Opel VAUXHALL VECTRA owners Manual

Owner’s Manual
Data specific to your vehicle
Please en t er yo u r veh icle ’s dat a he re to ke ep it ea sily acces sib le. This information is available under the section "Technical da ta" as we ll as on the identification plate.
Tyre inflation pr essure
Ty re si ze wi th up to 3 persons wi th full lo ad
Sum mer tyres Front R ear Front R ear
Winter tyres Front R ear Front
Permissible gross vehicle weight
– EC kerbweight
Level control
Bumper Height
see page 1 79
R ea r
Your Ve ctra
Develope d to the la test findings of vehic le research, it offers technical s oph istication and exceptiona l comfort.
Your vehicle represents an ideal synthesis of ad vanced technology, outstanding safety, environmental compatibility and e conomy in operation.
It now lie s with you to drive your vehicle safely and to s ee it pe rforms pe rfectly.
This Owner's Manual provides you with all the necessary information to that end.
Th e Owner's M anual s h ould a lways be ke pt i n the v ehicle: ready to h and i n the g love co m part ment.
Make u se of the Owner's Manual :
z Its “I n brief” section will giv e you an initial overview. z Its inde x will help you find what y ou want.
z It will familiarize you with the sophisticated technology. z It will increase your pleasure in y our vehicle.
z It will help you to handle your vehicle ex pertly.
The Owner's Manual is de signed to be clearly laid-out and easily understood.
This symbol:
6 signifies: continue re ading on next page.
3 The asterisk sig nifies equipment options not in all ve hicles (model variants, engine options, models specific to one country, optional
equipment, Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories).
Text highlighted in yellow in p articular indica tes possible risk of accident and injury. Disregard of these notes can lead to injuries which may b e fatal. Vehicle
passengers must b e informed accordingly.
Yellow arrows in the illustrations serve as points of reference or indicate some action to be performe d.
Black arrows in the illustrations indicate a reaction or a second ac tion to be performed.
We wish you many hours of pleasurable driving
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Our ai m: to k eep you happy with your
vehicle. All Vauxhall Authorised Repairers offe r first clas s service at competitive
prices. Experienced, factory-train ed technicians work according to factory
instructions.Your Authorised Repairer can supply you with GEN UINE VAUXHAL L-
APPRO VED PARTS , which have undergone stringent quality and precision chec ks, and
of course useful and attractive VAUXHALL-APPROVED ACCESSORIES.
Our name is your guarantee!
For d eta ils of the Vauxhall Au thorised Rep aire r Netw ork
please ring this number; 01582 - 427200
In b rie f .. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ . 4
Instrument s ... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .. 33
K eys, doors, b onnet .. ......... ..... ......... .... .. 54
S eats, Interior ..... ........ ..... ......... .... ......... .. 69
S afety s ys tems .. .... ......... ......... ......... ...... 94
Ligh ting ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... 116
Win do ws, sun ro of . .... ..... ......... ......... .... 12 0
C lim ate c ontro l .. .... ......... ......... ......... .... 12 6
Au tomatic t ransm ission . .... ......... ......... 144
C VTr onic ... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... 150
Driving hin ts .. ..... .... ......... ......... ......... .... 15 8
S ave fue l, pro tec t the e nv ironme nt .... 160
Fuel consum ption, fuel, re fu e lling ....... 162
C atalytic co n ve r ter, e xh au st gases .... 16 4
Drive control sys tem s ..... .... ......... ......... 168
Brake s ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... 18 0
Wheels, tyres . ..... ........ ......... ......... ......... 184
Roof racks,
caravan and tra iler towin g . ......... .... 188
S elf-h elp .... .... ......... .... ......... ..... ......... .... 199
If y ou have a pro blem ........ ..... ......... .... 23 2
Mainte nance , In s pec tion s ys tem .... .... 23 4
Vehicle care .. ..... ........ ..... ......... .... ......... 245
Te chnical data ...... .... ......... ..... ......... .... 250
Inde x . ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... 282
In brief
Key numbers, Code numbers
Remove key number from ke ys.
The key number is specified in the vehicle documents and in the Car Pass 3.
Alloy whe els 3, towing equipment 3: make a note of the key identifier codes.
Elec tronic imm obiliser, Radio 3 : the cod e numb ers are specified in the Car Pass and
Radio Pass 3 respectively.
