The following instructions are designed to assist in
unpacking, installing and performing maintenance as
required on Valtek® StarPac® Intelligent Control Systems. Product users and maintenance personnel should
thoroughly review this bulletin prior to installing, operating, or performing any maintenance on the valve.
More detailed installation, maintenance and operation instructions are included in the StarPac manual;
refer to it when more information is needed.
Separate Flowserve Installation, Operation and Maintenance (IOM) manuals cover the valve (IOM 1 or IOM
27), actuator (IOM 2 or IOM 31) and positioner (IOM 45)
portions of the system and other accessories. Refer to
the appropriate instructions when this information is
To avoid possible injury to personnel or dam-
age to valve parts, WARNING and CAUTION
notes must be strictly adhered to. Modifying
this product, substituting non-factory parts, or
inferior parts, or using maintenance procedures
other than outlined could drastically affect performance and be hazardous to personnel and
equipment, and may void existing warranties.
WARNING: Standard industry safety practices
must be adhered to when working on this, or any
other, process control product. Specifically,
personal protective and lifting devices must be
used as warranted.
1. While unpacking the StarPac system, check the
packing list against the materials received. Lists
describing the system and accessories are included in each shipping container.
2. When lifting the system from the shipping container, position lifting straps to avoid damage to
tubing and mounted accessories. Valves up through
6-inches may be lifted by the actuator lifting ring.
On larger systems, lift unit using lifting straps or
hooks through the yoke legs and outer end of body.
WARNING: When lifting a valve/actuator assembly with lifting straps, be aware the center
of gravity may be above the lifting point. Therefore, support must be given to prevent the
valve/actuator from rotating. Failure to do so
can cause serious injury to personnel or damage to nearby equipment.
3. In the event of shipping damage, contact the shipper immediately.
4. Should any problem arise, contact a Flowserve
Valve Installation
The StarPac Intelligent Control System valve is installed in the same manner as a conventional control
valve and according to industry standards. Refer to the
appropriate valve installation, operation, maintenance
instructions for proper installation procedures.
If the StarPac system is being installed in an insulated
process line, do not place more than four inches of
insulation around the StarPac pressure or temperature
sensors; otherwise the sensors may not operate
properly. In addition, NEVER insulate the StarPac
electronics assembly or remote-mounted temperature/
pressure sensors (when used).
CAUTION: Do not insulate the StarPac electronics
housing or remote-mounted pressure or temperature sensors; otherwise excessive heat may build
up and affect operation.
41-1Valtek No. 125694
Valtek StarPac
Valtek StarPac
Figure 1: Shielded Wire Diagram
Wiring and Grounding Guidelines
This section will help achieve a maximum 'noise-free'
environment and performance with a StarPac unit.
Shielding Versus Grounding
All signals to the StarPac system should be in shielded
cables. Shields must be tied to a ground at only one end
of the cable to provide a place for environmental electrical noise to be removed from the cable. A ground wire
unlike a shield is attached at both ends to provide a
continuous path for electrical conductivity.
Grounding Screw
The green grounding screw by the user interface terminal block should be used to provide the unit with an
adequate and reliable earth ground reference. This
ground should be tied to the same ground as the
electrical conduit. Additionally, the electrical conduit
connecting to the StarPac unit should be earth grounded
at both ends of its run. The green grounding screw
must not be used to terminate signal shield wires.
24VDC Power
The 24VDC connection points will work best with
shielded twisted pair wire with the shield wire connected only at the source. The input power is isolated
within the StarPac system and may be referenced to
whatever level is necessary. The 24VDC power sup-
ply should not be connected to earth ground.
RS-485 Communication
RS-485 wiring requires the use of a shielded twisted
pair cable, which is grounded only at the source and not
in the StarPac unit. (For maximum performance, wire
should have a characteristic impedance of 120 ohms.)
These signals are referenced to the StarPac internal
system ground; hence this is the main fault path should
one of the isolation points fail. Therefore, care must be
taken to ensure the RS-485 cable is wired correctly.
The RS-485 allows only a 7 to 12V common mode
voltage differential between stations. Flowserve's
Valtek RS-232 to RS-485 converter is not a grounded
connection. PCs with internal RS-485 cards, on the
other hand, are often grounded. If another ground
communication device is on the network, a fault condition will almost certainly exist due to transient and
steady state differences in ground potential.
