Avaya MultiMedia Module iContact Manual User Manual

MultiMedia Module
iContact Manual
40DHB0002UKDB – Issue 2 (04/2003)
Page 2 - Contents
Introduction........................................ 3
How does it work? ..................................... 3
How this Guide is organized ......................4
Who should use this guide .......................... 4
Related documents ..................................... 4
Document Symbols and Conventions ......... 4
Important! Before you Begin… .................... 4
iContact Initial Configuration Setup 5
Introduction ................................................ 5
Configuration Properties Menu ..................5
iServer Property settings ............................. 5
Telephony Property Settings ....................... 6
Using iContact ................................... 7
Introduction ................................................ 7
Starting iContact.......................................... 7
Logging on to iContact ................................ 7
Exiting iContact ........................................... 7
Introduction to the iContact Interface ......... 8
Menu bar ..................................................... 8
File Menu..................................................... 8
View Menu................................................... 8
Help Menu ................................................... 8
Toolbar ........................................................ 9
Vertical Icon bar ........................................ 10
Status bar........................................................ 10
Inbox.......................................................... 11
Media Status ...................................................11
Preview Window .............................................12
Content Window..............................................12
Properties and Internal Collaboration
Features............................................ 13
Properties Menu ...................................... 13
Viewing the Properties Menu .................... 13
User Properties settings..................................14
Genie Properties settings................................15
Outlook Properties Setting .............................. 16
Internal Collaboration Features................ 17
Viewing Team Member Status .................. 17
Making an Internal Phone Call .................. 17
Sending an Internal Memo ........................ 18
Sending Internal e-mail ............................. 19
Multimedia Contact Handling ......... 20
Introduction.............................................. 20
Contact Handling Procedures.................. 20
Request Mode ........................................... 21
Contact Handling ............................................21
Selective Mode .......................................... 22
Contact Handling ............................................22
Follow-up ................................................... 23
Rescheduling a Contact..................................23
Rescheduling a Telephony Call ......................23
Closing a Contact ...................................... 24
Closing a Contact............................................24
Stopping and Starting the Flow of Contacts24
Responding to Specific Media Contact
Requests ................................................. 25
Inbound Telephone Contacts .................... 25
Inbox Fields..................................................... 25
Responding to an Inbound Telephone Request25
Fast Transfer................................................... 25
Supervised Transfer........................................25
WWW Requests ........................................ 26
Inbox fields......................................................26
Responding to a WWW Request ....................26
E-mail Requests ........................................ 27
Inbox fields......................................................27
Replying to an e-mail Request........................ 28
Chat Requests........................................... 29
Inbox Fields..................................................... 29
Responding to a Chat Request....................... 30
Proactive Outbound Campaign Contacts .. 31
Inbox Fields..................................................... 31
Initiating a Proactive Campaign Contact.........31
Initiating New Contacts ............................ 32
Making an Outbound Call (Single Line)..... 32
Using Outlook with iContact .......... 33
Introduction.............................................. 33
iContact Outlook Interface ....................... 33
Accessing iContact’s Outlook .................... 33
Menu bar ......................................................... 33
Internal Collaboration Features ................. 34
Sending Internal e-mail ................................... 34
Glossary ........................................... 35
Index ................................................. 37
Introduction How does it work? - Page 3
MultiMedia Module iContact Manual Introduction - Page 3 40DHB0002UKDB – Issue 2 (04/2003) How does it work?
Welcome to the MultiMedia Module iContact User Guide. iContact’s interface provides the tools to manage internal and external communications from a common platform, effectively and efficiently. All forms of contact, whether voice, e-mail, Chat, or Internet generated, arrive on the desktop with the information needed to deliver individualized, personalized service in all interactions. By simply pointing and clicking the appropriate icons, iContact provides access to all telephone and internet functions. iContact has been designed to fully integrate with Microsoft Outlook rendering learning to use iContact an intuitive, familiar experience, with on-line help always at hand.
How does it work?
On a typical day your organization is likely to receive an assortment of contact requests, each with its assigned response priority status. If you have a Web site no doubt you are fielding e-mail requests, inquiries or orders from the Web, and engaging in interactive chat sessions all in addition to the daily barrage of phone calls. iContact enables each workgroup to automate the management of its internal and external interactions according to predefined rules for contact handling.
