Drager Babytherm 8004, Babytherm 8010 User manual

Dräger Medizintechnik

Error List

1 Babytherm 8004/8010 Error List

• Click on an error code to jump to relevant description of the error code.
Error codes shown on the text display
"Acc" "17" "40" "63" "86"
"01" "18" "41" "64" "87"
"02" "20" "42" "65" "88"
"03" "21" "43" "66" "89"
"04" "22" "44" "67" "90"
"05" "23" "50" "68" "91"
"06" "24" "51" "69" "92"
"08" "25" "53" "70" "93"
"10" "26" "54" "71" "94"
"11" "30" "55" "80" "95"
"12" "31" "56" "81"
"13" "32" "57" "82"
"14" "33" "58" "83"
"15" "34" "59" "84"
"16" "35" "60" "85"
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Dräger Medizintechnik
Error Cause Corrective Measure
Acc The GoldCap capacitor on the
WT Power PCB or the charging circuit of the GoldCap capacitor on the WT Power PCB is defective.
The GoldCap capacitor charging voltage ON/OFF switching element (located on the WT Controller PCB or the A/D channel "VIN7" on the WT Controller PCB is defective.
• Check the WT Power PCB as follows:
Repair Instructions: "Checking the WT
Power PCB"
DrägerService Mode: "Mode d07: Displaying
the GoldCap Voltage"
• Replace the WT Power PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Power PCB".
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
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Dräger Medizintechnik
Error Cause Corrective Measure
01 The supply voltage on the
WT Sensor PCB is not available. The micro-controller of the WT Controller PCB cannot read the +5V supply voltage and the reference voltage. The DC/DC converter for the 5V supply voltage on the WT Sensor PCB is defective. The +5V supply voltage is outside tolerance (tolerance range: 2 V to 7 V).
A supply voltage on the WT Power PCB is not available.
Communication with the WT Controller PCB is disturbed. No measured values are displayed.
• Check the WT Sensor PCB using the DrägerService Mode: "Mode d10: Displaying
WT Sensor PCB Voltage".
• Replace the WT Sensor PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Sensor PCB".
• Check the WT Power PCB using the Repair Instructions: "Checking the WT Power PCB".
• Replace the WT Power PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Power PCB".
• Check communication in the DrägerService Mode: tests d03 through d06, d08, d16 and d17.
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
• Check the following cable connections:
WT Sensor PCB to control unit
Control unit to WT Power PCB
WT Power PCB to WT Controller PCB.
• Fix or replace the defective cable connection.
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Dräger Medizintechnik
Error Cause Corrective Measure
02 Skin-temperature measurement
of WT Sensor PCB is faulty. The micro-controller of the WT Controller PCB has compared the skin-temperature values and detected an error.
Short-circuit fault in a skin­temperature sensor.
The cable connection from the skin-temperature sensor to the WT Sensor PCB is defective.
The WT Sensor PCB is defective.
• Check communication in the DrägerService Mode: tests d03 through d06, d08, d16 and d17.
• Replace the WT Sensor PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Sensor PCB".
• Check or replace skin-temperature sensors.
• Fix or replace the cable connection.
• Check the WT Sensor PCB in the DrägerService Mode as follows:
"Mode d16: Displaying the Skin Temperature
Channel 1 and the Reference Value"
"Mode d17: Displaying the Skin Temperature
Channel 2 and the Reference Value".
• Replace the WT Sensor PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Sensor PCB".
Communication with the WT Controller PCB is disturbed. No measured values are displayed.
• Check communication in the DrägerService Mode: tests d03 through d06, d08, d16 and d17.
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
• Check the following cable connections:
WT Sensor PCB to control unit
Control unit to WT Power PCB
WT Power PCB to WT Controller PCB
• Fix or replace the defective cable connection.
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Dräger Medizintechnik
Error Cause Corrective Measure
03 The skin-temperature reference
channel 1 on the WT Sensor PCB is faulty. During the 10-minute test, the micro-controller detects that the value of skin-temperature channel 1 is outside tolerance.
Communication with the WT Controller PCB is disturbed. No measured values are displayed.
• Check the WT Sensor PCB using the DrägerService Mode: "Mode d16: Displaying
the Skin Temperature Channel 1 and the Reference Value".
• Replace the WT Sensor PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Sensor PCB".
• Check the following cable connections:
WT Sensor PCB to control unit
Control unit to WT Power PCB
WT Power PCB to WT Controller PCB
• Fix or replace the defective cable connection.
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
• Replace the WT Power PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Power PCB".
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Dräger Medizintechnik
Error Cause Corrective Measure
04 The skin-temperature reference
channel 2 on the WT Sensor PCB is faulty. During the 10-minute test, the micro-controller detects that the value of skin-temperature channel 2 is outside tolerance.
Communication with the WT Controller PCB is disturbed. No measured values are displayed.
• Check the WT Sensor PCB using the DrägerService Mode: "Mode d17: Displaying
