Actuator Accessories for Schneider
Electric Proportional SmartX Actuators
The AM-703 span adjustment module changes non-standard
current and voltage signals into a 2 to 10 Vdc signal.
The AM-704 modulation interface converts signal input from a
pulse-width modulated input signal to an analog 2 to 10 Vdc
The AM-705 and AM-706 positioners are used for remotely
controlling proportional actuators. The AM-705 is for surface
mounting. The AM-706 is for flush mounting.
The AM-708 500 ohm resistor converts a 4 to 20 mA signal to a
2 to 10 Vdc signal.
•Zero offset of 0 to 18 Vdc
•Span range of 2.6 to 17 Vdc
•Will accept 4 to 20 mA signal
•Four input pulse clock rates
•Optically isolated input signal
•Linear analog output has 256 steps of resolution
•Diagnostic LEDs
AM-705 and AM-706
•Control range is 0 to 100% of the actuator rotation angle
•Control signal is switchable from 0 to 10 Vdc to 2 to 10
Transformer Sizing1 VA
Control Signal Y0 to 10 Vdc, 2 to 10 Vdc (switchable)
Power OutputUp to 10 actuators (1 mA max)
Degree of ProtectionAM-705 only NEMA 4 (IP54)
ConnectionTerminals (14 gauge wire max)
Humidity5 to 95% RH non-condensing
Jumper not
connected to
both pins for
voltage applications
(as shipped)
Jumper on both
pins for
4 to 20 mA
Set the circuit board jumper to fit the application.
Figure-1 Jumper Settings.
The AM-703 may also be used to sequence several actuators from one signal source. This is done by adjusting multiple modules to work at different input ranges. (Example: 2 to 5 Vdc, 5 to 8 Vdc, 8 to 11 Vdc, etc.)
1.Attach a variable signal source to the AM-703 input and power wires.
2.Apply power.
3.Input the minimum signal level.
4.Adjust the offset potentiometer to produce a 2 Vdc signal at the output. A clockwise rotation of the potentiometer screw
will increase the output signal. See Figure-2.
5.Input the maximum signal level.
6.Adjust the span adjustment to produce a 10 Vdc signal at the output. A clockwise rotation of the potentiometer screw will
increase the output signal. See Figure-2.
7.Double check the input-output calibration and install.