This guide describes the experimental methods and tools used in 2-D
electrophoresis and proteomics research. It provides background information
about technologies common to all proteomics studies as well as protocols and
advice you can use as a starting point for your studies. This guide also explains
how experimental conditions can be varied and interpreted to optimize your
results and provides an extensive set of references that you can consult for
more information. Since each sample, experimental approach, and objective
is different, this guide offers ideas for developing customized protocols suitable
for the analysis of your samples.
Part I: Theory and Product Selection 5
Chapter 1 Overview of
Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis
The Context of Proteomics 6
Overview of Experimental Design 6
Sample Preparation 8
First-Dimension Separation: IEF 8
Second-Dimension Separation: SDS-PAGE 8
Detection 9
Image Acquisition, Analysis, and Spot Cutting 9
Protein Digestion and Identification by Mass Spectrometry 9
Chapter 2 Sample Preparation 11
The Importance of Sample Preparation 12
General Considerations 12
Cell Lysis 12
Protein Solubilization 15
Chaotropic Agents 15
Detergents 15
Reducing Agents 16
Ampholytes, Buffers, and Other Additives 17
Removal of Interfering Substances 19
General Considerations 19
Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) 19
Polysaccharides 20
Phenolic Compounds 20
Lipids 20
Salts and Other Small Ionic Compounds 20
Prevention of Keratin Contamination 21
Prefractionation 22
Fractionation by Subcellular Location 22
Fractionation by Solubility/Hydrophobicity 24
Fractionation by Protein Charge 24
Fractionation by pI 25
Fractionation by Size (MW) 26
Depletion and Dynamic Range Reduction 27
Depletion 27
Dynamic Range Reduction 28
ProteoMiner Technology 29
Sample Quantitation (Protein Assays) 30
Chapter 3 The First Dimension:
Isoelectric Focusing (IEF)
Protein Separation by Isoelectric Point (pI) 34
IEF Media: IPG Strips vs. Carrier Ampholytes 35
Selection of IPG Strips 36
Choice of pH Gradient 36
Choice of IPG Strip Length 36
Estimation of pl 37
Sample Application 38
Sample Application during Rehydration 38
Sample Application by Cup Loading 39
Setup for IEF 39
Power Conditions for IEF 40
Chapter 4 The Second Dimension:
Protein Separation by Size 44
Selection of Polyacrylamide Gels 44
Choice of Gel Percentage (Composition) 45
Choice of Gel Size 47
Choice of Buffer System 47
From sample preparation to protein analysis, Bio-Rad’s tools provide
you with choices in methodology, protocols, and products. Our informative
2-D Electrophoresis and Analysis Applications and Technologies web pages
are a valuable resource with video tutorials, protocols, troubleshooting tips,
and much more. To learn more, visit
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTable of Contents
Chapter 6 Image Acquisition, Analysis,
and Spot Cutting
Finding Protein Spots of Interest 64
Image Acquisition 64
Image Analysis 65
Image Optimization, Spot Detection, and Quantitation 66
Gel Comparison 66
Data Normalization 66
Data Analysis and Reporting 67
Spot Cutting from 2-D Gels 67
Chapter 7 Identification and
Characterization of 2-D Protein Spots
Beyond Excision 70
Proteolytic Digestion 70
Washing 70
Reduction and Alkylation 70
In-Gel Proteolytic Digestion 70
Identification by Mass Spectrometry 71
Peptide Mass Fingerprinting 72
Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS) 73
Establishment of 2-D Databases 73
Part II: Methods 75
Chapter 8 Sample Preparation 75
Tips for Sample Preparation 76
Lysis (Cell Disruption) 76
Protein Solubilization 76
Buffers and Solutions 77
Cell Lysis and Protein Extraction Procedures 78
Suspension Cultured Human Cells 78
Monolayer Cultured Human Cells 78
Mammalian Tissue 79
Microbial Cultures 79
Plant Leaves 80
Sample Cleanup 81
Buffer Exchange (Desalting) 81
Chapter 9 First-Dimension IEF
with IPG Strips
Tips for IEF 86
IPG Strip Rehydration and Sample Loading 86
Performing IEF 87
IPG Strip Rehydration in Rehydration/Equilibration Trays
Followed by IEF 87
IEF with Gel-Side Up 87
IEF with Gel-Side Down 88
Cup Loading (IEF with Gel-Side Up) 88
IPG Strip Rehydration in the Focusing Tray Followed by IEF 89
IEF Programming Recommendations 90
Chapter 10 Second-Dimension SDS-PAGE 95
Tips for SDS-PAGE 96
IPG Strip Equilibration 97
Sealing IPG Strips onto SDS-PAGE Gels 98
Chapter 11 Protein Detection 101
Tips for Total Protein Staining 102
Long-Term Storage of Stained Gels 10 2
Total Protein Staining 10 3
Bio-Safe Coomassie Stain 103
Flamingo Fluorescent Gel Stain 103
Oriole Fluorescent Gel Stain 104
SYPRO Ruby Protein Gel Stain 104
Silver Stain Plus Kit 105
Chapter 12 In-Gel Trypsin Digestion 107
Tryptic Digestion Protocol 108
Reagents and Solutions 108
Destaining Gel Plugs from Silver-Stained Gels 108
General Destaining Protocol 109
Reduction and Alkylation Protocol 109
Digestion Protocol 109
Extraction Protocol 109
Part III: Troubleshooting 111
Isoelectric Focusing 112
Total Protein Staining 114
2-D Gel Evaluation 115
Part IV: Appendices 125
Appendix A 126
Glossary 126
Appendix B 130
References 130
Related Bio-Rad Literature 132
Appendix C 133
Ordering Information 133
Sample Quantitation (RC DC Protein Assay) 82
Microfuge Tube Assay Protocol (1.5 ml) 82
2-D Electrophoresis Guide
Theor y and Product Selection
Theory and
Product Selection
Overview of
2-D Electrophoresis Guide
Chapter 1: Overview of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis
Theor y and Product Selection
The Context of Proteomics
Proteome analysis (proteomics) is the comprehensive
analysis of proteins present in a sample and
representing a particular physiological state at a
particular point in time. The aim of proteomics is to
determine the presence, relative abundance, and
posttranslational modification state of a large fraction
of the proteins in a sample (Wilkins et al. 1996).
Since proteins are directly involved in cellular structure,
regulation, and metabolism, proteomics can often yield
a more informative and accurate picture of the state of
a living cell than can analysis of the genome or mRNA.
One of the greatest challenges of proteome analysis
is the reproducible separation of complex protein
mixtures while retaining both qualitative and
quantitative relationships. Many combinations of
techniques can be used to separate and analyze
proteins, but two-dimensional (2-D) electrophoresis
is uniquely powerful in its ability to separate hundreds
to thousands of products simultaneously (Choe and
Lee 2000). This technique uses two different
electrophoretic separations, isoelectric focusing (IEF)
and SDS-PAGE, to separate proteins according to
their isoelectric point (pI) and molecular weight.
The identities of individual protein spots from the gel
can then be identified by mass spectrometry (MS)
of their tryptic peptides. Together with computerassisted image evaluation systems for comprehensive
qualitative and quantitative examination of proteomes,
proteome analysis also allows cataloguing and
comparison of data among groups of researchers.
Other common methods of proteome analysis involve
the proteolytic digestion of sample proteins and the
chromatographic separation of the resulting peptides
coupled directly to mass spectrometric analysis.
Peptides are identified by referencing a database,
and their proteins of origin are inferred. While these
methods are largely automatable and provide an
impressive depth of proteome coverage, some
information is lost when analyzing protein fragments
instead of intact proteins. The 2-D electrophoresis
approach maintains proteins in their intact states and
enables the study of isoform distribution, which is not
possible if the sample is proteolytically digested prior
to separation. Since proteins can be selected through
image analysis, mass spectrometry need be applied
only to the proteins of interest. This is an important
consideration when access to instrumentation or the
expense of mass spectrometric analysis is a limitation.
The suitability of 2-D electrophoresis to proteome
analysis is clear, but its applications also extend to
biomarker detection, development of drug and other
therapies, and optimization and development of
protein purification strategies.
Overview of Experimental Design
The general workflow in a 2-D electrophoresis
experiment (Figure 1.1) and some of the factors
affecting the way the experiment is performed
are outlined next.
2-D Electrophoresis Workflow
Sample Preparation
Prepare the protein at a concentration and in a solution suitable
for IEF. Choose a method that maintains the native charge,
solubility, and relative abundance of proteins of interest.
First-Dimension Separation: IEF
Separate proteins according to pI by IEF. Select the appropriate IPG
strip length and pH gradient for the desired resolution and sample
load. Select appropriate sample loading and separation conditions.
Second-Dimension Separation: SDS-PAGE
Separate proteins according to size by SDS-PAGE.
Select the appropriate gel size and composition
and separation conditions.
Visualize proteins using either a total protein stain or fluorescent
protein tags. Select a staining technique that matches
sensitivity requirements and available imaging equipment.
Image Acquisition and Analysis
Capture digital images of the 2-D protein patterns
using appropriate imaging equipment and software.
Then analyze the patterns using 2-D analysis software.
Protein Excision, Digestion, and Identification
Excise protein spots of interest from the gel,
digest the proteins, and analyze the digests by MS.
Fig. 1.1. General workflow for a 2-D experiment.
Low MW
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 1: Overview of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis
Sample Preparation
Effective sample preparation is key for the success
of the experiment. The sample dictates the type of
extraction technique used, and the solubility, charge,
and pI of the proteins of interest affect the method
of solubilization. The protein fraction used for 2-D
electrophoresis must be solubilized in a denaturing
solution of low ionic strength; this solution cannot
contain components that alter protein size or charge.
Sample preparation also involves optional steps to
deplete abundant proteins, reduce the complexity
of the protein mixture, or select a subproteome of
interest. Details and recommendations for sample
preparation can be found in Chapter 2.
First-Dimension Separation: IEF
In 2-D electrophoresis, the first-dimension separation
step is IEF. Proteins are separated electrophoretically
on the basis of their pI, the pH at which a protein
carries no net charge. For general proteome analysis,
(IPG) strip and under conditions aimed at completely
denaturing and solubilizing all the proteins in the
sample (as opposed to native IEF, which aims to
preserve native structures and activities). Chapter 3
discusses IEF.
Second-Dimension Separation: SDS-PAGE
The second-dimension separation step is SDS-PAGE,
where the proteins already separated by IEF are further
separated by their size. Prior to second-dimension
separation, an equilibration step is applied to
the IPG strip containing the separated proteins.
