TOYOTA Aygo User Manual

Brief Guide
Brief Guide
Introducing Aygo............................................................. 2
Lock system...................................................................... 3
Seats and seat belts ........................................................ 4
Storage.............................................................................. 4
Bonnet and fuel tank opening ....................................... 5
Dashboard ........................................................................ 6
Lights and wipers ............................................................ 9
Heating and A/C control................................................. 10
Power windows................................................................ 11
Gear change ..................................................................... 11
Tyre change.................................................................... 12
Congratulations on selec ting a new Aygo!
Now you can begin enjo y ing this qua li ty vehi cle imme di a te ly with this brief guide, a sum ma ry guide to basic vehi cle ope ra tions. This brief guide con tains a sum ma ry des crip tion of basic ope ra tions so that you can loca te and use the vehi cle’s main equip ment and fea tu res quick ly and easi ly. This brief guide does not repla ce or sub sti tu te the owner’s manual. It is impor tant that you review the full owner’s manual, as well as any supplementary manu als which Toyota may issue in the futu re, so as to fami li a ri ze your self with the operating and safety instructions con tai ned the rein and with the vehi cle’s capabilities and limi ta tions. Your Centre and the entire staff of Toyota wish you many years of satisfied driving in your new Aygo.
PS: All infor ma tion con tai ned in this brief guide is cur rent at the time of printing. Toyota reser ves the right to make chan ges at any time wit hout noti ce.
Think before you drive !
Fit child seat
in the back
Stow loose objects
safely in the boot
10 seconds... that can save your life
European Road Safety Campaign
with the support of the European Commission
Adjust seat and
head restraint
Fasten front and
rear seatbelts
at all times
Lock system
Key number plate
Your key number is shown on the plate. If you should lose your keys or if you need additional keys, duplicates can be made using the key number.
Engine immobiliser system
The engine immobiliser system is a theft prevention system. The engine will start only when the electronic code in the chip inside the key corresponds to the registered ID code for the vehicle.
Wireless remote control (on some models)
Locking operation
Unlocking operation
The wireless remote control system can lock or unlock all the side doors and back door from a distance within approximately 1m of the vehicle.
To lock and unlock all the side doors and back door, push the switches of the key slowly and securely.
International Security Register
Your new Yaris has a unique number etched into all window glass.
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