Do not keep the Car Pass and Ra dio Pass in the vehicle.
6 Further information – se e pages 54, 55, vehicle recomm issioning – see page 244.
Unlock vehicle: Press button q or
tur n ke y in dr iv er ’s side do o r loc k , pu ll d oo r h andle
Once = Driver’s door is unlocked. Twice = Entire vehicle is unlocked.
The luggage compartment is
automatically relocked after 5 minutes.
6 Door lock s, child sa fety lock – see page 54,
electronic immobiliser – see page 55, radio frequency remote control –
see page 5 6, central locking system – see page 58 ,
anti-theft locking system 3 – see p age 58, Vauxhall alarm system 3 – see page 63.
Unlock luggage compartment: Press button r o n rem ote c ont rol o r
x in the dri v er or
passenger door
The luggage compartme nt is unlocked and can be opened within 5 minutes.
If the luggage compartme nt is not opened within 5 m inutes, it is automatically locked
The lugga ge c om partment is automatically locked 5 minutes after closing.
6 Radio frequency remote control – see page 5 6,
central lock ing – see page 5 8, Vauxhall alarm system 3 – see page 63.
Front se at adjustmen t: Pull handl e,
slide seat , rel ea se handl e,
al lo w se at t o a udib l y lat ch into position
Never adjust the seat while driving. It could move in an uncontrolled manner when the
ha ndle is pulled. 6 Seat position – see page 6 9,
electrically adjustable front seats – see page 79.
Im porta nt : Do not sit nearer than 10 in ch es (2 5c m) f ro m t he s t ee ring wh ee l, t o
permit safe airbag dep loy men t.
Adjust fr ont seat backr ests: Turn h andwh eel
Move seat bac krest to suit sea ting position.
Do not lea n on seat back rest whilst adjusting it.
6 Seat position – see p age 69, electrically adjustable front seats –
see page 7 9.
Adjusting front seat lumbar support: Adjust lever
Adjust lumb ar su pport to suit pe rsonal requirements.
Do not lean on sea t backre st whilst adjusting it.
6 Seat position – see page 69, electrically a djustable front sea ts –
see page 7 9.
Adjusting front seat h eight 3: Operate l ever on outboard side
of seat
Pu m p direc t i on of t h e le v e r Up: R a i se s se at
Down: Lowers seat 6 Seat position – see page 6 9,
electrically adjustable front seats – see page 79.
Adju sting fro nt s eat in cl inatio n 3: Op e rate fron t lever on outb o ard si de
of seat
Pump direction of the lever Up: Inclines seat
Do w n : Lev el s se a t 6 Seat position – see p age 69,
electrically adjustable front seats – see page 7 9.
Electric seat adjustment 3 : Switch on outboard side of seat
Front: – Longitudinal adjustment,
– Height adjustment, – Angle adjustm ent.
Middle: – Backrest adjus tment.
Rear 3: – Lumbar support.
6 Seat position – see page 69, electrically a djustable front sea ts –
see page 7 9.
Adjusting head restraint height of front and rear outboard seats:
Press bu tton to release and a d ju st he ight ,
engage in position
6 Head restraint position – se e page 70, rear he ad restraints – s ee page 70.
Adjusting head restraint angle of front and rear outboard seats 3:
Swivel bottom edge of head restraint forward or rearward
6 Head restraint position – see page 70, rear head restraints – se e p age 70.
Adjusting interior mirror: Swivel mirr or hous ing
Swivel lever on underside of mirror housing to red uce daz zle a t night.
Automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror 3: Dazzle at night is automa tically reduced –
see page 114. 6 Pos i t i on m emo ry 3 – see page 80.
Adjusting ext er ior m irrors: Four-way switch on driver’s door
Press switch for left or right hand mirror: four-way switch operates the
co rr e sp on d in g m i rr or . Vehicles with electric seat adjustment 3:
if the mirror switch for the passenger side is depressed when re verse gear is e ngaged,
the passenger side exterior mirror repositions itself towards the rear tyres in
order to serve as mirror parking assistance (no t wh e n tow ing a carav an / tr aile r).
Automatic anti-dazzle exterior mirror on the driver’s side 3: dazzle at night is
automatic ally reduced – see page 1 14. 6 Further information, aspherical exterior
mirror 3 – see pa ge 114, heated exterior mirrors – see page 20,
electric se at adjustment 3 – see page 79.