This process reduces any disulfide bonds that may
have re-formed during the first dimension and alkylates
the resultant sulfhydryl groups. Concurrently, the
proteins are complexed with SDS for separation on
the basis of size. Following electrophoretic separation
on a slab gel, the result is a two-dimensional array
of separated protein “spots” (Figure 1.2). Seconddimension SDS-PAGE is discussed in Chapter 4.
IEF is best performed in an immobilized pH gradient
Sample Preparation
First Dimension
Isoelectric focusing (IEF), separation by pl
Low pHHigh pH
Second Dimension
separation by MW
Proteins separated in gels are usually not visible to
the naked eye and must, therefore, be either stained
or labeled for visualization. Several factors determine
the best choice of staining method, including desired
sensitivity, linear range, ease of use, expense, and the
type of imaging equipment available. There is no ideal
universal stain. Sometimes proteins are detected after
transfer to a membrane support by western blotting.
These topics are discussed in Chapters 5 and 6.
Image Acquisition, Analysis, and Spot Cutting
The ability to collect data in digital form is one of the
major factors that make 2-D gels a practical means
of collecting proteome information. It allows the
unbiased comparison of samples and gels, transfer of
information among research groups, and cataloguing
of data. Many types of imaging devices interface with
software designed specifically to collect, interpret,
and compare proteomics data.
Once interesting proteins are selected by differential
analysis or other criteria, the proteins can be excised
from gels and identified by mass spectrometry.
The ExQuest
independently or programmed to run from PDQuest
spot cutter, which can be operated
software, automatically cuts selected protein spots
from gels with precision and deposits them into the
wells of microplates.
Imaging equipment, software, and the ExQuest spot
cutter are discussed in Chapter 6.
Protein Digestion and Identification by
Mass Spectrometry
The excised gel plugs are destained and enzymatically
digested (usually with trypsin) in preparation for
identification by mass spectrometry. The use of mass
spectrometry for precise mass and partial sequence
determination, coupled with the availability of protein
sequence databases, has made high-throughput
protein identification possible. An overview of this
process is provided in Chapter 7.
Fig. 1.2. 2-D electrophoresis. Protein spots result from two separations: first by pI (IEF) and then by size (SDS-PAGE).
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Sample Preparation
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 2: Sample Preparation
The Importance of Sample Preparation
Sample preparation contributes significantly to
the overall reproducibility and accuracy of protein
expression analysis (Link 1999, Rabilloud 1999,
Molloy 2000). Without proper sample preparation,
proteins may not separate from one another or may
not be represented in the 2-D pattern.
A successful sample preparation strategy enhances
separation quality by:
Effectively and reproducibly solubilizing proteins
of interest
Preventing protein aggregation and loss of solubility
during IEF
Preventing proteolysis or other chemical or
enzymatic protein modifications
Removing or minimizing the effect of contaminants
such as salts, detergents, nucleic acids, and other
interfering molecules
Yielding proteins of interest at detectable levels,
which may require fractionation to reduce protein
sample complexity or removal of interfering abundant
or irrelevant proteins
This chapter provides an overview of the principles and
recent developments in sample preparation strategies
prior to first-dimension IEF.
General Considerations
Since protein types and sample origins show great
diversity, there is no universal sample preparation
method. In addition, some proteins simply cannot
be solubilized under conditions compatible with IEF.
Sample preparation procedures must be optimized
empirically and tailored to each sample type and
experimental goal. The following general sample
preparation guidelines should be kept in mind:
Keep the sample preparation workflow as simple
as possible; increasing the number of sample
handling steps may increase variability and the
risk of sample loss
With cell or tissue lysates, include protease inhibitors
to minimize artifacts generated by proteolysis;
protease inhibitors are generally not required for
samples like serum or plasma
Solubilize proteins in a solution that is compatible
with IEF. Incubate proteins in 2-D lysis solution for
at least 30 min at room temperature (denaturation,
solubilization, and disaggregation are timedependent processes)
Determine the amount of total protein in each
sample using a protein assay that is compatible
with chemicals in your samples
Avoid freeze-thaw cycles; use protein extracts
immediately or aliquot them into appropriately sized
batches and store them at –70°C
Cell Lysis
The effectiveness of a cell lysis method determines
the accessibility of intracellular proteins for extraction
and solubilization. Different biological materials require
different lysis strategies, which can be divided into two
main categories: gentle methods and harsher methods
(Table 2.1).
Use gentle cell disruption protocols with cells that
lyse easily, such as blood cells and tissue culture cells
Use harsher methods, which are based mainly on
mechanical rupture (Goldberg 2008), with biological
materials that have tough cell walls (for example,
plant cells and tissues, and some microbes)
When working with a new sample, compare at least
two different cell disruption protocols with respect to
yield (by protein assay) and qualitative protein content
(by one-dimensional SDS-PAGE)
Optimize the power settings of mechanical rupture
systems and the incubation times of lysis approaches
Mechanical cell lysis usually generates heat;
use cooling where required to avoid overheating
the sample
A number of other components are often added to
disruption protocols. Sand, resin, or glass beads
facilitate the disruption of tissues and of plant and
yeast cell walls when added to manual grinding
procedures. Hypotonic buffers cause cells to burst
more readily under physical shearing, and enzymes
such as cellulase, pectinase, lyticase, and lysozyme
are added to break down plant, yeast, and bacterial
cell walls. Nucleases can be added to remove nucleic
acids, which can increase sample viscosity and
interfere with subsequent separation (see the Removal
of Interfering Substances section).
Table 2.1. Suitabilit y of ce ll disruption methods for various sample ty pes.
Yeast, Green Mammalian
Algae, Plant Soft Cell
Technique Description Bacteria Fungi Seeds Material Tissues Culture
Gentle Methods
Osmotic lysis Suspension of cells in hypotonic solution; — — — — — •
cells swe ll and burst, releasing cellular contents
Freeze-thaw lysis Freezing of cells in liquid nitrogen — — — — — •
and subsequent thawing
Detergent lysis Suspension of cells in detergent-containing — — — — — •solution to solubilize the cell membrane;
this method is usually followed by another
disruption method, such as sonication
Enzymatic lysis Suspension of cells in iso-osmotic solutions • • — • — —containing enzymes that digest the cell wall
(for example, cellulase and pectinase for plant
cells, lyticase for yeast cells, and lysozyme for
bacterial cells); this method is usually followed by
another disruption method, such as sonication
Harsher Methods
Sonication Disruption of a cell suspension, cooled on ice • • — — — •
to avoid heating and subjected to shor t bursts
of ultrasonic waves
French pre ss Application of shear forces by forcing a cell • • — • — •
suspension through a small orifice at high pressure
Grinding Breaking cells of solid tissues and microorganisms • • • • • —
with a mortar and pestle; usually, the mortar is
chilled with liquid nitrogen and the tissue or cells
are ground to a fine powder
Mechanical Homogenization with either a handheld device — — — • • —
homogenization (for example, Dounce and Potter-Elvehjem
homogenizers), blenders, or other motorized
devices; this approach is best suited for soft,
solid tissues
Glass-bead Application of gentle abrasion by vortexing • • — — — •
homogenization cells with glass beads
All but the most gentle cell disruption methods destroy
the compartmentalization of a cell, causing the
release of hydrolases (phosphatases, glycosidases,
and proteases). These enzymes modify proteins in
the lysate, which complicates differential analysis.
The data generated by 2-D electrophoresis are only
meaningful when the integrity of the sample proteins
reflects the state in which they are found in the living
organism. Avoid enzymatic degradation by using one
or a combination of the following techniques:
Disrupt the sample or place freshly lysed samples in
solutions containing strong denaturing agents such
as 7–9 M urea, 2 M thiourea, or 2% SDS. In this
environment, enzymatic activity is often negligible
Perform cell lysis at low temperatures to diminish
enzymatic activity
Lyse samples at pH >9 by adding a base such
as sodium carbonate or Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) to the lysis solution
(proteases are often least active at basic pH)
Add protease inhibitors to the lysis solution.
Examples include either small molecules,
such as phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF),
aminoethyl-benzene sulphonyl fluoride (AEBSF),
tosyl lysine chloromethyl ketone (TLCK),
tosyl phenyl chloromethyl ketone (TPCK),
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and
benzamidine, or peptide protease inhibitors such
as leupeptin, pepstatin, aprotinin, and bestatin.
For best results, use a combination of inhibitors
in a protease inhibitor cocktail
If protein phosphorylation is to be studied, include
phosphatase inhibitors such as fluoride or vanadate
Following cell disruption:
Check the efficacy of cell disruption by light
microscopy (if the sample is a cell suspension)
Centrifuge all extracts extensively (20,000 × g for
15 min at 15°C) to remove any insoluble material;
solid particles may block the pores of the IPG strip
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 2: Sample Preparation
Products for Cell Lysis and
Protein Extraction
ReadyPrep™ mini grinders contain a grinding
tube, grinding resin, and fitted pestle and offer an
easy, efficient mechanism for manually grinding
small biological samples. The grinding resin is a
neutral abrasive material made of a high-tensile
microparticle that does not bind protein or nucleic
acids. The combination of the pestle and resin
effectively disrupts animal or plant tissues and cells.
ReadyPrep mini grinders are available for purchase
separately or as components of the MicroRotofor
cell lysis kits.
Bio-Rad also offers a range of kits for cell disruption
and protein extraction:
MicroRotofor lysis kits
provide convenient,
effective methods optimized for the preparation
of protein samples from mammalian, plant, yeast,
and bacterial sources. Depending on the sample
type, these kits employ tissue maceration using
ReadyPrep mini grinders and/or solubilization into
a chaotropic extraction buffer
The ReadyPrep protein extraction kit (total protein)
uses the powerful zwitterionic detergent ASB-14
in a strongly chaotropic solubilization buffer to
prepare total cellular protein extracts suitable for
2-D electrophoresis (depending on sample type,
additional cell lysis protocols may be needed when
using this kit)
Other ReadyPrep protein extraction kits facilitate
extraction of specific classes of proteins and are
discussed later in this chapter
Such standardized lysis and extraction protocols
are often useful for initial proteomic analyses and
Products for cell lysis and protein ex traction. A number of other
ReadyPrep protein extraction kits facilitate disruption and extraction
of specific classes of proteins.
for consistent sample preparation.
For added convenience, the extraction buffer included with these kits can also be used as the sample solution for IEF with the
MicroRotofor cell or with IPG strips.
