Snorkel SR2770 User Manual

Engine Powered Diesel - Gasoline
LPG Fuel
P/N 11669A Sep tem ber 2005 V7
Snorkel further warrants the structural components; specifically, the mainframe chassis, turntable, booms and scissor arms, of each new machine manufactured by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship for an additional period of four (4) years. Any such part or parts which, upon examination by the Snorkel Service Department, are found to be defective will be replaced or repaired by Snorkel through its local Authorized Dealer at no charge; however, any labor charges incurred as a result of such replacement or repair will be the responsibility of the Customer or Dealer.
The Snorkel Service Department must be notified within forty-eight (48) hours of any possible warranty situation during the applicable warranty period. Personnel performing warranty repair or replacement must obtain specific approval by Snorkel Service Department prior to performing any warranty repair or replacement.
Customer and Dealer shall not be entitled to the benefits of this warranty and Snorkel shall have no obligations hereunder unless the “Pre-Delivery and Inspection Report” has been properly completed and returned to the Snorkel Service Department within ten (10) days after delivery of the Snorkel product to Customer or Dealer’s rental fleet. Snorkel must be notified, in writing, within ten (10) days, of any machine sold to a Customer from a Dealer’s rental fleet during the warranty period.
At the direction of the Snorkel Service Department, any component part(s) of Snorkel products to be replaced or repaired under this warranty program must be returned freight prepaid to the Snorkel Service Department for inspection. All warranty replacement parts will be shipped freight prepaid (standard ground) from the Snorkel Service Department or from Snorkel’s Vendor to Dealer or Customer.
Any replacement or service part made or sold by Snorkel is not subject to the preceding Limited Warranty beyond the normal warranty period of the machine upon which the part was installed.
1. Engines, motors, tires and batteries which are manufactured by suppliers to Snorkel, who furnish their own warranty. Snorkel will, however, to the extent permitted, pass through any such warranty protection to the Customer or Dealer.
2. Any Snorkel product which has been modified or altered outside Snorkel’s factory without Snorkel’s written approval, if such modification or alteration, in the sole judgment of Snorkel’s Engineering and/or Service Departments, adversely affects the stability, reliability or service life of the Snorkel product or any component thereof.
3. Any Snorkel product which has been subject to misuse, improper maintenance or accident. “Misuse” includes but is not limited to operation beyond the factory-rated load capacity and speeds. “Improper maintenance” includes but is not limited to failure to follow the recommendations contained in the Snorkel Operation, Maintenance, Repair Parts Manuals. Snorkel is not responsible for normal maintenance, service adjustments and replacements, including but not limited to hydraulic fluid, filters and lubrication.
4. Normal wear of any Snorkel component part(s). Normal wear of component parts may vary with the type application or type of environment in which the machine may be used; such as, but not limited to sandblasting applications.
5. Any Snorkel product that has come in direct contact with any chemical or abrasive material.
6. Incidental or consequential expenses, losses, or damages related to any part or equipment failure, including but not limited to freight cost to transport the machine to a repair facility, downtime of the machine, lost time for workers, lost orders, lost rental revenue, lost profits or increased cost.
This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties, representations or liabilities of Snorkel, either expressed or implied, unless otherwise amended in writing by Snorkel’s President, Vice President-Engineering, Vice President-Sales or Vice President-Marketing.
The Customer shall make all warranty claims through its local Authorized Dealer and should contact the Dealer from whom the Snorkel product was purchased for warranty service. Or, if unable to contact the Dealer, contact the Snorkel Service Department for further assistance.
Ef fec tive July 1995
Electrical Hazard Warning
Electrical Hazard

Electrical Hazard

If the plat form, scis sors arm as sem bly, or any other con duc tive part of an SR con tacts a high-voltage elec ­tri cal con duc tor, the re sult can be SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH for per sons on or near the ma chine.
Be sure to al low for sag and sway in the wires and the work plat form.
If an SR co mes in con tact with a live elec tri cal con duc tor, the en tire ma chine can be charged.
If that hap pens, you should re main on the ma chine and not con tact any other struc ture or ob ject within reach. That in cludes the ground, ad ja cent build ings, poles, and any ob ject not a part of the SR.
Such con tact could make your body a con duc tor to the other ob ject cre at ing an elec tri cal shock haz ard re ­sult ing in SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH.
DO NOT at tempt to en ter or leave the SR un til you are sure the elec tric ity has been turned off.
If an SR is in con tact with a live con duc tor, the plat form op er a tor MUST warn oth ers on the ground in the vi ­cin ity of the SR to STAY AWAY from the ma chine, since their bod ies can also form a path for elec tric ity to ground thus cre at ing an elec tri cal shock haz ard with pos si ble ELECTROCUTION and DEATH.
DO NOT at tempt to op er ate SR ground con trols when the plat form, scis sors arm as sem bly, or any other con duct ing part of the SR is in con tact with elec tri cal wires or if there is an im me di ate dan ger of such con ­tact.
Re gard all con duc tors as en er gized.
Per son nel work ing on or near an SR must be con tin u ously aware of elec tri cal haz ards, rec og niz ing that SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH can re sult if con tact with an elec tri cal wire does oc cur.
SR2770 – 11669A page - i
Electrical Hazard
Denotes prohibited zone
- Do not allow machine personnel or conductive materials inside prohibited zone.
