Aastra Telecom 6753i R User Manual

AastraLink RP Solution
Administrator Guide
Rev 03
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6757i CT RP

Software License Agreement

Aastra Telecom Inc., hereinafter known as "Seller", grants to Customer a personal, worldwide, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable and non-exclusive, restricted use license to use Software in object form solely with the Equipment for whi ch the Software was intended. This Product may integrate programs, licensed to Aastra by third party Suppliers, for distribution under the terms of this agreement. These programs are confidential and proprietary , and are protected as such by copyright law as unpublished works and by international treaties to the fullest extent under the applicable law of the jurisdiction of the Customer. In addition, these confidential and proprietary programs are works conforming to the requirements of Section 401 of title 17 of the United States Code. Customer shall not disclose to any third party such confidential and proprietary programs and information and shall not export licensed Software to any country except in accordance with United States Export laws and restrictions.
Customer agrees to not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or display Software furnished in object code form. Customer shall not modify, copy, reproduce, distribute, transcribe, translate or reduce to electronic medium or machine readable form or language, derive source code without the express written consent of the Seller and its Suppliers, or disseminate or otherwise disclose the Software to third parties. All Software furnished hereunder (whether or not part of firmware), including all copies thereof, are and shall remain the property of Seller and its Suppliers and are subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement. All rights reserved.
Customer's use of this software shall be deemed to reflect Customer's agreement to abide by the terms and conditions contained herein. Removal or modification of trademarks, copyright notices, logos, etc., or the use of Software on any Equipment other than that for which it is intended, or any other material breach of this Agreement, shall automatically terminate this license. If this Agreement is terminated for breach, Customer shall immediately discontinue use and destroy or return to Seller all licensed software and other confidential or proprietary information of Seller. In no event shall Seller or its suppliers or licensors be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, other pecuniary loss, or consequential damages) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software, even if Seller has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Software License Agreement
AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide 3

Table of Contents

Software License Agreement........................................................................................................ 3
Introduction................................................................................................................................... 7
About This Guide ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
System Overview........................................................................................................................... 9
Summary of System Features .................................................................................................................................... 9
System Installation...................................................................................................................... 11
Base Unit .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Gateway ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
RP Phones ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Response Point Administrator................................................................................................... 14
Installing Administrator ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Starting Administrator ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Response Point Assistant............................................................................................................ 17
Starting Assistant ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Using Administrator............................................................................................... .... ................ 19
Adding Users ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
Recording User Names ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Editing Users ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Removing Users ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Adding Phones ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Adding Multiple Line Phones .................................................................................................................................. 27
Editing a Phone ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
Removing a Phone ................................................................................................................................................... 32
Voice Services............................................................................................................................... 34
Adding Gateways (Analog Phone Services) ............................................................................................................ 34
Adding VoIP Phone Services ................................................................................................................................... 36
Editing Voice Services ............................................................................................................................................. 37
Removing Voice Services ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Advanced Administrator Options ............................................................................................. 39
Setting the Date and Time ........................................................................................................................................ 39
Configuring the Email Server .................................................................................................................................. 40
Setting Parked Call Music ........................................................................................................................................ 41
Setting Voicemail Options ....................................................................................................................................... 43
Using the Automated Receptionist .......................................................................................................................... 43
Using Advanced Automated Receptionist Features ................................................................................................. 44
Using a Receptionist or Operator ............................................................................................................................. 46
Simultaneous Ringing/Ringing Groups ................................................................................................................... 48
Call History .............................................................................................................................................................. 49
Voicemail Storage .................................................................................................................................................... 50
Base Unit Storage FAQs .......................................................................................................................................... 51
Backing up and Restoring Base Unit Configuration ................................................................................................ 52
Event Logs on the Base Unit .................................................................................................................................... 54
Setting Options via the Aastra Web UI..................................................................................... 55
Finding Your Phone’s IP Address ........................................................................................................................... 55
Using the Aastra Web UI ......................................................................................................................................... 56
Table of Content
AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide 5
Upgrading the AastraLink RP Solution.................................................................................... 60
Base Unit and Software Upgrades ........................................................................................................................... 60
Phone and Gateway Upgrades ................................................................................................................................. 61
Resetting Your AastraLink RP Solution................................................................................... 65
Factory Defaulting Aastra RP Phones ..................................................................................................................... 65
Microsoft Utilities .................................................................................................................................................... 67
Troubleshooting Solutions.......................................................................................................... 69
General Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Auto-Discovery Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................ 70
Limited Warranty ....................................................................................................................... 73
Table of Contents
6 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide


