Instruction Manual
Thank you for your purchas e of this
Citizen watch.
B e f ore us in g the wa t c h , read th is
instruction manual carefully to ensure
correct use.
Aer reading the manual, store it in a safe
place for future reference.
To check the movement number
A case number is engraved on the
case back. (See the gure below.)
On the case back, a number composed
of four + six alphanumeric characters
(or more) is engraved.
In the example below, “1234” is the
movement number.
<Engraving position example>
e engraving position may dier
depending on watch model.
Safety precautions
(Instructions to be followed at all times)
is manual contains the following
ins tructi ons that sh ould be strict ly
followed at all times to preve nt injur y
to yourself and other persons as well as
damage to property.
■ Inju rie s and dama ge th at mi ght be
caused by using the watch improperly
or neglecting any of the instructions or
precautions contained in this manual are
classied with the following symbols.
■ Impor tant instructions that should be
followed are classied with the following
Warning (caution) symbol
followed by instructions that
should be followed or precautions
that should be observed.
Warning (caution) symbol followed
by prohibited matters.
Cal. No.: B612
Type: Analogue solar powered
Time accuracy: Within +/-15 seconds per
Battery: Rechargeable cell
Highly likely to
cause death or
serious injury.
Can cause serious
injury or death.
Can or will cause
minor or moderate
injury or damage.
month when worn at normal
operating temperatures
(+5°C to +35°C)
−10°C to +60°C
Time: Hour, minute, second,
and 24-hour
Calendar: Date (does not
automatically adjust for
months shorter than 31-days)
Chronograph (measures up
to 60 minutes in 0.2-second
units), Insucient Charge
Warning Function, Overcharge
Prevention Function, Quick
Start Function
Time until stop from full
charged status without
additional charging:
Approx. 7 months
Time until stop from activation
of insucient charge warning
Approx. 7 days
(lithium button cell),1pc
Notes Before Use
<Notes before use — Protective stickers>
Prior to the watch being shipped from the
manufacturing plant, its glass, case, metal
band, and metal parts of clasp are covered with
stickers to protect them from getting ngerprint
or scratches during transit from the plant to the
If the watch is worn without first removing
these stickers, perspiration or moisture may
enter the gaps between the protective stickers
and the parts, which may result in a skin rash
a skin rash and/or corrosion of the metal
parts. For this reason, please be sure to peel o
stickers before wearing the watch.
Notes on charging your watch
is watch has a rechargeable cell which is charged
by exposing the dial to light, such as direct sunlight
or uorescent lamps. Aer taking o the watch, put
it in a location where the dial is exposed to bright
light, such as by a window.
For optimal performance, perform the following:
• Expose the watch with the
dial facing towards direct
sunlight for ve to six hours
at least once a month.
• Before storing the watch in
a dark place for an extended
period of time, be sure to charge it fully.
• When the watch is regularly covered with long sleeves,
it may not be charged suciently. Try to keep the watch
exposed to light sucient for charging.
• Do not charge the watch at a high temperature (about 60ºC
or higher).
About the crown
Some models use screw down system for the crown.
Accidental operations can be prevented when the
watch is not being operated by locking the crown. To
operate the watch, release the lock.
• If your watch does not have a screw down crown,
operations can be performed without locking or
unlocking the crown.
Before operation
Unlock the crown
Rotate the crown t o the left
When the screw lock is
released , the crown ex tends
to the normal position.
After operation
Lock the crown
Pres s th e cr own and rotate
it to the right (clockwi se) to
tighten the screw lock.
Your Watch
Eco-Drive (solar powered) watch
Th e watc h operat es by co nve r ting su nlig ht
and other light into electrical energy. Once the
rechargeable cell is fully charged, the watch will
function for approximately 7 months.
Insufficient charge warning
If the power becomes very low, the
second hand advances at 2-second
intervals, indicating that charging
is necessary. When the second
hand starts to advance at 2-second
intervals, expose the watch to light
until it is fully charged.
If the watch is not exposed to light wit hin
approxi mately 7 days afte r the insufficient
charge warning st arts, the watc h will stop.
Quick start function
When the stopped watch is exposed to light, it
starts operating again immediately.
After quick start, expose the wa tch to light
until it is fully charged. Set the correct
time before using the watc h.