In iContact’s blended multimedia environment, a group may only be assigned to handle e-mail contacts, while others may be tasked with e-mail, chat, and telephone responsibilities. Within groups, users can be assigned different priorities for contact handling, based on their skills and experience. When new contacts arrive, the system searches for the groups who possess the capabilities required for effective response. Routing criteria could include languages spoken, specialized knowledge, customer preferences, contact content, customer profile analysis, time of day, or other routing principles. When a contact is received, the system performs a query against the database and instantly retrieves the associated account information. iContact then notifies the queue of the new interaction’s arrival. In iContact’s blended multimedia environment, the system informs you of the number of contact requests for each media type awaiting processing. Once you select a contact from the queue it may be accepted or sent back to the queue for treatment by another member of the workgroup.
When a contact arrives on your desktop it comes complete with identification of the caller or sender, its source and relevant content. These tools enhance your ability to respond appropriately to every new interaction you receive.
iContact supplies a number of response options including the opportunity to preview a waiting contact before accepting. It provides choices for replying through different media types, e.g. you can receive a request by e-mail and reply by telephone. The program makes provision for rescheduling contacts for future handling and ensures timely follow-up. The outcome of each interaction is recorded for easy retrieval and trend analysis. It keeps you informed of the status of other members of your workgroup, furnishing options for internal collaboration through telephone, Chat and e­mail. iContact even announces new contact arrivals. All of this is accomplished through a single interaction management window. It eliminates dependency on single media interaction, making everyone in your organization multimedia enabled.
iContact adds intelligence to all your interactions, acting as a personal communications assistant residing on the desktop. Use it to:
Manage your workload of callbacks and commitments.
Give customers the option communicating in interactive or static modes with your
Create a reference record of your communications activities.
Organize all your interactions on a single unified interface.
Page 4 - How this Guide is organized Introduction
Page 4 - Introduction MultiMedia Module iContact Manual How this Guide is organized 40DHB0002UKDB – Issue 2 (04/2003)
How this Guide is organized
This User Guide describes iContact communications management features and applications. The iContact User Guide is divided into five chapters following the Introduction.
Describes the menus, toolbars, and windows that assist in the operation of the iContact interface.
Describes the option/features that customize the iContact interface for personalized use. Explains how iContact performs has an internal communications vehicle within the workgroup of department.
Outlines the steps for managing multimedia interactions.
Explains how Outlook features are integrated into the iContact interface
Who should use this guide
This iContact User Guide is intended for individuals who require a high-performance multimedia desktop communications management tool to assist them in managing their workload with respect to communicating with their contacts. This guide assumes a basic familiarity with PC systems and the Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT-WS (Workstation) environment.
Related documents
MultiMedia Module: Installation Guide Administration Manual
Document Symbols and Conventions
To help you locate and interpret information easily, this manual uses Microsoft set of Standard Windows terminology such as icon, window, text box and menu. Following are some specific symbols and conventions standard throughout the manual:
Conventions Descriptions
Used to designate menu selections, buttons and commands to enter.
Initial Capitals Names of applications, programs, files, servers, and named
windows; and directory names and paths.
Information you need to provide.
Important! Before you Begin…
If you are installing and using the iContact module for the first time, you are required to setup the initial iContact Configuration properties. The configuration screen pops up by default the first time you start iContact (see page 5). Consult with your system administrator for details.
iContact Initial Configuration Setup Introduction - Page 5
MultiMedia Module iContact Manual iContact Initial Configuration Setup - Page 5 40DHB0002UKDB – Issue 2 (04/2003) Introduction
iContact Initial Configuration Setup
The iContact Configuration properties enable the iContact module to initiate, connect, exchange information and communicate with other MMM complementary modules.
If you are installing and using iContact module for the first time, you are required to setup the initial iContact Configuration properties. The configuration screen pops up by default the first time you start iContact. You are to provide the requested information and fill in the appropriate boxes.
Configuration Properties Menu
The Configuration Properties window provides a selection of features that assist you in setting up the iContact module. The configuration information can be modified per request. To view your Property settings, follow the instructions below:
1. Select iConfig from the Windows start menu
2. Click the tab that contains the property you wish to view
3. Enter or modify the requested information
4. Click Save to accept new setting values or Close to keep current settings
Configuration Properties Functions
iServer Displays location where MMM iServer is installed
Telephony Displays current Telephony connection values
Note: Database, iServer, and Telephony (if applicable) are required configuration
properties to setup iContact module.
iServer Property settings
The iServer settings display your current server settings. The first time you run the program you need to provide the application with these parameters. Enter new values or modify the current settings. The System Administrator should provide server name.
1. Enter Default server name.
2. Enter Backup server name. Leave blank, as it will be available in next release.
3. Click Save to update new values or continue setting up the rest of the feature properties before saving and closing the menu.
