P43B-A7 & P43C-A 7 BIOS Man ual
B IOS Set up.................................................................................................1
1 Main Menu...............................................................................................3
2 Adv anc ed Menu.......................................................................................8
3 PCIPnP Menu ........................................................................................19
4 Boot Menu..............................................................................................23
5 C hipset Me nu.........................................................................................2 6
6 Performance Menu...............................................................................30
7 Exit Menu...............................................................................................33
P43B-A7 & P43C-A 7 BIOS Man ual
The purpose of this manual is to describe the settings in the AMI BIOS Setup program on this m otherboard. The Setup program allows users to modify the basic
system configuration and save these settings to CMOS RAM. T he power of CMOS RAM is supplied by a battery so that it retains the Setup information when the power is turned off.
Basic Input-Output System (BIOS) determines what a computer can do without accessing programs from a disk. T his system controls most of the input and output
devices such as keyboard, mouse, serial ports and disk drives. BIOS activates at the fi rst stag e o f the booting proc ess, loading and executing the operating system. Some additional features, such as virus and password protection or chipset fine-tuning options are also included in BIOS . T he rest of this m anual will to guide you through the options and settings in BIOS Setup.
Plug and Pl ay Support
T his AMI BIOS supports the P lug and Play Version 1.0A specific ation.
EPA Green PC Support
T his AMI BIOS supports Version 1. 03 of the EPA Green PC specification.
ACPI Support
AMI ACPI BIOS support Version 1.0/2.0 of Advanced Configuration and Power interface specifi cation (ACPI). It provides ASL code for pow er manag ement and
device con figuration capabilities as defined in the ACPI specification, developed by Microso ft, Intel and T oshiba.
P43B-A7 & P43C-A 7 BIOS Man ual
PCI Bus Support
T his AMI BIOS also supports Version 2.3 of the Intel PCI (Peripheral Component Int erconn ect) local b us speci ficatio n .
DRAM Support
DDR2 S DRAM (Double Data Rate II S ynchronous DR AM) is supported.
Su ppor t e d CP Us
T his AMI BIOS supports the Intel C P U.
Usin g Setup
When starting up the computer, press
<Del> during the Power-On Self-Test (POST) to enter the BIOS setup utility.
In the BIOS setup utility, you will see General Help description at the top right
corner, and this is providing a brief description of the selected item. Navigation Keys for that particular menu
are at t he bottom right corner, and you can us e thes e keys to select item an d ch ange the settings.
z T he default BIOS settings apply for most conditions to ensure optimum performance
of the motherboard. If the system becomes unstable after changing any settings, please load the default settings to ensure system’s compatibility and stability. Use
Load Setup Default under the Exit Menu.
z For better system per form ance, the BIOS firmware is being continuously updated.
T he BIOS information described in this manual is for your re fer ence only. The actual BIOS information and settings on board may be slightly differ ent from t his manual.
z T he content of this manual is subject to be chang ed without notice. W e will not be
responsible for any mi stakes found in this user’ s manual and any system damage that may be caused by wrong-settings.
General Help
Navigation Keys
P43B-A7 & P43C-A 7 BIOS Man ual
1 Main Menu
Once you enter AMI BIOS Setup Utility, the Main Menu will appear on the screen providing an overview of the basic system information.
Main Advanced PCIPnP Boot Chipset Performance
System Overview AMI BIOS
Version :01.01.01 Build Date:01/01/09
System Memory
Size :
System Time [ :00:00]00
System Date [Thu 01/01/2009] Floppy A
> SATA/IDE Configuration
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.
Use [ENTER], [TA B] or [SHIFT-TAB] to select a field.
Use [+] or [-] to configure system Time.
Select Screen Select Item
Change Field
Select Field
General Help
Save and Exit
Shows sys tem information including BIOS version, built date, etc.
System Memory
Shows sys tem memory size, VGA shard m emory will be excluded..
System Time
Set the system internal clock.
System Date
Set the system date. Note that the ‘Day’ automatically changes when you set the date.
