsleithwlo is a/]ifialwitis _beNEC_d/ortileappli(:,@ieIo{_dbuildhgcodesin yot_alea
When COlilX CJl {! wiles r'} file sp(akms,becel airl
ix}observepropmpolarityNo_ntint filepostiive{}
srY/i1fi o each spetk(l eorlnectJol low citricst
specificeobl code,asnekd onp_ge/ However rTOSispetk(Issiiilusea!ed_mnintl forihepositive
(_ connecfionConneclfile"negaHve"or "bhck" wireb tie sadielelrTi_alol boti Hereeeivelaid
tie speakel
NOTE:Wlile most apetkel r/]trluiaclulels adhele b arlil dcshy conv{rlion ocsing bhck (I Y/irltiafo!
I "!aliv,; and rd Dies Ol positive soY:an]y vtry fi)T] tills COliguraliol lb el sc}leplopr pltse and
opfirT:alpedoirTlan(:aeonsulltile iderltifcationpiassorl yocfrspeak r o! tie speakel's rYal u fi Iovelfly poiafi[y
Ifyet do ao[ kiow tie polarityof youl speaker a_sk yotr deaielor tdvice before p!eceeding or consLIt
tie apetkel's rYal t a( k£el
_tJctiso recorTmendthatfie lengthofctbie tseci x}coniee speak{rpairsbe icielHcalFo!exalple Lsetil( style lengthpiecea clue to corusecl[Ise fiont lefttnd lorlt rightoi SLriOLIdlet andsur rotld rigll sp( tkels evei if h( speakersalea
difmelI dislaice !on He/\Tit 330
S Coli edJons[o aSLbWOoferaren(xrYailyhide via alinelevelatdio eoinedionf_ontheSubwoofer
Outputl_ IoJe hielevelinpLlOfasubwoo _witi abLil inampliiel Wlent ptssivesubwooeris Lsed, he corlieefiorlirsl goesIo_ powelartplfie! wlkti willbeeelrlecbdr,}Ol( OlrToresubwoo(lspetk{rs Ifyouar( usinga pow{redsubwoo(r Haltidesno lavelinelevelhpc COlnediois ollowhe irlshLC ierlsUllishedwih tie spetKelo! corlleetiorlilo!
rTalon 9 Ifm xtemai rTtiTJchannelatdio sotrc( witi 5
OLpLftSSUCIasal exblial diqid p!ocssoUdcx/el DVDALdiox SACDIlty<l isused,c}il ctti
OLS)LSOftiat d(viee[oth{ 8-ChannelDirect InputsI_)
Video Equipment Connections ',/id }eu i_;rTentis{Oll :td in tile sarTerTa_nnel as at]io c}Y/p}rkJl _s/'\{!airl file LfaeofIlgl qt aftiy if/terceln({t cables,a!ecorTrT(aded ropr( SelV( signalqtHiity
Colied aVOR's,perseialvideor eold(r's(VR}
orolei videosotre('saudiotld vide{)Play/LL[jacks o fileVideo1 orVideo2 Audio/VideoandS-Video
InputJacksi_t.l_) _) oi fil'; lea pand TI Audk}andViJe)Re:erd/hjasks}rl theVORsl(}uld
becolI ecbdt} tie Video1 orVideo2 Audio/ Videoaid S-VideoOutputJacks_@ _ on
1hei\VR330 2 Celled tie aiaiogadio trld videooctpctsofa
sat(Iliareceivereabl(V eonvederbievisiolsetor ay ohmvideosotrc( _'}fileVideo3 Audio/Video
andS/videoinputJacks_i} 3 Connec[fie tnalogtudio aridvide} outpclsof a
DVDx las,srdiscplay(Ito til< DVDAudio/Video andS-VideoInputs_)
4 Coiled tie digi[aiauciieottpLtsofa[}VDplayer> sasslliereceivercableboxorHOTVeonveiterIotie
app_olxiasOpticalor CoaxialDigitalInputs
!i Coi_ec[tie Videoand/or S-VideoMonitor Output€_,_ j_cksol [ht;le:aJvc!t} filec)nposit
