Silvercrest SZP 25 A1 User Manual [ro]

Silvercrest SZP 25 A1 User Manual



Electric Citrus Juicer SZP 25 A1



ID-Nr.: SZP 25 A1-06/11-V1

IAN: 68958

Electric Citrus Juicer

Električno cjedilo za

Operating instructions



Upute za upotrebu

R Aparat electric pentru

Електрическа цитруспреса

stoarcerea citricelor

Ръководство за експлоатация




Elektrische Zitruspresse



Οδηγίες χρήσης


SZP 25 A1





t y




a s





Intended use




Technical Data




Items supplied




Important safety instructions




Appliance description




Set-up and assembly of the appliance




Juice extraction












Cleaning and Care












Warranty & Service






Read the operating instructions carefully before using the device for the first time and preserve this booklet for later reference. Pass this manual on to whoever might acquire the device at a future date.

- 1 -


Intended use

The appliance is intended for the extraction of juices from citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons. Only foodstuffs may be processed with the appliance. All other usages or modifications are regarded as contrary to the operating instructions and contain a great risk of accidents. The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage(s) resulting from usage that is contrary to these instructions. Not for commercial use.

Technical Data

Mains voltage:

220-240 V ~ / 50 Hz

Rated output:

25 W

Protection class:

II /

Items supplied

Electric Citrus Juicer

Large squeezing cone

Small squeezing cone

Fruit pulp sieve (2 parts)

Operating instructions

Important safety instructions

To avoid potentially fatal electric shocks:

The rating of the local power supply must tally completely with the details given on the rating plate of the appliance.

Arrange for defective power plugs and/or cables to be replaced at once by qualified technicians or our Customer Service Department.

Arrange for damaged or malfunctioning appliances to be inspected and/or repaired by a qualified specialist or the Customer Service Department as soon as possible.

Do not expose the appliance to rain and never use it in a humid or wet environment. Ensure that the power cable never becomes moist or wet during operation.

To avoid the risks of fire and burn injuries:

This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensorial or mental cabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.

Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

Provide for a safe and slip-free positioning of the appliance.

Ensure that the power plug is easily accessible in the event of danger, and that there is no danger of anyone tripping over the power cable.

- 2 -

Using the appliance safely:

In the event of danger, immediately remove the power plug from the wall socket.

Never use the appliance for purposes other than those for which it was designed.

Remove the power plug from the wall socket when the appliance is not in use, when you remove parts and before cleaning the appliance.

Do not use the appliance outdoors.

Appliance description

q Lid

w Large squeezing cone e Small squeezing cone r Upper fruit pulp sieve t Fruit pulp regulator y Lower fruit pulp sieve u Juice collector

i Drive axle

o Power cable with power plug a Appliance plinth

s Power cable storage

Set-up and assembly of the appliance


Ensure that the power plug is not in the power socket before assembling the appliance. Otherwise there is a risk that the appliance could start unintentionally.

1.Unwind the power cable o completely from the cable storage s and secure it in the lateral recess on the appliance plinth a.

2.Place the appliance plinth a on a level and slipfree surface.


Rinse all removable components thoroughly before the first usage of the appliance (see chapter "Cleaning and care").

3.Place the juice collector u on the drive axle i of the appliance plinth a and turn it clockwise as far as it will go.

4.Place both parts of the fruit pulp sieve r/y into each other so that the fruit pulp regulator t protrudes through the recess. Both parts must audibly engage.

5.Place the assembled fruit pulp sieve r/y on the juice collector u. The fruit pulp regulator t must lie on the grip and catch in the rabbet on the grip.

6.Press the small squeezing cone e on the drive axle i so that it engages.


If you want to press oranges or other larger fruits, place the large squeezing cone w over the small squeezing cone e. Ensure that the lobes of the small squeezing cone e engage in the recesses of the large squeezing cone w.

7.Insert the power plug into a wall power socket. The appliance is now ready for use.

- 3 -

Juice extraction




When pressing out juice, do not exceed the 600 ml volume marking on the scale of the juice collector u.

