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PowerPC™ 405 Processor Block Reference Guidewww.xilinx.comUG018 (v2.0) August 20, 2004
The following table shows the revision history for this document.
09/16/021.0Initial Embedded Development Kit (EDK) release.
09/02/031.1Updated for EDK 6.1 release
04/26/04DRAFTEarly Access release (DRAFT).
06/15/04DRAFTSecond Early Access release (DRAFT).
08/20/042.0Updated to include Virtex-4 functionality.
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PowerPC™ 405 Processor Block Reference Guidewww.xilinx.comUG018 (v2.0) August 20, 2004
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About This Guide
This guide serves as a technical reference describing the hardware interface to the
relationships between signals, and the mechanisms software can use to control the
interface operation. The document is intended for use by FPGA and system hardware
designers and by system programmers who need to understand how certain operations
affect hardware external to the processor.
Guide Contents
This manual contains the following chapter s:
xChapter 1, “Introduction to the PowerPC 405 Processor,” provides an overview of the
xChapter 2, “Input/Output Interfaces,” describes the interface signals into and out of
xChapter 4, “PowerPC 405 APU Controller,” describes the Auxiliary Processor Unit
xAppendix A, “RISCWatch and RISCTrace Interfaces,” describes the interface
xAppendix B, “Signal Summary,” lists all PowerPC 405 interface signals in alphabetical
xAppendix C, “Processor Block Timing Model,” explains all of the timing parameters
405 processor block. It contains information on input/output signals, timi ng
PowerPC embedded-environment architecture and the features supported by the
PowerPC 405.
the PowerPC 405 processor block. Where appropriate, timing diagrams are provided
to assist in understanding the functional relationship between multiple signals.
timing specifications, and programming model for the PowerPC 405 on-chip memory
(OCM) controller. The OCM controller serves as a dedicated interface between the
block RAMs in the FPGA and OCM signals available on the embedded Pow erPC 405
controller , which allows the designer to extend the native PowerPC 405 instruction set
with custom instructions that are executed by an FPGA Fabric Co-processor Module
(FCM). The APU controller is available only for Virtex-4 family devices.
requirements between the PowerPC 405 processor block and the RISCWatch and
RISCTrace tools.
For additional information, go to http://support.xilinx.com. The following table lists
some of the resources you can access from this website. You can also directly access these
resources using the provided URLs.
TutorialsTutorials covering Xilinx design flows, from design entry to
Answer BrowserDatabase of Xilinx solution records
Application NotesDescriptions of device-specific design techniques and approaches
Data SheetsDevice-spe c ific informati o n on Xilinx device ch ar a c teristics,
Table 1-1 lists the general notational conventions used throughout this docum e nt.
Table 1-1:General Notational Conventions
mnemonicInstruction mnemonics are shown in lower-case bold.
variableVariable items are shown in italic.
ActiveLowAn overbar indicates an active-low signal.
nA decimal number
0xnA hexadecimal number
0bnA binary number
Preface: About This Guide
A single bit in any object (a register, an instruction, an
address, or a f ield) is shown as a su bscripted number or
A range of bits in any object (a register, an instruction,
an address, or a field)
b,b, . . .
A list of bits in any object (a register, an instruction, an
address, or a field)
REGISTER[FIELD]Fields within any register are shown in square brackets
]A list of fields in any register
. . .
range of fields in any register
Table 1-2 lists the PowerPC 405 registers used in this document and their descriptive
activeAs applied to signals, this term indicates a signal is in a state
that causes an action to occur in the receiving device, or
indicates an action occurred in the sending device. An active-high signal drives a logic 1 when active. An active-low signal
drives a logic 0 when active.
assertAs applied to signals, this term indicates a signal is driven to its
active state.
atomic accessA memory access tha t at tempts to read from and write to the
same address uninterrupted by other accesses to that address.
The term refers to the fact that such transactions are indivisible.
big endianA memory byte ordering where the address of an item
corresponds to the most-significant byte.
