The following user guide details the functionality of DS125DF1610 Evaluation Board Module (EVM) as
well as the Graphic User Interface (GUI) based tool SigCon Architect. The DS125DF1610 device profile
can be used to read and write register settings via the SMBus. For a functional description of the
DS125DF1610, refer to the DS125DF1610 data sheet.
The DS125DF1610 evaluation board can be powered from a 3.3 V or 2.5 V power supply via banana
cables. There are 4 quads each with 4 channels for a total of 16 channels. Channels 8 – 11 are connected
via SMA connectors. All other channels require MXP connectors that are sold separately and not included
when purchasing the evaluation module. An external reference clock can be applied to speed up the lock
process, but is not required. A 25 MHz, 125 MHz, or 312.5 MHz reference clock can be applied with the 2
former frequencies allowing a single-ended input (312.5 MHz must be differential). Refer to the datasheet
for additional details. The DS125DF1610EVM as shown in Figure 1 is configured with default jumper
settings. For a description of each jumpers function, refer to Table 1 below. Note that the jumper settings
are not in numerical order, but instead are based on their location as you move clockwise around the edge
of the board starting from the banana plugs.
J99Tie Pin 2 – 4Oscillator Frequency Select
J179All pins openDS125DF1610 Retimer Connections
JP13All pins openDS125DF1610 Retimer Connections
J204All pins open2.5 V and LDO Power Plane Connection
J198Tie Pin 1 – 2LDO Enable Pull-Up
Tie pin 1 -2
Tie pin 3 -4
Tie Pin 3 – 4
Tie Pin 7 – 8
Tie Pin 1 – 3
Tie Pin 2 – 4
MSP430 Microcontroller Connections
Pull-Ups for SMBus
Oscillator Power
2Required Software
•SigCon Architect
•DS125DF1610 Profile for SigCon Architect
3Setup Instructions
•Navigate to the DS125DF1610EVM product page on
•Follow the guide at SNLU178 to install the SigCon Architect software, and for ease of use, add the
shortcut to the desktop. With the software still closed, run the device profile updater for the
DS125DF1610 as indicated in the previous guide.
•Hook up the power supply to the DS125DF1610EVM with the output disabled.
•Using the USB2ANY, the USB cable can be connected directly to the USB port on the EVM board and
the computer.
•Click the shortcut to open the SigCon Architect software. If prompted to run as administrator, select
When starting SigCon architect, the graphic user interface should appear as in Figure 2 with the
DS150DF1610 Retimer profile already loaded. In order to initiate reading and writing of the registers, the
‘Demo Mode’ box in the upper right hand corner must be deselected.
Selection Sidebar
4Selection Sidebar
The ‘selection’ sidebar shows the current active device profiles. When the device is active and
configurable, this will show the sub-pages that are used to control the device: Configuration, Low Level
Page, Eye Monitor Page, EEPROM Page, and High Level Page.
The content on each of these sub-pages will be detailed in each of the following sections.
5Configuration Tab
The configuration tab’s main purpose is to specify the slave address for successful communication with
the DS125DF1610EVM. The default address is hex 0x30 as shown in Figure 4. If the ADDR0 (GPIO0) or
ADDR1 (GPIO1) jumper settings are altered, the SMBus address will need to be changed. Refer to the
datasheet for additional information.
Figure 2. DS125DF1610 Profile GUI
Figure 3. Selection Sidebar
After selecting the proper slave address, the board can be connected by clicking the apply button. If the
USB2ANY details drop down box does not show any values, then the board is not correctly connected to
your computer.