D-link DNS-1100-04 User Manual

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................1
Product Overview .............................................................. 2
Package Contents ......................................................................... 2
System Requirements ................................................................. 2
Features ............................................................................................3
Front Panel ..............................................................................5
Hardware Overview ..................................................................... 6
Front Panel ..............................................................................6
Rear Panel (Connections) ................................................... 7
Using the OLED .............................................................................8
Chapter 1 - Hardware ........................................................9
Hardware Setup - Installing Hard Drives ............................10
Hardware Setup - Removing Brackets ................................11
Hardware Setup - Attaching the Hard Drive to the Hard
Drive Tray .......................................................................................12
Getting Started ............................................................................22
Getting Started - Browser Setup ...........................................24
Using the Web UI ........................................................................26
Using the Web UI Part II ............................................................27
Understanding the Web UI .....................................................28
Understanding the WEB UI Part II .........................................29
Chapter 3 - Setup Wizard .........................................................30
Using the Setup Wizard for the First Time .........................31
Using the Setup Wizard for the First Time .........................32
Using the Setup Wizard for the First Time .........................33
Using the Setup Wizard for the First Time .........................34
Using the Setup Wizard for Static IP Addresses ...............35
Using the Setup Wizard for Static IP Addresses ...............36
Using the Setup Wizard for Host Names ............................37
Using the Setup Wizard for File Sharing .............................38
Using the Setup Wizard for RAID Levels .............................39
Encrypting your Drive ...............................................................40
Hardware Setup - Installing Hard Drives ............................13
Network Setup - Plugging in the Network Cables ..........14
Network Setup - Plugging in the Cables ............................15
Power Cable Setup - Plugging in the Cables ....................16
Powering on the Device ...........................................................17
Powering on the Device - Software .....................................18
Chapter 2 - Software Installation ...................................19
Software Setup - Default IP Address Location .................20
Software Setup - EZ Search Utility ........................................21
Setup Wizard Summary ............................................................41
Setup Wizard Summary Part II ...............................................42
Creating a Clean Volume..........................................................43
Formatting a Volume .................................................................44
Accessing the Drive for the First Time .................................45
Chapter 4 - Hardware - Installing more Drives ..............46
Hardware - Installing more Drives ........................................47
Hardware - Installing more Drives ........................................48
Hardware - Installing more Drives ........................................49
iD-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Table of Contents
Chapter 5 - Software - Creating Volumes & Formatting 50
Software - Installing more Drives .........................................51
Software - Conguring more than one drive ...................52
Software - Conguring more than one drive ...................53
Software - Creating RAID .........................................................54
Software - Encryption Settings ..............................................55
Software - Creating the Volume ............................................56
Software - Creating the RAID & Formatting ......................57
Software - Volume & RAID Created ......................................58
Chapter 6 - Software - Creating Users ............................59
Software - Creating Users ........................................................60
Software - Creating Users ........................................................61
Software - User Information ...................................................62
Software - Creating Groups ....................................................63
Software - Creating Share Folder Lists ................................64
Software - User Summary ........................................................65
Software - Importing Users - Checking the User List .....78
Software - Creating a Batch User List ..................................79
Software - Creating a Batch User List ..................................80
Software - Creating a Batch User List ..................................81
Software - Creating a Batch User List ..................................82
Software - Creating a Batch User List ..................................83
Software - Creating a Batch User List ..................................84
Chapter 7 - Software - Creating a Shared Folder ........... 85
Software - Creating a Shared Folder ....................................86
Create Share Folder ............................................................87
Create Share Folder - Volumes & Quotas ....................88
Create Share Folder - Volumes & Quotas ....................89
Create Share Folder - Volumes & Quotas ....................90
Create Share Folder - Volumes & Quotas ....................91
Create Share Folder - Volumes & Quotas ....................92
Create Share Folder - Volumes & Quotas ....................93
Software - User Information ...................................................66
Software - Creating more than One User ...........................67
Software - Creating more than One User ...........................68
Software - Creating more than One User ...........................69
Software - Creating more than One User ...........................70
