You and anyone in your hom e ca n con trol HomePo d usi ng S iri, or by tapp ing the top o f
Activate Siri. Say “Hey Siri” and then your request. For example say, “Hey Siri, play some
music.” HomePod hears you—even from across the room or when itʼs playing music.
Adjust the volume. Yo u ca n say somet hing like “Hey Siri, make it louder.” Or set a specific
volume level such as “Hey Siri, set the volume to 50 percent.”
Pause and resume playback. Say “Hey Siri, stop.” To resume, say “Hey Siri, play.”
Go to the next track. Say “Hey Siri, next song.” You can also say, for example,“Hey Siri, skip
forward 30 seconds,” which can be useful when listening to a podcast.
Go to the previous track. When youʼre listening to a playlist or album, say “Hey Siri, previous
Dismiss an alarm or timer. Say “Hey Siri, stop.”
Tou ch c on trol s
Activate Siri. To uc h a nd hol d th e top o f H om ePod . Whe n yo u a ct ivat e Sir i thi s wa y, t he re ʼs n o
need to say “Hey Siri”—just say your command.
Adjust the volume during playback. Tap , or t ou ch a nd h ol d, t he + o r - on the top of
Pause and resume playback. Ta p th e to p of H om ePo d t o pa us e pl ayb ack . Tap a ga in t o
Go to the next track. Double-tap the top of HomePod to skip the song thatʼs currently
Go to the previous track. Triple-tap the top of HomePod. This control works only when
youʼre listening to a playlist or an album.
Dismiss an alarm. Tap any whe re o n th e top of Ho mePo d.
Tou ch c on trol s an d acc es sib il it y