Floppy A
Select the type of floppy disk drive installed in your system. Options: 360K, 5 1/4 i n / 1.2M, 5 1/4 in / 720K, 3 1/2 in / 1.44M, 3 1/ 2 in /
2.88M, 3 1/2 in / Disabled
P43B-A7 & P43C-A 7 BIOS Man ual
SA T A/IDE Configuratio n
Th e BIOS wi ll automat i cal l y d etect t h e presen ce o f SAT A/ID E d evices . There i s a su b-menu fo r each SAT A/IDE device. Select a device an d press < Ent er> to enter
the sub-menu of detailed options.
IDE/SATA Confuguration
SATA#1 Configuration [Compatible]
Configure SATA#1 as [IDE] Jmicron 36x ATA Controller [Enabled]
> SATA1 Device > SATA2 Device > SATA3 Device > SATA4 Device > IDE Channel 1 Master
IDE Channel 1
> Slave > AHCI Configuration
Hard Disk Write Protect [Disabled] IDE Detect Time Out (Sec) [35]
Disabled Compatible
Select Screen Select Item
Go to Sub Screen
General Help
Save and Exit
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.
SATA# 1 Configuration
T his i tem allows you to control the onboard SAT A controller. Options: Compatible (Default) / Disabled / Enhanced
Confi gur e SATA#1 as
T his i tem allows you to choose the SAT A operati on mode. Opt i ons : IDE (De fault) / A HCI
JMicron 36x ATA Controll er
T his i tem allows you to control the onboard IDE cont roller. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
P43B-A7 & P43C-A 7 BIOS Man ual
SATA 1/2/3/4 Device; IDE Channel 1 Master/Slave
SATA 1 Device
Device :
Type [Au to]
LBA/Large Mode [Au to] Block (Multi-Sector Transfer)[Au to]
PIO Mode [Au to] DMA Mode [Au to] S.M.A.R.T [Au to]
32Bit Data Transfer [En abled]
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1 985-200x, American Me g atrends, Inc.
Select the type of device connected
to the system.
Select Screen Select Item Change Option
General Help
Save and Exit
The BIOS detects the information and values of resp ective devices, and these information and values are shown below t o the nam e of the sub-menu.
Select the type of the IDE/S ATA drive. Options: Auto (Default) / CDROM / AR MD / Not Installed
LBA/Large Mode
Enable or disabl e the LB A mode. Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled
Block (Multi-Sector Transfer)
En able o r d i s ab l e m u l ti- sector t ran s fer. Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled
PIO Mode
Select the PIO mode. Options: Auto (Default) / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
DMA Mode
Select the DMA mode. Opti ons: Auto (De fault ) / S WDMA0 ~ 2 / MW DM A0 ~ 2 / UDMA0 ~ 5
P43B-A7 & P43C-A 7 BIOS Man ual
Set the Smart Moni toring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology. Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled / Enabled
32Bit Data Transfer
Enable or disabl e 32-bit data transfer. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
AHCI Configuration
AHCI Settings
AHCI BIOS Support [Enabled]
AHCI CD\DVD Boot Time out [35] > AHCI Port0
> AHCI Port1 > AHCI Port2 > AHCI Port3
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.
Enables for supporting
Select Screen Select Item
Change Option
General Help
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AHC I BIOS S upport
T his B IOS feature controls the AHCI function of the SAT A controller. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
AHC I CD / D VD Boo t T ime O ut
T his B IOS feature allows you to s et the AHCI C D/DVD boot ti m e out. Options: 35 (Default) / 0 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
P43B-A7 & P43C-A 7 BIOS Man ual
AH CI Port 0/Port1/ Port2/Port
AHCI Port0
Device :
SATA Port0 [Auto]
S.M.A.R.T. [Enabl ed]
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1 985-200x, American Me g atrends, Inc.
D evice
This area shows the detected connected device.
SATA Port0/ 1/2/3
This item allows you to select the connected device type. Options: Auto (Default)
This item allows you to control the device S. M. A.R.T function. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Select the type of device connected
to the system.
Select Screen Select Item Change Option
General Help
Save and Exit
Har d Disk Wri te Protect
Disable or enable device write protection. This will be effective only if the device is accessed through BIOS. Options: Disabled (De fault) / Enabled
IDE Detect Time Out (Sec)
Select the time out value for detecting IDE/S AT A devices. Options: 35 (Default) / 30 / 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 / 0
P43B-A7 & P43C-A 7 BIOS Man ual
2 Advanced Menu
T he Advanced Menu allows you to configure the settings of CP U, Super I/O, P ower Management, and other system devices.
z Beware of that setting inappropriate values in items of this menu may cause
system to m alfunction.