Software - User Summary ........................................................71
Software - User Information ...................................................72
Software - Deleting a User ......................................................73
Software - Deleting a User ......................................................74
Software - Importing Users .....................................................75
Software - Importing Users .....................................................76
Software - Importing Users - Creating a User List ...........77
Create Share Folder - Select Service ............................94
Create Share Folder - Access Rights .............................95
Create Share Folder - Access Rights .............................96
Shared Folders .....................................................................97
Create Share Folder - Summary .....................................98
Chapter 8 - Software - Creating a Group ........................99
Software - Creating a Group ........................................ 100
Software - Creating a Group ........................................ 101
Software - Creating a Group ........................................ 102
Software - Adding Users to a Group ......................... 103
Software - Adding Users to a Group ......................... 104
My Favorites............................................................................... 105
iiD-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Table of Contents
Chapter 9 - Software - Admin Password ......................106
Software - Admin Password .................................................107
Software - Admin Password .................................................108
Software - Admin Password .................................................109
Chapter 10 - Software - System & Hard Drive Status ..110
Software - Status Management .......................................... 111
Software - System Status ...................................................... 112
Software - System Status ...................................................... 113
System Status ............................................................................ 114
Software - Hard Drive Status ............................................... 115
Software - Hard Drive Status ............................................... 116
Software - Hard Drive Status ............................................... 117
Software - Hard Drive Status ............................................... 118
Software - Resource Monitor ............................................... 119
Software - Resource Monitor ............................................... 120
Software - Resource Monitor ............................................... 121
Software - Resource Monitor ............................................... 122
Disk Management - Change the Encryption Settings 134 Disk Management - Change the Encryption Settings 135 Disk Management - Change the Encryption Settings 136
iSCSI Target......................................................................... 137
iSCSI Target - iSCSI Manager ........................................ 139
iSCSI Target - iSCSI Targets ............................................ 142
iSCSI Target - Editing iSCSI Targets ............................ 148
iSCSI Target - Deleting iSCSI Targets ......................... 151
iSCSI Target - Details of an iSCSI Targets .................. 153
iSCSI Target - iSCSI LUN .................................................. 154
Edit an iSCSI LUN .............................................................. 158
View details of an iSCSI LUN ........................................159
iSCSI Target - LUN ACL .................................................... 160
Editing the LUN ACL .......................................................163
Virtual Volume .................................................................. 166
Disk Diagnostic ................................................................. 168
Disk Management - Scheduling a Disk Diagnostics ... 172
Disk Management - Scan a Volume .................................. 173
Chapter 11 - Software - Disk Management..................124
Software - Disk Management .............................................. 125
Software - Disk Management .............................................. 126
Software - Disk Management - Volume ........................... 127
Software - Disk Management - Creat a Volume ............ 128
Software - Disk Management - Create a Volume ......... 129
Software - Disk Management - Create a Volume ......... 130
Software - Disk Management - Extend/Spare a Volume 131
Software - Disk Management - Migrate a Volume ....... 132
Software - Disk Management - Expand a Volume ....... 133
Disk Management - Format a Volume.............................. 174
Account Management ........................................................... 175
Admin Password ..............................................................176
Users ..................................................................................... 177
Groups ................................................................................. 191
Shared Folders .................................................................. 194
Shared Folders - Editing a Shared Folder ................ 206
Shared Folders - Management ....................................212
Accounts Management - Shared Folders ................ 229
ISO Mounts ......................................................................... 230
iiiD-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Table of Contents
ISO Mounts - Editing an ISO Mount .......................... 238
ISO Mounts - Deleting an ISO Mount .......................242
Chapter 12 - Software - System Management .............245
Software - System Management - Network Settings . 246 Software - System Management - Network Settings . 247
System Management - Network Settings - LAN 1 ....... 248
System Management - Network Settings - LAN 2 ....... 249
System Management - Network Settings - Global Settings 250
System Management - Network Settings - Route ....... 251
System Management - Network Settings - Route ....... 252
System Management - Time and Date Settings ........... 253
System Management - Time and Date Settings ........... 254
System Management - System Settings ..........................255
System Management - System Settings ..........................256
System Management - Power Management ................. 257
System Management - Power Management ................. 258
System Management - Schedule Settings .....................259