- Maintain M.S.A.D. From all energised lines and parts as well as those shown.
- Assume all electrical parts and wires are energised unless known otherwise.
- Diagrams shown are only for purposes of illustrating M.S.A.D. Work positions, not all work positions.
Minimum Safe Approach Distance
An SR is an all metal NOT ELECTRICALLY INSULATED, ae rial work plat form. DO NOT op er ate it near ELECTRICAL con duc tors. Re gard all con duc tors as be ing en er gized. Use the ta ble and il lus tra tion be low
to de ter mine safe clear ance from elec tri cal con duc tors. (Ta ble 1 and Fig ure 3, be low, are from ANSI/SIA A92.6–1990 Stan dard, re printed with per mis sion of Scaf fold In dus try As so ci a tion.)
Table 1 - (M.S.A.D.)
Minimum Safe Approach Distance
to energized (exposed or insulated power lines)
Voltage range Minimum safe approach distance
(phase to phase)
0 to 300V
over 300v to 50kv
over 50kv to 200kv
over 200kv to 350kv
over 350kv to 500kv
over 500kv to 750kv
over 750kv to 1000kv
(Feet) (Meters)
Avoid contact
Figure 3 - (M.S.A.D.)
page - ii SR2770 – 11669A


The most im por tant chap ter in this man ual is the safety chap ter - Chap ter 1. Take time, now, to study it closely. The in for ma tion in Chap ter 1, might save your life, pre vent se ri ous in jury, or dam age to prop ­erty or the SR2770.
Standard SR2770
The stan dard SR2770 in cludes the fol low ing fea ­tures:
Fully proportional one handed joy stick control
Re li able diesel engine
Large 1210mm multi position extension deck
35% gradeability
4 wheel drive with articulating axle
Hour meter
Temperature & ammeter gauges
Easy access side trays for engine & hydraulics
Lockable hinged cov ers
In de pend ently op er ated hy drau lic stabilisers
Swinging gate
The fol low ing op tions are avail able for the SR2770:
Flash ing light
110/240V power to plat form
Optional AC generator
Au to matic sta bi lis ers
Al ter na tive power options
Gasoline engine
LPG engine
Combination LPG/Gasoline engine
Operation Manual
This man ual pro vides in for ma tion for safe and proper op er a tion of the ae rial plat form. Read and un der stand the in for ma tion in this Op er a tor's man ­ual be fore op er at ing this ma chine on a job site.
Additional copies of this manual may be ordered from Snorkel. Supply the model and manual part number from the front cover to assure that the correct manual will be supplied.
All in for ma tion in this man ual is based on the lat est prod uct in for ma tion at the time of pub li ca tion. Snor ­kel re serves the right to make prod uct changes at any time with out ob li ga tion.
Safety Alerts
A safety alert sym bol is used through out this man ­ual to in di cate dan ger, warn ing and cau tion in struc ­tions. Fol low these in struc tions to re duce the like li hood of per sonal in jury, prop erty dam age or dam age to the ma chine.
The terms dan ger, warn ing, and cau tion in di cate vary ing de grees of per sonal in jury or prop erty dam ­age that can re sult if the in struc tion is not fol lowed.
Denotes an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Denotes a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Denotes a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices or action which may result in damage to the SR.
Notes Notes are used to pro vide spe cial in for ma tion or help ful hints to as sist in ae rial plat form op er a tion, but do not in di cate a haz ard ous sit u a tion.
The SR ae rial plat form has built in safety fea tures and has been fac tory tested for com pli ance with Snor kel spec i fi ca tions and in dus try stan dards. How ever, any per son nel lift ing de vice can be po ­ten tially dan ger ous in the hands of un trained or care less op er a tors.
Train ing is vi tally im por tant and must be per formed un der the di rec tion of a QUALIFIED per son. You must dis play pro fi ciency in knowl edge and ac tual op er a tion of the SR be fore us ing it on a job site.
Be fore op er a tion of the SR you must read and un ­der stand the op er at ing in struc tions in this man ual as well as the de cals, warn ings, and in struc tions on the ma chine it self.
Be fore op er at ing the SR you must be AUTHORIZED by the per son in charge to do so and the op er a tion of the SR must be within the scope of the ma chine spec i fi ca tions.
SR2770 – 11669A page - iii
The potential for an accident increases when the aerial platform is operated by personnel who are not trained and authorised. Death or serious injury can result from such accidents. read and understand the information in this manual and on the placards and decals on the machine before operating the SR on the job site.
Ev ery per son who main tains, in spects, tests, or re ­pairs these ma chines, and ev ery per son su per vis ­ing any of these func tions, must be prop erly trained and qual i fied to do so.
This Op er a tor’s Man ual pro vides a daily in spec tion pro ce dure that will help you keep your SR in good op er at ing con di tion.
Do not per form other main te nance un less you are a trained me chanic, qual i fied to work on the SR. Call qual i fied main te nance per son nel if you find prob ­lems or mal func tions.
Scaf fold In dus try As so ci a tion, Inc., P.O. Box 1160 Phoe nix, AZ 85036-0574 USA
In summary
Only trained and authorised operators should be permitted to operate the equipment.
All manufacturer’s operating instructions and safety rules and all employers’ safety rules and all OSHA and other government safety rules should be strictly adhered to.
Repairs and adjustments should be made only by qualified and trained maintenance personnel.