Congratulations on your purchase of the AastraLink RP Solution for small to medium-sized businesses! The AastraLink RP Solution communicates over an IP Network, allowing you to receive and place calls in the same manner as a regular business telephone system. The AastraLink RP Solution is a phone system that offers breakthrough voice-activated user interface, simplified setup and user management, and effortless mobility, powered by Microsoft® Response Point™.
Typ i cal Net work Set up

About This Guide

Micros oft R e sponsePoint
Administrator Software
6751i RP IP P hone
LAN Ethernet Switch
G o o d
b y e
S e r vi
ce s
H ol d
e D e le
t e
S p ea
k er
M u t e
Rou t er
6757i CT RP
IP Phone
CT cordless
Aas traLink R p 540 Gateway Aas traLink R P 500 B a s e Unit
This manual is designed for network system administrators and describes how to install and maintain your AastraLink RP Solution. Not all features listed are available by default and some may depend on your phone sy stem or serv ice provider. The following guides may apply to components of your AastraLink RP Solution:
6753i RP IP P hon
• AastraLink RP 500 Base Unit Installation Guide
• AastraLink RP 540 Gateway Installation Guide
• AastraLink RP Solution Quick Start Guide
• Aastra 6751i RP, 6753i RP and 6757i CT RP Phone Installation Guides
• AastraLink IP Phone User Guide
The AastraLink RP 500 Base Unit Installation Guide – includes detailed instructions on setting up the AastraLink RP 500 Base Unit required for all AastraLink RP systems.
The AastraLink RP 540 Gateway Installation Guide – gives detailed instructions on setting up the AastraLink RP 540 Gateway for all AastraLink RP systems which connect to external phone lines.
The AastraLink RP Solution Quick Start Guide – provides basic information on setting up and configuring the AastraLink RP Solution.
The Aastra 6751i RP, 6753i RP and 6757i CT RP Phone Installation Guides - contain detailed instructions on setting up the Aastra RP phones you can use with theAastraLink RP Solution.
AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide 7
The AastraLink IP Phone User Guide - describes how to use the features of the different Aastra RP phones, from basic calling to advanced phone features.
These guides along with release notes and other documentation can be downloaded from our Web site at www.aastratelecom.com
8 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide

System Overview

The AastraLink RP Solution offers ground-breaking voice recognition software powered by Microsoft alongside the quality business phone features you have come to expect from Aastra IP phones.

Summary of System Features

AastraLink RP Solution Feature Response
Voice Dialing Call Park Call Transfer Bypass Receptionist Configuration On Screen Call Notification 3-Way Calling/Conferencing Speed Dialing Programmable Keys Expansion Modules XML Applications Support Foreign Language Support Automated Receptionist
Multiple Ring Groups Contacts List Email Voicemail Notification Local and Remote Voicemail Retrieval Auto-Discovery

Voice Recognition

The AastraLink RP Solution is a phone system that offers a voice-activated user interface for a variety of phone tasks, saving you time otherwise spent looking up numbers. Voice-activated dialing, call handling, and voicemail retrieval are powered by robust Microsoft Response Point software.
AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide 9
System Overview


Microsoft Response Point Administrator

Microsoft Response Point Assistant

System Overview

System Deployment Requirements

All components of the AastraLink RP Solution are designed to be sensed by the Response Point software automatically on your LAN. Once everything is plugged in and turned on, setting up and configuring the AastraLink RP Solution is a straightforward process done on the system administrator’s PC.
The Microsoft Response Point Administrator software administers the AastraLink RP Solution. This software is installed only on the system administrator’s computer, and controls the basic settings for all individual phone extensions as well as the base unit and gateway. Using the Administrator, system settings such as the date and time, call­routing plan, and extension numbers may be configured with ease.
The Microsoft Response Point Assistant software is optionally installed on each phone user’s individual PC. It allows each phone user in the Aastralink RP Solution to specify individual user preferences such as their nicknames, directory listing, voicemail options, and call-forwarding settings.
The Aastralink RP Solution requires all components be connected to the same local area network (LAN). This includes the AastraLink 500 Base Unit, the AastraLink 540 Gateway , all Aastra RP phones, the system administrator’s PC, and phone users’ PCs (for the Assistant software).
Microsoft Response Point Administrator and Microsoft Response Point Assistant require that your computer run one of the following system programs:
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Home Edition, with Service Pack 2 (SP2, 32-bit) and the latest security updates
• Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit) wit h the latest security updates
• Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2, 32-bit
• Small Business Server 2003 R2, 32-bit
Administrator and Assistant also work with the following programs for adding and importing contacts:
• Microsoft Office Outlook
• Windows Address Book (for Windows XP)
• Windows Contacts (for Windows Vista)
• Business Contact Manager
10 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide

System Installation

The AastraLink RP Solution uses auto-discovery to sense the system components. Before installing the Response Point software on the system administrator’s PC, all other components of the AastraLink RP Solution must be installed, plugged in, turned on (if applicable), and connected to the LAN.
Note: All phones, base units and gateways must be connected to the same LAN in order for the AastraLink RP Solution to function as designed.

Base Unit


The AastraLink 500 Base Unit should be installed following the instructions given in the AastraLink 500 Base Unit Installation Guide or AastraLink RP Solution Quick Start Guide.
The AastraLink 500 Base Unit may be installed as a desktop unit flat on the desk or on end, or may be wall-mounted to save space.
The AastraLink 500 Base Unit must be connected to both power and the LAN, and must be turned on for auto-discovery to succeed.
System Installation
The AastraLink RP 540 Gateway should be installed following the instructions given in the AastraLink 540 Base Unit Installation Guide or AastraLink RP Solution Quick Start Guide.
The AastraLink RP 540 Gateway may be installed on a desktop, stacked under an AastraLink RP 500 Base Unit, or wall-mounted.
AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide 11

RP Phones

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The AastraLink RP 540 Gateway must be connected to both power and the LAN, and must be turned on for auto-discovery to succeed.
Any combination of Aastra phone models 6751i RP, 6753i RP, and 6757i CT RP works with the AastraLink RP Solution.
Aastra 6751i RP Phone
System Installation
Aastra 6753i RP Phone
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12 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide
Aastra 6757i CT RP Phone
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Each phone should be installed following the instructions given in the phone installation guide for the correct model.
The Aastra RP phones can be set up and connected to the LAN initially, or can be connected when prompted by the Response Point Administrator software.
AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide 13
System Installation

Response Point Administrator

The Microsoft Response Point Administrator software connects the components of your AastraLink RP Solution, and allows you to configure phones and users individually. Administrator should be installed on one computer connected to your LAN, for use by the system administrator.

Installing Administrator

The Microsoft Response Point Administrator software will auto-detect the system components you have already powered up and connected to the LAN.
To install the Administrator software and other Microsoft Response Point components on the system administrator’s computer, do the following.
Note: Administrator should only be installed on one computer connected to the same LAN as all phones, base units and gateways.
1. Insert the AastraLink RP system CD that was supplied with the AastraLink RP 500 base unit into the CD drive of your computer.
Note: If the Autoinstall window does not open, use Windows Explorer to view the CD directory. Double-click
2. Click Install AastraLink RP software.
3. As the system administrator, you should install all of the Response Point software components on your computer. Check the Install Microsoft Response Point
Response Point Administrator
Administrator box and ensure all boxes are checked.
Install.exe to start the installation process.
4. Click Next. Follow the prompts to install all of the Microsoft Response Point components.
Note: You must review and accept the license agreements in order to install the software.
14 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide

Starting Administrator

The Administrator software walks you through setting up and configuring your AastraLink RP Solution. Once you have installed the software on the system administrator’s computer you are ready to start the system.
To start the Administrator software and configure your system, do the following.
1. Select Start > Programs > Microsoft Response Point Administrator. The Important Notice screen opens.
2. Review the emergency considerations listed and click OK. The Select the base unit screen opens.
Note: If no base units are listed, ensure your base unit is turned on and wait 30 seconds for the list to refresh. If it is still not detected see Auto-Discovery Troubleshootin g on page 70 of this guide.
3. Choose your base unit. If more than one is shown, check the MAC address on the bottom sticker on your base unit. The first time you connect, a security screen opens.
4. Confirm that the correct MAC address for your base unit is displayed, and click Yes to continue. A security warning screen opens.
5. Click Yes to accept the security certificate.
Response Point Administrator
AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide 15
The Connect to Base Unit dialog opens.
6. Enter the default password admin and click Connect. The Change password now dialog opens.
The base unit is now connected to the Microsoft Response Point Administrator software. Change the password now, or do so from the main menu at a later time.
Note: If you ever forget your password you can reset the AastraLink RP 500 Base Unit password using the Microsoft Utility pro vided. See Resetting the AastraLink RP 500 Base Unit Password on page 67.
To add phones to your AastraLink RP Solution, follow the steps given in Adding Phones on page 25.
Note: In some cases the security certificate will not match the previously downloaded certificate when you connect to the base unit. This will occur if the base unit has been serviced or the base unit software upgraded. Click
Help for further information.
Response Point Administrator
16 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide

Response Point Assistant

The Microsoft Response Point Assistant software is installed on both the system administrator’s computer and each phone user’s computer. When you check the boxes to install Administrator and all other Response Point components on page 14, Assistant is also installed on your computer. This allows you to access your own personal phone account as a phone user.
You, as system administrator, must add phones to the system and assign extension numbers before anyone can log on to the Assistant software. For more information see System Installation on page 11 and Adding Users on page 19.
Note: If you do not have the Assistant software installed on your computer, see the AastraLink IP Phone Users Guide for installation instructions.

Starting Assistant

Once you have installed the Assistant software on your computer you are ready to personalize your phone settings.
To start the Assistant software and set your phone preferences, do the following.
1. Select Start > Programs > Microsoft Response Point Assistant. The Log On screen opens.
2. Enter the extension number you assigned yourself as system administrator, and select your base unit.
3. Enter the default password
Note: The Assistant password is also used for voicemail. If you change the password for one, both will change.
4. Assistant opens to display a phone directory. You will see your name already in the directory, as entered in Microsoft Response Point Administrator by the system administrator.
9999, and click Log On.
Response Point Assistant
AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide 17
Note: You can only log on to Microsoft Response Point Assistant once your extension number has been assigned.
You can now change your personal phone settings by clicking Settings. See the AastraLink IP Phone Users Guide for more information.
Response Point Assistant
18 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide

Using Administrator

The Microsoft Response Point Administrator software is designed to be used by the local system administrator to configure the AastraLink RP Solution. To install the Administrator, use the software and documentation CD which came with the AastraLink RP 500 Base Unit, and the procedure given on page 14. To uninstall the Administrator, u se th e Add/Remove Programs option in the Windows control panel.
The Administrator software, once installed, controls all components of the AastraLink RP Solution. Phone Users are added to the directory contained with Administrator, and can then be assigned to phones you connect to the network.
Note: Think about keeping a list of the users and extension numbers as you assign them. This is especially useful when configuring phone models with multiple lines, or adding users to several phones or user groups.

Adding Users

When you configure a new phone using the Configure Phone Wizard at least one primary user must be assigned to the new phone. Y ou can also add additional users at any time on the Phone System page by clicking Add User.
To add a new phone user in Administrator, do the following.
1. Click the Phone System button. In the Tasks pane, under Users, click Add user. The New User dialog box opens.
2. On the Identification tab, in the User type box, click Person, Group, Job Role, or Location, as appropriate.
3. In the Name boxes, if you chose the user type Person, type the first and last name, and optional nicknames and titles of the person who will use this phone. You should specify nicknames and titles if you think callers will use them when asking for this user.
AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide 19
Using Administrator
4. If you chose the user type Group, Job Role, or Location, type the applicable name in the Name box, and type any other names in the Alternate name 1 and Alternate name 2 boxes.
Using Administrator
5. Click OK in the New User dialog box.

Recording User Names

The name you have assigned to a user will be added to the directory and will be the name callers hear when they ask the Automated Receptionist to speak to a user. The recorded name can be changed by specifying a different name for the computer­generated speech, or by recording a sound file of your own through the phone handset.
The words that the Automated Receptionist will use to confirm a caller's request are not always the same as the user name or directory entry. For example, a caller may request to speak to "Ms. Margheim." However, you may want the Automated Receptionist to say "Diane Margheim" in confirmation, and the user name may be "Dr. Margheim".
Note: Individual users may also change the spoken name or file used for their name through the Assistant software.