Replacement of Rechargeable Cell
Because the watch uses a rechargeable cell, you do
not need periodical cell replacement.
Howe ver, po wer c onsumptio n may incre ase
after using for an extended period of time due to
deterioration, and the power may run out earlier
than expected. To avoid this, we recommend that
you have your watch inspected (Charge basis)
Component identication
Chronograph minute hand
Chronograph second hand
Hour hand
Button (B)
Minute hand
Date indicator
24-hour hand
Second hand
* e illustrations shown in this manual may dier
from the actual watch you have purchased.
Button (A)
Setting the Time
Pull the crown out to
position 2.
Pull out the
crown just as the
second hand is
at the reference
position in order
to accurately align
to the second.
Rotate the crown to set the time.
Move the minute hand
ahead of the correc t time
by 5 “minutes” a nd t hen
re turn t he han d to the
correct “minutes”. is will
minimize the eect of gear
play and will provide more
accurate hand movement.
e 24-hour hand (located at the 9:00
subdial) moves in relation to the hour hand.
Determine whether it is a.m. or p.m. by
observing the 24-hour hand.
Press the crown
back into its
normal position.
Be sure to secure if
the watch has a screw
down crown.
Water may enter your
Setting the Date
Pull the
crown out to
position 1.
e date must be manually adjusted for months shorter than 31-days. You will need to adjust the date at the start of March,
May, July, October and December.
Do not adjust the date between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. If you change the date during this time, the date may not change the following day.
Rotate the crown
counterclockwise to set the date.
The date will not change when
the crown is rotated clockwise.
e date does not
change when you
rotate the crown
to the right.
Press the crown back into its
normal position.
Be sure to secure
if the watch has
a screw down
crown. Water may
enter your watch.
Using the Chronograph
e chronograph can measure up to 60 minutes in 0.2-second units.
minute hand
position of the
minute hand
Time measurement start/stop [button(B)]
To start the chr onograph, press and r elease the upper rig ht
button (B) to co mmence time measurem ent.
To stop the chronograph, pres s and release the upper right
button (B) ag ain.
To recommence timi ng from the stopped p osition, press and
release th e upper right butto n (B) again.
Pressing and releasing the lower right button (A) during chronograph
operation will cause timing to stop and the chronograph to reset.
Reset [button(A)]
second hand
e chronograph minute/second hands may be come misaligned if the watch is subjected to a strong knock.
If the position cannot be corrected by using the reset procedures outlined on pages 12-13, please contact your nearest
Authorized Service Center.
e chronograph does not function if the crown is pulled out to position 2.
e chronograph resets if the crown is pulled out to position 2 during measurement.
To reset the chrono graph after stop ping time measuremen t,
press and re lease the lower right but ton (A).
When the chronograph second hand does not return to the reference position
If the chronograph second hand does not return to reference position even when
reset, perform the following procedures to align the chronograph second hand with
the reference position.
Set the watch to correct
1 2 3
the reference position
ull the
crown out to
position 2.
Press and hold the upper
right button (B) for 3
seconds or more.
The watch is now set to
correct the reference position.
Be sure to secure if the watch has a screw down crown and/or screw down push button. Water may enter your watch.
Correct the position of the second hand Reset the minute hand
Press and release
· Press once
· Press and h old down
If the second hand does not move even when
the upper right button (B) is pressed, perform
Step of the page on the le.
Press the crown back into its
normal position.
the upper right
button (B) to adjust
the position of
the chronograph
second hand.
Second hand moves ahead at one-second intervals.
Second ha nd advances r apidly.
Time is stopped while aligning with the
reference position. Set the time aer aligning.
Press and release the
lower right button (A) to
adjust the position of the
chronograph minute hand.
e chronograph minute
hand moves together with
the second hand when
correcting the second hand.
Reset the minute hand.
Guide to Charging Time
Below are the approximate times needed for charging when exposing the watch dial to light continuously.
Please use this table as a reference only.
time to work
for one day
2 to 11
Under direct sunlight
or cloudy weather (not
through a window)
20 cm under a
uorescent lamp (30 W)
Interior lighting 500 3.5 hours 80 hours
To charge the rechargeable cell fully, it is recommended to expose the dial to direct sunlight.