Swin g in exterio r mir ro r:
Manually: press lightly. Electric 3 (both mirror switches must n ot b e
latched into position):
Push four-way switch to the right: exterior mirrors swivel in.
Push four-way switch to the left: e xterior mirrors swivel out.
The mirrors can a lso be s wivelled in from the outside: press button p on remote
control or turn key toward rear of v ehicle in driver’s door lock and hold.
Swivelling only a llowed at spe eds of up to 4 mph (7 km /h).
Fi ttin g sea t belt : Draw se at belt smoothly
from inert ia ree l, guide o ver shoulder
and engage in buckle
The belt must not be twisted at any point. The lap be lt must lie snugly against the
body. The backrest must not be tilted back too far (recomm ende d tilting angle
approx. 25°).
To release belt, press re d button on belt buckle.
6 Seat belts – see pa ges 9 5 to 99, ai r bag sy st e ms 3 – see page 100,
seat p osition – see page 69.
Disen gagin g st eer ing c olumn lo ck: To re lease the loc k ,
move the s teering wh eel sl ightly and turn the key to position I
0 =Ignition off I = Steering free, ignition off
II =Ignition on,
with dies el e n g ine: pr e-heat
III =Start 6 Starting – se e page 23,
electronic immobiliser – see pag e 55 , re mo ve ke y a nd l oc k s te e rin g w he el –
see page 24.
Steering whee l adjustment 3: Move lever down,
adjust height and distance, move lever up,
Adjust steering wheel only when vehicle is stationary and steering colum n lock is
released. 6 Airbag systems 3 – see page 100.
1 Side air v ents ... ..... ......... ........ ......... 129
2 Front pa ssenge r air bag ........ ........ 100
3 Centre air v en ts .... .... ......... ......... ... 12 9
4 Radio 3
or Infotainment system 3 . ......... ..... 5 2
5 Central information dis play for
date, time, outside temperature, Infotainment system 3,
radio 3, check control 3,
trip computer 3, electronic air conditioning
system 3 . ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... . 41
6 Turn signals, headlight fla sh,
dippe d an d main be am ... .... ..... 16 , 1 7
Door-to-door lighting 3 and
parkin g lights .. ......... ......... ......... ..... 17
Cruise control 3 .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... 172
7 Remote control 3 for radio a nd
Infotainm en t system ..... ........ ......... ..3 0
8 Ins tru me nts ...... ..... ......... .... ......... .... ..33
9 Horn .... ......... .... ......... ..... ........ ..... ...... 1 8
Pa ge
10 Windscreen wiper and wash system,
headlight wash system 3 and
rear window wash system 3 .. ..... .... 19
Display operation 3 . ..... ..... ..... ..... .... 48
11 Exterior lighting ... ......... .... ......... ..... 116
Instrument illumination ........ ......... 1 1 7
Fog tail lig ht ........ ..... ........ ......... ..... 116
Front fog ligh ts 3 ..... ........ ......... ..... 11 6
Headlight range adjus tment 3 ..... 11 7
12 Stowage compartment
13 Bonne t release lev er ........ ..... ......... . 68
14 Ignition lock
wit h ste ering whe el lock .. ......... ........ 9
15 Accele ra tor pedal .... .... .... ..... .... .... 158
16 Brake peda l ..... ......... ........ ..... 15 9 , 1 8 0
17 Stee r ing whee l po siti o n adjus ter .. ... 9
18 Clutch ped al 3 ......... .... ......... ........ 1 5 9
19 Heated seat (right) 3 . ..... ......... ..... 130
Anti-theft alarm system 3 .. ..... ...... 6 3
Rear window blind 3 ....... ......... .... 125
Traction Control system 3 .. ..... .... 168
Electronic Stability Program me 3 17 0
20 As htray s ......... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .. 90
21 Telematics 3 .. ......... .... ......... ..... ...... 52
22 Cigarette lighte r 3 ...... ..... .... ..... .... ... 8 9
23 He ating, ventilation,
air conditioning system 3 ........ .... 126
Electron ic air con ditioning
system 3 ..... .... ......... ......... ......... .... 126
Auxiliary heating 3 ......... .... ..... .... 140
24 Heated seat (left) 3 and
seat climate control .... ......... ..... .... 13 0
Haz ard warnin g light s ........ ......... .. 18
Parking dis tance sensors 3 . ..... .... 174
25 Glove compartment
26 Fusebox . ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... . 212
Control indicators
O Turn signal lights:
see pages 17, 33.
