2.Declaration of Conformity ........................................................................................................................ 5
3.Introduction and Specifications ............................................................................................................... 6
4.Communications and Getting started ..................................................................................................... 7
4.1. Serial Interface ......................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2. Command Language ................................................................................................................................ 7
4.4. Getting Started ......................................................................................................................................... 8
5.Hardware and Wiring ................................................................................................................................. 9
8.1. System Diagnosis Commands – ID, IV, IS, SR, RS .............................................................................. 14
8.1.1.ID Get Device Identity ................................................................................................................................... 14
8.1.2.IV Get Firmware Version ............................................................................................................................... 14
8.1.3.IS Get Device Status ..................................................................................................................................... 14
8.1.5.RS Read Serial Number ................................................................................................................................. 14
8.2.1.CE Read TAC* Counter / Open Calibration Sequence .................................................................................. 15
8.2.2.CM n Set Maximum Output Value .................................................................................................................. 15
8.2.3.CI Set Minimum Output Value ....................................................................................................................... 15
8.2.4.MR Set Multi-range / Multi-interval ................................................................................................................. 15
8.2.5.DS Set Display Step Size ............................................................................................................................... 16
8.2.6.DP Set Decimal Point Position ....................................................................................................................... 16
8.2.7.CZ Set Calibration Zero Point ........................................................................................................................ 16
8.2.8.CG Set Calibration Gain (Span) ..................................................................................................................... 16
8.2.9.ZT Enable / Disable Zero Tracking ................................................................................................................. 16
8.2.10.FD Reset to Factory Default Settings ............................................................................................................. 17
8.2.11.IZ Correction of System Zero ........................................................................................................................ 17
8.2.12.ZR Zero Range .............................................................................................................................................. 17
8.2.13.ZI Initial Zero Range ...................................................................................................................................... 17
8.2.14.WT Warm-up time .......................................................................................................................................... 17
8.2.16.CS Save the Calibration Data ........................................................................................................................ 18
8.3. Motion Detection Commands – NR, NT ................................................................................................. 18
8.3.1.NR Set No-motion Range ............................................................................................................................... 18
8.3.2.NT Set No-motion Time Period ...................................................................................................................... 18
8.4. Filter Setting Commands – FM, FL, UR ................................................................................................. 19
8.5.1.SZ Set System Zero ....................................................................................................................................... 21
8.5.2.ZA Set Averaged System Zero ....................................................................................................................... 21
8.5.3.RZ Reset Zero ................................................................................................................................................ 21
8.5.4.ST Set Tare .................................................................................................................................................... 21
8.6.1.GG Get Gross Value ...................................................................................................................................... 22
8.6.2.GN Get Net Value .......................................................................................................................................... 22
8.6.3.GT Get Tare Value ......................................................................................................................................... 22
8.6.4.GS Get ADC Sample Value ........................................................................................................................... 22
8.6.5.GW Get Data String “Net, Gross and Status“ ................................................................................................. 22
8.6.6.GA Get Triggered Average Value .................................................................................................................. 22
8.6.7.GL Get Data String “Average, Gross and Status“ .......................................................................................... 23
8.6.8.OF Output Format for Data String GW and GL .............................................................................................. 23
8.7.1.SG Send Gross Value continuously ............................................................................................................... 24
8.7.2.SN Send Net Value continuously ................................................................................................................... 24
8.7.3.SX Send ADC Sample Value continuously .................................................................................................... 24
8.7.4.SW Send Data String “Net, Gross and Status“ continuously .......................................................................... 24
8.7.5.SA Send Triggered Average Value automatically .......................................................................................... 24
8.7.6.SL Send Data String “Average, Gross and Status“ automatically .................................................................. 24
8.8. Commands for External I/O Control – IN, IO, IM ................................................................................... 25
8.8.1.IN Read the Status of the Input Channels ..................................................................................................... 25
8.8.2.IO Read / Set the Status of the Output Channels .......................................................................................... 25
8.8.3.IM Control of the logic outputs by the host application .................................................................................. 25
8.9. Setpoint Output Commands – Sn, Hn, An ............................................................................................. 26
8.9.1.S n Setpoint Value ......................................................................................................................................... 26
8.9.2.H n Setpoint Hysteresis and Switching Action ................................................................................................ 26
8.9.3.A n Allocation of Gros or Net Value ................................................................................................................ 26
8.10.5.OP Open Device ............................................................................................................................................ 27
8.10.6.CL Close Device Address n ........................................................................................................................... 27
8.11.Save Calibration and Setup Data Commands – CS, WP, SS, GI, PI ................................................ 28
8.11.1.WP Save the Setup Parameters .................................................................................................................... 28
8.11.2.SS Save Setpoint Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 28
8.11.3.GI Save an Image File from the EEPROM .................................................................................................... 28
8.11.4.PI Download an Image File to the EEPROM ................................................................................................. 28
8.12.2.MT Measuring Time ....................................................................................................................................... 29
8.12.3.GA Get Triggered Average Value .................................................................................................................. 29
8.13.1.RW Trigger Window for Re-Trigger Function ................................................................................................. 31
8.13.2.TT Averaging Time for Re-trigger Function .................................................................................................... 31
8.13.3.TS Stop Value for Re-trigger Function ........................................................................................................... 31
8.13.4.DT Short-time Averaging Period .................................................................................................................... 31
8.13.5.TW Window for Automatic Taring ................................................................................................................... 31
8.13.6.TI Averaging Time for Automatic Taring ........................................................................................................ 32
8.13.7.HT Hold time for Violation of Setpoint Limit .................................................................................................... 32
9.Use in “Approved” Applications ............................................................................................................ 33
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
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No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every
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The information herein is believed to be both accurate and reliable. FLINTEC, however, would be obliged to be
informed if any errors occur. FLINTEC cannot accept any liability for direct or indirect damages resulting from
the use of this manual.
