To choose a starting
set of protocols,
search our library of
electroprotocols at
* Note: The parameters
entered into the preset
on proven conditions
used for electroporation
of mammalian cells and
take advantage of the
Gene Pulser MXcell’s
ability to apply multiple
conditions simultaneously.
The preset protocols
or search
protocols are based
can be edited and
stored in your user
file for future use.
Gene Pulser MXcell Electroporation Guide
The Gene Pulser MXcell
Electroporation Guide
The Gene Pulser MXcell electroporation system is filled with features that will enable
you to quickly optimize conditions for efficient deliver y of molecules into most eukaryotic
cells, including mammalian cells and plant protoplasts. This guide will assist you in
determining the parameters for obtaining efficient transfection of molecules into your
favorite cells while maintaining high cell viability.
Transfection efficiency and cell viability
Transfection and cell viability are affected by:
Cell type and its physiological condition and state prior to electroporation:
cells should be actively growing, healthy, and free of contamination
Temperature of buffer during electroporation: when using Gene Pulser® electroporation
buffer, electroporation should be performed at room temperature
Cell density: for most experiments using the 96-well plate, we recommend using
150 µl of cells/well at a density of 1 x 106 to 2 x 106 cells/ml in Gene Pulser
electroporation buffer
Concentration of the transfected molecule (RNA, DNA): ideally a concentration
of 5–40 µg/ml should be used for plasmid DNA and 10–100 nM for siRNA (only
Bio-Rad’s siLentMer™ Dicer-substrate siRNA duplexes)
The characteristics of the electric pulse
Electroporation protocols
Electroporation applies an electric pulse to cells to promote uptake of molecules (RNA,
DNA) into the cells. The electric pulse is defined by parameters that can be programmed
as protocols in the Gene Pulser MXcell. Two type of pulses can be delivered by the
Gene Pulser MXcell: the exponent ial waveform which is defined by voltage,
capacitance, and resistance or the square waveform which is defined by voltage,
pulse duration, and resistance.
The Gene Pulser MXcell can be programmed three ways:
Manually, under “Protocol Setup”
By creating a voltage gradient under “Gradient Protocol”
By using preprogrammed protocols under “Pre-Set Protocols”*
This guide will help you program the Gene Pulser MXcell whether you have prior
knowledge of optimal electroporation conditions for your cells or not.
Visit us on the Web at discover.bio-rad.com | Electroporation Optimization Overview

Schematic of 96-well
electroporation plate
One well set
Gene Pulser MXcell Electroporation Guide
Electroporation plate: a plate in which electroporation is performed; available in
12-, 24-, and 96-well formats
Mini protocol: a preprogrammed set of 4–6 different protocols delivered to 4–6 well sets
Parameter s: the physical constants (waveform, voltage, capacitance, duration,
resistance) that define the electric pulse
Preset protocols: a set of preprogrammed protocols designed for rapid screening of
multiple parameters that can be used as a template
Protocol/electroporation conditions: parameters defining the electric pulse
that will be delivered to specific well sets or wells on an electroporation plate
Waveform: defines the type of electric pulse delivered to the cells
The exponential waveform builds up a charge in a capacitor and when the charge
is applied to the sample the voltage delivered decays exponentially, until the charge
remaining is about 37% of the original pulse
The square waveform relies on a charge being applied to the cells for a set time
Well set: a set of four adjacent wells in a column on a 96-well plate; the same
electroporation conditions or protocol are applied to all the cells of a well set
Whole plate protocol: a preprogrammed set of 24 protocols delivered across
the entire plate
Cgrad: capacitance gradient
D: duration of pulse
Dgrad: duration gradient
Exp: exponential
NP: number of pulses
P: pulse
Sqr: square
Vgrad: voltage gradient
Visit us on the Web at discover.bio-rad.com | Electroporation Optimization Glossary

Gene Pulser MXcell Electroporation Guide
Electroporation Parameters Selection Pathways
The first parameter to identify is the waveform. This guide will take you down two
possible paths to identify other parameters that will yield the best transfection results.
These parameters can be identified in parallel using the MXcell system.
Identify Pulse Waveform
Exponential Waveform Square Waveform
Optimize Capacitance Optimize Voltage
Optimize Voltage Optimize Pulse Duration
Optimize Resistance Optimize Number of Pulses
Path taken to determine optimal electroporation conditions
Visit us on the Web at discover.bio-rad.com | Electroporation Optimization Pathways

Gene Pulser MXcell Electroporation Guide
Start Your Protocols Selection Here
To choose a starting
set of protocols,
search our library of
electroprotocols at
or search
Known electroporation conditions
You know the electroporation conditions or found
a suitable set of protocols in our library
You need a quick confirmation that your existing
protocol is optimal
You know the waveform
Unknown electroporation conditions
You are working with a new cell line or cell type
You have no information about electroporation conditions
Go to page 6
Go to page 7
Visit us on the Web at discover.bio-rad.com | Protocols Selection

Gene Pulser MXcell Electroporation Guide
Known Electroporation Conditions
Cell number
Based on the
number of cells
availabl e for your
experime nt, you
will use eithe r a
whole or a partia l
electro poratio n
plate (4– 6 well sets).
Cell number <5 x 10
Use Mini Protocols
Cell number >5 x 10
Use Whole Plate Protocols
Multiple cell lines
Use Whole Plate Protocols
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Go to page 13
Visit us on the Web at discover.bio-rad.com | Protocols: Known Conditions