I Oil p ress ure:
see page 33.
R Brake system,
clutch system:
see pages 34, 181.
p Alternator:
see page 34.
v Airbag systems,
bel t tensioners:
see pages 96, 105.
W Coolant t em perature:
see pages 34, 40.
X Seat belt 3:
see page 35.
T Automatic transmission 3,
CVT ronic 3, winter program me :
see page s 147, 155.
! Glow plugs 3:
see page 3 5.
u Anti-lock Brake System :
see page 1 83.
v Traction Control system 3,
Electronic St abili ty Progr amme 3 :
see page s 168, 170.
> Front fog li ghts 3:
see page s 35, 116.
r Fog tai l light:
see page s 35, 116.
P Main beam:
see page s 16, 35.
y Seat occup ancy recognition 3:
see page 105.
m Cruise control 3:
see page 172.
Y Fue l le vel:
see pages 3 6, 40, 199.
Z Exhaust emission 3:
see pages 3 6, 166.
B Adaptive Forward Lig hting
(A FL ) 3:
see pages 2 8, 118.
g Trailer turn signa l 3:
see page 36.
Disp la y in ta c ho meter
The following control indicators will illuminate as ne cessary:
o Imm obiliser:
see pages 37, 55, 166.
p Ele ctro -hy drau lic
power assisted steering:
see page 37.
q Headlight range adjustment 3:
se e p age 11 7.
r Parking distance sensors 3:
se e p age 17 4.
A Engine electronics,
transmission elec tronics 3:
see pages 37, 55, 166.
s Open lugga ge compa rtment:
see pages 37, 61.
v Airbag systems,
bel t tensioners:
see pages 96, 105.
t Bulb replacement 3:
see pages 38, 218.
F Brake pad w ea r indicator 3:
see page s 38, 180.
S Engine oil level:
see page s 38, 236.
H Cool ant fluid level:
see page s 38, 239.
v Serv ice inte rval display :
see page 2 34.
x Tyre pressure control system 3,
loss of pressure w arning from the respectiv e tyre:
see page s 38, 176.
w Tyre pressure control system 3,
see page s 38, 176.
y Doors open 3,
indi cating the respe cti ve door:
see page 3 8.
Light switch, stalk positi ons:
see page s 16, 116,
7 Lights off 8 P ark ing lig hts
9 Dipp ed and main beam
> Front fog lights 3:
see page 116.
r Fog tail l igh t:
see page 116.
P Main beam :
see page 16.
O Turn signal lig h ts:
see page 17.
k Instru me nt il luminati on:
see page 117.
? Hea dlight range adjustment 3:
see page 117.
b Courtesy li ght:
see page 118.
c Courtesy li ght deact ivat ion 3:
see page 118.
a Reading lights, front 3 :
see page 118.
¨ Haz ard w arning lig hts:
see page 18.
Climate control
x Air flow:
se e p age 12 7.
Air distri bution:
se e p age 12 7,
L to he ad are a ab ove ad justable
air vents and to footwell,
M to head are a ab ov e
adjustable air ve nts front and re ar 3,
l to w i nd sc r e e n ,
J to w i nd sc r e e n an d
to footwell,
K to footwell. V Demi st ing and d efrosti ng 3:
see pages 133, 137.
Ü Heated rear window:
se e p age 12 8.
n Air conditioning system 3:
see page 1 28.
4 Air recirculati on system 3:
see page 1 28.
AUT OAutom atic mode 3:
see page 1 35.
ß He ated seats 3:
see page 1 30.
A Driv er’ s se at with clim ate con trol 3:
see page 1 30.
b Re mote cont rol of aux iliary
he ating / v ent ilation 3:
see page 1 40.
Sun roof 3
d Sun roof:
closing – see page 123 .
ü Sun roof:
opening – see p age 123.
f Sun roof:
comfort setting – see page 1 23.
e Sun roof:
raising – see page 123.
Windscreen wiper
Stalk positions:
see page 19,
§ Off, $ T ime d interv al wi pe, or automa tic
wipe w ith rain se nsor 3,
% Slo w, & Fa st.