4 - 20 mA Command Input, Auxiliary Input, and
Feedback Output
These signals are isolated, but shielded twisted pair
wire should be used to reduce crosstalk from other
signals. The shield should be connected only at the
4 - 20 mA I/P Output
This signal is not isolated from the StarPac internal
system ground and will provide a fault path if the I/P or
connecting wires become grounded. Shielded twisted
pair wire should be used with the shield connected in I/P.
Discrete Inputs and Outputs
These signals are isolated, but because they are frequently used to switch high voltage (120VAC), they
should be run in separate shielded wire paths away
from the other StarPac signals.
AIB and RS-232 to RS-485 Converter Connection
When connecting a StarPac system to a communication device, no shield or ground connections exist.
Hence, the 24VDC power and RS-485 communication
shield drain wires must be connected to a convenient
ground near the AIB or converter.
41-2Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
XL Positioner
Sensor Arm
User Access
Terminal Cap
Actuator Pressure
Sense Tubing
I/P Module
Figure 2: StarPac Intelligent Control System Components
Wiring The StarPac System
All electrical connections must be done according to
local and industry electrical codes. Flowserve recommends a shielded cable be used for the RS-485 command signal wire (i.e., Belden 9841 or equivalent).
When connecting multiple StarPac systems, a parallel
daisy-chain wiring pattern is used. Connect the StarPac
branch lines to the main line, keeping branch lines as
short as possible. The total length of wiring should not
exceed 4,000 feet (1,200 meters) without the use of
Avoid devices producing electrical 'noise' while installing
the cable.
CAUTION: The following procedure should be
performed on the bench or with the unit isolated so
that unexpected valve stroking will not adversely
affect the process.
WARNING: The following procedures may cause
the valve to stroke, causing pressures and
temperatures to vary from their norms. Notify
appropriate personnel that the valve may stroke
unexpectedly. Flowserve suggests that the
system be isolated from the process, if installed
in line.
Four StarPac system models are available: SP, SPJS
SPJD and NT. The electronics model for a system is
most easily identified by the face plate of the local
display. If the black cover of the face plate has printed
information with an 'ABC' table for the display parameters, the system contains SP electronics package.
4/20 mA Electrical
Local Display
Process Pressure Sensors
If the black cover of the face plate shows only the
StarPac and Valtek logos, the system is an SPJS,
SPJD, or NT unit. The SPJS and SPJD models are
identical except that the SPJD version has two Modbus
ports. To tell the difference, remove the cover on the
user access terminal. If the user interface terminal block
has 18 connections, the unit is a SPJS electronics
package; if the terminal block has 20 connections, it is
the SPJD or NT package.
NOTE: StarTalk and StarTalk for Windows® interface
software packages use different communication protocols and are not compatible. Contact a Flowserve representative for more information about upgrade options
To connect the wiring to the StarPac system, refer to
Figures 1, 2, 3 and Table I, and proceed as follows.
1. Remove the StarPac user interface housing cover
(small cap).
41-3Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Model SPJD, NTModel SP, SPJS
Figure 3: User Interface Terminal Pinouts
WARNING: Do not remove the electronic
housing cover in flammable atmospheres;
otherwise possible injury to personnel or equipment may occur.
2. Connect the required wires to the terminal interface
block and computer as described in Figure 3 and
Table I. (The system must have 24 VDC power and
signal cable for operation.)
NOTE: The StarPac system remembers the operating mode setting (automatic or manual) from the
last time the unit had power. When power to the
system is turned on again, the unit will resume
operation in the previous mode.
Normally the StarPac system arrives from the factory set in the manual operating mode. This means
a command signal will position the valve the same
as a conventional control valve, providing a plug
position proportional to the 4 - 20 mA signal.
To avoid upsetting the process because of improper operating mode selection:
• Ensure that the system arrived from the factory with
the proper operating mode setting in the shop prior
to installation by connecting the air supply and
command signal, then turning on the power and
looking at the mode value on the local display, or;
• Set the proper operating mode for the particular
application in the shop prior to installation by selecting the desired operating mode from the Tuning/
Tune screen in the StarTalk software, or;
• Ensure that the block valves in the process line
around the StarPac system are closed and the
process is diverted around the unit.
3. Turn on the 24 VDC power to the unit, and verify that
the StarPac system has been correctly wired by
checking the following:
• Local display is on; if not, check the power supply
or reset switch
The StarPac local display should now be on, indi-
cating the following:
• Valve stem position
• Setpoint signal
• Process flow value (gas or liquid)
• Temperature of process
• Upstream (P1) and downstream (P2) pressures
At this point the StarPac unit is installed and will
operate as a conventional control valve receiving a
4 - 20 mA command signal from a DCS, or other
device, and stroking the valve accordingly.