ReadyPrep Mini Grinder
MicroRotofor Lysis Kit
ReadyPrep Protein Extraction Kit
Protein Solubilization
Proteins in a biological sample are often associated
with other proteins, integrated into membranes, or
parts of large complexes. Protein solubilization is the
process of breaking interactions involved in protein
aggregation (Rabilloud 1996), which include disulfide
and hydrogen bonds, van der Waals forces, and ionic
and hydrophobic interactions. If these interactions are
not disrupted, proteins can aggregate or precipitate,
resulting in artifacts or sample loss. For successful
2-D electrophoresis, proteins must be well solubilized.
Sample lysis solutions typically contain a number
of compounds that meet the requirements, both
electrically and chemically, for compatibility with IEF.
To allow high voltages to be applied during IEF without
producing high currents, the compounds must not
increase the ionic strength of the solution. In some
cases, it may be necessary to prepare samples using
additives that facilitate protein solubilization but that
have limited compatibility with IEF (for example, salts
and SDS). In these cases, the potentially interfering
substance must be removed prior to sample
application, or actions must be taken to mitigate its
effect (see the Removal of Interfering Substances
section). See Chapter 9 for sample preparation
procedures and solutions; for a thorough discussion
of solubilization methods, refer to Rabilloud (2000).
Chaotropic Agents
These compounds disrupt hydrogen bonds and
hydrophobic interactions both between and within
proteins. When used at high concentrations,
chaotropic agents disrupt secondary protein
structure and bring into solution proteins that are
otherwise insoluble. The neutral chaotropic agent
urea is used at 5–9 M, often with up to 2 M thiourea,
which can dramatically increase the number of
proteins solubilized (Rabilloud et al. 1997). Thiourea
is weakly soluble in water but more soluble in high
concentrations of urea; therefore, a mixture of 2 M
thiourea and 5–8 M urea is used when strongly
chaotropic conditions are required. Charged
chaotropic agents such as guanidine hydrochloride
are incompatible with IEF.
If using thiourea during sample preparation, also add it
to the first-dimension rehydration solution; otherwise,
the proteins that require thiourea for solubility will
come out of solution during IEF.
Urea and thiourea can hydrolyze to cyanate and
thiocyanate, respectively; these products modify
amino groups on proteins (carbamylation) and give
rise to artifactual charge heterogeneity. Since heat
promotes this hydrolytic reaction, never heat ureaor thiourea-containing solutions above 37°C in the
presence of protein (McCarthy et al. 2003).
Detergents disrupt hydrophobic interactions between
and within proteins and are classified as neutral,
zwitterionic, anionic, and cationic (Luche et al. 2003).
Some proteins, especially membrane proteins, require
detergents for solubilization during isolation and for
maintaining solubility during IEF.
Sample preparation for 2-D electrophoresis commonly
uses neutral or zwitterionic (having both positive and
negative charges resulting in a neutral net charge)
detergents at concentrations of 1–4%, since these
detergents do not introduce a net charge and therefore
allow proteins to migrate at their own charges during
IEF. Examples of neutral detergents include Tween,
octylglucoside, dodecyl maltoside, Triton X-100, and
Triton X-114. Examples of zwitterionic detergents
include CHAPS, CHAPSO, ASB-14, and SB 3-10.
In practice, only a few detergents are used in IEF
(Table 2.2). With few exceptions, only a single
detergent should be used because the effects of
detergents are not additive and can be unpredictable
in combination. Anionic and cationic detergents
are generally not suitable for IEF.
SDS is unparalleled in its ability to efficiently
and rapidly solubilize proteins. Although SDS is
incompatible with IEF as an anionic detergent, it can
be used in the initial preparation of concentrated
protein samples. In these cases, another IEFcompatible detergent must be used in excess to
disrupt the binding of SDS to protein (Ames and
Nikaido 1976). Also to be considered is how the
detergent interacts with high concentrations of
urea. When using SB 3-10, for example, the urea
concentration is limited to 5 M, but ASB-14 can be
used with 9 M urea (Chevallet et al. 1998).
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 2: Sample Preparation
Reducing Agents
Reducing agents cleave disulfide bond crosslinks within and between protein subunits, thereby
promoting protein unfolding and maintaining proteins
in their fully reduced states. The compounds used
for 2-D sample preparation are either sulfhydryl or
phosphine reducing agents. Examples of sulfhydryl
reductants include dithiothreitol (DTT), dithioerythritol
(DTE), and b-mercaptoethanol (BME). DTT and
DTE can be used at lower concentrations than
b-mercaptoethanol and are more commonly used, but
high concentrations of DTT can affect the pH gradient
since its pKa is around 8. Examples of phosphine
reductants include tributylphosphine (TBP) and Triscarboxyethylphosphine (TCEP). These reducing agents
can be used at lower concentrations and over a wider
pH range than the sulfhydryl reductants; however,
their use is limited by low solubility and instability (TBP)
or a highly charged characteristic (TCEP).
–S– S–
–S– S–
Reducing agents added during protein extraction help
to solubilize proteins; during IEF, however, reducing
agents such as DTT become depleted from the basic
end of pH gradients extending above pH 8, which can
cause proteins to aggregate and precipitate (Hoving
et al. 2002). The result is streaking and other random
spot patterns, particularly in the alkaline regions of
the IPG strip (Herbert et al. 2001). To address this
problem, proteins can be reduced with TBP and then
irreversibly alkylated with iodoacetamide (Figure 2.1).
This treatment blocks protein sulfhydryls and prevents
proteins from aggregating and precipitating due to
oxidative cross-linking, ensuring that proteins remain
soluble throughout electrophoresis (Figure 2.2).
pH 3 pH 10
Fig. 2.2. Effect of treatment with the ReadyPrep reduction-alkylation kit. Human HeLa cell extract (100 µg) separated by 2-D
electrophoresis (first dimension on 11 cm ReadyStrip
than the untreated sample (left), especially in the basic range of the gel.
protein gel stain. The sample treated with the ReadyPrep reduction alkylation kit (right) and shows much better spot resolution
IPG strips pH 3–10, second dimension using 12% Criterion™ gels) and stained with
pH 3 pH 10
ReadyPrep reduction-alkylation kit
ReadyPrep Reduction-Alkylation Kit
Bio-Rad’s ReadyPrep reduction-alkylation kit
provides the reagents for reduction and alkylation of
sample proteins prior to IEF. Its use produces a 2-D
pattern with more spots, fewer streaks, and greater
Protein with disulfide bridges
Reduction cleaves disulfide bridges
and allows unfolding
ThiolIodoacetamideAlkylated thiol
++ HI
Alkylation with iodoacetamide prevents
disulfide bridges from reforming
—SH + R2—HS +
Tributylphosphine oxide
Ampholytes, Buffers, and Other Additives
Sample solution components that modify pH or
impart ionic strength affect the solubilization of
proteins during sample preparation and strongly
influence 2-D electrophoresis.
Carrier ampholyte mixtures increase both buffering
power and ionic strength. Unlike non-ampholytic
ions, they do not interfere with IEF and can, in fact,
improve protein solubility by “salting in” proteins
that are otherwise insoluble under IEF conditions.
In addition, carrier ampholytes can diminish proteinmatrix interactions, which tend to occur at the basic
end of an IPG strip and lead to streaking caused
by precipitation (Righetti and Gianazza 1987).
Carrier ampholytes are routinely added to solutions
used during IEF with IPG strips and can be of value
during protein extraction as well.
ReadyPrep Reduction-Alkylation Kit
Since proteins are often more soluble and proteases
are less active at higher pH, a base such as Tris may
be included in a lysis solution to elevate pH.
Many proteins also require ions in solution for optimum
solubility. Normally, this is achieved by adding salt
to the sample solution; however, adding salt prior to
IEF increases conductivity and consequently limits
the voltage at which IEF can be performed until the
salt is eventually removed from the system. Ions also
leave the IPG strip during IEF, causing any protein
requiring ions for solubility to precipitate. Proteins also
become less soluble as they approach their pI; they
may precipitate at their pI in a phenomenon known as
isoelectric precipitation or pI fallout.
Fig. 2.1. Reduction and alkylation.
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 2: Sample Preparation
Table 2. 2. S ummary of compoun ds used in 2-D elec tro phoresi s sample so lutions . Refer to Ordering Information (Appendix C) for c atalog
numbers and details of options available for purchase.
Role in Concentration
Compound or product Solution Range Comments
Urea Chaotrope 5–9.5 M Present during first-dimension IEF
Thiourea Chaotrope 2 M Used with urea, usually in the combination 7 M urea, 2 M thiourea;
CHAPS Detergent 1–4% (w/v) Zwitterionic detergent that may enhance protein solubility with minimal
CHAPSO Detergent 1– 4% (w/v) Zwitterionic detergent similar to CHAPS
NP-40 Detergent 0.5–1% (w/v) Neutral detergent originally used in 2-D electrophoresis (O’Farrell 1975,
Triton X-100 Detergent 0.5–1% (w/v) Neutral detergent similar to NP-40 also used for 2-D sample
SB 3 -10 Deter ge nt 1–2% (w/v) Zwitterionic detergent shown in some cases to give better solubilization
ASB-14 Detergent 1–2% (w/v) Zwitterionic detergent developed for solubilization of membrane
ASB-C8Ø Detergent 1–2% (w/v) Zwitterionic detergent developed for solubilization of membrane
Sodium dodecy l sulfate Detergent Up to 2% (w/v) Anionic detergent widely used in sample preparation for
(SDS) during sample electrophoresis and unparalleled in its ability to solubilize protein;
preparation, no more also effective at inactivating proteases and other undesirable
than 0.2% (w/v) enz ymatic activities. It is, however, incompatible with IEF unless
during IEF diluted to 0.2% or less and used with at least an eightfold excess of
Dithiothreitol (DTT) Reductant 20–60 mM Most commonly used sulfhydryl reductant for 2-D electrophoresis
b-Mercaptoethanol Reductant 1–5% (v/v) Sulfhydryl reductant originally used for 2-D electrophoresis (O’Farrell
Tributylphosphine (TBP) Reductant 2 mM Phosphine reductant effective at low concentrations and repor ted
Tris-carboxyethylphosphine Reductant 2–40 mM Phosphine reductant that may be useful during sample preparation;
(TCEP) it is highly charged and so is not recommended as the sole reductant
Tris Base 10–40 mM (Unbuf fered) free base often added to sample preparation solutions to
ampholytes Carrier 0.2–1.0% (w/v) Carrier ampholytes may be used during sample preparation to
ampholy te enhance protein solubility. Although IEF with IPG strips does not
more effective than urea alone for solubilizing hydrophobic or high
molecular weight proteins
disruptive effect on 2-D electrophoresis (Perdew et al. 1983)
Görg et al. 1988); its use has been largely superseded by CHAPS
(Görg et al. 20 04)
preparation (Kawaguchi and Kuramitsu 1995)
than CHAPS; insoluble in higher concentrations of urea and generally
used with 5 M urea, 2 M thiourea (Rabilloud et al. 1997)
proteins to be analy zed by 2-D electrophoresis (Chevallet et al. 1998)
proteins to be analyzed by 2-D electrophoresis (Chevallet et al. 1998)
an IEF-compatible detergent such as CHAPS
1975); must be used at a relatively high concentration and can cause
disturbances to IEF, so is rarely used
to enhance solubilization of recalcitrant samples (Herbert et al.