The new server values become the current iServer values in the Configuration menu.
iServer Properties Description
Default Displays the computer name where the iServer is
Page 6 - Configuration Properties Menu iContact Initial Configuration Setup
Page 6 - iContact Initial Configuration Setup MultiMedia Module iContact Manual Configuration Properties Menu 40DHB0002UKDB – Issue 2 (04/2003)
Telephony Property Settings
The telephony settings display your current telephony connection values. The first time you run the program you need to provide the application with these parameters. Enter new values or modify the current settings.
1. Enter position ID for ACD(extension) and the appropriate password
2. Enter outbound dial Prefix
3. Click Save to update new values or continue setting up the rest of the feature properties before saving and closing the menu.
The new information becomes the current values in the Configuration menu.
Telephony Properties Description
Directory Number DN Meridian switch DN
Position ID for ACD Telephone extension connected to telephone
switch ACD (part of ACD pool group)
Outbound Dial Prefix External dialing prefix (if required)
Using iContact Introduction - Page 7
MultiMedia Module iContact Manual Using iContact - Page 7 40DHB0002UKDB – Issue 2 (04/2003) Introduction
Using iContact
When logging on to the system, the iContact screen appears on the workstation desktop. iContact transforms the workstation into a data communications terminal providing access to both customer information and the ability to initiate and receive contacts. The icons in the Vertical Icon bar show what multimedia queues you are able to receive interactions from, i.e. telephone, Internet, e-mail, chat and Proactive Campaign. These may vary from one user to another (configuration dependant). The iContact interface includes all basic telephone functions such as dial, answer, hold, transfer and conference. The telephone set at your workstation can provide backup in case of a service disruption to your computer. iContact is designed for use with a headset that is plugged into the telephone set.
Starting iContact
You can make a shortcut to iContact program on the desktop, to make the connection to the program easier. Otherwise, you can access it from your Windows Start menu.
Select iContact from Windows Start menu, or double click the iContact icon on the desktop.
Logging on to iContact
The Login Screen provides a single step for logging on to iContact interface as well as the telephone set assigned to the PC. iContact will read your ID number from your PC and provide you with a login screen. Follow the steps below to login:
1. Choose an e-mail profile.
2. Click OK.
Note: If a problem arises in connecting you to iContact, review the login screen list to
identify where the connection failed. Contact your administrator to review the PC software installations or restart the login process.
Exiting iContact
Choose Exit from the File menu, or click the Close Window icon in the top right corner of the interface.
Note: Before restarting iContact please wait until all processes related to iContact are
shut down.
Page 8 - Using iContact MultiMedia Module iContact Manual Introduction to the iContact Interface 40DHB0002UKDB – Issue 2 (04/2003)
Introduction to the iContact Interface
The iContact interface displays multimedia contacts waiting in queue for treatment and the tools required to respond to those contacts.
Multimedia contacts appear in the Inbox. Contacts can be identified as to type of media, sender, time of arrival and content. When a contact is selected for response, the corresponding Content Window opens up providing the detailed contact information required for intelligent contact handling.
The icons and menu commands enable you to view information and perform common tasks including dialing, follow up rescheduling, accepting and rejecting contacts.
Menu bar
The Menu bar provides access to 3 menus:
File Menu
Commands Descriptions
New Brings up Outlook e-mail, contact address book, task list, and calendar
appointments features.
Request Provides the next contact for response treatmen.t
Accept Opens the selected contact for treatment.
Reject Rejects the selected contact and returns it to the queue.
Close Closes the current contact with a selected interaction result.
Exit Exits the iContact interface ending the program.
View Menu
Command Description
Hide Tool Text Hides/Shows toolbar icon descriptions.
Properties Properties define the various modes in which you handle media contact
requests and view activities within your workgroup in iContact.
Help Menu
Command Description
Content Provides access to on-line Help.
About Provides MMM Software information
Using iContact Introduction to the iContact Interface - Page 9
MultiMedia Module iContact Manual Using iContact - Page 9 40DHB0002UKDB – Issue 2 (04/2003) Introduction to the iContact Interface
The Toolbar provides buttons/icons to perform contact interaction activities. The buttons on the left hand of the screen are common to all contact forms. The icons to the right are designed for dialing and answering telephone calls. Most toolbar buttons correspond to a menu command.
Command Function
Ready / Not Ready
The icon on the top left corner of the toolbar indicates user status. The green check mark means you are available to take contacts (Ready status). The red sign indicates your status as Not Ready and unavailable to take contacts.