FLINTEC reserves the right to revise this manual and alter its content without notification at any time.
Neither FLINTEC nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for damages,
losses, costs, or expenses incurred by purchaser or third parties as a result of: accident, misuse, or abuse of
this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or failure to strictly comply with
FLINTEC operating and maintenance instructions.
FLINTEC shall not be liable against any damages or problems arising from the use of any options or any
consumable products other than those designated as Original FLINTEC Products.
NOTICE: The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
CAUTION READ this manual BEFORE operating or servicing this equipment. FOLLOW these
instructions carefully. SAVE this manual for future reference. DO NOT allow untrained personnel to
operate, clean, inspect, maintain, service, or tamper with this equipment. ALWAYS DISCONNECT
this equipment from the power source before cleaning or performing maintenance. CALL FLINTEC
ENGINEERING for parts, information, and service.
Das bezeichnete Produkt stimmt mit folgenden Vorschriften der Europäischen Richtlinien überein:
This product confirms with the following re gula tions o f the Directive s o f the European Community
Richtlinie 2004/108/EG des Europäischen
Parlaments und des Rates vom 15. Dezember 2004
zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der
Mitgliedstaaten über die elektromagnetische
Verträglichkeit und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinie
Richtlinie 2006/95/EG Niederspannungs-Richtlinie
EC-Declaration of Conformity
Bemannsbruch 9
D-74909 Meckesheim
Deutschland / Germany
Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 15th December 2004 on the approximation of the
laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
compatibility and repealing Directive 89/336/EEC
Directive 2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive
Die Absicherung aller produktspezifischen
Qualitätsmerkmale erfolgt auf Basis eines zertifizierten
Qualitätsmanagement-Systems nach DIN ISO 9001.
Diese Erklärung bescheinigt die Übereinstimmung mit
den genannten Richtlinien, beinhaltet jedoch keine
Zusicherung von Eigenschaften.
Folgende Normen werden zum Nachweis der Übereinstimmung mit den Richtlinien eingehalten:
As a proof of conformity with the directives following standards are fulfilled:
OIML R-76-1
DIN EN 45501
Nicht-Selbsttätig Waagen – Metrologische und technische Anforderungen (OIML R-76:2002 Teil 1)
Non-automatic weighing systems – Metrological and technical requirements (OIML R-76:2002 Part 1)
Metrologische Aspekte nichtselbsttätiger Waagen; Deutsche Fassung EN 45501:1992
Anhang B.3: Funktionsprüfungen unter Störeinflüssen
Anhang C: Verfahren für die Prüfung derStörfestigkeit gegen hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder.
All product-related features are assured by a quality
system in accordance with ISO 9001.
This declaration certifies the conformity with the listed
directives, but it is no promise of characteristics.
LDU 78.1 Technical Manual, Rev. 12 May 2011
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3. Introduction and Specifications
The model LDU 78.1 is a very precise high-speed digital amplifier for weighing and force measurements with
strain gauge (SG) sensors. The LDU 78.1 can be used in legal for trade as well as for industrial applications.
The device features full multi-drop communications capability and can be programmed via a straightforward
ASCII command set.
The LDU XX.X series and the amplifier DAS 72.1 with on-board digital display, use the same command set.
You can connect up to 32 SG amplifiers of either the LDU XX.X series or DAS 72.1 type onto a single RS 485
bus. The LDU 78.1 with its accurate A to D converter and an internal sample rate of up to 2400 measurement
values per second, is particularly suitable for static or dynamic measurements and control purposes.