Book-EAn version of the PowerPC architecture designed specifically
for embedded applications.
cache blockSynonym for cache line.
cache lineA portion of a cache array that contains a copy of contiguous
system-memory addresses. Cache lines are 32-bytes long and
aligned on a 32-b yte address.
cache setSynonym for congruence class.
clearTo write a bit value of 0.
clockUnless otherwise specified, this term refers to the PowerPC 405
processor clock.
congruence classA collection of cache lines with the same index.
cycleThe time between two successive rising edges of the associated
dead cycleA cycle in which no useful activity occurs on the associated
deassertAs applied to signals, this term indicates a signal is driven to its
inactive state.
dirtyAn indication that cache information is more recent than the
copy in memory.
doublewordEight bytes, or 64 bits.
effective addressThe untranslated memory address as seen by a program.
exceptionAn abnormal event or condition that requires the processor’s
attention. They can be caused by instruction execution or an
external device. The processor records the occurrence of an
exception and they often cause an interrupt to occur.
fill bufferA buffer that receives and sends data and instr uctions between
the processor and PLB. It is used when cache misses occur and
when access to non-cacheable memory occurs.
flushA cache operation that involves writing back a modified entry
to memory, followed by an invalidation of the entry.
GBGigabyte, or one-billion bytes.
halfwordTwo bytes, or 16 bits.
hitAn indication that requested information exists in the accessed
cache array, the associated fill buffer, or on the corresponding
OCM interface.
inactiveAs applied to signals, this term indicates a signal is in a state
that does not cause an action to occur, nor does it indicate an
action occurred. An active-high signal drives a logic 0 when
inactive. An active-low signal drives a logic 1 when inactive.
interruptThe process of stopping the currently executing program so that
an exception can b e handl ed.
invalidateA cache or TLB operation that causes an entry to be marked as
invalid. An invalid entry can be subsequently replaced.
KBKilobyte, or one-thousand bytes.
line bufferA buffer located in the cache array that can temporarily hold the
contents of an entire cache line. It is loaded with the contents of
a cache line when a cache hit occurs.
line fillA transfer of the contents of the instruction or data line buffer
into the appropriate cache.
line transferA transfer of an aligned, se quentially addressed 4-word or 8-
word quantity (instructions or data) across the PLB interface.
The transfer can be from the PLB slave (read) or to the PLB slave
little endianA memory byte ordering where the address of an item
corresponds to the least-significant byte.
logical addressSynonym for effective address.
MBMegabyte, or one-million bytes.
memoryCollectively, cache memory and system memory.
missAn indication that requested information does not exist in the
accessed cache array, the associated fill buffer, or on the
corresponding OCM interface.
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OEAThe PowerPC operating-environment architecture, which
defines the memory-management model, supervisor-level
registers and instructions, synchronization requirements, the
exception model, and the time-base resources as seen by
supervisor programs.
on chipIn system-on-chip implementations, this indicates on the same
FPGA chip as the processor core, but external to the processor
pendingAs applied to interrupts, this indicates that an exception
occurred, but the interrupt is disabled. The interrupt occurs
when it is later enabled.
physical addressThe address used to access physically-implemented memory.
This address can be translated from the ef fective address. When
address translation is not used, this address is equal to the
effective address.
PLBProcessor local bus.
privileged modeThe operating mode typically used by system software.
Privileged operations are allowed and software can access all
registers and memory.
problem stateSynonym for user mode.
processA program (or portion of a prog ram) and any data required for
the program to run.
real addressSynonym for physical address.
scalarIndividual data objects and instructions. Scalars are of arbitrary
setTo write a bit value of 1.
sleepA state in which the PowerPC 405 processor clock is prevented
from toggling. The execution state of the PowerPC 405 does not
change when in the sleep state.
stickyA bit that can be set by software, but cleared only by the
processor. Alternatively, a bit that can be cleared by software,
but set only by the processor.
stringA sequence of consecutive bytes.
supervisor stateSynonym for privileged mode.
system memoryPhysical memory installed in a computer system external to the
processor core, such RAM, ROM, and flash.
tagAs applied to caches, a set of address bits used to uniquely
identify a specific cache line within a congruence class. As
applied to TLBs, a set of address bits used to uniquely identify
a specific entry within the TLB.
UISAThe PowerPC user instruction-set architecture, which defines
the base user-level instruction set, registers, data types, the
memory model, the programming model, and the exception
model as seen by user programs.
user modeThe operatin g mode typically used by application software.
Privileged operations are not allowed in user mode, and
software can access a restricted set of registers and memory.
VEAThe PowerPC virtual-environment architecture, which defines
a multi-access memory model, the cache model, cache-control
instructions, and the time-base resources as seen by user
virtual addressAn intermediate address used to translate an effective address
into a physical address. It consists of a process ID and the
effective address. It is only used when address translation is
wake upThe transition of the PowerPC 405 out of the sleep state. The
PowerPC 405 p rocesso r clock begin s toggling and the execution
state of the PowerPC 405 advances from that of the sleep state.
wordFour bytes, or 32 bits.