1998). It has low water solubility and is unstable and therefore not
recommended as the sole reductant for first-dimension IEF
present during first-dimension IEF
raise the pH to a range where proteolysis is minimal and proteins are
optimally soluble. Other bases (for example, potassium carbonate or
spermine) are occasionally used as well (Rabilloud 1999). If Tris is used
during sample preparation, it should be diluted to 20 mM or less for
first-dimension IEF, as it may cause disturbances in the basic pH range
require carrier ampholytes for pH gradient generation, the presence
of a relatively low (0.2% [w/v]) conce ntration of carr ier ampholy te
is essential for optimum resolution. Use pH 3–10 ampholy tes
or ampholytes appropriate to the IPG strip pH range
Removal of Interfering Substances
Impurities such as ionic detergents, lipids, nucleic
acids, salts and other ionic compounds, and
even high-abundance proteins can impact a 2-D
electrophoresis experiment by interfering with protein
separation or by obscuring proteins of interest.
These interfering substances can be endogenous
(for example, phenolics, lipids, and nucleic acids) or
exogenous (added during sample preparation; for
example, salts and detergents). Either way, removing
these impurities prior to analysis or mitigating their
effect is often essential for good results.
General Considerations
Though removal or mitigation of interfering
substances often yields clearer 2-D patterns and
improves resolution of protein spots, any treatment
of the sample can reduce yield and alter the relative
abundance of sample proteins. Procedures for
the removal of interfering substances represent
a compromise between removal of non-protein
contaminants and minimal interference with the
integrity and relative abundance of the sample
proteins. Since proteomics aims to study the
relationship among proteins in their natural state, it
is important to remove an interfering substance only
when necessary and by using techniques appropriate
for the sample.
Protein precipitation is a common general method
for contaminant removal. Conditions are chosen
under which sample proteins are selectively
precipitated while leaving soluble the major nonprotein contaminants. Following centrifugation, the
precipitated proteins are resuspended in a solution
suitable for IEF. Methods used in sample preparation
for 2-D electrophoresis include precipitation with
TCA and acetone (Damerval et al. 1986, Görg et al.
1988) and precipitation with methanol and chloroform
(Wessel and Flügge 1984). Precipitation procedures
also have the benefit of concentrating sample
protein, which is often necessary for effective
sample application.
Individual types of interfering contaminants cause
specific problems and can be removed or mitigated
in different ways. The most prevalent interfering
contaminants and their removal methods are
discussed next.
Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA)
Nucleic acids, particularly DNA, can interfere with
IEF (for example by clogging gel pores) and increase
sample viscosity, thus limiting the effectiveness of cell
lysis and sample application. Because smaller nucleic
acids are generally tolerated better, strategies to
reduce nucleic acid interference involve either
shearing or enzymatic digestion: sonication shears
DNA and renders the sample less viscous, and
addition of nuclease digests nucleic acids to
oligo- or mononucleotides.
Nucleases are often employed during sample
preparation, particularly with bacterial lysates in
which nucleic acid:protein ratios are high. Successful
application of nuclease treatment requires attention
to three factors:
Nucleases may be inactive under the strongly
denaturing conditions often used to prepare protein
samples for 2-D electrophoresis
DNase requires magnesium ions for activity
Nucleases are proteins and can appear in the
2-D pattern as extra spots
Benzonase is a nuclease with properties that make
it particularly useful in sample preparation for 2-D
electrophoresis (Chan et al. 2002). It is active in
the presence of urea, and the amount required for
treatment is usually not visible in a 2-D gel. It is
applied in the presence of 1 mM MgSO
or MgCl2.
The magnesium ions are subsequently sequestered
with EDTA in order to inhibit proteases that may require
metal ions for activity.
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 2: Sample Preparation
Polysaccharides can interfere with electrophoresis by
clogging gel pores and by forming complexes with
proteins. Like nucleic acids, they can also cause a
sample to be viscous, making it difficult to work with.
Polysaccharides are a particularly prominent problem
with plant-derived samples.
Centrifugation may be used to remove high molecular
weight polysaccharides. Phenol extraction, followed
by precipitation with ammonium acetate in methanol,
is a commonly used method that is very effective
at removing polysaccharides in plant samples
(Hurkman and Tanaka 1986, Wang et al. 2008).
Phenolic Compounds
Phenolic compounds are found in all plants and
in some microorganisms and they can modify
proteins in an enzyme-catalyzed oxidative reaction.
The modification can cross-link proteins together or
render them insoluble. The reaction can be prevented
with reductants such as DTT, b-mercaptoethanol,
or ascorbic acid, and the enzyme is inactivated
by thiourea. Phenolic compounds may also be
removed from the extract using the ReadyPrep
2-D cleanup kit (see the Products for Contaminant
Removal sidebar) or by including polyvinylpyrrolidone
(PVP) or polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) in the
extraction solution. These compounds bind phenolic
compounds, and the precipitated complex can
be removed from the extract by centrifugation
(Toth and Pavia 2001). The phenol extraction
Lipids can form insoluble complexes with proteins,
but lipids can also complex with detergents, thereby
reducing the detergents’ effectiveness at solublilizing
protein. The effect of lipids can be minimized by
using excess detergent (for example, 4% CHAPS in
the lysis solution when preparing lipid-rich tissues
such as brain). Precipitation methods that employ
organic solvents (Damerval et al. 1986, Görg et al.
1988, Wessel and Flügge 1984) or the ReadyPrep 2-D
cleanup kit can also be used to remove lipids.
Salts and Other Small Ionic Compounds
IEF requires samples that are free of salts and other
small ionic compounds that may interfere with pH
gradient formation. Salts formed from strong acids
and strong bases (for example, NaCl) dissociate into
their component base and acid, which is eventually
drawn to either end of the IPG strip. Until this occurs,
the conductivity of the IPG strip remains high and the
voltage attained is low. The flow of ions from the IPG
strip is accompanied by water flow, and one end of
the strip may dry out, breaking electrical contact.
Weak acids and weak bases (for example, acetate,
Tris, or ammonium ions) may not completely leave the
IPG strip during focusing. These compounds interfere
with the pH gradient, resulting in streaking and loss
of resolution at one end of the pH range or the other
(Figure 2.3). Amphoteric buffers such as HEPES can
focus within the pH gradient, resulting in a portion of
the pH gradient where proteins focus poorly.
procedure described above (see Polysaccharides)
is also effective at removing phenolic contaminants
(Hurkman and Tanaka 1986, Wang et al. 2008).
Fig. 2.3. Effect of salt removal. E. coli extracts containing 1 M NaCl were separated by 2-D ele ctrophoresis before and after treatment with
the ReadyPrep 2-D cleanup kit. The sample s were focused using 11 cm ReadyStrip pH 3 –10 IPG strips and then separated on Criterion 8–16%
Tris-HCl precast gels.
Samples of low ionic strength are desired, yet many
samples contain salts and small ionic compounds that
are either intrinsic to the sample type or have been
introduced during sample preparation. Precipitation
and dialysis methods are very effective at removing
ionic contaminants, as is treatment with a desalting
column (Chan et al. 2002).
Prevention of Keratin Contamination
Skin keratin is a common contaminant of 2-D gels
and mass spectra. It may appear in silver-stained and
fluorescently stained 2-D gels as an artifact focusing
near pH 5 in the 50 –70 kD region, or as an irregular
but distinctive vertical streaking parallel to the
SDS-PAGE direction of migration. The best remedy
for this keratin artifact is to avoid introducing it into the
sample in the first place. Filter all monomer solutions,
stock sample buffers, gel buffers, and electrode
buffers through nitrocellulose and store them in
sealed containers; then, clean the electrophoresis
cell thoroughly with detergent. Above all, careful
sample handling is important when sensitive detection
methods are used, and gloves should be worn while
handling samples, solution, or equipment.
Products for Contaminant Removal
For quick and effective contaminant removal,
Bio-Rad offers:
ReadyPrep 2-D cleanup kit, which uses an
optimized version of a TCA-sodium deoxycholate
coprecipitation procedure (Arnold and UlbrichHoffmann 1999) to quantitatively precipitate
proteins while removing most interfering
substances. The protein precipitation process
also enables concentration of proteins from
samples that are too dilute, allowing for higher
protein loads that can improve spot detection
Bio-Spin® 6 and Micro Bio-Spin™ 6 columns
are ready to use and are filled with Bio-Gel
P-6 support for the quick desalting and buffer
exchange of protein samples
ReadyPrep 2-D Cleanup Kit
5 cm
Bio- Spin Column
End cap
3.7 cm working bed height
1.2 ml bed volu me
Porous 30 µm
polyethylene bed
support retains
fine particles
Luer end fitting
with snap-off tip
3 cm
2 cm working bed height
Micro Bio-Spin Column
End cap
0.8 ml bed volume
Luer end fitting
with snap-off tip
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Proteomic analysis is often applied to samples that
have undergone prior fractionation (prefractionation),
and the reasons for this are varied. In cases where
only a defined subset of the proteome is under
study, prefractionation can increase the chances
of meaningful discovery by removing proteins not
likely to be of interest from the sample. For example,
in studies of mitochondrial processes, it is sensible
to perform the proteomic analysis on a subcellular
fraction enriched in mitochondria. In other cases,
specific proteins of interest may be enriched through
fractionation and analyzed by 2-D electrophoresis
in the absence of potentially interfering proteins.
Prefractionation can also be used to separate a
sample into multiple fractions of lower complexity
that can then be analyzed separately; this can
enable identification of lower-abundance proteins
that might otherwise be undetectable in the
unfractionated sample.
