Siemens SAB80C537-M, SAB80C537-M-T40-85, SAB80C537-M16, SAB80C537-N, SAB80C517-16-N-T40-85 Datasheet

Microcomputer Components
8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller
SAB 80C517/80C537
Data Sheet 04.95
High-Performance SAB 80C517/80C537 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller
Advanced Information
Versions for 12 MHz and 16 MHz Fast 32-bit division, 16-bit 2 multiplication,
operating frequency 32-bit normalize and shift by peripheral
8 K × 8 ROM (SAB 80C517 only) MUL/DIV unit (MDU)
256 × 8 on-chip RAM Eight data pointers for external memory
Superset of SAB 80C51 architecture: addressing
1µs instruction cycle time at 12 MHz 750 ns instruction cycle time at 16 MHz levels selectable 256 directly addressable bits Boolean processor inputs and programmable ref. voltages 64 Kbyte external data and program memory addressing
Four 16-bit timer/counters Extended power saving modes
Powerful 16-bit compare/capture unit Nine ports: 56 I/O lines, 12 input lines
(CCU) with up to 21 high-speed or PWM output channels and 5 capture inputs 0 to 70
Versatile "fail-safe" provisions – 40 to 85
Fourteen interrupt vectors, four priority
8-bit A/D converter with 12 multiplexed
Two full duplex serial interfaces
Fully upward compatible with SAB 80C515
Two temperature ranges available:
Plastic packages: P-LCC-84,
SAB 80C517/80C537
Semiconductor Group 1 04.95
SAB 80C517/80C537
The SAB 80C517/80C537 is a high-end member of the Siemens SAB 8051 family of microcontrollers. It is designed in Siemens ACMOS technology and based on the SAB 8051 architecture. ACMOS is a technology which combines high-speed and density characteristics with low-power consumption or dissipation.
While maintaining all the SAB 80C515 features and operating characteristics the SAB 80C517 is expanded in its arithmetic capabilities, "fail-safe" characteristics, analog signal processing and timer capabilities. The SAB 80C537 is identical with the SAB 80C517 except that it lacks the on-chip program memory. The SAB 80C517/SAB 80C537 is supplied in a 84 pin plastic leaded chip carrier package (P-LCC-84) and in a 100-pin plastic quad metric flat package (P-MQFP-100-2).
Ordering Information Type Ordering Code Package Description
8-bit CMOS Microcontroller
SAB 80C517-N Q67120-C397 P-LCC-84 SAB 80C517-M TBD P-MQFP-100-2 SAB 80C537-N Q67120-C452 P-LCC-84 SAB 80C537-M TBD P-MQFP-100-2 SAB 80C517-N-T40/85 Q67120-C483 P-LCC-84 with factory mask-programma­SAB 80C517-M-T40/85 TBD P-MQFP-100-2
SAB 80C537-N-T40/85 Q67120-C484 P-LCC-84 SAB 80C537-M-T40/85 TBD P-MQFP-100-2 SAB 80C517-N16 Q67120-C723 P-LCC-84 with mask-programmable SAB 80C517-M16 TBD P-MQFP-100-2
SAB 80C537-N16 Q67120-C722 P-LCC-84 SAB 80C537-M16 TBD P-MQFP-100-2 SAB 80C517-N16-T40/85 Q67120-C724 P-LCC-84 with mask-programmable ROM,
with factory mask-programma­ble ROM, 12 MHz
for external memory, 12 MHz
ble ROM, 12 MHz, ext. temperature – 40 to 85 °C
for external ROM, 12 MHz, ext. temperature – 40 to 85 °C
ROM,16 MHz ext. temperature – 40 to 110 °C
for external memory, 16 MHz
16 MHz ext. temperature – 40 to 85 °C
SAB 80C517-16-N-T40/85 Q67120-C725 P-LCC-84 with factory mask-programma-
ble ROM, 12 MHz
Semiconductor Group 2
SAB 80C517/80C537
Logic Symbol
Semiconductor Group 3
SAB 80C517/80C537
Pin Configuration
Semiconductor Group 4
SAB 80C517/80C537
Pin Configuration
Semiconductor Group 5
Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Pin Number
P-LCC-84 P-MQFP-100-2
SAB 80C517/80C537
P4.0 – P4.7 1– 3, 5 – 9 64 - 66,
68 - 72
I/O Port 4
is a bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors. Port 4 pins that have 1 s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull-up resistors, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 4 pins being externally pulled low will source current (I characteristics) because of the internal pull-up resistors. This port also serves alternate compare functions. The secondary functions are assigned to the pins of port 4 as follows: – CM0 (P4.0): Compare Channel 0 – CM1 (P4.1): Compare Channel 1 – CM2 (P4.2): Compare Channel 2 – CM3 (P4.3): Compare Channel 3 – CM4 (P4.4): Compare Channel 4 – CM5 (P4.5): Compare Channel 5 – CM6 (P4.6): Compare Channel 6 – CM7 (P4.7): Compare Channel 7
in the DC
