ISA-Bus interface card
Supplement for Industrial PCs with
standard motherboard
Technical hardware description
Version 1.0
Version 1.0
Table of Contents
Overview 4
2. Pin Assignment for the Connections 5
AT bus 5
System bus; front panel; UPS 6
3. The C2000BAT UPS Control Board 7
4. Programming 8
The 8255 Parallel Input/Output Chip 8
The Special Keys 8
The LEDs 9
The C2000BAT UPS Control Board 10
Controlling the LCD Background Illumination 10
Uninterruptible Power Supply 11
The Charging System 11
Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Phone 05246/963-0 / Fax 05246/963-149
Table of Contents 3
5. Operating Conditions 13
Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Phone 05246/963-0 / Fax 05246/963-149
4 ISA Bus interface card C1230S
The ISA bus C1230S PC interface card provides an extension to industr y
PCs with standard motherboar ds for the drive of vario us IPC components
that are not present in standard PCs.
The C1230S allows up to 10 special k eys to be interrogate d, and up to 10
LEDs to be driven. T he card, in combination with the C2000 BAT control
board, allows a 24V UPS (uninterru ptible power supply) to be driven. The
industry PC can also be given an NC bac kplane, driven by means of the
C1230S interface card. The NC backplane makes 32 digital inputs, 32
digital outputs, 4 analogue inputs, 4 analogue outputs and 4 incremental
encoder inputs available centrally at the PC. The function and
programming of the NC backplane are described in a separate NC
backplane documentation.
The C1230S interfac e c ard is a partially pop ulated v ar ia nt of the C12 30 Al lin-One motherboard.
Connections for:
• C2000BAT control board for uninterruptible power supply
• NC backplane
• Front panel