1. Firmware naming rule ............................................................................................ 4
2. Hardware specification of WiMAX Indoor CPEs .................................................... 4
3. What is the MTK chipset version of MAX218M? ................................................... 5
4. What is the flash capacity of MAX218M? .............................................................. 5
5. What are the possible device status values we can find on Web GUI? ................. 5
6. What is the maximum length of the username? ................................................... 5
7. What do I do if I forget the password? .................................................................. 5
8. How do we verify if the Firmware has been upgraded successfully? .................... 5
9. Does MAX218M support mass firmware update and what’s the procedure? ...... 5
10. Which bandwidths does MAX218M support? ....................................................... 6
11. What is the antenna type? ..................................................................................... 6
12. How many ROM files do we have? ........................................................................ 6
13. How to enable/disable ARQ/H-ARQ/PHS? ............................................................ 6
14. How to disable PKMv2 key authentication? .......................................................... 6
15. How to enable/disable RootCA verification? ......................................................... 7
16. How to change the IDLE mode time interval? ....................................................... 7
17. What is the HANDOVER criterion? ......................................................................... 7
18. How to check the Connection ID and QoS information? ....................................... 7
19. How to check the current service flow? ................................................................ 8
20. How can we determine if the CPE is running in SISO or Matrix A/B mode? ......... 8
21. Does MAX218M support SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 MIB table? ................................... 9
22. Does MAX218M support syslog facility? ................................................................ 9
23. Does MAX218M support bridge mode? .............................................................. 10
24. Does MAX218M support VLAN tagging? ............................................................. 10
25. Does MAX218M Support VPN? ............................................................................ 10
26. Does MAX218M support IP-CS with bridge? (Huawei’s property) ...................... 10
27. How many preset frequencies does MAX218M support? ................................... 10
28. Does MAX218M support TR-069? How to debug TR-069 issues? ....................... 11
29. Does TR-069 support HTTP authentication modes: none, basic, digest? ............ 11
30. Does MAX218M support OMA-DM? ................................................................... 11
31. How to backup CPE configuration? ...................................................................... 11
32. How to restore CPE configuration? ...................................................................... 12
33. What are the Common error messages? ............................................................. 12
34. What to check if we are facing a Ranging error? ................................................. 15
35. How to check SBC-REQ/REG-REQ /DSA-REQ message from trace log? ............... 15
36. How to change the connecting criteria to “by RSSI” or “by CINR”? .................... 16
37. How to display the current connecting frequency? ............................................. 16
38. How to check the real time RSSI and CINR? ........................................................ 16