No modification should be made to the equipment without prior written consent of the Snorkel Engineering Department.
Make a pre-start inspection of the SR at the beginning of each shift. A malfunctioning machine must not be used.
Make an inspection of the work place to locate possible hazards before operating the SR.
Do not mod ify this ma chine with out writ ten ap ­proval from the En gi neer ing De part ment of Snor ­kel. Mod i fi ca tion may void the war ranty, ad versely af fect sta bil ity, or af fect the op er a tional char ac ter ­is tics of the SR.
Responsibilities of parties
It is im per a tive that all own ers and us ers of the SR read, un der stand, and con form to all ap pli ca ble reg u la tions. Ul ti mate com pli ance to OSHA reg u la ­tions is the re spon si bil ity of the user and their em ­ployer.
ANSI Stan dard A92.2-2001clearly iden ti fies re quire ments of all par ties who might be in volved with Boom-Sup ported El e vat ing Work Plat forms.
AUSTRALIAN / NZ STANDARD 2550-10 1994 Also iden ti fies the re quire ments of all par ties who might be in volved with Boom-Sup ported El e vat ing Work Plat forms.
Additional information
For ad di tional in for ma tion, con tact your lo cal dealer or Snor kel at:
Snor kel In ter na tional 2/26 Red fern Street Wether ill Park NSW 2164 Aus tra lia
Snor kel In ter na tional PO Box 1041 Levin 5500 New Zea land
A re print of the “Man ual of Re spon si bil i ties for Deal ers, Own ers, Us ers, Op er a tors, Les sors and Les sees of ANSI/SIA A92.6-1990 Self Pro pelled El e vat ing Work Plat forms” is avail able from Snor ­kel deal ers or from the fac tory upon re quest.
Cop ies are also avail able from:
page - iv SR2770 – 11669A

Table of Contents

Electrical Hazard
Electrical Hazard Warning ..................i
Minimum Safe Approach Distance ...........ii
Table 1 - (M.S.A.D.) .....................ii
Figure 3 - (M.S.A.D.) ....................ii
Standard SR2770........................iii
Operation Manual........................iii
Safety Alerts............................iii
Operation ..............................iii
Maintenance ...........................iv
Responsibilities of parties .................iv
In summary ............................iv
Additional information ....................iv
1. Safety
Safe Operation ........................1-1
Electrocution Hazards ...................1-1
Minimum safe approach distance .........1-1
Pre-start Inspection .....................1-1
Work Place Inspection and Practices .......1-1
Tipover and Falling Hazards ..............1-3
General Safety Precautions ..............1-3
Hydraulic System Precautions ............1-3
Fire Prevention ........................1-3
Engine and Fuel Handling Precautions......1-4
Batteries .............................1-4
Safety Decals and Placards ..............1-4
Safety Placards and Decals Location .......1-5
2. Safety Devices
Safety Device Information ................2-1
Emergency Stop Switches ...............2-1
At platform control box .................2-1
At ground control box ..................2-1
Alarms ...............................2-1
Platform control box ...................2-1
Ground control box ....................2-2
Level sensor .........................2-2
Lowering ............................2-2
High temperature .....................2-2
Low oil pressure ......................2-2
Drive (reverse) .......................2-2
Drive (forward) .......................2-2
Guardrails ............................2-2
Safety Prop ...........................2-3
Swinging Gate .........................2-3
Safety Control .........................2-3
Bubble Level ..........................2-3
Operator Horn ........................2-3
Stabilisers ............................2-4
RCD/ELCB AC Outlet (option) ............2-4
Flashing Light (option)...................2-4
Lanyard Anchor Points (option) ...........2-4
3. Specifications
General Specifications, Standard Machines ..3-1
Recommended Hy drau lic Oil..............3-1
Engine Data...........................3-2
En gine Oil Charts ......................3-2
WG750-G ...........................3-2
D905-B .............................3-2
Hydraulic Hose Age.....................3-2
Nomenclature and Serial Numbers .........3-3
4. Gauges
Amps ................................4-1
Engine Oil ............................4-1
Hydraulic Oil Level .....................4-1
Fuel Level (option)......................4-2
Bubble Level (stabiliser machines only) .....4-2
5. Automatic Shut-offs and Circuit Breakers
Automatic Shut-offs ....................5-1
Level sensor .........................5-1
Engine temperature ...................5-1
Engine oil pressure ....................5-1
Platform height vs. drive speed...........5-1
Dynamic brakes ......................5-1
Alternator not charging .................5-1
Stabilisers ..........................5-1
Circuit Breakers .......................5-2
Main breaker .........................5-2
RCD / ELCB outlet (option)..............5-2
6. Controls
Controls ..............................6-1
Hydraulic Compartment..................6-1
Ground Control Box.....................6-1
Platform Control Box ....................6-2
Self Levelling Stabilisers (optional)........6-3
7. Daily Inspection and Maintenance
Daily Inspection and Maintenance Table ....7-1
Fuel Level ............................7-2
(Option - LPG) .......................7-2
Fuel Filter (diesel engines only) ...........7-2
Fuel Leaks............................7-2
Engine Oil ............................7-3
Engine Coolant ........................7-3
Radiator Cap ..........................7-3
SR2770 – 11669A