Date, time, information display, radio
Informat ion displa y:
see page 41.
Ö On button for date and time, ; Setting buttons for date and tim e.
Buttons on wiper stalk 3:
see page 42.
i Tri p c omp u te r ,
forwards me nu search,
h Tri p c omp u te r ,
backwards me nu search ,
§ Trip computer, se lect
Remote control 3 for radio and Infotainment system:
see page 30.
Cruise control 3
But tons on turn signal sta lk:
se e p age 17 2.
m On, Accelerate ,
g De ce ler at e,
§ Off.
p Ce ntra l locking s ystem:
locking – see page 58.
q Ce ntra l locking s ystem:
unloc king – see page 58.
r Bo ot li d / tail gate:
unloc king – see page 61.
x Luggag e compart me nt:
unloc king – see page 61.
m Centra l lock ing switc h:
see page 5 9.
Ä Anti- theft alarm system 3 :
see page 6 3.
z Chi ld safe ty sw itch 3 :
see page 1 21.
N Rear w indow b lind 3:
see page 1 25.
r Parking distance sensors 3:
see page 1 74.
) Ciga ret te lighter 3:
see page 89.
j Horn:
see page 18.
/ Bonnet:
see page 68.
T Wi n ter pro gram me,
automa tic transm ission 3, CVT ronic 3:
see pages 147, 155 .
j Se lector leve r lock ing,
automa tic transm ission 3, CVT ronic 3:
see pages 144, 151 .
+ Fir st - aid k it 3:
see page 204.
¨ Wa rning tri angle 3:
see page 204.
Light switch:
7 =Off 8 = Parking lights
9 = Dipped or main beam
Press r = Fog tail light Press > = Front fog lights 3
6 Other notes – see page 116, headlig ht warning device – see page 24,
headlig ht ra nge adjustment 3 – see page 117,
instrument illumination 3 – see page 117, daytim e d riving lights 3 – see page 116.
Main and dipped beam switch: Main beam = Push stalk forward
Dipped beam = Push stalk forward
You can also switch from main beam to dipped bea m by pulling the stalk towards
the steering wheel.
Headlight flash: Pull stalk to wards steering wh eel
Operating door-to-door light ing1) 3:
Key to position 0 and remove, open driver’s door,
pull turn signal stalk towards steer ing wheel
Dipped beam and the reversing lights light up for an add itional 30 seconds after the
driver’s door is closed.
If the driv er’s do or is left o pen, th e ligh ts will go out after tw o minutes.
Door-to-door lighting can be deactivated by inserting the key in the ignition switch or
by pulling the turn signal stalk towards the steering wheel aga in while the driver’s door
is open.
"D oor-to-door" light func tion.
Operating turn signal lights: Right = Stalk all the way up
Left = Stalk all the way down
The turn signal stalk retu rns to its original position after use. When the steering wheel
is straighte ned up, the turn sign al lights are automatic ally cancelled.
Switch the turn signal off manually by tapping the stalk.
When changing lanes , tap stalk until resistance is felt: the resp ective turn signal
will flash three times.
Hold the stalk if you want the turn signals to flash longer.
Operating parking lights: Light swi tch to position 0,
ignition key to position 0, move turn signal stalk fully
upwards or downwards
As a check, a warning buzzer sounds and the turn signal control indica tor on the
respective side illuminates.
To switch it off, switch on the ignition or mov e the turn signal stalk in the opposite
Cruise control operation: Press button on stalk
Switch on: tap button m. Switch off: tap button §.
Resume at stored spe ed: tap button g. 6 Cruise control 3 – see pa ge 17 2.
Hazar d w a rn ing ligh ts : On = Press ¨
Off = Press ¨ again
To aid location of the pushbutton, the red surface is illuminated when the ignition is
switched on. When the button is pressed, its control indicator flashes in time with the
ha zard warning lights.
Sounding the horn: Press the centre of the steering w hee l
6 Airbag systems 3 – page 100, remote control for radio and
Infotainment system 3 – page 30.
Windscreen wiper: Gent ly tap stalk upward
§ = Off $ = Adjustable timed interval wipe
% = Slow & = Fast
Stalk always mov es back to starting position. Shift to ne xt gear up or down: just
tap stalk g ently.