orS Vide ilpL of you!ieievisiolrTonitoro_vid(o projec_'H
(} Ifyotr DV[)pl4yeiaid moiitorbotl !laveeonpo let1 videoeorlrle{[iols corlleetfilecorYporleltout
pLS e tie DV[}nlaymto ti_(DVDComponent
VideoInputs_) v,_l whencxTponenvide}eXl i ectbnstru LS{;{ItiletLliO }Oinectioisslotld sill
b,_Y]ad to eitherfileaialogDVDAudioInputs_) oraly oftie Opticalo_CoaxialDigitalInputJacks
7 I _rlOlilerdevicewilileoT/polenlvideooutputsis _vailai)lecotnectit 7'3[ileVideo2 Component Videoinputs i_) Tiseatdo C01neclions[orhis
devicesl ouldbenade [oeiger8e Video2 Audio inputs_) ortny 0 fi Opticalur CoaxialDigital
inputJacks_---J_i]_] S I fie eorTponeltvideoilRs ale taed c011oct
tiTeComponentVideoMonitorOutputs_ _othe conponentvideoinputsoryou TKprojectoro!dis
playdevkse 9 I yot lave _c_nc}Kler vid(ogane ol ut! r
aLdio£ideodevicetild isconneessdtofieAVRol temporarylati181tilta pelnil erltbasisCOla1{ ct Hse
aLdiovideoanddigi_a[audoo/tpLSofdsa@vieeto tile Front-Panelinputs[}7_i'1_']_rill_'l Adevicscon
nectedis(/eissdeetedas tileVide(}4 inputtnd tile digi;_linpusnustbe tss@sedo ire Vkleo4 inpul
(S(epage/8 or no!e inoma%n oninpLtoonfig/ !aBort
% rl he })T/pOIat videojt}ks arelJsedle 31 sx<el rTsrlusarcnotvisibleall yx nts av,iicl to tl standardeonpositeorSVi¢o Hpt on your
Tie/\V/330 willaccepteiU(ralandardx)npoaite SVideool Y/PWPbeomponentvideosignals Howeveritwifino1eonvedaly o dosesialalsdo
Wl(n eonnecnga videosou!c(to [ilei\VR330 y{x nay is( conposis,conponenol S Video
bit onlyonetypeofvideonay becoalee;(dfor
eael deviee
Wi(rl rToretJat ore videorotnatisused,it is necessary;'3rTaket septraeCOlr/ec[ioI[101/
tile/\% x) youlvideodspiay[oreachorna Y'}IextrTl)lei boil corTI/)osiaadeoT/pOl(r[
sot/eesal( conrlecbd:'} [he/\% 330 boihtile Composite_ndComponentVideoMonitor
Outputs¢_) nusibe c)t_ c_cdlofl{ appro prialeil/x_sol you!videodisplay
System and Power Connections
TheAVR330 is d(signed for [bxJbJetse witl T/tiff if)on bysk!T18,t;Xi(IF/al(,)1;IO1OOT/pOI/ rltsarid poe/el trTpli iUlS
MainRoomRemoteControlExtension I [il( le;eivelisplacedbellid t solido! srToked
glassc_@etlox 1he)bairuciiot_]_ypleventlix rcrTotcsensorIxn lecelvirl_!ecrunaads_rl[ilia (velt, 8rloptic1alle holes,;is)r nty beLse{l Coil ctde outputo lile!enol sensorx} 8e RemoteIRInputO jtck
I oi!ler coT/pollentsareaiao pl{v811(d [1o//recnivinq rerTlO_corTirTlalidsOrllyorleserlsor is iieeded Simply
tse [ilia uits sensoror a !eT/oleeye by rt_r_inga cot neciiot [1o1 le Remote IR Output _ jack s}
_1<Relole IRnput jackon Hanat K_KJono! oi1<! OOrTpafible equiprTeat
MultiroomIRLink ?( relo[ icon Hleeeiv£shouldbec)]_ecsedio itleiS/F!330viastandtrdeoaxialcable_i/g HeI/eon
nediotc@Jeielo!heMultiroomIRInput_ jtekol _bei$/R330s _eapsei
Ifolilel HarTaaKardolc) npaSblesouleeeqtiprTeli ispar1orde n_it K}onins:ailalionth( RemoteIR