Table of Contents
Swinging Gate ........................7-3
Wiring Harnesses and Connectors .........7-3
Battery Terminals ......................7-4
Hydraulic Oil Tank ......................7-4
Hydraulic tank cap ....................7-4
Hydraulic oil level .....................7-4
Hydraulic Oil Leaks ....................7-4
Tires and Wheels ......................7-5
Bolts and Fasteners ....................7-5
Structural Damage & Welds ..............7-5
Guardrails ............................7-6
Bubble Level (machines with stabilisers) ....7-6
Guides, rollers, and slides................7-6
Charging System.......................7-6
Level Sensor ..........................7-7
Ground Controls .......................7-7
Emergency Lowering....................7-7
Platform Controls.......................7-7
Flashing Light (option)...................7-8
RCD / ELCB (option) ....................7-8
Safety prop ...........................7-8
Lanyard Anchorages (option) .............7-8
Placards and Decals ...................7-10
Standard placards and decals ..........7-10
Inspection drawing ...................7-11
8. Operation
Operating Procedures ...................8-1
Control Stations........................8-1
Emergency Stopping ....................8-1
Operation Considerations ................8-1
Fuel type ............................8-2
Operating From The Ground Control Box ...8-2
Raising the platform ...................8-3
Operating From The Platform Control Box ...8-4
Driving .............................8-7
Raising the Platform ...................8-7
Stabilisers ............................8-8
Setting the stabilisers ...................8-8
To raise the stabilisers: ................8-9
Self Levelling Stabilisers (Optional) ........8-9
Setting the stabilisers manually .........8-10
Raising the stabilisers manually .........8-10
Extending The Multi-Position Platform .....8-11
Transporting .........................10-2
Trailering ...........................10-2
Securing to a Transport Vehicle .........10-2
Towing ............................10-3
Lifting / Lashing Down.................10-3
Pushing ...........................10-3
Winching Procedure ..................10-4
11. Options
RCD / ELCB Outlet ....................11-1
Flashing Light ........................11-1
Electrical Outlet .......................11-1
Lanyard Anchor Points .................11-1
12. Fire Fighting and Chemical Containment
Hazardous Components ................12-1
Antifreeze (UN 1993) .................12-1
Battery, Lead/Acid (UN 2794) ...........12-1
Diesel Fuel (NA 1993).................12-1
Foam In Tires .......................12-2
Gasoline (UN 1203) ..................12-2
Hydraulic Oil (UN 1270) ...............12-3
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (UN 1075)......12-3
Motor Oil (UN 1270) ..................12-4
13. Operator's Troubleshooting
Operator Troubleshooting Chart .........13-1
9. Emergency Operation
Emergency Operation Procedures .........9-1
Emergency Stop .......................9-1
Emergency Bleed-Down .................9-1
Pushing / Towing.......................9-2
10. Stowing and Transporting
Stowing .............................10-1
page - vi SR2770 – 11669A
Denotes prohibited zone Caution:
- Diagrams shown are only for purposes of illustrating M.S.A.D. Work positions, not all work positions.
Safe Operation
Knowl edge of the in for ma tion in this man ual, and proper train ing, pro vide a ba sis for safely op er at ing the SR2770. Know the lo ca tion of all the con trols and how they op er ate to act quickly and re spon si ­bly in an emer gency.
Safety de vices re duce the like li hood of an ac ci ­dent. Never dis able, mod ify, or ig nore any safety de vice. Safety alerts in this man ual in di cate sit u a ­tions where ac ci dents may oc cur.
If any mal func tion, haz ard or po ten tially un safe con di tion re lat ing to ca pac ity, in tended use, or safe op er a tion is sus pected, stop the op er a tion of the SR and seek as sis tance.
The op er a tor bears ul ti mate re spon si bil ity for fol ­low ing all man u fac tur ers in struc tions and warn ­ings, reg u la tions and safety rules of their em ployer and/or any coun try or re gional law.

1. Safety

The SR is not electrically insulated. Death or serious injury can result from contact with, or inadequate clearance from, an energised conductor. Do not go closer than the minimum safe approach distance as defined by ANSI.
ANSI pub li ca tions de fine min i mum dis tances that must be ob served when work ing near bus bars and energised power lines. Fig ure 1 and Ta ble 1 are re ­printed cour tesy of the Scaf fold in dus try As so ci a ­tion, ANSI/SIA A92.5.
Voltage Range
(Phase to Phase
0 to 300V
Minimum Safe Approach
Feet Metres
Avoid Contact
Electrocution Hazards
The SR is an all metal ae rial work plat form and is not elec tri cally in su lated. Do not op er ate it near elec tri cal con duc tors. Re gard all con duc tors as be ­ing en er gized. Do not op er ate out side dur ing a thun der storm.
Minimum safe approach distance
Min i mum safe ap proach dis tances to energised power lines and their as so ci ated parts must be ob ­served wile op er at ing the SR.
Over 300V to 50kV
Over 50kV to 200kV
Over 200kV to 350kV
Over 350kV to 500kV
Over 500kV to 750kV
Over 750kV to 1000kV
10 3.05
15 4.60
20 6.10
25 7.62
35 10.7
45 13.72
Table 1. - Minimum Safe Approach Distance
Pre-start Inspection
At the start of each work shift, the SR2770 shall be given a vi sual in spec tion and func tion test. See the “Daily In spec tion and Main te nance” chap ter 7, in this man ual for a list of items to in spect and test.
