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Texas Instruments (TI) provides the enclosed product(s) under the following conditions:
This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT, DEMON-
STRA TION, OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY and is not conside red by TI to be a finish ed
end-product fit for gene ral consumer use. Persons handli ng the product(s) must have electronics
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This evaluation board/kit does not fall within the scope of the European Union directives regarding electromagnetic compatibility, restricted substances (RoHS), recycling (WEEE), FCC,
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related directives.
Should this evaluation board/kit not meet the specifications indicated in the User's Guide, the
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The user assumes all responsibility and liability for proper and safe handling of the goods.
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Due to the open construction of the product, it is the user's responsibility to take any and all
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TI currently deals with a va rie ty of cu stome rs for prod uct s, and therefore our arran gemen t with
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TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, softwareperformance, or infringement of patents or services described herein.
Please read the User's Guide and, specifically, the Warnings and Restrictions notice in the
User's Guide prior to handling the product. This notice contains important safety information
about temperatures and voltages. Fo r additional informat ion on TI's environme ntal and/or safety
programs, please contact the TI application engineer or visit www.ti.com/esh.
No license is granted under an y patent right or other inte llectual property right of TI co vering or
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This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT, DEMONSTRA TION, OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY and is not co nsidered by TI t o be a finish ed
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take whatever measures may be required to correct this interference.
About This Guide
The DVEVM (Digital Video Eval uat ion Module) is an eval ua tio n pl atf or m
that showcases the DM644x architecture and lets users evaluate the
power and performance of the DM644x as a Multimedia engine. The
intended audience is the user who is developing Linux-based software on
the DM644x ARM core.
The DVEVM does not expose the DSP co re for software development,
but rather treats it as a " black b ox" for running off-the-shel f codecs . Th e
DVSDK upgrade allows you to add the abi lity to dev el op app li cat ion s for
the DSP side. In addition, the DVSDK adds a full Linux license.
This guide gives you overview information about the board and the
software provided w ith the board. It is intended to be used as th e initial
"getting to know you" document for the DVEVM. Other documents
provide more in-depth information. See the DVEVM documentation index
for a complete list of documents that have been included with the product.
Additional Documents and Resources
You can use the following sources to supplement this user’s guide:
❏DaVinci EVM Home at Spectrum Digital:
This document uses the following conventions:
❏Program listings, program examples, and interactive displays are
shown in a mono-spaced font. Examples use bold for emphasis,
and interactive displays use bold to distinguish commands that you
enter from items that the system displays (such as prompts,
command output, error messages, etc.).
❏Square brackets ( [ and ] ) identify an option al parameter. If you use
an optional parameter, you specify the information within the
brackets. Unless t he sq uar e brac k ets a re in a bold typeface, do not
enter the brackets themselves.
The Texas Instruments logo and Texas
Instruments are registered trade marks of Texas
Instruments. Trademarks of Texas Instruments
include: TI, DaVinci, the DaVinci logo, XDS, Code
Composer, Code Composer Studio, Probe Point,
Code Explorer, DSP/BIOS, RTDX, Online DSP
Lab, DaVinci, TMS320, TMS320C54x,
TMS320C55x, TMS320C62x, TMS320C64x,
TMS320C67x, TMS320C5000, and
MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft
UNIX is a registered trad emark of The Open Grou p in the Un ited States
and other countries.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Solaris, SunOS, and Java are trademarks or reg istered trademarks of
Sun Microsyst ems, Inc.
All other brand, product na mes, and service names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Your new DVEVM (Digital Video Evaluation
Module) will allow you to evaluate TI’s new
Technology and the DM644x
This technology brings together system- solu tion
components tailored for efficien t and co mpell ing
digital video and audio.
The intended audience is a user developing Linux-based software on the
DM644x ARM core. The DVEVM does not expose the DSP core for
software development, but rather treats it as a "black box" for running offthe-shelf codecs. Separate upgrade kits from Texas Instruments will
provide tools and software for DSP development.
1.2What’s in this Kit?
Your DVEVM kit contains the following hardware items. Section 2.1,
Setting Up the Hardware tells how to connect these components.
❏DVEVM Board (SDI P/N 702050). This board contains a DaVinci
❏Hard Disk Drive (Samsung P/N MP0402H). The hard drive provided
❏CCD Camera (Swann P/N SW-C-C500R). This camera provides
TMS320DM6446 dual-core device with an ARM9 and C64+ DSP for
development of applications that use both a general-purpose
processor and an accelerated DSP processor.
with the DVEVM is a 2.5" Spinpoint drive with 40 GB of storage. The
drive speed in 5 400 RP M and it h as an 8M B cach e. The dr ive is an
Ultra ATA 66/100/133 IDE. Software is preloaded on the DVEVM
board’s hard disk drive.
NTSC or PAL video imaging for DaVinci applications.
(PAL) ). The Delvcam LCD display provided with the DVEVM kit has
a 5.6" screen and 32 0x240 pixels. Cables and a power supply are
provided. The NTSC ver sion s upp or ts has a 110 VAC power supply.
The PAL version has a 220 VAC power supply.
❏PC Desktop Microphone (Labtec Verse 333). The microphone
provides a way to capture audio for use by DaVinci applications.
❏IR Remote Control (Phillips Magnavo x P/N PM4S EFM7N D). This
universal remote control is included to provide a user interface to the
demo applications.