Output(_ jtck onthelea panelshouldbeeonnecs_d _elileH INjackol soulceeq_/)neIt Thiswille_able
i!l( lenos !o(/1/Io{;_Lionx} ool;_oisourceeqtJipnerlt
UI ([Joas
NOTE:Aft_eloleiyeotboiledeo npol el B n_stbe hked log(8elin_"daisychain Coined tie IROUT
j_cku onemi x} heIRINo 8e lext x} esabiish
8is elain MultiroomConnections
The/\% 330 iseqti%ed wit! ndtizXl( ctptbilities fla[ _ilowit ios(id asep_rak;audk)soulceto iil_;
r<rT),_z)rl( 1!OT1i!1eo11selecbd_',_!ts_ intile
rT81rl room
Depeldilg ony(xr sysle/]s requirenel1,fi_ee op%nsareavailableol adio corueetion:
Option1: Dsehigl q alityshiekiedtudioin1reoa i(ct cabbIOrTSti_ei_,/R33Osiocatiolto80 r(rTore
roorTIi 8e r(rTio_'roorTeorlaectlileiltercollect c@le1oa sere(}po//elalpliiel Tie a_]pliierwillbe
conlecied;othe_oel s sp(akets£ [ilei\VR330 pkg1heaudioin_cKxxlneetcablesintode Multiroom
AudioOutputO jacksuntileAVR%O'sretr pad
Option3: ii_kilg a@a_hgeofiJ( i\\/R330'sbuiltil sewr clsali eit nplifieritispossibleto use_v,ooriile
anpliiel eh_nnelsx}powerspeakersi_tl( reno roon Whentsilg iiliSoptionyouwiilnolhetble io tse tie tl171 elat_el c_pabilitieso t}( i_v'R330 in he _/tiniisenJlg 1oo11,bHyouwiiJb( ableb add alod(/Is:, rlilg icon wi8out tddiliolai ex_elnai powertT/uiifiersc use[ileilionai8npJif,eIs 1o power] le{T/Ot(ZOII(i coii ec tie spetke/s[oi
he _emoleroon iocdon 1o[i](SurroundBacW MultiroomSpeakerOutputs_)_oole usilg lile renoloKx)nyouwillne(dto cot igureihealplifiels
or 8u1rourldope_don byclalginqasetti_g i_tie AdstncedSdectrTsentrofiowingde inslrtetiola slownonpage31
NOTE:ForaHoptiota,yot nay eonne[tl opS<3rla[R slsor !l Slomnoi< roon_a[ilei\VR330 viaa
app_opfi_toc@leConnesttilesa sors c@leto[iq,; MultiroomIRinput _ ott!( i_,/R330andtse [ix Zol{ IIr{ T/@ei3 corl_,UJtl( roon vok TieAlir
t ttJvelyyoun]y insiallat opdonalvoltne eontrol betwee_fie outputo [iq _]plifiersaridfle spe_k_s
Seepago33 1o_nor{ infornail{ ontiqenulti_oon syslen
ACPowerConnections Tlis trlii iseqdppd witiltw) accessolyAC)utleB
Th(ynay beusedb powertccessorydevic(sbt hey shouldio[ beusedwihhighcu!rel dlaweqlp rTentsuchaspowelt nplifielaI i/e [ozalpoweldlaW o eacl oudetnty IO[exeeed100 wails
Tl( SwitchedACAccessoryOutlet_) will_eceive
ixswsronlywlenihe tnil ison I hisislecorTnel led
or @vieestha lave riopowerawicI olaT/echarlJeaJ powelswitchtila nay beJellil de "ON"positJot
NOTE:MarlyaL'/iotrld viJeoprodtc%qoil[o a Sialdbynodewh(t fl(y Ire tsedwitilswilcledout lea tld callot beLily ttrn(d Ol usinglie outle[
alorlewililotJta!eT/olec}rFi3[coT/T/]rld T1( UnswitchedACAccessoryOutleti_) will
rece_vp)weraslongas8e trlii ispluggedil;o a poweredACoutle[
Once[ileACPowerCord_ isCOli (c_cd,yot ale alnos[_,;adyi} enjoytiqeAVR330s ia;r{dibl{powe_
ad fid{lity!