A uorescent lamp or interior lighting does not have sucient illumination to charge the rechargeable cell fully.
to 100,000
3,000 35 minutes 11 hours 150 hours
Charging time to start
working normally when the
rechargeable cell is empty
25 minutes
to 3.5 hours
Charging time to the fully
charged state when the
rechargeable cell is empty
8.5 hours
to 45 hours
is watch wil run
for approximately
7 months from a
full charge without
further exposure to
Precautionary Items and Usage Limitations
· Be p art icu larl y c aref ul when wea rin g yo ur watc h wh ile
holdin g a small chi ld, to avoid inju ry.
· Be part icularly carefu l when engaged in str enuous exe rcise
or work, to avo id injury to you rself and ot hers.
· Do NOT wear your wa tch while i n a sauna or other locat ion
· Non-w ater resis tant wat ches ca nnot be used u nderwater or
in envi ronments in c ontact with w ater.
· Water-resis tance for da ily use (to 3 atmos pheres) means t hat
the watch may b e worn while washi ng you r face or in t he
rain , but is not to be imme rsed in water.
· Upg raded w ater-resista nce for daily use (to 5 atmos pheres)
means that t he watch ma y be worn while sw imming , but is
not to worn w hile skin d iving.
resistant watch
· Always use the watc h wi th t he c rown pushed in (norma l
positi on). If t he crown is of t he screw lock-ty pe, mak e sure
it is securely locked.
· Do NOT operate the crown when the watch i s wet . Water
may pe netr ate int o t he w atc h, c ausi ng det erio rat ion of
water res istance.
· If water ent ers the watch or the watc h fogs up and doe s not
cl ear up eve n a fte r a lon g ti me, co nsu lt y our de ale r or
Custome r Support Cente r for inspect ion and/or repa ir.
· If a wat ch of u pgr aded wa ter res ista nce for da ily us e is
im mers ed in se a wat er o r sub ject ed t o exc essive
pers pirati on, t horough ly r inse with fres h wate r and wip e
complete ly dry wit h a soft cloth .
· If s eawate r en ters the watc h, pl ace the watch in a b ox or
plast ic bag and im mediately t ake it in for repair. Ot herwise,
pressu re ins ide th e watch wil l incr ease, and p arts (crystal ,
crown, b uttons, etc.) may c ome off.
· T he dura bility of a leather band m ay be affecte d when wet
(fadin g, peeli ng of adh esive), owing to the p roperties of the
materi al. Moreover, wet le ather may caus e a rash.
· It is recommended to take off the watch if it gets wet, even if
the watc h itself is wat er-resista nt.
· Do Not w ear the ba nd too tig htly. Try to leav e enough spa ce
be tween the ban d an d yo ur s kin to all ow a dequ ate
ventilation .
· T he rubbe r (uretha ne) band may be staine d by dy es or s oil
present i n or on clothin g or other acces sories.
Since these stai ns may not be removable, caution is required
whe n we arin g yo ur w atch wit h it ems that tend to easi ly
tran sfer color (ar ticles of clo thing, pu rses, etc .). In additi on,
the ba nd may be det eriorated by solvents or mo isture in the
ai r. Rep lace with a new o ne wh en it has los t ela stic ity or
become cracked.
· The w atch may s top or the fun ction of the w atch may b e
impai red in extr emely high or low te mperature .
Do not use the watch in places where the temperature is
outs ide the operat ing temper atur e ra nge a s st ated in the
specif ications.
<Stati c Electric ity>
· The inte gra ted circ uit s (I C) u sed in qua rtz wat ches are
sensit ive to stat ic electr icity. Pleas e note that the watch may
not ind icate the corr ect time if expo sed to i ntense sta tic
electric ity.
· Analo g qua rtz watch es a re p owered by a ste p moto r th at
uses a m agnet. Subjec ting the w atch to stron g mag netism
from t he outside ca n cause the motor to operat e improperly
and pre vent the wat ch from ind icating t he correc t time. D o
not a llo w t he w atc h to com e in to c los e pr oxi mit y to
magnetic health devices (mag netic neck laces, magnetic
ela stic band s, etc.) or t he m agne ts u sed in t he l atche s of
refri gerator doors , clasps us ed in handba gs, the spe aker of a
cell pho ne, electrom agnetic co oking dev ices and so on.