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Introduction to the
PowerPC 405 Processor
The PowerPC 405 is a 32-bit implementation of the PowerPC embedded-environment
architecture that is derived from the PowerPC architecture. Specifically, the PowerPC 405 is
an embedded PowerPC 405D5 (for Virtex-II Pro) or 405F6 (for Virtex-4) processor core. Th e
term processor block is used throughout this document to refer to the combination of a
PPC405D5 or PPC405F6 core, on-chip memory logic (OCM) , an APU controller (Virtex-4
only), and the gasket logic and interface.
The PowerPC architecture provides a software model that ensures compatibility between
implementations of the PowerPC family of microprocessors. The PowerPC architecture
defines parameters that guarantee compatible processor implementations at the
application-program level, allowing broad flexibility in the development of derivative
PowerPC implementations that meet specific market requirements.
Chapter 1
This chapter provides an overview of the PowerPC architecture and an introduction to the
features of the PowerPC 405 core. The following topics are included:
The PowerPC architect ure is a 64 -bit ar chitectur e with a 32-bit subset. The various fea tures
of the PowerPC architecture are defined at three levels. This layering provides flexibility
by allowing degrees of software compatibility across a wide range of implementations. For
example, an implementation such as an embedded controller can support the user
instruction set, but not the memory management, exception, and cache models where it
might be impractical to do so.
The three levels of the PowerPC architecture are defined in Table 1-1.
Chapter 1: Introduction to the PowerPC 405 Processor
User Instruction-Set Architecture
Defines the architecture level to
which user-level (sometimes
referred to as problem state)
software should conform
x Defines the base user-level
instruction set, user-level
registers, data types, floatingpoint memory conventions,
exception model as seen by user
programs, memory model, and
the programming model
Note: All PowerPC implementations
adhere to the UISA.
The PowerPC architecture requir es that all PowerPC implementations adhere to the UISA,
offering compatibility among all PowerPC application programs. However, different
versions of the VEA and OEA are permitted.
Virtual Environment Architecture
x Defines additional user-level
functionality that falls outside
typical user-level software
x Describes the memory model for
an environment in which
multiple devices can access
x Defines aspects of the cache
model and cache-control
x Defines the time-base resources
from a user-level perspective
Note: Implementations that conform to
the VEA level are guaranteed to conform
to the UISA level.
Operating Environm ent
Architecture (OEA)
Defines supervisor-level
resources typically required by
an operating system
x Defines the memory-
management model, supervisorlevel registers, synchronization
requirements, and the exception
x Defines the time-base resources
from a supervisor-level
Note: Implementation s that conform to
the OEA level are guaranteed to confor m
to the UISA and VEA levels.
Embedded applications written for the PowerPC 405 are compatible with other PowerPC
implementations. Privileged software generally is not compatible. The migration of
privileged software from the PowerPC architecture to the PowerPC 405 is in many cases
straightforward because of the simplifications made by the Pow e rPC embed d e d environment architecture. Refer to the PowerPC Processor Reference Guide for more
information on programming the PowerPC 405.
PowerPC Embedded-Environment Architecture
The PowerPC 405 is an implementation of the PowerPC embedded-environment
architecture. This architectur e is optimized for embedded controllers and is a forerunner to
the PowerPC Book-E architecture. The PowerPC embedded-environment architecture
provides an alternative definition for certain features specified by the PowerPC VEA and
OEA. Implementations that adhere to the PowerPC embedded-environment architecture
also adhere to the PowerPC UISA. PowerPC embedded-envir onment processors are 32 -bit
only implementations and thus do not include the special 64-bit extensions to the PowerPC
UISA. Also, floating-point support can be provided either in hardware or software by
PowerPC embedded-environment processors.
The following are features of the PowerPC embedded-environment architecture:
xMemory management optimized for embedded software environments.
xCache-management instructions for o p timizing performance and memory control in
complex applications that are graphically and numerically intensive.
xStorage attributes for controlling memory-system behavior.
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xSpecial-purpose registers for controlling the use of debug resources, timer resources,
interrupts, real-mode storage attributes, memory-management facilities, and other
architected processor resources.
xA device-control-register address space for mana ging on-chip peripherals such as
memory controllers.
xA dual-level interrupt structure and interrupt-control instructions.
xMultiple timer resources.
xDebug resources that enable hardware-debug and software-debug functions such as
instruction breakpoints, data breakpoints, and program single-stepping.