41-4Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Before additional work can be done with the StarPac
system (configured, calibrated and operation mode
changed, etc.) a RS-485 communication cable must
be connected to the unit and RS-485 communication port on a computer with the StarTalk software.
See the StarPac manual for more information.
4. Replace the StarPac user interface housing cover.
System Default Configurations
StarPac systems are shipped from the factory ready for
installation and operation. Rarely do the units need to be
reconfigured prior to operation. Table II lists the factory
default communication/failure mode settings. If these
settings are not correct for the equipment being used,
proceed to the following sections.
Table II: Factory Default Mode Settings
Baud Rate19,200
Modbus CommunicationRT U
RS-485 TerminationInstalled
Failure Mode SettingPass through command
signal on loss of power
Figure 4: Dip Switch Blocks
Selecting Correct Baud Rate Setting
StarPac systems support baud rates of up 57,600 baud.
However, both the StarPac system and StarTalk software are shipped from the factory set to 19,200 baud.
If the default baud rate setting needs to be changed, refer
to Figures 4 and 5, Table IV and Changing Communication Settings section, and make the necessary change.
Selecting Correct Address Setting
If the StarPac system is the only unit on the communication network, the default address (1) is acceptable.
If multiple StarPac systems will be operating on the
same communication network, each unit must have a
unique address. Before changing the address, use the
StarTalk software to determine what other devices are
on the existing line. (Remember to include devices that
may be temporarily off line.)
If the default address setting needs to be changed, refer
to Figures 4 and 5, Table III and Changing Communication Settings section, and make the necessary change.
Selecting Correct Modbus
Transmission Mode
Two transmission modes exist in a Modbus system,
ASCII and RTU (default). Use the ASCII mode when
transmitting information through a device that uses
ASCII control codes; for example, a modem. Use the
RTU mode when connecting directly to both devices; for
example, an RS-485 interface card wired directly to a
StarPac system.
If the default Modbus transmission mode setting needs
to be changed, refer to Figures 4 and 5, Table IV and
Changing Communication Settings section, and make
the necessary change.
Figure 5: Dip Switches with Labels
41-5Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
A termination resistor must be installed on the two most
remote devices on the network, counting the host computer as any other device.
(For example, a single StarPac system and the RS-485
driver in the host computer would each require the
termination resistor to be installed. If four StarPac
systems were on the network with a host computer,
decide which of the two devices have the most combined cable length between them. These two devices
should have the termination resistors installed. The
termination resistors should be disabled in the devices
not considered to be the most remote using the instructions in the next section. Using more than two termination resistors in a network can cause the RS-485 communications to operate erratically or fail.)
If the RS-485 termination resistor needs to be changed,
refer to Figure 5, Table IV and Changing Communication
Settings section, and make the necessary change.
Changing Communications Settings
If the StarPac system communication settings (address, parity, baud rate, Modbus transmission mode,
and RS-485 termination resistor) need to be changed;
refer to Figures 4 and 5 and Table IV and proceed as
WARNING: Never remove the StarPac electronics
housing cover in explosive atmospheres; otherwise,
nearby personnel and equipment could be injured.
CAUTION: Properly ground yourself before handling
the sensitive StarPac electronics; otherwise unseen
damage to components may occur.
1. If the StarPac system is installed in line, make sure
that taking it and the valve off line will not adversely
affect the process.
NOTE: Down means toward the circuit board; up means
away from the circuit board.
2. Turn off the 24VDC power to the StarPac System.
3. Remove the large cover from the StarPac electronics housing. (See Figure 2.)
4. Make the required dip switch changes (address,
parity, baud rate, and Modbus transmission mode)
according to Tables III and IV. These switches are
visible through the window cut in the lower side of
the shroud. (See Figure 5.)
a. The first dip switch block (marked address)
defines the Modbus address of the StarPac
system using binary coded decimal numbers
(switch 1 = 1; 2 = 2; 3 = 4 ; 4 = 8; 5 = 16; 6 = 32;
7 = 64; 8 = 128). The switches that are up (off
condition) define the address, refer to Table III.
For example, set address 11 by putting switches
1, 2, and 4 (1 + 2 + 8 = 11) up (off condition) and
3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 down (on condition).
b. The second dip switch block sets the parity,
baud rate and Modbus transmission mode.