the Skin Temperature Channel 2 and the Reference Value".
• Replace the WT Sensor PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Sensor PCB".
• Check the following cable connections:
WT Sensor PCB to control unit
Control unit to WT Power PCB
WT Power PCB to WT Controller PCB
• Fix or replace the defective cable connection.
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
• Replace the WT Power PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Power PCB".
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Dräger Medizintechnik
Error Cause Corrective Measure
05 The skin temperature analog
switch 1 on the WT Sensor PCB is defective. The micro-controller of the WT Controller PCB has detected a signal although the measuring signal and the reference signal of the skin­temperature channel 1 are switched off.
Communication with the WT Controller PCB is disturbed.
• Check the WT Sensor PCB using the DrägerService Mode: "Mode d16: Displaying
the Skin Temperature Channel 1 and the Reference Value".
• Replace the WT Sensor PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Sensor PCB".
• Check the following cable connections:
WT Sensor PCB to control unit
Control unit to WT Power PCB
WT Power PCB to WT Controller PCB
• Fix or replace the defective cable connection.
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
• Replace the WT Power PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Power PCB".
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Dräger Medizintechnik
Error Cause Corrective Measure
06 The skin temperature analog
switch 2 on the WT Sensor PCB is defective. The micro-controller of the WT Controller PCB has detected a signal although the measuring signal and the reference signal of the skin­temperature channel 2 are switched off.
Communication with the WT Controller PCB is disturbed.
08 Read error during
• Check the WT Sensor PCB using the DrägerService Mode: "Mode d17: Displaying
the Skin Temperature Channel 2 and the Reference Value".
• Replace the WT Sensor PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Sensor PCB".
• Check the following cable connections:
WT Sensor PCB to control unit
Control unit to WT Power PCB
WT Power PCB to WT Controller PCB
• Fix or replace the defective cable connection.
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
• Replace the WT Power PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Power PCB".
10 The EPROM (D2) on the
WT Controller PCB or the WT Controller PCB is defective. The error has been detected during the self-test.
• Check the WT Controller PCB using the Repair Instructions: "Checking the
WT Controller PCB".
• Replace EPROM (D2) on the WT Controller PCB: "General Information
About the WT Controller PCB"
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
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Dräger Medizintechnik
Error Cause Corrective Measure
11 The EPROM (D2) on the
WT Controller PCB or the WT Controller PCB is defective. A checksum error has been detected during operation.
12 The RAM or the
WT Controller PCB is defective. The error has been detected during the self-test.
• Check the WT Controller PCB using the Repair Instructions: "Checking the
WT Controller PCB".
• Replace EPROM (D2) on the WT Controller PCB: "General Information
About the WT Controller PCB".
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
• Check the WT Controller PCB using the Repair Instructions: "Checking the
WT Controller PCB".
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
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Dräger Medizintechnik
Error Cause Corrective Measure
13 Software, RAM, or
WT Controller PCB error. A value has been stored incorrectly in the RAM.
External interference due to electrostatics.
14 Error in program sequence on
the WT Controller PCB. EPROM (D2) or the WT Controller PCB is defective.
15 The EEPROM or the
WT Controller PCB is defective. The error has been detected during the self-test.
• Check the WT Controller PCB using the Repair Instructions: "Checking the
WT Controller PCB".
• If error 13 has occurred several times, replace the WT Controller PCB. Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions:
"Replacing the WT Controller PCB".
• Remove external interference due to electrostatics.
• Check the WT Controller PCB using the Repair Instructions: "Checking the
WT Controller PCB".
• Replace EPROM (D2) on the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions:
"General Information About the WT Controller PCB".
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
16 Watchdog 1 on the
WT Controller PCB is defective.
17 Watchdog 2 on the
WT Controller PCB is defective.
18 Analog error. Several analog
inputs of the A/D converter on the WT Sensor PCB have a short-circuit fault.
• Check the WT Controller PCB using the DrägerService Mode: "Mode d11: Displaying
the Time of Watchdog 1".
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
• Check the WT Controller PCB using the DrägerService Mode: "Mode d12: Displaying
the Time of Watchdog 2".
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
• Check the WT Sensor PCB using the DrägerService Mode: tests d03 through d10, d16 and d17.
• Replace the WT Sensor PCB, see Repair Instructions: "Replacing the WT Sensor PCB".
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