Virtual Environment
The virtual environment defines architectural features that enable application programs to
create or modify code, to manage storage coherency, and to optimize memory-access
performance. It defines the cache and memory models, the timekeeping resources from a
user perspective, and resources that are accessible in user mode but are primarily used by
system-library routines. The following summarizes the virtual-environment features of the
PowerPC embedded-environment architecture:
xStorage model:
iStorage-control instructions as defined in the PowerPC virtual-environment
architecture. These instructions are used to manage instruction caches and data
caches, and for synchronizing and ordering instruction execution.
iStorage attributes for controlling memory-system behavior. These are: write-
through, cacheability, memory coherence (optional), guarded, and endian.
iOperand-placement requirements and their effect on performance.
xThe time-base function as defined by the PowerPC virtual-environment architecture,
for user-mode read access to the 64-bit time base.
Operating Environment
The operating environment describes features of the architecture that enable operating
systems to allocate and manage storage, to handle errors encountered by application
programs, to support I/O devices, and to provide operating-system services. It specifies
the resources and mechanisms that require privileged access, including the memoryprotection and address-translation mechanisms, the exception-handling model, and
privileged timer resources. Table 1-2 summarizes the operating-environment features of
the PowerPC embedded-environment architecture.
Chapter 1: Introduction to the PowerPC 405 Processor
Table 1-2:OEA Features of the PowerPC Embedded-Environment Architecture
Register modelx Privileged special-purpose registers (SPRs) and instructions for accessing those
x Device control registers (DCRs) and instructions f or a ccessing those registers
Storage model
x Privileged cache-management instructions
x Storage-attribute controls
x Address transl ation and memory protection
x Privileged TLB-management instructions
Exception model
x Dual-level interrupt structure supporting various exception types
x Specification of interrupt priorities and masking
x Privileged SPRs for controlling an d han d ling exceptions
x Interrupt-control instructions
x Specification of how partially executed instructions are handled when an interrupt
Debug model
x Privileged SPRs for controlling debug modes and debug events
x Specification for seven types of debug events
x Specification for allowing a debug event to cause a reset
x The ability of the de bug mechanism to freeze the timer resources
Time -keeping model
Reset and initialization
x 64-bit t i me base
x 32-bit decrementer (the programmable-interval timer)
x Three timer-event interrupts:
i Programmable-interval timer (PIT)
i Fixed-interval timer (FIT)
i Watchdog timer (WDT)
x Privileged SPRs for controlling the time r resources
x The ability to freeze the timer resources using the debug mechanism
xRequirements for special registers and the TLB
xRequirements for instruction fetch and for data access
xSpecifications for context synchronizat ion and execution sync hronization
x Specification for two internal mechanisms that can cause a reset:
i Debug-control register (DBCR)
i Timer-control register (TCR)
x Contents of processor resources after a reset
x The software-initialization requirements, including an initialization co de exa mple
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PowerPC 405 Software Features
The PowerPC 405 processor core is an implementation of the PowerPC embeddedenvironment architecture. The pr ocessor provides fixed-point embedded applications with
high performance at low power consumption. It is compa tible with the PowerPC UISA.
Much of the PowerPC 405 VEA and OEA support is also available in implementations of
the PowerPC Book-E architecture. Key software features of the PowerPC 405 include:
xA fixed-point execution unit fully compliant with the PowerPC UISA:
i32-bit architecture, containing thirty-two 32-bit general purpose registers (GPRs).
