Druck DPI 620 Genii User Manual

GE Measurement & Control
On-site Calibration
– Doing more with less
Day-to-day activities, such as maintenance, emergency repairs, commissioning new equipment or carrying out on-site checks need
to be simplied due to the reduction in personnel and increase in
workload. Use of the most advanced on-site instrumentation is imperative in order to maintain and calibrate today’s intelligent, high­precision equipment; this aspect applies to all process applications.
Why Calibrate?
• To comply with regulation
• To maximize process performance
• To maintain safety
• For quality control
Calibration of process instrumentation is a necessary function for two main reasons. One, to comply with regulation; and two, to maintain and control process performance and product quality.
Regulation is vital to ensure plant and process safety and calibration is now mandatory throughout the process industry. Regulation is also especially important where traceability is vital to ensure the quality of sensitive products such as in the pharmaceutical sector
Calibration for process and product quality control is something that improves the bottom line. Product quality must be maintained and monitored to eliminate any wastage issues or customer litigation. Process performance must be monitored
to ensure eciency of operation
as well as plant safety.
But what is calibration? Basically, calibration involves the comparison of two instruments or measuring devices, one of which is of known accuracy, to establish the accuracy, or otherwise, of the device to be calibrated. Calibration is necessary because all measuring devices drift over time and calibration is carried out to ensure we are measuring to the accuracy required, accuracy set on installation or accuracy set later to some agreed value.
Optimize Your Calibration Regime
When to calibrate is often asked. Some calibrate strictly to manufacturers’ recommendations. Some calibrate on a regular frequency basis, such as annual shut-down. Historically, such calibration sometimes involved taking the measuring device out of service and sending it to a calibration lab. Here calibration tests are carried out
by instruments which are veried
to national standards and labs are audited by national standards authorities.
Today’s laboratory calibration equipment oers easy
communication with software and can provide 100% automated calibration of pressure transducers and transmitters. However, this is not a perfect solution because, naturally, instruments can drift between these calibration intervals. An obvious answer to this is to calibrate more frequently, but this entails increased time and cost, both in lost production and in calibration resource.
Fortunately, today’s calibration
management software can analyse collected calibration data and determine the optimum calibration frequency for each instrument or measuring device, based on a set of programmable operating scenarios and safety margins. But more of that later!
Communicate and Calibrate
Commissioning and conguration
of instrumentation is a very important part of a plant technician’s working life – and this requires communication with the instrument. Most of the instrumentation in today’s plants are analogue, operating on a 4-20 mA basis. Many new
plants, especially in the Far East, are eldbus-based and use
digital signals. However, most of the analogue-wired plants now
use the HART communication
protocol for commissioning and
conguration. Essentially this
converts the digital signal to an analogue output for transmission on the plants 4-20 mA system.
HART enabled instruments have several features that signicantly
reduce the time required to
commission or congure a HART network or loop. HART
instruments are tagged and
contain conguration data. HART
devices also have a loop test feature, to ensure that the device is connected properly to support devices such as indicators, recorders and DCS displays. In addition, the analogue value can be compared with the digital value as a further integrity check.
HART devices can also be
calibrated to ensure that the digital value it reads is converted into the correct analogue
output. This is an essential step
as it is often easy to make the mistake that because a device is measuring, it is in fact measuring correctly. It is also important to remember that just because a device is digital, this does not mean that it doesn’t need calibration.
And it is important to realize
that a communicator is not a calibrator and a calibrator is not a communicator. Many of the hand­held devices on the market are in fact communicators, without the ability to calibrate. And no communicator has the ability to calibrate pressure.
Automating the Calibration Process
Naturally, calibration is an important aspect of maintenance and if calibration data is analysed correctly, it can help maintain and
improve compliance, eciency,
quality and safety. However, managing the calibration of 1000s of plant instruments
and then analyzing all the data
to a level required for trend evaluation is not a simple task. Even today, a surprising number of organisations still use pen and paper to record calibration
results. This can mean that an
instrument engineer can spend as much as 50% of his time
working on documentation and paperwork, preparing calibration instructions, making notes of
calibration results in the eld and
documenting and archiving data. Apart from the valuable time involved, paper-based recording also brings with it the chances of transcription mistakes.
Today’s advanced portable
calibrators can store a vast amount of data and can even be used to create and review
calibration certicates and
custom reports, which can be
electronically signed o. This data
can subsequently be transferred to a PC when convenient for printing and archiving. Calibration management software is available to automate the calibration process by stepping through the test points, calculating errors and
reporting Pass/Fail conditions.
Calibration management software can produce reports as mentioned but also schedule work and even analyse device trends.
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