Solid state equipment has operationa l characteristics differing from those of
electromechanical equipment. “Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid Stat e Contr ols” (Publication SGI-1.1)
describe s s ome important differences be t ween solid state equipment and
hard-wi red el ect ro mechanical d evices . Becau s e of th i s d i fferen ce, and also
because of the wide variety of uses for solid state equipment, all p ers ons
responsible for applyin g t his equipment must sat isf y t hemselves that each
intended application of this equipment is acceptable.
In no event will Rockwell Automation be responsible or liable for indirect
or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this
The examples and diagra m s i n t h i s manual are included solely for
illustrati ve purposes. Because of t he man y v ariables and requirements
associated w ith any particular installation, Rockwell Automation cannot
assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation with respect to use
of information, circuits, equi pment, or software described in this manual.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without
written permission of Rockwell Automation is prohibited.
Throughout this manual we use notes to make you aware of safety
ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or
circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death,
property damage , or ec onomic loss.
Attentions help you:
•identify a hazard
•avoid the hazard
•recognize the consequences
Important: Identifie s information that is especially important for success ful
application and understanding of the product.
Shock Ha za r d labels may be loca ted on or in side the dri v e
to alert p eo p l e that dan g ero u s vol ta g e m ay b e present.
MicroLogix and SLC are trademarks of Rockwell Automation.
PLC and PLC-5 are registered trademarks of Rockwell Automation.
RSLinx and RSLogix 500 are trademarks of Rockwell Software, Inc.
Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
Profibus is a registered trademark of the Profibus Trade Organisation
Using This Manual
Product Overview
Quick Start for Experienced
Ins tallation and Wiring
Table of Contents
Who Should Use This Manual? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p-i
The purpose of this manual is to provide you with the necessary
informatio n t o apply the Bull et i n 160-P D 1 C ommunication Module.
Described in this manual are methods for installing, configuring, and
troubleshooting the 160-PD1 Profibus Communications Module.
For information on specific drive features, refer to the 160 SSC™
Variable Speed Drive (Series C) User Manual.
Important:Read this manual in its entirety before installing,
operating, servicing, or initializing the PD1 Module.
Who Should Use This Manual?
PD1 Compatibility
This manual is intended f or qua lif ied pe rsonnel. To make ef ficient use
of the Communication Module, you must be able to program and
operate Profibus communications devices, as well as have an
understan d ing of the paramete r settings and functions of the 160
In this manual we refer to the:
•160-PD1 Communication Module as Communication Module,
PD1 Module or Module.
•160 SSC Adjustable Fr equency AC Dri ve as the 160 Drive or
In addition, parameter numbers and names (both 160 Drive and PD1
Module) are shown in bold typeface and follow the format PXX - [*]
where P denotes parameter, XX denotes the two digit parameter
number, and * represents the parameter name.
For example, P01 - [Output Frequency].
The PD1 Module is compatible only with 160 Drives Series C or
above. When properly connected, the module communicates via a
Profibus-DP network.
Reference Manuals
ForRead This Document
Additional information about networking and the SLC™ 500SLC 500 Modular Hardware Style Manual1747-6.2
Information about the AIC+AIC+ Advanced Interface Converter User Manual1761-6.4
Instruction set information for the SLC 500 and MicroLogix™ 1000 SLC 500 and MicroLogix 1000 Instru ction Set Reference Manual 1747-6.15
For general MicroLogix 1000 informationMicroLogix 1000 User Manual1761-6.3
For 160 SSC Drive Information:160 SSC Variable Speed Drive (Series C) User Manual0160-5.17ML
A complete listing of current Allen-Bradley documentation, including ordering instructions. Also indicates whether the documents
are available on CD-ROM or in multi-languages.
A glossary of industrial automation terms and abbreviationsAllen-Bradley Industrial Automation GlossaryAG-7.1
Information about theSSC-PFB-SLC™ ScannerScanner Card User Manual. SST Woodhead documentation can
The following documents contai n addit ional informat ion concernin g
Allen-Br ad ley p r oduc t s. T o obt ain a copy, contac t your local
Allen-Bradle y Sales Off ice or visit the “On-Line Publications” ar ea of
the Allen-Bradley Internet home page at:
Allen-Bradley Publication IndexSD499
Version 1.0
be obtained online at
Safet y Precautions
ATTENTION: Only personnel familiar wit h 160 Drives,
Communication Modules and associated machinery should
plan or implement the installation, start-up, configuration
and subsequent maintenance of this module. Failure to
comply may result in personal injury and/or equipment
ATTENTION: This module contains ESD (Electrostatic
Discharge) sensitive parts and assemblies. Static control
precautions ar e required when insta lling, testi ng, servicing,
or repairing this ass embly. Component damage may result
if ESD control procedures are not fol lowed. If you are not
familiar with static control procedures, reference
Allen-Bradley Publication 8000-4.5.2, Guarding Against Electrostatic Damage or any other applicable ESD
protection handbook.
