4.5 (11)
SHORT STORY:REDEMPTION ..................................................................3
Installing Vampire: The Masquerade Redemption........................................................10
Game Control Overview Sheets ..................................................................................17
Game Menus................................................................................................................19
Main Game Screen.......................................................................................................24
Some General Notes about Combat .............................................................................30
CHAPTER THREE: TRAITS AND DISCIPLINES .....................................32
Character Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Disciplines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Common Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Animalism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Auspex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Celerity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Dementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Dominate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Fortitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Mortis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Obfuscate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
CHAPTER FOUR: ENEMIES AND EQUIPMENT......................................45
Equipment and Treasure ...............................................................................................48
Other Equipment .........................................................................................................50
The Haven and Character Creation..............................................................................53
Creating A New Character...........................................................................................53
LAN Games: Lobby and Chat......................................................................................55
Internet Games: The WON Lobby and Rooms............................................................56
Create A Game.............................................................................................................57
Playing in a Multiplayer Game.....................................................................................58
Storytelling a Multiplayer Game...................................................................................59
CHAPTER SIX: THE WORLD OF DARKNESS.......................................64
REDITS ....................................................................................................98
USTOMER SUPPORT............................................................................101
OFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT .......................................................102
LAY VAMPIRE..........................................12
Potence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Presence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Protean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Thaumaturgy - General . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Thaumaturgy - Blood Magic . . . . . . . 41
Thaumaturgy - Lure of Flames . . . . . . 42
Thaumaturgy - Hands of Destruction. 42
Thaumaturgy - Blood Rituals . . . . . . . 43
Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Numina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
A sliver of moon broke through the grey clouds as Christof reached the top of the hill. The night wind cut through his battered armour, chilling his overheated body. His limbs ached as they never had before and cried out for rest. But he had not prayed all day and would not let his body collapse until he had done so.
The Crusaders of the Order of the Swordbrethren had been on a forced march since dawn, chasing the faster, lighter­armoured barbarians. Sir Cuthbert had reluctantly allowed them to stop only when nightfall made further travel impossible.
After pitching their tents, the Crusaders gratefully collapsed onto their straw mats. But Christof did not. He had a need greater than sleep. Friar Bertrand’s energetic orations against the barbarians were stirring, but his perfunctory prayers gave little consolation to the eighteen-year-old Crusader. The Saviour had decreed that Christians pray alone, in their private chambers, and Christof had diligently followed that stricture every day since childhood. But there were no private chambers in the wastelands of Moravia, so the desolate, windswept hilltop would have to suffice.
Christof paused at the peak of the hill and looked down. From his perch he could see the entire Crusader camp etched in cold moonlight. A dozen watch-fires glowed reassuringly around the perimeter, warding off the terrors of the night. Most of the Crusaders slumbered, bone-weary from the day’s forced march. Even some of the watch dozed fitfully at their posts. All was quiet, except for a few unarmoured serfs who scurried about the camp, hauling sacks of grain, digging a shallow cesspit and preparing for the morning meal.
For the first time that day, Christof felt safe. He pulled off his heavy, battered helmet and let it clatter to the ground. The cold night air lashed his long, brown hair, which was matted and dripping wet. He rubbed his eyes with a mailed fist, wiping away rust and sweat mingled with the grit of the road. His armour was battered and in need of repair. The white cloth over his mail hauberk was torn in many places and streaked with dull, brown dried blood. But the crimson cross across the chest was still as bright and proud as the day he first wore it. His limbs ached from weeks of marching. But Christof was not ready to rest.
He drew his broadsword from its scabbard, plunged the tip into the crust of the dry earth and knelt before it. He pressed his feverish brow into the handle, closed his eyes and prayed quietly.
“Our Father who art in Heaven....”
But his mind did not stay on the prayer. The tension that had coiled around his warrior’s spine slowly melted away. And as the tension ebbed, a flood of memories rose up, unbidden. And unwelcome.
In his sixteen years, Christof had never struck a blow in anger. In the little French village of St. Claire, he had raced against, wrestled and mock-duelled every lad and able-boded man. He won most of his bouts
and always emerged unscathed, as if protected from on high. Until the day a wild boar had thundered across the village green.
The boar charged the villagers, who scattered before it like geese, jabbering in terror as the boar snorted and slashed. Two watchmen panicked and fled, dropping their hatchets as they ran past slower-moving villagers. Christof easily outran the massive pig, but a scream more piercing than all the others cut through him like a razor. He turned and saw that the boar had trampled a small child, who lay crying on the green. A white-hot fury ignited in Christof’s chest. He stopped, and held his ground as the slower villagers ran past him. In a moment, the village green was empty except for the child, the boar and Christof.
The massive pig wheeled to survey the damage it had done. It snorted with satisfaction and lowered its yellowed tusks to charge the screaming child again. Then it noticed Christof, now very alone on the green. It charged in Christof ’s direction, testing the lone, impudent creature who did not fly from his wrath. Christof quickly stepped sideways, toward a hut, narrowly evading the creature. The boar sped past him and hurtled back around the green. Satisfied that Christof no longer defied him, the boar returned his attention to the squalling child.
Christof grabbed a sharpened tent pole from the hut and approached the child. The boar snorted with rage, stomped the grass and charged Christof, determined to punish this act of defiance. Christof crouched low, planted the butt end of the spike in the ground and braced against it. He faced the beast and lowered the toward its onrushing jaws.
The spike snapped like dry kindling as the boar toppled Christof and gored his right shoulder. The beast snarled a blast of hot, foul breath in frustration as it realised that it had charged, open-mouthed, right into the tent spike. It stomped its hooves and ripped at Christof ’s chest, tusks inches from Christof ’s face. But the spike had torn though the boar’s gaping mouth and shattered its neck bone. Its monstrous head glowered with impotent,
disbelieving rage as the light slowly faded from its eyes.
The villagers poured into the green, cheering. They hauled the monster off the gasping and bleeding Christof. The village elders held a week-long festival in Christof ’s honour, and for those seven days, he was great as King David. “Christof, God hath given thee a great gift of courage,” the elders said. “Thou
art meant for greater glory than life as a freeman baker or cobbler! Perhaps thou shalt become the youngest village elder.” The vainglory felt sweet but also embarrassed him. The lasses adored him and lavished him with honeyed praise. “Christof, thou art the bravest man in Christendom! Blessed is she thou takes to wife!” The lads also admired him. “Christof, thou should’st fight for the glory of God! Go thou! Go far from St. Claire! Join the Crusade, and bring fame to our village!” But Christof barely heard any of them.
All he could see was the massive, oppressive face of the beast inches from his face. Angry. Hateful. Fire in its dead eyes.
Christof shook his head to dispel the memory and focused again on his prayer. He was anxious to finish and eager to sleep. He
continued quietly, “Forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us....”
In his seventeen years, Christof had never killed a man. The hot sun beat down on him and a roaring filled his ears, drowning out the angry clash of steel on steel. Sparks flew before his eyes, and his head spun around as the barbarian’s axe struck his helmet from the right.
Christof was certain he was dead. He prayed that the Lord would find his soul in the midst of the battlefield wasteland and blindly gave his sword one final thrust. The pommel rattled painfully in his hand as his blade bit deeply into flesh and struck hard bone. The barbarian collapsed like a straw man at a harvest festival and lay still.
The ringing in Christof ’s ears subsided, and his vision slowly cleared. He tugged at his sword, which had pierced the barbarian’s heart. But the weapon did not budge. It was caught on the barbarian’s ribs, and would not dislodge. Christof gripped the hilt with both hands and yanked furiously . The barbarian’s corpse vaulted upwards, as if rising from the dead. The shattered chest bones groaned like the hinges of Hell and snapped open as the sword burst free. The broken body crashed back to the
earth, shuddered and lay still. But one hand stuck straight up, as though begging Christof for absolution.
Christof stared down into the dead man’s hollow eyes. The piercing black pupils stared back with the same accusing, disbelieving look as the boar. Christof looked away but knew the sight would never leave him for all his days.
Again Christof tried to shake off the memory and focused on his prayer. But he felt ill at ease, and the prayer brought him no comfort. “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from-”
His attention drifted from the prayer but not to another memory. He opened his eyes and peered down the hill to the troops slumbering below. The camp was quiet,
except for a few serfs finishing their chores. Though they carried heavy packs that weighed as much as a Crusader’s arms and armour, they were expected to labour while the troops slept. All seemed well.
