Copyright E 2000 by ATLUltrasound All rights reserved Printed in USA
Manufactured by ATL Ultrasound
22100 Bothell-Everett Highway
Bothell, WA 98021-8431
Telephone (425) 487-7000 or (800) 426-2670
Fax (425) 485-6080
ITT International 4740016 SMS UI
UnitedStates federallawrestrictsthis device tosaleby
or on the order of a physician.
“Advanced 3DI”, “Advanced Technology Laboratories”, “ATL”, “CHROMA”, “Cineloop”, “Color Power Angio”, “ENTOS”, “HDI”,
“High Q”, and “Power Harmonic” are registered trademarks of ATL Ultrasound.
“DVS”, “Flash Contrast”, “High Definition”, “Power Motion”, “SonoCT”, “Tissue Specific”, and “WebLink” are trademarks of ATL
Non-ATL Ultrasound product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
ATL Ultrasound products may be manufactured under or operate in accordance with one or more of the following United States
patents and corresponding patents in other countries: U.S. Patent Numbers 4,581,636; 4,607,642; 4,543,960; 4,644,795;
4,887,306; 5,016,641; 5,123,415; 5,197,477; 5,255,682; 5,050,610; 5,226,422; 5,275,167; 5,207,225; 5,287,753; 5,215,094;
5,381,795; 5,386,830; 5,402,793; 5,390,674; 5,438,994; 5,471,989; 5,482,045; 5,476,097; 5,471,990; 5,456,257; 5,485,842;
5,482,047; 5,479,930; Re 35,148; 5,555,887; 5,617,863; 5,669,385; 5,645,066; D369,307; 5,634,465; 5,603,323; 5,706,819;
5,715,823; 5,718,229; 5,720,291; 5,879,303, 5,951,478; Re 36,564; 5,980,457; 5,961,462; 5,940,123; 5,908,389; 5,891,035;
5,860,924; 5,795,297; 5,846,200; 5,833,613. Other patent applications are pending in various countries.
Read This First
About Your Manual Set
This manual is part of a manual set. The manual set addresses the reader who is familiar
with ultrasound techniques. Sonography training and clinical procedures are not included
in the manual set. The manual set includes the following:
·Getting Started: Introduces you to basic system features and concepts. When you
complete the procedures in this manual, you will know how to use these features and
understand the concepts of system operation.
·S can h ead s an d S af et y: Cont ains inf or m at ion about s af et y, s c anheads , biops y
guides, transesophageal and laparoscopic scanheads, and acoustic output.
·Reference Manual: Cont ains inf or m at ion t hat s uppor t s and am plif ies t he pr oc edur es
in Getting Started. It includes image management, maintenance, troubleshooting,
specifications, references, and a glossary.
·Usi n g Di si n f ect an t s an d G el s: Cont ains inf or m at ion about c om pat ible gels and dis -
infectants and disinfecting ATL products.
· Acoustic Output Tables: Cont ains inf or m at ion about m ec hanic al and t her m al index
precision and accuracy , the acoustic output default tables, and the acoustic output
· Medical Ultrasound Safety: Cont ains inf or m at ion about bioeff ec t s and biophy s ic s ,
prudent use, and implementing ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable).
·Operating Notes: Contains information that clarifies certain system responses that
might be misunderstood or cause user difficulty.
About Your Manual Set on Compact Disc (CD)
A CD is included in a pocket on the inside back cover of theGetting Started manual. The
CDcontainsthecompletemanualset,except fortheOperatingNotes. Theinstructionsfor
using the CD are on the last page of the Getting Started manual.
Please take the time to use the CD, complete the brief survey card included with the
manual set, and mail the survey card to us.
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Read This First
Conventions Used in This Manual
These conventions are used in this manual:
·Allprocedures are numbered. Youmust completesteps inthe sequencethey are presented to ensure a reliable result.
·Bulleted lists indicate general information about a particular function or procedure.
They do not imply a sequential procedure.
·Control names appear in this manual like they appear on the system.
·Menuitemsortitlesappearingonthe display areshown inthe manuallike they appear
on the display.