Prefractionation increases the depth of proteome
analysis, but it does so at the expense of a greater
workload and reduced throughput. Try to use a
fractionation method that generates minimal protein
overlap between fractions.
Proteins can be fractionated by a number of different
techniques. The choice of method depends on
the sample, experimental goals, and available
Chemical and centrifugal methods —
use of selective precipitation or selective extraction
or centrifugation steps to separate proteins or
partition different subcellular compartments.
In many instances, protein extraction protocols
can incorporate fractionation steps through the
selective use of certain chemical reagents
Electrophoretic methods — application of
liquid-phase IEF or preparative SDS-PAGE with
the goal of protein enrichment. Though neither
of these techniques is orthogonal to either of the
two dimensions employed in 2-D electrophoresis
and neither offers additional resolving power to
the analysis, electrophoresis has proven useful in
allowing the enrichment of low-abundance proteins.
Chromatographic methods — use of
chromatographic separation principles to enrich
low-abundance proteins or generate fractions of
reduced complexity (Fountoulakis et al. 1997,
Badock et al. 2001, Butt et al. 2001, Smith et al.
2004, Qin et al. 2005, Yuan and Desiderio 2005).
Virtually any chromatographic procedure can be
used as a prefractionation step; examples include
size exclusion, affinity, ion exchange, and reversephase resins
Using these methods alone or in combination, proteins
can be separated upstream of 2-D electrophoresis
(prefractionated) by their physical or chemical
properties, as described below. Some of these
methods, however, may introduce ionic or other
contaminants that must be removed before IEF.
Also, increasing the number of sample handling steps
may increase variability and the risk of sample loss.
Fractionation by Subcellular Location
There are many techniques for preparing fractions
enriched in subcellular organelles or membrane
types, and there are several examples in which these
techniques have been used to prepare samples for
2-D electrophoresis and other proteomic analyses
(Huber et al. 2003). Methods for organellar
fractionation generally involve differential and density
gradient centrifugation (Stasyk et al. 2007, Fialka et
al. 1997). However, fractionation schemes involving
aqueous polymer phase separation (Tang et al.
2008) and free-flow electrophoresis (Zischka et al.
2003, Eubel et al. 2008) have been described for this
purpose as well. These methods are usually specific
for the source material (cells or tissue). In some cases,
fractions representing different subcellular sites can
be generated on the basis of solubility under different
conditions (see the Fractionation by Solubility/
Hydrophobicity section). These methods are
more general in application.
Bio-Rad offers several ReadyPrep protein extraction
kits for the isolation of fractions enriched in integral
membrane and transmembrane proteins (Figure 2.4),
as well as nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins (see the
Products for Fractionation by Subcellular Location
Products for Fractionation by
Subcellular Location
Each of the following kits produces a fraction
with a distinct protein composition:
ReadyPrep protein extraction kit (signal) takes
advantage of the limited solubility of plasma
membrane microdomain structures (for example,
lipid rafts and caveolae) in nonionic detergents
at 4°C to yield a protein pellet that is enriched
in membrane-associated signalling proteins,
including glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored
proteins, caveolin and associated proteins,
acetylated tyrosine kinases, and G proteins
(Simons and Ikonen 1997)
ReadyPrep protein extraction kits (membrane I and
membrane II) use different techniques to isolate
integral membrane and membrane-associated
proteins without the need for density gradients.
The membrane I kit is based on temperaturedependent partitioning of hydrophobic proteins
into the detergent-rich phase of a Triton X-114/
water two-phase system (Bordier 1981, Prime
et al. 2000, Santoni et al. 2000). It is a quick
and effective protocol for enriching membrane
proteins without the need for ultracentrifugation.
More complex membrane proteins (those with
Fig. 2.4. Differences in 2-D patterns obtained using ReadyPrep protein extraction kits: signal (A), membrane I (B), and membrane II (C)
kits. Mouse liver samples were extracted using each kit, and purified proteins we re separated using 17 cm ReadyStrip pH 3 –10 NL IPG strips
and 8–16% gels. Overall spot patterns dif fer for A, B, and C even though all three kits isolate membrane proteins, indicating that e ach kit isolates
different sets of proteins.
Chapter 2: Sample Preparation
larger numbers of transmembrane domains) are
better isolated using the membrane II kit, which
enriches integral membrane proteins by treating
a membrane preparation with sodium carbonate
(Fujiki et al. 1982, Molloy et al. 2000); this protocol
requires ultracentrifugation
ReadyPrep protein extraction kit (cytoplasmic/
nuclear) uses a proprietary buffer and differential
centrifugation to isolate intact nuclei and a strongly
chaotropic extraction buffer to quickly prepare
highly enriched fractions of cytoplasmic and
nuclear proteins from eukaryotic samples
ReadyPrep Protein Extraction Kit
A protein in a size- or pI-enriched fraction can be
subjected to 2-D electrophoresis at a higher amount
relative to the unfractionated sample, allowing the
analysis of proteins present below detection levels
(Zuo and Speicher 2000, Fountoulakis and
Juranville 2003)
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 2: Sample Preparation
Products for Fractionation by
ReadyPrep sequential extraction kit is based on
a published method (Molloy et al. 1998) that uses
sequentially more highly solubilizing chaotrope
and detergent mixtures. Applying each extracted
fraction to a separate gel allows the resolution of
more protein spots
ReadyPrep protein extraction kit (soluble/insoluble)
uses a different set of detergents to fractionate
proteins on the basis of their solubility in detergents
The ReadyPrep sequential extraction kit and the
ReadyPrep protein extraction kit (soluble/insoluble)
can be used either independently or sequentially for
even greater depth of coverage.
reagent 1
Collect supernatant 1
Reagent 2
Step 1
Insoluble pellet
from reagent 1
reagent 2
Step 2
Insoluble pellet
from reagent 2
Collect supernatant 2
Products for Fractionation by
Protein Charge
For prefractionation in a convenient kit format,
exchange) mini kits and columns employ ion
exchange chromatography in an easy-to-use spin
column format for fractionating and concentrating
acidic and basic proteins from small sample volumes
(<1 ml). Micro Bio-Spin 6 columns are included for
salt removal from the fractionated samples.
Requiring only 15–20 min operating time, Aurum
ion exchange mini spin columns provide a quick,
convenient, and reproducible sample preparation
ReadyPrep Sequential Extraction Kit Aurum I on Exch ange K it
tool for 2-D electrophoresis, and their use can
improve detection of low-abundance proteins
(Liu and Paulus 2008).
reagent 3
Collect supernatant 3
Step 3
Insoluble pellet
from reagent 3
pH 3 pH 10
AEX (anion exchange) and CEX (cation
Total Protein
pH 3 pH 10
AEX bound fraction
pH 3 pH 10
AEX unbound fraction
Fig. 2.5. Distribution of proteins based on differential solubility using the ReadyPrep sequential extraction kit. The gene ration of three
fractions provides increased resolution of proteins on 2-D gels.
Fractionation by Solubility/Hydrophobicity
Proteins can be separated according to their
solubility in different reagents using either chemical
or chromatographic methods. Sequential extraction
under different solvent conditions can be used to
fractionate a protein sample based on solubility,
and this strategy has also been used to prepare
discrete fractions for analysis by 2-D electrophoresis
(Lenstra and Bloemendal 1983, Weiss et al. 1992).
Extraction using different detergents can also
yield different protein fractions (Figure 2.5), and
chromatographic methods that can be used include
reverse-phase (Van den bergh and Arckens 2008)
and hydrophobic interaction chromatography
(McNulty and Annan 2009).
Fractionation by Protein Charge
Ion exchange chromatography has been used to
reduce proteome complexity, enrich low-abundance
proteins, and improve peptide mass fingerprints
(Butt et al. 2001). This technique separates proteins
according to their charge at various pHs. It is based
on the reversible adsorption of proteins to a solid
phase containing charged chemical groups.
Cationic (+) or anionic (-) resins (Figure 2.6) attract
molecules of opposite charge in the solvent. A variety
of systems and media are available for ion exchange
chromatography, but because elution involves gradient
elution by washing the column with buffers of gradually
increasing ionic strength or pH, a subsequent
cleanup step must be included.
Fig. 2.6. Fractionation of rat brain tissue using Aurum ion exchange mini columns. Rat brain total protein ex tracts (3 ml) were loaded onto
an Aurum AEX column and eluted. The unfractionated and fractionated samples were then treated with the ReadyPrep reduction alk ylation
and 2-D cleanup kits and separated by 2-D electrophoresis. Red circles indicate a group of protein spots with increased intensities after
fractionation. Blue arrows show t wo repre sentative spots detected only in the gels of the AEX bound fraction.
Fractionation by pI
Fractionation by pI, for example by liquid-phase IEF,
may seem counterintuitive as a fractionation technique
upstream of the first-dimension IEF separation. It can,
however, improve downstream sample loading and
separation on narrow- and micro-range IPG strips by
eliminating proteins outside the pH region of interest
(Figure 2.7). This unique separation method can also
be coupled to analytical or preparative SDS-PAGE for
a powerful, complementary first-dimension separation
and enrichment strategy for high molecular weight,
membrane, hydrophobic, or other proteins that
are often underrepresented in IPG-based 2-D gels
(Davidsson 2002, Hansson et al. 2004, Brobey
and Soong 2007)
Liquid IEF introduces ampholy tes that must be removed, for example
with the ReadyPrep 2-D cleanup kit, before IEF in IPG strips.
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 2: Sample Preparation
Products for Fractionation by pI
The Rotofor®, Mini Rotofor, and MicroRotofor cells
separate and concentrate proteins into discrete
fractions by liquid-phase IEF. Following ampholyte
removal and sample concentration with the
ReadyPrep 2-D cleanup kit, each of the resulting
liquid fractions can then be separated on narrow-
or micro-range IPG strips.
Rotofor Family o f Liqui d-Ph ase IEF Cells
pH 3 10
Fraction 3, pH 6 .04
pH 3 10
Fractionation by Size (MW)
Size-dependent separation is a powerful fractionation
strategy in studies focused on a particular protein or
protein family and their posttranslational modifications
because these proteins tend to be of similar size
(Fountoulakis and Juranville 2003). Proteins can
be separated into size-dependent fractions by
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), particularly
continuous-elution electrophoresis.
Products for Fractionation by Size (MW)
The Model 491 prep cell and mini prep cell
perform size-dependent high-resolution
fractionation of proteins by continuous-elution gel
electrophoresis (using native PAGE or SDS-PAGE).