ATTENTION: The driv e contains high volt age capacitors
which take time to di scharge after remov al of AC line po wer.
Before instal ling or removing the Communication Module,
ensure isolation of mains supply from line inputs R, S, T
(L1, L2, L3). W ait the r ecommended amount of ti me for the
capacitors to discharge to safe voltage levels (refer to the
160 SSC™ Variable Speed Drive (Series C) User Manual
for recommended time). Failure to do so may result in
personal injury or death.
ATTENTION: When a system is config ured for t he f irst
time, the motor must be disconnected from the machine or
process during initia l system testing. Ha zard of injury or
equipment damage may occur due to unintended or
incorrect m achi n e mo tion .
Product Overview
This chapter contains the following information:
•The physical layout of the module.
•Location of configuration switches.
•Overview and components.
Module Description
The PD1 Module is an optional int erfa ce de v ice design ed to pr ovide a
direct, digital l i nk between a Profibus Master an d th e 160 Drive. The
module connects to the drive through the expansion/keypad port on
the front of the drive. Refer to Fig u res 1 .1 and 1.2 fo r gen eral la yout
of the module and Chapters 4 or 8 for details on t h e LED indicators.
Figure 1.1
Module Front View
Module Installation Latch
Status LEDs
Refer to Chapters 4 & 8
for Further Information
9 Pin, Female D-Shell Connector
Refer to Chapter 3 for Details
Provides Firmware Version
and Series Letter
1–2Product Overview
Configuration Rotary Switches
The Communication Module has two ten position rotary switches for
setting the node address. Rotary switches are located on the rear of
the module (see below) and are only accessible when the module is
removed from the 160 Drive. Refer to Chapter 3 for switch
configuration information.
Figure 1.2
Module Rear View
Module Latch
P ort Connector
Rotary Switches
S1(left) - S2 (right)
D-Shell Connector
Quick Start for Experienced Users
This chapter can help you start using the PD1 Communication
Module. If you have installed or configured a network previously and
are familiar with Allen-Bradley communication modules and drives,
this informat ion c an he lp re d u ce the time o f insta llation. I f you are
uncertain, use the full installation/configuration information
beginning in Chapter 3.
We base the procedures here on the assumption that you understand
the basic concepts, know how to program the 160 Drive and
understand electronic process control.
Because it is a start-up guide for experienced users, this chapter does not contain detailed explanations about the procedures listed. It does,
however, reference other chapters in this book where you can find
more information.
If you have any questions or are unfamiliar with the terms used or
concepts presented in the procedural steps, always read the referenced chapters and other recommended do cu mentation b efore
trying to apply the information.
Required Tools and Equipment
This chapter contains the following information:
•What tools and equipment you need.
•When to address the module and program the drive to recognize
the module.
•How to install and wire the Communication Module.
•System power-up procedures.
Have the following tools and equipment ready:
•3.2 mm (1/8 in.) flat blade screwdriver.
•GSD configuration file (see Page 3-2)
2–2Quick Start for Experienced Users
Step Action
10. Check for proper operation.
For Further Info rmation
1.Review Attention statements in the Preface.
Ensure that power to the 160 Drive has been removed.160 Drive
Verify that the 160 Drive is correctly installed and
wired. Stop Input (TB3-7, TB3-8) must be jumpered
together to start drive.
Configure the 160 Drive for the PD1 Module so the
drive can accept control logic and speed reference via
the network.
Set P46 - [Input Mode] to a value of “2” or “6” as described
in Table 6.A. Th is will co nfigu re the drive to acce pt the logic
commands from the network.
Note: If the value has to be changed, set P56 - [Reset
Functions] to “2” or reboot the drive.
Set P59 - [Frequency Select] to “1.” This will configure the
drive to accept speed commands from the network.
Set P66 - [RPM Scaling] for the RPM/Hz Scaling factor.