iTrue little-endian operation
iFle xible memory management
iMultiply-accumulate instructions for computational ly intensive applications
iEnhance d de bu g ca pab i l iti e s
i64-bit time base
i3 timers: programmable interval timer (PIT), fixed interval timer (FIT), and
watchdog timer (all are synchronous with the time base)
xPerformance-enhancing features, including:
iStatic branch prediction
iFive-stage pipeline with single-cycle execution of most instructions, including
iEnhanced string and multiple-word handling
iSupport for unaligned loads and unaligned stores to cache arrays, main memory,
and on-chip memory (OCM)
iMinimized interrupt latency
xIntegrated instruction-cache:
i16 KB, 2-way set associative
iEight words (32 bytes) per cache line
iFetch line buffer
iInstruction-fetch hits are supplied from the fetch line buffer
iProgrammable prefetch of next-sequential line into the fetch line buffer
iProgrammable prefetch of non-cacheable instructions: full line (eight words) or
half line (four words)
iNon-blocking during fetch line fill s
xIntegrated data-cache:
i16 KB, 2-way set associative
iEight words (32 bytes) per cache line
iRead and write line buffers
iLoad and store hits are supplied from/to the line buffers
iWrite-back and write-through support
iProgrammable load and store cache line allocation
iOperand forwarding during cache line fills
iNon-blocking during cache line fills and flushes
Chapter 1: Introduction to the PowerPC 405 Processor
xSupport for on-chip memory (OCM) that can provide memory-access performance
identical to a cache hit
xFlexible memory management:
iTranslation of the 4 GB logical-address space into the physical- address space
iIndependent control over instruction translation and protection, and data
translation and pro tect io n
iPage-level access control using the translation mechanism
iSoftware control over the page-replacement strategy
iWrite-through, cachea bility, user-defined 0, guarded, and endian (WIU0GE)
storage-attribute control for each virtual-memory region
iWIU0GE storage-attribute control for thirty-two 128 MB regions in real mode
iAdditional protection control using zones
xEnhanced debug support with logical operators:
iFour instruction-address compares
iTwo data-address compares
iTw o data-value compares
iJTAG instruction for writing into the instruction cache
iForward and backward instruction tracing
xAdvanced power management support
The following sections describe the software resources available in the PowerPC 405. Refer
to the PowerPC Processor Referenc e Guide for more information on using these resources.
Privilege Modes
Software running on the PowerPC 405 can do so in one of two privilege modes: privileged
and user.
Privileged Mode
Privileged mode allows programs to access all registers and execute al l instructions
supported by the processor. Normally, the operating system and low-level device drivers
operate in this mode.
User Mode
User mode restricts access to some registers and instructions. Normally, application
programs operate in this mode.
Address Tr anslation Modes
The PowerPC 405 also supports two modes of address translation: real and virtual.
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Real Mode
In real mode, programs address physical memory directly.
Virtual Mode
In virtual mode, programs address virtual memory and virtual-memory addresses are
translated by the processor into physical-memory addresses. This allows programs to
access much larger address spaces than might be implemented in the system.
Addressing Modes
Whether the PowerPC 405 is running in real mode or virtual mode, data addressing is
supported by the load and store instructions using one of the following addressing modes:
xRegister-indirect with immediate index — A base address is stored in a register, and a
displacement from the base address is specified as an immediate value in the
xRegister-indirect with index — A base address is stored in a register, and a
displacement from the base address is stored in a secon d register.
xRegister indirect — The data address is stored in a register.
Instructions that use the two indexed forms of addressing also allow for automatic updates
to the base-address register. With these instruction forms, the new data address is
calculated, used in the load or store data access, and stored in the base-address register.
With sequential instruction execution, the next-instruction address is calculated by adding
four bytes to the current-instruction address. In the case of branch instructions, the nextinstruction address is determined using one of four branch-addressing modes:
xBranch to relative — The next-instruction address is at a location relative to the
xBranch to absolute — The next-instruction address is at an absolute location in
xBranch to link register — The next-instruction address is stored in the link register.
xBranch to count register — The next-instruction address is stored in the count register.
Data Types
PowerPC 405 instructions support byte, halfword, and word operands. Multiple-wo rd
operands are supported by the load/store multiple instructions and byte strings are
supported by the load/store string instructions. Integer data are either signed or unsigned,
and signed data is represented using two’s-complement format.
The address of a multi-byte operand is determined using the lowest memory address
occupied by that operand. For example, if the four bytes in a word operand occupy
addresses 4, 5, 6, an d 7, the wor d add res s is 4. The Po werPC 40 5 su pports both bi g-end ian
(an operand’s most significant byte is at the lowest memory address) and little-endian (an
operand’s l east significant byte is at the lowest memory address) addressing.
current-instruction address.
Register Set Summary
Figure 1-1 shows the registers contained in the PowerPC 405. Descriptions of the registers
Chapter 1: Introduction to the PowerPC 405 Processor
User Registers
General-Purpose Registers
Condition Register
Fixed-Point Exception Register
Link Register
Count Register
User-SPR General-Purpose
SPR General-Purpose
Time-Base Registers
(read only)
(read only)
Privileged Registers
Machine-State Register
Core-Configuration Register
SPR General-Purpose
Exception-Handling Registers
Storage-Attribute Control
Debug Registers
Timer Registers
Processor-Version Register
Time-Base Registers
Figure 1-1: PowerPC 4 05 Regist ers
General-Purpose Registers
The processor contains thirty-two 32-bit general-purpose registers (GPRs), identified as r0
through r31. The contents of the GPRs are read from memory using load instructions and
written to memory using store instructions. Computational instructions of ten read
operands from the GPRs and write their results in GPRs. Other instructions move data
between the GPRs and other registers. GPRs can be accessed by all software.