❏A/V Cables. Cables used to connect the DVEVM board to peripheral
devices and to a host Li nux workstation used for developm ent are
provided in the kit.
The DVEVM kit also comes with the following software CDs. Information
about how to use the software components is provided in Chapter 4.
❏DaVinci Digital Video Evaluation Kit.
❏TI DaVinci Demonstration Version of MontaVista Linux Pro v4.0
❏TI DaVinci Demonstration Version of MontaVista Linux Pro v4.0
❏Additional software CDs are provided with DVDP upgrade kits.
DVEVM Overview1-3
What’s on the Board?
1.3What’s on the Board?
The DVEVM comes loaded with peripherals your multimedia applications
may need to make use of. T he hard d rive on th e boar d also comes pr eloaded with demonstration software. The following block diagram shows
the major hardware components.
Diagram provided courtesy of Spectrum Digital Inc.
Figure 1–1 DVEVM Hardware Block Diagram
For more information about the DVEVM hardware, see the DaVinci EVM
website at http://c6000.spectrumdigital.com/davincievm/.
The DaVinci EVM incorporates a battery holder to provide backup power
to the MSP430’s real-ti me clock when the power is not ap plied to the
board. The battery is not included in the kit. See the Spectrum Digital
DaVinci EVM Technical Reference for suggested battery part numbers.
1.4What’s Next?
What’s Next?
To get started evaluating the DVEVM and developing applications for the
DM644x, begin by using this Getting Started guide. It will step you
through connecting the hardware, testing the software, and beginning to
develop applications.
When you are ready for more information about DaVinci T echnology and
the DM644x architecture, see the following:
❏DaVinci EVM Home at Spectrum Digital:
❏TI Linux Community for DaVinci Processors:
❏Codec Engine Application Developer's Guide (SPRUE67)
❏Other PDF documents on the CDs included with the DVEVM
DVEVM Overview1-5
Chapter 2
DVEVM Hardware Setup
This chapter tells you how to set up the DVEVM hardware.
To set up the hardware provided with the DV EVM, use the steps in th e
sections that foll ow. You may skip sect ions if you do not ne ed to ac cess
a particular peripheral . Fo r ex amp le, if you do no t n eed to use the serial
cable, skip that section.
1) The DVEVM is s ensitive to s tatic discharges.
Use a grounding strap or other device to
prevent damaging the board.
Be sure to connect communication cables
before applying power to any equipment.
2) If you use PAL video, set switch 10 on the S3 (USER) bank of
switches to On. If you use NTSC video, set this switch to Off. See
Figure 1–1 for S3 switch bank location.
3) Connect the yellow vide o cable to the uppe r-right Video Out jac k on
the DVEVM and the LCD display Video Input as shown below.
See Section A.2, Changing the Video Input/Output Methods for
information about using S-Video or Component video.
Setting Up the Hardware
4) Connect the red and white audio cables to the DVEVM Audio Output
and the LCD display R/L Audio Input jacks as shown below:
5) Connect the BNC-to-RCA connector to the coax cable. Then connect
the coax cable to the video camera and the DVEVM Video Input.
6) Connect the power jack for the video camera. T o be ESD safe, do not
plug in the other end of the camera power cord until the later step that
instructs you to do so.
See Section A.2, Changing the Video Input/Output Methods for
information about using S-Video or Component video.
DVEVM Hardware Setup2-3
Setting Up the Hardware
7) Connect the microphone to the DVEVM.
8) Connect the power cable to the DVEVM Power Jack on the board. T o
be ESD safe, do not plug in the other end of the cable yet.
9) If you will use the Ethernet connection, connect the Ethernet cable to
the Ethernet Port on the DVEVM and to an Ethernet network port.
If you do not connect the board's Ether net controller to a computer
running a DHCP server, booting the board will take several additional
Setting Up the Hardware
10) If you pla n to use th e UART port for a co nsole windo w, connect the
RS232 null modem cable to the DVEVM UART port and the a CO M
port on your host Linux worksta tion. See Section 2.2 , Conn ec ting t oa Console Window for more about using a console window.
11) Plug in the LCD display to a power supply.
12) Plug in the NTSC/PAL video camera to a power supply.
13) Plug in the DVEVM boar d to a power supply.
14) Power on the LCD display.
15) Power on the DVEVM board.
16) The ini tial screen of the demo softwa re should be d isplayed on th e
LCD display. Use the IR remote to run the softwar e as desc ribed in
Chapter 3.
Note that there will be a DHCP-related de lay if there is no network
DVEVM Hardware Setup2-5
Connecting to a Console Window
2.2Connecting to a Console Window
You can open a console window that al lows you to watch and interrupt
DVEVM boot messages by following these steps:
1) Connect a serial cable between the serial port on the DVEVM and the
serial (COM) port on a PC.
2) Run a HyperTerminal ses sion on the PC and c onfigure it to con nect
to that serial port.
3) When you power on the DVEVM, you will see boot sequence
messages. You can press a key to in terrupt the boot seq uence and
type commands in the U-Boot command shell. In this guide,
commands to be typed in the U-Boot shell are indicated by an
EVM # prompt.
Chapter 3
Running the Demonstration Software
This chapter explains how to ru n the software demos provide d with the