1.Adjust the fruit pulp regulator t, by sliding it, so that the slits in the fruit pulp sieve r/y lie exactly above each other if you wish to have fruit juice with fruit pulp. Adjust the fruit pulp regulator t , by sliding it, so that the slits in the fruit pulp sieve r/y are not lying above each other if you do not wish to have fruit juice with fruit pulp.

2.Cut the fruits in half (orange, lemon etc.)

3.Press the halved fruit lightly onto the squeezing cone w/e. The appliance switches itself on automatically as soon as the squeezing cone w/e is pressed down.

4.Apply pressure at various parts of the fruit rind

with your fingers. Thereby the juice will be evenly squeezed out of the fruit.

5.When no more juice flows from the fruit, stop applying pressure to the squeezing cone w/e. The appliance stops.

6.Press the squeezing cone w/e down repeatedly to loosen it, until it turns in the opposite direction.

7.When no more juice flows from the fruit, stop applying pressure to the squeezing cone w/e. The appliance stops. Remove the fruit skin from the squeezing cone w/e.

8.Continue similarly with further fruit-halves until you have squeezed out the desired volume of fruit juice. The current volume squeezed can be read off from the scale on the side of the juice collector u.


Remove the power plug from the wall socket when you empty the fruit pulp sieve r/y or the juice collector u. Otherwise there is a risk that the appliance could start unintentionally.

Turn the juice collector u anti-clock-wise until the perceptible resistance desists. You can now lift it from the drive axle i and pour the juice out.


If you wish to disassemble the Citrus Press, e.g. for the cleaning of it, proceed as follows:

1.Remove the power plug from the wall socket o.

2.Remove the squeezing cone w/e.

3.Remove the fruit pulp sieve r/y.

Press the hook on the underside of the upper fruit pulp sieve r inwards. At the same time exert light pressure on the fruit pulp sieve t. The components allow themselves to be pressed apart.

4.Turn the juice catchment container u anticlockwise until the perceptible resistance diminishes. You can now lift it from the drive axle i.

- 4 -

Cleaning and Care




Always remove the power plug from the wall socket before cleaning the appliance. There is a risk of receiving an electric shock!


To avoid receiving an electrical shock, NEVER submerse the appliance plinth a in water or other fluids.

Disassemble the Citrus Press as described in the chapter "Disassembly".

Clean the appliance plinth a only with a slightly moistened cloth.

Clean all other removable parts in a warm milddetergent solution and dry them carefully.

To clean the fruit pulp sieve r/y, take it apart and clean it with a dishwashing brush under running water.


Do not use aggressive detergents to clean the appliance. These substances can attack the upper surfaces.

The appliance and its components may not be cleaned in a dishwasher or in boiling water.

If you do not intend to use the appliance for an extended period, wrap the power cable o around the power cable storage s, directing the end of the cable through the lateral recess on the appliance plinth a. Assemble the appliance completely and close the lid. Store the appliance at a clean and dry location.


Do not dispose of the appliance in your normal domestic waste. This product is subject to the European guideline 2002/96/EC.

Dispose of the appliance through an approved disposal centre or at your community waste facility. Observe the currently applicable regulations.

In case of doubt, please contact your waste disposal centre.

Dispose of all packaging materials in an environmentally responsible manner.

- 5 -

Warranty & Service


Service Great Britain



Tel.: 0871 5000 720 (£ 0.10/Min.)

The warranty for this appliance is for 3 years from



the date of purchase. The appliance has been ma-





IAN 68958

nufactured with care and meticulously examined be-




fore delivery. Please retain your receipt as proof of


Service Ireland

purchase. In the event of a warranty claim, please


Tel.: 1890 930 034

make contact by telephone with our Service Depart-


(0,08 EUR/Min., (peak))

ment. Only in this way can a post-free despatch for


(0,06 EUR/Min., (off peak))

your goods be assured.



The warranty covers only claims for material and





IAN 68958

manufacturing defects, but not for transport dama-




ge, for wearing parts or for damage to fragile com-


CY Service Cyprus

ponents, e.g. buttons or batteries. This product is for


Tel.: 8009 4409

private use only and is not intended for commercial



use. The warranty is void in the case of abusive and





IAN 68958

improper handling, use of force and internal tampe-




ring not carried out by our authorized service



branch. Your statutory rights are not restricted in any


way by this warranty.