Option2: Co__octfie MultiroomAudio OutputO
jt;ks/n tile/'\VI/ '!SO_aheitpus ofan /pilotal
deusopsv,,{ra_/piifielI/UIhigl ltaiiy s_(akerv,i_e hon tileartplifie!} hespeakelsintile !eT/ole!01T/
Wl(r ill ]idle vide andsya_eT/eel nec!,ols have !)eelsT/ade _heletie a [ewoorlfJgulaiOltdjustnels_%
tiTt T/ustbe nade A [ew T/hLies spelt T,)oorreetly corTflguleandctlibl t;e tile u1 willgleady add 1oyou
iis_(ning expelience
SpeakerSelectionand Placement TI( piacerT@t[ elspeakersit ] rTdi£har]nelIorT(
tiTe][ersyaterT(£[fslave] ]so[iceabieirTpacton he qtaliyofsoundrepro€ced
'XorTalerwhiol ypeel b!arldo[ speakis isusd, tile saT/erTodeiel braid ofspeakelshoddbe tsed
% De iel Fret1octI(i ]ridfightfiontspe]kersThis creat(s t seaT/lesstroll souisdaLtgetld eliminates he possibilityo dis_lacHngsonicdis_Lrbanceshat
OOOLrwhenasotnd l/evesaorossnismatched
f!oI t C!lal rlel sp( tke!s
Speaker Placement
),_p_n{_i%ontheype )l c_n_rd/anneipeakerit us( aridy(xJrvie/;!llqdevke plaoeth_cerlr sp{ ]kel eild di!ectlythere)r b,;bayotr TVel intilecerltel belird t pelfoltssdf!orltpro]ciorlsereet
OnoetiTecerTtelcI ]1_eispeakelis installedposidon tiTeriot1le aid frontfigh speakelssohatfley ae
ms % away IOrT eriealo]er as_( eel;'i o!larlrl( I
speakerisIorT de plebrredlis_enegpusibotde]lly, tie fontcha_eeispe]kelsshofidbepiacedsoS/at
tileJltweelelsale/o _/or(i/al Pal' thereof below tiTetweeelit [i]ecentelch]lnelspe]ker
)ependin,!el thespecificsoryou !oon acoaeHos tld tie typeo speakelsirluseyounty ild dtt _rTagingis irTsprovedby rTeyingHe lel fiont]ndfigh[ fiontspe]kerssJighayR)_wardor ii_(oenielohannei speakelI possible,adjtsiIll fiorltIoudspet_<els soPattheyIre aimedatearheightwhen%/are sealedhsthelisteningpoaidon
Lisirlgflesegtkielil(s,yotll [hd[ilatit;ukesSOT/e expeli_e_stiot tohd de correctio{£dots')ihe fiont
speak(rsit you!paficth/irls_ailatiorlDon'tbeafraidto hovetilrlgsaourldulq Hesys;crTSOLIdscorrect
OpaliTeyou!speake!ssotlal audios,aisitJorlsacross tile io1_o[tile I3orTsolid SrTOO_,tld souF/dsI)// allspeakersappea_oariveat_/eiisienhg positionat
tile same_T/ev,JHx£dehyI(}T/de cerltelspeakel conpa_ed1otilelelIad rigl spe]kel5
Wl(r t!e i_,/R330 isLS£1h 5i chtnrlelopetttiot, tile preeuedIooaHoti')l stlroud sp(akersis ot tie
sidewallso the_oorT,It or sliglliybehindtie iiascl ,g posiionn ] // cIalneiwsien, bothsidesu_
!o/Id trTdhick atlroundspeakersale!equiledThe celtel of ritespeakersho/idaoeilto tie roorTThe
No more
than 24'
kelt Front RightFront
Speaker Speaker
@h/u'#-cO,#_'_o,speake//_s!u@!,,ona'h o,/_,cfxew [Y
iv _ Pr_ec_ S_reen
L_ _fon_ Cen_erF_nt Ri_ r_on_
Spe_ke_ SPeaker B_e_
5 ! .sy_£n-:.,l!/:.,mq,_/'f.¢it; 7 / _¢r_.m!,'u,i
_At least 6 Ingles _Tomceiling
At least2 feet
sp(]k{rsslofid beio(xabdso tint tileboon offfs( {_binetist1leas[twoeel tighe_bantiTeiisielels
easwhel he lis_(Iets ae se]ed in8e desiledsea