Push stalk pa st resistance point and hold: windscreen wiper stages are selected .
Adjustable interva l wipe $: Shorter inte rv als = Turn adjuster wheel to
Longer intervals = Turn adjuster wheel to
Press the stalk down from position §: Single sw ipe.
6 Further in form ation – see pages 240, 241, 246.
Automatic wiping with rain sensor 3 : Ge ntly t ap sta lk u pw a rd
§ = Off $ = A uto ma ti c w ipi ng
w ith r a in senso r
% = Slow (constant) & = Fast (constant)
Automatic wiping $: T he rain sensor detects the amount of water on the
windscreen and automa tically regulates the windscreen wiper. The sensitivity of the
system can be adjusted using the adjuster wheel:
Less sensitive = To the left M o re s en s it iv e = T o th e ri g ht
If ne ce ss ary, t h e p o si t io n s % or & ca n b e selected manually.
To switch of f , m ov e st a l k d ow nwa rd s. 6 Further information – se e pages 240,
241, 246.
Operating windscreen and headlight wash syst ems 3:
Pull stalk to wards steering wh eel
The wiper w ill swipe for a fe w strokes. At low speeds, there is a one-time post-wash
swipe. The headlight wash system 3 is ready for
operation when the lights are switched on. Wash fluid is sprayed onto the headlights
(twice). Subsequently the headlight wash system is blocked for 2 minutes.
The headlight wash system is deactivated if wash fluid is low.
On vehicles fitted with rain sensor 3, ke ep the sensor area clean.
6 Furth er information – see page s 241, 242, 246.
Rear window wiper 3 and wash system 3
Operation: Wiper on = Push st alk forward
Wiper o ff = Push sta lk for ward
Wash = Press and hold
The rear window wiper swipes in time d interval mode.
W h en was h i ng , the w iper s wipe s for a fe w strokes. At low speeds, there is a one-time
post-w ash swipe .
The rear window wa sh system is deactivated if wash fluid is low.
6 Further in form ation – see pages 241, 242, 246.
He ated rea r win dow , heated ex terior mirrors:
On = Press
Off = Press Ü again
Heating operational only with engine running.
The rear window and e xterior mirror heating is switched off automatica lly after
approx. 15 minutes. 6 Further information – see p age 128.
Clearing misted o r icy windows: Set air distribution to l,
tur n ro tary swit ches for temper ature and f an c lockw ise
Air c on dit io ning sys tem
Push V and n buttons, tur n ro tary swit ch for
temper ature clockwise
Open front air vents, direct side air vents towards the door windows. Close centre air
vents 3. 6 Heating, ventilation, air conditioning 3 –
see page 1 26, electron ic air conditioning system 3
see page 134.
Set ti ng e lectr onic ai r c on dit io ning system 3 to automatic mode:
Press A UTO bu tton, set temperature for driver and
passenger sides us ing left and right kn obs
Open all front air vents. If desired, the rear vents also 3.
6 Electronic air c onditioning system 3 – see page 1 34.
Info rma t io n di spla y: Used to display information on:
–Time, – outside temperature,
–radio 3 and date, – navigation 3 ,
– telephone 3 , – chec k control 3,
–trip computer 3, – electronic air conditioning 3.
6 Information disp lay 3 – see page 41.
Manual transmission
o =Neutral position
1 to 5 = 1s t to 5t h ge ar 6 = 6th gear
When shifting up from 4th to 5th gea r: push the lever towards the right at the
beginning of the s hift operation. Between 5th and 6th gear 3: push
gearshift lever to right in straight line.
When shifting from 5th to 4th gear: do not e xert any force towa rd s the left.
R = Reverse gear
Reverse gear: w ith v ehicle stationary, pull the ring up three seconds after de-clutching
and engage gear.
If the gear does not engage, set the lever in neutral, release the clutch pedal and
depress again; then repeat gear selection.
Automatic transmission 3: P = Park position
R = Reverse gear N = Neutral
D = Automatic gear selection Sele ctor lev er in D t o left:
+ = Upshift
- = Downshift
Always start in P or N. To leave position, opera te brak e pedal and press button on
selector lever (selector lever lock).
To e ngage P or R, push button on selector lever.
P: Only with ve hicle stationary,
first apply handbrak e
R: O nly with vehicle stationary 6 Automatic transmission – se e p age 144.