The warranty period will not be extended by repairs



made under warranty. This applies also to replaced



and repaired parts. Any damage and defects extant



on purchase must be reported immediately after un-




packing the appliance, at the latest, two days after

the purchase date. Repairs made after the expira-




tion of the warranty period are subject to payment.




- 6 -





Upotreba u skladu sa namjenom




Tehnički podaci




Obim isporuke




Važne sigurnosne upute




Opis uređaja




Postavljanje i sastavljanje uređaja




Ekstrakcija soka












Čišćenje i održavanje




Čuvanje uređaja








Jamstvo & servis






Upute za rukovanje prije prve upotrebe pažljivo pročitajte i sačuvajte ih za kasnije korištenje. Ukoliko uređaj dajete trećim osobama, priložite i ove upute.

- 7 -


Upotreba u skladu sa namjenom

Uređaj je koncipiran za ekstrakciju soka iz agruma poput naranči i limuna. Sa ovim uređajem smiju biti obrađene isključivo živežne namirnice. Svaki drugi oblik uporabe i svaka promjena uređaja smatra se nenamjenskom i krije znatnu opasnost od nezgode. Proizvođač ne preuzima odgovornost od štete nastale uslijed korištenja uređaja protivnog njegovoj namjeni. Uređaj nije namjenjen za komercijalnu uporabu.

Tehnički podaci

Mrežni napon:

220-240 V ~ / 50 Hz

Nominalni učinak: 25 W

Zaštitna klasa:

II /

Izjava o sukladnosti za ovaj proizvod dostupna je na internet stranici

Obim isporuke

Električno cjedilo za citruse veliki čunj za cijeđenje mali čunj za cijeđenje

Sito za meso plodova (2 dijela) Upute za uporabu

Važne sigurnosne upute

Da biste spriječili opasnost po život uslijed strujnog udara:

Napon izvora struje mora odgovarati podacima na tipskoj ploči uređaja.

Oštećene mrežne utikače ili oštećen mrežni kabel neizostavno dajte zamijeniti od strane autoriziranog stručnog osoblja ili servisa za kupce, kako biste izbjegli nastanak opasnosti.

Uređaje koji ne funkcioniraju besprijekorno ili koji su pretrpjeli oštećenja, odmah od-nesite servisu za kupce na kontrolu i popravak.

Uređaj ne izložite kiši i ne koristite ga u vlažnom ili mokrom okruženju. Obratite pažnju na to, da mrežni kabel za vrijeme rada uređaja nikada ne bude vlažan ili mokar.

Da biste spriječili opasnost od požara i ozljeda:

Ne dopustite, da uređaj koriste osobe (uključujuśi djecu), čije fizičke, senzorske i mentalne sposobnosti ili pomanjkanje iskustva i znanja ih sprječavaju da na siguran način koriste uređaj, ukoliko prethodno nisu nadzirani ili podučavani.

Uputite djecu u vezi uređaja i mogućih opasnosti, kako se ona ne bi igrala sa uređajem.

Pobrinite se za siguran oslonac uređaja, koji ne smije proklizavati.

Osigurajte, da mrežni utikač u slučaju opasnosti bude brzo dostupan i da mrežni kabel ne bude zamka za protepanje.

- 8 -

Ovako ćete sigurno postupati:

U slučaju opasnosti odmah izvucite utikač iz utičnice.

Uređaj nikada ne koristite u druge namjene.

Izvucite mrežni utikač kada uređaj ne koristite, kada odstranjujete dijelove i prije čišćenja uređaja.

Uređaj ne upotrebljavajte izvan prostorija.

Opis uređaja

q Poklopac

w veliki čunj za cijeđenje e mali čunj za cijeđenje

r gornje sito za meso plodova t Regulator mesa plodova

y donje sito za meso plodova u Posuda za prihvat soka

i Pogonska osovina

o Mrežni kabel sa mrežnim utikačem a Postolje uređaja

s Namotač za kabel

Postavljanje i sastavljanje uređaja


Provjerite da mrežni kabel bude izvučen, prije nego što sastavljate uređaj. U protivnom postoji opasnost da dođe do nehotičnog pokretanja uređaja.