DO NOT operate the SR2770 unless you are trained and authorized, understand the operation characteristics of the SR2770, and have inspected and tested all functions to be sure they are in proper working order.
Work Place Inspection and Practices
Do not use the SR2770 as a ground for weld ing. Ground to the work piece.
Be fore the SR2770 is used, and dur ing use, check the area in which the SR2770 is to be used for pos ­si ble haz ards such as, but not lim ited to:
Drop-offs or holes.
Figure 1. - Minimum Safe Approach Distance
SR2770 – 11669A page 1 - 1
Side slopes.
1. Safety
Bumps and floor ob struc tions.
De bris.
Over head ob struc tions and elec tri cal con duc tors.
Haz ard ous lo ca tions.
In ad e quate sur face and sup port to with stand all load forces im posed by the ae rial plat form in all op er at ing con fig u ra tions.
Wind and weather con di tions.
Pres ence of un au tho rized per sons.
Other pos si ble un safe con di tions.
Be fore the SR2770 is used, de ter mine the haz ard clas si fi ca tion of any par tic u lar at mo sphere or lo ca ­tion ac cord ing to ANSI/NFPA 505-1987.
Any SR2770 op er ated in a haz ard ous lo ca tion must be ap proved and of the type re quired by ANSI/NFPA 505-1987.
While operating the SR a recommended safety practice is to have trained and qualified personnel in the immediate work area of the SR2770 to:
Help in case of an emer gency.
Op er ate emer gency con trols as re quired.
Watch for loss of con trol by plat form op er a tor.
Warn the op er a tor of any ob struc tions or haz ards that may not be ob vi ous to them.
Watch for soft ter rain, slop ing sur faces, drop-offs, etc., where sta bil ity could be jeop ar dized.
Watch for by stand ers and never al low any one to be un der, or to reach through the booms while op er at ing the ae rial plat form.
Al ways look in the di rec tion of travel. Drive with care and at speeds com pat i ble with the work-place con di tions. Use cau tion when driv ing over rough ground, on slopes, and when turn ing.
Do not en gage in any form of “horse play” or “stunt driv ing” while op er at ing the SR2770.
Do not per mit rid ers on the ma chine any place other than on the plat form.
Re move all loose ob jects stored in or on the ma ­chine, par tic u larly in the plat form. Re move all ob ­jects which do not be long in or on the ma chine.
Never steady the plat form by po si tion ing it against an other plat form.
Do not op er ate an SR2770 that is dam aged or not func tion ing prop erly. Do not use the SR un til the ma chine has been re paired by a qual i fied main te ­nance per son.
Do not op er ate a SR2770 that does not have all its de cals and plac ards at tached and leg i ble.
Watch for by stand ers and never al low any one to be un der, or to reach through, the ma chine and its equip ment while op er at ing.
Use the rec om mended trans port de vice when load ing the ma chine.
If you en coun ter any sus pected mal func tion of the ae rial plat form, or any haz ard or po ten tially un safe con di tion re lat ing to ca pac ity, in tended use, or safe op er a tion, cease op er a tion im me di ately and seek as sis tance from man age ment.
Use three points of sup port when get ting on or off the plat form (two hands and one foot or a sim i lar set of points). Keep the plat form clean.
Main tain a firm foot ing on the plat form floor. Op er -
Pinch points may exist between moving
components. Death or serious injury can
result from becoming trapped between
components, buildings, structures, or other
obstacles. Make sure there is sufficient
clearance around the machine before
ate the con trols slowly and de lib er ately to avoid jerky and er ratic op er a tion. Al ways stop the con ­trols in neu tral be fore go ing in the op po site di rec ­tion.
Do not dis mount while the plat form is in mo tion or jump off the ma chine.
moving the chassis, booms, or platform.
Allow sufficient room and time to stop
movement to avoid contact with structures
or other hazards.
Keep ground per son nel from un der the plat form when the plat form is raised.
Do not start un til all per son nel are clearly away from the ma chine.
Never cover the floor grat ing or oth er wise ob struct your view be low. Make sure the area be low the plat form is free of per son nel be fore low er ing.
Se cure all ac ces so ries, con tain ers, tools, and other ma te ri als in the plat form to pre vent them from ac ci den tally fall ing or be ing kicked off the plat form.
page 1 - 2 SR2770 – 11669A
1. Safety
Tipover and Falling Hazards
Operate the SR only on a firm, flat, level surface capable of withstanding all load forces imposed by the SR2770 in all operating conditions.
The SR can tip over if it becomes unstable. Death or serious injury can result from a tip-over accident. Do not drive or position the SR platform for elevated use near any drop-off, hole, slope, soft or uneven ground, or other tip-over hazard.
Do not op er ate the SR2770 from a po si tion on trucks, trail ers, rail way cars, float ing ves sels, scaf ­folds, or sim i lar equip ment un less the ap pli ca tion is ap proved in writ ing by Snor kel.
Care shall be taken to prevent rope, electric cords, and hoses, etc., from becoming entangled in the aerial platform. If the platform or elevating assembly becomes caught, snagged, or otherwise prevented from normal motion by an adjacent structure or other obstacle such that control reversal does not free the platform, remove all personnel from the platform before attempts are made to free the platform using ground controls.
Do not climb on the guardrails or use ladders, planks, or other devices to extend or increase your work position from the platform.