CVTronic 3: P = Park position
R = Rever se ge ar N = Neutral
D = Co ntin uousl y va ri able
automatic mode
Selec tor leve r i n D to le ft:
Co ntin uo usly vari a ble automatic mode
+ = Upshift
- = Downshift
Alw ay s sta r t in P or N. To le ave position, op erate brake pedal an d pre ss button on
selector lever (selector lever lock).
To engage P or R, push button on selector lever.
P: Only with vehicle stationary,
first apply handbrake
R: Only with ve hicle stationary 6 CVTronic – see pag e 15 0.
Exhaust gases are poisonous
Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, which is extremely poisonous but is
odourless and colourless.
Therefore never inhale exhaust gases, and never run the engine in an enclosed space.
Before starting off, check:
z Ty re pressure and condition – see pag es
176, 184, 268.
z Engine oil level and fluid levels in engine
com partment – see pages 235 to 242.
z All windows, mirrors, e xterior lighting
and num ber p la tes ar e fre e from dirt , snow and ice and are ope rational.
z No objects are in front of the rear
wind ow, o n the in strume nt pan el or in the area in which the airbags inflate.
z Seats, seat belts and mirrors are
corre ctly ad justed.
z Bra ke op er at ion.
Starting, petrol engines: Manual transmission idling with
clutch pedal depressed, operate foot brake,
automatic transmission or CVTronic in P or N,
do n ot ac ce ler a te, turn key to position III
The initially increased engine speed automatically falls as the engine
temperature rises.
Before repea ting the starting proc edu re, turn the key back to 0 in the ignition switch,
remove it and then reinsert it. Then repeat the starting procedure.
6 Electronic immobilis er – see page 55, further information – see pag es 158, 199.
Starting, diesel engine: Manual transmi ssi on in neutral with
clutch pedal depressed, apply foot brake,
au tom a tic tra nsmi ssi on in P or N , do not accelerate,
turn key to position II; when control indicator
! goes out
turn key to position III
Before repeating the starting procedure, turn the key back to 0 in the ignition switch,
remove it and then reinsert it. The n repeat the starting procedure.
6 Electronic im mobiliser – see pag e 55, further information – s ee page s 158, 199.
Preheatin g system switches on only if outside tem perature is low.
Rele as in g the h a ndbrake: Raise leve r s lig h tly,
press lock button, lower lever fully
6 Bra kes - see pag e 180
Parking t he vehicle: Apply handbrake firmly,
engine off, rem ove ke y,
lock s te ering wh eel, lo ck ve hicl e
To lock, press button p or turn key anticlockwise in the lock. To activate the
anti-theft lock ing system 3 and anti-theft alarm system 3, press button p twice or
turn key anti-clockwise twice. 6 Further information – see pages 55, 158,
ra dio frequency remote control – see page 56,
central locking s ystem – see page 58, Vauxhall ala rm system 3 – s e e p ag e 63 ,
vehicle decommissioning – see page 244.
Advice when parking:
z Alw ays apply handbrake firm ly. On
slopes apply the ha nd brake as firmly as possible.
z With m anual transmission, select first
gear or reverse, for automatic transmission 3 or CVTronic 3, place
selector lever in P.
z Close windows and sun roof 3. z In vehicles with autom atic transmission 3
or CVTronic 3 th e k ey c a n on ly b e removed in selector lever p osition P.
z Turn steering wheel until y ou feel lock
engage (an ti-theft protection).
z Engine cooling fan may run on after the
engine has been s witch ed off.
Warn ing buzze rs
While driving:
z If seat belt is not fastened1), z If a spe cified ma ximum speed is
ex cee ded1),
z If the luggag e com partment is ope n
wh en t h e vehicle starts off .
When the vehicle is parked and the driver’s door is opened:
z If the key is inserted 3, z If ex t erio r lights a re o n ,
z If the turn signal stalk is engage d.
Count ry-speci fic ver sion.
Servi ce wo rk , mainte nanc e
We recommend tha t you entrust all w ork to a Vauxhall Authorised Repairer, who ca n
provide you with relia ble serv ice and correctly perform all work according to
factory instructions. 6 If you have a problem– se e page 232,
service interval display – see pa ge 234.
