ZyXEL MAX218M Support Note

Support Note
Version V1.0
Last Modified 2011/9/29
23. Does MAX218M support bridge mode? .............................................................. 10
24. Does MAX218M support VLAN tagging? ............................................................. 10
25. Does MAX218M Support VPN? ............................................................................ 10
26. Does MAX218M support IP-CS with bridge? (Huawei’s property) ...................... 10
27. How many preset frequencies does MAX218M support? ................................... 10
28. Does MAX218M support TR-069? How to debug TR-069 issues? ....................... 11
29. Does TR-069 support HTTP authentication modes: none, basic, digest? ............ 11
30. Does MAX218M support OMA-DM? ................................................................... 11
31. How to backup CPE configuration? ...................................................................... 11
32. How to restore CPE configuration? ...................................................................... 12
33. What are the Common error messages? ............................................................. 12
34. What to check if we are facing a Ranging error? ................................................. 15
35. How to check SBC-REQ/REG-REQ /DSA-REQ message from trace log? ............... 15
36. How to change the connecting criteria to “by RSSI” or “by CINR”? .................... 16
37. How to display the current connecting frequency? ............................................. 16
38. How to check the real time RSSI and CINR? ........................................................ 16
39. Why is the modulation being fixed at QPSK1/2, even at very good RSSI/CINR? .. 17
40. How do we check whether the CPE sends out an EAP request? ......................... 17
41. How do we know if the CPE uses EAP-TTLS or EAP-TLS? ..................................... 17
42. How to check current connected BS ID? .............................................................. 17
43. How to check the current downlink and uplink modulation? ............................. 18
44. Does MAX218M fully support MIMO mode? ...................................................... 18
45. Can we use static modulation for IOT test? ......................................................... 18
46. What is the Modulation CINR threshold criterion? ............................................. 18
47. How do we check neighbor BS? ........................................................................... 18
48. How to check maximum DL/UL traffic rate profile that ISPs assign to user? ...... 19
49. How to change WiMAX WAN MTU size? ............................................................. 19
50. How can we debug DHCP issues? (Discover/offer/request/ACK message.) ........ 20
51. How to debug VoIP issues? .................................................................................. 20
52. Does MAX218M support multicast? .................................................................... 20
53. How to lock NAP ID? ............................................................................................ 20
54. How to import a device certificate? ..................................................................... 20
55. How to export the device certificate? ................................................................. 20
56. What is the operating design of NAT: NAT/Bridge + Ethernet/PPPoE/GRE
tunnel/EtherIP tunnel? ................................................................................................ 21
57. How to check firmware version by command? ................................................... 21
1. Firmware naming rule
Firmware Naming rule:
2.00(XXX.Y)ZZ For Example: 2.00(TPD.0)b1
2.00 Current trunk source code version XXX: TPD Specific customer FW ID for customization Y: .0, .1 , .2 , .3 ... Initial specific customer FW ID version. Increases by 1 for
next FW ID version (.1, .2, .3 …); issued when the customer requests new or enhanced features, and for bugs
fixed for next official FW. ZZ: b1, b2, b3, D0
Beta X FW version for customer or PQA verification.
Changes to D0 after obtaining customer approval. (When
applying to official FW).
2. Hardware specification of WiMAX Indoor CPEs
Indoor WiMAX CPE
WiMAX Chipset
TX Power Antenna Gain Interface Wi-Fi Chipset
MAX208M MT7117 26dBm 6dBi 1D N/A
MAX208M2W MT7119 26dBm 6dBi 2D+2VoIP+WiFi(11n)
Ralink 802.11
MAX218M MT7117 26dBm 6dBi 1D N/A
MAX218MW MT7117 26dBm 6dBi 2D+WiFi(11n)
Ralink 802.11
MAX218M1W MT7119 26dBm 6dBi 2D+1VoIP+WiFi(11n)
Ralink 802.11
MAX218M2W MT7119 26dBm 6dBi 2D+2VoIP+WiFi(11n)
Ralink 802.11
3. What is the MTK chipset version of MAX218M?
4. What is the flash capacity of MAX218M?
64M NAND flash.
5. What are the possible device status values we can find on Web GUI?
Web GUISystem Status WiMAX
Device Status: Disconnected, Scanning, Ready, Connecting, Connected
Connection Status: Network Search, Network Entry, Normal
6. What is the maximum length of the username?
GUI Login Username: The maximum length of Login username is 16 bytes
EAP Username: Maximum length of EAP anonymous ID and username is 50 bytes
7. What do I do if I forget the password?
The default password is 1234.
If it does not work, you will have to reset to factory default by pressing the reset
button for 5 to 10 seconds.
You will lose your entire configurations when resetting to factory defaults.
8. How do we verify if the Firmware has been upgraded successfully?
All LEDs turn off and the device reboots automatically.
9. Does MAX218M support mass firmware update and what’s the procedure?
Yes , MAX218M supports Multiboot using the regular Multiboot upgrade
10. Which bandwidths does MAX218M support?
5, 7, 10 MHz
11. What is the antenna type?
Indoor MAX218M (3.5 GHz) is equipped with an internal Omni directional
12. How many ROM files do we have?
We will release a default ROM based on key account’s setting.
13. How to enable/disable ARQ/H-ARQ/PHS?
The chipset vendor, MTK, didn’t release the command to us.
14. How to disable PKMv2 key authentication?
PKMv2 authentication can be disabled at GUIWiMAXProfileAuthentication
15. How to enable/disable RootCA verification?
To disable the Root CA verification in EAP procedure, go to
WiMAX  Profile  Authentication setting Options Ignore Cert
16. How to change the IDLE mode time interval?
You can change the IDLE mode interval at WiMAX Profile Connection
Settings Idle Mode Interval.
17. What is the HANDOVER criterion?
BS will decide the HANDOVER by CINR level.
18. How to check the Connection ID and QoS information?
Web GUIWiMAXService Flowclick the service flow and it will show the
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