Pilz PNOZ mc6.1p, PNOZ mc6p Operating Manual

PNOZ mc6p/mc6.1p
} Configurable safety systems PNOZmulti
Operating Manual 19864-EN-07


This document is a translation of the original document.
All rights to this documentation are reserved by Pilz GmbH & Co. KG. Copies may be made for internal purposes. Suggestions and comments for improving this documentation will be gratefully received.
Pilz®, PIT®, PMI®, PNOZ®, Primo®, PSEN®, PSS®, PVIS®, SafetyBUS p®, SafetyEYE®, SafetyNET p®, the spirit of safety® are registered and protected trademarks of Pilz GmbH & Co. KG in some countries.
SD means Secure Digital


Section 1 Introduction 5
1.1 Validity of documentation 5
1.2 Using the documentation 5
1.3 Definition of symbols 5
Section 2 Overview 7
2.1 Scope 7
2.2 Unit features 7
2.3 Front view 8
2.3.1 Key 8
Section 3 Safety 9
3.1 Intended use 9
3.2 System requirements 9
3.3 Safety regulations 10
3.3.1 Use of qualified personnel 10
3.3.2 Warranty and liability 10
3.3.3 Disposal 10
3.3.4 For your safety 11
Section 4 Function description 12
4.1 Operation 12
4.2 Input and output data 12
4.3 Assigning the inputs/outputs in the PNOZmulti Configurator to the CAN-
open inputs/outputs
4.4 Block diagram 13
Section 5 Installation 14
5.1 General installation guidelines 14
5.2 Dimensions in mm 14
5.3 Connecting the base unit and expansion modules 15
Section 6 Commissioning 16
6.1 General wiring guidelines 16
6.2 Connecting the supply voltage 16
6.3 CANopen interface 17
6.3.1 CANopen termination 17
6.4 Preparing for operation 17
6.4.1 Setting the transmission rate 17
6.4.2 Setting the station address 18
6.4.3 Download modified project to the PNOZmulti safety system 18
6.4.4 Connection example 19
Section 7 Operation 20
7.1 LED indicators 20
Operating Manual PNOZ mc6p/mc6.1p 19864-EN-07
Section 8 Technical details 21
Section 9 Order reference 23
9.1 Product 23
9.2 Accessories 23
Operating Manual PNOZ mc6p/mc6.1p 19864-EN-07

1 Introduction

1.1 Validity of documentation

This documentation is valid for the product PNOZ mc6p/mc6.1p. It is valid until new docu­mentation is published.
This operating manual explains the function and operation, describes the installation and provides guidelines on how to connect the product.

1.2 Using the documentation

This document is intended for instruction. Only install and commission the product if you have read and understood this document. The document should be retained for future ref­erence.

1.3 Definition of symbols

Information that is particularly important is identified as follows:
This warning must be heeded! It warns of a hazardous situation that poses an immediate threat of serious injury and death and indicates preventive measures that can be taken.
This warning must be heeded! It warns of a hazardous situation that could lead to serious injury and death and indicates preventive measures that can be taken.
This refers to a hazard that can lead to a less serious or minor injury plus material damage, and also provides information on preventive measures that can be taken.
Operating Manual PNOZ mc6p/mc6.1p 19864-EN-07
This describes a situation in which the product or devices could be dam­aged and also provides information on preventive measures that can be taken. It also highlights areas within the text that are of particular import­ance.
This gives advice on applications and provides information on special fea­tures.
Operating Manual PNOZ mc6p/mc6.1p 19864-EN-07

2 Overview

2.1 Scope

} Expansion module PNOZ mc6p/mc6.1p
} Jumper

2.2 Unit features

Using the product PNOZ mc6p/mc6.1p:
Expansion module for connection to a base unit from the configurable control system PNOZmulti
The product has the following features:
} Can be configured in the PNOZmulti Configurator
} Connection for CANopen
} Station addresses from 0 ... 99, selected via rotary switch
} Transmission rate selected via rotary switch (1 MBit/s, 10 kbit/s, 125 kBit/s, 20 kbit/s,
250 kBit/s, 50 kbit/s, 500 kBit/s, 800 kbit/s)
} Status indicators for communication with CANopen and for errors
} Supported protocols:
PNOZ mc6p: CiA DS-301 V3.0 PNOZ mc6.1p: CiA DS-301 V4.0.2
} PNOZ mc6.1p: Default COB-ID has been adapted for RPDO 3 (400 h) and TPDO 3
(380 h)
} 24 virtual inputs and outputs on the control system PNOZmulti can be defined in the
PNOZmulti Configurator for communication with the fieldbus CANopen . The number of inputs and outputs can be extended to 128. Please note that when the extended inputs and outputs 24 - 127 are used they have different properties (see document entitled "Communication Interfaces").
} Max. 1 PNOZ mc6p/mc6.1p can be connected to the base unit
} Please refer to the document "PNOZmulti System Expansion" for the PNOZmulti base
units that can be connected.
} Coated version:
Increased environmental requirements (see Technical details [ 21])
Operating Manual PNOZ mc6p/mc6.1p 19864-EN-07

2.3 Front view

2.3.1 Key

} X1: CANopen interface (male 9-pin D-Sub connector)
} LED:
Operating Manual PNOZ mc6p/mc6.1p 19864-EN-07
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