System Management - Power Management - UPS ..... 260
System Management - Email Alerts .................................. 268
System Management - Email Alerts .................................. 269
System Management - Firmware Upgrade .................... 270
System Management - Firmware Upgrade .................... 271
System Management - Logs ................................................ 272
System Management - Logs ................................................ 273
System Management - Logs ................................................ 274
System Management - Syslog Server ............................... 275
System Management - Syslog Server Rule ..................... 277
System Management - Edit a Syslog Server Rule . 285 System Management - Delete a Syslog Server
Rule ....................................................................................... 290
System Management - Enable/Disable a Syslog
Server Rule ......................................................................... 292
System Management - Clearing a Syslog Server
Log ........................................................................................ 293
Chapter 13 - Software - Network Services ...................295
Software - Network Services ........................................ 296
Software - Network Services - File Sharing ............. 297
Software - Network Services - File Sharing - FTP .. 298 Software - Network Services - File Sharing - CIFS 299 Software - Network Services - File Sharing - DFS . 300 Software - Network Services - File Sharing - DFS . 301
Software - Network Services - Dynamic DNS ........302
Software - Network Services - Dynamic DNS ........303
Software - Network Services - SNMP ........................ 304
Software - Network Services - SNMP ........................ 305
Software - Network Services - Network Discovery
Services ............................................................................... 306
Software - Network Services - Network Discovery
Services ............................................................................... 307
Chapter 14 - Software - Applications ...........................308
Software - Applications - Web File Manager .......... 309
Software - Applications - Web File Manager .......... 310
Software - Applications - Download Manager ...... 311
Software - Applications - Download Manager ...... 312
ivD-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Table of Contents
Software - Applications - Download Manager ...... 313
Software - Applications - Download Manager ...... 314
Chapter 15 - Software - Backup ....................................315
Software - Backup ............................................................ 316
Software - Backup - Volume Snapshot ..................... 317
Software - Backup - Volume Snapshot ..................... 318
Software - Backup - Volume Snapshot ..................... 319
Software - Backup - Volume Snapshot ..................... 320
Software - Backup - Volume Snapshot ..................... 321
Software - Backup - Local Backup .............................. 322
Software - Backup - Local Backup .............................. 323
Software - Backup - Local Backup .............................. 324
Software - Backup - Local Backup .............................. 325
Software - Backup - Local Backup .............................. 326
Software - Backup - Remote Backup Server ........... 327
Software - Backup - Remote Backup Job ................328
Chapter 19 - Appendix ..................................................347
Knowledge Base ............................................................348
What is RAID? ............................................................................ 348
Mapping a Drive ......................................................................350
USB Print Server ....................................................................... 353
iSCSI Drive Mapping ............................................................... 361
Hot-swap ........................................................................370
Storing non-English Character Files ............................371
Software - Backup - Remote Backup Job ................329
Software - Backup - Remote Backup Job ................330
Software - Backup - Remote Backup Job ................331
Software - Backup - Remote Backup Job ................332
Software - Backup - Remote Backup Job ................333
Software - Backup - External Backup ........................ 334
Software - Backup - External Backup ........................ 335
Software - Backup - External Backup ........................ 336
Amazon S3 ......................................................................... 337
Amazon S3 ......................................................................... 338
Chapter 18 - Software - Extension Pack .......................344
Extension Pack .......................................................................... 345
Extension Pack .................................................................. 346
vD-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
The D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100 (DNS-1100-04) 4-Bay Network Attached Storage handles the ever-growing data storage requirements for households/SOHO and SMB users. The need for data consolidation and data sharing makes the DNS-1100-04 an ideal storage solution. Its iSCSI capability delivers blistering transfer rates and provides an extra layer of stability.
The DNS-1100-04 CD contains the D-Link’s EZ Search Utility. This utility allows you to locate the ShareCenter Pro 1100 automatically and map drives to your computer on the y. The D-Link EZ Storage Utility allows you to congure the device and set IP addresses.
Once setup and congured on your network, the DNS-1100-04, acts as a FTP, Web, Music, and Multimedia server. Windows™, MAC, and Linux computers on the network can access any data o the server without adding new software locally and becaue of its stable and powerful feature set sensitive data can be securely managed.
1D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04
CD-ROM with Manual and Software
Quick Installation Guide
Power Cord
Cat5E Ethernet Cable
Front Panel Lock Key
Note: Use the power supply that came with your device. Failure to do so might damage the unit and void the warranty. Note: The ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 should only be maintained by authorized sta or an IT administrator. The front panel key locks the
device and keeps intruders from tampering with the device.
Product Overview
Package Contents
If any of the above items are missing, please contact your reseller.
