Zeiss Photomicrography 35MM Operating Manual

Photomicrography with
35 mm SLR Cameras
Operating Manual
INTRODUCTION Photomicrography using
Carl Zeiss Copyright 35 mm SLR cameras
Knowledge of this manual is required for the operation of the instrument. Would you ther efore please make yourself familiar with the contents of t his manual and pay special att ention to hint s concerning the safe operation of the instrument.
The specifications are subject to change; the manual is not covered by an update ser vice. © Unless expressly authorized, forwarding and duplication of this document and the software
package, and the utilization and communicat ion of its contents, are not permitt ed. Violations will entail an obligation to pay compensation.
All rights reserved in the event of gr anting of patents or registration of a ut ilit y m odel.
Issued by:
Number of this manual: B 40-046 e Date of issue: 31.03.1999
0-2 B 40-046 e 03/99
Carl Zeiss Microscopy
D-07740 Jena Phone: ++49-36 41 64-1616 Telefax: ++49-36 41 64-3144 E-mail: micro@zeiss.de Internet: www.zeiss.de/micro
Photomicrography using INTRODUCTION 35 mm SLR cameras Contents Carl Zeiss
Title Page....................................................................................................................0-1
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................0-3
Notes on Instrument Safety.........................................................................................0-6
Notes on Warranty......................................................................................................0-7
Overall View of 35 mm SLR camera on Adapter for SLR Camera of the
the Stemi 2000-C with 60 mm Camera Port................................................................0-8
Overall View of 35 mm SLR Camera on 2.5× / T2 Camera Adapter on the Front-Port
of the Axiovert 25 C.................................................................................................... 0-9
Overall View of 35 mm SLR Camera above 63 mm Objective and Connector f or Microscope Camera (Image Position 44 mm) with 10× Photo Eyepiece on the
Axioskop with 44 mm Camera Port ...........................................................................0-10
CHAPTER 1 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION .....................................................................................1-1
1 Instrument Description................................................................................................1-3
1.1 Name and Intended Application ..................................................................................1-3
1.2 Instrument Description and Main Features...................................................................1-3
1.3 35 mm SLR Camera Components................................................................................1-4
1.4 Overview of Image Positions (Tube Adapters ) , r e levant Phot ot ubes
and Microscope Stands ...............................................................................................1-7
1.5 Technical Data ............................................................................................................1-9
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INTRODUCTION Photomicrography using
Carl Zeiss Contents 35 mm SLR cameras
CHAPTER 2 START-UP.................................................................................................................. 2-1
2 Start-Up .....................................................................................................................2-2
2.1 Unpacking the Photomicrography Components ........................................................... 2-2
2.2 Insertion of Photo Reticles MC 2.5
2.2.1 Assignment of Photo Reticles MC 2.5
2.2.2 Insertion of MC 2.5
Photo Reticles in the Eyepiece..................................................... 2-4
2.2.3 Focusing of Eyepieces through the Binocular tube ....................................................... 2-4
2.3 Attachment of 35 mm SLR Cameras............................................................................2-5
2.3.1 Attachment of 35 mm SLR Cameras with SLR Adapte r 2. 5
to the
60 mm Camera Port................................................................................................... 2-5
2.3.2 Attachment of 35 mm SLR Cameras with Objective f ' = 63 mm to 60 mm
and 40 mm Camera Ports...........................................................................................2-6
2.3.3 Attachment of 35 mm SLR Cameras with 2. 5
/ T2 Adapter to Front Port of
Axiovert 25 C / CFL / CA............................................................................................. 2-7
2.3.4 Attachment of 35 mm SLR Cameras to Front Cam er a Por t of Axiover t 35 / 35 M /
135 / 135 M............................................................................................................... 2-8
2.3.5 Attachment of 35 mm SLR Cameras with Objective f' = 63 mm to Camera Ports with
40 mm Clamping Diameter......................................................................................... 2-9
2.4 Determination of the Exposure Time Range for unblurred Photographs...................... 2-10
CHAPTER 3 OPERATION .............................................................................................................. 3-1
3 OPERATION................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Adaptation and Functions........................................................................................... 3-2
3.2 Photomicrography with 35 mm SLR Cameras..............................................................3-3
3.2.1 Photography in a few Steps ........................................................................................ 3-3
3.2.2 Setting the Color Temperature to 3200 K and setting the Image Brightness.................3-4
3.2.3 Selecting the Film .......................................................................................................3-4