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Special-Purpose Registers
The processor contains a number of 32-bit special-purpose registers (SPRs). SPRs provide
access to additional processor resources, such as the count register , the link register , debug
resources, timers, interrupt registers, and others. Most SPRs are accessed only by
privileged software, but a few, such as the count register and link register , are accessed by
all software.
Machine-State Register
The 32-bit machine-state register (MSR) contains fields that control the operating s tate of the
processor. This register can be accessed only by privileged software.
Condition Register
The 32-bit condition register (CR) contains eight 4-bit fields, CR0–CR7. The values in the CR
fields can be used to control conditional branching. Arithmetic instructions can set CR0
and compare instructions can set any CR field. Additional instructions are provided to
perform logical operations and tests on CR fields and bits within the fiel ds. The CR can be
accessed by all software.
Device Control Registers
The 32-bit device control registers (not shown) are used to configure, control, and report
status for various external devices that are not part of the PowerPC 405 processor. The
OCM controllers are examples of devices that contain DCRs. Although the DCRs are not
part of the PowerPC 405 implementation, they are accessed using the mtdcr and mfdcr
instructions. The DCRs can be accessed only by privileged software.
PowerPC 405 Hardware Organization
As shown in Figure 1-2, the PowerPC 405 processor contains the following elements:
xA 5-stage pipeline consisting of fetch, decode, execute, write-back, and load write-
back stages
xA virtual-memory-management unit that supports multiple page sizes and a variety
of storage-protection attr ibutes and access-control options
xSeparate instruction-cache and data-cache units
xDebug support, including a JTAG interface
xThree programmable timers
The following sections provide an overview of each element. Refer to the PowerPC
Processor Reference Guide for more information on how software interacts with these
Chapter 1: Introduction to the PowerPC 405 Processor
PLB Master
Read Interface
Cache Units
Unified TLB
Fetch Queue
Execute Unit
PLB Master
Read Interface
a. Figure 1-2 is specific to PPC405D5.
PLB Master
Write Interface
Central-Processing Unit
The PowerPC 405 central-processing unit (CPU) implements a 5-stage instruction pipeline
consisting of fetch, decode, execute, write-back, and load write-back stages.
The fetch and decode logic sends a steady flow of instructions to the execute unit. All
instructions are decoded before they are forwarded to the execute unit. Instructions are
queued in the fetch queue if execution stalls. The fetch queue consists of three elements:
two prefetch buffers and a decode buffer. If the prefetch buffers are empty instructions
flow directly to the decode buffer.
Up to two branches are processed simultaneo usly by the fetch and decode logic. If a branch
cannot be resolved prior to execution, the fetch and decode logic pr edicts how that branch
is resolved, causing the processor to speculatively fetch instructions from the predicted
path. Branches with negative-address displacements are predicted as taken, as are
branches that do not test the condition register or count register. The default prediction can
be overridden by software at assembly or compile time.
The PowerPC 405 has a single-issue execute unit containing the general-purpose register
file (GPR), arithmetic-logic unit (ALU), and the multiply-accumulate unit (MAC). The
GPRs consist of thirty-two 32-bit registers that are accessed by the execute unit using three
Controller Interface
Figure 1-2:PowerPC 405 Organization
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read ports and two write ports. During the decode stage, data is read out of the GPRs for
use by the execute unit. During the write-back stage, results are written to the GPR. The
use of five read/write ports on the GPRs allows the processor to execute load/store
operations in parallel with ALU and MAC operations.
The execute unit supports all 32-bit PowerPC UISA integer instructions in hardware, and is
compliant with the PowerPC embedded-environment architecture specification. Floatingpoint operations are not supported.
The MAC unit supports implementation-specific multiply-accumulate instructions and
multiply-halfword instructions. MAC instructions operate on either signed or unsigned
16-bit operands, and they store their results in a 32-bit GPR. These instructions can
produce results using either modulo arithmetic or saturating arithmetic. All MAC
instructions have a single cycle throughput.