System Requirements
For best results, the following minimum requirements are recommended on any system used to congure and access the ShareCenter Pro:
Computer with: 1Ghz processor / 512 MB RAM / 200 MB available space / CD-ROM drive
Internet Explorer version 7.0, Mozilla Firefox 3.0, Apple Safari, Google Chrome 3, Opera 10
3.5” SATA Hard Drive(s)
XP (with Service Pack 2), Windows® Vista
Windows® 7
2D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
The D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100 is packed with a wide variety of features geared toward the small and medium business environment. Some of these features are listed below:
Link Aggregation
Four 3.5-inch SATA Hard Drives with support for 3TB
and above
2 Gigabit Ethernet ports
2 USB 2.0 ports
UPS, printer, and external storage support
Concurrent NAS/iSCSI: Supports le sharing and
iSCSI block devices
Data Protection: Supports RAID 0/1/5/6/5+Spare/
JBOD and S.M.A.R.T. disk diagnostic.
Ease of Use: iSCSI targets appear as a local drive on
your client PC. Access NAS les via the easy-to-use web le manager.
Accessibility: Share les across the network or over
the Internet via FTP or the web le manager.
Security: Create users, groups, and iSCSI targets with
password authentication.
Account management: Manage users/groups and
Read/Write permission
Virtual Disks
Volume Snapshot
Up to 64 iSCSI Targets SNMP (D-View 6.0 compatible)
VLAN tag Support
DFS Support
AES Support
ADS support
Remote backup
Local backup
External backup
PC client to NAS backup
Web File Manager
Print server
Power management to conserve energy and extend
hard drive life.
Schedule power on/o Hard disk hibernation SMART for hard disk health scan D-Link Green Ethernet Resource Monitor Multi-LUNs per Target Supports LUN Mapping & LUN Masking Supports MPIO Supports MC/S
3D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Supports Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V Network access by service AFP support Syslog server Network UPS ISO mount WebDAV Amazon S3
4D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Hardware Overview
Front Panel
OLED Screen
Front Panel Lock Turn the key to the up position to unlock. Turn key to left position to lock.
OLED Button This button switches the OLED screen to display System, HD Volume Information and Error Messages. Drive Trays Unclip the bays to remove the cage and install the hard drives
OLED Button
Drive Trays
Front Panel
Power Button
Power Button Use this button to switch the device on or o.
To switch on the device press the button once. To switch o the device hold the button down for 5 seconds.
OLED Screen This screen displays detailed information about the following:
System Information, HD Volume Information and Error Messages
5D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Hardware Overview
Front Panel
Component Color Status Description
Static Disk Ready
4 Disk LED’s Green
Red Static Disk error. Cannot Read/ Write
Component Color Status Description
2 LAN LED’s Blue
Blinking Disk being accessed O No internal disk
Static A network connection is available
Blinking The network is active O The network is inactive
6D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Cooling Fan
Reset Button
Rear Panel (Connections)
USB Connectors
Power Receptacle
Gigabit Ethernet Ports
Gigabit Ethernet Port Two Gigabit Ethernet Ports to connect the ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 to the local network. Power Receptacle Connect the supplied power cord to the receptacle. USB Connector Two USB 2.0 (Type A) connectors. The USB Host ports are for Print Servers, USB memory disks or
USB UPS monitoring. Reset Button Press this button for more than 5 seconds to reset the unit to factory defaults. Cooling Fan The cooling fan is used to cool the hard drives and feature speed control.
7D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Using the OLED
The ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 features an OLED that enables the administrator to easily view information about the ShareCenter Pro. The OLED screen displays the system information, hard drive volume information and error messages. The OLED has three dierent screens:
y System Information- This screen shows the following information:
{ The hostname of the ShareCenter Pro { The IP address of the ShareCenter Pro { The hard drive slots information
y Hard Drive Volume information- This screen shows the following information:
{ The percentage of used space on the hard drives.
y Error Messages- This screen shows error messages during system failures
Press the following button
once to alternate between the dierent Status screens.
8D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Chapter 1 - Hardware
The D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 is a solid NAS. It can hold four hot-swappable drives, provides auto encryption and has dual Ethernet ports. Let’s take a closer look.
9D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Hardware Setup - Installing Hard Drives
The D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100 takes four 3.5” hard disk drives. The hard drives do not have to be the same size. However, to create a RAID, it would be preferable to have all hard drives the same size. In this guide we show how to take the hard drive cases apart, install the drives and turn on the device.