Christof was closing his eyes again when he realised that a guard outside Sir Cuthbert’s
tent was swaying drunkenly at his post. Christof opened his eyes and watched as a small serf in a hood and tunic whispered into the ear of the tall guard. The guard fell
backward, nearly toppling into Sir Cuthbert’s tent. But the short serf effortlessly pulled the large man away from the tent and quietly lowered his body to the ground. Then the serf darted toward the guard at the opening of Sir Cuthbert’s tent.
Christof pulled the sword from the ground as he leapt to his feet. He tried to cry out but no sound emerged from his mouth. He charged down the hill as the small serf gently lowered the second guard to the ground. Weary Crusaders glowered at Christof as he stormed past them. Only when the serf disappeared inside Sir Cuthbert’s tent did Christof finally find his voice.
“Alarum! Alarum!” he shouted breathlessly, bursting into the tent. The serf was already crouching over Sir Cuthbert, who lay atop his straw palette, dead to the world. Christof sword flashed in the torchlight and crashed down on the serf ’s head, where it bit deeply, with a satisfying crunch. The skull caved in, and a chunk of bone and gristle flew across the tent. But the serf did not fall. Instead he turned and glowered at Christof with eyes that were black pools of hate. Christof froze. For a moment, all was still in the tent as the serf locked eyes on him. Dead eyes. Full of hate.
Then the serf snarled and clawed at Christof with long, cracked fingernails encrusted with filth. Christof dimly noticed his sword bouncing silently off the hard earth at his feet, and his right arm suddenly felt cold and faraway. The serf paused to wipe his eyes clean of the blood that flowed freely from the gaping head wound Christof had delivered. The serf crinkled his ashen face into a wicked leer. His thin dry lips peeled back to reveal long, glistening yellow teeth. The yellowed fangs flashed in the torchlight as he silently lunged toward Christof ’s unarmoured head.
The stillness abruptly shattered with a roar, as shouting men in clanking mail burst into the tent. The serf unlocked his grasp on Christof ’s arm and pushed him toward the charging Crusaders. Christof stumbled
backward, blocking their path. The serf howled a hideous, high-pitched snarl and turned, shredding the back of the tent with a sweep of his razor-sharp talons. He bounded through the hole and ran, toppling a Crusader who stood in his path.
Christof found he could suddenly move again and charged after the serf. He ran headlong through the dark, past groggy troops rising from their deep and troubled sleep. An uproar swept through the camp. Finally, Christof slowed. He peered into the darkness but to no avail. The creature had vanished into the chill of the night.
Fear replaced exhaustion in the hearts of the Swordbrethren and banished all hope of sleep as word of the blood-mad devil raced from man to man. Two of Sir Cuthbert’s officers found the shivering Christof and led him back to Sir Cuthbert’s tattered tent, which flapped in the night wind despite the efforts of several serfs to mend it. The tent was now ringed with a barrier of Cuthbert’s retainers, who muttered angrily to one another, debating the most fitting punishment for the serf, once they caught him. Sir Cuthbert’s steward parted them and beckoned for Christof to enter. The retainers stepped aside to admit Cuthbert’s officers, but they scowled suspiciously at Christof, who appeared indistinguishable from any other young, front-line soldier.
Inside the tent, the white-haired company empiric was examining a pale Sir Cuthbert, who looked weary, but solid as granite. At length, the old man gruffly announced, “’Tis the will of God that Sir Cuthbert be delivered from the devil’s grasp! He is whole.”
The officers roared with relief and toasted his health. But an impatient Sir Cuthbert pushed past them and strode out of the tent. Outside, the anxious troops erupted in cheers. With an abrupt wave of his hand, Sir Cuthbert cut them off, and the camp fell silent. Sir Cuthbert surveyed his men for a long moment before speaking.
“Saved,” he hoarsely bellowed, “by the grace of God!” The troops cheered again, louder.
Christof tried to follow Sir Cuthbert out of the tent, but the empiric blocked his path. The old man peeled back the blood-soaked mail from Christof ’s right forearm and gripped his bicep to stanch the blood flow. He forced Christof to sit on a barrel.
“The demon unleashed a torrent of blood from thy arm,” the old man scolded, pouring wine over the jagged claw marks. “Thy very life leaks out upon the uncaring soil!” He gently rinsed grit from the wound and wrapped it tightly in fresh linen. “Disturb not this dressing,” he said sternly. When he finished, the empiric retrieved Christof ’s broadsword from the ground. The old man scowled as he handed Christof the weapon, saying, “When next thou are inclined to chase the spawn of Hell... pray remember to bring thy sword!” And just for a moment, Christof thought he saw a hint of smile on the sour face of the old man who had witnessed so much suffering and death.
Outside the tent, Friar Bertrand intoned, “In the name of our Lord and God Jesus Christ, for His glory and for the exaltation of His holy faith. Amen. The barbarian dogs felt the sting of God’s wrath in our swords, and they fear us. They flee our wrath like coward’s! They cannot win by honest force of arms, so they have sent a devil to our camp to slay your lord and master, Sir Cuthbert. But the Lord was with us this day and drove the devil from the sight of righteous men!”
The Crusaders cheered again, louder. As Friar Bertrand continued his litany, Sir Cuthbert stepped back into the tent. He approached his steward and said, “Give the men an extra tot of brandy tonight, or they will never rest.”
“But is that wise?” the steward asked. “We must rise before dawn! If we should delay further, that barbarian hoard shall surely-”
“We’ve lost those jackals,” Sir Cuthbert snapped. “We could wander these hills for weeks and not find their trail. The filthy barbarians wear armour of fur so that they may run like deer and hide like mice. But it will protect them no more than it did the beast they skinned!” He paused and composed himself. “No. Let the men sleep past sunrise. We’ve pushed them hard enough for one week.”
“Whither do we go after sunrise?” the steward asked.
“To the barbarian supply camp! We shall seek for it here in these Moravian hills. It was doubtless the hoards destination. And we are close, by God, or their demon master would never have risked entering our camp, even by night!”
“Yes, my lord!” the steward replied. “But they will continue to seek thy murder!”
“Aye. My retinue will protect me, if God wills it. Now fetch the men their brandy. Tomorrow we scout these hills. I want the men full of vigour when we find the barbarian camp.”
“It shall be so,” the steward nodded, turning to leave.
Sir Cuthbert glanced at Christof.
“Who is this boy?” he snapped at the steward.
“The very one who smote the demon and drove him from this tent!”
Cuthbert studied Christof a moment and then motioned him to approach. Christof stepped forward, trying to conceal the trembling in his knees. He had never been this close to the great Crusader before. Christof fumbled as he clumsily sheathed his sword and knelt.
“What is your name, boy?” asked Sir
“Christof Romuald, of St. Claire.” “Thou art a brave lad, and true, Christof
Romuald of St. Claire. Dost thou love God?”
“Aye, my liege.” “Seek ye salvation of thy sinner’s soul?” “With all my heart, my liege.” “Art thou prepared to die for the
Kingdom of God?”
“Aye, my liege.”
“No longer shall thou fight upon the line. Thou shalt join my retinue and smite all who would kill me.”
Christof felt light-headed. Almost giddy. “I obey, my liege,” he said, breathlessly.
“Thou hast cleft the devil’s skull in twain
and lived to boast of it.”
Christof nodded slowly.
“God has smiled upon thee. He spared thee from certain death because He has conceived a higher purpose for thee. Therefore, fear not in battle, but give the devil his due, for thou art blessed!”
“Aye.” Chirstof replied, though he was far from reassured.
Christof slept deeply that night, dragged under by weariness and wine. For the first time, the hateful, hollow eyes of the dead boar and the dead barbarian no longer haunted him. Instead, all he could see were the hateful, living eyes of a dead man.
After Vampire setup is complete, your
computer will install the Microsoft DirectX
7.0 or higher drivers if you do not already have them. When DirectX 7.0 or higher installation is complete, you will need to restart your computer for the new drivers to take effect. For more information on DirectX 7.0 or higher, see the Technical Help file.
Now you can run Vampire by choosing Programs/Vampire The Masquerade Redemption/Play Vampire (CD 2 required). Please note, that the game will require that you have the Play CD in your CD Rom Drive at all times in order to play the game.
IMPORTANT: Your copy of the game came with a CD-key, which should be located on the jewel case. When you first launch the game, it will request this key. Please enter the key exactly as it appears on the jewel case. Keep your copy of the CD-key safe and private in case you need to reinstall the game at a later point. Your CD Key is unique, and you should safeguard it because without this key, you will not be able to play the game.
Please make sure your computer system is 100% Windows 95/98 compatible. Vampire is not compatible with Windows
3.1 or other operating systems.