Do not use the SR as a crane, hoist, or jack,or for any other pur pose other than to po si tion per son nel, their tools, and ma te ri als.
Do not op er ate the SR2770 in winds, or wind gusts, of 28 mph, 45kph 12.5 m/s) or more and do not add any thing to the SR2770 that will in crease the wind load ing (ban ners, flags, etc.).
General Safety Precautions
Do not mod ify the SR2770 in any way.
When parts or com po nents are re placed, they shall be iden ti cal or equiv a lent to orig i nal Snor kel parts or com po nents.
Do not over ride any of the safety fea tures of the SR2770.
Hydraulic System Precautions
The hy drau lic sys tem con tains hoses with hy drau ­lic fluid un der pres sure.
Un der nor mal work ing con di tions it is best not to trans fer from the plat form to an other struc ture or vice versa, un less that is the saf est way to do the job. Each sit u a tion must be judged sep a rately tak ­ing the work en vi ron ment into ac count. The fol low ­ing guide lines ap ply:
1. Where possible, place the work platform over a roof or walking structure to do the transfer.
2. Transfer your anchorage from one structure to another before you step across.
3. Remember, you might be departing the work platform to a structure where fall arrest is required.
4. Do not climb over or through the guardrails. Use the platform entrance.
All plat form oc cu pants MUST wear and use fall re ­straint. At tach fall re straints to the plat form lan yard an chor points.
Do not ex ceed the un re stricted plat form ca pac ity as in di cated on the ca pac ity plac ard at the en ­trance to the plat form. Do not carry loads from any point out side of the plat form.
Make sure that all pro tec tive guards, cowl ings, and doors are in place and se cure. Be sure the guard ­rail sys tem, in clud ing the gate, is in place and se ­cure.
Hydraulic fluid escaping under pressure can have enough force to inject fluid into the flesh. Serious infection or reaction can result if medical treatment is not given immediately. In case of injury by escaping hydraulic fluid, seek medical attention at once.
DO NOT place your hand or any part of your body in front of es cap ing hy drau lic fluid. Use a piece of card board or wood to search for hy drau lic leaks.
Do not at tempt re pairs to hy drau lic sys tems un less you are trained. Re fer to ex pe ri enced re pair per ­son nel for help.
Fire Prevention
Never op er ate your SR near a flame or spark. Hy ­drau lic oil and gas o line are flam ma ble and can ex ­plode.
This machine is equipped with an internal combustion engine (in it's standard configuration) and should not be used on or near any unimproved forest-covered, brush-covered or grass covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable laws. If a spark arrester is used, it
SR2770 – 11669A page 1 - 3
1. Safety
should be maintained in effective working order by the operator.
Engine and Fuel Handling Precautions
Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas that is invisible and odorless. Breathing engine exhaust fumes can cause death or serious illness. Do not run the engine in an enclosed area or indoors without adequate ventilation.
Only re fuel your SR out doors in a clear area void of gas fumes or spilled gas.
Never re move the fuel cap or re fuel a gas o line en ­gine while the en gine is run ning or hot. ALWAYS al ­low the en gine to cool be fore re fu el ing. Never al low fuel to spill on hot ma chine com po nents.
DO NOT smoke or permit open flames while fueling or near fueling operations.
Main tain con trol of the fuel filler noz zle when fill ing the tank.
injury can result from a chemical explosion. Do not smoke or permit open flames or sparks when checking batteries.
Battery acid can damage the skin and eyes. Serious infection or reaction can result if medical treatment is not given immediately. Wear face and eye protection when working near batteries.
Bat ter ies con tain sul fu ric acid that can dam age your eyes or skin on con tact. Wear a face shield, rub ber gloves, and pro tec tive cloth ing when work ­ing around bat ter ies. If acid con tacts your eyes, flush im me di ately with clear wa ter and get med i cal at ten tion. If acid con tacts your skin, wash off im me ­di ately with clear wa ter.
Safety Decals and Placards
There are sev eral safety de cals and plac ards on the SR2770. Their lo ca tions and de scrip tions are shown in this sec tion. Take time to study them.
Be sure that all the safety decals and placards on the SR2770 are legible. Clean or replace them if you cannot read the words or see the pictures. Clean with soap & water and a soft cloth. Do not use solvents.
ENSURE you use an approved fuel container with appropriate fuel filler nozzle
Do not fill the fuel tank to ca pac ity. Al low room for ex pan sion.
If gasoline is spilled, clean up spilled fuel immediately, push/tow the SR away from the area of the spill and avoid creating any source of ignition until the spilled fuel has evaporated.
Tighten the fuel tank cap se curely. If the fuel cap is lost, re place it with an ap proved cap from Snor kel. Use of a non-ap proved cap with out proper vent ing may re sult in pres sur iza tion of the tank.
Never use fuel for clean ing pur poses.
For die sel en gines, use the cor rect fuel grade for the op er at ing sea son.
Charge bat ter ies in a well ven ti lated area free of flame, sparks, or other haz ards that might cause fire or ex plo sion.
You MUST replace a decal or placard if it is damaged, missing, or cannot be read. If it is on a part that is replaced, make sure a new decal or placard is installed on the replaced part. See your Snorkel dealer for new decals and placards.