Ge nu ine Vau xhal l P ar ts and Accessories
We recommend "Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories" and conversion parts
released expressly for your vehicle type. These parts have undergone special tests
to establish the ir reliability, safety and specific suitability for Vauxhall v ehicles.
Despite continuous market monitoring, we cannot assess or gu arantee these
attributes for other prod ucts, even if they ha ve b een granted a pproval by the
relev ant authorities or in some other form.
"Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories" and conversion p arts app roved by
Vauxhall can be obta ined from a Vauxhall Authorised Rep airer, of course. Here you
will be given comprehensive advice about permitted technical changes and c orrect
installation will take pla ce.
For your safety
Carry out regularly the checks recom mende d in the individual sections
of this Owner’s M anual.
Ensure that your vehicle is serviced at the service intervals spec ified in th e Service
Booklet. We recommend that y ou entrust this work to a Vauxhall Authorised
Have faults remedied without delay! Consult a workshop. We recommend a
Vauxhall Authorised Repairer. If necessary, interrupt your journey.
6 Maintenance – see page 234.
That was the mo st impo rtant info rmatio n for y o ur f irst drive
inyour Vectra.
The other pages of this chapter contain a sum mary of the other
interesting functions in your vehicle.
The remaining chapters of the Owner’s Manual contain important
information on operation, safety and maintenance as well as a complete
External window and sun roof 3 operation 3
Press button q or p on the remote control until the windows are open or closed,
Press button p on the remote control until the sun roof is closed.
If the rain sensor 3 detects water with the mechanical anti-theft locking system 3
activated, all electronic windows and the sun roof are closed. The windows and the
sun roof are also automatic ally closed after fo ur ho urs .
6 Further information – see pages 122, 124.
Position m emory 3 for electri cally adj usta b le drive r’s seat,
exteri or mi rro rs and i ns ide rea r view mirror
Storing setti ng s
1. Adjust seat and mirror,
2. Press m emory button M a nd the position button to be used (1 , 2 or 3)
simulta neously. Storage is acknowledged by an acoustic signal.
Retrieving settings
Press and hold down pos ition buttons 1, 2 or 3, until stored positions have been
re a ch e d .
Ad justme nts may only be performed with vehicle stationary.
6 Further information – see p age 69.
Heated se ats 3, driver’s s eat with climate control 3
O pera te the a djus ter wheels b e n ea th th e centre air vents and buttons on the rear of
the centre console.
For the front seats, set knurled wheels to require d ventilation setting 3 or heater
setting as per requirements. For rear outboard seats, p ress buttons.
6 Furth er information – see page 130.
Travel Assistant 3
The Trav el Assistant con tains:
z armrest, z stowage compartm ents,
z waste container, z drink holders,
z accessory sockets, z connection console
e.g. for DVD pla yer 3,
z elec tric co ol bo x, z ta b l es ,
z tw in aud io (re ar audio module ) 3 or
stowage compartm ent.
The Trav el Assistant is installed on a co n sole abo ve the m iddle se at i n the re ar.
Ta b le s
Fold arm res t u pwar d (1).
Use recessed grip to p ull tab le upward as fa r as it will go (1 ), swivel table forw ard (2)
and fold downward (3 ).
Set required cleara nce by adjusting longitudinal p osition of tab le (4).
6 Furth er information – see page 72.
FlexOr ganizer 3
The side walls house a ttachment rails that can be used as necessary for different
systems to divide the luggage compartme nt or secure load s.
The system consists of:
z variable partition net z variable partition wall
z partition rod z mes h p o c ke t s f o r t h e si d e wal l s
z hooks 6 Further in form ation – see page 8 6.
Ada pt ive F or war d L i gh t ing (AF L) 3
On vehicles with Bi-Xenon headlights, improves illumination of
z curves (curve lighting), z intersections and tight turns (turn
C urve ligh ti ng
The Xenon light b eam pivots based on stee ring whee l po sition an d s pe ed (f r o m
approx. 6 mph / 10 km/h).
The headlights shine at an angle of up to 15° to the right or left of the direction of
Turn lig hting
An additional light is switched on based on stee ring whee l po sition (wh en t u rned past
app rox. 90 °), turn signal use and s peed (up to app rox. 25 mph / 40 km/h).
The light shines at an a ngle from app rox. 90° to the left or right of the v ehicle up to a
distance of a pprox. 30 me tres. 6 Furth er information – see page 118.
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