BECKHOFF C1220 User Manual

Beckhoff Lightbus - PC interface card C1220
Technical hardware description
Version 4.0
Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Contents 2
1. Beckhoff Lightbus System Description 3
2. Hardware description of functions 6
3. Software description of functions 7
General 7 Description of the communication channels 9 Test and analysis functions 11
Fibre-optic reset 11 Code word 12 Software version 12 Evaluation of Parity Errors 12 Fibre-optic attenuation test 13 Count peripheral modules 14 Test peripheral module addresses 14 Continuous sending 14 Software-RESET 15 Fibre-optic fracture point test 15 Invalid function selection 15
Configuration 16
Reinitializing communication management 16 CDL communication 16
Freely programmable communication 18
Cyclic communication 19 Transmitting the interrupt mask 19
String Communication 21
General 21 String structure 21 Initialisation of string communication 22 Registration of a string slave 23 Structure of the buffer for string communication 24 Sending a string 24 Receiving a string 24 Slave to slave string communication 24 Register communication 24
Process image control functions 25
C1220 II/O Error Counter 27
4. Technical Data 28
5. Installation notes 29
Jumper configuration 29 Status display 30 Installation in the PC 30
Beckhoff Lightbus - PC interface card C1220
Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
3 Beckhoff Lightbus System Description
Beckhoff Lightbus System Description
The Beckhoff Lightbus c onsists of an int elligent central m odule and a field bus based on fibre-optic conductor.
Beckhoff Lightbus
The Beckhoff Lightb us is coupled to the host Syst em via a DPRAM, thus guaranteeing fast and convenient communication.
Bus couplers for Beckhoff Bus terminals and diverse I/O modules are available for processing the proces s image. M odules and bus couplers are linked to one anoth er in a ring structure. Thanks to the use of fibre-optic conductor, interferenc e sensitivity is low and the data tra nsfer rate of 2.5 Mbaud is high. Errors occ urring in the fibre-optic ring ar e detected by the central module and are reported to the host system. Implemented ring diagnostics functions enable swift error detection and remedying.
A communication protocol optimized for speed and simplicity has been defined for data transfer between the central module and I/O modules. Below, this communication protocol is also referred to as a telegram.
Communication on th e f ibre- o ptic r i ng is contr o ll ed by the central m odule. It sends telegrams which pas s through the individual modules an d terminal rows in the fibre-optic ring, and which are ultimately received again and checked.
A telegram consists of the telegram frame and contents.
Beckhoff Lightbus - PC interface card C1220
Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Beckhoff Lightbus System Description 4
The telegram frame is required for serial, asynchronous data communication and consists of 1 start bit, 6 CRC check bits and 2 stop bits. The telegram frame is generated and checked by the hardware. Software support is not necessary.
The telegram contents are essentially based on a byte organization. AD0 - AD7 constitute t he so called address f ield. Up to 254 modules and
terminal rows can be addressed via this address field (the addresses 0x00 and 0x0ff are reserved).
CR0 - CR3 defines the telegram type. The following functions can be defined in the telegram:
CR3 CR2 CR1 CR0 Function Description
0 0 0 0 READ The addressed module inserts the input
information in the data fields D0 - D3.
0 0 0 1 READ/WRITE The addressed module inserts the input
information in the data fields D0 - D3 and accepts the output information.
0 0 1 0 ADDRESS
0 0 1 1 RAM A special type of telegram for bus coupler
0 1 0 0 ADDRESS
The addressed module accepts the contents of D0 as the module address and sets D0 = 0.
BK2000 Every module that is passed through increments
the contents of D0 by 1. The addressed module transfers the contents from D0 to D3.
The addressed module reduces the send intensity by 20%.
A special type of telegram for bus coupler BK2000
The bytes D0 - D3 conta in the actual user information. Processi ng of this user information data is defined by the control field.
The last byte in the telegram contains 2 reserve bits and 6 bits for generation of a CRC check sum. A Hamming distance of d=3 is ac hieved with a length of the contents amounting to 50 bits.