Note: For Vampire to operate the best, it requires that your system have the latest DirectX 7.0 or higher compatible drivers for your CD-ROM drive, sound card and video card, as well as any other peripherals you want to use. If you have any problems running the program, older sound or video drivers are the most likely cause.
If you need help to obtain the latest sound and video drivers, check out our Technical Help file accessible from the Start menu or the Vampire title screen. Just insert the Install CD into your CD-ROM drive, and once the splash screen appears, simply press the More button and then the Help button. We have supplied a list of major computer hardware companies and their telephone numbers to help you with most problems. You can find them listed under Vendor List. This file has a lot of other
helpful information on installation and system setup, as well as game-specific technical help.
1. Before installing, close all other applications. Also make sure Virtual Memory is on (located in your System Control Panel). Verify that you have 1,300 MB (plus 80 MB for Windows swap file) of free hard drive space for a full install or 720MB (plus 80MB for Windows swap file) for a minimum install.
2. Insert Vampire CD#1, the Install CD, into your CD-ROM drive. If you have Autoplay enabled, the title screen will display shortly after inserting the Vampire CD into your CD-ROM drive. If Autoplay is not enabled, simply double click on My Computer, and then double click on your CD Rom Drive to launch the game installer. On the title screen, click the Install button to begin the installation process, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
The following chapter explains the basic
information needed to play V ampir e: The
Masquerade Redemption Redemption, you will take on the role of
Christof Romuald as he makes his journey from the world of mortals to the world of the undead. Travelling through four different cities across the span of time, you will venture into the dark underbelly of the world in your undying quest for love. Choices will be made that will affect your future, and you must learn to temper your unending thirst for blood brought on by the Beast raging inside you. You will encounter all of this as you journey into the world of V ampir e: The Masquerade Redemption.
. In V:TM
In this section, you will learn the various controls and commands used to play V:TM Redemption. To interact with anything in the game, position your mouse cursor over the desired object, which will highlight to show that it is being targeted, and then press one of the mouse buttons to trigger a command.
When you put your cursor over an object that highlights, the cursor will change shape to show what action will be performed if you click on the highlighted
item: The cursors are Talk, Attack and Pickup/Use. Rollover text will also appear in the text window, giving you more information about your target.
To move your character around the game world, position your mouse cursor over the spot you wish your character to move towards, and then left click on that spot. If your character can move there, a movement target icon will appear on the ground, and your character will immediately move towards it. If your character cannot move to that spot, then a large red X icon will appear, and your character will stay where s/he is.
If you do not wish to click on the destination for your character, there is another method of moving him as well. You can click on your destination and, as your character begins to move toward it, hold down the mouse button and begin to move it to a new destination point. As long as you hold down the mouse button, your character will redirect himself to wherever you place the mouse cursor. However, if your character runs into a wall or you leave you cursor in an area where he cannot walk, then he will stop moving
and you will have to restart this process. This method may be easier for those who know an area well and wish to run quickly through it without clicking repeatedly.
Depending on the distance to your destination, your character will either carefully walk towards the spot or run towards it. If the destination is near the character, s/he will walk carefully to it. If it is further away, then the character will run to the location. If you want to make the character run to a desired spot regardless of the distance, then hold down the shift key and left click with the cursor over the spot. Also, if you have a three­button mouse, you can use the third mouse button instead of clicking and holding down the shift key.
Please note, if your character is badly wounded, s/he will limp for several steps before resuming his or her normal walking speed.
To operate doors and other portals, you must place your cursor on the portal and left click. When you first place your cursor on the portal, it will highlight to show that it has been targeted. After you left click on the portal, your character will move toward and interact with it (e.g. open the door.) If the portal cannot be opened, then a message will appear in the text box in the middle of the screen.
In order to initiate an attack, move your cursor over an enemy, and the Attack icon will appear. When you left-click on the target, the character you are controlling will then attack the target using whatever weapon is in his or her hand at the time. If you continue to hold the left mouse button down, your character will continue to auto attack your target until the target is killed or until you are damaged. Pressing the third mouse button or holding the shift key while attacking, will cause your character to perform a secondary attack.
This is normally a slower, yet more damaging attack.
Next to the standard melee weapons, there are a variety of ranged weapons in the game. Unlike melee weapons, ranged weapons will require ammunition, which can be found by defeating enemies or purchasing it from a store. On some of the ranged weapons (e.g. pistols, revolvers, bows, crossbows, rifles, etc), the secondary attack will fire rounds with a higher accuracy, however this will be at the expense of a slower firing rate. As you progress through the game, you will also encounter certain guns (e.g. machine guns, chain guns) with which you can hold down the ALT key and point at the location where you would like to fire. You can then focus your fire on an entire group of adversaries in the distance instead of one single enemy.
To use a throwing weapon (e.g. grenade or holy-water vial), you will first have to select the item by either right or left clicking on the item when it is in your inventory. If you have selected the item, then your icon will change into the image of the item that you have selected. Also, if item the is in your quick items slot, then you can hit the corresponding quick item key to use the item (For more information, please see Chapter Two: Main Game Screen). To use the item on an enemy, you will simply have to left click on your target, and the item will be thrown and it will then disappear from your inventory. If you accidentally equipped an item and wish to return it to your inventory, you can left click on an open spot in your inventory or right click anywhere on the in-game screen and the item will be automatically returned to your inventory. Special targeting modes such as ALT+Left Mouse click will work for thrown weapons as well as projectile weapons.
Using a scroll is done in a similar fashion as well. To prepare a scroll for use, right click or left click on the scroll when it is in your inventory. Your cursor should now become the image of the scroll indicating that you are now ready to use the scroll. To use the Discipline, place the image of the scroll over the intended target and press the Right Mouse button. Your character will then use the scroll on the intended target (which may be an enemy character, a friendly character, an item in your inventory, or comrade depending on the purpose of the scroll) and the scroll will then disappear from your character’s inventory. If you choose not to use a scroll which is being held, simply left click on an empty inventory slot, and the scroll will be placed there.
To attack a target with a Discipline, make sure that you have the correct Discipline selected and then right-click over the highlighted target. If your place your cursor over the Discipline icon in the Discipline window, a small description of the Discipline, which includes the target type, will appear in the status window, which is located in the bottom middle of the screen. Note: if you have selected a Discipline that does not require a target, for example Blood Healing, that Discipline will activate even if nothing is highlighted by the cursor. Also, if you right click on a target and cannot use the Discipline, then you may not have enough blood to use the Discipline or the selected target may not be affected by the selected Discipline.
In your travels through the World of Darkness™, your party of vampires, which is also known as a coterie, will encounter a variety of enemies. In order to survive in this world, you will need to
carefully control the attitudes and actions of your coterie members.
By default, the characters in a player controlled coterie are set to a Neutral stance, meaning that they will follow your lead character and engage in combat as needed and directed by their leader. To switch characters, click on the head of the character that you want to control in the middle bottom of the screen. This character will then become the lead character that the others take their cues from, and a red border will surround the status bar of this character to indicate that you are currently controlling him. Also, you can hit the Tab key to cycle through the characters until you find the one that you want to control. Another keyboard shortcut that you can use is the F6-F9 keys. Hitting F6 will allow you to take control of Christof, F7 will allow you to take control of the character to the right of Christof, F8 will let you take control of the character two slots to the right of Christof, and F9 will let you control the character in the fourth slot.
When you control a character, you can change the stance of the coterie members by clicking on the Offensive/Defensive buttons, which are located in the lower left hand corner of the game interface. A character set to offensive will seek out enemies to fight on his or her own and will be freer in their use of Disciplines and blood. A character set to defensive will conserve his or her resources and avoid combat wherever possible. You can return a character to neutral stance by clicking on the Neutral button at any time.
To gain more control over individual coterie members, you can separate them from the group by clicking on the green light next to their character portrait. Once a character is “out of the group” s/he will no longer follow the lead character. Clicking the Regroup button will cause
the entire coterie to return to the lead character. If you want the entire party to meet at a specific point, move the cursor to that point and hold down the CTRL key and left click on that location. Note, when a coterie member is separated from your group, s/he will not come to the lead character’s aid if he is damaged nor will this character engage any enemies at all.
If you want to focus all of the coterie’s attacks on one enemy, then highlight the enemy with the cursor and hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard as you attack. The entire coterie should then focus their attacks on this enemy as long as you continue to hold down the CTRL key while you attack.
