Required Accessories Number/Kit (✔)
PCR product (previously amplified and 1 per team
purified by students)
Microbial Culturing module (catalog #166-5020EDU)* 1
containing the following:
• LB broth capsules (each for making 50 ml of LB broth) 12
• LB nutrient agar powder (to make 500 ml) 1 pouch ❒
• Ampicillin 2 vials ❒
E. coli
HB101 K-12, lyophilized bacteria 1 vial ❒
• Culture tubes, sterile, 15 ml 75 ❒
• Petri dishes, sterile 40 ❒
• Sterile inoculating loops 80 ❒
Variable speed microcentrifuge (catalog #166-0602EDU) 1 ❒
Shaking water bath or shaking incubator (37°C) 1 ❒
Water bath (catalog #166-0504EDU), heating block, 1 ❒
(catalog #166-0562EDU)or incubator (70°C)
Adjustable-volume micropipet
0.5–10 µl (catalog #166-0505EDU) 12
20–200 µl (catalog #166-0507EDU) 12 ❒
100–1,000 µl (catalog #166-0508EDU) 12 ❒
Pipet Tips
0.5–10 µl (catalog #223-9354EDU) 1 box
2–200 µl (catalog #223-9347EDU) 1 box ❒
100–1,000 µl (catalog #223-9350EDU) 1 box ❒
Ice bath 1 ❒
Parafilm sealing film 1 ❒
Marking pens 1 ❒
*Note: Standard microbiological reagents may be used in place of the
Microbial Culturing module (see Instructor’s Advanced Prep section for
requirements). Any
E. coli
strain commonly used for transformation (for
example, DH5a, DH10, JM107) may be used in place of
E. coli