The large sample capacity (50 µl–15 ml, and
0.5–500 mg protein) of these cells makes them
particularly effective tools for the enrichment of
low-abundance proteins (Zerefos et al. 2006,
Xixi et al. 2006, Fountoulakis et al. 2004).
Depletion and Dynamic Range Reduction
One of the major difficulties facing proteomics is the
issue of dynamic range, or the variation in abundance
among sample proteins that typically spans several
orders of magnitude. This range typically exceeds that
over which proteins can be effectively detected and
quantified. Various strategies have been developed
for the reduction of sample dynamic range, and
they have proven beneficial for the study of lowabundance proteins.
Samples may be dominated by a few abundant
proteins whose presence can obscure less abundant
proteins and limit the capacity and resolution of the
separation technique employed. This is particularly
apparent for serum and plasma; the study of lowerabundance proteins from serum or plasma is
often complicated by the presence of albumin and
immunoglobulin G (IgG), which together contribute
up to 90% of the total protein in a serum sample.
These proteins obscure comigrating proteins and limit
the amount of total serum protein that can be loaded
on 2-D gels. To obtain meaningful results from serum
samples, these proteins must be removed (Figure 2.8).
A strategy for specific depletion of abundant proteins
by immunoaffinity chromatography has been widely
used (Pieper et al. 2003, Roche et al. 2009, Tu et al.
2010, Ichibangase et al. 2008). Though this method is
effective, the need for antibodies renders it expensive
and limits its applicability to the specific sample type
for which the antibodies were developed.
Fig. 2.8. Albumin and IgG removal from serum using the Aur um
serum protein mini kit. Serum proteins were separated by 2-D
electrophore sis before and af ter treatment with an Aurum serum
protein mini column. Albumin and IgG are removed following treatment
with the column, improving resolution of other protein species.
Samples (100 µg) were focused on 11 cm ReadyStrip pH 5–8 IPG
strips, then run on 8–16% gels.
Heavy-chain IgG
Light-chain IgG
pH 4.7 5.9
Fraction 3, pH 6 .04
Fig. 2.7. Clean fractionation by pI. Mouse liver extract was
fractionated using the MicroRotofor cell. 2-D separations of the
unfractionated sample (120 µg) and fractions (30 µg) are shown.
Prior to 2-D separation, samples were treated with the ReadyPrep
2-D cleanup kit to remove extra ampholytes. Note the cle an pH
bounda ries of f raction 3 and the enrichment of proteins in the pH
region it covers.
Model 4 91 Prep C ell and Mini Pr ep Cell
Products for Depletion
Bio-Rad’s Aurum Affi-Gel
protein mini kits represent a simple, low-cost
alternative to immunodepletion. These kits use
affinity chromatography to easily and effectively
remove albumin (Affi-Gel Blue) or albumin and IgG
(serum protein kit) in a single spin column.
Blue and Aurum serum
Aurum Ion Exchange Kit
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 2: Sample Preparation
Dynamic Range Reduction
ProteoMiner™ protein enrichment technology uses a
bead-based library of combinatorial peptide ligands
that act as unique binders for proteins (Thalusiraman
et al. 2005, Guerrier et al. 2006). When a complex
sample is applied to the beads, abundant proteins
saturate their specific ligands while the remaining
proteins can be washed away. Low-abundance
proteins are concentrated on their specific ligands
and will be enriched relative to the abundant proteins
following elution. In contrast to immunodepletion,
ProteoMiner has no intrinsic specificity for any
particular sample type and can be used to decrease
high-abundance proteins in any sample that could
benefit from such a treatment. The technology has
been most widely applied to serum and plasma
(Sennels et al. 2007); however, several examples
of successful application of ProteoMiner to other
samples have also been reported (Castagna et al.
2005, Guerrier et al. 2007, D’Ambrosio et al. 2008,
Bandhakavi et al. 2009).
ProteoMiner protein enrichment kits:
Decrease the amount of high-abundance proteins
without immunodepletion, preventing the loss of
proteins bound to high-abundance proteins
Enrich medium- and low-abundance proteins that
cannot be detected through traditional methods
(Figure 2.9)
Do not rely on a predefined set of antibodies,
unlike immunodepletion products
Are compatible with a variety of sample types
Offer a convenient, easy-to-use format
Can be used for differential expression analysis
Tre ate d
Fig. 2.9. The ProteoMiner protein enrichment kit improves
resolution and spot counts in 2-D gels. In an untreated sample,
albumin and other high-abundance proteins dominate the gel and
obscure signals from less abundant proteins. On a gel generated
using an equal amount of total protein from a treated serum sample,
however, resolution is dramatically improved and a greater number
of protein spots is visualized.
ProteoMiner Technology
ProteoMiner technology employs a combinatorial
library of hexapeptides bound to a chromatographic
support. Combinatorial synthesis creates a large library
of unique hexapeptides, with each hexapeptide bound
to a stationary support, or bead. Each bead, featuring
a unique ligand, is expected to bind specifically to one
or a small number of different proteins in a mixture,
and the library of all possible sequences binds proteins
up to the capacity of available beads.
Biological sample
(large dynamic range)
Bind mixture
to library
Ligand library
When a complex biological sample is applied to the
beads, high-abundance proteins saturate their ligands
and excess proteins are washed away. In contrast,
low-abundance proteins do not saturate their binding
sites. Therefore, different samples retain relative
expression levels similar to the original samples.
Moreover, low-abundance proteins are enriched if the
beads are eluted in a volume smaller than the original
sample. The overall effect of ProteoMiner technology
results in the bound and eluted material consisting of a
significantly lower amount of total protein, thus allowing
resolution of a greater diversity of species.
Wash away
unbound protein
Elute bound
sample for analysis
Depletion of plasma and serum samples by ProteoMiner technology. Each bead features a different hexapeptide ligand with affinity
for specific proteins in a sample. Samples are applied to the beads, allowing proteins to bind to their specific ligands. Proteins in excess are
washed away, and those proteins bound to the beads are eventually eluted, allowing further downstream analysis.
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 2: Sample Preparation
Additional Resources
Samples can be prepared for 2-D electrophoresis
using many other techniques. Consult Posch (2008)
for more information on:
Fractionation using chemical reagents
and chromatography
Fractionation using electrophoresis methods
Enrichment strategies for organelles, multiprotein
complexes, and specific protein classes
Application of sample preparation tools and
fractionation strategies to study different
biological systems
Sample Quantitation (Protein Assays)
Determine the concentration of protein in a sample
(Berkelman 2008) by protein assay to:
Ensure that the amount of protein to be
separated is appropriate for the IPG strip length
and visualization method
Facilitate comparison among similar samples;
image-based analysis is simplified when equivalent
quantities of proteins have been separated
The most commonly used protein assays are
visible assays, assays in which the presence of protein
causes a visible color change that can be measured
with a spectrophotometer (Sapan et al. 1999;
Noble and Bailey 2009; see the Protein Assay
Products and SmartSpec
sidebar). All protein assays utilize a dilution series of a
known protein (usually bovine serum albumin or bovine
g-globulin) to create a standard curve from which the
concentration of the sample is derived (for a protocol
describing protein quantitation, refer to Part II of
this guide).
Plus Spectrophotometer
The chemical components of the sample buffer and
the amount of protein available for assay dictate the
type of assay that may be used.
Bradford assays (Bradford 1976) — based on an
absorbance shift of Coomassie (Brilliant) Blue G-250
dye under acid conditions, when a redder form of
the dye is converted into a bluer form upon binding
to protein. The increase of absorbance at 595 nm
is proportional to the amount of bound dye and,
therefore, to the amount (concentration) of protein
present in the sample. In comparison to other protein
assays, the Bradford protein assay is less susceptible
to interference by various chemicals that may be
present in protein samples, with the exception of
elevated concentrations of detergents like SDS.
The response of the Bradford protein assay is
only slightly affected by urea, thiourea, and
CHAPS in concentrations up to 1.75 M, 0.5 M,
and 1% (w/v), respectively
Lowry (Lowry et al. 1951) — combines the
reactions of cupric ions with the peptide bonds
under alkaline conditions with the oxidation of
aromatic protein residues. The Lowry method is
based on the reaction of Cu
peptide-mediated reduction of Cu
, produced by the
, with FolinCiocalteu reagent (a mixture of phosphotungstic acid
and phosphomolybdic acid in the Folin-Ciocalteu
reaction). The Lowry assay is intolerant of thiourea,
reductants such as DTT, and chelating agents
such as EDTA
BCA (bicinchoninic acid, Smith et al. 1985) —
BCA reacts directly with Cu
mediated reduction of Cu
(generated by peptide-
) to produce a purple end
product. The reagent is fairly stable under alkaline
conditions and can be included in the copper
solution to allow a one-step procedure. Like the
Lowry assay, the BCA assay is intolerant of thiourea,
reductants such as DTT, and chelating agents such
2-D sample solutions typically contain reagents
that interfere with all of the assays described above.
The Bradford assay may be used on samples that
are concentrated enough to be diluted with water
so that urea, thiourea, and CHAPS are no longer
present at interfering levels (typically at least fourfold).
Otherwise, modified assay procedures may need to
be employed (see the Protein Assay Products sidebar).
Protein Assay Products
Protein concentration in 2-D sample solutions
is best measured using the RC DC
assay, a modification of the Lowry assay that
incorporates a precipitation step that removes
Table 2. 3. Bio-Rad protein assay selection gui de.
Quick Start
Bradford • • — —
Lowry — — • •
DescriptionOne-step determination; Standard Bradford Detergent compatible Reducing agent not for use with assay, not to be (DC); Lowry assay and detergent
SDS-containing samples used with elevated modified to save time compatible (RC DC)
levels of detergents and to be more (>0.1% SDS) accurate
Low-concentration Assay
Sample volume 1 ml 800 µl 200 µl 200 µl
Linear range 1.25–25 µg/ml 1.25–25 µg/ml 5 –250 µg/ml 5–250 µg/ml
Microplate assay volume 5 µl 10 µl 5 µl **
Minimum incubation 5 min 5 min 15 min 15 min
Assay wavelength 595 nm 595 nm 650–750 nm 650 –750 nm
Bradford Bio-Rad DC™ RC DC
reducing agents and detergents. For more
information on protein quantitation using visible
assays, refer to Bio-Rad bulletin 1069.
SmartSpec Plus Spectrophotometer
The color change observed in protein assays is
measured using a spectrophotometer. Bio-Rad’s
SmartSpec Plus spectrophotometer has
preprogrammed methods for protein quantitation
and a working wavelength range of 200–800 nm.