3.2.4 Exposure Correction depending on the Microscopy Technique..................................... 3-5
3.2.5 Setting and Focusing of Image Section........................................................................ 3-6
3.2.6 Exposure Functions..................................................................................................... 3-7
3.2.7 Trigger the Exposure................................................................................................. 3-10
3.2.8 Further Notes............................................................................................................3-11 Avoid Blurs...............................................................................................................3-11 Color Balance in Color Reversal Films.........................................................................3-11 Darkfield and Fluorescence Photography................................................................... 3-13 Computing the Magnification...................................................................................3-14 Further Filters............................................................................................................ 3-14
3.3 Using Digital Cameras............................................................................................... 3-15
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Photomicrography using INTRODUCTION 35 mm SLR cameras Contents Carl Zeiss
CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE, CARE, TROUBLESHOOTING AND SERVICE....................................4-1
4 Maintenance, Care, Troubleshooting and Service.........................................................4-2
4.1 Instrument Care..........................................................................................................4-2
4.2 Instrument Maintenance.............................................................................................4-3
4.2.1 Performing Checks......................................................................................................4-3
4.2.2 Changing the Batteries................................................................................................4-3
4.3 Troubleshooting..........................................................................................................4-3
4.4 Consumables and Tools...............................................................................................4-4
4.5 Requesting Service ...................................................................................................... 4-4
ANNEX ..................................................................................................................... A-1
List of Abbreviations................................................................................................... A-2
Physical and Technical Units........................................................................................ A-3
List of Key Words....................................................................................................... A-4
EC Declaration of Conformity .................................................................................... A-7
B 40-046 e 03/99 0-5
INTRODUCTION Photomicrography using
Carl Zeiss Instrument safety 35 mm SLR cameras
Notes on Instrument Safety
The following warning and information symbols are used in this manual:
The photomicrography units with 35 mm cameras, including the original accessories, may only be used for the documentation applications described in this manual.
Particular attention must be paid to the following warning notes:
This symbol is a warning which you must observe under all circumstances.
This symbol is a warning which indicates a hazard to the instrument or instrument system.
The manufacturer cannot assum e any liability for any ot her applications, poss ibly also involv ing individual modules or single parts. This also applies to all service or repair work which is not carried out by authorized service personnel. Furthermore, this forfeits all the claims against warranty
Dust and dirt can impair the performance of the instrument. Therefor e, the instrument must be protected against these influences as far as possible, and covered with the dust cover if it is not used for longer periods of time. Always check whether the instrument is switched off before you cover it.
The instruments must be operated by trained personnel only who must be aware of the possible danger involved with microscopy and the relevant application.
Photomicrography units with 35 mm SLR cameras are precision instruments which can be impaired in their performance or dam aged when handled improperly.
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Photomicrography using INTRODUCTION 35 mm SLR cameras Notes on warranty Carl Zeiss
Notes on Warranty:
The manufacturer guarantees that the instrument has no material and production defects when delivered. You must inform us of any defects immediately and we must do anything to minimize the damage. If the manufacturer is informed of such a defect, he is obliged to remove it; it is his decision whether he does this by repairing the instrument or by deliver ing an instrument free of any defect. No guarantee is provided for defects caused by natural wear ( w ear ing par t s in par t icular) and im pr oper use.
The instrument manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by faulty operation, negligence or any other meddling with the instrument, part icularly the removal or replacement of instrument components, or the use of accessories from other manufacturers. This forfeits all the claims against warranty.
With the exception of the work specified in this manual, no maintenance or repair of the photomicrography units with 35 mm cameras m ay be per f or m ed. Repair s m ay only be performed by Carl Zeiss service staff or specially authorized personnel. Should any defect occur with the instrument, please get in touch with the Carl Zeiss microscopy service in Germany (see page 4-4) or your local Carl Zeiss agency.