Using Computer-Generated Speech

Using Administrator you can listen to the computer-generated name for a user or change the name being spoken.
20 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide
To edit or check the computer-generated user name, do the following.
1. Click the Phone System button.
2. In the Tasks pane, under Users, click Edit user. The Select a user to edit list opens.
3. Click the name of the user you want to edit, and then click OK.
4. Click the Identification tab, if it is not displayed.
5. Click the Record Name... button. The Specify Spoken Name dialog opens.
6. Type the name callers will hear in the Words to say box.
7. Click Play to ensure recording quality.
8. When you have finished editing the spoken name, click OK.
Note: If you select Use computer-generated speech, Response Point automatically uses Microsoft Anna to record your sound files. If this text-to-speech program is not available, Response Point chooses another Microsoft TTS program that comes with your operating system, regardless of which TTS pr ogram you've manually specified in Windows.

Recording Audio from a Phone

If you are not satisfied with the computer-generated speech, you can specify that callers hear a recording after they ask to speak to a user. The recording is made from any phone extension on the AastraLink RP Solution.
To record an audio message from a phone, do the following.
1. Click the Phone System button.
2. In the Tasks pane, under Users, click Edit user.
3. Select the name of the user you want to edit and click OK.
4. Click the Identification tab, if it is not displayed.
Using Administrator
AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide 21
5. Click the Record Name... button. The Specify Spoken Name dialog opens.
6. Click the Use audio recorded on a phone button.
7. Click the Record New button. The Record Audio Using a Phone window opens.
Using Administrator
8. Select your extension number to call for recording, and click Record.
Y our phone rings and play s a message prompting for the name after the beep. Clearly say the user name, then click Stop on your computer.
Note: Hanging up will also stop the recording but you will hear the sound of the phone hanging up at the end of the recording.
9. Click Play to ensure recording quality.
10. When you are satisfied with the recording, click OK.
11. Click OK to close the Specify Spoken Name dialog.
12. Click OK once more to finish editing the user.

Using a Prerecorded Sound File

You may use an existing sound file if you prefer. The sound file needs to be recorded in a sound recording application such as Windows Sound Recorder, available in the Windows XP operating system. (Windows Vista includes a different recording capability. Review the documentation for Windows Vista to learn how to make recordings.)
When using a sound recording application to create sound files, use the PCM format and make sure that the sound files are 8 kHz, 16 bit, mono, WAV files. Likewise, you may find that the volume is too low. Adjust the volume to your liking in the sound recording application.
Note: Make sure that the sound file for your name does not exceed 10 seconds.
To upload a prerecorded sound file to the base unit, do the following.
1. Click the Phone System button.
2. In the Tasks pane, under Users, click Edit user.
3. Select the name of the user you want to edit and click OK.
22 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide
4. Click the Identification tab, if it is not displayed.
5. Click the Record Name... button. The Specify Spoken Name dialog opens.
6. Click the Use a prerecorded sound file uploaded to the base unit button.
7. Click Choose New File.
8. Browse to your .WAV file location, select the file you wan t to upload and click Open.
9. Click Play to ensure recording quality.
10. When you are satisfied with the recording, click OK.
Note: If you select a file that is not a sound file in the right format, an error message will be displayed.

Editing Users

Click OK to return to the Specify Spoken Name dialog.
11. Once you are finished click OK to close the Specify Spoken Name dialog.
12. Click OK once more to finish editing the user.
Using Administrator
You can edit a Response Point user at any time in the User Properties dialog box. You can also change settings such as enabling voicemail or setting initial call forwarding rules.
Note: Call forwarding rules can be changed by the phone user in the Assistant program.
AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide 23
To edit a Response Point user using Administrator, do the following.
1. Click the Phone System button.
2. In the Tasks pane, under Users, click Edit user. The Select a user to edit list opens.
Using Administrator
3. Click the name of the user that you want to edit, and then click OK.
4. Click the Identification tab, if necessary, and change the options that are available for editing.
5. Make that changes that you want on the Voicemail and Call Fo rwarding tabs.
6. Click OK in the User Properties dialog box.

Removing Users

You may want to remove phone users from your system if they leave the company or you have made multiple entries for one phone user.
Note: You cannot remove users if they are assigned to a phone. You must first edit the phone to remove the user from it, and then remove the user from Administrator. For information on editing phones, see Editing a Phone on page 31.
To remove a Response Point user in Administrator, do the following.
1. Click the Phone System button.
2. In the Tasks pane, under Users, click Remove User.
3. Click the user that you want to remove, then click OK. a warning message opens before you delete the user.
4. Confirm that you want to remove the user by clicking Yes in the message box.
Note: If you remove a user who is the receptionist or operator you will have to assign a new user to that role. See Using a Receptionist or Operator on page 46 for more information.
24 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide
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