As a human, blood courses through your veins in order to sustain life. As a vampire, blood no longer courses through your veins, but it is still as important as ever in sustaining your unlife. In order to be able to use your Disciplines, as well as to prevent your character from frenzying, you will require blood. In your character’s status bar, there is a red bar, which indicates your Blood Pool. As you use Disciplines, blood will be used from your Blood Pool, and this bar will go down. In order to replenish your Blood Pool, you will need to Feed (for information on using the Feed Discipline, please see Chapter 3: Traits and Disciplines) on other creatures throughout the game. However, not all creatures can be fed upon, and there are many that will attempt to resist you. Failure to catch someone in your grasp will leave you in a vulnerable position, and you will be open for a counterattack. It is commonly known that a creature under your powers can be more easily fed upon than creatures that still have the use of their own free will.
If you are unable to find a suitable
vessel of blood, there are other ways of obtaining blood in the game. Rats that you can find scurrying around the city are always good for a small supply of blood. However, there is always a chance that they will infect your character with any disease that they may have. Also, bottles of vitae can be found scattered throughout a rival vampire’s haven and are excellent sources of blood. In certain cases, some bottles of vitae may not only replenish your Blood Pool but even hold some special powers when ingested.
Vampires are monsters, possessed of an inner Beast. Though, like humans, they have the capability to overrule their baser instincts, sometimes they fail. When this occurs, the Hunger and the Beast become uncontrollable, and no one is safe.
In the game, there is an orange bar, which monitors your Frenzy level. As you take damage from enemies, your Frenzy level will increase until you can no longer control your actions, and friend and foe alike must be wary of you, since you will begin to attack indiscriminately. The rate at which you frenzy does depend on a few variables including the clan type (some Clans frenzy more quickly than others), Blood Pool level (if your character is starving for blood, then he is more likely to frenzy), and the type of damage (some types of Aggravated damage such as fire will increase the Frenzy level faster).
Certain Disciplines will also cause a character to frenzy faster, and there are also a few Disciplines that will lower the Frenzy level as well. Eventually, your character will naturally become unfrenzied. However, if you are on the verge of frenzying, the use of the Heal Discipline has been known to subside the need to rage.
If one of your characters is damaged until s/he no longer has any Health, then that character will fall into a state of torpor, which is a death like sleep. In order to bring your character out of torpor, you will need another character to use the Awaken Discipline on the fallen comrade. The Awaken Discipline is available for use by acquiring scrolls or learning the Discipline by spending experience. When you have the Awaken Discipline selected, simply right click on the portrait of your fallen comrade, and your character will use this Discipline. If your character is successful, then your fallen friend will Awaken with a low blood supply and a minimal amount of Health. For more on Disciplines, please see Chapter Three: Traits and Disciplines.
If all of your characters fall into a state of torpor, then the game is over, and you will need to load from an older saved game.
In V:TM Redemption, there are two
possible ways of saving a game.
First of all, you can choose to let the game autosave for you. Every time you enter a new area (this occurs when the “loading” screen appears), all of your character’s information and status will be automatically saved. The autosave is particularly useful when you are going from one level of a dungeon to another and you do not wish to travel back to the Haven in order to save the game.
Second, you can save the game by clicking on a save cross (if you are human) or a save ankh (if you are a vampire), which are located in your Haven. When you clicking on the save cross/ankh, this will bring up the save game screen. Simply click on the slot, where you wish to save the game, and then click on ok.
To load a saved game, just go to Single Player, and then click on “Load a Saved Game.” When the Load game screen appears, you can then click on Autosave (to load an autosaved game) or click on a specific game slot. In the game slots, the name of the level and the time, which you saved, will be listed here. Once you have chosen the game that you wish to load, just click on “OK”, and the game will load it up.
The following is a summary of the game controls in both Single Player and
Multiplayer. Generally speaking the controls will do the following:
Left Click Walk to Location, Talk to Person, Attack an Enemy, Pickup Item Left Click + Alt Fire at Ground (clicking on the ground), Pickup to Cursor (clicking on an item) Left Click + Ctrl Party Attack (clicking on enemy), Party Regroups to Location (clicking on the ground) Left Click + Space Hold Attack (enemy), Turn in Place (ground) Hold down Left Click Automatic Attack Right Click Use Discipline or held scroll. Store held item back into inventory. Right Click + Space Use While Stationary Third Mouse Button Acts like Shift + Left Click
For users with a Mouse with more than two buttons:
Button 3 (middle) Acts like Shift-Left Click Button 4 Zoom to first person view/Acts like “Z” Button 5 Party Attack (clicking on enemy), Party Regoups to Location (clicking on the ground),
+ Space Stationary cast
The specific combination controls for single player and multiplayer are the following:
Select current character Left click on character portrait Autowalk Hold down Left click on desired target location Attack Left click on highlighted enemy to attack Secondary Attack Third mouse button click on enemy to attack Activate door/switch Left click on door/switch Talk to NPC Left click on NPC if talk cursor is present Pick up item Left click on item if pickup cursor is present Use current Right click on target to use Discipline
Discipline/Numina (different powers have different targeting requirements) Use inventory item Right click on item to use from inventory Set current Left click on Discipline from quick-list or from the Discipline Pane
Discipline/Numina Feed/Kiss Press “F” or select “Feed” Discipline from list and use as normal Display Statistics Pane Left click on “Character” button Display Inventory Pane Left click on “Inventory” button Display Discipline Pane Left click on “Disciplines” button Display Map Left click on “Map” button Display Quest Log Left click on “Quest” button Change Coterie stance Left click on desired stance from coterie controls icons Take gold/money Left click on gold display, type in amount (defaults to half total).
from inventory Gold/money drops to the floor. Remove stake from Left click on character to de-stake, the current character will approach and remove
coterie member the stake
Group Toggle (clicking on the UI head ) / Acts like Ctrl + Left Click
Pause game/display in-game menu Esc TAB Cycle current character s, release Possession of character Stop action Spacebar Force run to destination Shift + Left Click on destination Display Character Pane “C” Display Inventory Pane “I” Display Discipline Pane “D” Display Map “M” Display Quest Log “Q” Close all Panes Backspace Use quick item F1 – F5 Quick Character Selection F6 – F9, F6 for Christof, F7 for character in slot two, etc. Toggle Status Bar Display F11 Take Screenshot F12 (saves shotxxx.bmp in current directory) Select active Discipline from quick list 1 – 6 Zoom Camera +/­Regroup coterie R In/Out coterie toggle G Switch to First Person View Hold down Z Swivel View Toggle X or Numpad 5 Fire at the ground (missile weapons only) ALT + Left click on the ground Party attack CTRL + Left click on target Party Regroup to Locations CTRL + Left click on destination Secondary attack Shift + Left click on target Force run Shift + Left click on the destination Turn in place Space Bar + Left Click on the ground Stationary Discipline casting Space Bar + Right Click on the target Skip current conversation line Space Abort/End current conversation Esc Exit shop/conversation bar Esc
Talk Enter Toggle between Storyteller and Player Mode \ Toggle Possession (ST only) “P” ST Actor Pane Toggle “A” ST Object Pane Toggle “O” ST Controls Pane Toggle “V” ST Locations Pane Toggle “L” ST Scenes Pane Toggle “S” Emote commands Type “wave,” “bow,” “menace,” etc. in talk prompt Scroll Text Display Page Up / Page Down Place ST Head (ST Only) Right click on target position Jump to Location (ST Only) ALT+Right Click
The main menu offers the main options to the game. You may choose Single Player, Multiplayer, Options, View Credits or Quit.
This will start a Single Player game. You will be prompted to Start A New Game or Load A Saved Game.
This will start a Multiplayer game. You will be prompted to connect over the LAN or the Internet.
This brings up the Options Menu.
This will bring up the list of all the people who have contributed to this game.
This will exit the program.
This option starts a new game of V:TM
Redemption. After selecting this option, the
game transitions into the opening cutscene, and the game begins. Warning: Clicking on New Name will erase the current autosave.
You can use this option to load previously saved games. A list is presented containing the save game names. The first item on this list is always your autosave. The names of the other saves consist of the save location, game date and time (e.g. “Convent,” 3:54am). By selecting one of these options and hitting ‘Ok’, the game loads and begins from the point at which you saved. Selecting ‘Cancel’ on this screen returns you to the Main menu.
LAN games are played over a Local Area Network. You will not need to login (assuming your computer is constantly connected) and will be taken directly to your Crypt when you choose this option. In a LAN game, you will only be able to chat and play with other users that are on the same LAN as you are.
Should you wish a wider range of games and players, you will need to connect to the Internet via WON.
Internet Games connect your computer to WON, where you can chat, find games to play and connect with users from all over the world. You can connect to WON from any machine that has direct Internet access.
From here, you can log onto WON with an existing account or create a new account. To use an existing account, simply enter in your Username and Password, and click the OK button. Remember, both your User Name and Password are case sensitive.