LDU 78.1 Specifications
Accuracy class III
Test certificate according OIML R76 10 000 intervals and n x 10 000 intervals (n = 2, 3 …)
Linearity< 0.002 % FS
Analogue input range
Minimum input sensitivity0.05 μV/d
Certified accuracy according OIML R 76 0.3 μV/vsi
Resolution ± 260 000 counts (input); ± 100 000 counts (output)
Conversion rate2400 values/second internal, up to 600 values/second external
Digital filter
Calibration By software via ASCII commands, sehr einfach durchführbar
Communication interface
Standard weighing functionsGross, tare, net, zero, etc.
Digital inputs
Digital outputs2x open collector outputs, < 30 V DC, max. 200 mA
Temperature effect on zeroTypical < 5 ppm/°K; max. < 7 ppm/°K
Temperature effect on spanTypical < 4 ppm/°K; max. < 6 ppm/°K
Temperature range–15 °C to +55 °C (operation); –30 °C to +70 °C (storage)
Dimensions and weight
Power supply12 ... 24 V DC ±10 %, < 60 mA, not galvanically isolated
Available accesoires
EMCOIML R-76:2006 and DIN EN 45 501:1992/AC1993
5 V DC, for load cells > 350 Ohm ( > 87,5 Ohm at supply voltage
up to max. 14 V DC); 6 wire technique
±11 mV (bipolar; for weighing applications, force and torque
FIR Filter 2.5 to 19,7 Hz or IIR Filter 0.25 to 18 Hz;
Each in 8 steps adjustable
RS485 oder RS422; Voll-Duplex oder Halb-Duplex;
9600 ... 115200 Baud; busfähig bis zu 32 Einheiten
2x opto-isolated inputs, 10 ... 30 V DC max. 3 mA,
Status via software
Tinned steel enclosure, IP20 protection,
special IP65 housing on request
82 x 31 x 6 mm, weighs approx. 30 g;
with adaptor board 99 x 41 x 12 mm, approx. 50 g
Communicating with the LDU 78.1 digitizer is carried out via the RS422/RS485 port.
The data format is the familiar 8/N/1 structure (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).
Available baud rates via the RS422/RS485 port are as follows: 9 600, 19 200, 38 400, 57 600 or 115 200 baud.
Connection using a 4 wire technique
Point-to-Point connection, i.e. no bus communication possible
Half duplex setup (DX=0)
Connection using 2- or 4-wire techniques
Multi-drop connection possible, up to 32 LDU XX.X
Half or Full Duplex (DX=0 or DX=1) possible
The optional adapter board UA 77.1 is available which has an RS485/RS232 converter built in.
4.2. Command Language
The command set of LDU XX.X series is based on a simple ASCII format (2 capital letters). This enables the
user to setup the device, get results or check parameters.
Example: LDU XX.X with the address or channel number 1 is connected via the RS 485 port to a bus system.
You want to get the net weight.
In this manual means: Space “_“ and Enter (CR/LF) ““
Master (PC / SPS) sends Slave (LDU XX.X) responds Meaning
OP 1
Net weight with algebraic sign / floating point
The command OP_2 opens the communication channel to LDU XX.X device #2. Now device #2 acknowledges
that it is active and responds to any commands on the bus. Communication with device #2 will be closed by
another OP command (for another device on the bus e.g. OP_5) or by the command CL_2.
Each OP_X command implies a CL command to all other devices on the bus except device #X. This makes the
address structures easier and the system performance improves.
Open device #1
Device # 1 ready
Get net weight
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4.3. Baud Rate / Device Address
Baud Rate:
For baud rate setup use command BR, see chapter 8.10
Factory default: 9 600 baud
Device Address:
For address setup use command AD, see chapter 8.10
Factory default: Address 0
Setting the device address to 0 will set the continuously active mode, where the device becomes permanently
active, and will listen and respond to any command on the bus, without the need for an OP xxx command.
Note: The LDU XX.X series has sets of special solder pads on the under side of the PCB (see chapter 5.1). If
the solder pads are bridged then the LDU will be in a special configuration mode to set up the baud rate and
device address. This function should be used only when baud rate or address is unknown.
After power up, the LDU XX.X will enter a special baud rate search mode – waiting for a space character (0x20)
to be received. The time duration of this character is measured by the LDU and its baud rate timing will be set
accordingly – i.e. the baud rate of the terminal used will be the baud rate used by the LDU subsequently. The
device address will also be set to ”0“
4.4. Getting Started
You will require:
PC or PLC with either a RS422 or RS485 communication port
If using a PC / PLC with RS232 port, a RS422/485 to RS232 converter will be required (option UA 77.1)
Interconnecting cabling - confirm that all relevant pins are used – see the wiring diagram at the end of
this section
A load cell / scale with test weights or a load cell simulator
A 12-24 VDC power supply capable of delivering approximately 100mA for each LDU and load cell
One or more LDU 78.1
A suitable ASCII communication software *
Refer to the following wiring diagram in chapter 5.