To install the Hard Drives, refer to the steps below:
tep 1:
emove the hard drive cages from the
10D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Hardware Setup - Removing Brackets
tep 2:emove the plastic bracket inside the hard
drive cage.
11D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Hardware Setup - Attaching the Hard Drive to the Hard
Drive Tray
tep 3:
tep 4:
lace a 3.5” SATA hard drive into the drive
tray, and screw it into place. There are four holes on either side of the drive tray.
ive trays into the enclosure.
12D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
tep 5:
epress the blue clip in place to shut the
drive tray in the enclosure.
Hardware Setup - Installing Hard Drives
13D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Network Setup - Plugging in the Network Cables
tep 1:
lug in one end of the CAT5E cable (provided in the box) into one of the Gigabyte ports at the back of the ShareCenter Pro.
14D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
tep 2:
lug the other end of the CAT5E cable into a
router or switch.
Network Setup - Plugging in the Cables
15D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Power Cable Setup - Plugging in the Cables
tep 1:
tep 2:
lug the power cord into the back of the
ShareCenter Pro 1100-04.
lug the other end into the wall socket and power up the device.
16D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Powering on the Device
Before connecting to the ShareCenter Pro 1100-04, test to see if the device is powered on correctly.
tep 1:
tep 2:
o not slot any of the hard drive bays into the
ShareCenter Pro.
ress the “On” button in front of the
ShareCenter Pro and wait for the OLED screen to display “Welcome to ShareCenter Pro “1100”. There will also be a blinking blue network LED that indicates the device is connected to the network.
Power Button
OLED Screen
Network LED
17D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Powering on the Device - Software
tep 3:
tep 4:
lace the accompanied CD-ROM into your
CD-ROM drive and browse to D-Link’s DNS­1100-04 EZSearch. Double-click the icon to activate the program.
his starts the EZSearch utility. The EZSearch
utility locates the ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 and it’s IP address.
18D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Chapter 2 - Software Installation
The D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 is a solid NAS. Installing, conguring, and creating shares on the y is the ShareCenter Pro’s strengths. Let’s take a closer look.
19D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Software Setup - Default IP Address Location
During the initial boot sequence, the ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 awaits to be assigned a DHCP IP address. If it does not receive a DHCP assigned IP address, the ShareCenter Pro 1100 reverts to its Auto-IP address. The Auto-IP address will look similar to (eg. 169.254.x.x). The Username and Password information is just below the IP address information.
It is recommended to use the D-Link EZ Search Utility when accessing and conguring the ShareCenter Pro for the rst time. If you want to change the IP address before logging in or are unable to connect to the ShareCenter Pro’s IP address, you can use the EZ Search Utility provided on the product CD to locate the device on your network and make any changes.
20D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Software Setup - EZ Search Utility
Here is a closer look at the EZ Search Utility
The EZ Search Utility displays any D-Link NAS or ShareCenter Pro device on the network here.
efresh Click Refresh to refresh the device list.
onguration Click Conguration to access the Web based conguration of the
ShareCenter Pro.
AN Congure the LAN Settings for the ShareCenter Pro here.
pply Click Apply to save changes to the LAN Settings.
"#!#$ %
Displays the available iSCSI targets on the ShareCenter Pro.
onnect Click Connect to connect to the iSCSI target.
anagement Click Management to edit the information.
rive Mapping Volumes available for mapping are displayed here.
Drive Letters
Choose an available drive letter. Click Connect to map the selected volume. Click Disconnect to disconnect the selected mapped volume.
bout Click About to view the software version of the Easy Search Utility.
Click Exit to close the utility.
21D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Getting Started
To run the EZ Search Utility, insert the ShareCenter Pro CD into your CD-ROM drive:
tep 1:
()*+, -./
EZ Search Utility link.
Click EZ Search Utility.
22D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
tep 2:
Conguration to the right of the
Network Storage Device.
The Conguration button launches your computer’s default web browser and directs it to the IP address listed for the device. Make sure your browser is not congured to use a proxy server.
Note: The computer used to access the web-based conguration manager must be on the same subnet as the ShareCenter Pro. If your network is using a DHCP server and the computer receives IP settings from the DHCP server, the ShareCenter Pro will automatically be in the same subnet.
23D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Getting Started - Browser Setup
Alternatively, open your default browser and type in the IP address of your ShareCenter Pro 1100-04.
24D-Link ShareCenter Pro 1100-04 User Manual
+ 348 hidden pages