Garmin Mobile
turn-by-turn navigation software for your laptop
quick start manual

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July 2008 Part Number 190-00880-03 Rev. A Printed in Taiwan
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Acquire GPS Signals
1. Open Garmin Mobile PC.
2. Move to an open area, out of parking garages, and
away from tall buildings.
Acquiring satellite signals may take a few minutes.
The bars in the upper-right corner of the Menu
page indicate satellite strength. When at least one bar is
green, you can nd your destination and go to it.
Navigating with Garmin Mobile PC
For complete information on using Garmin Mobile PC,
click Help on the Menu page.
Garmin Mobile™ PC Quick Start Manual 3
Where to?: nd addresses, points of interest (POIs)
such as restaurants and hotels, saved locations, and a
variety of other locations in your detailed map.
View map: view a map of your current location. The
map moves as you move to constantly show your
current location.
Finding a Destination
The Where to? menu provides several categories and
sub-categories to help you nd destinations.
1. Click Where to? > Food, Hotels....

2. Clickacategory.Tondadestinationbyname,click
Spell Name, enter all or part of the name, and click
the location you want.
3. Click a sub-category, or click All Categories. A list
of destinations near your current location appears.
4. Click a destination to view it on the map. You can
also type the name of the destination in the text
5. Click Go to navigate to this location.
TIP: Click and hold the Back button or the Garmin
Mobile PC icon to quickly return to the Menu page.
Information Page Options
After you select a destination, click More to get the
coordinates of the destination and to see more options:
Save to Favorites: saves the location to Favorites, a
Weather: shows the current weather condition and a
ve-day forecast for the selected location.
Following the Route
After you nd a location, click Go to navigate to it. The
map automatically opens with your route indicated by a
magenta line. The vehicle icon shows your position
on the map.
Direction bar
Time to
next turn
collection of your favorite locations.
Save to Contacts: saves the location to your
Microsoft® Outlook® contacts list.
4 Garmin Mobile™ PC Quick Start Manual