Request The system gives you the next contact of any media type waiting
in queue.
Accept Accepts the selected contact for response.
Reject The system returns the current contact to the waiting queue.
Follow up Reschedules any unfinished contact request for future follow-up.
You can reschedule the follow-up to yourself or to the workgroup to which you belong for a specific date and time. Follow-up closes the call and makes you available to take contacts.
Close Closes the current contact with a selected Interaction Result,
allowing you to take next incoming contact.
Hold/Unhold Allows you to temporarily put a contact request on hold.
(Telephone ACD call only).
Answer/Dial/ HangUp Answers a call, or dials a number appearing in the Phone
Number field, and hangs up to disconnect.
Fast Transfer Transfers a call to another user or to a contact queue.
(Telephone only)
Conference Call Conducts a conference session with other users on the system,
supervisors, or outside callers.
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Page 10 - Using iContact MultiMedia Module iContact Manual Introduction to the iContact Interface 40DHB0002UKDB – Issue 2 (04/2003)
Vertical Icon bar
The Interaction Suite allows you to receive and respond to contacts from a variety of media types. Icons represent each media type that you have been assigned to handle. You may be assigned to a single or multiple media queues. The number of requests waiting in each media queue appears in parenthesis under each media icon. The numbers change dynamically reflecting the current number of incoming and answered contact requests.
Icons Functions
Telephony Displays the number of telephone calls from the
public switch network (PBX) waiting in the Telephony queue.
WWW Displays the number of contact requests
originating from the World Wide Web and submitted from a form on the Web site.
E-mail Displays the number of e-mails currently waiting
in the queue.
Chat Displays the number of requests for chat
sessions currently waiting in the queue.
Proactive Campaign Displays the number of outbound calls currently
waiting in the queue.
Team members Opens the Internal Collaboration window of
logged on team members in the group or groups you are mapped to.
Outlook Opens the integrated Outlook features.
Status bar
The Status bar displays real time status information. You can monitor your preview time, interaction time, status, and mode.
Modes Descriptions
Preview Time Displays the time remaining in which you are allowed to preview
the current contact request. Count down begins when a contact is selected. When the preview time drops to zero, the contact is automatically rejected and is returned to the queue.
Ready Status Displays your current status as Yes (for Ready) or No (Not Ready).
If in Not Ready status, you are either temporarily unavailable, treating other contact requests or you have manually put yourself in the Not Ready status. You may also check for your ready status by looking at the Ready/Not Ready button on the Menu bar (see page
Interaction Time Displays the time in hours, minutes and seconds in which you are
engaged in handling a contact. The timer begins counting when the contact is answered and ends when the contact is terminated.
Mode (Selective or Request)
Displays the mode in which you are currently engaged: either Request or Selective. For definition of Request and Selective modes, refer to User Properties, Selective/Request modes.
Phone State Displays the status of your telephone line.
Using iContact Introduction to the iContact Interface - Page 11
MultiMedia Module iContact Manual Using iContact - Page 11 40DHB0002UKDB – Issue 2 (04/2003) Introduction to the iContact Interface
This window displays information regarding the contact requests waiting for treatment for each media type assigned to you. The Inbox displays media type, sender, arrival time, content and phone number, if provided. The fields vary from one contact media to another. The inbox shows either a single or multiple records depending on the contact mode that has been selected. In the example below, information is provided on records currently waiting in the e-mail contact media queues.
Media Status
As iContact is a workgroup enabled application you may be sharing interaction management responsibilities with other members of your team.
The left hand column contains icons that depict the current treatment status of an interaction. An explanation of each status appears below:
Status Description
Closed Envelope (Yellow) No other users have touched interaction. Available for
Envelope Open. (White background)
Another user has opened interaction.
Envelope Open. (Yellow background)
Interaction you are opening.
Red Flag Denotes a contact that has been rescheduled and is not
yet due. The contact cannot be opened until it is due.
Blue Flag Denotes a contact that has been rescheduled and ready
to be processed.
Envelope Flap Red Interaction has been handled and closed by you or
another user. Screen has not been refreshed.
People Icon Interaction you have accepted, currently in progress.
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Preview Window
When you double click on a contact record , the Preview Window displays the details related to the content. You are able to preview an unlimited number of contacts before accepting the contact for treatment.
Content Window
When a contact is selected, this window displays details for contact. For example:
On an incoming e-mail, the e-mail message appears in its entirety and includes a section for composing a response.
On a Web callback request, you can view the text message as well as the URL for the page from which it was sent.
On a chat session, both sides of the dialogue appear in the Content Window.
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