NOTE: This block also contains initialization and
reset switches described later. Parity changes are
also done by using the switches marked PRTOCL
1 and 2 as shown in Table IV.
c. Set the baud rate by using the switches marked
BAUD 1, 2, and 3 as shown in Table IV.
d. Set the Modbus transmission mode with the
switch marked EXPAN. When the switch is up
(off), the transmission mode is RTU. When the
switch is down (on), transmission mode is ASCII.
NOTE: If the StarPac unit has a dual communication
port (model SPJD or NT), the single set of DIP
switches configures both ports. All of the communication parameters are the same including the address
of two ports. The identical address settings should
not conflict because separate ports are isolated
and independent for use on different networks.
41-6Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
5. The jumper for the termination resistor labeled
TERM (see Figure 4) is located at the end of the
protocol dip switch block. Place the jumper over
both pins if the termination resistor is needed, and
over one pin for storage if it is not.
NOTE: If the StarPac unit has a dual communication port (model SPJD or NT) the termination resistor jumper for the second port is located 90 degrees
clockwise from the jumper described above and
can only be accessed by removing the white protective plastic shroud from the electronics assembly. Note second port jumper only needs to be set
according to requirements of the second network.
6. When the required communication settings have
been made, replace the white shroud (if removed)
and the large StarPac electronic housing cover.
Figure 7: Removing Board Stack
the power failure setting as described below. (Refer to
Figures 2, 6, 7 and 8.)
WARNING: Never remove the StarPac cover in
explosive atmospheres; otherwise potential injury
may result to personnel and equipment.
CAUTION: Properly ground yourself before handling
the StarPac electronics; otherwise the sensitive
components may be damaged.
1. If the StarPac system is currently installed in-line,
make sure that the StarPac system (including valve)
can be taken off line in the current process.
2. Turn off the 24-volt power supply and disconnect
the supply air to the StarPac valve.
3. Remove the large electronic housing cover from
the StarPac unit.
Changing the Power Failure Setting
On loss of power, the StarPac is factory set to pass the
command signal to the I/P (unless ordered otherwise).
This configuration causes the system to assume a
traditional control valve mode and respond to an external
4 - 20 mA command signal. During loss of power and if
the application warrants, the StarPac system can be
configured to fail using the fail-safe spring(s) inside the
cylinder actuator. This is accomplished by changing
Figure 8: NT Failure Jumper Location
41-7Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Figure 9:
Shroud Retaining Screws / Local Display
4. Remove the white plastic protective shroud from
the electronic assembly by removing the two screws
from the display end of the assembly. For NT units,
locate the jumper I/P Bypass at the edge of Analog
board number 1. (Refer to Figure 8 and proceed to
step 9.)
5. Next, for SP units only, remove the third screw that
holds the board stack in place.
6. Carefully grasp the computer boards and gently
pull them away from the housing.
7. Locate the jumper on the bottom board (shown in
Figure 8), labeled J105. Remove the jumper from
the two pins and reinsert it onto only one pin for
storage if wanting the valve to fail immediately per
the actuator fail-safe spring configuration. To reactivate the manual failure mode place the jumper
over the two pins labeled J105.
8. Carefully reinstall the top four computer boards
onto the assembly. Be certain the computer board
connector pins are lined up and securely attached
to the bottom board connector. Be certain the top
boards are in line with the bottom board.
9. Replace the protective shroud, install and tighten
the three computer board assembly retaining
10. Replace the StarPac electronics assembly cover.
Resetting or Initializing the StarPac
The 'Reset' and 'Initialize' switches are the first two dip
switches on the second switch block (see Figure 4). On
rare occasions it may be necessary to reset or initialize
the embedded software program on the StarPac system to stop abnormal operation or clear persistent
errors. This includes errors sometimes caused by brief
power interruptions, or resetting the software after
changing the EPROM.
The reset switch forces the StarPac system through the
startup and diagnostics sequence that the system normally goes through on system power up, and it initializes the program execution to the starting instruction.
The startup sequence also checks internal CPU registers and all of the volatile and nonvolatile RAM. While
initializing the system the local display shows the version number of the EPROM currently installed in the
system. The last thing done by a reset is to clear and
initialize the watchdog timer on the CPU.
A reset can be done by powering the unit down for five
seconds or more and reconnecting the power, or by
resetting the system by pushing the 'Reset' switch down
(on) for five seconds and then moving the switch back
up (off).