Main Advanced PCIPnP Boot Chipset Perfo rmance
WARNING: Setting wrong values in below sections may cause system to malfunction.
> CPU Configuration
> SuperIO Configuration > Hardware Health Configuration
> Smart Fan Configuration > Power Configuration
> USB Configuration
Configure CPU.Advanced Settings
Select Screen Select Item
Go to Sub Screen
General Help
Save and Exit Exit
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.
CPU Configuration
T his item shows the CPU information that the BIOS automatically detects.
Configure advanced CPU settings
Module Version:3F.12 Manufacturer:Intel
Frequency : FSB Speed : Cache L1 :
Cache L2 : Ratio Status: Ratio Actual Value:
Hardware Prefetcher [Enabled] Adjacent Cache Line Prefetch [Enabled] Max CPUID Value Limit [Disabled] Intel(R) Virtualization Tech [Enabled]
Execute-Disable Bit Capability[Enabled] PECI [Enbled] Core Multi-Processing [Enabled] Intel(R) SpeedStep(tm) tech [Enabled]
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatre nds, Inc.
For UP platforms , leave it enabled. For DP/MP server s, it may use to tune
performance to the specific application.
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P43B-A7 & P43C-A 7 BIOS Man ual
Hardware Prefetcher
Th e proces so r has a h ardware pre fet cher t h at au t omat i cal l y anal y zes it s req u iremen t s and pre fet ch es dat a and in s t ru ct ion s fro m t h e m emory i n t o th e L ev el 2 cache th at a r e likely to be required in the near future. This reduces the latency associated with
m emory read s. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Adj acent Cache Line Prefetch
The processor has a hardware adjacent cache line prefetch mechanism that aut o mat i cal l y fet ch es an ext ra 6 4-byt e cach e l i n e when ever the p ro cesso r req uest s for a 64-byte cache line. This reduces cache latency by making the next cache line immediately available if the processor requires it as well.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
M ax CPUI D Va l ue Lim i t
When the computer is booted up, the operating system executes the CPUID instruction to identify the processor and its capabilities. Befo re it can do so, it must
first query the processor to find out the highest input value CPUID recognizes. T his determines the kind of basic information CP UID can provide the operating system.
Options: Disabled (De fault) / Enabled
Inte l(R) Virtua liza tion Te c h
Virtualization Technology can virtually separate your system resou rce into several parts, thus enhance the performance when running virtual machines or multi
interfa ce systems. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Execute-Disable Bit Capability
T his i tem allows you to confi gure the Execute Disabled Bit function, which protects your s ystem from buffer over flow attacks. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
T his item allows you to control the PECI function for the processor which supports Platform Environment Cont rol Int erface for better therm al management. Options: Disabled (De fault) / Enabled
P43B-A7 & P43C-A 7 BIOS Man ual
Core Multi-Proce ssing
T his item allows multi-processing fun ction for multi-cor e processors. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
In tel(R) S p eedSte p (tm) Tech
This item allows you to enable SpeedStep technology for better power saving. SpeedStep is a technology built into some Intel processors that allows the clock
sp eed of t h e proces s o r to b e dy nam i cal l y ch an ged by s o ft w are. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
S uperI O Co nf i g urat i o n
Configure ITE8718 Super IO Chipset
Onboard Floppy Controller [Enabled]
Serial Port1 Address [3F8/IRQ4] Parallel Port Address [378]
Parallel Port Mode [Normal] Parallel Port IRQ [IRQ7]
Keyboard PowerOn [Disabled] Mouse PowerOn [Disabled] Restore on AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Allows BIOS to Enable or Disable Floppy
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Change Option
General Help
Save and Exit
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.
Onboard Floppy Controlle r
Select enabled if your system has a floppy disk controller (FDC) installed on the system board and you wish to use it. If you inst alled another FDC or the system uses
no fl oppy drive, select disabled in this field. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Serial Port1 Address
Select an address and corr esponding interrupt for the first and second seri al ports. Options: 3F8/IR Q4 (Default ) / 2F8/IRQ3 / 3E8/IRQ4 / 2E8/IRQ3 / Auto / Disabled
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