PE/SWD 4 67 I Power saving modes enable/
Start Watchdog Timer
A low level on this pin allows the software to enter the power down, idle and slow down mode. In case the low level is also seen during reset, the watchdog timer function is off on default. Use of the software controlled power saving modes is blocked, when this pin is held on high level. A high level during reset performs an automatic start of the watchdog timer immediately after reset. When left unconnected this pin is pulled high by a weak internal pull-up resistor.
I = Input O = Output
Semiconductor Group 6
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d) Symbol Pin Number
P-LCC-84 P-MQFP-100-2
A low level on this pin for the duration of one machine cycle while the oscillator is running resets the SAB 80C517. A small internal pull-up resistor permits power-on reset using only a capacitor connected to
SAB 80C517/80C537
11 78 Reference voltage for the A/D con-
12 79 Reference ground for the A/D
P7.7 -P7.0 13 - 20 80 - 87 I Port 7
is an 8-bit unidirectional input port. Port pins can be used for digital input, if voltage levels meet the specified input high/low voltages, and for the lower 8-bit of the multiplexed analog inputs of the A/D converter, simultaneously.
I = Input O = Output
Semiconductor Group 7
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d) Symbol Pin Number
P-LCC-84 P-MQFP-100-2
P3.0 - P3.7 21 - 28 90 - 97 I/O Port 3
is a bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors. Port 3 pins that have 1 s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull-up resistors, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 3 pins being externally pulled low will source current (I characteristics) because of the internal pull-up resistors. Port 3 also contains the interrupt, timer, serial port 0 and external memory strobe pins that are used by various options. The output latch corresponding to a secondary function must be programmed to a one (1) for that function to operate. The secondary functions are assigned to the pins of port 3, as follows:
SAB 80C517/80C537
in the DC
I = Input O = Output
–R× D0 (P3.0): receiver data input
(asynchronous) or data input/output (synchronous) of serial interface
–T× D0 (P3.1): transmitter data
output (asynchronous) or clock output (synchronous) of serial interface 0
INT0 (P3.2): interrupt 0 input/timer 0
gate control
– INT1 (P3.3): interrupt 1 input/timer 1
gate control – T0 (P3.4): counter 0 input – T1 (P3.5): counter 1 input –
WR (P3.6): the write control signal
latches the data byte from port 0 into
the external data memory
RD (P3.7): the read control signal
enables the external data
memory to port 0
Semiconductor Group 8
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d) Symbol Pin Number
P-LCC-84 P-MQFP-100-2
SAB 80C517/80C537
P1.7 - P1.0 29 - 36 98 - 100,
1, 6 - 9
I/O Port 1
is a bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors. Port 1 pins that have 1 s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull-up resistors, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 1 pins being externally pulled low will source current (I characteristics) because of the internal pull-up resistors. It is used for the low order address byte during program verifi-cation. It also contains the interrupt, timer, clock, capture and compare pins that are used by various options. The output latch must be programmed to a one (1) for that function to operate (except when used for the compare functions). The secondary functions are assigned to the port 1 pins as follows:
INT3/CC0 (P1.0): interrupt 3 input/
compare 0 output / capture 0 input
– INT4/CC1 (P1.1): interrupt 4 input /
compare 1 output /capture 1 input
– INT5/CC2 (P1.2): interrupt 5 input /
compare 2 output /capture 2 input
– INT6/CC3 (P1.3): interrupt 6 input /
compare 3 output /capture 3 input
– INT2/CC4 (P1.4): interrupt 2 input /
compare 4 output /capture 4 input
– T2EX (P1.5): timer 2 external reload
trigger input
– CLKOUT (P1.6): system clock
– T2 (P1.7): counter 2 input
, in the DC
I = Input O = Output
Semiconductor Group 9
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d) Symbol Pin Number
P-LCC-84 P-MQFP-100-2
XTAL2 39 12 XTAL2
Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock generator circuits.