It can be used for routine applications such as:
Quantitation of proteins via the Bradford,
Lowry, and BCA assay methods
Quantitation of DNA, RNA, and oligonucleotides
Monitoring bacterial culture growth
Simple kinetic assays
Wavelength scans with peak detection
Features built into the SmartSpec assay
methods facilitate data collection and present
a complete analysis of assay results. Bio-Rad
also offers compatible quartz and UV-transparent
plastic cuvettes.
SmartSpec Plus Spectrophotometer
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
The First Dimension:
Isoelectric Focusing
pH = pl
pH > pl
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 3: The First Dimension: Isoelectric Focusing (IEF)
Protein Separation by Isoelectric point (pI)
The first-dimension separation of 2-D electrophoresis
is IEF, where proteins are separated on the basis of
differences in their pI. The pI of a protein is the pH at
which it carries no net charge, and it is a characteristic
that is determined by the number and types of
charged groups the protein carries.
Proteins are amphoteric molecules, which carry a
positive, negative, or zero net charge depending on
the pH of their environment. For every protein, there
is a specific pH at which its net charge is zero (its pI).
Proteins show considerable variation in pI, though pI
values usually fall in the range of pH 3–12, with the
majority falling between pH 4 and pH 8. A protein
is positively charged at pH values below its pI and
negatively charged at pH values above its pI (Figure 3.1).
For IEF, a protein is placed in a medium with a pH
gradient and subjected to an electric field. In response
to the field, the protein moves toward the electrode
with the opposite charge. Along the way, it either
picks up or loses protons. Its net charge and mobility
decrease until the protein eventually arrives at the point
in the pH gradient equal to its pI. There, the protein is
uncharged and stops migrating (Figure 3.2).
If, by diffusion, it drifts away from the point in the
gradient corresponding to its pI, it acquires charge
and is pulled back. In this way, proteins condense,
or are focused, into sharp bands in the pH gradient
at their characteristic pI values.
IEF proceeds until a steady state is reached.
Proteins approach their pI values at different rates
but remain relatively fixed at those pH values for
extended periods. This is in contrast to conventional
electrophoresis (for example, polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis, or PAGE), where proteins continue
to move through the medium until the electric field is
removed. Moreover, in IEF, proteins migrate to their
steady-state positions from anywhere in the system.
IEF for 2-D electrophoresis is performed under
denaturing conditions so that proteins are completely
disaggregated and all charged groups are exposed
to the bulk solution. Consequently, resolution is best
under denaturing conditions. Complete denaturation
and solubilization are required to minimize aggregation
and intermolecular interactions, thus ensuring that
each protein is present in only one configuration.
IEF Media: IPG Strips vs. Carrier Ampholytes
IEF for 2-D electrophoresis is most commonly
performed using immobilized pH gradient (IPG) strips.
As their name implies, IPG strips contain buffering
groups covalently bound to a polyacrylamide gel strip
to generate an immobilized pH gradient. The pH
gradients are created with sets of acrylamido buffers,
which are derivatives of acrylamide containing
both reactive double bonds and buffering groups.
The general structure is CH
R contains either a carboxyl [–COOH] or a tertiary
amino group (for example, –N(CH
derivatives are covalently incorporated into
polyacrylamide gels at the time of casting and
can form almost any pH gradient (Righetti 1990).
IPG strips are:
Supplied commercially and ready to use
Prepared on a plastic backing to simplify handling
Highly reproducible and stable over even extended
IEF runs (Bjellqvist et al. 1982)
Available in a wide variety of pH gradients and
lengths (see the ReadyStrip
=CH–CO–NH–R, where
). These acrylamide
IPG Strips sidebar)
Historically, first-dimension IEF was performed
using carrier ampholyte–generated pH gradients
and tube gels. This type of first dimension has been
largely superseded by the use of IPG strips for the
following reasons:
Carrier ampholyte tube gels must be cast by the user
Carrier ampholyte–generated pH gradients drift
over time and are, therefore, not as reproducible
as immobilized pH gradients
Carrier ampholytes are complex chemical
mixtures, and batch-to-batch variations affect the
characteristics of the pH gradient
Narrow pH gradients and gradients encompassing
the extremes of the pH range (below pH 4 and above
pH 9) cannot be accommodated
Tube gels can be difficult to handle
pH < pl
Fig. 3.1. Dependence of protein net charge on the pH of its environment. The pH at which the net charge is 0 is the isoelectric point (pI).
pH = pl
pH > pl
Net Charge
+ 3
+ 2
+ 1
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 pH
– 1
– 2
– 3
Isoelectric point (pl)
ReadyStrip IPG Strips
IPG strips simplify first-dimension separations by
immobilizing the pH gradient on an easy-to-handle
support strip. ReadyStrip IPG strips are available
in a wide selection of pH gradients and strip
lengths (from 7 to 24 cm) to fit Bio-Rad vertical
electrophoresis cells and gels. Premade ReadyStrip
IEF buffers are also available for convenience and
maximum reproducibility.
Relative separation. Relative focusing power
is arbitrarily assigned a baseline focusing power of
1.0 to calculate the relative focusing powers of the
other strips.
expresses the enhanced resolution expected in the
Fig. 3.2. Principle of IEF. A mixture of proteins is separated in a pH gradient and within an electric field according to each protein’s pI
and independently of its size. The proteins migrate until they reach their pI.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
first dimension when using IPG strips of different
lengths or pH ranges. The 7 cm pH 3–10 IPG strip
ReadyStrip IPG strip pH ranges.
pH Relative Focusing Power ReadyStrip IEF Buffer
Strip Range* 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 cm 11 cm 17 cm 18 cm 24 cm 3–10 7–10 3.9–5.1 4.7–5.9 5.5–6.7 6.3–8.3
* Strips are designed with sufficient overlap to allow spot matching while limiting the extent of redundant data.
Ready Stri p IPG str ips ar e prep rinte d to indi cate an ode (+) and p H rang e;
in addition, a bar code i s prin ted on th e 24 cm str ip.
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 3: The First Dimension: Isoelectric Focusing (IEF)
Selection of IPG Strips
When selecting the IPG strip, consider both the pH
gradient and strip length, as both determine the
resolution in the final 2-D gel (see the ReadyStrip IPG
strips sidebar).
Choice of pH Gradient
IPG strips are available in various pH gradients
(see the table in the ReadyStrip IPG Strips sidebar).
The pH gradients are linear (pH varies in a linear
manner with respect to length of the strip) except in
the case of nonlinear pH 3–10 gradients (NL, see the
Estimation of pI sidebar).
Use broad-range strips (for example, pH 3–10)
for an overview of the spot distribution along the
pH gradient and for comparing different sample
in the middle of the pH range 3–10, using NL
gradients can improve resolution of proteins in the
middle of that range and compress the width of the
extreme pH ranges at the ends of the gradients
Use narrow- and micro-range gradients for greater
resolution (there is a larger separation distance, more
cm of gel, per pH unit). With the exclusion of proteins
outside the pH range of the strip, more total protein
mass can be loaded per strip to also allow detection
of more proteins
Use overlapping pH ranges to increase resolution by
expanding a small pH range across the entire width
of a gel (Figure 3.3). This also allows the creation
of composite gels by matching spots from the
overlapping regions using imaging software
preparation strategies. Since many proteins focus
pH 3 –10
pH 3– 6p H 5– 8pH 7–10
Fig. 3.3. A mouse liver sample was extr acted in a urea-thiourea-CHAPS solution. T he extract was run in a single PROTEAN® i12™ IEF cell
run on twelve 11 cm ReadyStrip IPG strips simultaneously at each of the following pH ranges: 3–10, 3–6, 5–8, and 7–10. Each pH gradient was
run in triplicate. The second dimension for each IPG strip was run in 8 –16% gradient Cr iterion
Coomassie stain. The above figure shows a representative gel image for each pH range.
Choice of IPG Strip Length
IPG strips are available in a variety of lengths that
match the size of most commercial second-dimension
vertical electrophoresis systems. Shorter strips match
mini-format systems, and longer strips match largeformat systems. Deciding which strips to use depends
on the requirements for speed, sample volume,
resolution, and throughput (see Chapter 4 for more
details on selecting size format for 2-D electrophoresis):
Use shorter strips and mini-format gels for
fast, convenient sample screening or method
Use longer strips for the best separation with
higher protein loads and for maximum resolution.
The longest IPG strips and large-format gels have
a large area to resolve protein spots; however, they
take a long time to run
Combine different size formats for various benefits.
For example, use a mini-format system for rapid
optimization of sample preparation methods, then
switch to a large format for thorough assessment of
a complex sample and identification of proteins of
interest. In many cases, a mini system and narrowrange IPG strips can then be used to focus in on
proteins of interest
Use overlapping narrow- and micro-range IPG strips
to increase the effective length of pI resolution.
When three narrow-range overlapping ReadyStrip
IPG strips (pH 3–6, 5–8, 7–10) are used with the
Criterion system, for example, the resolution in the
first dimension (11 cm strip, pH 3–10 NL) is increased
from 11 to 26 cm. When four micro-range strips
are used, the resolution in the first dimension is
expanded from 11 to 44 cm
precast gels that were stained with Bio-Safe™
Estimation of pI
The pI of a protein is a useful parameter for protein
characterization. With purified proteins, pI can be
determined by IEF using IPG strips, usually under
denaturing conditions. Using linear IPG strips, the pH
gradient can be assumed to extend linearly between
the pH extremes. Knowing the length and pH range
of the IPG strip implies that experimental pI values can
be assigned with a high level of accuracy (see figure).
Protein pI estimations can also be made using NL
IPG strips, assuming the pH profile of the IPG strip is
available from the manufacturer; without the exact pH
profile of the strip, the pI estimate will be less accurate.
For pI estimation, stain the IPG strips after IEF,
for example with Bio-Safe Coomassie blue stain,
and then plot the migration distance along the length
of the IPG strips of each of the protein standards.
Graph A shows the pH gradient along the length
of a linear pH 4–7 IPG strip. To determine the pI of
an unknown, simply determine the band position
(as a percentage of gel length) and read the pI from
the graph. In the example, a band positioned at 50%
of the gel length will have an estimated pI of 5.5.
The same strategy can be applied for protein spots
on 2-D gels, but with less accuracy due to swelling
or shrinkage of the 2-D gel. It may also be difficult to
define the start and end positions of the IPG strip on
stained 2-D gels.
With knowledge of experimental pI and molecular
weight values (see Chapter 4 for details about
molecular weight estimation), it is possible to make
comparisons with the calculated values derived after
protein spot identification using mass spectrometry.