B 40-046 e 03/99 0-7
INTRODUCTION Photomicrography using
Carl Zeiss Overall view 35 mm SLR cameras
Overall View of 35 mm SLR Camera on 2.5×/T2 Adapter for SLR Cameras on 60 mm Camera Port of the Stemi 2000-C Stereomicroscope in this Example
1 Cable release 2 Eyepiece cover 3 35 mm SLR camera 4 T2 adapter 5 2.5×/T2 adapter for SLR camera 6 60 mm camera port 7 Stemi 2000 C microscope body 8Eyepiece
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Photomicrography using INTRODUCTION 35 mm SLR cameras Overall view Carl Zeiss
Overall View of 35 mm SLR Camera on 2.5× / T2 Adapter on Front Camera Port of the Axiovert 25 C
1 front camera port
22.5 3 T2 adapter 4 35 mm SLR camera 5 Eyepiece cover 6 Cable release 7Eyepiece 8 Axiovert 25 C
/ T2 camera adapter
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INTRODUCTION Photomicrography using
Carl Zeiss Overall view 35 mm SLR cameras
Overall View of 35 mm SLR Camera on 63 mm Objective and Adapter for Microscope Camera (Image Position 44 mm) with 10× Camera Eyepiece on 44 mm Camera Port – i.e. on the Axioskop with Phototube in this Example
1 Cable release 2 Eyepiece cover 3 35 mm SLR camera 4 T2 adapter 5 63 mm objective 6 Adapter for microscope camera (image position 44 mm) with 10× phototube 7 44 mm camera port 8Axioskop
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Photomicrography with INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION 35 mm SLR cameras Contents Carl Zeiss
1 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION..........................................................................................1-3
1.1 Name and Intended Application.......................................................................................1-3
1.2 Instrument Description and Main Features........................................................................1-3
1.3 35 mm SLR Camera Components.....................................................................................1-4
1.4 Overview of Image Positions (Tube Adapters ) , r e levant Phot ot ubes and
Microscope Stands...........................................................................................................1-7
1.5 Technical Data.................................................................................................................1-9
List of illustrations
Fig. 1-1 35 mm SLR camera components......................................................................................1-4
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INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION Photomicrography with
Carl Zeiss 35 mm SLR cameras
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Photomicrography with INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION 35 mm SLR cameras Instrument Description Carl Zeiss
1.1 Name and Intended Application
The use of commercially available 35 mm SLR cameras on microscopes from Carl Zeiss is a low-price alternative to photo documentation using the MC 80
and MC 200
1.2 Instrument Description and Main Features
With the relevant adapters, commercially available 35 mm SLR cameras can be connected to all microscopes from Carl Zeiss for image documentation in the 24 × 36 mm format.
These adapters feature the magnification factor 2.5×, i.e. the image section covered by the 35 mm format corresponds to a 17.5 mm field diamet er in t he eyepiece int er m ediat e im age.
microscope cameras.
The instrument-side connection surfaces of the adapters correspond to the camera ports of the microscopes and phototubes from Carl Zeiss, while the T2 adapter is available on t he cam er a side.
The T2 adapter is standardized: M 42 × 0.75 thread
distance between T2 contact surface and film plane = 54.9 mm
SLR cameras are screwed on the T2 connector via the T2 adapter suit able for the relevant camera. The T2 adapters are tailored to the flange focal distance (distance between lens contact surface and film plane) and the lens connector (e.g. Contax or F bayonet) of the camera. This ensures that the film plane of the SLR cameras always lies in the image plane of the microscope adapters.
Depending on the performance parameters, exposur e control is performed by the SLR camera through TTL metering. Major importance has been attached to automatic exposure control, but manual metering is also possible.
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INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION Photomicrography with
Carl Zeiss Components 35 mm SLR cameras
1.3 35 mm SLR Camera Components
Fig. 1-1 35 mm SLR camera components
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Photomicrography with INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION 35 mm SLR cameras Components Carl Zeiss
Key to Fig. 1:
1 35 mm SLR camera housing 2 T2 adapter 3 Objective f’ = 63 mm in T2 mount
62.5 8, 11 Photo eyepiece
9 Adapter for microscope camera (image position 60 mm) 10 Adapter for microscope camera (image position 44 mm) 12 Camera port clamping diameter 40 mm 13 Camera port image position 44 mm 14 Camera port image position 60 mm 16 Conta ct surface of Axiovert 25 C / CFL / CA front port 17 Camera connection to front port of Axiovert 35 / 35 M / 135 / 135 M 18 Monocular telescope 19 Photo reticle
/T2 adapter for SLR cameras
SLR adapter comp.