·Theleft sideof the systemis to yourleft asyoustandin frontof thesystem, facing the
·Scanheads and pencil probes both are referred to as scanheads, unless the distinction is important to the meaning of the text.
·“Select” means to place the cursor over an item and press SELECT once.
·“Double-select” means to place the cursor over an item, and quickly press SELECT
two times, like double-clicking with a computer mouse. Pressing SELECT too slowly
on double select will only highlight an item. Pressing it rapidly will initiate an action.
System Conventions
These conventions are used in the system:
·Thesoftwarethat runs thesystemusesgraphicdisplayelementssimilartothoseused
in many personal computers. References to these elements in the software or in the
m anual ar e def ined in t he glos s ar y in t he Ref er enc e M anual .
·On a menu, protocol, or other display, a highlight bar indicates that the item or name
contained within theboundariesof thehighlight bar is inthe processof beingselected.
Pressing the SELECT control or other related control actually selects the item,
assigns a value to a system parameter, or initiates the action related to theselected
·On a menu, an underlined letter indicates that pressing the underlined letter on the
system keyboard will have the same effect as choosing the menu item with the trackball and the SELECT control.
·On the system keyboard, pressing the Superkey and another designated key, for
example 2D Maps, allows youto changea system parameter without using a menu.
Using the Superkey is a quick way to change a system parameter that normally
appears on a menu.
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Read This First
·Pressing a key or control the first time initiates a mode change, function, oroperation,
or changes the value of a system parameter. Pressing the same key or control a secondtimeresumesapreviousmodeorsystemparameter,cyclestothenextsetting,or
endsthe function or operation. All MENUcontrols work this way,andit can be quicker
to press the MENU control than to select Close, especially to exit a submenu.
·On a menu, protocol, or other display, text that is lighter in color than the other text on
thedisplayindicates thattheitem or name containedwithintheboundariesisnotavailable for selection in that menu, protocol, or display.
·Selecting + or -- increases or decreases the value of the parameter.
·An ellipsis ... on a menu indicates that a submenu is available from the selection.
·To highlight a menu, protocol, or other display item, use the trackball to move thecur-
sor to the particular item.
·To enter text into a text field, use the keyboard.
·The softkeys, located on the lower right of the control panel, assume functions based
on your control selections. For example, pressing VCRCTRL results in the softkeys
assuming these VCR control functions: PLAY, PAUSE, STOP, FF (Fast Forward),
orindicates an option or alternative for selection.
orindicates that an option or alternative has been selected.
System Upgrades and Manual Set Updates
ATLUltrasoundiscommittedtoinnovationandcontinued improvement.Upgrades maybe
announced that consist of hardware or software improvements. Updated manuals will
accompany those system upgrades.
Customer Comments
If you have questions about the manual set, or you discover an error in the manual set,
pleasecalltheATLCustomerService at (800) 433-3246;orifyou are outsidetheUSA, call
thenearest ATLoffice,listedlater in thissection. Youcanalsosendelectronic mail(e-mail)
to ATL Technical Publications at the following address:
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Starting an Exam
"""" T o prepare the system for operation:
1. Ensure that the circuit breaker on the rear of the system (Figure 2--1) is set to OFF.
2. Ensure that the ON/STANDBY switch is set to STANDBY (Figure 2--1).
Circuit breaker
Figure 2--1.System Circuit Breaker and ON/STANDBY Switch Locations
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Starting an Exam
3. Plugthesystem power cordintoagrounded outlet,ratedfor at least15 amperes. Systems used in North America should only be connected to hospital-grade outlets.
4. Connec t a s c anhead t o one of t he s c anhead r ec ept ac les ( F igur e 2 -- 2) .
a. Position the scanhead connector against the scanhead receptacle.
b. Turn the locking lever clockwise.
"""" T o connect the footswitch assembly:
1. Locat e t he f oot swit ch connect or on t he f r ont of t he syst em (F igure 2 -- 2).
2. Connect the footswitch assembly to the footswitch connector.
"""" T o connect physio transducers:
1. Prepare the ECG leads, phono, pulse, and auxiliary transducers, as necessary.
2. Connect the ECG, physio, and auxiliary connectors, as necessary, to the system
r ec ept ac les ( F igur e 2 -- 2) .
