Flowserve ValveAnalysis
Diagnostic Software Module
FCD VLENIM0113-01 – 1/06
and Operation
Experience In Motion
ValveAnalysis Diagnostic Software Module FCD VLENIM0113-01 – 1/06
Flowserve’s easy-to-use and informative ValveAnalysis diagnostic software module is designed to work
in concert with Emerson’s AMS™ software to provide the user with informative signatures, analysis,
alerts, and alarms. Flowserve ValveAnalysis has been designed to not duplicate the functions already
provided in AMS, thus saving the user the expense of paying for the same functionality twice. Flowserve
ValveAnalysis enables the user to run signatures and other diagnostic checks that provide the user with
key information to determine the health of the valve and actuator or help troubleshoot performance
problems. Flowserve ValveAnalysis is compatible with AMS versions 6.0 and later.
ValveAnalysis Diagnostic Software Module FCD
Getting Started
After connecting to the device with AMS, right-click on the device icon and select Flowserve Diagnostic
ValveAnalysis from the pop-up menu as shown below:
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ValveAnalysis Diagnostic Software Module FCD VLENIM0113-01 – 1/06
The Flowserve ValveAnalysis screen will now appear, pulling in the device information from AMS. A
sample screen is shown below:
While you are using the ValveAnalysis module, two menu items will always be available in the toolbar:
File and Help.
2.1 Commands in the File Menu
Open: Opens an existing file.
Save: Saves a signature. (see Section 2.1.1)
Compare: Compares two signatures. (see Section 2.1.2)
Print: Prints graphs and diagnostic results.
Set Default Directory:
(see Section 2.1.3)
Exit: Exits the ValveAnalysis module.
Sets the default storage file for storing or retrieving signatures.
2.1.1 Save
This command saves signature files for later reference. Note that Flowserve ValveAnalysis performs two
different diagnostic tests, so each type of test has a unique file extension (.hrl for the HRL signature test
and .rmp for the ramp signature tests). The unique file extensions will make it easier to sort through
past signatures when you want to compare two tests.
ValveAnalysis Diagnostic Software Module FCD
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2.1.2 Compare
This function is used to compare two signatures to determine if there has been a change in the performance of the valve or actuator. When Compare is selected it opens to the default directory, which is set
in the Set Default directory… command.
Three comparisons are made; Position, Friction, and Balance (balance pressure). When comparing
signatures, Flowserve ValveAnalysis will automatically verify that the signatures have the same starting
and stopping point. If not, a comparison cannot be made between the two signatures. Easy-to-follow
instructions on the screen will step the user through the process. First, select a baseline file, then select
a second signature for comparison.
2.1.3 Set Default Directory…
This sets the default storage file for storing or retrieving signatures. Note the different file extensions
the different types of signatures.
2.2 Commands in the Help Menu
Contents and index…: Flowserve ValveAnalysis contains extensive instructions and definitions to guide
the user.
About…: Contains the version information for Flowserve ValveAnalysis.