Beckhoff Lightbus - PC interface card C1220
Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
5 Beckhoff Lightbus System Description
The Beckhoff Lightb us consists of a p hysical ring whic h can be split into 8 logical rings for processing th e process im age. A log ical ring onl y operates on selected modules and term inal rows that are defined by means of so called Communication D escripti on Lists ( CDLs). Tr ansfer of the CDLs fr om the host system to the central module will be discussed in further detail later.
The process im age is made available to the host system via the DPRAM. The DPRAM is split into three areas:-
- Data: Input, output and flags
- Communication: Initialization, test, analysis and configuration of the Beckhoff Lightbus
- Process control: Updating of process images
To this end, the central module requires a 4 k byte area in the address space of the host system.
Beckhoff Lightbus - PC interface card C1220
Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Hardware description of functions 6
Hardware description of functions
Lightbus PC interface card C1220
PC control
The Lightbus - PC interface C1220 is an intelligent Lightbus central module.
As a plug-in ISA bus PC board, the C1220 link s the Beckhoff Lightbus to the PC as the host system and is therefore a n impor tant component of the PC control concept.
With the aid of the C1220 , fast processing of a process im age defined by the sensors / actuators of the Beckhoff Lightbus is enabled.
Beckhoff Lightbus - PC interface card C1220
Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
7 Software description of functions
Software description of functions
Memory breakdown of the interface
Address area Function
0x0000 - 0x0BFF
0x0C00 - 0x0CFF
0x0D00 - 0x0DFF
0x0E00 - 0x0FEF 0x0FF0 - 0x0FFF
Data area (Inputs, outputs, flags) 3 kbytes
Handshake channel 0: PC -> C1220 (configuration, test, analyse)
Handshake channel 1: C1220 -> PC (configuration, test, analyse)
reserved GCB (General control block)
The interface between the PC bus and the C1220 module enables the following functions:
- Data transfer of the process image
- Test and analysis functions for the II/O system
- Configuration
- Control of process images
By way of the communication channels, the Beckhoff Lightbus can be configured by means of four functions. In do ing so, the inputs / outp uts of the decentralized I/O modules are assigned to the addresses in the DPRAM. A total of nine further functions can also be requested via the communication channels for test and analysis functions.
The data areas for the CDLs are located in the bottom 3 kbyte area that the C1220 module occupies in the address space. The request to update the process image is realized by setting a b it in the request mask of the GCB (General Control Block). The ready message for this request is obtained from the corresponding bit in the ready mask of the GCB.
Beckhoff Lightbus - PC interface card C1220
Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Software description of functions 8
Beckhoff Lightbus - PC interface card C1220
Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
9 Software description of functions
Description of the communication channels
Two channels are config ured for communic ation between the PC bus a nd C1220. Each channel embraces 255 bytes. The PC writes the data required for requesting the required function into the channel 0 and then outputs a DV (Data Val id). After acceptance of the data, the C122 0 module
outputs the ‘Quit’ signal. The PC withdraws the ‘DV’ and a new communication can be commenced as soon as the ‘Quit' signal is 0.
Channel 0 from the PC b us to the C1220 provides the address area from 0xC01 to 0xCFF for the data. DV is the MSB of the ad dr es s 0x C00. 'Qu it' is the second highest bit of the address 0xD00.
Communication channel 0:
Communication channel 1:
Addresses of the
Byte 0 0xC00
Byte 1 ................ Byte 254 Byte 255
Channel 1 from the C1220 module to the PC bus provides the address area from 0xD01 to 0xDFF for the data. DV is the MSB of the address 0xD00. 'Quit' is the second highest bit of the address 0xC00.
Byte 0 0xD00
Address Address bits Contents
0xC01 0xC02
Byte 1 ................ Byte 254 Byte 255
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ’Data Valid’ for
Channel 0 (in the case of PC -> C1220 data transfer)
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ’Quit’ for Channel 1
(in the case of C1220 -> PC data transfer)
Length (von 2 bis 0xFE) Functionsnummer
(1 bis 0xFE) Argument 0
1 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 ’Data Valid’ for
x 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ’Quit’ for Channel 0
.. Argument n .. ..
Channel 1 (in the case of C1220 -> PC data transfer)
(in the case of PC -> C1220 data transfer)
Length (from 2 to 0xFE)
Beckhoff Lightbus - PC interface card C1220
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