To create a new account, click on the Create Member button. Your Internet Browser will open, taking you to the WON pages that allow you to create an account. Please follow the onscreen instructions in order to create a new account. If you are having problems creating a new account, please contact WON.
The panels on the right-hand side of the login screen will take you to the websites of WON, Activision, Nihilistic Software and White Wolf.
Select Options from the Main Menu to bring up the Game Options Screen. There are four options to select from the Game Options Screen. From any of the options screens hit OK to accept the changes you have made or CANCEL to return to the previous screen making no changes.
The Display Options Screen allows you to optimise the look and performance of the game based on the video card in your system. The options are broken down into basic and advanced options.
DEVICE: Shows the current display driver installed on your computer, and allows you to change drivers between primary and secondary cards (if you have a secondary card installed.)
VIDEO MODE: Shows the current display resolution and colour depth. Not all video cards will support all resolutions, and colour depths and settings that are too high may severely impact performance.
DETAIL LEVEL: This allows you to raise or lower the graphics detail to optimise performance on your machine. Detail level ranges from Very Low to High and can be adjusted by clicking the arrows next to the box.
BRIGHTNESS: This slider controls the brightness of the game display. Slide the arrow to choose a setting that is compatible with your monitor’s settings
The Advanced Display Options allow you to customise the graphics settings for the game on your machine. If a feature
does not have a check box in it, then it is most likely that your video card cannot support this particular feature. Some of these options are very video card dependent and may cause the game to fail to run properly if they are enabled. Non-advanced users are cautioned against any changes of these settings!
DRIVER INFO: This box displays information about the video card currently used by the game.
DRAW SKY: This box turns the sky on and off.
3D UI HEAD: This enables the animation of the 3D User Interface Head.
REFLECTIONS: This will toggle whether the game displays reflections or not.
TEXTURE BIT DEPTH: This allows you to switch between 16-bit and 32-bit colour depth.
TEXTURE FILTERING: This allows the selection of bilinear or trilinear texture filtering. Filtering reduces jitter and “sparkling” of textures as they move into the distance and smoothes them when they are close.
STATIC LIGHTING: This toggles between the use of lightmap or vertex­based lighting. Lightmaps provide more accurate shadows but are slower. Vertex lighting is faster but less detailed.
STYLED LIGHTS: This turns styled lights on or off.
DYNAMIC LIGHT BLOBS: This enables dynamic lighting (from fireballs, muzzle flashes, torches).
MODEL LOD: This slider sets the level of detail for character models.
UI HEAD LOD: This slider sets the level of detail for the character portraits.
PARTICLE LOD: This slider sets the level of detail for particle effects in the game.
DECALS: This slider sets the number and frequency of decals in the game.
AUTOMATIC MIP LEVELS: This determines how many mip levels of a texture the engine will auto-generate.
MIP SELECTION: This will allow users, who have 3D cards with low memory, to select a default mip map level lower than the default. This causes textures to appear blurrier, but uses less texture memory and increases performance.
CHARACTER DYNAMIC LIGHTS: This slider sets the level of dynamic lighting on character models.
CHARACTER SHADOWS: This slider sets the number of shadows that each character in the world casts.
SHADOW DETAIL: This slider controls the appearance of shadows from simple blobs to detailed character silhouettes
This options menu allows you to adjust the in-game sound settings. The following options are available:
3D SOUND DRIVER: These selections allow you to set the best sound driver for your hardware should you have 3D sound available.
SPEAKER SETUP: These buttons allow you to chose the configuration of the speakers that best describes your computer’s setup.
MUSIC VOLUME: This slider allows you to adjust the volume of the in-game music.
SOUND FX VOLUME: This slider allows you to adjust the volume of game sound effects.
The Control Options menu allows you to set some of the basic control options of the game relating to the mouse and coterie AI.
Control Options
ENABLE MOUSE PITCH: This options toggles whether moving the cursor to the edge of the screen will move the camera or not.
AUTO CAMARA SLEWING: This option sets the camera to automatically swing into position behind your lead character
AUTO REPEAT ATTACK: This option allows you to repeat attacks by holding down the mouse button.
AUTOLOAD QUICK SLOT FROM BACKPACK: This option toggles whether items on the Quick Inventory Slots are reloaded from the character’s backpack if the same item, e.g. a Blood Vial, exists in both places.
Coterie AI Options
USE QUICK DISCIPLINES ONLY: This sets the AI to only use the Disciplines in their Quick Discipline Slots.
USE QUICK ITEMS ONLY: This sets the AI to only use Quick Inventory Slot items and not to reach into their backpack
AUTO-USE HEALING: This toggles if you allow AI controlled characters to use healing Disciplines, e.g. Blood Healing
AUTO-USE BUFF: This toggles if you allow AI controlled characters to use buffing (enhancing) Disciplines, e.g. Fortitude
AUTO-USE DAMAGE: This toggles if you allow AI controlled characters to use damaging Disciplines, e.g. Fireball.
AUTO-USE SPECIAL: This toggles if you allow AI controlled characters to use special Disciplines, e.g. Earth Meld
The Game Options screen allows you to turn blood and subtitles on or off.
NO BLOOD: Use this option to turn the appearance of blood off in the game.
SUBTITLING: Use this option to turn subtitling during cutscenes on and off.
The Main Game Screen contains the In-Game Screen, Coterie Commands, Quest window, Map window, Text box, Portrait box, five Quick Items slots, six Quick Discipline slots, Character window, Inventory window, Discipline window, Conversation box, Purchase window, Advancement Screen and the In-Game Menu.
The 3D view shows the environment from a third person perspective, with the camera view being behind the currently selected character at about a 45’ angle. You can alter the perspective by moving the mouse cursor to the edges of the 3D window. Thus, you can tilt the camera up or down slightly, so you may look at the horizon, cityscape and sky.
If you press and hold-down the Z key, you can shift into first-person mode for a better look at your surroundings. While in first-person mode, your cursor is disabled.
These buttons allow you to issue commands to the rest of your group and are very useful in determining how your characters will react when not directly controlled by you.
The first series of buttons, Aggressive/ Neutral/Defensive, set the stance of the AI for each character in the coterie. Characters set to Aggressive stance will be much more proactive, seeking out and destroying enemies on their own initiative. Also, they will burn a lot of blood, choosing to use powerful Disciplines in order to eradicate the opposition. Characters in the Neutral stance will follow the main (player-controlled) character’s lead, conserving their resources and staying closer together. Characters set to the Defensive stance will protect themselves from harm and will show little initiative even in dangerous situations.
Beneath these buttons is the Regroup button. Pressing this will cause all coterie members to rejoin the group and gather close to the main character. Next to the Health, frenzy and blood bars, there is a small green light. If you wish to separate a particular character from your coterie (i.e. have the character ignore the player character’s actions), then simply click on the green light of the character that you want to separate. To have the character resume taking orders from the player character, then click on the green light again. When the light is on, then that particular coterie member will follow the orders of the leader, and if the light is off, then that coterie member will be independent of the player’s coterie.
In addition to these specific tools, you can influence the coterie AI in subtle ways: Items such as Blood Vials that you place in
the Quick Inventory Slots are available for AI use; and the Disciplines you place in the Quick Use Slots are more likely to be used by the AI than any other powers. In this way, you can influence the actions of the characters that you are not directly controlling. You can set many options relating to coterie AI control from the Control Options menu.
This button opens the Quest pane, which lists all the quests your coterie has undertaken and whether they have been
When a new quest is available, the Quest Button will have a flashing red border to indicate this. Also, when you complete a Quest, the red flashing border will appear as well. After bringing up the Quest pane, if you leave your cursor over a specific quest, more description about that quest will appear in the text box.
on this map and that your coterie’s current location is also displayed. While the Map pane is open, the game is paused.
marked with diamonds on the map. The one that is highlighted in green shows the current location of your character. The map only shows the outside of the areas – you will have to explore the interiors of buildings and dungeons without a guide.
successfully completed or not.
This button opens the Map pane, displaying a map of the city you are currently in. You will notice that specific locations are identified by name
The separate locations within a hub are
Below the In-Game Screen, but above the Portraits Box, is an area where you will see various text messages displayed. These text messages cover a variety of situations but usually appear when you attempt an action or something happens to one of your characters. In multiplayer games, this area is also used to show text messages from other players (refer to the Multiplayer and Storytelling chapter for more information on multiplayer games). Extended rollover text will appear in place of the character portraits.
An animated head on the bottom of the screen represents each person in your coterie, including the main character, and this portrait is used to show what state, or condition, each character is currently in. A few of these conditions are listed below:
Damaged: The portrait will show the character is under pain when taking damage.