I_etf sullow/d spetk(is tle reqdr(d whls a u[I 7 / oharlnelsya_erTis installed ad hey nay tlso be
tsed it 5 / clal nel wsteT/Sas tl aJerrlatJv(rTOtl ing positJotwhe] i is notpracticalo phce d e rTain
su!!oundsp(@te/sorl de sidesor he teen Speakers
rTtybeplasedoi t/ear wail,behJedtie lisa,nhq posiioni\s widet!e sid sps]k(ra realsuuounds slsoLIdbelocted soPal tileboron o He c@irle_s
atlets twotee higlerd he Ilsssrlels'eas The speakersshouldbeis()lo[e 8al sixfeetbehindde realo[ fie seatingarea
Ifdip)letypesp tk rsaleteed ot eilile/[he sideor retr ¢_qlsofae/ool please]o da i dele are
arrowsot d( spe]k£s heyshofidace he fionto
heloon tel tie(sidesps]k£s el towedhe centel
o tilewalli,}lde retrspetk(rs
StJi)wooleis plOdLCe rioridi!ectJon ]JSOtlld,SOliley
nay b{ piacedailosl ]nywlseteina roorTActu]i phce//elI slofid bebasedel !oon site aid S!l@( ad thetypeofathwooferused Ge /1£hodoffind ingdeeop%aliooaaon% a stbwooe_is_obeginby placingi inDe_ontoftheroeT/,]boulsixieohes
!OFT/twail,el nearthefioritco!nelo tte loon ArlolilelrTeDodiso terTporarilyplacetie(stbwooel
atyournornailiskhi%posiion andthenwalk arotrldthe!oon unalyo_ind aspotwhel( thesub
woofersourldsbestPlaceDestbwooferinhat spot @ushauldalsoollow thehsirtetiorlsof Ihesth
woolels rTsarluac;{rer oryet maywisI ;aexlDed rTelstwilil De bestlocationor a subwoob_inyour lis_(r]i%IOOrTS
System Setup
{,I 7; fie spoak{;IS I w_; b_e[/pia{7;l it1 [ho re)//tld
o)t_ec[d, fie [enainitgsbps i_Sics,,q_ p_oxsss arex} pK}gaarThei\VR550'sbass_]anagene][ sys en or tie _yp o spe]ke_susedinyotr sys_{1 oalibadetie ottptl leveisandse thedeiayfines tsed by tie stuoundso/ndprooesso!
'!euarenowletdy 1opoweluptie/£,/R330 t} beau heseiJal adjustnens
/ rCakecort]h hat theACpay/e!ooKJ_ isfi!rTly
inse_d ir!a]_ t_s,vicI sdi\C outk;[r'} _ahain il< uJs sai,tyrathq D) NO1subsia_etic
powelcxd or ore wil Iowelcuuencapaciy
P I:!essi}_ Main PowerSwitch[] i_ uttJlii
laiclesandfie word"OF"on tie topof [iq,; %iish disappettsirlsid{[ix flontpand Noi(fiat tl PowerIndicator[] willtuH]n[);_ indksaling_1at [iletJ!/itisJl tic Sqndbynod(
3 De/love fie DoleciJve piaslJcflirt fisT] til( fiont
panel lela I left h piax; the flirt wil! afle;[ the pelfolrTarloeo yo/r r,;rTo_ eel [rol
4 Inaqltie iJleeatppiied/W\ baitefiesin [ile
rerTosassixswt Bec(r ain to[ofiowhe (} and()polarity itdica_olsdat ale ot [iqelopof
il_ bailewconpaltn{lt
{__]Irl d(/@/330 xl dtilel bypassJlg He
Standby/OnSwitch[] o_riter,_ntptrleJ,or
viatiqelerTereby6ressi_g_JePowerOn Button
O, he AVRSelector_}I ortly ofde input
Selectors_)O onJc !eno_ ThePower
Indicator[] willtul bile tocxlfi(n dat d{ uni isel andhe FrontPanelDisplayswillalso Idht
Usingthe On-ScreenDisplay Wl(r rTakinq1/offibwirlgadj/strTerltsyxJrTayfind ii easiultoLS_tl{ i_v/330'S el so!eeldisplaysys teT/Tlese easytoleaddisphysgiveyet t oletrpb tuled 61(Cul!elststatus(}ftheUrlilaid makeilaw toseewlich speakel;deiay,inpLtO!digiqlseleeHol youalee aking
