Setting the eyepieces (compensation for ametropia)Page 18
Setting the adjustment speeds of focus and zoomPage 19
OR layout drawingsPage 20
Exporting patient data to CD/DVD/USB/DICOMPage 22
Connecting an external monitorPage 24
What to do in an emergency - brief instructionsPage 26
Lamp change during power failure
Failure of the zoom function
Failure of the focusing function
Failure of the magnetic brakes
Failure of the touchscreen
Failure of the line voltage
Error messages in the data injection system and on the touchscreen
Failure of all control functions (Emergency mode)
Blocking of individual magnetic brakes
These brief instructions are only an excerpt from the complete user
manual. They cannot replace the detailed description provided in
the user manual.
Therefore, make yourself thoroughly familiar with the comments
and warning notes included in the complete user manual G-30-1458.
Different symbols used in this manual draw your attention to safety aspects and useful tips. These symbols are explained in the following.
The warning triangle indicates potential sources of danger which may
constitute a risk of injury for the user or a health hazard.
The square indicates situations which may lead to malfunction, defects,
collision or damage of the system.
The hand indicates hints on the use of the system or other tips for the
Read the user manual!
and Pentero® are registered trademarks of Carl Zeiss Surgical
AutoDrape™, Superlux, FlexiTrack™ and MultiVision™ are trademarks of
For safety reasons, the system must only be used when correctly balanced.
Before starting, make sure to read the chapter "Preparations for use" of
the user manual!
•Press the brake release buttons (AB) to unlock all magnetic brakes.
Keep the brake release buttons (AB) pressed and move the ceiling
mount into the working position required using the handgrips. When
you let go of the brake release buttons (AB), all magnetic brakes are
The stand is provided with a handle which allows the reliable and easy
guidance of the system during relocation. Please only use this handle for
this purpose.
The stand base is equipped with the new FlexiTrak technology which
makes it considerably easier for you to move and position the system in
the OR. Two additional pedals on the base allow you to conveniently select the required condition of the stand:
–None of the pedals has been pressed:
Exact and sensitive positioning in the OR and at the operating table in
all directions with a minimum of effort.
–Right-hand pedal (2) is pressed down hard until it snaps in:
Reliable and precise straight-ahead movement, also over low thresholds (elevator). Press this pedal until it snaps in to set the two front
casters for straight-ahead travel. The other casters remain steerable.
When you slightly press pedal (1), all four casters will be steerable
–Pressing left-hand pedal (1) to the stop will lock the stand base in po-
sition, preventing it from inadvertently rolling away. After the system
has been finally positioned at the operating table, you should step on
this pedal.
3Possible positions for cranial procedures
4Possible positions for face-to-face procedures (spine)
The system allows overhead positioning and can therefore be placed in
any position behind the surgeon or assistant.
Make sure to observe the instructions in the chapter "Balancing the
system" of user manual G-30-1458.
For safety reasons, the system must only be used when correctly balanced. Despite the autobalance function, it may happen in exceptional
cases that the surgical microscope is not correctly balanced.
With an incorrectly balanced system, brake release may lead to uncontrolled movements of the suspension system. For this reason, the balancing procedure and the subsequent test must not be performed above
the patient and only at a safe distance from other persons and devices.
•Hold the microscope tightly at both handgrips.
•Unlock the magnetic brakes (AB) and swing out the microscope until
indicator (1) is centered in the blue area (2). Then you can perform the
"Autobalance Complete System" procedure.
The main menu is constantly displayed after the system has been started.
You can use it for triggering still camera and video recording, for automatic balancing of the system, for activating the drape vacuum system
and for switching the illumination on and off. The full-screen mode permits
you to view images or the live video signal in full display size.
Use the Patient Files menu to save, edit and manage patient data, videos
and images.
The USER menu permits you to save user-specific settings for several different users. In addition, you can select several different languages for
user guidance here.
The CONFIG menu permits you to enter the settings for the microscope
and suspension system parameters.