XT AL1 40 13 XTAL1
Output of the inverting oscillator amplifier. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL2 should be driven, while XTAL1 is left unconnected. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is devided down by a divide-by-two flip-flop. Minimum and maximum high and low times as well as rise/fall times specified in the AC characteristics must be observed.
SAB 80C517/80C537
P2.0 - P2.7 41 - 48 14 - 21 I/O Port 2
is a bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors. Port 2 pins that have 1 s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull-up resistors, and in that state can be used as in-puts. As inputs, port 2 pins being externally pulled low will source current (I characteristics) because of the internal pull-up resistors. Port 2 emits the high­order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external data memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @DPTR). In this application it uses strong internal pull-up resistors when issuing 1 s. During accesses to external data memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX @Ri), port 2 issues the contents of the P2 special function register.
, in the DC
I = Input O = Output
Semiconductor Group 10
SAB 80C517/80C537
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
Symbol Pin Number
P-LCC-84 P-MQFP-100-2
PSEN 49 22 O The Program Store Enable
ALE 50 23 O The Address Latch Enable
output is a control signal that enables the external program memory to the bus during external fetch operations. It is activated every six oscillator periodes except during external data memory accesses. Remains high during internal pro-gram execution.
output is used for latching the address into external memory during normal operation. It is activated every six oscillator periodes except during an external data memory access
EA 51 24 I External Access Enable
When held at high level, instructions are fetchedfrom the internal ROM when the PC is less than 8192. When held at low level, the SAB 80C517 fetches all instructions from external program memory. For the SAB 80C537 this pin must be tied low
P0.0 - P0.7 52 - 59 26 - 27,
30 - 35
I/O Port 0
is an 8-bit open-drain bidirectional I/O port. Port 0 pins that have 1 s written to them float, and in that state can be used as high-impedance inputs. Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external program or data memory. In this application it uses strong internal pull-up resistors when issuing 1 s. Port 0 also outputs the code bytes during program verification in the SAB 83C517. External pull-up resistors are required during program verification.
I = Input O = Output
Semiconductor Group 11
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d) Symbol Pin Number
P-LCC-84 P-MQFP-100-2
P5.7 - P5.0 61 - 68 37 - 44 I/O Port 5
is a bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors. Port 5 pins that have 1 s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull-up resistors, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 5 pins being externally pulled low will source current (I characteristics) because of the internal pull-up resistors. This port also serves the alternate function "Concurrent Compare". The secondary functions are assigned to the port 5 pins as follows: – CCM0 (P5.0): concurrent compare 0 – CCM1 (P5.1): concurrent compare 1 – CCM2 (P5.2): concurrent compare 2 – CCM3 (P5.3): concurrent compare 3 – CCM4(P5.4): concurrent compare 4 – CCM5 (P5.5): concurrent compare 5 – CCM6 (P5.6): concurrent compare 6 – CCM7(P5.7): concurrent compare 7
SAB 80C517/80C537
, in the DC
OWE 69 45 I Oscillator Watchdog Enable
A high level on this pin enables the oscillator watchdog. When left unconnected this pin is pulled high by a weak internal pull-up resistor. When held at low level the oscillator watchdog function is off.