/ T2 camera adapters
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INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION Photomicrography with
Carl Zeiss Components 35 mm SLR cameras
35 mm SLR camera components Cat. No. .
The following components for the attachment of 35 mm SLR cameras to microscopes from Carl Zeiss have been offered and are continued to be offered::
1 35 mm SLR camera housing
Contax 167 MT including eyepiece cover 416181-0000-000 Contax Aria including eyepiece cover 000000-1057-127 Ricoh XR - X 3000 (mainly for use with Axiovert microscopes) 416116-0000-000 Praktica BX 20 35 mm SLR camera housing (mainly for use with Axiovert microscopes) 000000-0219-086 Cable release for Contax 167 MT and Contax Aria 416167-0000-000
2 T2 adapters for 35 mm SLR camera housings
T2 adapter for Contax (Contax bayonet) 416010-0000-000 T2 adapter for Olympus OM (OM bayonet) 416002-0000-000 T2 adapter for Minolta (SR bayonet) 416003-0000-000 T2 adapter for Canon (FD bayonet) 416004-0000-000 T2 adapter for Nikon (F bayonet) 416009-0000-000 T2 adapter for Pentax (KA bayonet) - also for Ricoh XR - X 3000 416011-0000-000 T2 adapter for Minolta Autofocus (Minolta Dynax) 416012-0000-000 T2 adapter for Canon Autofocus (Canon EOS) 416013-0000-000 T2 adapter for Praktica L (M 42 × 1 thread) Adapter bayonet / M 42 × 1 thread T2-Adapter for Praktica B bayonet, consisting of
T2-Adapter for Praktica L (M 42 × 1 thread) and adapter bayonet / M 42 × 1 thread
263060-2505-124 000000-0225-954
T2 camera adapters:
Adapter for 2.5× SLR camera for T2
SLR adapter 2.5× comp. for Standard 20/25 with phototube 452902-0000-000
Camera adapter 2.5× / T2 for Axiovert 25 C / CFL / CA 7 3
Objective f’=63 mm in T2 mount with clamping ring d = 40 mm for microscopes with ICS optics 8
with photo eyepiece S-Pl 10× / 20 for 9
18 19 19 19
connection of microscope camera (image position 60 mm) or connection of microscope camera (image position 44 mm)
or with
wide-angle eyepiece Kpl 10× / 20 Br. for Standard, WL and IM inverted microscope on camera port with clamping diameter 40 mm
Focusing aids:
Monocular telescope 3 × 12 B
Photo reticle MC 2.5× / d = 26 mm
Photo reticle MC 2.5× / d = 21 mm
Photo reticle MC 2.5× / d = 19 mm
456005-0000-000 456001-0000-000 451265-0000-000
456029-0000-000 444040-0000-000 456006-0000-000
522012-0000-000 454075-0000-000 454025-0000-000 476021-0000-000
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Photomicrography with INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION 35 mm SLR cameras Technical Data Carl Zeiss
1.4 O verview of Image Positions (Tube Adapters), relevant Phototubes and Microscope Stands
Image Position
Cat.No. of Phototube Microscope Stand
(Tube Adapter)
60 mm 452902-0000-000 KF 2, Standard 20 / 25
452929-0000-000 KF 2 ICS, Standard 25 ICS, Axiostar 452909-0000-000
Axiolab / Axiolab A / Axiolab Pol 452941-0000-000 452970-0000-000 452974-0000-000 450960-0000-000 450962-0000-000 450963-0000-000 450964-0000-000 455005-0000-000 Stemi DRC 455080-0000-000
Stemi SV 6 / SV 11 / SV 11 Apo 455081-0000-000 455082-0000-000 455053-0000-000
Stemi 2000-C / 2000-CS 455055-0000-000 452934-0000-000 Axiotech / Axiotech var io 451321-0000-000
Axiovert 100 / 135 / 135 M 451322-0000-000 451324-0000-000 451325-0000-000 452947-0000-000
Axioskop 452972-0000-000 452342-0000-000
Axioskop 2 452344-0000-000 452142-0000-000
Axioplan 2 452143-0000-000 452145-0000-000 452146-0000-000 453020-0000-000
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+ 37 hidden pages