1.Odmotajte mrežni kabel o potpuno sa namotača s i fiksirajte ga sa bočnim utorom na postolju uređaja a.

2.Postavite postolje uređaja a na ravnu podlogu, koja ne klizi.


Isperite sve dijelove, koji se mogu skinuti, temeljito prije prve uporabe (vidi poglavlje "Čišćenje i održavanje").

3.Nataknite posudu za prihvat soka u na pogonsku osovinu i postolja uređaja a i okrenite je do kraja u smjeru kazaljke na satu.

4.Utaknite dva dijela sita za meso plodova r/y jedan u drugi, tako da regulator mesa plodova t viri kroz utor. Dva dijela moraju čujno uleći.

5.Nataknite ovako spojeno sito za meso plodova

r/y na posudu za prihvat soka u. Regulator mesa plodova t mora ležati na rukohvatu i hvatati utor na rukohvatu.

6.Nataknite mali čunj za cjeđenje e tako na pogonsku osovinu i, da ulegne.


Ako želite cijediti naranče ili druge velike plodove, nataknite veliki čunj za cijeđenje w na mali čunj za cijeđenje e.

Obratite pažnju na to, da krila malog čunja za cijeđenje e ulegnu u utore velikog čunja za cijeđenje w.

7.Utaknite mrežni utikač u mrežnu utičnicu. Uređaj je sada spreman za pogon.

- 9 -

Ekstrakcija soka


Nikada ne iscijedite količinu soka, koja prelazi oznaku od 600 ml na skali posude za prihvat soka u.

1.Regulator mesa plodova t guranjem podesite tako, da otvori u situ za meso plodova r/y budu postavljeni točno jedan iznad drugog, kada želite sok sa mesom plodova. Podesite regulator mesa plodova t guranjem tako, da otvori u situ za meso plodova r/y ne budu postavljeni jedan iznad drugog, kada želite sok bez mesa plodova.

2.Raspolovite plod (naranču, limun itd.).

3.Polovicu ploda blago pritisnite na čunj za cijeđenje w/e.

Uređaj se automatski uključuje, čim čunj za cijeđenje w/e pritisnete prema dolje.

4.Prstima na raznim mjestima ploda pritisnite koru. Na taj način će sok ravnomjerno biti iscijeđen iz ploda.

5.Kada sok više ne izlazi iz ploda, prestanite vršiti pritisak na čunj za cijeđenje w/e. Uređaj se zaustavlja.

6.Pritisnite čunj za cijeđenje w/e toliko puta prema dolje i ponovo otpustite, dok se počne okretati u drugom smjeru.

7.Kada sok više ne izlazi iz ploda, prestanite vršiti pritisak na čunj za cijeđenje w/e. Uređaj se zaustavlja. Skinite koru sa čunja za cijeđenje w/e.

8.Isti postupak ponovite sa drugim polovicama

plodova, sve dok ne iscijedite željenu količinu soka. iscijeđenu količinu soka možete očitati na skali posude za prihvat soka u.



Izvucite mrežni utikač iz utičnice, kada sito za meso plodova r/y ili posudu za prihvat soka u uželite isprazniti. U protivnom postoji opasnost da dođe do nehotičnog pokretanja uređaja.

Okrenite posudu za prihvat soka u u smjeru protivnom kazaljci na satu, dok osjetni otpor ne popusti. Sada posudu možete skinuti sa pogonske osovine i i sok sipati van.


Kada želite demontirati cjediljku za limun, na primjer u svrhu čišćenja, postupite na slijedeći način:

1.Izvucite mrežni utikač o.

2.Skinite čunj za cijeđenje w/e.

3.Skinite sito za meso plodova r/y. Pritisnite kuke na donjoj strani gornjeg sita za

meso plodova r prema unutra. Izvršite istovremeni blagi pritisak na regulator mesa plodova t. Dva dijela možete pritiskanjem razdvojiti.

4.Okrenite posudu za prihvat soka u u smjeru

protivnom kazaljci sata, sve dok osjetni otpor ne popusti. Nakon toga je možete podići sa pogonske osovine i.

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+ 26 hidden pages