This allows theNetwork Reference to be in RPM.
Remove Program Keypad Module or Ready/Fault
Indicati ng Panel from th e dri ve.
6.Set the PD1 Module’s node adress.
7.Install the PD1 Module.
Connect communication cable.
Check correct cable termination (figure 3.7)
9.Power up the drive and the network.
Refer to…
User Manual
160 Drive
User Manual
Chapter 5
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Installation and Wi ring
This chapter contains information needed to:
•Meet the requirements of the EMC and Low Voltage directives
for CE compliance.
•Remove a pre-i nstalled Program Keypad Module or Ready/ Fault
Indicating Panel.
•Configure and install the PD1 Module.
•Wire the communication cables.
•Remove the PD1 Module from the drive.
Read this chapter completely before you attempt to install or
configure your module. Before applying power, review the Attention
statements presented throughout this manual. Verify that all
connections are secure and that all selections are correct.
ATTENTION: Unpredictable operation may occur if you
fail to check connections and rotary switch settings for
compatibi l ity w i t h your applic a tion. U npre d icta b le
operation may result in personal injury, death, and
equipment damage.
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC
Low Voltage Directive 73/23/
EEC Compliance
This product complies with Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Directive 89/336/EEC when conforming with the following
installation requirements:
•The essential requirements for a conf orming EMC inst al lation for
the Bulletin 160 SSC are employed. Refer to the 160 SSC™
Variable Speed Drive (Series C) User Manual.
This produc t complies with Low Voltage Directive 73/23/E E C when
conforming with the following installation requirements:
•The essential requirements for a conforming Low Voltage
Directive installation for the Bulletin 160 SSC are employed.
Refer to the 160 SSC™ Variable Speed Drive (Series C) User Manual.
•Review the Attention st atements in t h e P reface, and ot her areas
throughout this manual prior to installation o f the module.
3–2Installation and Wiring
Profibus-DP Configuration
Module Configuration Switches
From Profibus-DP point of view the Profibus-DP Slave (PDPS) node
is configured based on a data f ile (*.GSD) which conta ins information
of the size and data-structure of the PDPS.
The Master controls the data exchange to all connected slaves.
The slaves’ I/O data are mapped into memory inside the Master
according to the GSD configuration file.
The Profibus User Organization (PNO) registered the required
Profibus ID as: 0587h.
The GSD file is named: PD1_0587.GSD. It can be downloaded from
the Internet either vi a Allen Bradley Homepage under
http://www/ or P NO Homepage
under http://www/ tha n GSD Libra ry
/ Rockwell Automation AG and Drives.
A micro floppy disk containing this GSD file is also available on
request from stock (RA catalog number: 160-GSD).
The PD1 Module utilizes two ten-position rotary switches (see figure
below) to configure the node address. These switches must be set to
match th e applic ati o n settings. Refer t o t he par ag ra p h s t ha t fo llow.
Figure 3.1
Rotary Switch Location (Back of Module)
Module Latch
Port Connector
Rotary Switches
S1 (left), S2 (right)
D-Shell Connector
Setting the node address – S1 & S2
Before configuring the PD1 module the node address has to be set.
This is done via two rotary switches (S1, S2) on the PD1, which
enable address settings from 0-99 in decimal format.
The address is calculated in the following way:
Address = (S1 x 10) + (S2 x1)
Important:T wo ident ical node addre sses are not all owed within on e
network section.
Module Installation /Re moval
Installation and Wiring3–3
ATTENTION: The driv e contains high volt age capacitors
which take tim e to discharge after remov al of mains supply .
Before installing or removing a keypad/module, ensure
isolation of mains supp ly from line inputs R, S, T (L1, L2,
L3). Wait the recommended amount of time for the
capacitors to discharge to safe voltage levels (refer to the
160 SSC™ Variable Speed Drive (Series C) User Manual
for recommended time). Failure to do so may result in
personal injury or death.
Keypad or Ready/Fault Panel Removal
Before install ing the PD1 Module, i t may be necessary to remove a
previously installed Program Keypad Module or Ready/Fault panel.
1. Verify that all power to the drive is removed.
2. Insert a small screwdriv er into slot, pry back and pivot module
out. Avoid bending or twisting the contact pins located under the
Figure 3.2
Removing Program Keypad Module
Program Keypad Module
(or Ready/Fault Panel)
Installing the PD1 Module
After setting the rotary switches, install the PD1 Module in the drive
by following these steps:
1. Verify that all power to the drive is removed.
2. Verify that the latch is up (see Figure 3.3). Insert the modul e,
ensuring that the pins on the back of the module line up with the
drive connector/expansion port.