* You can easily communicate between a PC and an LDU using programs such as Procomm, Telemate, Kermit
or HyperTerminal (included in Windows).
Also the DOP software with graphical user interface and oscilloscope function, running under Windows
2000/XP is available as freeware. This software is included on the Flintec product CD-ROM (2008 or later).
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5. Hardware and Wiring
5.1. Wiring
5.2. With Unit Adapter UA 77.1 (RS232)
5.3. With Unit Adapter UA 73.2 (RS422 / RS485 Full-/Half-Duplex)
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5.4. Terminal Configuration
LDU 78.1
Pin no.
0 Gnd (Shield) Gnd (Shield) Common Ground
1 +Exc + Exc + Excitation for load cell
2 + Sens + Sens + Sense for load cell
3 + Sig + Sig + Signal
4 – Sig – Sig – Signal
5 – Sen – Sen – Sense for load cell
6 – Exc – Exc – Excitation for load cell
7 Gnd Gnd Signal ground / 0 V DC
8 NC NC Not connected
9 NC NC Not connected
10 + Rx RxD (RS232) Receive
11 - Rx Gnd (RS232) UA 73.2: Receive / UA 77.1: Common ground RS232
12 - Tx Gnd (RS232) UA 77.1: Senden / UA 77.1: Common ground RS232
13 + Tx TxD (RS232) Transmit
14 0 In 0 In Digital input 0 (with reference to ground)
15 0 out 0 out Digital output 0 (with reference to ground)
16 1 In 1 In Digital input 1 (with reference to ground)
17 1 Out 1 Out Digital output 1 (with reference to ground)
18 + PWR + PWR Power supply 12...24 V DC
19 Gnd Gnd Common ground / 0 V DC
UA 73.2 (see chapter 5.3) is prepared for full-duplex operation
Valid for half-duplex operation: pin no. 10 + 13 = A and pin no. 11 + 12 = B
UA 77.1 with integrated RS422/RS232 converter (see chapter 5.2)
UA 73.2 UA 77.1 Function
5.5. Load Cell Connection
The load cell wiring should be made carefully before energizing to avoid damages to the amplifier and the load
cells. The input resistance of the load cells that you want to connect should be more than 250 Ω.
The sense pins of the instrument should be connected. In 4-wire installations the switches SW1 and SW2 (see
chapter 5.1) have to be short circuited.
The calibration of LDU 78.1 is only possible after starting a calibration sequence (compare with chapter 8.2).
Command CE: Calibration enable – returns the current TAC value
Command CM1 / CM2 /CM3: Calibrate maximum display – sets the max. allowable display value
Command CI: Calibrate minimum – sets the minimum allowable display value
Command MR: Multi-range / Multi-interval
Command DS: Display step size – sets the output incremental step size
Command DP: Decimal point – sets the position of the output decimal point
Command CZ: Calibrate zero – sets the system zero point
Command CG: Calibrate gain – sets the system gain
Command ZT: Zero track enable / disable
Command IZ: If applicable: Correction of System Zero
Command ZR: If applicable: Zero Range – sets the zero range manually
Command ZI: If applicable: Initial Zero Range
Command WT: If applicable: Warm-up time
Command FD : If applicable: Reset to factory default settings
Command CS : Save calibration data (TAC counter automatically incremented by 1)
Preparing the calibration:
Check, if the max value of the display is set sufficiently high (see chapter 8.2: command CM n)
Check, if the no motion conditions are defined reasonable (chapter 8.3: e.g. NR = 1, NT = 1000)
Set the IIR filter frequency to 0.5 Hz (see chapter 8.4: FM = 0, FL = 7)
Example: Setup of zero point, system gain and decimal point
The chosen calibration weight has the value 5000 (increments). That could be 500 g, 5 kg or 5000 kg. We
calibrate with 500 g. The decimal point is set up by command DPx (x = 1, 2 or 3), here 1 figure after the
decimal point. A measured weight of 500 g is displayed as 500.0.
Master (PC / SPS) sends Slave (LDU XX.X) responds Meaning
CE E+00017 (example)
Adjust zero: The scale has to be empty. No load!
CE 17 OK
Adjust gain: First put the calibration weight on the scale (here 500 g)!
CE 17 OK
CG 5000 OK
CG G+05000
CE 17 OK
CE 17 OK
Zero point, gain and decimal point position were saved in the EEPROM; the calibration counter (TAC) is
increased automatically by 1.
Request: TAC counter CE17
Calibration sequence active
System zero point saved
Calibration sequence active
Setting span
Request: span 5000 d
Calibration sequence active
Setting: decimal point 0000.0
Calibration sequence active
Save calibration data in EEPROM
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