Exception Handling Logic
Exceptions are divided into two classes: critical and noncritical. The PowerPC 405 CPU
services exceptions caused by error conditions, the internal timers, debug events, and the
external interrupt controller (EIC) interface. Across the two classes, a total of 19 possible
exceptions are supported, including the two provided by the EIC interface.
Each exception class has its own pair of save/restore registers. SRR0 and SRR1 are used for
noncritical interrupts, and SRR2 and SRR3 are used for critical interrupts. The exceptionreturn address and the machine state are written to these registers when an exception
occurs, and they are automatically restored when an interrupt handler exits using the
return-from-interrupt (rfi) or r et urn- from critical-interrupt (rfci) instruction. Use of
separate save/restore registers allows the PowerPC 405 to handle critical interrupts
independently of noncritical interrupts.
Memory Management Unit
The PowerPC 405 supports 4 GB of flat (non-segmented) address space. The memorymanagement unit (MMU) provides address translation, protection functions, and storageattribute control for this address space. The MMU supports demand-paged virtual
memory using multiple page sizes of 1 KB, 4 KB, 16 KB, 64 KB, 256 KB, 1 MB, 4 MB and
16 MB. Multiple page sizes can improve memory efficiency and minimize the number of
TLB misses. When supported by system software, the MMU provides the following
xTranslation of the 4 GB logical-address spac e into a physical-address space.
xIndependent enabling of instruction translati on and protection from that of data
translation and pro tect io n .
xPage-level access control using the translation m e chanism.
xSoftware control over the page-replacement strategy.
xAdditional protection control using zones.
xStorage attributes for cache policy and speculative memory-access control.
The translation look-aside buffer (TLB) is used to control memory translation and
protecti on. Each o ne of i ts 6 4 en trie s s peci fie s a page translation. It is fully associative, and
can simultaneously hold translations for any combination of page sizes. To prevent TLB
contention between data and instruction accesses, a 4-entry instruction and an 8-entry data
shadow-TLB are maintained by the processor transparently to software.
Software manages the initialization and replacement of TL B entries. The PowerPC 405
includes instructions for managing TLB entries by software running in privileged mode.
This capability gives significant control to system software over the implementation of a
page replacement strategy. For example, software can reduce the potential for TLB
thrashing or delays associated with TLB-entry replacement by reserving a subset of TLB
entries for globally accessible pages or critical pages.
Storage attributes are provided to control access of memory regions. When memory
translation is enabled, storage attributes are maintained on a page basis and read from the
TLB when a memory access occurs. When memory translation is disabled, storage
attributes are maintained in storage-attribute control registers. A zone-protection register
(ZPR) is provided to allow system software to override the TLB access controls without
requiring the manipulation of individual TLB entries. For example, the ZPR can provide a
simple method for denying read access to certain application programs.
Instruction and Data Caches
The PowerPC 405 accesses memory through the instruction-cache unit (ICU) and datacache unit (DCU). Each cache unit includes a PLB-master interface, cache arrays, and a
cache controller . Hits into the instruction cache and data cache appear to the CPU as singlecycle memory accesses. Cache misses are h andled as requests over the PLB bus to another
PLB device, such as an external-memory controller.
Chapter 1: Introduction to the PowerPC 405 Processor
The PowerPC 405 implements separate instruction-cache and data-cache arrays. Each is 16
KB in size, is two-way set-associative, and operates using 8 word (32 byte) cache lines. Th e
caches are non-blocking, allowing the PowerPC 405 to overlap instruction execution with
reads over the PLB (when cache misses occur).
The cache controllers replace cache lines according to a least-recently used (LRU)
replacement policy. When a cache line fill occurs, the most-recently accessed line in the
cache set is retained and the other line is replaced. The cache controller updates the LRU
during a cache line fill.
The ICU supplies up to two instructions every cycle to the fetch and decode unit. The ICU
can also forward instructions to the fetch and decode unit during a cache line fill,
minimizing execution stalls caused by instruction-cache misses. When the ICU is accessed,
four instructions are read from the appropriate cache line and placed temporarily in a line
buffer . Subsequent ICU accesses check this line buf fer for the requested instruction prior to
accessing the cache array. This allows the ICU cache array to be accessed as little as once
every four instructions, significantly reducing ICU power cons umption.
The DCU can independently process load/store operations and cache-control instructions.