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Starting an Exam
Scanhead receptacles
Pencil probe port
Channel A)
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Channel B)
Figure 2--2.Connection Receptacles
Starting an Exam
"""" T o turn on power to the system:
1. O n t he rear of t he syst em, swit ch t he circuit breaker swit ch t o ON ( F igur e 2 -- 1).
2. O n t he lef t side of t he syst em, swit ch t he O N/ S TANDBY s wit c h ( F igur e 2 -- 1) t o ON.
3. Waitaboutoneminutewhile the system performsits initializationand self-testroutine.
A 2D display appears on the video monitor (Figure 2--3). (If a pencil probe is the only
scanheadconnected to thesystem, a scrolling display appears on thevideo monitor.)
"""" T o turn off power to the system:
1. On the left side of the system, switch the ON/STANDBY switch to STANDBY
( F igur e 2 -- 1) .
2. The system displays amessage, “Initiating power-down...Will powerdownwhenfinished saving files.” and then the system shuts down.
3. O n t he rear of t he syst em, swit ch t he circuit breaker (F igure 2 -- 1) t o OFF.
Figure 2--3.2D Display
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Starting an Exam
SStandby does not result in an immediate cessation of system activity.A pow-
er-downsequence occurs, similar tothe initialization that occurs whenpower
is turned on. Do not inadvertently cycle power, when this power-down
sequence is occurring.
STo prevent electrical damage to the system or possible loss of patient data,
after turning the system off, always wait 5 to 10 seconds before turning the
power on again.
SPriorto disconnecting the power cord from the electrical outlet, switch the cir-
cuit breaker to the OFF position.
"""" T o enter new patient data:
If you havethe Worklist optionor the Digital Video Streaming (DVS)option, the procedure
for patient data entry differs from the following procedure. Refer to the “Image Manangem ent ” s ec t ion of t he Ref er enc e M anual , if your syst em has t he Worklist opt ion. Ref er t o the
“ Digit al Video S t r eam ing O pt ion” s ec t ion of t he Ref er enc e M anual, if your syst em has the
DVS option.
1. Press the Patient Data key to display the Patient Data Entry form (Figure 2--4).
2. Select New t o dis play t he New P at i en t f orm (F igure 2-- 5).
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Figure 2--4. Patient Data Entry Form
Starting an Exam
Figure 2--5. New Patient Form
3. Enter patient information: Last Name, FirstName,MI(middle initial), ID,
#, Date of Birth, and Gender,andpress the Return key after each entry.Age is cal-
culated from the date of birth you enter.
--WiththeImage Management option,if youdonotenter anID, the systemwillgen-
erate an ID and assign it to the patient.
--Anaccession number is an optionalentry assigned to eachpatient file by an insti-
tution for internal information management purposes.
4. Press the Patient Data key,orselectClose,tosave thepatient informationand toexit
the display.
"""" T o edit patient data:
1. P r es s t he P at i en t Dat a k ey t o dis play t he P at i en t Dat a E n t ry f orm (F igure 2-- 4).
2. Select Ed i t t o dis play t he Ed i t Pati en t f orm (F igure 2-- 6).
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Starting an Exam
3. E dit pat ient inf or m at ion: L ast Name, First Name, MI ( m iddle init ial) , ID, Accessi o n #.
DateofBirth,andGender, andpresstheReturnkeyafter completingeachfield.
is calculated from the date of birth you enter.
--WiththeImage Management option,if youdonotenter anID, the systemwillgen-
erate an ID and assign it to the patient.
--Anaccession number is an optionalentry assigned to eachpatient file by an insti-
tution for internal information management purposes.
Figure 2--6. Patient Data Entry: Edit Patient Form
4. Press the Patient Data key,orselectClose,tosave thepatient informationand toexit
the display.
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Starting an Exam
"""" To enter study data:
1. Select Study Data on the Patient Data Entry form to display additional study data
fields (Figure 2--7).
Figure 2--7. Study Data Form
Verify that the date and time are accurately displayed. You will need to press the
Patient Data key to display the time and again to return to Patient Data Entry
2. If necessary, change the units of measure on the Study Data
a. Select the units of measure to display a drop-down list. Units of measure include
thefollowing:for height,cm(centimeters)andin(inches); forweight, lboz (ounces), kg (kilograms), and gms
b. From the drop-down list, select the units of measure you want.