Batteries give off hydrogen and oxygen that can combine explosively. Death or serious
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Safety Placards and Decals Location
1. Safety
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1. Safety
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1. Safety
120kg 265lbs
SR2770 – 11669A page 1 - 7
Safety Device Information
For emer gency op er a tion con trols and pro ce dures see the “Emer gency Op er a tion” chap ter 9, in this man ual.
The de vices listed in this chap ter are safety de ­vices.
They are on an SR to in crease safety in the work place for both the op er a tor and other peo ple near the ma chine.
Do not by-pass, disable, modify, or ignore any of these devices. Check them carefully at the start of each work shift to see that they are in working order (see “Daily Inspection & Maintenance” chapter7). If any is found to be defective, remove the SR from service immediately until a qualified service technician can make repairs.
Emergency Stop Switches

2. Safety Devices

At ground control box
Figure 2.2 - Ground Control Box Emergency
Stop Switch
Press the red EMERGENCY STOP switch cover down, at any time, un der any con di tions, and the en tire ma chine stops, the en gine turns off, and noth ing moves. the EMERGENCY STOP switch must be up for any thing on the SR to work.
At platform control box
Figure 2.1 - Platform Control Box Emergency
Stop Switch
Press the large red EMERGENCY STOP but ton in and the en tire ma chine stops, the en gine turns off, and noth ing moves. This switch must be out (on) to con trol the SR from the plat form (pull the switch and it will pop out).
Platform control box
Figure 2.3 - Platform Control Box Alarm
There are two alarms on an SR. One is lo cated in the plat form con trol box, the other is lo cated in the ground con trol box.
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2. Safety Devices
Ground control box
Figure 2.4 - Ground Control Box Alarm
The alarms are con nected in par al lel, they both emit the same pat tern of sound at the same time. The dif fer ent alarm sound pat terns are shown in the ta ble im me di ately be low and dis cussed be low the ta ble.
The low er ing alarm warns peo ple near an SR that the plat form is com ing down and the scis sor arm as sem bly is clos ing.
High temperature
The high-temperature alarm warns you that the en ­gine is over heat ing. When the alarm sounds you should im me di ately lower the plat form com pletely down then turn the en gine off un til the con di tion that caused the over heat ing has been cor rected. (See “Au to matic Shut-Offs & Cir cuit Breakers” chap ter 5 for more in for ma tion.)
Low oil pressure
The low pres sure alarm warns you that the en gine oil pres sure is near the lower limit for safe op er a tion of the en gine. When the alarm sounds you should im me di ately lower the plat form com pletely down then turn the en gine off un til the con di tion that caused the low oil pres sure has been cor rected. (See “Au to matic Shut-Offs & Cir cuit Breakers” chap ter 5 for more in for ma tion.)
Figure 2.5 - Alarm Sound Patterns
The high-temperature, low oil-pressure, and al ter ­na tor not-charging alarms are each a con tin u ous tone.
The DRIVE (for ward) and the plat form-lowering alarms beep at one beep per sec ond. DRIVE (re ­verse) beeps at two beeps per sec ond. The level sen sor alarm is a high-low war bling sound.
Level sensor
The level sensor alarm warns the SR operator that the SR is not level. If the tilt continues to increase, the SR will eventually tip over. When you hear this alarm, immediately lower the platform completely down. When the platform is completely down, determine and correct the cause of the tilt before raising the platform again.
While the alarm is sounding it is not possible to drive the SR nor raise the platform
Drive (reverse)
The DRIVE (re verse) alarm alerts peo ple that the SR is trav el ing back ward along the ground. This alarm beeps twice as fast as the DRIVE (for ward) alarm.
Drive (forward)
The DRIVE (for ward) alarm alerts peo ple that the SR is trav el ing for ward along the ground. This alarm beeps half as fast as the DRIVE (re verse) alarm.
Figure 2.6 - Guardrails
The guard rails help pro tect you from fall ing off the plat form. Be sure the guard rails are prop erly in ­stalled and that the safety chain (or gate) and fas ­ten ers are in place.
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2. Safety Devices
Safety Prop
Figure 2.7 - Safety Prop
Al ways raise the safety prop then lower the scis ­sor-arm as sem bly onto the safety prop be fore reach ing into the scis sor-arm as sem bly for any rea son. The safety chain should be closed at all times ex cept when some one is en ter ing or leav ing the plat form.
Safety Control
Figure 2.9 - Joystick Safety Control
The safety con trol must be squeezed and held to ac ti vate the joy stick. The safety con trol pre vents the joy stick from mov ing the plat form if some thing ac ci den tally pushes the joy stick. Do not dis able the safety con trol in any way.
Bubble Level
Swinging Gate
Figure 2.8 - Swinging Gate
The swing ing gate should be closed at all times ex ­cept when some one is en ter ing or leav ing the plat ­form.
Figure 2.10 - Bubble Level
See the “Gauges” chap ter 4 for a dis cus sion of the bub ble level.
Operator Horn
Figure 2.11 - Operator Horn
The op er a tor horn is used pri mar ily to get the at ten ­tion of peo ple on the ground when you are work ing aloft. For the horn to work the fol low ing switches, on the ground con trol box, must be set as in di ­cated:
SR2770 – 11669A page 2 - 3
2. Safety Devices
Power Input Connector
Power Outlet
At Platform
MAIN POWER........................ON
EMERGENCY STOP..............on (up)
Figure 2.12 - Stabilisers
The sta bi liser con trols are on the up per left side of the plat form con trol box. The sta bi lis ers are used to level the SR (for com plete sta bi liser op er at ing pro ­ce dures see the “Op er a tion” chap ter 8).
outlet. To reset the outlet disconnect the power tool lead from the platform box and reset the RCD at the ground. If the problem persists call a trained service technician.