Unconscious: The character’s head will roll back and stop moving when he is unconscious/dead.
Frenzy: The portrait will flash red; the character’s portrait will show a frenzied look.
The Kiss: As the character feeds, his or her portrait is displayed with fangs bared.
Animal: If you change into an animal form (e.g. a wolf), the portrait will change into that animal’s head.
Below the portrait are three bars of different colours, representing the status of the characters Health (Blue), Blood (Red) and Frenzy (Orange) statistics. A full bar means that the character is at his or her maximum for that character Trait. As the level falls, the Trait is correspondingly lower. This is very useful information as it provides quick access to a character’s overall state of
being and whether or not s/he is about to die, run out of blood or enter into a frenzy.
If you place the cursor over a character’s portrait you will receive a numerical display of his or her Health, Blood Pool and Frenzy levels (Health, Mana and Faith for humans.) You can transfer inventory items between characters by dragging an item onto the character portrait. If the characters are close enough to each other, the item will be transferred.
Within the status bar are five slots for quick use items. These items can be used by either right clicking on them or by pressing the function keys F1-F5. Items may also be dragged/dropped from the inventory screen into these slots.
quick selection of Disciplines. Any of these Disciplines can be selected as active by either left clicking on them or by pressing the numeric keys 1-6. You can set up which Disciplines are housed in the Quick Discipline slots by opening your Discipline Window and left-clicking on the desired Discipline’s icon and dragging/dropping it into the correct slot.
The status bar also displays six slots for
The character’s Traits are shown in this window: Their name, clan, rank and generation followed by their Attributes, Health, Blood Pool, Humanity and Frenzy levels.
The character’s Attributes are shown with the current level, influenced by wounds, Discipline use or magic, first followed by their base level. This allows you to gauge the effect of different equipment and powers on your character.
Another important Attribute that is listed is your Humanity level. Your actions within the story will change your humanity, and if your Humanity falls to zero, then your character will go mad, and the game will end.
The range for the character’s currently equipped weapon is displayed along with the damage type. Also, the soak totals for all of your armour (including helms, shields and body armour) against both normal damage and elemental attacks are clearly shown here as well.
All of these character Traits are explained in their own sections later in this manual.
This window shows all of the items and money that the character is carrying. A graphical icon, which takes up a certain number of inventory slots, represents items carried by the character. Characters are limited to how much they can carry in their inventory by having a finite number of inventory slots. You will receive an audio cue if your character is overburdened and cannot carry any more items. If a character is unable to use a certain item, then it will highlight in red, and there will be an audio cue if you attempt to use it.
To equip an item, simply drag it to the appropriate spot on your character portrait. Items can only be placed in a specific location on the character portrait. Weapons (e.g. bows, swords, guns) can only be placed in the slot with the “sword” icon, and shields or utility items (e.g. footman’s shield, torch, flashlight) can only be placed in the slot with the “shield’ icon. To equip armour, simply drag the piece of armour to the “chest” slot, and helms can be equipped by dragging it to the “head” slot. Finally, necklaces can be placed in the slot to the left of the “head” icon, and items such as rings can be placed in the “hand” slots.
Please note, if the sword or weapon that you are equipping is a two-handed weapon (this can be seen by rolling your cursor over the weapon and seeing “2H” appear in the item description), then you cannot equip a shield or utility item. If you have a shield or utility item equipped, then you will have to first remove this item, prior to equipping the sword. Also, some weapons and armour have a minimum requirement to equip them. Some items may require a certain Strength, Humanity or even Faith requirement before you can equip them. If you cannot equip an item, please roll your cursor over the item to bring up the item description. Verify that you have the requisite characteristics, if any, in order to equip this item.
A list of the character’s current Disciplines is displayed, including the current level of proficiency in each, indicated by the number of filled dots. You may set up the Quick Discipline slots by dragging and dropping the Discipline icons into one of the six slots in the status bar. You may also left-click to select a Discipline from this list (and later right­click to use it) or right-click on any Discipline in this list from this pane to activateit immediately.
During some conversations between your characters and non-player characters, you will be given the option to choose one of several responses. Your response has an affect upon how the non-player character responds back to you and, in some cases, the state of the game. When these response options appear, you must select one by clicking on it with your cursor.
When dealing with merchants, a purchase menu will appear, allowing you to buy or sell items. The merchant’s wares will be displayed on the left-hand side of the screen, while your character’s inventory will be on the right. To switch the character that is purchasing or selling to the merchant, just hit TAB or click on the character’s portrait.
When buying, you are presented with a list of the merchant’s wares with prices. If you highlight an item you will see it’s icon and be able to hit the Buy button to purchase it if you have sufficient money. The cost of the item will then be deducted from your cash reserves. If you do not have enough money to buy an item, then that item will be greyed out. Also, if an item is listed in red, then your character does not currently have the Attributes to wield the weapon or wear the armour. You can still purchase the item, however you will not be able to equip it until you meet the item’s minimum Attribute requirements. When selling, you can select any of the items that your character is carrying, and the price you are being offered will appear on the merchant’s side of the screen. If you accept the offer, hit the Sell button, and the money will be added to your total.
On a side note, the price your character pays for items and the money they receive for selling can be higher or lower depending on the Manipulation Attribute. Thus, a Manipulation of 90 will garner a much better buying and selling price then if your character has a manipulation of 10.
Between completing quests in the single player chronicle, you will have the opportunity to spend the experience
points you have earned on the various character Attributes. In certain missions, an advancement window will automatically pop up after the mission is complete. You can also visit your Haven at any time to spend experience points for any of your coterie. To do this, when you are at your Haven, just click on the coffin in your Haven to bring up the Advancement Screen. In multiplayer games, you can click on the coffin in your Haven to bring up the advancement screen, however it is also up to the Storyteller’s discretion to award extra experience points for a well played scenario or completing a quest.
The Advancement Screen shows your character sheet with the current levels of Attributes and Disciplines, and crosses next to each item that you may advance. To increase the level of your Attribute or Discipline, simply click on the cross to spend your experience points in exchange for the increase. If you place your cursor over an Attribute or Discipline, the experience point cost will appear in the dialogue box at the bottom of the screen. You can cancel or reverse changes in order to tweak things as desired by hitting the reverse arrow below your character sheet. Once you are satisfied, hit the OK button.
As you gain experience from your battles, your ranking will go up as well. Starting as a Fledgling, your character will climb the ranks as more experience is gained. As your character’s ranking increases, the character’s Health will also increase, as well as the Blood Pool. Thus, the Blood Pool and Health level of an Antediluvian will far exceed a character, who is merely a Neonate.
The Storyteller has access to an Advancement Screen similar to this, although s/he has the capability of modifying the experience you receive, along with what new Disciplines are available to you. There is an Advancement
Screen for each character (showing the 3D head and other stats of the character) from which the Storyteller can assign and spend experience points for each coterie member, thereafter returning to the game
You can press ESC at any time to bring up the In-Game Menu. This pauses the game in single player and allows you to resume the game, exit the game, load a saved game or adjust options.
There are three main types of damage that can be suffered in the game: Bashing, Lethal and Aggravated. These types are distinguished in order to allow for certain resistances that vampires may have and to show how human and Kindred alike can soak them.
These are attacks meant to cause immediate and fatal injury to a victim. Vampires can soak Lethal damage with their Stamina Attribute, but humans have no natural resistance to it.
Attacks that are deadly even to the undead, including fire, sunlight, the teeth and claws of vampires and werewolves and certain Holy attacks, are considered to be Aggravated attacks. Aggravated damage can only be soaked with the Fortitude Discipline.
In addition to these three main types of damage, the game supports resistance or sensitivity to the following specialised forms of damage:
Includes lightning bolts, high­voltage traps, etc.
Freezing attacks, ice weapons, freezer traps, etc.
Fireballs, fire traps, lava, hot rooms, etc.
Direct sunlight or sunlight­casting artifacts. Only damages vampires.
Before damage is applied, the victim has the chance to absorb part or all of the damage before it affects the character’s Health. This ability to absorb damage is also known as “soaking.” Soaking accounts for the existence of armour and other natural and preternatural abilities to resist damage. As indicated above, there are specific requirements for soaking certain types of damage. The factors involved in soaking are:
Armour allows soaking of all three forms of damage, except for the specialised Aggravated types of fire, sunlight, holy, electrical and cold (some exceptions exist here, like special grounding armour, magically enhanced items or heated devices.)
Humans may soak only Bashing damage using their Stamina. Vampires use their Stamina to soak both Bashing and Lethal damage but not Aggravated.