The calculation of theoretical pI values is possible with
software tools available on the Internet, for example
at If the values
differ significantly from each other, this may indicate
a false identification or the identification of a fragment
of the respective protein. However, differences in pI or
molecular weight can also suggest posttranslational
modifications, such as phosphorylation or glycosylation.
The detection of posttranslational modifications
is a unique strength of gel-based proteomics.
These modifications offer information about the
function, regulation, and cellular location of proteins.
A. Linear pH 4 –7 ReadyStrip IPG strip
0 25 50 75 100
B. Nonlinear pH 3–10 ReadyStrip IPG strip
0 25 50 75 100
Estimating the pI of a protein fr om its position along an IPG
strip. A, By plot ting the pH of an IPG strip as a function of its
length, the pI of a protein may be derived from its focused position
on that strip. In the example shown, the pI of a protein that migrates
across 50% of the strip length is 5.5. B, pH profile of Bio-Rad
ReadyStrip nonlinear pH 3–10 IPG strips.
% Total IPG stri p lengt h
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 3: The First Dimension: Isoelectric Focusing (IEF)
Sample Application
Commercial IPG strips are dehydrated and must be
rehydrated to their original gel thickness (0.5 mm)
before use. The protein sample can be applied
to the IPG strip either during or after rehydration,
and rehydration can be done in either disposable
rehydration/equilibration trays or directly in the
focusing tray. Sample application during rehydration
is the easiest and, in most cases, most efficient way to
apply sample. In some instances, however, it is best
to rehydrate the IPG strips and then apply sample
through sample cups while current is applied
(cup loading) (Table 3.1). Each method is discussed
in the following sections.
The rehydration solution generally contains the
following components to maintain protein solubility and
allow tracking of the separation (see Part II, Methods
for recipes):
Chaotrope — urea (8 M or up to 9.8 M if necessary
for sample solubility), with or without 2 M thiourea
Detergent — nonionic or zwitterionic detergent such
as CHAPS, Triton X-100, or NP-40 at 0.5–4% (w/v)
Reducing agent — 20–100 mM DTT
Ampholytes — 0.2% (w/v), usually pH 3–10;
concentrations up to 1% (w/v) may be used,
though this reduces the voltage and results in
correspondingly longer runs
Tracking dye — a trace of bromophenol blue to
render the IPG strip more visible for simplified handling
The composition of the rehydration solution should
also resemble the composition of the sample solution
in terms of the additives present to aid solubility. If the
sample was prepared using thiourea, the rehydration
solution should also contain thiourea. Likewise, the
same detergent should be used. Otherwise, transition
from one solution to the other can cause precipitation
of proteins that are soluble in the sample solution but
not in the rehydration solution
Sample Application during Rehydration
In this option, the sample is prepared in, or diluted into,
rehydration solution and introduced to the IPG strip
at the time of rehydration. As the strips hydrate for
at least 12 hr, proteins in the sample are absorbed
and distributed over the entire length of the strip
(Rabilloud et al. 1994, Sanchez et al. 1997).
Sample application can be in either the absence
(passive) or presence (active) of applied voltage:
Active rehydration is performed in the IEF cell. A low
voltage (30–100 V) is applied, and proteins enter the
gel matrix under current as well as by absorption.
Active rehydration with the sample is believed to
promote the entry of large proteins into the strip by
applying an electrical “pull”
In passive rehydration, proteins enter the gel
by absorption only. This allows efficient use of
equipment, since strips can be rehydrated in sample
rehydration trays while other samples are focused in
the IEF cell
and act as a tracking dye for confirmation of focusing
Table 3.1. Advantages and disadvantages of sample loading methods.
Method Advantages Disadvantages
In-gel rehydration Simple sample application Poor resolution of basic proteins
No precipitation at the point of sample application
Accommodates dilute samples and larger protein loads
Passive Focusing can follow rehydration without manual Not all proteins, particularly large or hydrophobic
intervention if pe rformed within the IEF instrument proteins, will be taken up
Active More effe ctive with cer tain proteins, particularly those Rehydration must occur within the IEF instrument
of high molecular weight
Cup loadingMore effective for basic proteins Setup more complicated; the cup must form a seal
Can improve resolution at ex tremes of the pH gradient High protein loads are difficult to accommodate;
(the end opposite the point of application) concentrated samples are required.
Sample precipitation may occur at the point
with the IPG strip
of application
Whether IPG strips are rehydrated actively or passively,
they must be incubated with sample for at least 12 hr
prior to IEF. This gives high molecular weight proteins
time to enter the gel after the gel has become fully
hydrated and the pores have attained full size.
Sample application during rehydration works
because IEF is a steady-state technique; therefore,
proteins migrate to their pI independently of their initial
positions. The advantages of these approaches
over cup loading are:
Reduced risk of sample precipitation, which can
occur with cup loading at the sample application
point if sample concentration is too high
(Rabilloud 1999)
Shorter focusing times can be used because the
sample proteins are in the IPG strip prior to IEF
Large amounts of protein can be loaded
Sample Application by Cup Loading
To apply samples after IPG strip rehydration,
the sample is loaded into sample cups positioned
on the rehydrated strip. This technique can be more
challenging than in-gel sample loading from a technical
standpoint, but it can be beneficial in the following
cases (Cordwell et al. 1997, Görg et al. 2000):
When samples contain high levels of DNA, RNA,
or other large molecules, such as cellulose
When running acidic and basic IPG strips;
for example, pH 7–10
When running micro-range IPG strips spanning
~1 pH unit
For samples that contain large amounts
of glycoproteins
Setup for IEF
For IEF, the rehydrated IPG strips are placed into the
focusing tray. The orientation (gel-side up or gel-side
down) of the IPG strip in the focusing tray is largely
determined by the sample loading method employed:
Cup loading requires gel-side up strip placement so
that the sample cup may be placed in contact with
the gel surface
In-gel sample loading is conducted gel-side down.
If the IEF cell is programmed for an unattended start
following rehydration, IEF must be conducted gelside down as well
If in-gel sample loading is performed in the
rehydration/equilibration tray, IEF may be performed
either gel-side up or gel-side down. This is largely
a matter of user preference, though improved
resolution may be observed with the gel-side up
configuration, particularly with higher protein loads
In addition, electrode wicks may be placed between
the electrode in the focusing tray and the IPG strip in
either running configuration. Electrode wicks serve
as a sink for ionic sample contaminants and proteins
with pIs outside the pH range of the IPG strip used.
They also prevent drying of the ends of the IPG
strips during IEF. In some cases, however, the use of
electrode wicks has little effect on separation quality,
and they may be omitted for convenience in either
running configuration if satisfactory results are
obtained in their absence.
2-D Electrophoresis GuideTheor y and Product Selection
Chapter 3: The First Dimension: Isoelectric Focusing (IEF)
Power Conditions for IEF
The pH gradient and the electric field strength both
influence the time required to reach steady state and
the resolution of the separation. The electric field
strength is determined by the length of the IPG strip
and the applied electrical field. In general, narrow
pH ranges yield higher resolution and require higher
voltages and more time to reach a steady state.
Longer IPG strips can withstand higher programmed
voltages and require an increased number of volthours (Vh) for proper focusing. Vh are the product of
voltage and time. Because the actual voltage reached
is current dependent and the maximum programmed
voltage may not be reached, programming the IEF
cell with Vh can better ensure that samples receive
a consistent number of volts.
The electrical conductivity of the system changes
during an IEF run. At the beginning, the current is
relatively high because of the large number of charge
carriers present. As the proteins and ampholytes
move toward their pIs, and as ionic contaminants
move to the ends of the IPG strip, the current
gradually decreases. When the proteins reach their
final positions in the pH gradient, there is little ionic
movement in the system; the voltage reaches a
maximum, and the current reaches a minimum.
Focusing should occur with a gradual increase in
voltage followed by a prolonged focusing phase at the
maximum voltage advisable for the IPG strip length
used and until a set number of Vh have accumulated.
The optimum duration depends on the length of the
IPG strip and the pH gradient. Current is generally
limited to 50 µA per IPG strip, and a streamlined onestep protocol is adequate in most circumstances,
as the voltage will rise gradually without the need for
a phased focusing protocol with programmed voltage
ramping. A more gradual focusing protocol may be
advisable in circumstances of heavy protein load,
for some narrow- and micro-range IPG strips,
or when there are high levels of charged contaminants
present. Since the duration of the prolonged focusing
phase is specified in Vh, the actual duration may vary
depending on the average voltage during focusing.
Focusing may conclude at different times for IPG
strips run at the same time with the same protocol.
It is important, therefore, to include a hold step during
which the IPG strip is held at a relatively low voltage to
maintain focusing until the IPG strip can be removed
from the instrument.
Electrical current generates heat, which limits the
magnitude of the electric field that can be applied and
the ionic strength of the solutions that can be used.
Thin gels dissipate heat better than thick gels and thus
better withstand the high voltage that offers higher
resolution. Also, as mentioned above, the current
drops to a constant low value as focusing reaches
a steady state.
PROTEAN i12 IEF System
The PROTEAN i12 IEF system allows multistep runs
at durations set by either time or Vh. Recommended
starting electrical conditions and voltage ramping
options are provided in Part II of this guide; however,
sometimes the number of Vh required to complete a
run must be determined empirically in a time course
experiment. The optimum Vh depends on the
sample and the composition of the sample solution
as well as the pH gradient of the IPG strip. A more
complex sample or different sample buffer might
change the Vh required. The time needed to achieve
the programmed Vh depends on the pH range
of the IPG strip as well as sample and buffer
Other IEF cells only support running identical pH
gradients and similar samples in batches because
the programmed current and voltage are spread
across all lanes. If different pH ranges or samples
with varying conductivity are run at the same time,
the electrical conditions experienced by individual
IPG strips are different. This may expose some
strips to more or less current than desired, since
the total current limit is averaged over the tray.
The individual lane control provided by the
PROTEAN i12 IEF cell, however, ensures that
the current limit is not exceeded in any IPG strip,
even in situations where conductivity differs
significantly among samples run at the same time.
The PROTEAN i12 IEF cell also allows each lane
to be programmed individually, making it possible
to run different protocols in different lanes.
The flexibility of this system allows running different
experiments at once or varying conditions within
an experiment to allow optimization in fewer runs.
The system also results in better reproducibility
because focusing conditions are not influenced
by other samples in the run.
PROTEA N i12 IEF Cell and Acc esso ries
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