3. Press the module down until it is full y seated (side s are flush with
the top surface of the drive).
4. Pr ess t h e latc h down u ntil it s naps into place.
3–4Installation and Wiring
Figure 3.3
Communication Module Installation
Latch must be in this position before
installation. Once installed, push the
latch down until it locks into place.
Module should be flush
with top surface of drive
Removing the PD1 Module
If you need to reconfigure the PD1 Module rotary switches, you must
remove the module from the drive.
1. Verify that all power to the drive is removed. Review Attention
statement on page 3–3.
2. Disconnect the cable/connector from the module (if present).
3. Press in on the module’s latch and then push away and up.
4. Grasp the module and pull straight up. Avoid bending or twisting
the contact p ins loc at ed under neath the cen ter portion of the
Figure 3.4
Removing the Communication Module
Installation and Wiring3–5
Wiring the Drive Terminal Block
The 160 drive and 160-PD1 interface can be controlled on a network
in 2 different mod es.
[Input Mode] = 2
This mode is used where the dr i ve is controlled sol ely by the netw ork.
The 160-SSC drive requires, that a stop signal is present on the
hardware terminals, before the drive can be started.
ether a wire bridge or a normally closed stopping device.
Fitting a stopping device (e.g. pushbutton) in place of the link,
can provide addition al lo ca l st op/emergency stop capability.
Important:Failure to link the stop command input, will result in the
[Input Mode] = 6
This mode is used whereby it is possible to control the drive across
the network or locally, by putting a switch on the Contro l Terminal
Block 3 (TB-3) pins 7 & 8.
When the switch is closed, the Frequency source comes from the
reference as defined by P59 - [Frequency Select]. As we are using
the 160-PD1, the reference is across the Profibus network.
Additionally the start command is active across the network.
Terminal Block 3 (TB-3) pins 7 & 8 need to be linked by
drive generating a fault, and inability to run accross a
When the switch is open, the Frequency source comes from the
terminal block (analogue reference or potmeter), regardless of the
setting of P59 - [ Freque nc y Sel ect]. Additiona ll y the star t command is
controlled by the terminal block or keypad.
3–6Installation and Wiring
Wiring the PD1 Ground
nput Line
T (L3)
S (L2)
R (L1)
Ground T erminal – PE
PD1 Ground Terminal
Ground T erminal – PE
In addition to the ground connections shown in Appendix C of the
160 SSC manual, the ground terminal at the bottom of the PD1
module must be solidly connected (and as short as possible) to the
output ground terminal at TB2 of the 160 SSC drive, as shown in
Figure 3.4:
This connection shall have a cross section of 1.5 mm
Figure 3.5
PD1 Module Grounding
Enclosure Ground Connection
Line Power TB1
PD1 Communi cation
to TB3
Control Wiring TB3
Motor Wiring TB2
Shielded Motor Cable
Shielded Enclosure
= EMC Tested Shielded Cable Clamp (or Metal Conduit)
When the control circuitry is located outside of the 160 enclosure.
to Motor
Installation and Wiring3–7
Wiring the Connector
The examples below can be used as a guide when wiring.
Important:Keep communicatio n wiring awa y from high noise sources
such as mot o r cabl es . Use terminated cabl e on ly fo r th e
last node (end of chain)
Figure 3.6
Wiring the PD1 Connector
Ground Connection
Pin 1
9-Pin, Female D-Shell Connector
Pin 9
The PDP network cables are connected to the PD1 module using a
9-pole D-Shell connector with a suitable opening facing downwards.
The pin layout of the connector follows the Profib us s tandard.
The Vcc (pin 6) and GND signal (pin 5) can be used for external bus
Important:Only use cable that c onforms to Pro fi Bus cable standards .
Belden type 3079A ProfiBus cable or equivalent is
Figure 3.7
Cable Termination
RxD/TxD-N 8
RxD/TxD-P 3
Vcc 6
390 220 390 Ohm
8 RxD/TxD-N
3 RxD/TxD-P
Termination resistors are only required at both ends of the network
CaseShieldBus cable shield. Connected to PE internally on the PD1
5GND BUSIsolated GND
6+5V BUSIsolated +5V Vcc*
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