Fortitude is a specialised Discipline that allows soaking of Aggravated damage. It has an advantage over items and armours which normally only defend against a limited number of Aggravated damage types. Fortitude also adds to the soak values for Bashing and Lethal damage.
When a vampire is impaled in the heart with implements of wood, it renders them completely immobile until the stake is removed. If one of your characters is staked, another member of the coterie can remove the stake by selecting the available character and then left-clicking on the staked character. Also, if you do not have a character that can unstake you, a staked character will be able to expel the stake from his or her body after some time has passed.
Staking can occur with actual stakes (used as a melee weapon) or with ranged weapons such as crossbows and stake-guns. If the stake hit is considered critical, a staking occurs.
During play, all coterie members, other than the ones you have selected, will move and attack on their own, but in accordance with any coterie commands you have selected. AI controlled characters can perform a wide range of tasks automatically, including reloading their weapons, switching from a ranged attack to a melee weapon, as well as healing and replenishing their Blood Pools. Also, by holding down CTRL and left-clicking on an enemy, you can tell the rest of your coterie to concentrate their attacks on that one opponent.
These attacks include punches, kicks and any other kind of blunt trauma, which are less likely to kill a victim instantly (especially a vampire). All characters (including humans) can use Stamina to soak Bashing damage.
Prayers, attacks with holy water or holy ground. Only damages vampires.
Much of a character’s life comes from the way in which you describe and roleplay him. However, certain aspects of a character, his physical prowess, looks and special powers, are described in numerical terms and used in conjunction with the mechanics of the game. These features are called Traits and Disciplines.
Most Traits are based on a 1-100 scale for player characters, though there is no upper numerical limit. Disciplines are the exception, as they utilise a system of dots (•) to represent levels of power. The more dots, the more power a character has in that particular Discipline, with the maximum being five dots.
The raw brute power the character can use for lifting, pushing and inflicting melee attacks. Strength allows the character to be able to move large objects and also modifies the amount of damage inflicted by melee weapons. Some items, such as armour, have minimum Strength limitations you must meet before you can utilise the equipment.
Dexterity modifies the base movement and attack speeds for the character and also increases the aiming ability for projectile weapons. A high Dexterity will also increase a character’s chance of making a critical hit, which causes an enormous amount of damage. Also, some weapons have a minimum Dexterity for usage.
Stamina is the character’s constitutional ability to soak damage. Humans use Stamina to soak only Bashing damage, while Ghouls, Vampires and some monsters can soak Bashing and Lethal damage with their Stamina Attribute.
Perception is the ability to observe one’s environment.
Intelligence is the character’s grasp of facts and knowledge and ability to reason and solve problems. A high Intelligence is required for the most advanced Disciplines.
Wits is the ability to maintain your cool and think on your feet, especially in intense situations. Most importantly, characters with high Wits will have a slower progression towards becoming frenzied.
Charisma measures your character’s force of personality and command. Characters with a high Charisma are better able to overwhelm the minds of their foes with Disciplines such as Dominate and Presence.
Manipulation is the ability to lie, connive and convince others of your point of view. It is an insidious Attribute that allows you to influence others. Manipulation grants you success at some mental Disciplines and also lowers prices at shops.
Appearance is the measure of the character’s physical attractiveness, poise and natural beauty. This becomes extremely important as you use the Presence Disciplines.
Based on a character’s experience points, they are given a Rank. This can be very useful in quickly determining how ancient, powerful and dangerous a particular character is. Refer to the “Generations of Caine” section in Chapter Six for detailed information on each Rank. In the game, a character’s rank will apply bonuses to his or her Blood Pool and Health as s/he gains experience.
A Character’s Blood Pool measures how much blood (a.k.a. vitae) the vampire has in his or her body, and it is from their Blood Pool that characters draw energy to use their supernatural powers. Most
Disciplines drain anywhere from a small to a large amount of your character’s Blood Pool when activated (the rollover text will list each Discipline’s specific cost.) Vampire characters may replenish their Blood Pool by drinking blood from any number of sources including bottles of vitae or humans.
Health measures a character’s physical condition, from perfect health to torpor or Final Death. As characters are wounded their Health level goes down and they have a harder time performing actions. The more a character’s Health diminishes the harder it will be for him or her to do the things you want him or her to do. As a character loses Health, s/he will move slower and suffer penalties to his or her Attributes. Once a vampire’s Health reaches zero, s/he will collapse into a comatose state know as torpor. Without the intervention of an ally with the Awaken Discipline, this sleep of the ages can lead to Final Death.
Note: Characters in frenzy ignore all Health-related penalties.
The Frenzy rating is the character’s tendency to frenzy and speed at which s/he will reach it. As a character takes damage or loses blood, s/he becomes more prone to frenzy, eventual falling into an uncontrolled rage. While a character is frenzied, s/he will attack anyone without any discretion. Over time, the Frenzy level will subside and the character will regain his senses.
The Trait of Humanity is an integral part of the underlying theme of any V:TM game. It is a moral code that allows vampires to retain their mortal sensibilities even though they’ve been transformed into
parasitic monsters. In essence, it is what keeps a vampire from becoming a mindless animal, enslaved by his or her thirst for blood. In game terms, the lower a character’s Humanity is, the more monstrous s/he appears to others. If a character’s Humanity rating reaches zero, then that character has lost all sense of reason and becomes nothing more than a mindless beast of evil over which you no longer have control.
Certain events during the chronicle may raise or lower your Humanity: Killing the innocent will almost always cause it to drop, while protecting the weak may cause it to rise.
Between completing quests in the single player chronicle you will have the opportunity to visit your Haven to spend the Experience Points (XP) you have earned. In multiplayer games you receive this opportunity after each scene in the story (or whenever the Storyteller decides.) To spend your characters’ experience points, you must go to your Haven and click on the rest coffin.
multiplayer games, differ from the Kindred. They do not use blood, cannot frenzy and use Numina and Holy Power instead of Disciplines.
humans, empowers any holy powers they possess. The Faith Trait can be raised with experience and can also be temporarily boosted by the possession of holy objects. Many holy powers have a minimum Faith requirement.
on Mana, which is used to fuel the spells and abilities of Holy Power and Numina. Unlike vampires, who need to feed to gain power, humans naturally regenerate their Mana pools over time.
Mortal characters, who are available in
The Faith Trait, which is unique to
Instead of blood, human characters rely
There are certain items in the game, which may only be used by human characters. Likewise, humans may not use Kindred Disciplines or mystical items.
Though vampirism is a curse, the Blood of Caine grants great mystical powers to those with the insight and dedication to pursue them. These powers are known as Disciplines.
Following is a list of the more common Disciplines wielded by vampires and other supernatural creatures. Rare vampires and stranger creatures may have powers not on this list, as there are mysteries that remain hidden within the World of Darkness. The term Discipline refers to both the Discipline group (Animalism, for example) and the powers within that group (Feral Whispers.) Each clan possesses a group of Disciplines that are common among their ranks. However, it has been whispered that vampires can learn Disciplines outside their clan’s strengths but at a much higher cost.
Most Disciplines are linked to a key Attribute and will be resisted if used upon an enemy. There is also a chance of failing to use a Discipline based upon the character’s Attributes and power in the Discipline. Almost all Disciplines have minimum Attribute requirements; for example, you cannot use Heightened Senses unless you are already perceptive or Fireball unless you are very intelligent.
As you gain more experience through your battles, you can use this experience in order to increase your specialty in your Disciplines. As you increase in power, your mastery over the Discipline will allow you to cast the Discipline more effectively and at a lower blood cost. Thus, if you have a Discipline of five dots, then you are truly a master, while a vampire with a Discipline level of one dot will be casting it a very rudimentary level.
Note that in V:TM- Redemption all vampiric characters automatically
start with the Feed and Blood Healing Disciplines. This represents the inherent ability of all vampires to feed and heal themselves. In multiplayer games, all vampires and ghouls will start with these abilities. However, human characters will not have any inherent Traits.
Various levels of this Discipline indicate the ability to effectively drain a creature of its’ blood without killing the victim.
Feeding is remarkably important for a vampire, as it is the best way to replenish your Blood Pool. As your lev el increases, your ability to feed without killing your victim will increase as well.
This allows a vampire to convert
Blood Pool points into Health
points, in order to heal his or
her wounds. The various levels
of the Discipline dictate how fast you can heal and how much Health is regained and may enable healing of extraneous things like disease.
This Discipline grants a temporary increase of the character’s Strength Attribute, which can be used to increase melee damage or for any
Strength-related puzzles.
This Discipline grants a temporary increase of the character’s Dexterity Attribute, which can be used to increase combat effectiveness.