I = Input O = Output
Semiconductor Group 12
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d) Symbol Pin Number
P-LCC-84 P-MQFP-100-2
SAB 80C517/80C537
P6.0 - P6.7 70 - 77 46 - 50,
54 - 56
I/O Port 6
is a bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors. Port 6 pins that have 1 s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull-up resistors, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 6 pins being externally pulled low will source current (I DC characteristics) because of the internal pull-up resistors. Port 6 also contains the external A/D converter control pin and the transmit and receive pins for serial channel 1. The output latch corresponding to a secondary function must be programmed to a one (1) for that function to operate. The secondary functions are assigned to the pins of port 6, as follows:
ADST (P6.0): external A/D converter
start pin
–R× D1 (P6.1): receiver data input of
serial interface 1
–T× D1 (P6.2): transmitter data output
of serial interface 1
, in the
P8.0 - P8.3 78 - 81 57 - 60 I Port 8
is a 4-bit unidirectional input port. Port pins can be used for digital input, if voltage levels meet the specified input high/low voltages, and for the higher 4-bit of the multiplexed analog inputs of the A/D converter, simultaneously
I = Input O = Output
Semiconductor Group 13
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d) Symbol Pin Number
P-LCC-84 P-MQFP-100-2
RO 82 61 O Reset Output
This pin outputs the internally synchronized reset request signal. This signal may be generated by an external hardware reset, a watchdog timer reset or an oscillator watch-dog reset. The reset output is active low.
SAB 80C517/80C537
37,60, 83 10, 62 Circuit ground potential 38,84 11, 63 Supply Terminal for all operating
N.C. 2 - 5, 25,
28 - 29, 36, 51 - 53, 74 - 77; 88 - 89
I = Input O = Output
Not connected
Semiconductor Group 14
SAB 80C517/80C537
Figure 1 Block Diagram
Semiconductor Group 15
SAB 80C517/80C537
Functional Description
The SAB 80C517 is based on 8051 architecture. It is a fully compatible member of the Siemens SAB 8051/80C51 microcontroller family being a significantly enhanced SAB 80C515. The SAB 80C517 is therefore 100 % compatible with code written for the SAB 80C515.
Having an 8-bit CPU with extensive facilities for bit-handling and binary BCD arithmetics the SAB 80C517 is optimized for control applications. With a 12 MHz crystal, 58% of the instructions execute in 1µs.
Being designed to close the performance gap to the 16-bit microcontroller world, the SAB 80C517’s CPU is supported by a powerful 32-/16-bit arithmetic unit and a more flexible addressing of external memory by eight 16-bit datapointers.
Memory Organisation
According to the SAB 8051 architecture, the SAB 80C517 has separate address spaces for program and data memory. Figure 2 illustrates the mapping of address spaces.
Figure 2 Memory Mapping
Semiconductor Group 16
SAB 80C517/80C537
Program Memory
The SAB 80C517 has 8 KByte of on-chip ROM, while the SAB 80C537 has no internal ROM. The program memory can externally be expanded up to 64 Kbyte. Pin program fetches below address 2000
are done from internal or external memory.
Data Memory
The data memory space consists of an internal and an external memory space.
External Data Memory
Up to 64 KByte external data memory can be addressed by instructions that use 8-bit or 16-bit indirect addressing. For 8-bit addressing MOVX instructions utilizing registers R0 and R1 can be used. A 16-bit external memory addressing is supported by eight 16-bit datapointers.
Multiple Datapointers
EA controls whether
As a functional enhancement to standard 8051 controllers, the SAB 80C517 contains eight 16-bit datapointers. The instruction set uses just one of these datapointers at a time. The selection of the actual datapointers is done in special function register DPSEL (data pointer select, addr. 92
). Figure 3 illustrates the addressing mechanism.
Internal Data Memory
The internal data memory is divided into three physically distinct blocks: – the lower 128 bytes of RAM including four banks of eight registers each
– the upper 128 byte of RAM – the 128 byte special function register area.
A mapping of the internal data memory is also shown in figure 2. The overlapping address spaces are accessed by different addressing modes. The stack can be located anywhere in the internal data memory.
Semiconductor Group 17
SAB 80C517/80C537
Figure 3 Addressing of External Data Memory
Semiconductor Group 18
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