fo viewde on screeneenus rTakecdail tiqatyeu i]_venadea col{eci,on!orT de Videoel S-Video
MonitorOutJack _.,_ untileletr ptnel_atile coT]positeorSVideohR ()6yourTVel projectorIn
ordertoviewtilei\VR33Usdspiaysdseconect videosoul@mist beselec;cdonHsevide(}display
Tlseon screenmenLsarelot tvai!ablewhena coe porlelstvide(}displayis inuse
IMPORTANTNOTE:Whelviewilglie }l sa(en T/elUS[Slfga cI/r basedpl @ctor,pias//adisplayor anydkectviewON eelibr ortelevisio_,itis inporlant tlat [heynutbeledon1hesaen or _nex_,ndedperiod d tine T_eoonsta_disphyo as_aJcirTageSL(;Ias Hesemenaselvide(}ganei/]agesnay case 61e intg( x}bepelrTa/ently"bulnedilto"tile prqectlon tLbes,phsnascreerorCP 1lis 6ype()6daeageisnd cove/(dbyde i\VR330 carrtl[yandeay!lotbeoov eredbyde prqe(h!/IV setswaHanty
Tie/8v'F!33Ulas _woor/scr endisphye )des,
"SeeiOSD'and"Ftfl OSE)'Wler eakingcol igura tbn tdjus[nelts iiis recoTnel lelth_t d Ril OSD noJ beLsedTliawillplaceal opdonlistilg el d soreel rTakingiteasieltoviewtileavailabbop%rls
MakingConfigurationAdjustments TI fill OSDsyst(rTisaw_ilablebypressingde OSD Sutton _ Wlen dis bLeolisDessed,61e
M AS TER M EN U (Figule/) wili@peal:all adjus6nelS ale eade r!orTde indvidtalT/eI_s
Theseni C)S)systerTis tJsoavaihbletllowilg%[ x}rT}_ke_djus6ne_S ciireedybypressinghe appro
pHa_ebutlonson the[lentp_ne[o_le'nolecorai 1,}! d sp{cificpar_eete_tobeadjts:cd or exaT]pleto
ohang thedgi6aiinputor any(}[thesources,p_ess de Digital SelectButton_ andden pressrite A/V Buttons_ _as(kJl tBcuql lis }f
u_ix7sashey aD} s_rJliJe orlselect7displayu! [i7e LowerDisplayLine[]
c usetile fullOSOrTelUsyalerT,plessff OSD Button_ Wien tiqe_/el_ isorlile sor(e_ p_ess
de ,_./_ Buttons_ L_tiltileonsaee_ eusor islext b ihelee youwishb adjtst,anddsenpress
de SetSutton _ to tqual lilt[ itee Theheirs willreeainonthesaee_[o_20 seco_ds,andt!en
dseywill"tieeeL' anddis_ppe_K)ethescreenI he dneoutinty beincleased_'}is rnL£his 50 seconds bygoing1otileA DVANCED T/el/and clalging
deitee tilledFULL DaD TIME OUT
WhenlilefullOS) rTerll]syasceisLsed 0 S D ON willappearil iJe UpperDisplayLine[] b renild yo_I a _ videodisplayeustbeusedWhel lie seni OSDsystemis Lsedi_ooqtnctJonwitiltile dis act COlfigulatiolbutlons,tileorl scrt;eldisphywill
showtilecLr!ent_]el_ seiectixl Ti]atse{ecti)lwili ais)bs shownil d UpperDisplayLine[] o!de
psarT(terisbeingadjtsted Settingthe SystemConfigurationMemory
Thei\VR330fedu_eaa _dvarlcedeeeDrysysten dsatenablesy{x toesabiishdiflclerltoorliig/ tkxls
o! SJsespea_eloonfig¢adendigi_;_iinputsulro/nd rTod,delaytJrTes ClOSSOVSr_t;qLelcy_d o_tpd levelsfureachhpL sou!ceThis[bxJbiiiyentblesyet x}(xa_onh,etilewayi_wlJohyet lia:,r _oeach
so_rceandlave til( i\VR330 rTe_]orizedosesel dngsThisneans,t')l exarTl)b,fla yoLmayLsedi
e_e_l oa_/}u levelsor6/insigr di (rentseurees,or