NOTE: If the reset switch is left down (on) the CPU will
be halted until the switch is moved up (off).
The 'Initialize' switch (no. 2 or labeled INIT on the PC
board) resets some of the internal work registers to
known values and resets the EPROM checksum. The
switch also sets the command or setpoint source to
receive a 4 - 20 mA analog signal. The 'Initialize' switch
is only accessed by the CPU during a reset.
An initialization is done by setting the INIT switch
down (on) and then resetting the CPU as described
above. After an initialization the system is left in the
calibration mode, which is an out of service mode,
meaning that the system will not respond to normal
commands. StarTalk software must be used to put
the system back into an operating mode. The command or setpoint source must also be reset to
digital if that is the normal operating source.
If the INIT switch is left down (on), the system will
startup in the calibration mode each time power is lost
to the unit or the Reset switch is put in the on position.
This feature can be beneficial if it is desired to manually
reset the system after a power outage to ensure safe
If the system must be reset using the dip switch as
described above or initialized, refer to Figure 4 and
proceed as follows:
1. Make sure that the StarPac system and valve can
be taken off line without disrupt the process.
2. Remove the large cover from the StarPac electronic housing.
WARNING: Never remove the StarPac cover in
explosive atmospheres; otherwise potential
injury may result to personnel and equipment.
41-8Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
3. Perform the desired actions as described above to
reset or initialize the system.
CAUTION: Properly ground yourself before
handling the StarPac electronics; otherwise the
sensitive components may be damaged.
4. Replace the StarPac electronic housing cover.
Reading Local Display
The local display on StarPac models SPJS, SPJD or NT
displays two lines of information about the system and
the process. The top line of the display has two functions: the left side is a description of the variable
displayed on the second line. The right side of the top
line has information on the current mode of operation
MAN = manual, AUT= automatic, and CAL = calibrate
(or out of service), OVR = over range, TRP = tripped.
Figure 10: Local RS-485 Connector
The second line of the local display shows process or
valve information as configured using the StarTalk II
An 'A' flashing on the right side of the display indicates
there currently is an alarm condition. An 'E' flashing
indicates an error condition. Generally at this point,
these problems are caused by one or more of the
following three conditions:
1. Air supply is not turned on to system
2. The 4 - 20 mA signal is not turned on, or is not being
received by system.
3. The system has just been initialized or is operating
in the calibration mode. The alarm signal will cease
when the system is reconfigured or set to the proper
For more information, refer to StarPac manual section
on alarms and errors.
Adjusting Display View
The StarPac alphanumeric local display has an adjustment to allow some changes to the display for optimum
WARNING: Never remove the StarPac cover in
explosive atmospheres; otherwise potential injury
may result to personnel and equipment.
CAUTION: Properly ground yourself before
handling the StarPac electronics; otherwise the
sensitive components may be damaged.
This adjustment is made by removing the plastic shroud
and adjusting the blue trim potentiometer until the
display is visible. Replace the plastic shroud, secure in
place and replace the large StarPac electronic housing
when done.
Table V: Hardware Specifications
Power Supply24 VDC ±10%, 300 mA
RS-485 lengthUp to 4000 feet (22-26 AWG)
4–20 mA input232 ohms, 500 V isolation
4–20 mAup to 750 ohm load, 500 V
output driveisolation
Output contact1 amp at 110 VAC (for Division
ratingII areas the ratings are reduced
to 24VDC resistive load: Groups
A & B- 230 mA; Group C- 590
mA; Group D- 800 mA)
Discrete inputs26.6 kohm, 75 V DC or AC
(peak-peak) rising, 22 V DC or
AC (peak-peak) falling with
180 V maximum.
Local RS-485 Connector
A local RS-485 connector is located on the user terminal block (Figure 9) to allow ease of direct field interfacing to the StarPac system. This connection is a parallel
connection to the RS-485 port terminals (11, 18) on the
user interface terminal block. On StarPac models
SPJD and NT, this is connected only to Port B.
NOTE: The StarPac can only communicate to one
master device on a communication port. When using
the local interface, one of the RS-485 screw interface
wires may need to be disconnected to prevent a conflict
in communications.
A plug connector is available from the factory that will
allow an interface cable to be established. (Request
Part No. 83213.FOT from Flowserve Advanced Product Development Group.) The connector’s crimp terminals are made for 22-26 AWG wire. Note the correct
polarity of the terminals as shown in Figure 9.
41-9Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
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