3. Enter the patient’s height and weight in the units of measure shown on the display .
Press the Return key after each entry. The patient’s body surface area will be calculated and displayed based on the height and weight you entered.
4. If appropriate, enter the LMP (last menstrual period) date. Press the Return key.The
systemautomaticallycalculates and displaysthe gestational age using theLMPdate,
GA(LMP).A calculationofthe estimated date of delivery by thelast menstrual period,
EDD (LMP), is also calculated and displayed.
--If theLMP is unknown, youcan enter an Estab. (Established) Due Date and then
press Return. The system will calculatean LMP dateanddesignate it witha c, for
“calculated value.”
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Starting an Exam
5. Enter the Estab. Due Date and press the Return key.
6. For Twins, enter Y or N (Yes or No) and press the Return key.
7. If previous ultrasoundexam data exists,select PrevExamData.ThePreviousExamData form is displayed (Figure 2--8).
a. Enter the information into the Previous Exam Data form. There are 10 exams
available, and you should enter the data in chronological order, beginning with
Exam #1
b. When finished, select Close to exit the Previous Exam Data
Figure 2--8. Previous Exam Data
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Starting an Exam
"""" T o select a scanhead for image optimization:
1. Ensure that the desired scanhead is securely connected to the scanhead receptacle.
2. Press the Scanhead key to display the Scanhead display, which shows the scanheads that are currently connected to the system (Figure 2--9).
3. Select the scanhead that you want. Alist of clinical options is displayed based on the
scanhead that you select (Figure 2--9).
2-- 10
Clinical options
Tissue Specific
Figure 2--9.Scanhead Display
4. Select theclinical option that you want.A correspondinglist ofTissueSpecific presets
displays across from the list of clinical options (Figure 2--9).
5. Select a Tissue Specific preset. The system initializes with the scanhead, clinical
opt ion, and t he Tis s ue S pec if ic pr es et y ou hav e s elec t ed ( F igur e 2 -- 10) .
If scanhead initialization fails: check the scanhead connector, reselect the scanhead,
or select another scanhead.
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Starting an Exam
C5--2 40R
Figure 2--10.Tissue Specific Scanhead Initialization
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
2-- 11
Using Setups
Setupsare system parameters. There are three typesof setups: system, Tissue Specific
preset, and software. Changing any setup takes effect immediately. System setups are
savedthrough a power cycle. Tissue Specific preset setups are only in effect until thecurrentTissueSpecific preset is changed ora power cycleoccurs.Softwaresetupsallowyou
or an ATL representative to install a temporary option on your system. You can use this
option for a specified period of time before it is automatically disabled.
TissueSpecific preset setups can be saved as part of a user-defined Tissue Specific preset using the Quick Save key.
Image Management and Acquisition Parameters setups are addressed in detail in the
“ I m age M anagem ent ” and “ Digit al Video S t r eam ing O pt ion” s ec t ions of t he Ref er enc e
M anual. A ll s et ups and s et t ings ar e ex plained in t he glos s ar y in t he Ref er enc e M anual.
Directory of Setup Options
TheDirectoryof SetupOptionslistsgroupsofsystemandTissueSpecificpresetsetups
t hat are available in t he syst em (F igure 3 -- 1). Depending upon your syst em opt ions, t he
content of your Directory of Setup Options may vary.
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
3-- 1
Using Setups
Figure 3--1. Directory of Setup Options (Example)
3-- 2
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Using Setups
"""" To use the Directory of Setup Options:
1. P r es s t he Setups key. T he Directory of Setup Options appear s ( F igur e 3 -- 1) .
2. Select one of the setup groups listed in the directory. The setups appear.
3. At the bottom of the setups displays, there are several control selections. Select the
following, as necessary:
--System Defaults: Having changed setup values, you may want to revert to the
originalsetupvalueswithout individuallyresetting all of thesetups. Selecting Sys-
tem Defaults allows you to do that. System Defaults does not appear on the
Directory of Setup Options; it appears on the setups displays.