<Stron g Shock>
· Avoid droppin g the watch or subject ing i t to other strong
imp act. It may caus e ma lfu nct ions and /or pe rfor manc e
deter ioration as wel l as damage to t he case and br acelet.
<Chemi cals, Corros ive Gasses and M ercury>
· If p ain t t hin ner, ben zene or oth er s olv ents or prod uct s
containing these solvents (including gasoline, nailpolish
remo ver, c resol, bat hroom clea ners and adhe sives, wate r
repe llent, etc .) are al lowed to co me in to co ntact with the
watch, the may discolor, dissolve or crack the mate rials. Be
ca ref ul whe n ha nd lin g t hes e ch emi cal s. Cont ac t wi th
mercur y such a s that u sed in t hermometer s may al so cause
disco loration of the b and and case .
To avoid injury
Water Resistance
Watch face or
case back
5 bar
10/20 bar
When Wearing your Watch
Water-resistant to
3 atmospheres
Water-resistant to
5 atmospheres
Water-resistant to
10 or 20
where your w atch may become excessive ly hot, since there
is the r isk of burns.
· Be ca reful wh en putting on and tak ing off yo ur watch, si nce
there is a risk o f dama ging you r fin gernails , depend ing on
the ma nner in which t he band is fas tened.
· Upg rad ed water- resi sta nc e for dail y us e (to 10/2 0
atmospheres) means that t he watch may be worn while ski n
di vin g, but not wh ile scu ba or s atu rat ed div ing us ing
helium g as.
· Refe r to t he watch dial a nd the case ba ck for t he indi cation
of the wa ter resi stance of you r watc h. The follow ing cha rt
provide s exa mples of use for refe rence to ensure that your
watch is used pr operly. (The unit “1bar” is rough ly equal to
1 atmosphere.)
· WATE R R ESIS T(AN T) ××ba r ma y a lso be indi cat ed a s
W.R .× ×ba r.
Water-related use
exposure to
water (washing
face, rain, etc.)
exposure to
water (washing,
kitchen work,
swimming, etc.)
Skin diving,
Scuba diving
an air tank
· Rotate the c rown w hile it is presse d in ful ly and press the
but tons period ical ly s o th ey d o not bec ome s tuck due t o
accu mulations of fore ign matter.
· The c ase and b and of th e wat ch co me in to di rect contac t
wi th the sk in in t he sam e ma nn er a s u nder gar men ts.
Cor rosion of t he m etal or unnot iced soili ng s uch a s th at
cause d by perspir ation a nd di rt c an so il sle eves and ot her
port ions of clothi ng. Keep your wat ch clean at al l times.
· The c ase and b and of th e wat ch co me in to di rect contac t
wi th t he ski n. Rust , d irt or pers pira tio n pre sent on the
watch 's body or ba nd may cause itching or a rash on yo ur
skin . Such problems may al so occ ur if you ha ve an allerg y
to cer tain me tals or le ather. If y ou think there is somethin g
wro ng, disc ontin ue we ari ng t he w atch imme diate ly a nd
consu lt your physicia n.
· Leathe r ba nds m ay be come discol ored b y per spirat ion or
dirt. Always keep your leather band clean by wiping w ith a
dry c loth.
· Wipe any d irt or m oistu re su ch a s per spira tion from the
case a nd crysta l with a sof t cloth.
· F or a metall ic, pla stic or rubbe r watchb and, w ash a ny dir t
off with water. Remove t he sma ll a mounts of dir t tr apped
betwe en the crevi ces of the meta llic band w ith a soft br ush.
· If you wi ll not be usi ng your watch for a n extended pe riod of
time , care fully wipe off any p erspirati on, di rt or moistu re
and store in a proper location, avoidin g locations subject to
exces sively high or low t emperature s and high hum idity.
<About t he Watch with Lu minous Paint >
The paint on the dial and h ands he lps you with reading the
time in a da rk plac e. Th e lumi nous p aint s tores d aylight or
ar tif icia l l ight (not in clud ing inca nde scent li ghti ng) and
glows i n a dark place.