Flashing Light (option)
Figure 2.14 - Flashing Light
The flash ing light alerts peo ple that the SR is pres ­ent and that the SR is mov ing. The light flashes at about one flash per sec ond any time the SR en gine is run ning. There is no ON/OFF switch for the flash ­ing light, it can not be turned off while the SR is run ­ning.
The SR must be on a firm surface capable of withstanding all load forces imposed by the aerial platform in all operation conditions before the stabilisers are used.
RCD/ELCB AC Outlet (option)
Figure 2.13 - RCD/ELCB AC Outlet
Lanyard Anchor Points (option)
There are four an chors on the floor of the plat form, one at the front of the roll-out deck, one at the back of the plat form, and one on each side of the plat ­form.
These anchors are not for lifting or tying down the machine.
You should at tach your fall pro tec tion to the an ­chors if work rules re quire it.
The RCD (Residual Current Device) is located at the ground and will protect against short circuits to earth. When there is a short circuit the RCD will shut down the 230v AC power to the platform
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3. Specifications

The SR2770 se ries ma chines are scis sor-supported el e vat ing work plat forms built to con form to the fol ­low ing stan dards.
OSHA Para graph 1910.67 Ti tle 29, C.F.R., Ve hi cle-Mounted El e vating and Ro tating Work Plat forms - La ­bour. OSHA Para graph 1926.556 Ti tle 29, C.F.R., Ae rial Lifts - Con struc tion. Aus tra lian Stan dard AS1418-10 1996 El e vating Work Plat forms. prEN280 and MACHINERY DIRECTIVE 98/37/CEE
For further details regarding lubricants, maintenance schedules and service please refer to the Maintenance and Repair Parts Manual for this machine.
General Specifications, Standard Machines
Nominal working height
Maximum height to basket floor
Maximum outreach
Speed (when raised)
Speed (maximum drive)
Maximum width of base
Safe working load - Main deck (Roll out deck not extended)
Safe working load - Main deck Roll out deck extended - R/O deck
Standard colour
Platform size - [Four foot (1.2m) platform extension retracted]
Collapsed height
Overall length (with stabilizers)
10.28m 33’ 9”
8.28m 27’ 2”
1200mm with roll out deck
0 to 1kph 0 to 0.64mph
0 to 4.5kph 0 to 2.8mph
1.77m 5’ 9”
580kg 1280lbs
460kg 120kg
White platform. Orange scissors and base
2.73 x 1.65m 8’ 11” x 5’ 5”
1.7m 5’ 8”
3.36m 11’ 0”
Lift time
Lower time
Turning radius (inner)
Turning radius (outer)
Insulation rating
Overall weight
Ground clearance
Recommended Hy drau lic Oil
Shell Tellus 32 or Castrol AWS 32 or sim i lar.
SR2770 – 11669A page 3 - 1
2.83m 9’ 3”
4.6m 15’ 1”
2800kg 6272lbs
370mm 14.6”
26 seconds
35 seconds
3. Specifications
11 - 4Q 99
11- 4Q 99
Manufacturing Plant Number
Sample Hose Code
Year of Manufacture
Manufacturing Period (i.e. 4th Quarter)
Engine Data
Engine Make Kubota
Model WG750-G D905-B
Fuel gasoline LPG Diesel number 2-D
Fuel grade Unleaded
85 octane (motor method
Do not use gasoline blended with methyl alcohol.
Coolant 50% water + 50% ethylene glycol
Operating temperature
Oil Capacity 3.5 qt USA
Oil grade API: SF, SF/CD API: CC/CD/CE
Oil weight See chart below
Running time (one tank of fuel)
En gine Oil Charts
180oF - 205oF (82oC - 96oC)
(3.25 liters)
A full tank of gasoline, or diesel, will last an entire eight hour shift, under normal working conditions. It normally takes two tanks of LPG per eight hour shift.
Gas Processors Association Standard 2140
Category: special duty propane
ASTM number 2-D
Centane number >44
(For operating temp. Below 32oF (0oC) use “winterized” number 2-D.)
5.2 qt USA (5.1 liters)
4.2 qt USA (4.0 liters)
Ambient temperature Engine oil weight
Above 77oF (25oC) SAE30 or 10W30
32oF to 77oF (0oC) to (25oC)
0oF to 32oF (-17oC) to (0oC)
Hydraulic Hose Age
EN982 Clause 7.3.1 re quires the man u fac tur ing date of each hy drau lic hose to be clearly vis i ble on the hose. Hoses used in pro duc tion of this unit are man u fac tured by Parker and the man u fac tur ing date is pres ent in a coded for mat. The key to de code the date for mat is as fol lows:
SAE20 or 10W30
SAE10W or 10W30
Ambient temperature Engine oil weight
Above 77oF (25oC) SAE30 or 10W30
32oF to 77oF (0oC) to (25oC)
Below 32oF (0oC) SAE10W or 10W30
SAE20 or 10W30 10W40
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Nomenclature and Serial Numbers
3. Specifications
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