setdii+,rentspeakeloonfig ationswifl de resdtant
o!larlq s to tie bassT/arlageT/enisys_'e {)ricethese
setdngsarehide rileywilltLtoeatctlly be!ecalled wlenever%/sdect dat irlpLt
ThefaTqy de%itsettingsf(}__e i\VR330laveall inputsconfig/l(ci6oianal tlogaudioilpu exceptre! de DV[}i_DL wheretileCoaxialDigitalAudio
Input1 _) is[ile d(ktNt Thed(ia_ltspeakelseflings art;o_"Large'spe@;_sd dc i,o_tied/figli "S_]_iF at_lloiler positions,_nd[I subwoo _on Howeve_ (}Icefix OSPplo;sssngsys_cn isLs(dtile[iistT]_ or tny inputtilespeakelsetJlgawillaLloeideally defaLdto"S/Jail"d allpositJols witJtile subwooSr set_u"FE' Thedek_uisedngor tilesu_ro__d codesForailanaloginpLBistie Logic/ Music code altiloughDolbyhigitaiel [}TSwillaL_XTadctliy besdected_sappropriatewlen eide_ortiles( bit s,e_e ypes isdetec;cdWlen a P cla_s_eibolby Mgilalseuoeispresent)olby P!eLogk; willalsobe seleo;cdaLtoma%tlly
Bdxe usilg lile tJrlityet willplobablywardsa elalge tilesellJrlgs[oi meali/pts se lilt[ theyare
props!!ycol iguledS}_eflec[dseLse(}fdigi_;_iel aa loginputs,tJseype ofspeakelsinstail(dtlsdthesul
roLIsdT/odespeciicsofyoul!loe}edciter system RerT7belflat sdc{ sJ/\VR 330 rTeToriTestie
seqilgsforeachil%t JrdividLaily,yOLwiliIsed ;u rTaketiles tdj!JalrTClB el etcl inpL[tad
Howev(ll urlce iley are T/tde, [UF_el adjt srT( rlt is
oily reqtiredwhelsysten conpolerltsarecha%ed o eake tillsplo;essasqti(;kandeaw aspossibie,
weSLggeallilt[yOUusefie dlQSD syssrTwithde el scleel T/ells tlId step dl}tg!l etcl irlpat Orloe youhaveco7pletedlile sellJngs[o_i}e i'rali]pu, rTS]]ysetingseaybedt plicaedforHe _emaining
il/xs I isaiso] goodide];us{t Je eonfigL/atiol dataintile ordertileseilenaar( iis_{;{lif de MAS -
T ER 1'IEN U assorTes ;:hgsmqire _specifi; <ntry, apriolrTerluii'_rTRerTerTbeldat Diceih_
s tlil gsIre rTadeor Die ilpui,rileyhug1benade or alloHslinputseuoesil yotrsysbm
Input Setup
he i_ststepinconfiguringli_eAVR330 is,_Jconi%_e ,;achinputOnce_ninputiss,;lec_,,J allsetlingso_
1he)igilal nput SpeakerCur/fig/rttkxlSuHoLrld Mole_d OehyTiT/ingwilJ"_it_cl' d e_/seJvesS}dai
i_/xt_ndbes:qedi___o_voiatibrTeTo_y1lia eeansdat olct; eade dc selectJolof al irlpHwill
aLs}rTaS£tliyr,x:d tilossset!'lgs or 61atleasel, fix procedtas describedbeb,veust be_epe_edr)_
!a}l irl_)L [ SOUICe SO ha _,ou live [il_; opporturlJly
OLSOniz{eachsoulceoyo// sp{ciic IJs_,rlJrlg
reqt Jlt;rTierlts no¢,{v_r OllC!- made, dly rlo(d rio be olalgel ag]h ulleasy}u need} tlr t sealg
WI{I Laingde fLilOSE}sys;en to _/ak(de se_{p adjusPnenispressde OSDButton_ oncesothai
1heii AS TER 1'IENU (Figule1}tH)eas The> OLrSOrwillbenextlo d( I NPUT SE TUP lin
Pr,;sstheSet Button@ to,,i tertiqL_eenLtnci [J( I NP UT _ ET UP T/el_FigLI,;2 wiliapp,;arel
he scre_ hessd_ ,_/• Buttons_1_ LrdJltiq,_ d{ai!edinputnaT]eappealsinde Iighlgl ;udvide}
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