It is free f rom any radio active subs tance or any ot her materia l
harm ful to a huma n body or envir onment.
· The lig ht emi ssio n g rad ual ly bec omes we ake r as ti me
· The du ration of the lig ht (“glow ”) wi ll v ary dependin g on
the brig htness, ty pes o f and dist ance from a li ght s ource,
expos ure time, a nd the amount of t he paint.
· The pain t ma y not gl ow a nd/or may dis sipat e qu ick ly i f
expos ure to light wa s not suffi cient.
· The r echar geabl e cel l s hould never be remove d f rom t he
watch. If for any reason it be comes nece ssary to remove the
recha rgeable cell from the w atch, k eep ou t of the reach o f
child ren to prevent acc idental swa llowing .
If t he recha rgeable cell is accident ally s wallowed, consult a
doctor i mmediatel y.
· Do n ot d isp ose of th e re cha rge able ce ll wit h o rdi nar y
garba ge. Please fol low the ins truction s of your munic ipality
regard ing collec tion of batte ries to prevent t he risk of fi re or
environment al contamination.
· Never us e a battery ot her than t he rechargea ble cell spe cified
for use in t his watch.
Alth ough the watch str ucture is design ed so th at it wi ll not
operate when a nother ty pe of b attery is insta lled, if a si lver
batter y or other t ype of ba ttery is i nstalle d in the wa tch and
the wat ch i s re charg ed, ther e is the ris k of overc harg ing
which ma y cause the bat tery to rupt ure.
Th is can ca use da mag e to th e w atch an d i nju ry to t he
wearer. When replacing the rechargeable cell, always make
sure to us e the design ated recharg eable cell.
· Do not charge the wat ch at a h igh tempe rature (abo ut 60°C
or hig her) as d oin g s o may caus e t he m ove ment to
malfu nction.
· C har gin g th e w atch to o cl ose to a li ght sou rce whi ch
gener ates a lar ge amo unt of heat such as an i ncandes cent
lamp or ha logen lamp.
* W hen charg ing u nder an incand escent lamp , be sure to
leav e 50c m or more bet ween the l amp and the watch to
avoid exp osing the wat ch to excessive h eat.
· C harg ing the watc h in a locat ion where the temp erat ure
may b ecome ex tremely h igh suc h as on the d ashboard of a
Always keep your Watch Clean
Caring for your Watch
Handling of Rechargeable Cell
Use Only the Specified Battery
Recharging Precaut ions
Pulling out the
crown when
watch is wet
Warranty and
<Free Guarantee>
In the case a malfunction has occurred
during the course of normal use while
the wat ch is till under warranty, the
watch will be repaired free of charge in
accordance with the conditions of the
warranty included with this manual.
<Stock Period of Repair Parts>
Our standard period for stocking repair
parts for each model is generally seven
ye ar. Whe n an exteri or part such as
the watch case, glass, dial, hand, crown
or band is damaged, a spare part with
different appearance may sometimes be
<Repair Period>
Repairs can be performed on your watch
within the repair parts stock period even
after the fre e guarantee has expired.
However, you will be charged for these
repairs. Please take the watch to the shop
where you purchased it and ask whether it
can be repaired because the repair period
varies according to the conditions of use,
environment and so forth. Moreover,
there are cases in which it is difficult to
restore the watch to its original accuracy
when decreased accurac y has resulted
from long-term use.
< Change of Address or Receiving
as a Gift>
In the event that you have moved or have
received you r watch as a gift, and are
not able to bring your watch to the shop
where it was purchased for serving, please
consult Customer Support Center.
< Periodic Inspection
(Charge Basis)>
You should have your watch inspected
ever y 2-3 years to extend its life and
ensure safety. (charge basis)
Wh en repl aci ng pa rts , alw ays mak e
sure to request genuine parts. When it
becomes necessary to replace packings
and springs, it may sometimes als o be
necessar y to inspect other parts or to
make repairs in addition to replacing
the parts. Please ask for more detailed
information on repair or replacement
expenses at the shop where you purchased
your watch or Customer Support Center.
<Other Inquiries>
If you have any questions regarding the
way warranty, repairs or other matters,
please inquire at th e shop where you
pu rch ased y our w atch or Cu sto mer
Support Center.