Product Guide
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Econo-Column Chemical Resistance Guide
This chart is intended as a guide only. Many factors (concentration, temperature,
intermittent or continuous exposure, etc.) will affect the stability of the plastic
parts. Because of the wide diversity of possible reagents and service conditions,
there is no effective substitute for a practical tri
Chemical Resistance Classification
E Excellent: 30 days of constant exposure causes no damage.
G Good: little or no damage after 30 days of constant exposure to the reagent.
F Fair: some effect after 7 days of constant exposure to the reagent.
N Not recommended for continuous use. Immediate damage may occur.
– No data available.
The first letter of each pair applies to conditions at 20°C; the second to those at 50°C.
Econo-Column Flow Adaptor
Reagent 20°C 50°C 20°C 50°C
Acetaldehyde G N G N
Acetic acid, 5% E E E E
Acetic acid, 50 % E E E E
Acetone N N N N
Acetonitrile F N F N
Aluminum salts E E E E
Ammonia E E E E
Amyl acetate G F E E
Aniline G F G F
Benzaldehyde E G E G
Benzene G F G F
Benzyl alcohol N N N N
n-Butyl acetate G F G F
n-Butyl alcohol E E E E
sec-Butyl alcohol E G E G
tert-Butyl alcohol E G E G
Carbon tetrachloride G F G F
Chlorine, 10% (moist) F N F N
Chloroacetic acid E – E –
Chlorobenzene N N N N
Chloroform G F G F
Chomic acid, 10% E E E E
Chromic acid, 50% G F G F