--Close: Closes the display, exits Setups, and returns the system to the active
imaging mode.
--Setups Directory: Displays the Directory of Setup Options.
--Left arrow: Moves back through the displays of the different setup groups.
--Right arrow: Moves forward through the displays of the different setup groups.
--Diagnostics: Appears on the Directory of Setup Options only; it provides
access to the system diagnostics.
System Setups
"""" T o change setups:
1. Select a setup group from the Directory of Setup Options.
2. Select the setup values or enter text into a text field for a setup.
3. Select Close or press the Setups key.
Perform the examples that follow to become familiar with changing setups, and then use
these basic operations to change the range of setups as required for your uses.
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
3-- 3
Using Setups
"""" To enter the name of the institution:
1. In Display setups, select the Institution field in the Screen Header area
(Figure 3--2). The text entry cursor appears in the Institution field.
2. Enter the name of the institution.
3. Select Close to exit the Display setups and return to the imaging mode. The institution name that you entered appears on the image display.
Institution field
Date field
Time field
Figure 3--2. Display Setups
3-- 4
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Using Setups
"""" To enter the date:
1. In Display setups, select the desired date format (MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY)inthe
Screen Header area. The diamond changes shading to indicate selection of the date
f or m at ( F igur e 3 -- 2) . W hen y ou ent er t he dat e, it m us t c or r es pond in f or m at t o t his
2. Move the cursor to the left side of the date entry field.
3. Press the SELECT control to activate text entry.
4. Enter the date in the format selected.
5. Select Close to exittheDisplaysetups and returnto theimaging mode. Thedate that
you entered appears on the image display .
"""" To enter the time:
1. In Display setups, select the desired timeformat (am,pm,or24Hour)intheScreen
Header area. The diamond changes shading to indicate selection of the time format
( F igur e 3 -- 2) . W hen y ou ent er t he t im e, it m us t c or r es pond in f or m at t o t his s elec t ion.
2. Move the cursor to the time entry field.
3. Press the SELECT control to activate text entry.
4. Enter the time in the format selected.
5. Select Close to exittheDisplaysetups andreturn to the imagingmode.The timethat
you entered appears on the image display .
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
3-- 5
Using Setups
"""" To set the Doppler results display:
1. On the Directory of Setup Options, select Measurements.TheMeasurements
setups appear.
2. Select the Doppler result that you want displayed during High Q Doppler analysis
(Figure 3--3).
3. Repeatstep 2 untilyou have selectedupto sixDopplerresults for display (fivefor Cardiology clinical options).
4. Select Close to exit the Measurements setups.
5. DuringDopplerimaging, the Doppler resultsthat youselectfromthe DopplerResultsDisplay list will be invoked for the number of heart cycles selected in the next procedure.
"""" T o set the number of heart cycles by which High Q Doppler analysis will update:
1. On the Directory of Setup Options, select Measurements.TheMeasurements
setups appear.
2. Select the High Q entry field to activate text entry (Figure 3--4).
3. Enter the number of heart cycles: the entry must be a number between 1 and 15.
4. Select Close to exit the Measurements setups.
5. The Doppler results will be updated every 1to 15 heart cycles,depending upon your
selection in the High Q Measurements setups.
Figure 3--4. Setting the High Q Update Interval
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
3-- 7
Using Setups
Tissue Specific Preset Setups
Under a preset name, you can save thecurrent setupsand system control settings. ATL
hasoptimized severalpresets andcalledthem TissueSpecific presets.These presetsare
related to aclinical option and to a scanhead. They set up the system for specific tissue
imaging and are intended to reduce the need for control adjustments.
Thefollowingprocedures deal withcreating your ownpresets, deletingpresets,andtransferring presets between systems.
"""" T o use the Quick Save key to save a preset:
1. Ensure that the controls and setups are set for your application and scanhead.
2. Press the Quick Save key to display the dialog box (Figure 3--5).
3. To clear the Save current system settings as field, press the Backspace key.
(Otherwise, the system default name will be used for your preset.)
4. Enter a name for your preset in the Save current system settings as field
(Figure 3--5). You can enter five characters.