This Discipline grants a temporary increase of the character’s Stamina Attribute, which can allow for the soaking
of more damage than normal. It does not grant you the ability to soak Aggravated damage.
This Discipline is normally used to awaken, or reanimate, another Vampire who has nearly been killed and lies in
torpor. Unless a character has died an unequivocal Final Death, the use of this Discipline allows the subject to be awakened. Such characters will awaken with little blood or Health and will need to feed very soon, since they are quite prone to frenzy with their need for blood.
This dark power draws on the connection between a vampire and its Haven, opening a mystical portal between the two.
When this Discipline is used, a two-way gate opens between the coterie’s current location and its Haven. To be able to open such a portal, you must know the location of your Haven and the abyssal portal can be blocked by mystical means.
Key Attributes: Intelligence and Wits.
Vampires with the Discipline of Animalism find themselves with
greater control over both the animal world and the Beast Within. While the Gangrel are known to be the masters of this Discipline group, other clans, such as the Nosferatu, have shown skill in Animalism as well.
Key Attributes are Charisma and
Makes the targeted animal temporarily fight for the player’s coterie.
Key Attribute: Manipulation
Allows the caster to temporarily enlist the assistance of an animal ally, possibly lasting beyond the scope of a single combat.
action by the vampire’s will and disappears when finished. The summoned animal acts like a temporary member of the character’s coterie, fighting with and travelling alongside the caster until the effect wears off. (For clans that have separated themselves from the natural world, the creature thus summoned may be distinctly unnatural; for example, Cappadocians summon a skeleton to fight at their side, and the Tremere a homunculus!)
The animal is summoned to the
Key Attribute: Charisma
Has the effect of calming the target. When cast upon a coterie member, this reduces his or her frenzy amount, bringing him or
stopping it altogether.
hit TAB to return to your own body.
her out of frenzy faster or indeed
Key Attribute: Manipulation.
Allows temporary possession of an animal. You will have full control over the creature, perceiving the world through its eyes until the effect ends or you
Key Attribute: Manipulation
behave erratically, with all the advantages/ disadvantages frenzy offers). In mortals, it triggers the fear mode. Use of this should be limited to times when the Frenzy level is nearly full, but at the highest level, a full Frenzy level is not required to cast this.
Key Attribute: Manipulation
Dumps the caster’s Frenzy level onto another. This causes a frenzy mode on enemies (frenzied enemies would attack each other, flee or generally
The Discipline of Auspex bestows telepathic and extrasensory
itioners. As the vampire’s powers grow, he will not only be able to sense the psychic aura and flow on creatures and objects, but he will also be able to project his or her body into an astral form in order to see what is around him or her. The death-loving Cappadocians, as well as the Toredor and Tremere clans, all specialise in the Auspex Discipline.
the target. The user will learn information about the creature including the target type, Health and Blood Pool.
perception powers on its pract-
Key Attribute is Perception.
This allows the character to see invisible or hidden enemies and objects.
Key Attribute: Perception.
The user of this Discipline may sense the invisible “aura” surrounding all living creatures, allowing the caster to gain insight into the true nature of
Key Attribute: Perception.
Allows the caster to determine the nature of an object – its base statistic limitations, its abilities /curses, its “true” name, etc. A
successful use of this Discipline will give an enhanced description of that item from then on. When this effect is activated, you will need to click on an unidentified object in your possession to receive information about it.
Key Attribute: Perception.
Psychic projection allows you to
control a “ghost” object, much
like the ST ghost, to move
unseen through areas for a brief
time. No interaction with objects is possible in this state.
Key Attribute: Perception.
Those with Celerity are dangerous foes, for this Discipline enables
them to move and attack at superhuman speeds. To mortals, they appear to be nothing more than a blur. As the levels of this power increase, so does the speed of the vampire and the duration of the Discipline.
This Discipline is the special
legacy of the Malkavian clan, a
mental sickness that allows those infected with it to channel madness, focus it and pour it into the minds of those around them.
Key Attributes: Charisma,
Manipulation and Perception.
The character may stir his victim’s emotions, either heightening their fear or stirring them into a crazed frenzy.
Key Attribute: Charisma.
This power is used to disturb the sensory centres of the target’s brain, flooding them with visions, sounds, scents or feelings
that aren’t really there. In effect, the victim will believe himself to be under attack from a host of nightmarish apparitions. Most mortals will flee in fear, while supernatural creatures will be momentarily distracted as they fend off their imagined ghostly assailants.
Key Attribute: Manipulation.
This peculiar power allows the user to take advantage of the fractured wisdom hidden in insanity. With it, the character can detect the aura of another.
Key Attribute: Perception.
With this power, the character
can speak to another and pull
forth the madness that resides in
the deepest recesses of the
victim’s mind, focusing it into an overwhelming wave of total insanity. This power has driven countless victims, mortal and supernatural alike, to unfortunate ends.
Key Attribute: Manipulation.
Those with Dominate may mesmerise others or even control
the powers of Dominate are resisted by the victim’s Wits Attribute. Kindred who specialise in the use of Dominate include the Giovanni, Lasombra, Tremere and Ventrue.
the vampire who used the power.
towards the character that mesmerised him or her. The effects of Mesmerise are cancelled if the target is attacked by one who used the Discipline.
normal routine.
their minds outright. Many of
Key Attributes: Manipulation, Wits and
This power allows the vampire to seize control of another’s mind for a short time. While the effect lasts, the victim is under the total command of
Key Attribute: Manipulation.
Use of this Discipline puts the target into a trance-like state, whereby they cease all action and stand still. At higher levels, the target will dreamily walk
Key Attribute: Manipulation.
This power sends the target into a dazed state and causes them to forget about what they were doing. This will make enemies ignore you and return to their
Key Attribute: Wits.
The user of this Discipline forces their will upon the target and takes total control of them. This gives the player total control over
the enemy character, seeing the world through his or her eyes and forcing him or her to perform any action until the effect expires.
Key Attribute: Charisma.
Characters with Fortitude prove unnaturally resistant to damage.
They must often be literally hacked apart before they can be stopped, as even the most devastating wounds prove nothing more than a nuisance. This Discipline also helps protect against damage from sources such as sunlight and fire. The Cappadocian, Gangrel and Ventrue clans all have a natural predisposition to this Discipline.
This Discipline was developed by the Cappadocians in an attempt
to uncover the secrets of death. It seeks to explore many aspects of death, from outright cheating it, to causing it with a single touch.
Key Attributes: Wits and Intelligence.
This power allows a character to call forth the dead from their graves to fight alongside him or her. Though weak and not
particularly adept, these undead allies can still be of great aid in battle. To use this power, target a fresh corpse close to the character.
Key Attribute: Wits.
By feeding a corpse some of his blood, the character may reanimate the body, creating an undead servant that serves its
master until it falls completely into decay. To employ this power, the character must find a corpseto target.
Key Attribute: Wits and Intelligence.
With this power, the character is able to summon a wraith beyond the shroud that separates the world of the living from that of
the dead. The wraith can only exist in the world of the living for short period of time, but while there, it will do the characters bidding. A wraith can only be summoned at the scene of a recent death.
Key Attribute: Perception.
An advanced Mortis effect, this power conjures up a whirlwind of decay and chaos. Any caught within this cloud of destruction
will suffer massive amounts of damage, as the full effects of Death’s cold breath are unleashed upon them.
Key Attribute: Intelligence.
This power turns the character’s hand into the hand of Death itself. By touching an individual, the character can cause the
victim to experience an early death or, in the case of vampires, to enter torpor. This power inflicts massive damage on a single target.
Key Attribute: Intelligence.
Obfuscate is the ability to mystically cloak oneself in illusions or
shadows, thereby disguising or concealing oneself. With Obfuscate, you can attack an enemy and then mystically fall back into the shadows. At higher levels, this ability will becomes more effective, and you will be able to strike your enemy before they can realise it. Obfuscate can be defeated by the use of other Disciplines, most notably Heightened Senses. If a creature has a Heightened Senses Discipline higher than your Obfuscate level, then he will be able to detect you with ease. While there are several clans that use this power, it is the Nosferatu that has truly perfected its use.
Key Attribute: Wits.
The vampire may disappear from plain sight. The lowest level of this power allows the user to remain effectively invisible if
standing still within shadow. Higher levels of Obfuscate allow the user to remain invisible even while moving.
Key Attribute: Wits.
This Discipline is similar to Cloak of Shadows, save that it affects the entire coterie. The level of this Discipline indicates
duration, and the effectiveness is equal to the equivalent level of the Cloak of Shadows power.
Key Attribute: Wits.
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