The DCU can also dynamically reprioritize PLB requests to reduce the length of an
execution stall. For example, if the DCU is busy with a low-priority request and a
subsequent storage operation requested by the CPU is stalled, the DCU automatically
increases the priority of the current (low-priority) request. The current request is thus
finished sooner, allowing the DCU to process the stalled request sooner. The DCU can
forward data to the execute unit during a cache line fill, further minimizing execution stalls
caused by data-cache misses.
Additional features allow programmers to tailor data-cache performanc e to a specific
application. The DCU can function in write-back or write-through mode, as determined by
the storage-control attributes. Loads and stor es that d o not allocate cache lines can also be
specified. Inhibiting certain cache line fills can reduce potential pipeline sta lls and
unwanted external-bus traffic.
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Timer Resources
The PowerPC 405 contains a 64-bit time base and three timers. The time base is
incremented synchronously using the CPU clock or an external clock source. The three
timers are incremented synchronously with the time base. The three timers supported by
the PowerPC 405 are:
xProgrammable Interval Timer
xFixed Interval Timer
xWatch dog Timer
Programmable Interval Timer
The pr ogrammable interval timer (PIT) is a 32-bit register that is decremented at the time-base
increment frequency. The PIT register is loaded with a delay value. When the PIT count
reaches 0, a PIT interrupt occurs. Optionally , the PIT can be programmed to automatically
reload the last delay value and begin decrementing again.
Fixed Interval Timer
The fixed interval timer (FIT) causes an interrupt when a selected bit in the time-base register
changes from 0 to 1. Programmers can select one of four predefined bits in the time-base
for triggering a FIT interrupt.
Watchdog Timer
The watchdog timer causes a hardware reset when a selected bit in the time-base register
changes from 0 to 1. Programmers can select one of four predefined bits in the time-base
for triggering a reset, and the type of reset can be defined by the programmer.
The PowerPC 405 debug resources include special debug modes that support the various
types of debugging used during hardware and software development. These are:
xInternal-debug mode for use by ROM monitors and software debuggers
xExternal-debug mode for use by JTAG debuggers
xDebug-wait mode, which allows the servicing of interrupts while the processor appears
to be stopped
xReal-time trace mode, which supports event triggering for real-time tracing
Debug events are supported that allow developers to manage the debug process. Debug
modes and debug events are controlled using debug registers in the processor. The debug
registers are accessed either through software running on the processor or through the
JTAG port.
The debug modes, events, controls, and interfaces provide a powerful combination of
debug resour ces f or hardw are and software development tools.
PowerPC 405 Interfaces
The PowerPC 405 provides the following set of interfaces that support the attachment of
cores and user logic:
xDevice control register interface
xClock and power management interface
xJTAG port interface
xOn-chip interrupt controller interface
xOn-chip memory controller interface
Processor Local Bus
The processor local bus (PLB) i nterface provides a 32-bit address and three 64-bit data buses
attached to the instruction-cache and data-cache units. T wo of the 64-bit buses are attached
to the data-cache unit, one supporting read operations and the other supportin g write
operations. The third 64-bit bus is attached to the instruction-cache unit to support
instruction fetching.
Device Control Register
The device control register (DC R) bus interfacesupports the attachment of on-chip registers
for device control. Software can access these registers using the mfdcr and mtdcr
Chapter 1: Introduction to the PowerPC 405 Processor
Clock and Power Management
The clock and power-management interface supports several methods of clock distribution
and power management.
The JTAG port interface supports the att achment of external debug tools. Using the JTAG
test-access port, a debug tool can single-step the processor and examine internal-processor
state to facilitate software debugging.
On-Chip Interrupt Controller
The on-chip interrupt controller interfaceis an external interrupt controller that combines
asynchronous interrupt inputs from on-chip and off-chip sources and presents them to the
core using a pair of interrupt signals (critical and noncritical). Asynchronous interrupt
sources can include external signals, the JTAG and debug units, and any other on-chip
On-Chip Memory Controller
An on-chip memory (OCM) interface supports the attachment of additional memory to the
instruction and data caches that can be accessed at performance levels matching the cache
PowerPC 405 Performance
The PowerPC 405 executes instructions at sustained speeds approaching one cycle per
instruction. Table 1-3 lists the typical execution speed (in processor cycles) of the
instruction classes supported by the PowerPC 405.
Instructions that access memory (loads and stores) consider only the “first order” effects of
cache misses. The performance penalty associated with a cache miss involves a number of
second-order effects. This includes PLB contention between the instruction and data
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