3-- 8
Name field
Figure 3--5.Quick Save Dialog Box
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Using Setups
5. Select Accept to save the preset.
6. To verify that your preset has been saved, press the Scanhead key. Your preset
appears in the right column of the Scanhead display(Figure 3--6). You can nowuse
this preset with the specific scanhead and clinical option.
Figure 3--6.User-defined Optimized Preset
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Saved preset
3-- 9
Using Setups
"""" T o delete a preset:
1. On the Directory of Setup Options, select Tissue Specific Presets.TheTissue
Specific Presets Setups appear . (Figure 3--7).
2. Select the preset that you want to delete. (ATL Tissue Specific presets cannot be
3. Select Delete to delete the selected presets. (Respond to the system dialog box as
appropriate.) The custom preset is deleted from the list.
4. Select Close to exit the Directory of Setup Options.
3-- 10
Figure 3--7.Tissue Specific Presets Setups
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Using Setups
"""" T o copy presets from a system to an optical disk:
1. On the Directory of Setup Options, select Tissue Specific Presets.TheTissue
S p eci f i c P reset s S et u p s appear. ( F igur e 3 -- 7) .
2. Insert a formatted optical disk into the disk drive.
3. Select Copyto copy the presets to the optical disk. A status message appears, and
theindicator onthe disk drive lights toindicate that thepresets are copyingto the optical disk (Figure 3--8).
4. Remove the optical disk:
b. Select Eject. The optical disk is ejected from the system optical disk drive.
Figure 3--8.Copying Presets Message
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Copying Tissue Specific Presets to the optical disk.
3-- 11
Using Setups
"""" T o transfer presets from an optical disk to the system:
1. On the Directory of Setup Options, select Tissue Specific Presets.TheTissue
2. Insert the formatted optical disk with presets into the optical disk drive.
3. Select Install to transfer the presets from the optical disk to the system. The dialog
5. After installing the presets, thelist of presets is not automatically updated. You must
Transferringpresetsfrom asystem withone version of systemsoftware to anothersystemwitha differentversionof systemsoftwarecancorruptthepresetsdatabase. This can result in poor system performance. Before transferring presets
betweensystems, ensurethatthesoftwareversionsarethesame.Yourcustomer
service representative can supply you with this information.
S p eci f i c P reset s S et u p s appear. ( F igur e 3 -- 7) .
box in Figure 3--9 appears. (Respond to the dialog box as appropriate.)
Remove the optical disk:
a. Press NET/DISK.
b. Select Eject. The optical disk is ejected from the system optical disk drive.
exit and re-enter theTissue Specific Presets Setups to see the new list ofpresets.
3-- 12
Installing files from optical disk.
Do you want to overwritethe existing custom presets?
Figure 3--9.Transferring Presets Dialog Box
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
Using Setups
Software Setups
"""" T o add a temporary option:
1. On theDirectory of Setup Options, select Temporary Options.TheTemporary
Options setups appear (Figure 3--10).
Figure 3--10. Temporary Options Setups
2.Enterthe “key” into the textentry field. (Youcanobtain the key froman ATLrepresentative.)
3. Select Add. A dialog box appears describing the temporary software option and how
t o enable it ( F igur e 3 -- 11) .
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
3-- 13
Using Setups
Figure 3--11. Adding a Temporary Software Option Dialog
4. To enable a temporary software option: turn off system power, wait severalseconds,
and then turn the system on.
5. When you turn the system on, adialog box appears, describing the temporary option
and the period of time it will remain enabled.
6. Select OK. The dialog is removed and imaging can begin. The temporary option is
available for the period of time indicated in the dialog. Each time power is turned on,
thedialogwillbeupdatedwiththetime remainingforanyadditionaltemporary options.
"""" T o delete all temporary options:
1. On theDirectory of Setup Options, select Temporary Options.TheTemporary
Options s et ups appear ( F igur e 3 -- 10) .
2. SelectDelete.Adialogboxappears, indicating that alltemporarysoftware optionswill
be deleted.
3. Select OK. The dialog box is removed.
4. To update the system software options: turn off system power,wait several seconds,
and then turn the system on.
3-- 14
HDI 5000 Getting Started 4708-0027-03
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