Acrylonitrile Butadiene
Styrene (ABS)
Lithium Cobalt (III) Oxide
(bound solid) LiCoO2
Ethylene Carbonate (liquid)
Diethyl Carbonate (liquid)
(dissolved solid) LiPF6
Product type Secondary (rechargeable) Lithium Ion battery pack sealed in an
injection moulded plastic case.
Please see the Top Level Specification for specific battery configuration
and performance information.
Model name CC3800GE Battery
Part No(s) CC3800GE
Ratings (typical) 3.7V 3.8Ah 14.1Wh
Manufactured by Accutronics Limited
Address Unit 20, Loomer Road Industrial Estate, Loomer Road,
Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire
United Kingdom, ST5 7LB
Telephone +44 (0) 1782 566622
Fax +44 (0) 1782 576354
E-mail info@accutronics.co.uk or tech@accutronics.co.uk
Website www.accutronics.co.uk
The information contained within this document has been produced by Accutronics Ltd and is correct at time of issue release.
General In normal use and handling, this product poses no hazards.
Hazard under abnormal conditions if the battery pack and internal contents
have ruptured - releasing fumes, liquids or solid fragments. Fumes and liquids
may cause irritation to eyes, skin, breathing passages or throat. Solids and
liquids from cell internals may cause irritation to the skin.
General In normal use and handling, this product poses no injury or health threat to
personnel. First Aid measures are only required if the battery pack and internal
contents have been subjected to abusive conditions causing rupture and
exposing personnel to fumes, liquids or solid fragments.
Eyes In normal use and handling, this product poses no irritation threat to the eyes.
Fumes from ruptured internal contents may cause irritation. Remove patient
away from source. In more severe cases, flush the eye(s) with a recognised
sterile eye-wash. If necessary, seek medical advice.
Skin In normal use and handling, this product poses no irritation threat to the skin.
Material from ruptured internal contents may cause irritation and in severe
cases, burns. Remove patient away from source. Where there is no
irritation, clean area with soap and water. If irritation occurs, flush the affected
area with clean water for a minimum of 10 minutes. If necessary, seek medical
Ingestion In normal use and handling, this product poses no irritation threat to the throat.
Material from ruptured internal contents may cause irritation. Ensure breathing
passages are not obstructed. Ingestion is very unlikely unless the battery has
ruptured and there is hand-to-mouth contact. Drink plenty of water or milk. If
necessary, seek medical advice.
Inhalation In normal use and handling, this product poses no irritation threat to the
breathing passages. Fumes from ruptured internal contents may cause
irritation. Ensure breathing passages are not obstructed. Remove patient to
fresh air. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice.
First aiders should protect themselves from exposure (see section 8).
The information contained within this document has been produced by Accutronics Ltd and is correct at time of issue release.
General In normal use, handling and storage, this product poses no risk
of fire. Risk of fire may occur if the battery pack and internal
contents have ruptured or the battery pack is exposed to abusive
overcharge or temperatures above 75oC.
Suitable extinguishers If it is involved in a fire, use dry powder, foam or carbon dioxide
(CO2) or an inert material – soil, sand etc. Water based
extinguishers may be used as Lithium cells contain lithium
compounds, not lithium metal. However water extinguishers
must not be used, if the battery is connected to mains powered
Unsuitable extinguishers Water (see paragraph above for clarification).
Exposure hazards Trace amounts of toxic fumes may be produced on incineration.
Fire fighting equipment Use approved self–contained breathing apparatus.
General In normal use, handling and storage, this product will not cause
any accidental release. In abnormal conditions, if the battery
pack and internal contents have ruptured (releasing fumes,
liquids or solid fragments) then the following precautions should
be taken:
Exposure controls Ventilate the area.
Use cloth or paper towels to collect battery residue.
Personal protection Wear suitable gloves – see section eight.
If skin contamination is likely, wear impervious overalls.
Disposal Solid material must not be disposed of in general waste or be
incinerated. Dispose of in accordance with local authority
regulations for batteries and accumulators.
The information contained within this document has been produced by Accutronics Ltd and is correct at time of issue release.